I propose keeping it but changing title to:
Spicer claims Q is fake
Thanks for asking at least. Not sure what will come of it
Anons, I have to tell you. Whether Q is a larp or not, I fucking love you faggots. We've done some GREAT digging and found some AMAZING truths. Let's KEEP IT UP. But let's practice caution gaining MSM attention. It's an unspoken truth that we aren't supposed to draw attention to this place. That's why we (used) to break https links. Also, idk about this whole thing potentially causing problems for Trump. Good idea to make different types of signs than those which reference Q. Focus on the conspiracies and the FACTS. Don't famefag for some spook anon. Use the crumbs he's given us and promote those and spread amongst the general public consciousness. Attaching us to the Q name is only a reason for many people to write us off.
Win the arguments based on facts. Not promoting a name.