Anonymous ID: 51553e Aug. 8, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.2520303   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2518597 July 30, 2018 Nunes Secretly Recorded at Fundraiser for Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers in WA



If you didn't take the time to watch 20 minutes of basically Madcow spinning the FUCK out of this "secret recording", I don't blame you.


Excerpt relevant to us:

Audience Member: But also, on things that came up in the House on Rosenstein impeachment thing. And it appears from an outsider that the Republicans were not supported.

Nunes: Yeah, well, so it's a bit complicated, right? And I say that because you have to, so we only have so many months left, right. So if we actually vote to impeach, ok, what that does is that triggers the Senate then has to take it up. Well, and you have to decide what you want right now because the Senate only has so much time. Do you want them to drop everything and not confirm the Supreme Court justic, the new Supreme Court justice? So that's part of why, I don't think you have, you're not getting from, and I've said publicly, Rosenstein deserves to be impeached. I mean, so, I don't think you're gonna get any argument from most of our colleagues. The question is the timing of it right before the election.

Nunes: The Senate would have to start, the Senate would have to drop everything they're doing and start to, and start with impeachment on Rosenstein. And then take the risk of not getting Kavanaugh confirmed. So it's not a matter that any of us like Rosenstein. It's a matter of, it's a matter of timing.

>Seems Nunes & Q think alike. (Q referenced "timing" 22 times)

Nunes: So therein lies, so it's like your classic Catch-22 situation where we were at a -- this puts us in such a tough spot. If Sessions won't unrecuse and Mueller won't clear the president, we're the only ones. Which is really the danger. That's why I keep, and thank you for saying it by the way, I mean we have to keep all these seats. We have to keep the majority. If we do not keep the majority, all of this goes away.

>22 times Q has said Timing and then later the reference to Catch-22 - Coincidence?


Anyway, TL;DR, Madcow is a fear mongerer and the sky is falling. S/He could bore you to death. Nunes has it handled. Nothing he said "in secret" was remotely awful or any new information if you've been paying attention. InconseQuential. You're watching a movie. Enjoy the show!

Anonymous ID: 51553e Aug. 8, 2018, 9:58 p.m. No.2520500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0513

>>2520359 MIL and NSA req to operate in major disaster decl.; all gather intel that may be criminal must be turned over to authorities



Anon, thanks for finding a clear explanation of the D5 5.5. Seen it earlier, but didn't get any traction.

5 for 5 today!
