Anonymous ID: afa891 Aug. 8, 2018, 11:59 p.m. No.2521518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1541


Richard Dolan is a non-academic historian who has studied both acknowledge and alleged military programs in space. IMO, he does a good job of steering clear of the 'little green men' / 'space brothers' material and focuses on what can be gleaned from FOIA requests, declassified govt docs, etc.


He describes a situation where the USAF, Navy, NRO and probably a few other gov/mil agencies have each developed their own independent space programs, sometimes competing with one another more than collaborating the way they theoretically should.


Here is a pdf that summarizes some of his research on it all. My take on the Space Force initiative is that POTUS is trying to unite these various mil/intel space programs and to do so in a way that brings them under constitutional controls.

Anonymous ID: afa891 Aug. 9, 2018, 12:12 a.m. No.2521600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1678 >>1691 >>1960 >>2126


Dolan thinks that some of these gov/mil space programs have been taken over by the Deep State, some of them decades ago.


POTUS may well be trying to do what Eisenhower seems to have tried in the mid-50s, which is confiscate these programs from the DS and bring them under the constitutional authority of the Commander-in-Chief.


The existence of the programs themselves is not a secret. It's just that the media and schools don't draw the attention of normies to these programs. But in the Congressional Record, it's all there.


Besides govt orgs like the NRO, which admit to conducting activities in space but without a formally organized "space commend", there are groups like:


the United States Space Command (under DoD authority)


the Naval Space Command


the Air Force Space Command


By Hussein's time, some of those programs were loyal to the DS, some were loyal to the White Hats, some were essentially controlled by corporations (private investors, not all American) and others were so fragmented and internally at war with themselves that it would be hard to say whose side they're on.


POTUS is trying to impose some order and rationality on the mess that is currently U.S. activities in space (of which NASA accounts for only a small portion.)

Anonymous ID: afa891 Aug. 9, 2018, 12:28 a.m. No.2521704   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have no doubt that there are unacknowledged programs (with no line item in the public version of the national budget) going on within the various mil/intel space commands.


I'm just pointing out that the Congressional Record points to the existence of at least half a dozen spage agencies that aren't named NASA. The CR unfortunately doesn't tell us a whole lot about what they do, which is part of the problem that I think POTUS is trying to solve.


The effort that Pence is talking about today might be to consolidate most of these half-dozen space programs into one. Sure it will step on a lot of toes, and I'm not sure POTUS will be able to pull it off. But it's worth a good try.

Anonymous ID: afa891 Aug. 9, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.2521719   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for adding one to the list.


Here's one I forgot to mention –


the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command