See last bread for the inbred
They're not, if this is the objective. It' that Haรฏti is a basket case, from a governance perspective, and no one cares about its people, still less its children.
Definite action prior to mid-terms. It's the way the election cycle works and POTUS' team will not relinquish the opportunity to stick it to the opposition.
Fighting words. I like it!
There is wickedness in the world. But wickedness can seem far too outlandish for most normal people, and so they dismiss it as something that is only manifest by serial killers and others that are criminally insane.
They have much to learn.
Crowley was a pusher, but he was not the wickedest person whoever lived. We've yet to discover who that might be, but there are likely many contesting for the title. And it might not be a man, either.