Anonymous ID: 785246 Aug. 10, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.2550057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0087 >>0366 >>0431 >>1953


Yes. Use a secure browser (OP is a little paranoid) in incognito mode to search for the model number. I was around on the 'chans when this hit the first time. There were a lot of garbage results being dumped into Google to cloud research.


It's not an especially powerful computer from a processing power standpoint, but when you consider the potential uses for something that has NO hardware backdoors and also has BUILT IN cryptographic abilities, you can see why they command a pricetag on the 'black' market. The government 'demilitarized' them when they moved to new models, but a few hundred got sent to government liquidation and instead of being destroyed, they were 'demilitarized' according to the standard for a normal computer- hard drive removed, battery removed, and sold at auction, mixed in with other pallets of computers.


Legality: Technically legal to own, and it must drive the clowns INSANE to know that people are waking up to this tech. They have 0days for all kinds of hardware, even before the manufacturer has demos out being reviewed, and here's all these systems that used to be issued to spooks, that can't even be touched! LOL


You couldn't post about P4-15-NB on the chans for a while without being flooded out by shills trying to scare people away from them.


No use trying to run Skyrim on one but for hardsec BBS/chat communication, even basic audio calls over encrypted mesh networks, they would be absolutely unparalleled. And if you've seen any hacker's desktop, it isn't gaming graphics, it's a lot of text windows, usually with a black background.


There are some encrypted networks where people are doing deep dives into analysis of some things pertaining to Q, and posting some very interesting things.

For safety and security, those things stay in those places.. although they usually get slowly brought out in discussion here and other CBTS places. There are certain hardware encryption requirements to even get in the door and start reading. You either need massive technical abilities to build your own system, tens of thousands of dollars to buy one off the shelf, or find one of these military systems that slipped through the cracks. A lot of people are choosing the 3rd option… if they can find one.

Anonymous ID: 785246 Aug. 10, 2018, 10:33 p.m. No.2550399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0494



>Isn't this the scam that CBTS (Pamphlet & Baruch) we peddling at inflated prices supported byh meaningless claims about their security?


You can't find these things for sale in normal areas so your assertions are 100% false.


Interesting that you only have to talk about one of these things for a few minutes before a disinfo shill shows up….

Anonymous ID: 785246 Aug. 10, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.2550491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0524


>That is the story CBTS was peddling, right?

Nope… NO YOUTUBERS or STREAMERS have discussed these… You are entirely full of shit, shill, and the fact that you're lying about one thing means you're lying about everything else.

Anonymous ID: 785246 Aug. 10, 2018, 11:18 p.m. No.2550854   🗄️.is 🔗kun




….who makes the wireless modem that is in 99% of computers?????



Anonymous ID: 785246 Aug. 11, 2018, 12:06 a.m. No.2551238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6896


Oh wow, all you found were more posts by shills like you


I can go around saying you're a tranny dicksucker down by the railway tracks, doesn't make it proof that you're giving blowjobs until someone actually shows you, giving beejs for quarters

Anonymous ID: 785246 Aug. 11, 2018, 12:14 a.m. No.2551280   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And I decided to go to the pages you showed in the screenshot- standard shill tactic, use images so people have a harder time going to the actual page to check facts.


First link: someone mentions being invited to the qanon discussion on that website, the post in that thread about the P4-15-NB is UNRELATED to CBTS.


Second link: A poster there is asking why is blocked on the website. Someone else posts a link to a "want to buy" ad in that thread.


Third link: someone is reposting a cuckchan copypasta that they found on cuckchan- one that sound suspiciously similar to the shill narrative you're pushing.


Not to mention, why are you searching for ar15 specifically? Pushing the " is the source of qanon" conspiracy theory?

Anonymous ID: 785246 Aug. 11, 2018, 12:14 a.m. No.2551286   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And I decided to go to the pages you showed in the screenshot- standard shill tactic, use images so people have a harder time going to the actual page to check facts.


First link: someone mentions being invited to the qanon discussion on that website, the post in that thread about the P4-15-NB is UNRELATED to CBTS.


Second link: A poster there is asking why is blocked on the website. Someone else posts a link to a "want to buy" ad in that thread.


Third link: someone is reposting a cuckchan copypasta that they found on cuckchan- one that sound suspiciously similar to the shill narrative you're pushing.


Not to mention, why are you searching for ar15 specifically? Pushing the " is the source of qanon" conspiracy theory?



>You said:


>"Show us all where CBTS crew posted anything about these systems"


>I did. so that makes you the shill.