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>>222299 Tasks Not Yet Completed - To Work On 1.31.18
>>222501 Ongoing Tasks List Consolidation
Resources Library
>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information
>>4274 General archives
>>4356 Tools and Information
>>4852 Free research resources
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>>4369 Research threads
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>>16785 Prayer
Recent/Notable Posts
>>246315 Scared shitless furry prisoner 'says' muh winter
>>245415 Sony CEO Steps Down
>>245219 At least 90 migrants feared drowned off Libya
>>245054 At least 5 dead , 2 French Military Helicopters crash
>>244745 Bono/Tena HSN?
>>244639 Postcards to meme home to momma!
>>244600 Dream Centers???
>>244529 Barbara Gibian and Taher
>>244507 Bono the ringmaster
>>244457 T'was the Night Before Memo
>>244383 PDB, HRC, Huma and Nukes
>>244359 Mil Memes NOW!!!
>>244257 McFlipped?
>>244200 RED CROSS
>>243882 & >>243993 & >>244000 Don't break Comey's heart:
>>243793 ?Gold in bodybags?
>>243719 Jalalabad /ourguys/?
>>243468 Red Cross + The Standard
>>243422 and >>243457 Shanghai FF Predicted?
>>242900 Red Cross General Counsel resigns
>>242566 Pepe Tena connected to the death of Castro's son?
>>239345 The pieces are now in place
>>239241 56 !!!! on Q's Post
>>238275 The Standard Reeks of PingPong
>>234511 Reading the Markers
>>234411 Jim Justice of Greenbrier
>>234408 , >>234425 Unofficial Delta between Trump Tweets: 9-11
>>233701 Loop Capital News
>>230673 , >>230137 Memo exposes details relating to AS, Podesta Emails, and The Standard hotel
>>230403 Missing 3 EOs
>>228700 Mueller requests 90 day extension on Flynn's sentencing
>>227898 , >>227800 Remember this Day Jan. 19th Q-post links to BHO movie
>>227482 Speculation on Rep. Gowdy
>>226365 , >>226404 , >>226459 , >>226569 1 of 22 - Missing 1: Mike Turner (R-Ohio)
>>225761 Judicial Watch: Obama tried to undermine Trump
>>224074 List of politicians & CEO's stepping down
>>223476 Possible meaning of Comey tweets
>>223573 Trey Gowdy leaving politics to return to the Justice system
>>223084 , >>223128 , >>223153 , >>223228 , >>223277 Republican Train Crash
>>222271 Think Logically
>>222809 The Most Tweeted About #SOTU Address Ever - 4.5M Tweets
>>4142 Daily News Thread
Previous Notable Posts
>>245078 , >>220292 , >>189512 , >>174458 ,
>>144094 , >>136421 , >>118435 , >>9019
>>144077 Q Post Findings & Theories Consolidation
and it's the people who are making America Great Again.