Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.2540116   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Evidence Provides Additional Support that the UK Interfered with the 2016 US Election More Than Russia!


Cont. from images:

dissemination of the famous fake and unsupported dossier used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on President Trump.


Yesterday we reported that investigative reporter John Solomon obtained text messages between twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr and dossier author Christopher Steele that are very damning to the Russia witch hunt.


Bruce Ohr, who worked directly under Rod Rosenstein, was discussing getting Christopher Steele back into the FBI in the summer of 2017–after he was deemed “not suitable” and ‘terminated’ for leaking to the media in November of 2016.


Via John Solomon of The Hill, beginning in July of 2017, Christopher Steele was sending urgent text messages to Bruce Ohr desperate to assist Robert Mueller in the Russia witch hunt.


“Hi Bruce, hope you’re enjoying the summer,” Steele wrote Ohr on July 16, 2017. “I spoke to my old colleagues last week and they assured me they would not stand in the way of our re-engagement with the Bureau.”


Solomon continues –


Whatever the case, the text messages portray Steele as increasingly aggravated that his return to informant’s work on the Russia case was going so slowly.


“I am presuming you’ve heard nothing back from your SC colleagues on the issues you kindly put to them from me,” Steele texted Ohr on Nov. 18, 2017. “We have heard nothing from them either.


“To say this is disappointing would be an understatement! Certain people have been willing to risk everything to engage with them in an effort to help them reach the truth.”


Was Steele referring to his former boss Hannigan when he noted that “certain people have been willing to risk everything” and was he referring to the UK intelligence community when he mentioned his “old colleagues”? If this is the case then was the top of the UK intelligence network involved with Steele and ‘Spygate’? Why were they trying to prevent President Trump from winning the election?

In Summary

As we noted in May: Based on information to date, the UK had more to do with interfering with the US 2016 Presidential election than Russia. The Obama team and the Clinton campaign spied on the Trump team and used the entire government apparatus, including the CIA, FBI, the DOJ and others, to do so.

It appears, they also had help from the UK.

These crooks were willing to risk World War III with Russia rather than face a Trump Presidency. This all leads to the question – What is so damn damning that these many individuals would go to such brazen lengths to remove President Trump from office?

This is clearly 100 times worse than Watergate! We were right – time to keep our eyes on the real country interfering with our election – the UK!

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.2540121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0364



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Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.2540145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0176

Democratic Congressional Candidate from Minnesota Divorces Her Brother

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.2540162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0183 >>0226

MYSTERY DEEPENS as DOJ & FBI 757 Jet Makes SECOND FLIGHT to Clinton’s Hometown Little Rock; TWO Round TRIPS in 48 Hours Loaded With Boxes & Docs

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.2540189   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Sick of media lies’: Thousands protest state broadcaster bias in #BBCswitchoff



Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.2540199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0236

Jeff Sessions: The DOJ ‘Will Not Partner With Groups That Unfairly Defame Americans’ Like the SPLC

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.2540305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0379 >>0430 >>0492

Norway to test program giving free heroin to addicts in effort to improve their quality of life


Norway’s government has announced plans to hand out free heroin to the nation’s most severe addicts in an effort to save lives.

How’s that going to work?


Participants will be provided with diamorphine — the medical form of injectable heroin — and will be required to adhere to a strict monitoring schedule in order to receive the free drugs, according to anti-drug campaigner Mina Gerhardsen.


The trial program will be offered to as many as 400 addicts, and is set to begin in 2020.


Health Minister Bente Hoie explained on Facebook, “We hope that this will provide a solution that will give…a better quality of life to some addicts who are today out of our reach and whom current programs do not help enough.”


Norway has one of the highest levels of drug overdose rates in Europe, at 81 per million residents. The Scandinavian country already has government-monitored safe rooms where users are allowed to inject their own drugs.


Methadone is the traditional medication prescribed to heroin users, with the aim of weaning addicts off the street drug. But for addicts who do not respond well to methadone, diamorphine can be used as an alternative — at the cost of around $22,000 per year for each user.

What about heroin therapy in other countries?


Similar experiments in medical heroin therapy have already been tested in several countries, including Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark and the United Kingdom.


Denmark has administered diamorphine for severe heroin addicts for nearly a decade.


Dr. Anne Mette Doms of the Danish Board of Health explained the reasoning behind the country’s program to The Guardian in 2009, saying “The aim is to improve [addicts’] state of health, help them avoid committing crimes and stabilize their lives. Quitting altogether is not a realistic option for most of these patients. For them, this will be a chronic treatment, as if you were treating a chronic disease.”


According to the Danish Board of Health, having heroin clinics available in the country has increased the number of addicts finding homes by 30 percent, and reduced the time police spend investigating drug offenses by one third.

Anything else?


Norway’s heroin treatment program is part of a larger effort to focus on treatment rather than punishment for drug addicts. The country decriminalized drugs in December 2017.


“It is important to emphasize that we do not legalize cannabis and other drugs, but we decriminalize,” explained Sveinung Stensland, deputy chairman of the parliament’s health committee. “The change will take some time, but that means a changed vision: Those who have a substance abuse problem should be treated as ill, and not as criminals with classical sanctions such as fines and punishment.”

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.2540322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0358 >>0395 >>0479

WATCH: Kanye Slams Idea That Blacks Must Vote Democrat On 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'


On "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Thursday, entertainment mogul Kanye West described his decision to openly express his support for Donald Trump, which he said required him to have the confidence to stand up against massive backlash from liberals, media, and the hip-hop community, who tried to promote the idea that all African-Americans must vote Democrat.


"As a musician, African-American, guy out in Hollywood, all these different things, everyone around me tried to pick my candidate for me," West told Kimmel when asked about his decision to support Trump. "And then told me every time I said I liked Trump that I couldn’t say it out loud or my career would be over, I’d get kicked out of the black community — because blacks, we’re supposed to have a monolithic thought … we can only be Democrats and all.”


West said that after he was hospitalized, he came out lacking confidence and that it took about a year and half to finally muster the courage to openly express his opinion on Trump, knowing that the backlash would be overwhelming.


Rather than being about politics, he said, endorsing Trump "represented overcoming fear and doing what you felt no matter what anyone said and saying you can’t bully me — liberals can’t bully me, news can’t bully me, the hip-hop community, they can’t bully me — because at that point if I’m not free to be me, I’m no longer Ye."


He added that he believed modern education keeps us all too focused on the past. "We get too caught up in the past and what everyone’s saying and what everyone’s tweeting. And sometimes you just have to be fearless enough to break the f**king simulation," he said.


He ultimately challenged Kimmel and his audience to "try love" rather than hate. "When I see people just even … go at the president, it’s like, why not try love?" he said. "For one person to stand up against all odds and just hug somebody the way that Alice Johnson [whom Trump granted clemency] hugged her family when she got out of jail. That one by one by one, we can defuse this nuclear bomb of hate that we’re in as a society by thinking of everyone as our family."

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.2540362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0416



Hollywood Floats Space Force Conspiracy Theories: ‘Designed to Make You Forget About the Mueller Investigation’


Hollywood celebrities ripped into the Trump administration’s plans to create a Space Force program, decrying it as everything from a waste of money to a distraction from the Mueller investigation.


On Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence formally unveiled plans from the Pentagon to create a sixth branch of the American military by 2020, declaring that they would now “implement the president’s guidance and turn his vision into a reality.”


“To be clear, the Space Force will not be built from scratch, because the men and women who run and protect our nation’s space programs today are already the best in the world,” Pence said.



Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.2540412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0601

Antifa to Protest ‘Alt-Right’ in D.C.: Abolish ICE, No Borders, Close Prisons

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.2540429   🗄️.is 🔗kun

School that eliminated Pledge of Allegiance quickly backtracks after intense backlash


The Atlanta elementary school that eliminated the Pledge of Allegiance from the start of its school day has completely reversed its position just a day after the story went viral on the internet.

What’s the background?


Lara Zelski, the campus president of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School, issued a letter Tuesday announcing new changes to the students’ morning meetings. A copy of the letter was published on the school’s website.


“One change that we made to our morning meeting agenda this year is that we will not be including the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance each morning,” Zelski wrote, adding that children will continue to stand in participation of the school’s “Wolf Pack Chant.”


The move to eliminate the Pledge of Allegiance was made in an effort to kick off the school day as a “fully inclusive and connected community,” according to Zelski, who added that the school would create and incorporate a new pledge for the students over the coming months.


Zelski noted that the children would be permitted to recite the Pledge later in the day, should they have the desire to do so.


“This pledge,” Zelski wrote, “will focus on students’ civic responsibility to their school family, community, country and our global society. I will keep you informed of the progress with this. I am really looking forward to what our students create.”


Zelski’s letter has since been removed from the school’s website, and instead redirects to a statement from the school’s board chair, which reversed school’s position on the Pledge.


You can read more about Zelski’s original letter here.

What did the school board chairman say?


The update, published on the school’s website and signed by Lia Santos, governing board chair, reveals the school’s latest position on the Pledge of Allegiance.


Santos wrote that in rollout of the new change, “there was some miscommunication and inconsistency.”


“Starting next week, we will return to our original format and provide our students with the opportunity to recite the Pledge during the all-school morning meeting,” Santos wrote.

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.2540471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Orders Chinese Conglomerate To Sell Office Building Near Trump Tower


Yesterday we observed that in what would mark an abrupt and serious escalation of the US-China trade and currency war, the NY Post reported that the Trump administration, as part of a crackdown on certain US investments made by Chinese companies, is set to seize a majority stake in 850 Third Ave. The stake is owned by HNA, the reeling, quasi-insolvent Chinese conglomerate whose Chairman died in a freak accident in Italy one month ago.

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.2540489   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==DRAMA=Judge Ellis Calls For Extended Delay in Manafort Trial After Mueller Prosecutors Whine==


On Friday, Judge Ellis mysteriously called for a delay in the Manafort trial after Mueller’s prosecutors once again complained about his harsh criticisms.


Mueller’s team of liberal hack lawyers are becoming increasingly frustrated with Judge Ellis to the point of being pushed to tears.

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.2540515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0539

Handwritten Notes Reveal Glenn Simpson Gave Bruce Ohr a ‘Memory Stick’ in Secret Meeting Shortly After Trump Won 2016 Election


New handwritten notes penned by twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr reveal Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson handed Ohr a memory stick during a meeting at a D.C. coffee shop shortly after the election.

Anonymous ID: 2b224e Aug. 10, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.2540566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Neocons Demand ‘Crushing’ Sanctions on Russia


You can always count on the neocons in Congress to ignore reality, ignore evidence, and ignore common sense in their endless drive to get us involved in another war. Last week, for example, Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-NC), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), and others joined up to introduce what Senator Graham called “the sanctions bill from hell,” aimed at applying “crushing” sanctions on Russia.


Senator Graham bragged that the bill would include “everything but the kitchen sink” in its attempt to ratchet up tensions with Russia.


Sen Cory Gardner (R-CO) bragged that the new sanctions bill “includes my language requiring the State Department to determine whether Russia merits the designation of a State Sponsor of Terror.”


Does he even know what the word “terrorism” means?


Sen Ben Cardin (D-MD) warns that the bill must be passed to strengthen our resolve against “Vladimir Putin’s pattern of corroding democratic institutions and values around the world, a direct and growing threat to US national security.”