>>2538907 (pb)
I remember hearing about someone who lives in the same town where Bush jrs childhood home is and really close to a Walmart. This all happened around the same time as Jade helm/Walmart shutdowns. One of the town's Walmarts was one of the ones shut down but it reopened months later after "extensive plumbing repairs". He was transferred there for his job and the company bought the house for him or something like that. Supposedly kept hearing noises under the house and behind a specific wall. He thought it was animals until he noticed some of his stuff was being moved so he reported to the local PD what was going on and they dismissed it. He put up hidden cams soon after that to gather evidence. Caught local PD coming into his house while he wasn't home and they took the majority of his cameras except a couple hidden well. He reported it to the local fed office with the footage from the hidden cams and not too much later he got shot in his ankle/foot from under his house while in his living room. It's been awhile since I've heard anything about it so I may be slightly off. It's a huge oilfield town in TX. If I'm remembering right the next town over is a trafficking hotspot. I do recall the guy's last name is Webb. Might not be the same one you're looking for.