Anonymous ID: 68a682 Aug. 9, 2018, 12:01 a.m. No.2521534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1556 >>1559 >>1586

I remember Q mentioning in one of his drops that the board would be discussed across all platforms. I didn't think he meant that it would include TV or radio, but I was blown away tonight on my drive home from work while I was listening to KOGO radio, San Diego, and the host of the show was discussing the "Qanon phenomena." He sounded genuinely interested in what it was all about, and promised anyone following Q on the boards ( he even mentioned half and 8 chan) call in, and he promised he would not ridicule anyone or claim it was just a conspiracy theory. Several who called in sounded like they are on the qresearch board, and gave some good explanations of how the crumb drops lead to information being assembled, how "Q" is a group of ten or less, how the future proves the past, the Storm and the Great Awakening were brought up via some sound bytes from CNN reporter interviewing Q followers at a DJT rally.


Made me so proud that my fellow anon autists have built this movement to the point that MSM can't deny it exists, and even when they attempt to marginalize us, that just drives the awakened normies curiosity!