Anonymous ID: f642d0 Aug. 8, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.2520308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0528

>>2519089 lb Penn judges fucked


Hawaii is keeping up too. The crooked police chief and his wife, the #2 Prosecutor went down for a bunch of corrupt shit last year. At the time, it also brought down a bunch of crooked cops who were helping them hoax charges against their own family and cover up dirt.


In the last few months, the fire chief of a neighbor island went down for banging the wife and lying to the feds about it. So he flipped and admitted the wife and her lawyer were coaching him. The lawyer got raided. They demanded the lawyers phones and computers. He reported them stolen just before the deadline(one of the crooked cops also pulled this shit with his service weapons).


The papers just confirmed the wife's boss, the #1 prosecutor already has a grand jury against him too. The local lawfags are basically ridiculing the wife and her lawyer at this point.


There's funny stories coming out now. Questionable cases from the prosecutors are coming back after years to dance on their graves. It's a pretty good shitshow.

Anonymous ID: f642d0 Aug. 8, 2018, 10 p.m. No.2520528   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And two people just got arrested for starting the forest fires on the west side of Oahu.


I think maybe Hawaii might be the place where the operatives were fucking stupid enough to get caught for the shit they're pulling in the fucked blue states.