Anonymous ID: e09058 Aug. 9, 2018, 12:12 a.m. No.2521602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1607

The Left Wants to Control Ohio Elections


"For eight years, I protected the integrity of Ohio elections as secretary of state. I witnessed firsthand the tactics used by the left to undermine confidence in the electoral system. Leftists attempt to cast doubt and assign sinister motives to processes and rules that have been in place for years. Many of these same rules go unchallenged in uncompetitive states.


The left's media allies are eager to validate and amplify these spurious charges of disenfranchisement.


That's because capturing the Ohio secretary of state's office is vital to the left's master plan of electing America's next president. No Republican has won the presidency without winning Ohio. A critical swing state, Ohio has voted for the winner in presidential races in twenty-eight out of the last thirty elections. As Ohio goes, so goes the nation."