More on Sheila Nix/associations:
Sheila Nix
former deputy governer to Rod Blagojevich joins Obama-Biden re-election team as Joe's Chief of Staff.
Worked on multiple campaigns.
Perhaps better known for her work with the ONE campaign, cofounded by Bono.
ONE is a “global campaign and advocacy organization” focused on action to end extreme poverty.
Bono is also the cofounder to ONE's sister organization RED which partners to “raise public awareness about and corporate contributions to the AIDS Crisis. [Bobby Shriver, cofounder of both.]
Current Board of Directors includes: David Cameron, Sharyl Sandberg (COO at FB), Joe Cerrell (Managing Director of Global & Policy Advocacy at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Mark Suzman (Chief Strategy Officer and President of Glo/Pol Adv at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).