J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 7903fb Aug. 11, 2018, 2:42 a.m. No.2551953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2282



>Use a secure browser (OP is a little paranoid) in incognito mode to search for the model number.


Incognito mode offers zero protection.


Either Tor browser, or proxy up with plenty of security add-ons and a spoofer (and no, don't use fucking Chrome). Going Incognito is like wearing a bag over your head for invisibility: it doesn't work, and it doesn't do what most people expect it to do.



>Sounds like you know as much about encryption as you do about what trump had for lunch today

Sounds like you made an uninformed assessment of the situation.


But I wouldn't expect anything less from mil-int.


I know Media Matters don't give a shit and your pretend tough guy attitude screams 'military male'.


American. Southern.


Just need to work out what department.


Tough guy attitude would suggest front-line work, so I'm guessing HUMINT.


I suppose all we need to know is which department ordered the chips and we'll know where you're from.


Don't need no backdoor to suss your ass.



>I'll be waiting.

At least he admits he's a shill. No work to be done exposing this guy.


Thanks for confirming it's not a scam.


You should lay off the alcohol, it affects your judgement.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 7903fb Aug. 11, 2018, 2:51 a.m. No.2551985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5883 >>6033 >>5990


>Everything you posted had no facts, only incorrect opinions about network security and encryption but I already posted refutation of those.


Pro-tip from one shill hunter to another: shills purpose is to distract you, waste time, drive you off-topic, bait, ad hominem and do everything they can to stop you from covering the topic.


Your technique should be simple:

1) Expose as shill (done it for you, no need for any further work)

2) Return to topic and dig out as much in-depth research


Their attacks should provoke you to provide even more quality research. In turn it discourages the attacks.


My money is he's from the NSA (they always seem to breed arrogant know-it-all pieces of shit) and this backdoor hardware is their own designs along the lines of the clipper chip or the Intel Management Engine.


Keep digging into it. His only job is to 'scare off' people from adopting the technology (they're trying to prevent their intel stream from 'going dark'). Most people can sense his emotional desperation and rhetoric, and cold hard facts coupled with curiousity will always win out.


He must not know the human race very well because calling something a scam doesn't stop most people from adopting it (think of how much money people waste on useless shit that doesn't work or bad investment schemes or tax money gobblers like that guy).


So continue ahead. Just be sure to provide quality research, facts, links and other interesting useful information: it'll sharply contrast against his verbal bullshit and people are smart enough to see for themselves.


Don't bother 'winning' the argument because he's wasting his fat ass until retirement and isn't worth winning over. If he was a true patriot he'd defend the innocent citizens against being spied upon by a Stasi like government.