Anonymous ID: 0c3830 Aug. 8, 2018, 9:13 p.m. No.2520084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0397

>>2519792 lb

>So, if you are Okinawan and you vote for an anti-base candidate, you are a liberal?

You do not understand what was written. First, Elected? yeah, Nope. Appointed, again voter fraud…

Second, didn't say Onaga was anti base, said he was hardline resistance, that means pushes back.


>Japan is a sovereign nation in it's own right. Okinawans not wanting the burden of such a large foreign military on their small island would seem to mean they are Japan-first nationalists. It would seem that nationalism is a conservative value, not a liberal one. They don't hate the US military, they just want the main islands to share the burden.

Okinawans not wanting (your words not mine) Okinawans not wanting the burden of such a large foreign military on their small island would mean they don't like the noise from the Air Base, pollution in their oceans, shit like that. But even that said, normal citizens are subsidized ie, sound proof windows, brand new air conditioners etc. Okinawans by no means are Nationalists, they are Okinawanists. They are OKINAWAN, not Japanese, find one and ask them. Also I didn't say they don't want. They accept, just like they accept that Japan TOOK their Ryukyu Kingdom in 1609 then formally in 1879.

>The Japanese media is deep state. They are not anti-base.

The Japanese media is very much anti base because they are told to be by the DS. [Mockingbird Mirror]

In closing, the best jobs in Okinawa are in Government or on base. ALL other jobs pay WAAAAY less than the same job in the mainland. Their whole Economy is stepped on and held down by the Japanese Government yet Okinawans are happy to live like that on their beautiful island paradise. Okinawa has always been Tokyo's Hawaii. That might make it a DS sacrifis/gift, not sure. Island Life…

I'm still missing a piece as to why Okinawa is the way it is, I'll give you that. I'm just waiting for the truth about WW2 to drop and then hopefully figure the rest out.

I can tell you one more thing though, this is not a muh dick is bigger contest,I know more than you think. I spent a lot of time in Okinawa, decade[s], plural, not part of the base either. I am not a Conservative or a Liberal, I'm woke so my views are a combination of all the good ideas. KEK.

Anonymous ID: 0c3830 Aug. 8, 2018, 9:58 p.m. No.2520509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0578


> I don't see editorials supporting the anti-base position other than in Okinawa.


Thanks for the convo, I want to close with this. You don't see the anti-base position in Okinawa either unless you look in the DS Mockingbird Media, or go to an anti-base rally or protest.

You can find a protest, everyday outside Camp Schwab in Nago City.. Don't go on a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday though, no one will be there. Oh, don't go before 9 or after 5 either because the buses have to transport the employees, I mean protesters to and from location. Also if your unemployed, part-time protester positions pay about $100.00 a day,

Sound familiar. Soros and the rest of these DS Cabal MFKRS got their hands REAL DEEP in Japan. It will be real interesting o see what happens here in the future…