SRA - who comprehends the Trivium "WHAT" Jay Parker says?
Q:uadrivium WHY.
SRA shit goes sideways 00:14:17 "Woman with 2,500 personalities says they saved her from shocking child abuse | 60 Minutes Australia"
"MPD is an act of love, to protect yourself, it's not a mental illness… it is soul protection…" !
who would have thought…?
Some organ recipients report changes in their thinking, emoting and actions. [some terrorized]
Imagine THAT!
Like Ravens and Writing Desks; What is the difference between organ transplants and consuming the blood and flesh [and crap!] of terrorized, sentient beings?
Perhaps MPD is exacerbated by blood-sacrifice?
and what about parasitic gut nematodes excreting mind-altering [alter] lipids?
Like "As above, so it is below" these needful things "needs" to be considered before giving tards an easy excuse to continue being Tard.
Define anarchy and you'll comprehend your universe :-)