Anonymous ID: 18b69f Aug. 8, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.2519871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9883

Reposting in new bread with some additional info


SRP Salt River Project is an unregulated monopoly in the state of Arizona doing anything and everything it can to prevent solar power, competition, and to install smart meters and any kind of radiation emmiting tower close to neighborhoods. AZ residents can do nothing as this Power Monopoly / Mafia (SRP = SERPENT) is not regulated by the state. If a city in Arizona wants to prevent them from installing new technology, the city has to get it's own lawyer and almost always loses.


This company is pure evil. They avoid regulation because they were allegedly around in the early 1900's and have found some kind of loophole. It is a monopoly through and through and they are shameless about it. If you complain about their business, you have to do so to THEIR own "Ombudsman". There is no alternative. They have Arizona by the balls and charge astronomical amounts to it's residents who have no choice but to cough it up, or die in the heat.


"The city of chandler said it has a lawyer" ←- THINK about this for a second and how absurd it is. This company is ABOVE the very cities in which is operates. Power Mafia. Monopoly. Normalization of abuse of citizens. Preventing solar power so they can charge people upwards of 10 dollars a day for power.

Anonymous ID: 18b69f Aug. 8, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.2520118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0129

At any rate…For all you anons who have been dealing with some of the threats and scare tactics Q spoke about I just wanted to let you know you are not alone, stand firm and be brave. I've no intention of pushing my spiritual beliefs on any of you but PRAY, drink your covfefe, and stay on it. There is no greater calling than trying to make the world a better place in whatever small ways you can.


Godbless, Patriots