I need the memo…the two weeks of waiting being teased it was always just around the corner has worn me out some. Release the fucker and lets start shooting!!!!
The Khazarian Luciferians worship the trannie because they believe that God must have both male and female parts so their Jew minds then decided trannies are the highest expression of godliness in human form. It honestly is a mental illness. They are led by psychopaths. They think it makes them superior because that their lack of human feeling allows them to do anything and lie about anything. They are blind to the funny fact that it will lead to the whole world having the desire to ELIMINATE them wherever they are. No other race could ever have been so dumb as commit crimes on every other race on Earth. They have poisoned our food our medicines our water. They have stolen our money enslaved our bodies. Eaten our children. Their blind spot will get them killed. They have NO natural allies because they have sinned against everyone. Karma bitches