Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Q Research AUSTRALIA #5 - Shill count HIGH Edition May 24, 2019, 1:57 a.m. No.6576586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5782 >>7853

Welcome To Q Research AUSTRALIA


In anticipation of FISA DECLAS and SPYGATE revelations, a new thread for research and discussion of Australia's role in The Great Awakening.


Previous threads

Q Research AUSTRALIA #1 -

Q Research AUSTRALIA #2 -

Q Research AUSTRALIA #3 -

Q Research AUSTRALIA #4 -


Q's Posts made on Q Research AUSTRALIA threads

Thursday 03.28.2019

>>5945210 ————————————–——– Sometimes our 'sniffer' picks and pulls w/o applying credit file (Cap: >>5945313)

>>5945074 ————————————–——– We LOVE you! (Cap: >>5945110)

>>5944970 ————————————–——– USA v. LifeLog? (Cap: >>5945288)

>>5944908 ————————————–——– It is an embarrassment to our Nation! (Cap: >>5945279)

>>5944859 ————————————–——– 'Knowingly'


Q's Posts referencing Australia


Q's Posts referencing Australian citizens

Malcolm Turnbull (X/AUS)


Alexander Downer


Cardinal George Pell


Julian Assange


Q's Posts referencing The Five Eyes intelligence alliance (FVEY)


"The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an anglophone intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence."


''"Does AUS stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US?"''

Q - 11/25/18.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 1:59 a.m. No.6576592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9051


are not endorsements


#4 - Part 1/8

>>5945720 Anon Theory - Donations to the Clinton foundation dry up after 2016 election

>>5957085 Andrew Bolt on the One Nation 'scandal' re gun laws in Australia.

>>5957623, >>5957918 New Ben Garrison political cartoon - "Australian Freedom Force"

>>5958268 Video: Lauren Southern - Thrown Out Of Sydney No Go Zone

>>5958361 Q's Posts made on Q Research AUSTRALIA threads

>>5958473, >>5959568 Lyndon LaRouche, the Packer-Murdoch media and the rise of Pauline Hanson

>>5958509 Clinton Foundation gets another $5.5m from NZ taxpayers

>>5958575 New border security screening for Australian permanent residents visiting New Zealand

>>5958588 Like AUS and CAN, NZ is a US corporation registered with USA SEC

>>5958998 Pauline Hanson challenged over Al Jazeera sting


>>5959006 Renamed TPP signed by 11 nations with U.S. out

>>5959016 The keys to understanding TPP11

>>5959017 TPP - The importance of the United States

>>5959027 The Integral Treaty and "Progressive" of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

>>5959031 After The Midterms: Australia, The United States And The International Order

>>5959049 The world now wants to move to New Zealand

>>5959586, >>5959764 Wayne Swan, Bob Katter and Masonic symbolism

>>5962497, >>5962526 Sydney Air Traffic Control Tower Evacuated After Smoke Detected

>>5962572 Australian news site promoting gay 'sugar daddys' for university students.

>>5968815 Stargazers looking for Aurora Australis mystified by bright green flash


>>5969466, >>5969437 Former Trump aide slams Alexander Downer as a ‘devil’

>>5969816 Pauline Hanson defends One Nation staffers James Ashby and Steve Dickson

>>5969940 Shooters, Fishers and Farmers deny links to NRA, blasts One Nation

>>5975478 New Zealand removes any reference to Jesus from parliamentary prayer

>>5975519 Alexander Downer was a Huawei Board Member - Article from 2011

>>5975545 Microsoft researchers find NSA-style backdoor in Huawei laptops - 2019 Article

>>5975560 IT Security Pros Slam State-Backed Encryption Backdoors

>>5975575 Enormous shark found with head bitten off by even bigger beast off Australia coast

>>5975587, >>5975593 Stargazers looking for Aurora Australis mystified by bright green flash

>>5975644 Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland to reclassify physical gold as a cash equivalent


>>5975649 Toyota Security Breach Exposes Personal Info of 3.1 Million Clients

>>5976001 FRIENDLY REMINDER FROM Q - We are saving Israel for last.

>>5976441, >>5976445, >>5976454, >>5985163 Anon's analysis of Q drop #2619 - Gold Standard coming back?

>>5978125 Door-to-door gun confiscations begin in New Zealand

>>5984948, >>5985006 Sex scandals plague New Zealand's Labour party Prime Minister (2018)

>>5985280 Facebook Statement - By Working Together, We Can Win Against Hate

>>5986100 Mark Zuckerberg admits Facebook should be regulated after Christchurch mosque terror attack

>>5987997 Anon observes - Keep an eye on Channel 10, recently bought by CBS

>>5988798 Australian Climate Change Whistle blower Censorship

>>5988804 Friendly reminder - do not dox yourself, leave all of the first three input fields blank


>>5988805 Federal budget 2019: Frydenberg promises 'stronger economy, better future for Australians'

>>5998053, >>5998145 Chinese ownership and operation of Australian regional airports (2017)

>>6002085 NSW Education Department covers up teacher’s alleged 18-year child sex abuse spree (2013)

>>6002141 NSW police protects alleged Tweed Heads pedophile ring (Fiona Barnett article)

>>6002160 NZ Gun Confiscation Begins as Police Show Up Unannounced At Homes, Workplaces

>>6002174 Jury selection starts for Minneapolis officer accused in fatal shooting of unarmed Australian woman

>>6002037, >>6002045, >>6002276 Anons comments on Why Christchurch? Gateway to Antarctica?

>>6002297 History of Five Eyes in Australia

>>6002802, >>6003144 Muslims reject call from senior Imam in Jerusalem to invade Australia and NZ

>>6010904 'McDonald’s April Fools' joke lands burger chain in pickle

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 2 a.m. No.6576593   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#4 - Part 2/8

George Papadopoulos Tweet Bun

>>5969192 Alexander Downer, Stefan Halper, Joseph Mifsud and Comey’s corrupt team had one thing in common

>>5985039 Declassification coming. Australia’s role too.

>>6002244 The British and Australians spy on me...Time to fight

>>6014117 The U.K. and Australia interfered in the election

>>6014117 How it feels to have an Australian ambassador spy on you

>>6014138 That target on me attracted assets like Halper, Downer, Mifsud, CIA and DIA

>>6014138 Alexander Downer was so blatantly spying on me (17 March 2019 Retweet >>5749685)

>>6014138 The western intelligence operatives and US allies (UK, Australia, Italy) involvement

>>6028910 My book explains how the entire investigation began

>>6069101 The FBI sends Clinton ally, Alexander Downer, to make contact with me

>>6069101 I was so disturbed by Alexander Downer’s behavior

>>6070754 If the president doesn’t sit down with the leaders of Italy, the U.K. and Australia

>>6173712 Alexander Downer begged to meet me in London

>>6237372 Subpoenae the three spies: Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper

>>6249415 Bob Mueller himself stated that I met Alexander Downer on May 6th

>>6249415 He must have gotten it from some surreptitious spying by Alexander Downer

>>6249415 Alexander Downer’s wannabe honey pot, Erika Thompson, was trying to meet with me on May 6th

>>6249415 I am certain that our Israeli friends are going to throw the Australians under the bus

>>6294548 Clapper was in Australia the same days I was meeting Mifsud in Rome

>>6400714 Collusion was between the Obama WH/CIA/FBI with the U.K./Australia/Italy/Turkey/Ukraine

>>6410968 Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, was sent to make contact in May 2016 by the FBI

>>6418434 Alexander Downer was an asset sent by US intel to make contact with me

>>6419805 I reported Downer to the FBI and Mueller for my suspicions he was spying on me.

>>6453353 Clapper is an imbecile. Not only did he outsource spying on me to the Italians/UK/Australia

>>6475604 Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, is having a meltdown on Twitter

>>6475604 Comey is expounding that Mifsud was a Russian agent and that Downer was a random diplomat

>>6475604 I was approached by Australian/US/UK intel BEFORE Alexander Downer made contact with me

>>6475604 Stefan Halper/Alexander Downer BOTH played the same amateur spy game

>>6475604 Downer and Comey are terrified about imminent release of the IG report and FISA declassification

>>6475622 I am certain that this ambassador was none other than Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer

>>6475622 Christian Cantor, took it upon himself to introduce me to the Australian government in mid April 2016

>>6475622 Facts: (1/2) Australian intel officer calls Trump a “pariah” and a “threat” to Australia

>>6475622 Facts: (2/2) May 10: Alexander Downer spies on me

>>6475622 The day before I met Downer! what a freaking joke Comey is

>>6475642 The president knows he and his campaign were set up by the UK and Australia as well as a rogue FBI/CIA.

>>6567993 This was before I met Clinton errand boy/FBI asset, Alexander Downer.

>>6576333 Alexander Downer went public in an interview and is blaming the Israelis

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 2:01 a.m. No.6576594   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#4 - Part 3/8

>>6014726 Australia, Holland, Russia start talks over downed MH17

>>6014738 Xi meets with New Zealand prime minister to court US ally

>>6026141 Analysis of emergency call from foster mother of missing Australian toddler, William Tyrrell

>>6028965 The Rot Starts At The Top: The Problem With De-Platforming The Far-Right

>>6029295 Australia will stop contributions to the UN’s major fund for battling climate change this year

>>6029327 Australian Bureau of Meteorology altering historical temperature records

>>6029348 New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern in Beijing - progress on trade, climate change and Huawei

>>6029569 Measles case involving Sydney baby two months away from vaccination 'terrified' parents

>>6030883 Australian Woman Mysteriously Dies During Flight Home from Los Angeles After Vacation

>>6030905 NZ tech company discovers major Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox bug


>>6031056 Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines all Found Murdered

>>6037300 Fraser Anning: Australian MP censured for 'appalling' Christchurch remarks

>>6037346 Panama Papers investigation helps recover more than $1.2 billion around the world

>>6037540 Is the Mueller Report another Stealth Bomber?

>>6037812 Video: The Truth about The Port Arthur Massacre

>>6037847 Video: Mother of the Port Arthur massacre killer, Martin Bryant, speaks out

>>6040531 Video: Steve Hughes: Feminism & Transgenderism

>>6042762, >>6042765 Video: Wind turbine noise from Australia

>>6043026 Sword Anon visits Q Research AUSTRALIA

>>6043672 Facebook and Instagram could face fines or jail time under new Australian laws


>>6055767 Australia rushing through new social media laws

>>6055783 Tough New Laws to protect Australians from Live-Streaming of Violent Crimes

>>6055789 Australia passes social media law penalising platforms for violent content

>>6055835 Australia could put social media executives in jail for violent posts

>>6055874 Goldcorp shareholders approve Newmont's $10 billion takeover offer

>>6055905, >>6056952 Massive factory fire is burns out of control in Melbourne

>>6056016 Australia doubles down on being stampeded into catastrophically stupid tech laws

>>6056883 Aus Anon's Thoughts On Q's Spill Comment

>>6064603 US Anon visits with Marker Solution theory

>>6068878 Australian Government to hold Royal Commission into abuse and neglect of disabled Australians.


>>6068972 Accused Christchurch shooter ordered to undergo psychiatric assessment

>>6070695 Social Media execs could be held personally liable for harmful content under new UK laws

>>6070824 Footage shows moment Daniel Morcombe kidnapper, murderer arrested

>>6074002 Canadian Police Raid ‘Orcus RAT’ Author (Remote Access Trojan)

>>6086063 "53-47" (Q Post #2318) in Aust News - Morrison government on course for major election defeat

>>6090334 Leaked Turnbull-Trump phone call could lead to criminal charges

>>6092495 Q posts relating to leaked Turnbull-Trump phone call

>>6094644, >>6094666 Aus Anon on Access to chan sites

>>6094702 Militant Vegan Protesters shut down cities across Australia

>>6094706 Britain plans social media regulation to battle harmful content


>>6094919 Australia appoints new ambassador to Afghanistan

>>6094982 Animal Activist Groups Active in Australia Today And Cuba As Well

>>6110109 Leak of call between Trump and Malcolm Turnbull could lead to criminal charges

>>6114024 Facebook, Google And Twitter Hit By New Legal Regulation To 'Clean Up Their Acts'

>>6118189 New Zealand Govt confirms details of Royal Commission into Christchurch terror attack

>>6118189 PDF: Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques

>>6118234, >>6120347 Anons comments on UK's published divide and conquer strategy (Dec 2018)

>>6132788 Rugby Australia say they plan to sack Israel Folau over controversial social post

>>6132801 New Zealand votes to amend gun laws after Christchurch attack

>>6152799 NZ police seek man wearing Trump t-shirt who allegedly abused worshippers outside Al Noor Mosque

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.6576598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#4 - Part 4/8

Julian Assange Arrest Bun

>>6029236 Ecuador's president says Julian Assange has 'repeatedly violated the terms of his asylum in London embassy'

>>6030993 Bashing of Assange is linked to reportage on Ecuador president’s corruption scandal – WikiLeaks

>>6068928 Armed police surround Ecuadorean embassy as Julian Assange 'is set to be kicked out

>>6069188 Sara Carter Tweets about Police waiting for Julian Assange to be expelled

>>6069380 Ecuador’s UK ambassador REJECTS Wikileaks’ claims that Julian Assange is about to be expelled

>>6070879 U.N. torture expert urges Ecuador not to expel Assange from embassy

>>6094619 Leaked Assange Court Transcript Sheds Light on US-Backed Ecuadorian Expulsion Plans

>>6114168 Ecuador reserves the right to investigate Assange: foreign minister

>>6114182 “I’m an assassination risk”, writes Assange to Ecuador court in leaked testimony.

>>6118488 Julian Assange is involved in new criminal case

>>6152839 Julian Assange Arrested

>>6152890 Video: JA's Arrest Footage

>>6152921 JA Arrested by British police at Ecuadorean embassy after Ecuador relinquishes asylum

>>6152936, >>6153212 Tweets confirming Julian Assange's arrest and U.S. extradition request

>>6152953 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested after eviction from Ecuadorian Embassy in London

>>6152975 WIKILEAKS INSURANCE FILES - Keys might be released after JA arrest

>>6153067 JA arrest translation by an Ausfag

>>6153095 Assange Arrested Carrying Gore Vidal's History of the National Security State

>>6153195 DOJ Assange Indictment link

>>6163220, >>6163231 Sara Carter on JA

>>6163274 Snowden Tweets about JA

>>6163296 JA to appear in court on 2 May

>>6163364 WikiLeaks Founder Charged in Computer Hacking Conspiracy and Anons response

>>6173023 Australian consular officials will visit Julian Assange over death penalty fears

>>6173642 How You Can Be Certain That The US Charge Against Assange Is Fraudulent

>>6173698 Pentagon Papers Lawyer: Julian Assange Being Convicted Will Criminalize the News-Gathering Process

>>6173769 Julian Assange 'must face Swedish justice' if country asks, say MPs

>>6173808 Political prisoner Julian Assange is being held in what is known as "Britain's Guantánamo Bay"

>>6173850 Julian Assange’s Mother Begs Officials: ‘Be Patient, Gentle & Kind to Him’

>>6184417 Assange's lawyer says he only fears 'US injustice'

>>6184445 Julian Assange: WikiLeaks founder's life in Ecuadorian embassy captured on security camera

>>6197273 Rand Paul Suggests Granting Assange Immunity In Exchange For Congressional Testimony

>>6209960 Julian Assange wins EU journalism award

>>6237482 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange agrees to remain at maximum security Belmarsh jail

>>6237608 Wretched are the offence-takers: in defence of Folau and Assange

>>6320338 IMF approves $4.2bn loan for Ecuador, suspicious timing after Assange arrested

>>6331971 Assange's Imprisonment Reveals Even More Corruption Than WikiLeaks Did

>>6369178, >>6369178 Video: 60 Minutes Australia - Julian Assange's father's fears for his son

>>6383769 WikiLeaks' Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks' jail over bail breach

>>6394160 WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange won’t be given ‘special treatment,’ Australian prime minister says

>>6410549 Video: Julian Assange: Clinton Foundation and ISIS were funded from the same source

>>6410955 >Julian Assange gets 50 weeks on bail charge, day before extradition hearing

>>6418273 I won't surrender to extradition ‘for doing journalism’ – Assange

>>6486471 WikiLeaks co-founder's files, computer, mobile phones and other electronic devices to be seized by US

>>6494390 Sweden reopens Assange rape investigation, to seek extradition

>>6541355 WikiLeaks says Assange papers, manuscripts will be given to US authorities: report

>>6576086 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange facing 18 charges of receiving and publishing classified information

>>6576224 New Q post referencing Julian Assange - "Under protection. Threat is real. Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'."

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.6576600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#4 - Part 5/8

>>6163313 Anon Comment on April Showers

>>6163392 Newmont shareholders OK $10 billion Goldcorp takeover, creating biggest gold producer

>>6172318 China takes Australia's Huawei 5G ban to global trade umpire

>>6173762 Tensions Erupt As China Slams Australia's "Irresponsible Comments"

>>6173843 'Multiple' victims in Australia shooting: Police

>>6173918 At least 4 people shot, 1 killed, outside Melbourne nightclub

>>6197149 6 charged with spreading New Zealand mosque shooting video online

>>6209868, >>6210078 Australian DJ charged after boy, 2, snatched off San Francisco street

>>6209875 NZ Police have released a timeline of the day of the Christchurch shooting

>>6209875 PDF: Christchurch Mosque Shootings: Timeline of events 15 March 2019


>>6209917 Climate change narrative takes a hit - Peter Ridd wins in court

>>6210008 Updated timeline of Christchurch terrorist attack released by police

>>6237284 Australia ‘ready to confirm’ key meeting that led to Mueller probe

>>6249770 Australian Government Confirms Official Role in "Spygate"

>>6249866 Australia Says It's "Ready To Confirm" Key Meeting That Led To Russia Investigation

>>6261103, >>6261168 Atrocities in the world and notable names nearby - Podesta, Pelosi and Michelle icObama

>>6261124 Social Media Platforms want centralized censorship. That should scare you

>>6261190 U.S. intelligence says Huawei funded by Chinese state security: report

>>6261228 Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, YouTube Working on ‘Global Censorship Database’

>>6261355 Date shift raises questions on Downer meeting in wine bar


>>6274793 Donald Trump invited to Melbourne for the Presidents Cup

>>6279384 Kevin Rudd: If an Australian PM did 1/10th of Trump's alleged acts, he'd be out of office

>>6280357 Kevin Rudd, Christopher Joye and the 2008 mortgage backed securities bail out

>>6294133 Easter Sunday suicide bomber studied in Australia, Sri Lankan minister says

>>6294562 US spy boss James Robert Clapper Jr makes secretive visit to Australia

>>6294983 Time To Investigate The FBI, Steele And The Rest Of The 'Witch Hunters'

>>6294995 Video: MASS Surveillance State In Australia!

>>6295007 Theresa May tweets after NZ and Sri Lanka attacks

>>6295873 Islamic State supporters celebrate Sri Lanka suicide bombings as ‘revenge’ for NZ mosque massacre

>>6302266 Video: ANZAC Day 2019 - The Last Post bugle call and recitation of The Ode.


>>6302791 Papadopoulos Disputes Key Claim in Mueller Report - and Anons Analysis

>>6302832 Sri Lanka military gets special powers after deadly bombings

>>6302932 Video: 60 Minutes Australia - Inside the depraved world of David and Louise Turpin

>>6302951 Sri Lankan Minister of Defense claims attacks were in retaliation for Christchurch mosque attacks

>>6303591 Jacinda Ardern to lead global attempt to shutdown social media terrorism

>>6303599 NZ and France seek to end use of social media for acts of terrorism

>>6303686 UK Archbishop Calls for Recognition of ‘Anti-Christianism’ After Sri Lanka Attacks

>>6308684 Australia's canceled Israel embassy move shows country's Asian concerns

>>6308690 Australian comedian jokes about Nazi gas chambers, gets complaint, doubles down

>>6308739 Microsoft Discovers Huawei Driver Allowing Backdoor Hack Into Laptops


>>6308846 Easter Sunday suicide bomber studied in Australia, Sri Lankan minister says

>>6308863 Suspected Islamic State member arrested over alleged plan to attack Gallipoli

>>6308895 Australian police allow rapist to remain free - he goes on to rape a child

>>6319487 Man arrested in counter-terrorism operation in North Melbourne

>>6320045 May to Let China Build UK 5G Network, Damaging National Security, Anglosphere Co-operation

>>6320074 South Australian child ‘sex tourist’ branded the worst paedophile in nation’s history

>>6320205 Turkey arrests Islamic State member over alleged Gallipoli threat

>>6320227 Facebook says head-cam Christchurch video foiled its AI system

>>6320287 Prince William visits mosque in New Zealand, in pictures

>>6320327 Theresa May ANZAC Day tweet

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 2:03 a.m. No.6576602   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#4 - Part 6/8

2019 Australian Election Bun

>>6131361 Election 2019: Date set for May 18

>>6133618 Australia Heads to Election in Showdown Over Taxes, Climate

>>6115863 Right-wing anti-immigrant party rebrands as ‘Yellow Vests Australia’ ahead of elections

>>6133679 Coalition will roll out 'name and shame' paedophile register across Australia if elected

>>6161270 Video: Fraser Anning - The Carl Higbie Show

>>6183034 Newspoll: One Nation’s slide gives Labor and Coalition a boost

>>6233644 Party-hopping pollies need to respect the will of the voters

>>6311560, >>6311576, >>6311598 Alt-right to release 'avalanche' of election campaign propaganda to help Fraser Anning

>>6314968 Background Briefing twitter account banner and Fraser Anning profile pic

>>6319069 Teen charged after attack at Fraser Anning press conference named

>>6319395 Photographer hurt in scuffle at Fraser Anning press conference

>>6319403 Video: Female journalist attacked following Fraser Anning press conference

>>6319429 Liberal party strikes deal to exchange preferences with Clive Palmer

>>6320000 Senator Fraser Anning press conference - 26/4/2019.

>>6328721 One Nation candidate filmed making controversial comments

>>6332066 Far-right social media views of alleged attacker at Fraser Anning political announcement

>>6344236 It’s Clive Palmer (Trump) vs Bill Shorten (Hillary)

>>6356157 Heckler targets Queensland Senator Fraser Anning at Adani-related press conference

>>6356707 Major parties shun Fraser Anning's candidates, Liberals embrace United Australia Party, as pre-polls open

>>6369051 Video: Pauline Hanson's One Nation candidate Steve Dickson resigns over strip club videos

>>6418610 Anti-gay, anti-Muslim rogue candidates taint PM Scott Morrison's Australia election bid

>>6419821 Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's billboard defaced with nazi imagery

>>6427309 Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party objects

>>6435304, >>6435314, >>6445341 Scott Morrison egged while campaigning in Albury

>>6438554 ABC defends free advertising to ‘disgraced’ Fraser Anning

>>6444103 Bill Shorten fights back tears as he defends his Mum’s story

>>6444140 Greens candidate Jay Dessi quits as candidate for Lalor over offensive Facebook posts

>>6444676 Video: We Are Change Talk Show Guest - Wayne Glew, Great Australian Party

>>6503461 Pauline Hanson lashes ‘racist’ Fraser Anning

>>6503465 Bill Shorten hints Julie Bishop could be his ambassador to the US

>>6524767 Pre-Election Newspoll prediction - Labor victory, 80 Lower House seats, 1.86% swing

>>6527582, >>6527618 BREAKING: ABC projects Coalition victory

>>6527778 Video: Pauline Hanson’s tears – Nine News Australia

>>6528229 Red shoe Julie Bishop featured in election coverage with animated red shoe symbolism

>>6529513, >>6529574 Federal Election map and summary - See how the Coalition defied the polls to retain power

>>6529765 'I always believed in miracles': Scott Morrison celebrates as Bill Shorten concedes defeat

>>6532032 President Trump Tweet: Congratulations to Scott on a GREAT WIN!

>>6532204 Video: Scott Morrrison makes his final pitch to voters before election day - ABC 7.30

>>6532807 Fraser Anning out as Jacqui Lambie and Malcolm Roberts return to Senate

>>6533220 Scott Morrison clinches unlikely victory over Bill Shorten in bombshell election result

>>6533244 Video: Prime Minister Scott Morrison apologises to victims of child sexual abuse - ABC News

>>6533398 Australia’s Conservatives Win Surprise Election Victory

>>6533653, >>6534245 Bun of Anons comments on POTUS Tweet about Scott Morrison

>>6533766 Video: Think someones having a kek - ScoMo thanks Chief Of Staff, John Kunkel

>>6534309 Trump calls Morrison ‘to reaffirm alliance, friendship’

>>6536935 US Dept. of State Tweet - The U.S. congratulates @ScottMorrisonMP & the Coalition on their victory

>>6539985, >>6540010 Negative Twitter reactions to Coalition election victory

>>6541405 Tanya Plibersek rules herself out of race for Labor leadership

>>6541518 Australia Re-Elects Conservative As Prime Minister In 'Shock' Result, Left Predicts Environmental Apocalypse

>>6541530 Trump and Australia’s Scott Morrison Reaffirm Alliance, Friendship After General Election

>>6556487 Photo posted by Chris Bowen on eve of election campaign reveals arrogance that doomed ALP

>>6556521 Albanese a step closer to Labor leadership as Bowen bows out

>>6556973 'I'll burn for you': How our Pentecostal PM energised Christian voters

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.6576604   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#4 - Part 7/8

>>6325628, >>6327329 Original Australia thread still visible on /thestorm/

>>6331860, >>6331863 North Melbourne counter-terrorism operation: Target appears to be an Anglican Church

>>6352840 New Zealander faces 14 years in prison for sharing Christchurch video online

>>6368726 Donald Trump's Deputy Attorney-General Rod Rosenstein submits letter of resignation.

>>6369240 Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane airports' international terminals passport control down

>>6369324 Without fanfare, Australia opens trade and defense office in Jerusalem

>>6379397 Minneapolis cop who shot Australian Justine Damond found guilty of 2nd degree manslaughter

>>6399143 Video: Rebut this. Foreign fake "Australian Government" Corporations

>>6410312 Explosive device and ammunition found at empty Christchurch property

>>6410441 China’s Big Brother Social Control Goes to Australia


>>6410648 William Barr made a major disclosure in his Senate hearing that hardly anyone noticed

>>6411473 Australian man found guilty in plane bomb plot involving meat grinder

>>6418242 Australian Journalist Arrested for Plotting to Murder Christians in Revenge for Christchurch


>>6419711 Australian Cyber security chief MacGibbon resigns

>>6419768 $20 MILLION: Minneapolis City Council agrees to historic settlement with Justine Damond's family

>>6426690 Avi Yemini in court over assault, knife-throwing charges against woman

>>6426752 Gold Coast Music Awards 'Skull Trophy'

>>6434334 Video: NZ and Australia Have Fallen

>>6437035 Australian DJ Adam Sky found dead in Bali resort


>>6437067 Video: Rogue Boeing 737 Max planes ‘with minds of their own’ (60 Minutes Australia)

>>6437088 Trolls will be jailed for five years under proposed new legislation.

>>6452373 Lowering Standards: Australian Universities, English Requirements and Student Cash Cows

>>6453464 Ex-Nauru president Sprent Dabwido who oversaw detention centre reopening dies

>>6453489 NZ & US Special Forces joint training exercises

>>6460587 Video: AUSTRALIA IS PANICKING! Andrew Bolt interview with Alexander Downer (Sky News Australia)

>>6478345 Defence Force names New Zealand SAS soldier who died following training incident in Auckland

>>6478353 US Drug Enforcement Administration open offices in New Zealand to help police investigate cartels

>>6478436 Christian star athlete posts what Bible says about homosexual behavior. Now Rugby Australia wants him gone.

>>6478466 Australia Prints Embarrassing Typo On 46 Million $50 Banknotes


>>6478482 Alexander Downer defends FBI tipoff that sparked Trump-Russia probe

>>6478563 Rugby Player Found Guilty of ‘High Level’ Breach of Conduct for Posting Bible Verse

>>6486418, >>6486794, >>6493200 Anon's summary: Australia on sale to Chinese

>>6486447 Downer Denies Meeting Supposed to Launch FBI’s Russia Probe Was a Set-Up

>>6494456 This Common Food Additive Harms Gut Health, Could Trigger Disease

>>6503412 Virgin passengers stuck in baggage lines for hours as technical trouble hits check-in system

>>6503418 Jacinda Ardern won't rule out blocking Facebook if used to spread extremist content

>>6503434 Papua New Guinea earthquake: Huge 7.7m tremor as tsunami alert issued - 14 May 2019

>>6511127 Sydney man denies assaulting News Corp photographer at Fraser Anning media event

>>6511690 Obama admin secretly agreed with then-Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull to relocate 2 Rwandan terrorists


>>6511933 Labor legend Bob Hawke dies aged 89

>>6513492 Australian Diplomat at Center of Russia Hoax Also Has China, Clinton Foundation Links

>>6516255 Sportsbet pays out early on Labor to win election

>>6519173 Israel Folau officially sacked by Rugby Australia

>>6519598 Anon speculates: possible that Bob Hawke died and was kept on ice until eve of the federal election?

>>6519707 Video: 60 Minutes Australia - Population debate

>>6521723 Fiona Barnett allegations - Bob Hawke never brought to justice for allegedly raping 2 girls

>>6541726 Some media charges dropped for reporting of George Pell conviction

>>6548988 Christchurch attacks accused Brenton Tarrant facing new charges

>>6549319 Wierd Pizza News from NZ

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.6576605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#4 - Part 8/8

>>6549427 After ‘Stunning’ Conservative Win, NY Times Compares Australia to ‘American South’

>>6549432 China’s ‘Social Credit System’ Is Dystopian Nightmare

>>6549461 NZ study highlights the risk of 'deep fakes' on social media

>>6549471 ‘Nuclear Coffin’ Might Be Leaking Radioactive Material Into Pacific, Says UN Chief

>>6556949 China's communists fund Jacinda Ardern's Labour Party: What the United States Congress was told

>>6576289 Downer mentioned in yet another Tweet

>>6576293 New Q posts referencing Australia, Five Eyes and FISA

>>6576306, >>6576371 Meteor crashes to earth at Mt Gambier, South Australia

>>6576383 Phillip Nitschke's 3D-printable 'Death Pod' for 'stylish' and 'peaceful' suicide premiered at Venice expo

>>6576391, >>6576437 Australian actor Geoffrey Rush awarded $2.9 million


Australian/Regional Resignations Bun

>>6184820 Nuk Korako resigns as NZ National MP

>>6237599 Another resignation from PNG cabinet - Justice Minister Davis Steven

>>6332148 Multiple resignations from PNG's People’s National Congress party

>>6369369 One Nation's Steve Dickson resigns over strip club footage

>>6407925 Australian Cyber security chief MacGibbon resigns

>>6418178 Boss of troubled NDIA quits after less than two years in the role

>>6419766 3 Senior PNG Ministers Resign

>>6447134 Joe Hockey to leave post as Australia's ambassador to the United States

>>6494389 Director of company that may acquire Vodafone NZ resigns from Spark's board

>>6519753 AFL Victoria receives Gippsland commission's resignation amid insolvency fears

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.6576612   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>4937627 Q Research AUSTRALIA #1 -

>>5443933 Q Research AUSTRALIA #2 -

>>5958095 Q Research AUSTRALIA #3 -

>>6576514 Q Research AUSTRALIA #4 -

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 2:08 a.m. No.6576614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q Research AUSTRALIA #1 -

Q Research AUSTRALIA #2 -

Q Research AUSTRALIA #3 -

Q Research AUSTRALIA #4 -

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:11 a.m. No.6576626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6640

Merck Created Hit List to "Destroy," "Neutralize" or "Discredit" Dissenting Doctors


Merck made a "hit list" of doctors who criticized Vioxx, according to testimony in a Vioxx class action case in Australia. The list, emailed between Merck employees, contained doctors' names with the labels "neutralise," "neutralised" or "discredit" next to them.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:14 a.m. No.6576640   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Merck Created Hit List to "Destroy," "Neutralize" or "Discredit" Dissenting Doctors


both sourced from QRes#8397


"The Australian:


The court was told that James Fries, professor of medicine at Stanford University, wrote to the then Merck head Ray Gilmartin in October 2000 to complain about the treatment of some of his researchers who had criticised the drug.


"Even worse were allegations of Merck damage control by intimidation," he wrote, … "This has happened to at least eight (clinical) investigators … I suppose I was mildly threatened myself but I never have spoken or written on these issues."


The allegations come on the heels of revelations that Merck created a fake medical journal – the Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine – in which to publish studies about Vioxx; had pop songs commissioned about Vioxx to inspire its staff, and paid ghostwriters to draft articles about the drug."

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:19 a.m. No.6576661   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brothers speared by marlin that crashed onto inflatable fishing boat off NSW coast

Sourced from QRes#8399


Two brothers have been seriously injured after being speared by a marlin that crashed onto their inflatable boat north of the NSW Central Coast.


The men, aged 46 and 48, were out on the ocean as part of a fishing trip with another 46-year-old man in a five-metre-long rigid hull-inflatable boat in the Solitary Islands Marine Park off Wooli around midday when the incident occurred.


The trio told NSW Police the marlin, which they estimated to have weighed between 80 and 100 kilograms, crashed onto the small vessel while they were travelling back to shore at a speed of about 21 knots.


The animal’s sharp snout sliced open the 46-year-old man’s lower right arm and caused a fracture, and also caused a deep cut to his brother’s right shoulder.


The third man in the vessel was not injured, while the fish then scrambled off the boat and back into the water.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:27 a.m. No.6576690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6695 >>6705

Assange Faces Death Penalty As DoJ Files Espionage Act Charges

Sourced from QRes#8399


The worst fears of Julian Assange's legal team have just been realized.


Just as Wikileaks' editor in chief anticipated, the DoJ has unveiled a slate of new charges against Assange including 17 new counts of violating the Espionage Act stemming from his role in publishing the classified documents leaked by Chelsea Manning, per the New York Times.


In addition to significantly raising the punishment threshold (from a maximum of 5.5 years under the previous indictment to the prospect of a death sentence for violating the Espionage Act), the new charges will raise serious first amendment issues as Assange will become the first journalist charged under the Espionage Act.


Though it's not a guarantee, Espionage Act violations carry the prospect of a death sentence.


The Justice Department’s decision to pursue Espionage Act charges signals a dramatic escalation under President Trump to crack down on leaks of classified information and aims squarely at First Amendment protections for journalists. Most recently, law enforcement officials charged a former intelligence analyst with giving classified documents to The Intercept, a national security news website.


Legal scholars believe that prosecuting reporters over their work would violate the First Amendment, but the prospect has not yet been tested in court because the government had never charged a journalist under the Espionage Act.


Though he is not a conventional journalist, much of what Mr. Assange does at WikiLeaks is difficult to distinguish in a legally meaningful way from what traditional news organizations like The New York Times do: seek and publish information that officials want to be secret, including classified national security matters, and take steps to protect the confidentiality of sources.


Per the NYT, the Obama administration considered bringing the Espionage Act charges against Assange, but balked because it didn't want to raise the First Amendment issue. While Wikileaks had warned of this possibility, they suspected that the US would wait until Assange was on American soil before bringing Espionage Act-related charges.


Remember, the UK and Ecuador promised that no serious harm would befall Assange - ie that Assange wouldn't be put to death in the US. Now that the death penalty is a possibility, whether this helps or hurts Assange's chances of successfully battling extradition remains to be seen.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:28 a.m. No.6576695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6705


Sourced from QRes#8399


For clarification, it's really 18 charges. He is facing 17 MORE charges in addition to one charge that was unsealed shortly after Assange was arrested in London in April.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:31 a.m. No.6576705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6732




WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment

Sourced from QRes#6399

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:33 a.m. No.6576707   🗄️.is 🔗kun

50 children saved after police bust online pedophile ring: Interpol

Sourced from QRes#8401


International police group Interpol said Thursday that nine people had been arrested in Thailand, Australia and the U.S. and 50 children had been rescued after investigators took down an online pedophilia ring. More arrests were expected as police in nearly 60 countries pursue investigations stemming from an Interpol operation launched two years ago into a hidden "dark web" site with 63,000 users worldwide.


Fifty children were rescued following the arrests. Police are trying to identify an additional 100 in images that had been shared on the internet's uncharted corners. Interpol said its Operation Blackwrist began after it found material that was traced back to a subscription-based site on the dark web, where people can use encrypted software to hide behind layers of secrecy. Dark web sites can't be found through search engines, and users need to have the specific URL address to land on a site. Interpol enlisted help from national agencies worldwide, with the US Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) department eventually tracking the site's IP address, where new photos and videos were posted weekly. The first arrests came in early 2018, when the site's main administrator, Montri Salangam, was detained in Thailand, and another administrator, Ruecha Tokputza, was captured in Australia.


'Child's worst nightmare' Salangam, whose victims included one of his nephews, was sentenced in June last year to 146 years in prison by Thai courts, while an associate, a pre-school teacher, got 36 years. Tokputza was handed a 40-year prison term at his trial in Australia last Friday, the longest ever for child sex offences in the country.


The Australian Associated Press reported that Tokputza, 31, pleaded guilty to 50 counts of abuse of 11 babies and children – one just 15 months old – between 2011 and 2018. "You are a child's worst nightmare, you are every parent's horror, you are a menace to the community," Judge Liesl Chapman said in Adelaide. Interpol did not identify the others arrested.


The HSI's regional attache in Bangkok, Eric McLoughlin, said in the statement that "numerous arrests" had been made in the U.S. Some held "positions of public trust," he said, and one individual was abusing his two-year-old stepbrother. "Operation Blackwrist sends a clear message to those abusing children, producing child sexual exploitation material and sharing the images online: We see you, and you will be brought to justice," Interpol's Secretary General Juergen Stock said.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:38 a.m. No.6576725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Krass bros banned permanently from Twitter.

Sourced from QRes#8401


Ryan Saavedra


‏Verified account @RealSaavedra


BREAKING: Twitter has permanently banned prominent anti-Trump brothers Brian and Ed Krassenstein, alleging that two of the biggest stars of Resistance Twitter had broken the site’s rules about operating fake accounts and purchasing fake interactions


Such sad news .. kek

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:40 a.m. No.6576732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6776



'Modern fascism is breaking cover': Journalists react to Assange Espionage Act charges

Sourced from QRes#8401


The US government's indictment of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange on 17 additional charges under the Espionage Act has shocked and horrified journalists who are calling it an unprecedented attack on press freedom.


The new indictment claims Assange endangered the lives of individuals working for the US government when Wikileaks published leaked documents received from intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in 2010. Under the draconian Espionage Act, which has never before been used against a journalist publishing classified information, Assange faces up to 10 years in prison for each charge.


"Assange was complicit with Chelsea Manning…in unlawfully obtaining and disclosing classified documents related to the national defense," the Department of Justice said in a statement, while National Security Division head John Demers insisted "Julian Assange is no journalist."


Actual journalists, however, were horrified by the "unprecedented assault on the First Amendment."



Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:43 a.m. No.6576738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More Papa D Tweets

Sourced from QRes#8403


George Papadopoulos



The president knows he and his campaign were set up by the UK and Australia as well as a rogue FBI/CIA. The UK/Australia were in on it voluntarily, not by accident. When he takes the unprecedented step to declassify the FISA materials, he will be doing it for America’s honor.


George Papadopoulos



May 21

Replying to @JohnBrennan


Oh, John: all the weaponized assets you sent my way [Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer, Stefan Halper] are all being outed from London, Rome and Canberra. Those governments are now actively cooperating with the Trump administration and have flipped on you. Your role will be exposed

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 2:53 a.m. No.6576765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Papua New Guinea's PM is forced to deny being Australian after his citizenship is called into question

Sourced from QRes#8406


Papua New Guinea's prime minister has told a court he's never been an Australian citizen amid questions about his eligibility to hold office.


Attorney-General Alfred Manase this week launched a probe into the citizenship of all 111 sitting members of PNG's parliament after outspoken opposition politician Bryan Kramer alleged PM Peter O'Neill held dual Australian citizenship through his Melbourne-born father.


Dual citizens are not eligible to serve as members of the Pacific country's parliament.


O'Neill's lawyers on Thursday submitted an affidavit saying he had never been an Australian citizen and did not hold an Australian passport.


The prime minister has also asked for a court order preventing Kramer from continuing to make what he calls defamatory statements.


Kramer has said he will only provide proof in court or parliament next week.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 3:04 a.m. No.6576795   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Global paedophile ring bust leads to the rescue of 50 children amid fears of hundreds of abuse cases

Sourced from QRes#8408


A global police operation has rescued 50 children from an international paedophilia ring, following the arrest of multiple people – including one man based in Australia.


The International Criminal Police Organisation, Interpol, first started investigating the ring in 2017 after the discovery of online material showing the abuse of 11 boys, all under the age of 13.


Authorities allege the material surfaced on the darkweb through a subscription-based website with an audience of almost 63,000 people worldwide.


After surveillance involving authorities from Thailand, the USA, Bulgaria, New Zealand and Australia, the website’s main administrator, Montri Salangam, was arrested in November 2017 in Thailand.


Police allege material on the website showed Salangam abusing 11 boys – one of whom was his nephew – after he lured them to his home with food, internet access and football games.


Another man, Ruecha Tokputza, was also arrested in Adelaide before 251 pornographic videos and 415 videos were found on his phone, with some showing him as the main abuser.


Tokputza’s youngest victim was just 15 months old. It is believed he also removed one child's nappy and abused another while he slept.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 24, 2019, 3:11 a.m. No.6576811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the region

Sourced from QRes#8407


Schulz to resign from UQP after 11 years

Anonymous ID: de67dd May 24, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.6580710   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm going to go with: A) The interior of Australia is practically uninhabited.


Why are there more lights in the center/West of the continent than on the South Eastern coast (Sydney, Melbourne) ???


Here's a Wikipedia photo showing just the opposite.


OP: Please elaborate!

Anonymous ID: 3ecc82 May 24, 2019, 8:30 p.m. No.6583739   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AUSTRALIAN ANONS have undoubtedly already noted the masonic checkerboard and iron cross symbols of the Queensland Police emblems. I just had a closer look at some of Qld Police's latest propaganda, which incorporates aboriginal art into their Luciferian agenda.


This new propaganda initiative is called "Look to the Stars," and seems like it's ostensibly an initiative for improved cooperation between aboriginal communities and Qld police. It's actually a bit unclear what it's really for, but they've still made a fancy website for it:


There's not much on the site, and I'm not even sure who would bother to look at the site, except Luciferians. A few things jump out at me, though, including more iron crosses, and also the language of the text which recalls familiar Luciferian themes:


"Shining brightest are the nine stars of our constellation."


NOTE: The notion of "shining stars" is in the vein of sun/star worship of Lucifer (The god of the Morning Star).


Three stars "our guiding constellation lights up the sky, illuminating our way forward to the united future."


NOTE: Lucifer is the "Light Bringer" and the concept of "illumination" is where the term Illuminati originates, incorporating the idea that only the elites are "illuminated" or "enlightened." The rest of us are sheep/animals. Also the idea of "forwarding" is a Luciferian concept where elite leaders are meant to shepherd humanity toward the Luciferian vision of the world.


"Look to the stars."


NOTE: I couldn't help recalling Q's words here, "They thought we would follow the stars," which I think we all thought meant movie stars and elite leaders…but might actually mean something more darkly symbolic after all. Triple meanings exist.


"The paths SWIRL in and out of themselves."


NOTE: the swirl symbol familiar to the FBI.


"Dark moments" "Dark empty space"


NOTE: What this has to do with an optimistic police initative to repair broken relationships with lost communities, I'm not sure, but it definitely recalls some Luciferian concepts of "darkness" and quantum physics.


"The police…demonstrate absolute impartial service to the law, in complete independence of policy, AND WITHOUT REGARD TO THE JUSTICE OR INJUSTICE OF THE SUBSTANCE OF INDIVIDUAL LAWS."


NOTE: This was a bit unsettling. Sounds like the SS to me. Are they trying to convince the police to do things against the people even against their own conscience? I'm not sure.


NOTE: Aboriginal culture is ancient and full of symbolism and a deep understanding of the spiritual forces that exist in this world, so I have no doubt this artwork might also be drawing on venerable icons in the ancient aboriginal culture. But I also think much of that knowledge is lost and corrupted by the Luciferians, and I don't think these symbols here are being used as positive symbols of freedom, but are hand-picked to represent the Luciferian agenda.

Anonymous ID: 47355e May 24, 2019, 8:47 p.m. No.6583880   🗄️.is 🔗kun



My guess is that Assange will Board AF1 in two weeks time when Potus is over there scaring the shit out of the UK

Safest plane on the planet

He will travel with Trump


Love to be a fly on the wall urging their conversations



God Bless the USA

Praying for their safety

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 May 24, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.6584072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1681



You sound pretty mad to me. Try again when you have a clue.


Besides, I don't care who's 'opinion' it was. The info was wrong. You implied a single admin donated, when BOTH parties did.


You're cute when you're mad btw.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.6584096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4112 >>4159

''So it begins…''


Australia in Trump's sights for 'Russia hoax' investigation


New York: US President Donald Trump has asked his Attorney-General William Barr to investigate Australia's role in sparking the 2016 FBI probe into potential links between his election campaign and Russia.


On Friday, local time, Trump publicly singled out Australia and the UK - two of America's closest allies - when discussing what he calls the "Russia hoax" and "witch hunt".


The move was criticised by some members of US Congress who predicted that the investigation could undermine trust between the Five Eyes intelligence sharing nations: the US, Australia, UK, Canada and New Zealand.


On Thursday Trump gave Barr sweeping new authorities to conduct a review into how the 2016 Trump campaign's ties to Russia were investigated.


On Friday he announced that he had declassified potentially millions of pages of intelligence documents related to surveillance activities on his campaign and Barr would have "full and complete authority" to examine them.


"So what I've done is I've declassified everything," Trump told reporters at the White House before departing on a trip to Japan.


"He can look and I hope he looks at the UK and I hope he looks at Australia and I hope he looks at Ukraine.


"I hope he looks at everything, because there was a hoax that was perpetrated on our country."


Trump is believed to be operating without precedent by giving an official who is not in charge of an intelligence agency the power to reveal its secrets.


US Special Counsel Bob Mueller's report on links between the Trump campaign and Russia, pointed to a 2016 meeting between then Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos and Australian then high commissioner to the UK, Alexander Downer, in a London bar as prompting the FBI to open its Trump-Russia probe.


The FBI probe led to Mueller being appointed as special counsel.


Papadopoulos has repeatedly claimed Downer spied on him during the bar meeting, a claim which Downer has rejected.


Downer has said that Papadopoulos told him at the bar Russia had damaging material on Trump's presidential rival Hillary Clinton.


The information was forwarded to Canberra and then passed on to US intelligence services and the FBI.


Papadopoulos denies telling Downer anything about Russia obtaining damaging information on Clinton.


In response to Trump's announcement Papadopoulos tweeted: "I have kept the heat on the UK and Australia for a while now. They will finally be exposed. None more than Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer."


He continued: "Fortunately, so many of these clowns that started to spy on me were from the UK/Australia/Italy. Those governments have absolutely no loyalty to the Obama administration/Comey/Brennan now. They are going to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back."


Trump described the Russia probe as "an attempted coup or an attempted takedown of the President of the United States".


Trump also said he might ask outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May about "potential Five Eyes spying" on his campaign.


"I may very well talk to her about that, yeah," Trump said.


"There's word and rumour that the FBI and others were involved, CIA were involved, with the UK, having to do with the Russian hoax," Trump said.


Jim Himes, a Democrat member of the House Intelligence Committee, said Trump was damaging alliances and potentially exposing confidential sources for his own political purposes.


"What the UK and Australia and New Zealand see is because the President, in order to forward a political fantasy, may blow our sources and methods, put our people at risk," Himes told CNN.


"This is a very dangerous thing for the United States."


Papadopoulos was one of Mueller's first convictions, with the former aide pleading guilty to lying to the FBI. He was sentenced to 14 days' jail.


Papadopoulos, Republican members of Congress and right-wing US media figures have been urging the president to declassify the documents.


"It's the greatest hoax, probably, in the history of our country and somebody has to get to the bottom of it," Trump said.


"We'll see.


"But for a long period of time, they've wanted me to declassify and I did."

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.6584112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4142


New George Papadopoulos Tweet


I have kept the heat on the UK and Australia for a while now. They will finally be exposed. None more than Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 24, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.6584142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4154


Video from George Papadopoulos' retweet. Australia mentioned at 0:24.


M3thods @M2Madness


DJT: "The AG is one of the most respected people…He's going to look at a lot of documents…I've declassified everything…I hope he looks at the UK, and I hope he looks at Australia, and I hope he looks at Ukraine. I hope he looks at everything."



Anonymous ID: 3af498 May 24, 2019, 9:32 p.m. No.6584159   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Trump (or should I say Q+) sends his love to Anons everywhere when he says, "So many of these CLOWNS that started to spy on me were from the UK/Australia/Italy."


Goodbye CLOWNS!

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 12:05 a.m. No.6584728   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Snap ‘climate emergency’ rally to disrupt parts of Melbourne CBD at midday


A group that caused widespread disruptions in London last month has gathered for a “snap rally” in the Melbourne CBD.


Sourced from QRes#8409


More than 1000 people marched through the Melbourne CBD to lay “dead” at one of the city’s busiest intersections this afternoon.


Holding placards and banners that read “don’t burn my future” and “too late you bastards we’re done asking nicely”, the so-called snap ended at Bourke and Swanston streets for a “die-in”.


The climate emergency rally was organised by Extinction Rebellion, the same group behind large-scale disruptions in London last month.


More than 5000 people responded to an invitation to attend but less than half of that number showed up.


Among them were hundreds of school students — including a pair who climbed on top of tram stop shelters to enjoy the view.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 12:15 a.m. No.6584761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4764

Professional shills, and general shitheads, the Krassenstein brothers, banhammered off twatter for good. Winning never gets old.




Good news is always worth repeating … kek

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 12:16 a.m. No.6584764   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Leave it to Will Sommer to provide the answer about why the K bros are banned from twatter: because of operating "multiple fake accts & purchasing acct interactions"


Both posts sourced from QRes#8409

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 12:22 a.m. No.6584773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: U.K., Italian and Australian Government stand strongly against Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer & Stefan Halper’s actions against former Trump official Papadopoulos and are now actively cooperating with the Trump administration to investigate the FBI.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 12:26 a.m. No.6584795   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Official filing of USA vs. Assange in the Eastern District of Virginia:

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.6584799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another PapaD Tweet

Sourced from QRes#8412


No conspiracy Marshall. It’s all coming out. Downer will go down in history as the bumbling spy I outed who almost upended the US-Australia relationship…until his own government throws him under the bus. Next time don’t use your phone to spy on me, dummy.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 25, 2019, 12:32 a.m. No.6584813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Statement from the Press Secretary | The White House


Issued on: May 23, 2019


Today, at the request and recommendation of the Attorney General of the United States, President Donald J. Trump directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election. The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information. Today’s action will help ensure that all Americans learn the truth about the events that occurred, and the actions that were taken, during the last Presidential election and will restore confidence in our public institutions.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 25, 2019, 12:33 a.m. No.6584815   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Orders Declassification of Obama-Era Russia Probe Intel


Democrats leading the impeachment charge against President Trump have repeatedly called on him to justify his assertion that Obama administration officials tried to undermine his 2016 presidential campaign and election. On Thursday night, he took the first step in trying to do just that when he ordered the declassification of intelligence documents that he has said show the pathway Obama officials navigated to spy on the campaign.


In a directive to the CIA, the director of National Intelligence, the Pentagon and several other national security agencies, Trump handed Attorney General Bill Barr the authority to declassify or downgrade “information or intelligence that relates to the attorney general’s review.” The president ordered the agencies to “promptly provide such assistance and information as the attorney general may request in connection with that review.”


Barr has begun looking into the origins and timing of the FBI’s 2016 counter-intelligence investigation, code-named “Crossfire Hurricane,” aimed at uncovering evidence that Trump campaign officials were conspiring with Russians to interfere in the election. The FBI’s probe included wiretaps on a Trump adviser Carter Page.


Trump’s move came earlier than many of his allies and associates had expected. Most had expected him to wait until Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz released the results of his year-long investigation into the sources and methods the FBI used to begin surveillance on the Trump campaign based at least in part on discredited information gathered by former British spy Christopher Steele.


Barr has said the inspector general is wrapping up his probe and could release a final report as early as next month.


But after a series of fiery clashes between Trump and Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the last two days, Trump moved to begin the declassification process.


White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders in a statement said the order “will help Americans learn the truth about the events that occurred, and the actions that were taken during the last presidential election and will restore confidence in our public institutions.”


Sanders also underscored the “the full and complete” authority Barr now has “to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information.”


The declassification process will undoubtedly shed new light on the role FBI officials, including former Director James Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe, as well as former FBI agent Peter Strzok, lawyer Lisa Page and former Associate Deputy Director Bruce Ohr, played in seeking the warrant application under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to begin spying on Page.


The move also could help detail the role former CIA Director John Brennan played in pushing the narrative regarding Russian efforts to penetrate the Trump campaign. The first evidence of those efforts, according to media reports, came from foreign intelligence sources’ tipoffs, based on voice intercepts, computer traffic or human sources based outside the United States, dating back to 2015.


Former National Intelligence Director James Clapper has argued that the unproven “Russian dossier” that Steele composed — and which was bankrolled by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign — was not the primary source for the FISA warrants. If not, then the declassified FISA-related documents will undoubtedly show what other information officials used to secure the surveillance warrants.


Nearly two years ago, when Trump accused Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, of engaging in the “unmasking” of U.S. persons as part of the counter-intelligence probe, a potentially criminal act, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said he should show proof that it occurred.


“If he’s going to make accusations of criminality against anyone, he needs to show evidence to support that kind of charge,” the then-ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee said at the time.


Rep. Eric Swalwell, now a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, went further, arguing that “if the president wants to say that Susan Rice committed a crime, he has the power to declassify. No one else does.”


Trump tried to declassify materials related to the FBI’s Russian investigation back in September, but Democrats objected that doing so would compromise FBI “sources and methods.” The president abandoned the plan after key allies called on him not to release the material over concerns that doing so could have a negative impact on the then-ongoing Russia probe led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 25, 2019, 1:10 a.m. No.6584885   🗄️.is 🔗kun

George Papadopoulos Twitter Round Up


It’s time to also understand why two US intel guys were spying on me in London days before Clinton errand boy/US intel asset, Alexander Downer, started to spy as well. Who was sending these jokers? Out them all and their handlers.


I think a short phone call with Bibi Netanyahu will help the president get to the bottom of what the Australians were really up to. Downer went on a bizarre rant and blamed the Israelis for him spying on me in a recent interview he gave.


Fortunately, so many of these clowns that started to spy on me were from the UK/Australia/Italy. Those governments have absolutely no loyalty to the Obama administration/Comey/Brennan now. They are going to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.


Italy was the first to flip. They are giving up Mifsud. The rest of the dominoes are all falling after him implicating the UK and Australia with the FBI/CIA.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 2:21 a.m. No.6585041   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Major new risk noted by Swiss Re in their 2019 SONAR report: 5G "Off the leash: The spread of 5G technology":

Sourced from QRes#8414


Digital technology's clash with legacy infrastructure, new risks emerging from the spread of 5G mobile networks, increasingly limited fiscal and monetary policy flexibility, and genetic testing and its implications for the insurance industry are challenges with potentially high impact.


Off the leash: The spread of 5G technology

5G will enable wireless connectivity in real time for any device of the internet of things (IoT), such as autonomous cars or sensor-steered factories. Current concerns regarding potential negative health effects from electromagnetic fields are likely to increase. In addition, hackers can also exploit 5G speed and volume to acquire (or steal) more data faster. Major concerns are possible privacy and security breaches, as well as espionage.


full webpage:


Aging infrastructure, 5G, economy among top emerging risks: Swiss Re


Aging infrastructure, the spread of 5G technology, a potential economic downturn, the growth of genetic testing and climate change are the five emerging risks with the highest potential impact on the insurance and reinsurance industry in 2019, according to a new Swiss Re Institute report.


Technological improvements are ongoing and hardware in critical infrastructure, including smart electric power grids or pipelines and hospitals, is often outdated, according to the Swiss Re SONAR report on new emerging risks published on Wednesday.


“As a consequence, insurers face higher risk accumulation unexpected loss potential in the areas of property damage, bodily injury, business interruption and cyber risk,” the report said.


In addition, advancements in 5G mobile networks will enable wireless connectivity in real time for Internet of Things devices, according to the report.


“Current concerns regarding potential negative health effects from electromagnetic fields are likely to increase,” the report said. “Hackers can also exploit 5G speed and volume to acquire (or steal) more data faster. Major concerns are possible privacy and security breaches and espionage.”,-5G,-economy-among-top-emerging-risks-Swiss-Re


Anons comments (needs sauce)

Insurers are not going to underwrite the health risks associated with 5G. Who is going to carry the can? When the chickens come home to roost? And the epidemiological ducks are in a row, showing thousands of people dying around towers?


There was one estimate by an Australian insurer that tried to quantify the liabilities involved with the wireless industry. They returned a single word: "Incalculable." The insurance industry has woken up to the dangers of 5G. They are not fooled; and that should send a huge message to anyone watching this industry. How can you undertake an enterprise of this scale, with no research and no standards and no regulations and absolutely no underwriting of the health risks? This is gross economic malpractice.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 2:42 a.m. No.6585067   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Everyone else must take my place’: Assange in letter from British prison

Sourced from QRes#8415


In a handwritten letter from Belmarsh prison, WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange says he is being denied a chance to defend himself and that elements in the US that “hate truth, liberty and justice” want him extradited and dead.


The letter was sent to independent British journalist Gordon Dimmack. It was dated May 13 – ten days before the US announced 17 additional charges under the Espionage Act against the jailed whistleblower.


In light of the new indictment, Dimmack read out the letter in a YouTube video. A photo of the handwritten note was soon posted online as well.


“I have been isolated from all ability to prepare to defend myself: no laptop, no internet, ever, no computer, no library, so far, but even if I get access it will just be for a half an hour, with everyone else, once a week,” Assange wrote. “The other side? A superpower that has been preparing for 9 years, with hundreds of people and untold millions spent on the case.”


Assange was arrested on April 11, after Ecuador revoked his political asylum and UK police seized him from the Latin American country’s embassy in London. He was sentenced to 50 weeks behind bars for skipping bail, and sent to Belmarsh, a prison south of London once dubbed 'British Guantanamo' for being used to jail terrorism suspects.


I am defenseless.


“I am unbroken, albeit literally surrounded by murderers, but, the days where I could read and speak and organize to defend myself, my ideals, and my people are over until I am free! Everyone else must take my place,” Assange wrote in the letter.


The WikiLeaks publisher had sought refuge in Ecuador in 2012, claiming – correctly, as it turned out – that trumped-up charges in Sweden would be used to get him extradited to the US. A secret indictment of Assange, only made public in March, charged him with violating the Espionage Act over the 2010 publication of secret US military and diplomatic documents.


“The US government, or rather, those regrettable elements in it that hate truth, liberty and justice, want to cheat their way into my extradition and death, rather than letting the public hear the truth, for which I have won the highest awards in journalism and have been nominated 7 times for the Nobel Peace Prize,” Assange wrote.


Truth, ultimately, is all we have.


The new charges against Assange have alarmed even the mainstream media outlets that have spent years pouring vitriol on WikiLeaks, as they began to realize his prosecution along those lines would essentially criminalize all journalism. However, because Assange and WikiLeaks have been demonized by advocates of the Russiagate conspiracy theory as “agents of the Kremlin” and spies, media pushback against the charges has been muted at best.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 2:46 a.m. No.6585075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5089

Trump ‘Hopes’ Barr Scrutinizes British And Australian Role In ‘Hoax’ Investigation

Sourced from QRes#8417


President Donald Trump said Friday he hopes the attorney general looks at the roles played by the British, Australian and Ukrainian governments in the investigation of the Trump campaign.


Trump called out the allied governments when asked about his decision to authorize Barr to declassify a slew of documents related to the origins of the Russia probe.


“I hope he looks at everything,” Trump said of Barr.


President Donald Trump on Friday said he hopes Attorney General William Barr looks at intelligence the British, Australian and Ukrainian governments provided their American counterparts as part of the investigation of the Trump campaign.


“And I hope he looks at the U.K., and I hope he looks at Australia, and I hope he looks at Ukraine. I hope he looks at everything, because there was a hoax that was perpetrated on our country,” Trump told reporters of Barr.


Trump authorized Barr to declassify documents Thursday related to the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign. He also instructed other federal agencies, including the CIA and FBI, to provide classified materials to Barr as part of an inquiry he is making into the government surveillance of the Trump campaign.


Barr has said while he believes “spying” occurred against the campaign, he wants to find out whether it was authorized and legal.


“[W]hat I’ve done is I’ve declassified everything,” Trump said Friday.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 2:54 a.m. No.6585089   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Aussie MSM reporting of Trumps Comments

Sourced from QRes#8417


#1 9 News

US President Donald Trump wants Australia's role in sparking the 2016 FBI probe into potential links between his election campaign and Russia examined by US Attorney General William Barr.


In a potentially explosive development for the historically rock solid US-Australian alliance, Trump has publicly named Australia for the first time while discussing what he calls the "Russia hoax" and "witch hunt".


The move was denounced by some members of US Congress who predicted trust between the Five Eyes intelligence sharing nations - the US, Australia, UK, Canada and New Zealand - could be eroded.


Trump said he has declassified potentially millions of pages of intelligence documents related to surveillance activities on his campaign and Mr Barr would have "full and complete authority" to examine them.


"So what I've done is I've declassified everything," Trump told reporters at the White House on Friday before departing on a trip to Japan.


#2 SMH


Very similar initial content to 9 news article, so not worth repeating here.


But also…


Papadopoulos has repeatedly claimed Downer spied on him during the bar meeting, a claim which Downer has rejected.


Downer has said that Papadopoulos told him at the bar Russia had damaging material on Trump's presidential rival Hillary Clinton.


The information was forwarded to Canberra and then passed on to US intelligence services and the FBI.


Papadopoulos denies telling Downer anything about Russia obtaining damaging information on Clinton.


In response to Trump's announcement Papadopoulos tweeted: "I have kept the heat on the UK and Australia for a while now. They will finally be exposed. None more than Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer."

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 25, 2019, 7:10 a.m. No.6585856   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the region/Commonwealth … kek


Theresa May announces her resignation as prime minister and Conservative leader


SIR Vince Cable has finally quit as leader of the Lib Dems - hours after Prime Minister Theresa May's shock resignation



Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 25, 2019, 7:52 p.m. No.6590233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0336 >>1341


Testing…testing…1 - 2 - 3…


Q Research AUSTRALIA #5 was visible in the catalog this morning but would only load the dreaded "404 - Page Not Found" message. An appeal for help was posted in General #8423 and Baker/BO/BVs were right onto it.


Seems this helpful anon >>6588423 has resurrected our thread!


Not sure what happened here. Apparently General #8400 also 404'ed. Hopefully it was a system-wide issue and our humble little thread just got caught in the 'crossfire'.


I'll be posting a message of thanks in the latest General shortly. Let the Oz research continue…

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 25, 2019, 11:05 p.m. No.6591116   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More George Papadopoulos Tweets


Alexander Downer’s fake testimony against me helped launch a witch-hunt. My real testimony against him has launched an unprecedented investigation into the deep state and its global actors in Italy-Ukraine-UK-Australia. Downer will forever b remembered as the Clinton errand boy.


Clapper was spending a lot of time in Australia trying to cover his tracks along with Downer’s and the Australian government as a whole. Supoanea him and expose the Australians. They need us. We don’t need them!

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 26, 2019, 12:14 a.m. No.6591484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1568

Huawei "Spent All Their Resources Stealing", Stunning New Exposé Shows


Sourced from QRes#8247


The accusations of Huawei stealing trade secrets from across the world are hitting a fever pitch, thanks to a new Wall Street Journal expose that blows open accusations of theft and stealing of trade secrets. The article includes insights from lawsuits, Huawei’s competitors and former employees. Allegations run the gamut against the company: from its business practices, to the science behind its 5G, all the way down to copying the text it used in its user manuals.


Huawei has grown into China’s global technology powerhouse, as a leader in 5G networks and giant maker of telecom equipment. The company employs 188,000 people in more than 170 countries and sells more smartphones than Apple. It also provides cloud services, manufactures microchips and runs internet cables undersea that help route global traffic.


The United States is finally following in the footsteps of places like Australia and putting pressure on the company out of concern for national security. Just last week, the Trump administration unveiled measures to help cut Huawei off from American suppliers and stop it from doing business in the United States. The administration believes that the company takes its orders directly from Beijing and that its standing as the top telecom company in the world makes it a powerful tool for China's authoritarian government.


Huawei writes the whole thing off as one big misunderstanding and says that it complies with laws in global markets: “We respect the integrity of intellectual property rights—for our own business, as well as peer, partner and competitor companies,” the company said.


The US had done little to confront Huawei head-on up until the last couple of months. This allowed the Chinese giant to grow bigger than companies like Cisco and Motorola, while at the same time settling civil litigation along the way without admitting fault.


Robert Read, a former contract engineer from 2002 to 2003 in Huawei’s Sweden office said:


“They spent all their resources stealing technology. You’d steal a motherboard and bring it back and they’d reverse-engineer it.”

Anonymous ID: f088e7 May 26, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.6591568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9613



"America is following the footsteps of Australia?!"


Is that a typo? Surely you meant Australia WILL BE following in the footsteps of America.


Notice how, when they cover Trump's Huawei ban, the Aus MSM never even mentions the fact that the ban might be because HUWAWEI IS A THREAT TO HUMANITY. Instead they're always just, "so what's a consumer gonna do if they want to download a new app from Google Play like Candy Crush 7?"


Aus MSM don't even ask what it might mean if Huawei is trying to spy on the people and on government in a VERY REAL WAR. Lives are at stake! Freedom is at stake! The whole Planet is at stake! But you'd never know it from ABC or Sky.


Has this Australia thread been taken over by shills? Is that why the last Aus thread was attacked?

Anonymous ID: b0518a May 26, 2019, 12:56 a.m. No.6591615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Life in Exile

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 26, 2019, 3:24 a.m. No.6591923   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sinodinos tapped for US role as Trump raises questions over Australia


Scott Morrison has tapped one of the Coalition's most trusted voices, Arthur Sinodinos, to become the next ambassador to the United States as President Donald Trump raises questions over Australia's role in the FBI inquiry into his 2016 election.


Ahead of what could be a testing period for Australia's relationship with its most important diplomatic relationship, Senator Sinodinos - widely tipped to take a cabinet position in the re-elected Morrison government - will head to Washington.


The term of Joe Hockey, the current ambassador and former treasurer in the Abbott government, is to finish at the end of the year. This enabled Mr Morrison to offer the post to Senator Sinodinos who is expected to take over in January 2020, the start of a presidential election year.


Senator Sinodinos said he was pleased to take up the posting.


"I'm looking forward to the opportunity to serve my country abroad in this way," he said.


"This is a very good opportunity to regroup as a family after the health issues of recent years."


A highly respected former cabinet minister and chief of staff to John Howard, Senator Sinodinos served as Malcolm Turnbull's cabinet secretary but was forced to stand down to undergo treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. He has since made a full recovery and was widely tipped to return to cabinet under Mr Morrison.


Senator Sinodinos, who will remain in the Senate until his posting, will walk straight into President Trump's concerns about the FBI investigation that led to the Mueller inquiry.


US Special Counsel Bob Mueller's report on links between the Trump campaign and Russia, pointed to a 2016 meeting between then Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos and Australian then high commissioner to the UK, Alexander Downer, in a London bar as prompting the FBI to open its Trump-Russia probe.


The FBI probe led to Mueller being appointed as special counsel.


Ahead of a weekend trip to Japan, President Trump said he had declassified intelligence documents so the truth of the FBI inquiry could be determined.


"He can look and I hope he looks at the UK and I hope he looks at Australia and I hope he looks at Ukraine.


"I hope he looks at everything, because there was a hoax that was perpetrated on our country."


United States Studies Centre fellow Bruce Wolpe said Senator Sinodinos would be a fine appointment because of his experience and sharp political instincts.


He said they would come in handy given the move by President Trump to investigate the events of 2016.


"The trick will be engaging with President Trump and figuring out how to protect Australia's interests and dealing with a very transactional president," he said.


"The Mueller investigation is clearly in the mind of the President and how he thinks about the relationship. There is a big risk from Australia's perspective that in the future, if there is a request of President Trump, he's going to take into account the history of the relationship."


Mr Morrison would not be drawn on Mr Trump's comments or move, saying he would not comment on an investigation that was under way.


Senator Sinodinos focused on the close ties between the two nations.


"We are two of the world's oldest continuing democracies and have fought alongside one another in all the major conflicts of the last century. Above all we stand for humane and decent universal values," he said.

Anonymous ID: 6c1f32 May 26, 2019, 8:36 a.m. No.6592990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4378 >>1276


Neither BO nor BV here, just a helpful anon who knows AUS fags deserve support. When you get the 404 page, there's a suggested method to recover it from the Alacrity daemon's failure. That's all I did. Glad you all were back online while I slept. That's what anons do, watch each other's backs.

Give 'em Hell, AUS!!!


Where We Go One We Go ALL!

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 26, 2019, 11:40 p.m. No.6599613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4394


>Has this Australia thread been taken over by shills?


Doubtful. Not many here after ISPs blocked 8chan.


>Is that why the last Aus thread was attacked?

Not sure what you are referring to ? Site 404'd for someone … but I never had any issues accessing or posting to the site over the period it was allegedly "down" - but then again have enabled ENSI (refer attachment) so DNS blocks are no longer a issue.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 26, 2019, 11:55 p.m. No.6599682   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

Sourced from QRes#8428


Papua New Guinea prime minister resigns after 7 years


PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea – Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has resigned after seven years on the job.


His announcement follows weeks of high profile defections from his government to the opposition.


O'Neill said in a news conference in the capital of Port Moresby that recent movements in parliament have shown a "need for change."


He handed over his leadership to a former prime minister and current member of parliament, Sir Julius Chan.


On Friday, one of O Neill's key coalition allies abandoned him. The opposition bloc has since been saying it has 62 lawmakers in its camp, which would give it a majority in parliament.


The resignation will be formalized when O'Neill visits the governor-general, the official representative of Queen Elizabeth II.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 27, 2019, 12:01 a.m. No.6599705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0235

Sea level data ALTERED by scientists to create false impression of rising oceans

Sourced from QRes#8432


A scientific paper published by a team of Australian researchers has revealed a startling find: Scientists at the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) have been “adjusting” historical data regarding tide levels in the Indian Ocean. Their “highly questionable” activities have depicted rapidly rising seas — but the truth is that there is no reason to be alarmed at all. Scientists have found that sea levels are stable — and have been for the entirety of the 20th century.


To put it simply, these PSMSL “scientists” have been arbitrarily changing their data in order to create the illusion of a problem that doesn’t actually exist.


According to the Australian research team, sea levels in the Indian ocean have remained stable for decades. Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier recently published their astounding research in the journal Earth Systems and Environment; their extensive research gives an in-depth look at how this massive deception was undertaken.


PSMSL “realigned” stable sea level trends


As the researchers report, there are multiple lines of evidence that show sea levels in the Indian Ocean are completely stable. Further, the scientific duo explains that the data-adjusters at PSMSL were taking “misaligned or incomplete” sea level data (which showed no rise in sea levels, or even decreasing sea levels) and “realigning” them.


As Parker and Ollier contend, “It is always highly questionable to shift data collected in the far past without any proven new supporting material.” But what makes the PSMSL’s data shifts even more questionable is the fact that older datasets were adjusted to look lower while all newer sets of sea level data were re-configured to appear higher. When these arbitrary adjustments are taken together, it creates the appearance of a significant and concerning rise in sea levels — one that is entirely artificial.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 27, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.6599742   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Citigroup, JP Morgan, UBS Face Forex Cartel Class Action in Australia

Sourced from QRes#8346


Citigroup Inc., Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are among five banks named in a class action lawsuit in Australia seeking damages for colluding on foreign-exchange trading strategies.


UBS Group AG and Barclays Plc were also named in the suit lodged Monday in the Federal Court by Maurice Blackburn Lawyers. The action claims the banks colluded to rig foreign exchange rates, boosting profits at the expense of Australian businesses and investors, the law firm said in a statement.


Spokespeople at Citi and JPMorgan in Sydney had no immediate comment on the suit. UBS didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment. A representative for Barclays in Hong Kong declined to comment. A representative for RBS in London didn’t immediately respond to an inquiry outside of office hours.


Citi, RBS, JPMorgan and Barclays were among five lenders that agreed to pay European Union fines totaling 1.07 billion euros ($1.2 billion) earlier this month for colluding on foreign exchange strategies. UBS escaped a fine because it was the first to tell regulators about the collusion.


Read more: Loose lips and FX tips - how chats cost banks $1.2 billion


Traders allegedly used chat rooms bearing names such as “The Cartel,” “The Bandits’ Club,” and “The Mafia,” and communicated directly with each other to coordinate the manipulation of FX benchmark rates, control the pricing of spreads and to trigger client stop-loss orders and limit orders, Maurice Blackburn said.


The manipulation of benchmark foreign-exchange rates was exposed in 2013 via Bloomberg stories, triggering regulatory probes in the U.S., the U.K. and Switzerland. More than a dozen financial institutions have paid about $11.8 billion in fines and penalties globally, with another $2.3 billion spent to compensate customers and investors.


While the U.S. has won guilty pleas from JPMorgan, Citigroup, RBS and Barclays, three British traders in the group known as “The Cartel” were acquitted by a U.S. federal court last year of using a chatroom to coordinate trades and manipulate prices on the spot exchange rate for euros and U.S. dollars.


Maurice Blackburn’s suit claims Australian companies and investors, including importers, exporters, institutional investors and businesses with overseas operations have been affected by the distortion of currency markets by the five banks. The action is on behalf of customers who bought or sold more than A$500,000 ($347,000) of foreign currency between Jan. 1 2008 and Oct. 15, 2013, the law firm said.

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 May 27, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.6601276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian ships tailed by Chinese military in South China Sea


The Australian Navy was closely followed by the Chinese military in a recent transit of the South China Sea, near islands controversially claimed by Beijing.


Defence confirmed it had a "professional" and "friendly" interaction with the People's Liberation Army during Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2019, an ADF regional engagement mission which wrapped up today.


HMAS Canberra has anchored at Darwin, ending a three-month-long tour of seven Asian nations involving three other Australian warships, aircraft and more than 1,200 defence personnel.


Air Commodore Richard Owen spoke to the ABC on board the Task Group's flagship HMAS Canberra after she arrived in the Top End.


He said the Australian Task Group made two transits through the South China Sea, where the Chinese military keeps a close eye on international visitors who pass through the contested waters.


"It is controversial, we were quite aware of that," Air Commodore Owen said.


"We transited north and south through the South China Sea in international waters and we were engaged, as we normally are, by other navies."


The ABC can reveal the Australians were closely tailed by the Chinese military earlier this month as they made their way towards Vietnam, and as the Task Group departed Cam Ranh port.


"We were sensitive to all navy interactions, we train for that, we're aware of how they will behave and how we behave, so I had no extra worries about it at all, I was confident in the capabilities of the Royal Australian Navy and the ADF," Commodore Owen said.


"They'll want to know who we are, where we're going and what our intentions are, and the Chinese were no different — they were friendly, they were professional."


Last year the ABC revealed three Australian warships were also challenged by the Chinese military as they made their way to Vietnam for a three-day goodwill visit in Ho Chi Minh city.


During this year's Indo-Pacific Endeavour mission, HMAS Canberra was joined by HMAS Success, HMAS Newcastle and HMAS Parramatta, as well as embarked MH-60R maritime combat helicopters and MRH-90 maritime support helicopters.




I think we've all been trying to do our part and some of us have ended up going full retard (like myself). Gotta do more lurking.


Sorry fellow anons, will start anew by posting the above and continuing to lurk for news to post.

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 May 27, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.6601362   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Labor leader Anthony Albanese calls for end to climate wars


Anthony Albanese has called for an end to the climate wars, saying he wants to work with Scott Morrison on an emissions reduction plan that benefits both the environment and the economy.


After being confirmed as the party’s new leader on Monday morning, the senior leftwinger has also urged more people to join the Labor party, saying the movement needs to be “larger and more inclusive” to win an election in three years’ time. Arguing the opposition had many lessons to learn following its shock election defeat under Bill Shorten, Albanese said he believed that “conflict fatigue” was among the reasons the party had failed to convince voters of the need for change.


“People want solutions, not arguments. They have conflict fatigue,” Albanese said.

“I am a values politician, but I also say this to Scott Morrison – I’m not Tony Abbott.”


Flagging his desire to see bipartisanship on the vexed issues of constitutional recognition for indigenous Australians and climate policy, Albanese said he was prepared to work with the Coalition to develop a consensus position on a national emissions reduction plan.


“Let me say this unequivocally – the science is in, climate change is real, we must act,” Albanese said.


“Action will create jobs, it will benefit our economy and it will benefit our environment.

“The time for the ongoing conflict over these issues surely is over.”


But while indicating he was prepared to cooperate on some policy areas, Albanese also pledged to “strongly, forcefully” hold the Morrison government to account.


Albanese’s call for climate policy certainty comes as Labor’s shadow environment minister Tony Burke indicated the party could move away from its support of a direct market mechanism to tackle emissions reduction, suggesting Labor shift to a regulation and spending model, such as that being advocated by the Democrats in the US. Albanese said he was neither a “neither a climate sceptic, nor … a market sceptic”, saying he had consulted with business about the need for policy certainty.


“They are crying out for certainty, and it is time that the government worked with the opposition to deliver that certainty going into the future.”


Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has indicated the Coalition will pursue the climate policy it took to the election which centres on a $3.5bn emissions reduction fund. Pledging to work hard over the next three years to convince people of the need to vote Labor, Albanese acknowledged the party needed to do more to “reach out” to those who didn’t support either major party at the May 18 election, while conceding Labor had a “big mountain to climb” to form government.


more at sauce:

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 27, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.6602301   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No Australian request for US Barr probe


Australia hasn't yet been asked to "participate" in an investigation into the circumstances that sparked a multi-year probe into whether Donald Trump's 2016 US presidential campaign colluded with Russia.


US Attorney-General William Barr has been tasked with examining the events that prompted the FBI probe, and Mr Trump wants Australia's role examined.


The president said on Friday he has declassified "potentially millions of pages" of intelligence documents related to surveillance activities on his campaign so Mr Barr can analyse them.


"He can look and I hope he looks at the UK and I hope he looks at Australia and I hope he looks at Ukraine," Mr Trump told reporters.


Foreign Minister Marise Payne says Australia has not been asked to be part of Mr Barr's investigation.


"We have not been asked to participate. We would, of course, consider such a request were it to be made," she told ABC Radio National on Monday.


The minister has also followed Prime Minister Scott Morrison's lead by not commenting on what the investigation may cover.


"We don't intend to engage in a public commentary that might entail any risk that we're seen to prejudice the ongoing examination of these matters in the US."


The move has been denounced by some members of US Congress who predicted trust between the Five Eyes intelligence sharing nations - the US, Australia, UK, Canada and New Zealand - could be eroded.


The FBI probe led to Bob Mueller being appointed as US Special Counsel to investigate links between the Trump campaign and Russia.


His report pointed to a 2016 meeting between in a London bar between then Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos and Australian's then high commissioner to the UK Alexander Downer.


Mr Downer claimed Mr Papadopoulos told him at the bar Russia had damaging material on Trump's presidential rival Hillary Clinton.


The information was forwarded to Canberra and then passed on to US intelligence services and the FBI.


Mr Papadopoulos in return claimed Mr Downer spied on him during the bar meeting, a charge Mr Downer rejects.


Papadopoulos later pleading guilty to lying to the FBI. He was sentenced to 14 days' jail.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 28, 2019, 1:10 a.m. No.6607087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7102

George Pell will not seek reduced sentence if appeal against guilty verdict fails

RP from QRes#8439


Pell has been behind bars since February and is due to return to court next month to fight his conviction.


But he will not be adding an appeal against the six-year prison sentence handed down by County Court Chief Judge Peter Kidd in March.


Pell was ordered to serve at least three years and eight months of that sentence after being convicted by a jury in December of one charge of sexual penetration of a child and four charges of committing an indecent act with or in the presence of a child.


Pell raped one 13-year-old choirboy and sexually molested his friend in the sacristy of St Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne in 1996 when he was newly-installed as Archbishop.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 28, 2019, 1:15 a.m. No.6607102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7305



Further Pell related Anon comments Re-Posted from QRes







Hey genius just think for a second.


Pell has 2 people over his entire career who come after him.




No twenty, not thirty, not even ten.


Over 50 plus years just TWO…..2


You ever think something is really wrong here????


This just not add up……


Pell could be like Flynn or Rogers….


He knows where the bodies are buried.


This could be the big frame up of exposing the entire PEDOPHILE elites of Australia.


Pedophilia isn't just stopping at one or two.


There is a lot more to this story to come.






I have wondered if Cardinel Pell was a "Vatican hit" to warn other Church leaders what will happen if you criticize this Pope or expose the corruption in the Vatican Bank. Notice how Pope Francis tried to cover and even promote other pedo bishops and cardinals. Not one word to vouch for Pell. I wonder if Pell is, as you said the Vatican's version of Flynn or Rogers.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 28, 2019, 1:23 a.m. No.6607114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7119

Army Virtue-Tweet Backfires: 1000s Expose "Heartbreaking" Horrors Of War


RP from QRes#8439


Today is Memorial Day in the U.S., an occasion for remembering the fallen who have served in the military. The U.S. Army twitter account invited people to respond to the question "How has serving impacted you?"


"Tweet after tweet after tweet, people used the opportunity that the Army had inadvertently given them to describe how they or their loved one had been chewed up and spit out by a war machine that never cared about them."


11,000 people have responded. Nearly all gave testimonies to the horrors of war, the destruction of lives and the inadequate care of wounded veterans. The Zerohedge article has another 2,400 comments.


Most realize that all the wars in our lifetime have served the interests of the elite at the expense of themselves or their family and friends. The people are awakening.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 28, 2019, 1:24 a.m. No.6607119   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Would like to think Aus looks after its returned diggers a little better than the US, but wouldn't be surprised to hear its just as bad here.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 28, 2019, 1:34 a.m. No.6607132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7194

Surprised to see this turn up in Aussie press.


US investigative journalist Alex Bruce finds evidence the UK interfered in the US election, not Russia (posted in


RP from QRes#8441


United Kingdom begs Trump not to declassify Russia files – The Crown interfered with the US election, not Russia. The City of London’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane tried to take down a US President. May’s resignation over Brexit is a red herring


For a very low-budget, simple video, this piece by The Vincent Vendetta Channel is very affecting.


We’ve touched on the topic of our Very British Coup d’État in the past but not often enough.


As the DECLAS unfolds, we’ll be hearing more about how the American Nightmare we’ve been living is actually the product of fevered British imaginations consumed with the Great Game.


Before the dodgy work-product commissioned by Hillary Clinton’s campaign became known as the “Pee-Pee Dossier” or as the “Steel Dossier”, it was referred to within the FBI as the “Crown material”. Why, one might ask?


Vincent Vendetta tells us, “Maybe it’s because Operation Crossfire hurricane, which is what they named the operation to take down a duly elected American president mostly occurred on UK soil…I think it’s important to understand that Operation Crossfire Hurricane was a UK state project, a cross-party project, meaning they were all involved [and] Theresa May is guilty of committing an Act of War against the United States, by order of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her Privy Council…The declassification of these documents will show how the UK Corporation risked all our lives in order to cover up their crimes.


“Would you like to know why [Theresa May] really resigned? You didn’t think it was about Brexit, did you? They never expected [Hillary] to lose and since the day she did, they’ve been pushing for a nuclear World War III with Russia!


“Expand your thinking. The Skripal Case, the Russian Dossier, all of it was lies. They risked a nuclear war on all of us, in order to cover up their crimes.


“What they were blaming Russia for, they were guilty of themselves. It was her majesty’s government that meddled with the US elections. It was the UK government that did their very best to overthrow a duly elected president. It was the UK government that wanted to overrule the American people. Now, ask yourselves, why on Earth would they do that? Their actions are, to put it mildly an Act of War.


“This is a message to the people of the United Kingdom as a nation. We need to start preparing for what’s about to come. The storm is here and this is a storm so big, it has the potential to devastate our political landscape and demolish the throne of this Kingdom.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 28, 2019, 1:46 a.m. No.6607147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lynas Corp., an Australian rare-earths processor, and Blue Line Corp., a chemical company which is already based in Texas, agreed to a partnership to "see that US companies have continued access to rare-earth products by offering a US-based source."


RP from QRes#8445

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 28, 2019, 1:58 a.m. No.6607167   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8447


Looks like the Brits and Australians are trying to cover their asses now that it’s been revealed that Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer & Stefan Halper all participated in the attempted bribing of George Papadopoulos. All of this was conducted and set up by the Obama-Comey FBI and involved Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer & Stefan Halper.


BREAKING: U.K., Italian and Australian Government stand strongly against Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer & Stefan Halper’s actions against former Trump official Papadopoulos and are now actively cooperating with the Trump administration to investigate the FBI.


— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) May 24, 2019


Funny how the Brits and Aussies wait until the details become public before standing against these three spies. Game Over coup plotters, 0 credits remaining. In another all too ironic twist, today is also the day that failed UK Prime Minister Theresa May announces she is stepping down. I wonder what part in this hole spying scheme May played. She was an epic failure on Brexit, I wouldn’t be surprised if she botched the Trump coup attempt too.


This is just the beginning. Thanks to Trump finally declassifying the spying/coup documents, we may finally see just how deep this whole coup attempt runs. Somehow, I doubt only the UK and Australia are involved.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 28, 2019, 2:01 a.m. No.6607172   🗄️.is 🔗kun (behind paywall it seems .. so cant copy n paste text, just RP original pic)


RP from QRes#8447

Anonymous ID: d61a21 May 28, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6607194   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Its a good start, but we need this to be coming from MSM sauces for it to make an impact - have sought, not yet dug anything up though, so at the moment only FNC are seeing the benefit.


Maybe TV networks will run it?

Anonymous ID: 14adfd May 28, 2019, 3:18 a.m. No.6607305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7533


Hear what you are sayin, BUT

how did HE get to be in the HIGH POSITION

he was in ??? in the world of lies and corruption ? You don't get up there being a saint in a sinner's house

Anonymous ID: d61a21 May 28, 2019, 4:34 a.m. No.6607533   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Maybe because he was seen as 'containable'?

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 28, 2019, 11:40 p.m. No.6615226   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Swedish court rejects delay of Assange hearing over ill-health: lawyer


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A Swedish court has rejected a request to postpone a planned hearing to rule on the detention in absentia of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged rape, a defense lawyer for Assange said on Tuesday


The Swedish prosecutor heading an investigation into the rape allegation against Assange, which he denies, this month filed a request with a local court for him to be detained with a hearing scheduled for June 3.


Swedish defense lawyer Per Samuelson told Reuters he had visited Assange in British custody on Friday after which he had sought to have the hearing postponed.


“One of the reasons is that Assange’s health situation on Friday was such that it was not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him,” Samuelson said.


“I meant that it should be postponed until I had time to meet again and go through the issues in peace and quiet. I suggested no specific date and meant it should be postponed until everything was ready, but the district court has now decided that this won’t happen.”


The Uppsala district court, where the hearing is due to take place, was not immediately available for comment. A prosecutors’ office spokesman declined to comment.


Sweden reopened the rape investigation in early May. It was begun in 2010 but dropped in 2017 years after Assange took refuge in Ecuador’s London embassy. Assange was arrested in London last month after spending seven years inside the embassy.


If the court order is granted, it would be the first step in a process to have Assange extradited from Britain, where he is serving a 50-week sentence for skipping bail.


U.S. authorities are separately seeking to extradite Assange on charges relating to the public release by Wikileaks of a cache of secret documents and last week unveiled 17 new criminal charges against him, including espionage.


The British courts will have to rule on the two extradition requests, with the home secretary having the final say on which one takes precedence.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 29, 2019, 5:26 a.m. No.6616125   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

Sourced from QRes#8447


Suncorp CEO Michael Cameron resigns

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 29, 2019, 5:35 a.m. No.6616149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6156

Anons comments on Marise Payne

RP from QRes#8448


Paynes an interesting one. She was Minister for Defence before Turnbull got the axe. So she overlooked the Australian Signals Directorate (NSA equivalent) and now shes Minister for Foreign Affairs and overlooks the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (CIA equivalent).


She knows whats going on.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 29, 2019, 5:37 a.m. No.6616155   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Treated like trash: south-east Asia vows to return mountains of rubbish from west

RP from QRes#8448


Region begins pushback against deluge of plastic and electronic waste from UK, US and Australia

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 29, 2019, 5:39 a.m. No.6616161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Apparently its no longer OK to be white

RP from QRes#8448


Trademe (NZ ebay clone) removes "Its OK to be White" T-shirts because the Human Rights Commission declared them to portray "intolerance, racism and division".


Usual 4chan dis in the article.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 29, 2019, 5:45 a.m. No.6616188   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Zealand Gun Control Lobby Pushes Registration, Total Semiautomatic Ban

RP from QRes#8449


Gun Control NZ is pushing for registration of all firearms and a broadened ban against owning semiautomatic firearms.


On April 1, 2019, Breitbart News reported New Zealand’s ban on “military-style” rifles also prohibited ownership of pump shotguns, “high capacity” magazines, and certain gun parts. These controls were enacted in response to the March 15, 2019, Christchurch attacks and RNZ reports that Gun Control NZ is already petitioning parliament to expand these controls and add new ones.


They want a national firearm register, a requirement gun owners renew gun registration every three years, and gun prohibition expansion that would cover all semiautomatic firearms.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 29, 2019, 6:03 a.m. No.6616256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian navy pilots struck by lasers in South China Sea

RP from QRes#8455


May 28, 2019


Witness says Australian navy helicopter pilots were hit by lasers while exercising in the South China Sea, forcing them to land as a precaution.


Scholar Euan Graham, who was on board the Royal Australian Navy flagship HMAS Canberra on a voyage from Vietnam to Singapore, said in an account of the incident that the lasers had been pointed from passing fishing vessels while the Canberra was being trailed by a Chinese warship.


While bridge-to-bridge communications with the Chinese during the voyage were courteous, the Chinese requested the Australian warships notify them in advance of any corrections to their course. That was something the Australian navy was "not about to concede while exercising its high-seas freedoms," Graham wrote.


China maintains a robust maritime militia in the South China Sea composed of fishing vessels equipped to carry out missions just short of combat.


China claims the strategic waterway virtually in its entirety and is sensitive to all foreign naval action in the area, especially by the US and allies such as Australia.


Similar incidents involving lasers and the Chinese military have also been reported as far away as Djibouti, where the US and China have bases. Last year, the US complained to China after lasers were directed at aircraft in the Horn of Africa nation that resulted in minor injuries to two American pilots. China denied that its forces targeted the US military aircraft.


The constant presence of Chinese vessels shadowing foreign ships appeared to indicate that the Chinese fleet had grown large enough to allow it to have vessels lying in wait for just such orders.


Their trailing actions also appeared to show that China's over-the-horizon surveillance capability was also maturing, supported by technology based at points such as Fiery Cross Reef in the contested Spratly island group where China has built military installations and an airstrip atop coral reefs.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 29, 2019, 6:04 a.m. No.6616262   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Boy who 'egged' Australian politician has donates $100K GoFundMe cash to Christchurch mosque shooting victims.

RP from QRes#8455


This whole story sounds like it was dreamt up in a leftist think-tank. A total set-up imho.


"Egg Boy has donated $99,922.36 to the victims of the Christchurch mosque shootings on March 15 which killed 51 people.


Teenager Will Connolly made headlines around the world after cracking a raw egg over controversial former politician Fraser Anning’s head.


The egging came after Mr Anning made victim-blaming comments in the wake of Christchurch mosque shootings.


Mr Connolly was arrested following the incident which also saw Mr Anning and his supporters retaliate, with one crowd member holding him on the ground in a chokehold.


This prompted the creation of a GoFundMe page to raise funds for his legal fees. However, Mr Connolly promised to donate the money to the victims.


“Finally!!! After a huge amount of red tape, $99,922.36 has today been transferred to the Christchurch Foundation and Victims Support,” he said on Instagram last night.


“For those of you who don’t know, there were two GoFundMe pages set up to help cover the cost of my legal fees and to ‘buy more eggs’.


“Gratefully, Gordon Legal acted pro-bono for me so I don’t have any legal fees.


“I decided to donate all monies to help provide some relief to the victims of the massacre … it wasn’t mine to keep.”"

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 30, 2019, 12:08 a.m. No.6625746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752

Julian Assange moved to prison health ward as WikiLeaks reveal 'grave concerns' about well-being


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been moved to the heath ward of Belmarsh prison.


On Wednesday night the company released a statement confirming the move, adding that they have "grave concerns" over the state of his health.


At the start of this month Mr Assange was jailed for 50 weeks for skipping bail in 2012.


"Mr Assange's heath had already significantly deteriorated after seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy, under conditions that were incompatible with basic human rights," the group said in a statement.


It added: "During the seven weeks in Belmarsh his health has continued to deteriorate and he has dramatically lost weight. The decision of prison authorities to move him to the health ward speaks for itself."


The Ministry of Justice has been contacted for comment.


The move came a day before Assange was due to appear via videolink for the latest hearing in his extradition case.


Assange is facing extradition to the US, accused of conspiring to break into a classified Pentagon computer and facing 17 charges under the Espionage Act.


Greg Barns, an Australian lawyer and WikiLeaks adviser who visited Assange in January, said that the time Assange was suffering chronic pain in one arm and needed dental work. Assange’s health continued to decline, he said.


A defence lawyer for Assange said on Tuesday that a Swedish court had rejected a request to postpone a planned hearing to rule on the detention in absentia as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged rape.


The Swedish prosecutor heading an investigation into the rape allegation against Assange, which he denies, this month filed a request with a local court for him to be detained with a hearing scheduled for June 3.


Swedish defence lawyer Per Samuelson told Reuters he had visited Assange in British custody on Friday after which he had sought to have the hearing postponed.


"One of the reasons is that Assange's health situation on Friday was such that it was not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him," Mr Samuelson said.


"I meant that it should be postponed until I had time to meet again and go through the issues in peace and quiet. I suggested no specific date and meant it should be postponed until everything was ready, but the district court has now decided that this won't happen."


Sweden reopened the rape investigation in early May. It was begun in 2010 but dropped in 2017 years after Assange took refuge in Ecuador's London embassy.


If the court order is granted, it would be the first step in a process to have Assange extradited from Britain.


The British courts will have to rule on the two extradition requests, with the home secretary having the final say on which one takes precedence.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 30, 2019, 12:11 a.m. No.6625752   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WikiLeaks Tweet


WikiLeaks has grave concerns about the state of health of our publisher, Julian Assange, who has been moved to the health ward of Belmarsh prison. - See full statement:

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 30, 2019, 12:27 a.m. No.6625794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5950 >>4962

More George Papadopoulos Tweets


My advice to the investigators: keep the heat on the UK/Australia and Italy/Malta (the weak links in the chain). There was a coordinated effort here to take us down. These countries have no loyalty anymore to the previous admin. Political change has rocked Europe. Leverage it!


Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, and his wanna be honey pot, Erika Thompson, are becoming unhinged. The president zeroing in on the UK and Australia for spying will have massive political consequences and expose the whole plot to bring him down. Declassification is here.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 30, 2019, 1:34 a.m. No.6625950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4962



"America: remember this, the FBI under Jim Comey was trying to entrap Americans working for president Trump. FBI assets like Joseph Mifsud and Alexander Downer will all be exposed. The Russians were non existent. Keep the heat on the UK/Australia/Italy and have them flip on Comey."

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 30, 2019, 1:44 a.m. No.6625973   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Marine killed in NT training accident

RP from QRes#8459


A 21-year-old decorated United States Marine has died, days after a military training accident at an Australian Defence Force facility in the Northern Territory.


Lance Corporal Hans Sandoval-Pereyra died on Wednesday after succumbing to injuries he received during a tactical vehicle accident on the weekend, a media release from the US Marines said.


He was involved in routine training at Mount Bundey Training Area, east of Darwin on Saturday when the accident occurred and was taken by helicopter to Royal Darwin Hospital, where he died.


One other Marine received minor injuries from the accident and was released from the hospital.


The training was described in the Marine Expeditionary Force media release as routine.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 30, 2019, 2:10 a.m. No.6626004   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>6616575 LB Marine in Australia & Norway


Anon raises more questions about Norway - relevance to US Marine tweets ?

RP from QRes#8461


Any Oil/Investment Fags want to break this down for me? What is really going on here?


Last 24 hour NORWAY headlines:


Here’s What Lawmakers Want to Do With Norway’s $1 Trillion Fund (Sovereign wealth fund from divesting some of it's oil stocks)


Norway to shut at least 2 oilfields in case of strike (5 more will be next)


"UPDATE 2-Norway’s oil industry eyes 17% growth in 2019 investments"


"Venezuela talks in Norway must focus on Maduro departure: US"(happening now)


Because of US Sanctions "Venezuela Oil exports — which represent more than 90 percent of export revenue — have dropped by some 40 percent since January."

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 30, 2019, 2:12 a.m. No.6626008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia poised for rate cut as economy continues to weaken

RP from QRes#8461


The Reserve Bank of Australia is expected to cut its policy rate next week due to falling growth and low inflation levels.


The RBA has maintained its policy rate at 1.5% since August 2016 and policy-makers previously seemed reluctant to make changes. However, constant weak inflation and a declining property market is forcing the bank to consider a cut.


Earlier this month, the RBA downgraded its growth predictions for the second time in six months. It forecasts that the economy will grow 2.6%

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 30, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6626021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

@StandWithUs (((Israel)))


Welcome back home 🏠 🇮🇱.


Frank Lowy, an 89-year-old Holocaust survivor who fought in #Israel's War of Independence and then went on to become one of Australia's richest people, has finally made Aliyah and returned home to Israel.


5:21 AM - 29 May 2019

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 30, 2019, 2:23 a.m. No.6626034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5413

Australian navy helicopter pilots were reportedly targeted with laser beams from fishing boats in South China Sea

RP from QRes#8466


Australian navy pilots were targeted with laser beams during an exercise in the South China Sea, a security analyst who observed Australia's operations said.


Euan Graham, an Asian security expert, said that pilots told him they were repeatedly targeted by laser beams as they flew, and that helicopters had to be temporarily grounded as a precaution.


He said that Australia was followed by a Chinese warship and the attacks could be be Chinese boats, as China's "approach in the South China Sea is to try to make life difficult for foreign aircraft and warships there."


US military pilots were targeted with lasers in the East China Sea last year, according to multiple reports.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 30, 2019, 2:28 a.m. No.6626046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6354

New Zealand removes any reference to Jesus from parliamentary prayer!

RP from QRes#8468


In the wake of the Christchurch mosque attack, we come to find out that New Zealand has removed references to Jesus from the parliamentary prayer, sparking outrage among the country’s Christian population.


Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, made the decision to drop references to Jesus in order to make the prayer “more inclusive” for all parliamentarians.


The Guardian reported: A reference to “almighty god” remains, but it is not a specific reference to a Christian god.


The protesters want Jesus’s name reinstated, and held signs reading “Dishonourable Judas Mallard”.


Around 1,000 people protested on the steps of parliament house in Wellington, arguing that New Zealand was a Christian nation and Mallard had no authority to axe Jesus’s name.


“He needs a good kick in his pants, and he needs to actually be removed because this is a Christian nation”, protester Rieki Teutscher told Radio NZ. “We don’t share his atheism.”


Another protester, Carmel Morgan, said Mallard should have consulted with New Zealanders or announced a referendum before changing the prayer.


“This is a land of democracy, this is a land of freedom, you know, we want to be a first world country… he took that choice away from us.”


Politicians such as Jacinda Ardern and Winston Peters have said it would have been judicious for the speaker to have consulted more widely before actioning the changes.


“Well the decision as to what should be changed should be made by parliamentarians and not the speaker – that’s our position, I don’t mind telling you publicly”, deputy prime minister Winston Peters told RNZ.


“If you’re going to make a change let’s have parliament decide – not one person.”


Mallard said he had consulted with parliamentarians and the majority had indicated they were in favour of a secular prayer.


The brethren in NZ need anon prayers more than ever it seems!

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 30, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.6628813   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>All Aboard

>Marines with @MrfDarwin conduct an aerial insert via an MV-22 Osprey during Exercise Southern Jackaroo, Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia.



>What are they trying to tell us?

>Odd this Marine was in Australia 13.5 hours ago and now he's in Norway?

Interesting. Message sent?

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 30, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.6634962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5397



Mueller’s prosecutor, Andrew Goldstein, to me: “how did you know Alexander Downer was recording your conversation”? Downer can play all the games he wants and continue his bizarre rants. In the end, he will be forever remembered as an idiotic spy and Clinton errand boy I exposed.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 31, 2019, 2:39 a.m. No.6635397   🗄️.is 🔗kun



(Yet) Another Papa D tweet

RP from QRes#8472


My testimony against Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, opened the flood gates. Declass is here. The hammer is coming down hard.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 31, 2019, 2:49 a.m. No.6635413   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Australia military pilots were targeted by lasers aimed at them from fishing trawlers in the South China Sea during routine operations.

RP from QRes#8478


Euan Graham, an academic from the La Trobe University, who was on board the HMAS Canberrawrote of the incident. Graham said the Canberra, a helicopter landing ship, was followed by a Chinese warship at a distance during its deployment.


Don Rothwell, a maritime law expert at the Australian National University, described the use of lasers in a ‘pseudo-military context’ as a new development. He explained that lasers can potentially blind the pilots and hinder them from properly navigating the aircraft.


The lasers were aimed from fishing trawlers, which have been recruited by the Chinese navy to act as a militia force in the South China sea.


Rothwell said these were no ordinary fishing vessels, but China’s maritime ‘militia fishing boats’. He explained that their purpose was ‘only to disrupt’. “We have seen the deployment of the Chinese militia to swarm or enclose areas that are subject of Filipino occupation as part of the Philippines territorial claim in the South China Sea.”


The U.S. military had encountered similar incidents at the American airbase in Djibouti, in East Africa. In 2016, China built its military base, first in overseas, a few miles away from the American airbase, and had installed lasers there . Dana White, a Pentagon spokeswoman alleged in 2018 that two US military pilots, while landing their C-130 transport airplane at Camp Lemonnier, suffered minor eye damage from lasers hitting the cockpit."

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 31, 2019, 2:54 a.m. No.6635421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No 5G in Brussels - Radiation concerns

Sourced from QRes#8478


Yet here we are in Aus, gunning to get 5G up and running … hmmm

Anonymous ID: de01bc May 31, 2019, 2:56 a.m. No.6635428   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bit of comic relief… Fuhrer Shorten cracks it.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 31, 2019, 2:58 a.m. No.6635431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5434

New Mosquito eradication method

RP from QRes#8479


"We demonstrated that the efficacy of the transgenic fungi is so much better than the wild type that it justifies continued development," said Raymond St. Leger, a Distinguished University Professor of Entomology at UMD and co-author of the study.


The fungus is a naturally occurring pathogen that infects insects in the wild and kills them slowly. It has been used to control various pests for centuries. The scientists used a strain of the fungus that is specific to mosquitoes and engineered it to produce a toxin that kills mosquitoes more rapidly than they can breed. This transgenic fungus caused mosquito populations in their test site to collapse to unsustainable levels within two generations.


"You can think of the fungus as a hypodermic needle we use to deliver a potent insect-specific toxin into the mosquito," said St. Leger.


The toxin is an insecticide called Hybrid. It is derived from the venom of the Australian Blue Mountains funnel-web spider and has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for application directly on crops to control agricultural insect pests.


"Simply applying the transgenic fungus to a sheet that we hung on a wall in our study area caused the mosquito populations to crash within 45 days," Lovett said. "And it is as effective at killing insecticide-resistant mosquitoes as non-resistant ones."




Given the increase in mosquito borne dengue fever and other diseases occurring further south than ever before, something like this might prove a useful control method for the little fuckers

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 31, 2019, 8:13 p.m. No.6642270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2618

UN torture expert names Australia among countries that “ganged up” on Julian Assange


A United Nations expert has pointed an accusatory finger directly at Britain, Sweden and the United States for “ganging up” on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.


In a report condemning their actions, the UN torture expert also highlighted Australia’s inaction as a damaging force.


“In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political persecution I have never seen a group of democratic States ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonise and abuse a single individual for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law,” said UN special rapporteur Nils Melzer.


He also noted Australia’s failure to assist. “Australia is a glaring absence in this case. They’re just not around, as if Assange was not an Australian citizen,” Mr Melzer told The Sydney Morning Herald. “That is not the correct way of dealing with that.”


A spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade adamantly denied the claims. “We reject any suggestion by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture that the Australian Government is complicit in psychological torture or has shown a lack of consular support for Mr Assange”.


“The Special Rapporteur has not been in contact with the Australian Government to raise these concerns directly.”


The Department insists that consular officers from the Australian High Commission in London have already visited Mr Assange twice this year — on April 12 and May 17.


While DFAT are “confident that Mr Assange is being treated the same as other prisoners in Belmarsh”, a recent examination found alarming deteriorations in his mental and physical health, impacting his ability to front court.


Assange’s lawyer Gareth Pierce said the WikiLeaks founder was “far from well”, as he failed to appear yesterday via video link at Westminster Magistrates’ Court as expected.


The Australian computer programmer was arrested at London’s Ecuadorean embassy in April, after spending seven years holed up there to avoid charges against him. WikiLeaks said his health “significantly deteriorated” during this time, “under conditions that were incompatible with basic human rights.”


Still, Mr Melzer is convinced Julian Assange a victim of “psychological torture.”


“The evidence is overwhelming and clear,” he said. “Mr. Assange has been deliberately exposed, for a period of several years, to progressively severe forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the cumulative effects of which can only be described as psychological torture.”


Mr Melzer said he had initially been sceptical about Mr. Assange’s case, turning down a request from Mr. Assange’s lawyers back in December to investigate. But he said that what he found after having accepted a second request from the lawyers in March, changed his mind.


“Wherever I delved into the case, I found a lot of dirty stuff,” he told The New York Times.


Following media reports of Assange’s ill health yesterday, the Australian Government has reportedly made further inquiries with Belmarsh Prison authorities as to Mr Assange’s current health situation.


A DFAT spokesman confirmed: “We will continue to visit Mr Assange in prison, monitor and advocate for his health, welfare and equitable treatment, and closely follow his legal proceedings.”

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 31, 2019, 8:30 p.m. No.6642425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3956

'Complete beat-up': Downer laughs off Trump's Russian probe conspiracy theory


Former foreign minister Alexander Downer has ridiculed the idea he was sent to spy on a junior Donald Trump campaign aide as part of an international conspiracy to kickstart the FBI's Russia probe.


The US President has effectively embraced the wider conspiracy theory, asking his Attorney-General William Barr to investigate how the Russia probe got started and told reporters that "I hope he looks at Australia" as well as Britain and Ukraine for their involvement.


Mr Downer called it "a complete beat-up" and said the US President likely called an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe because he saw suggestions of a conspiracy in American media.


Mr Downer famously met with Trump campaign staffer George Papadopoulos at a London wine bar in 2016, when Mr Papadopoulos said Russia had indicated to the campaign that it could help by releasing thousands of stolen emails that were damaging to rival Hillary Clinton.


Mr Downer reported the conversation back to Canberra via diplomatic cable. Canberra passed the information on to Washington and it reportedly contributed to the beginning of the FBI probe into potential collusion between the Trump team and Moscow, which then morphed into the inquiry by special counsel Robert Mueller.


Mr Trump swung onto the offensive in the wake of the Mueller report's release and with the request to investigate its origins, he appears to be endorsing a theory – being pushed by Mr Papadopoulos and in conservative US media including Fox News – that some US intelligence and FBI officials conspired with help from foreign partners to concoct the Russia allegations and undermine the Trump campaign and presidency.


Mr Downer, who was Australia's high commissioner to Britain when he met Mr Papadopoulos – who went on to spend 12 days in jail for lying to the FBI – laughed off the theory that he had been sent to spy on the junior campaign aide.


"The FBI and the State Department know that's not true … As if somebody would ring me up and say, 'Will you go and spy on some clown called Papadopoulos who's a volunteer from the Trump campaign?'


"Are you kidding … If you wanted to spy on the Trump campaign, wouldn't you spy on a main player … Steve Bannon or someone like that?"


Mr Downer said Mr Trump likely called the investigation because he'd seen the theory promoted in the media.


"People make these allegations. He sees the allegations and he wonders what that's all about. That's fair enough. I don't think there's any big deal there, particularly as there's nothing to find out," he said.


Mr Trump has claimed exoneration from the Mueller report and even called the probe "an attempted coup", though Democrats and Trump critics say the report has raised troubling issues about the campaign and administration.


Mr Downer avoided directly criticising Mr Trump, saying: "I'm not against him."


Mr Downer said the matter was "to do with American politics" and he was comfortable about that.


"They have to play their politics … He's obviously very good at politics because he became the President."


He added: "The more it's investigated, the more it'll be shown to be a complete beat-up. So they're welcome to investigate. I don't care."


He dismissed suggestions that the Barr investigation could smear Australia either way, saying it could be "handled with consummate ease" by the Morrison government.


Michael Fullilove, executive director of the Lowy Institute, said even accounting for Mr Trump's history of scepticism about traditional US alliances, it was "disturbing to see him try to drag the UK and Australia into America's fevered conspiracy politics".


"Australia is the United States' most reliable ally," he said. "We don't interfere in American elections and we don't deserve to be treated like this."

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 31, 2019, 8:57 p.m. No.6642618   🗄️.is 🔗kun




RP from QRes#8485


"Julian Assange is showing all the symptoms associated with prolonged exposure to psychological torture and should not be extradited to the US, according to a senior UN expert who visited him in prison.


Nils Melzer, UN’s special rapporteur on torture, is expected to make his appeal to the UK government on Friday. It comes after Assange, the co-founder of WikiLeaks, was said by his lawyers to be too ill to appear by video link for the latest court hearing of the case on Thursday.


Assange has been moved to the health ward of Belmarsh prison, London, where he has been serving a 50-week sentence for skipping bail while fighting extradition to the US. He is accused of violating the Espionage Act by publishing secret documents containing the names of confidential US military and diplomatic sources.


After meeting Assange earlier this month in the company of medical experts who examined him, Melzer will say on Friday that he fears the Australian’s human rights could be seriously violated if he is extradited to the US and will condemn what he describes as the “deliberate and concerted abuse inflicted for years” on him."


OP Anon's comments


MSM says nothing, we do nothing?


If this country/POTUS lets him die in a UK prison, then we are NO better than the DS we'd like to take down. If we are the news, then president Trump needs to hear from us. No media coverage = no change.


He was responsible for Trump getting a lot of votes since he started the red pill process for so many people. Would we even know so much about Hillary, etc without Assange? Do you climb over him on the way up and then dispose of him? That's our deep state, not us.


There's also the freedom of the press to consider. Even if he gave password advice, I think he's paid enough. He's now too ill to communicate well. He needs to be here, getting better medical treatment. And PARDONED for whatever they think he did. And time seems to be growing short.


Please, Pres Trump, don't let him die over there. He needs saving NOW.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 31, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.6642777   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nestle Says Requirement to Report Use of Slave Labor Would Cost Consumers More Money

RP from QRes#8488


While the Free Thought Project often reports on the megacorp Nestle and their rampant abuse and exploitation of drinking water supplies across the nation, few are aware that the company has been found using slave labor. What’s more, as governments across the world attempt to crack down the use of slave labor by requiring companies to report on its use, Nestle is fighting it, saying that it will end up costing consumers at the register.


Late last month, Nestle issued a warning against proposed legislation that would require them to report on their efforts to weed out slavery within their company. The company says the cost of checking to see if they are forcing people to work against their will end up being passed on to the consumer.


As the Sydney Morning Herald reports, companies operating in Australia with an annual turnover of $100 million or more would be required to annually report on the risks of modern slavery within their business and the actions they’ve taken to address those risks under the federal government’s draft Modern Slavery Bill 2018.


Nestle owns over 2000 brands and operates in 189 countries and has a history of using slave labor to produce its products. Yet they are warning against the legislation that would have them report on issues related to human trafficking, slavery, sexual servitude and child labor within their businesses’ operation and supply chains.


In a senate committee last month, Nestle claimed that the reporting requirements to keep them from participating in slavery and human trafficking would add “cost and time” to its businesses and suppliers “which will need to be borne somewhere.”


“While we are of the view that the mandatory requirements are sensible, in practical terms this difference means that multinational companies will have to prepare bespoke statements for each country in which they are required to report,” Nestle’s submission said.


” … Not all suppliers may bear those costs themselves; some may pass them on to customers/consumers.”


As TFTP reported in 2016, Nestle became embroiled in controversy, as the company went public with the admission that slave labor had been found in the multinational company’s supply chain in Thailand. Nestle claimed at the time that they would promise to self police and rid themselves of this problem.


One would think that since they claimed to already be self-policing, that simply passing this information on to the Australian government would be an easy task. However, evidence of Nestle’s lack of follow through on self-regulation can be clearly seen in the Engel-Harkin (aka the Cocoa Protocol), in which it promised to self-regulate and ultimately end child slave labor in their supply chain — signed in 2001.

Anonymous ID: 91655b May 31, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.6642795   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another day .. (yet) Another Papa D Tweet

RP from QRes#8488


"Keep the heat on the U.K. and Australia! they are the weak links. They are in the midst of tremendous political changes and need America more than ever in the changing world. Force them to disclose their spying on the campaign and throw Comey/Brennan under the bus."

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 May 31, 2019, 11:47 p.m. No.6643646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal election 2019: Minor cousins of Right propped up Coalition victory


The major parties on the right side of politics gained more than half a million primary votes at the May 18 election, despite the Coalition parties losing about 65,000 votes nationally.


Analysis by The Weekend Australian reveals that, although Scott Morrison has hailed the election result as a “miracle victory”, it was sealed with a flagging national primary vote that was boosted by preference flows from minor right parties, which benefited from an even worse performance by the major parties on the Left.


When compared with the 2016 election and allowing for population increases, the major parties on the Left, Labor and the Greens, fared even worse than the Coalition, losing almost 200,000 primary votes combined.


The Coalition’s primary vote losses, which were heaviest in Victoria and Western Australia, and the disappearance of Family First were more than offset by the gains made by Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party.


Even in Victoria, one of two states Labor hoped would provide the path to victory, the Left has gone backwards. Labor’s gain of almost 46,000 primary votes in Victoria was more than cancelled out by the Greens going backwards by more than 53,000 votes.


Victoria was easily the worst state for the Coalition, which on current counting has lost about 107,000 primary votes. But when the parties of the right are clumped together, their vote total is almost 25,000 higher than it was at the 2016 election.


In NSW and Queensland, the two mainland states that underpinned the Coalition’s win, its primary vote gains of 17,000 and 16,000 respectively were dwarfed by minor right party increases. In NSW, UAP was the big winner with more than 130,000 votes, while in Queensland, the Hanson and Palmer parties each picked up almost 100,000 more votes than they did in 2016.


In Western Australia, minor parties on the right were the only winners. One Nation (about 72,000) and UAP (about 28,000) picked up almost 100,000 primary votes between them at the expense of the Coalition and Labor and, to a lesser extent, the Greens and other micro parties and independents.


The South Australian result was very different from the other states, with the plunge in the vote won by the Nick Xenophon Team in 2016. The rebadged entity, Centre Alliance, is down more than 176,000 primary votes, with parties on the right picking up about 77,000, parties on the Left about 74,000 and 25,000 flowing to independents and micro parties.

Anonymous ID: c5128f June 1, 2019, 2:21 a.m. No.6643956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9893







So again, DS is IN ALL US Friendly Nations Pocket and DS IS NOT ONLY INSIDE THE US! It spans ALL NATIONS, and DS Profitted and needs to help HRC and Bush in the Criminal DS NWO to rule the worlds people!


Downer placed the needed 2nd nail in Trumps DS Coup attempt and he USED HIS AU Nations Spy Agency to "Verify" the US and GB DS controlled Treasonous Spy Agencies to COUP TRUMP!


So to Downer, all nations are not involved in any DS criminals in our world? He is the FACE IN AU OF THE DS COUP ATTEMPT OF TRUMP, and used hsi DS "5 eyes' international spy agency crmiinally.


Wish AU would be nuked off the planet, unless their people tar and feather him, and place him in a raft and set adrift in the Ocean

Anonymous ID: 168c7e June 1, 2019, 5:38 a.m. No.6644394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4557


Any ideas how to access 8chan on an iPhone?


I use a VPN on the computers, but would like to be able to phonefag when out and about…


Firefox mobile can't be configured with this solution. I believe it's an IOS restriction. Any ideas would be great.

Anonymous ID: de01bc June 1, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.6646895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8382


By the way, it’s not an iPhone restriction.

All traffic to 8chan was blocked after Christchurch.

Yes, that government you want back in it’s box did that to save us from ourselves finding out how creative they and others are getting outside that damn thing.

Anonymous ID: 1bd664 June 1, 2019, 4:25 p.m. No.6648382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6012


Yes, I know - think I was one of the first to alert the chans we had been blocked after that FF in NZ.


Interesting that anything that occurs always results in us losing more freedoms. We must all be just sooo stupid that we need saving from ourselves at every step. The problem as I see it is the vast majority of the normies keep going along with it believing things are being done with our best interest at heart. They have no idea…


As an aside, there is a terrific book written in the 70's that really sets out what is going on. None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 2, 2019, 3:48 p.m. No.6655564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8976



Glad to see you got it sorted.


Its sad to see that Big Brother in the first place deemed this place (as a whole) as off limits, given the actions of a few mouth breathers.


Funny how once you spend a little time here, you work out your own filtering system (soon enough) and all the spam/hater nonsense getting posted thread after thread tends is just ignored and move on.

Anonymous ID: d66620 June 2, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.6658904   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hey all you AusAnons and KiwiAnons out there.


After a lot of messing about re changing the DNS on an iPhone that was fine about the house but NOT fine when using the cellular network as IOS will not allow changing that unless you jailbreak which I wasn't interested in, I've found a terrific app we can use.


On the App Store and Google Play search faster internet. It's free and brilliant!!!

Anonymous ID: d66620 June 2, 2019, 11:44 p.m. No.6658976   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes like anything else in life there is good and bad within anything. I love 8chan.


It saddens me enormously to see the speed (((they))) jump to obey and the blocking of the chans is just the latest step in a litany of unfreedoms we are subjected to. The chans must be silenced because we speak the truth here and Mockingbird can't have that now can they? All in lockstep with the approved narrative.


I really hope what POTUS is doing will help put Aus back on the path our fore fathers envisioned for us, not this slavery we now live in with all these puppet politicians we have dancing to the tune of their masters.


FWIW I think the RBA will drop the rates 25 basis points tomorrow… Patriots are in control!!!

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 3, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.6659464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0176

Trump administration considered placing tariffs on Australia: report


The Trump administration considered placing tariffs on Australian imports last week, The New York Times reported Sunday.


According to several people familiar with the discussions, the administration decided against it amid fierce opposition from military officials and the State Department.


Some of Trump's aides reportedly suggested the tariffs in response to a spike in Australian aluminum entering the American market over the last year.


Those opposed to the plan told Trump it would alienate a top ally and could come at significant cost to the United States, The Times reported.


Trump said Sunday that relations with Australia are strong when asked about the Times report.


“The Australian situation is interesting. But the relationship is very strong. No, we’re doing a very, very special relationship with Australia," he told reporters.


Australia was exempted from a 25 percent tariff on imported steel and a 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum from many countries that Trump imposed last year.


Imposing tariffs on Australian goods would expand the countries the U.S. has ongoing trade disputes with.


Trump announced Thursday on Twitter that he would place a 5 percent tariff on Mexican imports starting June 10 “until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP.”


The administration has also imposed tariffs on Europe, Canada and China.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 3, 2019, 2:35 a.m. No.6659499   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Two Australians’ viral anti-gun video sends stern warning to US politicians


An anti-gun campaign born from two Australians has sent shockwaves throughout the US as the extremely stark reality of what American students can expect to face throughout their schooling is detailed by an 11-year-old-girl.


In a video, released by March For Our Lives, the gun control group established in the wake of 2018’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, a young girl, Kayleigh, instructs a group of adults in their workplace on how to survive in the event of an active shooter.


“If there was an active shooter, you would all be dead,” she tells the group of shocked and confused employees.


“When you talk out loud, the shooter can hear where you are and where you’re hiding.”


As some of the adults are moved to tears, Kayleigh continues by informing the group how to deal with an armed attacker, including tips like pushing chairs up against the doors, how to detect the shooter’s location, and even squatting on toilet seats so the attacker can’t see your feet.


The harrowing footage, titled “Generation Lockdown”, is part of a campaign from the Australian creative directors of McCann New York, Alex Little and Karsten Jurkschat.


Being from Australia, the two creatives struggled to understand active shooter drills in public schools across the US.


“We made sure every adult and politician in the country knew what their inaction on gun reform was doing to the next generation,” Mr Little and Mr Jurkschat say on their website.


Since its creation about a month ago, the now viral video has racked up more than 50 million views sending a distressing reminder of something Americans are becoming increasingly desensitised to.


According to Everytown for Gun Safety there were at least 103 incidents of gunfire on school grounds in 2018.


“There wasn’t a lot of gift-wrapping around this. It’s what kids in America learn in school. And it’s putting it in an interesting environment, which is an adult situation,” Mr Little told the ABC.


“Usually these secrets — these lockdowns — are kept in the classroom. And parents hear snatches of what kids are learning in school, but they don’t really hear details.”


The video ends with Kayleigh singing a rhyme a teacher had taught her to make it easier to remember what to do in the event of an armed-attacker.


“Lockdown, lockdown, let’s all hide. Lock the doors and stay inside. Crouch on down. Don’t make a sound. And don’t cry or you’ll be found.”


The PSA speaks to an audience unaware of what is going on in American schools, a situation ignored by politicians, unknown to parents but becoming ingrained into students.


“Kids are politically powerless, but this film gives them a massive voice,” Mr Little said.


“Our goal is to keep trying to shift that needle, to keep trying to get Americans, more people, more politicians to kind of realise that this is not a normal thing for kids to learn,” Mr Jurkschat added.


Kayleigh practices lockdown drills at schools along with 95 per cent of public school children in the United States.

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 June 3, 2019, 4:36 a.m. No.6659893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0526



Talking about nuking us in our own thread. GTFO. Stop being divisive.>>6658976


Amen to that, brother.


Looks like it could almost be time.


Three Chinese Warships make surprise entrance into Sydney


(I'm too shit to embed, pls help frens)

Anonymous ID: 7ef0e8 June 3, 2019, 5:56 a.m. No.6660176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0242



Sanctions…I mean TARIFFS coming to Australia?


After all, Australia is a "rogue state."


Australia has committed "acts of war" against a supposed ally, the United States.


The people of Australia have been oblivious, but the despot government of Australia knew exactly what they were doing. The despot government of Australia has known what it was doing for a long, long time.


The child trafficking alone condoned and committed by Australian officials would be enough to send every such official straight to Hell.


How do you deal with a rogue government?


Fortunately the Plan requires that the world come together, not fall apart in war. And so we're going to be lucky that tariffs is all we get.


There's just no way that it can be business as usual with Australia though. Everything has to change. The people of Australia have to know the truth about their government. The government officials who 'knowingly' participated have to be punished. And until Australia comes right, Australia IS A ROGUE STATE. Sanctions coming?

Anonymous ID: d61a21 June 3, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.6660242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7745


who would sanctions/tariffs on Steel and aluminium exports actually hurt?

Money markets maybe, mine owners for sure, but who else - would they cut production, try to pass the loss down the line to workers, or would they just have to suck it up and endure the PAIN?

Anonymous ID: c2a28c June 3, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.6667096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ANU Data/Sever Breach by "Sophisticated Hack" reported today

The data breach was actually detected on May 17. Connects with the breach by [CHINA] from exactly a year ago.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 3, 2019, 10:54 p.m. No.6667579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will not be extradited to Sweden in suspected rape case


A Swedish court on Monday rejected a request from prosecutors for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be detained in absentia over a 2010 rape allegation.


Assange, an Australian national, is currently serving a 50-week sentence in Britain for skipping bail after spending seven years holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden. He denies the rape accusation.


The ruling by the Uppsala District Court doesn't mean the preliminary rape investigation must be abandoned, only that Assange won't be extradited to Sweden for now.


Assange's defence lawyer in Sweden, Per E Samuelsson, said his client would "be happy, we are happy" to learn he won't be extradited to Sweden.


The United States has already requested Assange's extradition on conspiracy charges.


If Britain were to grant that request before Sweden makes its own claim, Assange will be sent to the United States.


Another factor pushing the Swedish prosecutor to act quickly is that the statute of limitations on the alleged rape runs out in August 2020.


However, Mr Samuelson argued that Assange's imprisonment in Britain meant there was no flight risk.


"He is in prison for half a year at least, and he is detained on behalf of the United States. So there is no point detaining him in Sweden, too," Mr Samuelson said.


Swedish prosecutors dropped their rape investigation in 2017 but reopened it after Ecuador rescinded its grant of asylum to Assange in April, allowing British police to arrest him.


Prosecutor Eva-Marie Persson said in a statement that she will issue a European Investigation Order in order to interview Assange.


"No date has been set yet. We will constantly review the state of the investigation," she said.


"The [rape] investigation continues with interviews in Sweden."


The US wants Assange extradited on charges relating to the public release by Wikileaks of a cache of secret documents, including assessments of foreign leaders, wars and security matters.


On May 23, US authorities widened the scope of criminal charges against him to include espionage.


Britain's interior minister will have the final say on whether to extradite Assange to Sweden, the United States or neither.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 3, 2019, 11:05 p.m. No.6667630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7726

Australian government, spy chiefs secretly urge UK to ban Huawei


The Australian government and senior intelligence officials have urged Britain to ban Chinese technology giant Huawei from a role in building new ultra-fast mobile networks, arguing the western alliance of intelligence-sharing partners should have a consistent position.


Multiple well-placed sources confirmed Australian officials have taken action on several fronts to impress on their British counterparts the drawbacks of having risky telecommunications vendors providing equipment for 5G networks that will power critical future technologies.


The sources made it clear that the representations were made acknowledging that the decision was entirely Britain's to make.


High Commissioner to London George Brandis appeared last month before Britain's high-powered and secretive Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament. Sources familiar with the private meeting said he made the case that it was better for the so-called "Five Eyes" group of intelligence sharing nations to adopt a united front.


Other senior intelligence officials have, during trips to Britain, had high-level meetings with counterparts where Australia's position has been clearly put.


Of the Five Eyes nations - Australia, the United States, Britain, Canada and New Zealand - Australia was the first to put an effective ban on Huawei 5G involvement in August, which will power data-hungry future technologies such as artificial intelligence and driverless cars.


Senior figures including Office of National Intelligence deputy head Andrew Shearer and recently retired Australian Cyber Security Centre head Alastair MacGibbon have discussed the issue repeatedly with British counterparts in the past year, sources said.


The risks in telecommunications have been described as a "top tier" subject of security discussions.


Mr Brandis, who was previously the attorney-general, presented Australia's position to the influential British parliamentary committee alongside an official from electronic spy agency, the Australian Signals Directorate.


Not long after the appearance, the chairman of the committee, Conservative MP Dominic Grieve, wrote an opinion article in The Telegraph warning that Australia likely shared the concerns of the US about the security of shared intelligence if Britain were to use Huawei equipment.


An Australian government spokesman said the rules around the 5G build was "a sovereign decision for the UK, as it was for Australia".


Officials have also been trying to understand the British position, so that Australia can weigh up any effects that a British 5G network with Chinese equipment would have on Australia.


Telecommunications industry sources believe the moves from the Australian agencies amount to trying to strong-arm the British government, with British mobile providers particularly frustrated by the actions of the Australian representatives as a ban could amount to "billions of dollars" in extra costs for network roll outs.


They said there had been multiple visits to Britain by Mr Shearer in particular, a former national security adviser to John Howard and Tony Abbott, who is regarded as hawkish on China.


"The UK government did not want them [Britain] to be a 5G laggard," one telco source said, explaining British mobile providers had warned the government that without Huawei there could be delays and rising costs.


However, sources with close knowledge of the discussions said Australia had been "careful not to affront anyone".


"We've made representations to the UK on why our stance was taken … it's been respectful. It's a bit like a fight at a family lunch where people might go home sore but they quickly realise blood is thicker than water," one source said.


Another said: "Australia feels that it's in its interests that its close partners are aligned on this issue."


A third source dismissed any suggestion Australia was lobbying on the issue and said this was a "sovereign" decision for Britain.


The diplomatically sensitive campaign comes at a time when Britain is going through political upheaval with Prime Minister Theresa May resigning over the Brexit stalemate.


Britain is to decide if it will allow limited use of Huawei equipment, though a leak in April revealed the government was considering allowing the company to work on "non-core" areas of its network.


The US has a broad ban on Huawei and has pressured on Britain to follow suit. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned last month that the US might not be able to share all of its intelligence with Britain if it couldn't trust its network, adding that "this is just what China wants - to divide western alliances".


US President Donald Trump is expected to issue a similar warning this week when he visits Britain.

Anonymous ID: 265c39 June 3, 2019, 11:28 p.m. No.6667726   🗄️.is 🔗kun



nice digs. Deeper?


King Don Anarchy:


00:50:50 "Anna Von Reitz and Greg Hallett Join as Ding Dong The Queen Is Fingered By Kristine Marcy Part Deux"


Know comp'd "MOTLEY CRUE - ANARCHY IN THE USA" vs. "Megadeth - Anarchy In The UK (Live 1992)" is [what] and partly why "anarchy" is misinterpreted by most - and worse - definition hijacked by tards.


Can we have RATM coalesce and do a cover for King Don? Perhaps they can drop and change the "anti-christ" byte - least it trigger the religare…?


MAGA everywhere

Anonymous ID: 0a7be1 June 3, 2019, 11:32 p.m. No.6667745   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sanctions work.


Australia must redeem itself. If Australia isn't ready to do so now, then Australia should be 'encouraged.'


Rogue governments receive economic sanctions to cut the government's illegal activities and put pressures on the people to demand change without a bullet being fired.


We are at war.

Anonymous ID: 3e69df June 4, 2019, 12:57 a.m. No.6668041   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 4, 2019, 1:18 a.m. No.6668084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8086

Cardinal George Pell's appeal begins TOMORROW, Wednesday 5 June 2019, 9:30am (Australian Eastern Standard Time)


George Pell appeal: What you need to know


George Pell’s case will return to court tomorrow as the disgraced cardinal appeals his conviction for sexually abusing two Melbourne choirboys.


The cardinal was found guilty in December of raping one choirboy and molesting another after mass in the sacristy of St Patrick’s Cathedral in 1996.


Pell, who was archbishop of Melbourne at the time, molested the first boy again about a month later.


The conviction was made public in February after a court-imposed gag order was lifted and Pell was sentenced to six years in jail – with a minimum of three years and eight months - by County Court Chief Judge Peter Kidd in March.


Pell’s team indicated last week they would not seek a reduced sentence if the appeal fails.




The appeal will take place in the Supreme Court in Melbourne tomorrow and Thursday from 9.30am.


Pell’s lawyers will first seek leave to appeal and if granted the case will be heard over the two days.


The case will be heard by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria Justice Anne Ferguson, President of the Court of Appeal Justice Chris Maxwell and Justice Mark Weinberg.


The appeal is being heard in the Supreme Court instead of the Court of Appeal to cater for intense interest in the case.


The case can be reported on and a live stream will be also hosted on the Supreme Court’s website.




Pell’s legal team cited three reasons for its appeal.


Their first claim is that the jury reached “unreasonable” verdicts based on the evidence.


“The verdicts are unreasonable and cannot be supported having regard to the evidence because on the whole of the evidence, including unchallenged exculpatory evidence from more than 20 Crown witnesses, it was not open to the jury to be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt on the word of the Complainant alone,” Pell’s team said in announcing its appeal.


Secondly, the defence says Judge Kidd erred by not allowing a 19-minute video reconstruction to be played to the jury which claimed to show where people would have been in the cathedral at the time of the abuse.


Judge Kidd had ruled the video was based on speculation and as new evidence, it could not be used during a closing address.


The final claim for appeal is that Pell was not arraigned in front of the jury in what was a “fundamental irregularity in the trial process”.


The video and arraignment arguments are technicalities and could see a retrial if they are upheld.


If the “unreasonable verdict” claim is upheld, Pell’s conviction would likely be overturned and he would be released from custody.




Pell has been in custody since February and it is not yet known if he will attend the appeal in person.


He was free when the appeal was lodged and had requested to be in court for the appeal hearing.


Now that he is behind bars, Pell may follow proceedings via video link.




We may not know the outcome of the appeal over the next two days.


The judges have the option to reserve their decision, the reasons for it, or both.


So no matter the verdict and given the public scrutiny on the decision, it may not be made public for weeks or months to come.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 4, 2019, 1:19 a.m. No.6668086   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Livestream links for Cardinal George Pell's appeal


Wednesday 5 June 2019, 9:30am (Australian Eastern Standard Time)




The matter of George Pell v R – 5 June 2019

Anonymous ID: 1277a9 June 4, 2019, 7:22 a.m. No.6669166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9630 >>6006



>>6669004 (You)


from general Q Research bread.


Raid on Reporter who wrote expose on plans for spying on AUS citizens. Sauces listed in that post.


Also: AUS Anons kept track of intel infiltrations past few years? Scanals related? Cross-over between intel com and party political reps? (Like ex-CIA running for office in USA). Trends?

Anonymous ID: 1277a9 June 4, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.6669892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0099



Hidden Keyhole in software sold by CIA to security agencies around the world. For example, the Australian Intelligence Service Organization.


Software was called, Promise.

Anonymous ID: 239f46 June 4, 2019, 9:49 a.m. No.6669993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Four dead in Darwin shooting - possible FF?


"Four men have been killed and a woman has been wounded after a gunman opened fire with a pump action shotgun in five different locations in Darwin.


The 45-year-old suspected gunman, who was on parole, was arrested after being on the run for about an hour following the shootings in and around a hotel in Darwin's CBD on Tuesday.


He was arrested at the busy Stuart Highway and McMinn Street intersection near where the shootings occurred, with television footage showing him on the ground after being dragged from under his white dual cab ute, kicking his legs at officers from NT Police's Territory Response Group.


The incident started with reports of a man firing shots at Finnis St at about 5.50pm just outside the Darwin CBD, with the four deaths occurring at the nearby Buffalo Club, Gardens Hill Crescent, the Palms Motel and Jolly Street.


He also tried to enter the Peter McCauley Centre police station to possibly hand himself in, then contacted a duty superintendent who did a "magnificent job in negotiating with him" before the arrest, Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw told reporters.


The alleged shooter is an outlaw motorcycle gang member, well known to police with a criminal history, and the incident is not believed to be terror-related.


Mr Kershaw said he was was released from prison on parole in January after serving at least a year, was wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet, and had acted alone on Tuesday."



Anonymous ID: de01bc June 4, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.6670801   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Catholic schoolgirls are being taught that God is GENDER-NEUTRAL and are banned from using the words 'Lord', 'Father' and 'Son' in prayers

Brisbane Catholic schools are removing male-centric terms from their prayers

The Catholic Office for the Participation of Women director said she is 'thrilled'

Queensland Catholic Education Commission doesn't give a guide on language

Catholic schoolgirls are being taught that God is gender-neutral and banned from using the words 'Lord', 'Father' and 'Son' in prayers.

A number of elite Catholic schools in Brisbane are making moves to teach their students to use inclusive language when referring to God.

Top schools including All Hallows, Stuartholme, Loreto College and Stuartholme School are leading a push towards a feminist interpretation of the Christian Bible.

Students at Stuartholme School in Brisbane's inner-city, which charges upwards of $40,000 a year, are taught to use the word 'Godself' instead of 'himself'.

As we believe God is neither male or female, Stuartholme tries to use gender-neutral terms in prayers … so that our community deepens their understanding of who God is for them, how God reveals Godself through creation, our relationships with others and the person of Jesus,' a spokeswoman told The Sunday Mail.

Loreto College in Coorparoo has taken the word 'Lord' from their prayers as it is a 'male term'.

The school's principal Kim Wickham said prayers written for use within the college didn't assign God a gender.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 3:46 p.m. No.6672361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2368

Australia-Japan-United States Defense Ministers Meeting Joint Press Statement

RP from QRes#8498


Australian Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds, Japanese Minister of Defense Takeshi Iwaya, and U.S.Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, convened a trilateral defense ministerial meeting in Singapore on June 1 on the margins of the 18th International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Asia Security Summit (2019 Shangri-La Dialogue). The ministers were united in their shared commitment to do more together in support of security, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. This was the eighth meeting among the three nations’ defense leaders.



Minister Iwaya and Acting Secretary Shanahan congratulated Minister Reynolds on her appointment to Minister for Defence following Australia’s recent elections. The ministers affirmed their shared vision for an Indo-Pacific region that is open, inclusive, rules based and respectful of sovereignty, where disputes are resolved peacefully and free of coercion. The ministers recognized the importance of supporting Association of South East Asian Nations-led regional architecture and their support for ASEAN centrality which has played an instrumental role in establishing norms of behavior and habits of cooperation in the region. The Australian and Japanese ministers welcomed the United States Indo-Pacific Strategy Report announced by Acting Secretary Shanahan. The ministers agreed to continue to closely coordinate support to the region to maximize the benefits of their national and combined engagement activities in the region in a transparent, efficient and effective manner under their shared strategic vision.


The ministers underscored the importance of the international community’s ongoing commitment to achieving North Korea’s abandonment of all of its weapons of mass destruction, ballistic missiles, and related programs and facilities in a complete, verifiable, and irreversible manner in accordance with relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs). The ministers welcomed the United States’ and Republic of Korea’s diplomatic efforts to achieve the final, fully verified denuclearization of North Korea and called on North Korea to return to negotiations with the United States toward this goal. They confirmed that while a diplomatic path to peace on the Korean Peninsula exists, North Korea remains an extraordinary threat, exemplified by its recent missile launches, that requires continued vigilance. They agreed to continue to fully enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. The ministers welcomed and reaffirmed their commitment to sustained international cooperation to deter, disrupt, and ultimately eliminate illicit activities, such as illegal ship-to-ship transfers.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 3:47 p.m. No.6672368   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The ministers expressed strong opposition to the use of any coercive unilateral actions that seek to alter the status quo or increase tensions in the East China Sea. They also expressed their intention to remain in close contact on the security situation in that area with a view to deter such actions.



The ministers discussed the importance of adherence to international law and their shared commitment to upholding freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea. The ministers remained seriously concerned about any action including militarization of disputed features in the South China Sea that are destabilizing or dangerous. They emphasized the importance of the peaceful resolution of conflict in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and expressed strong opposition to the use of force or coercion to alter the status quo; calling instead for all countries in the region to take meaningful steps to ease tension and build trust. All sides called for the Code of Conduct for the South China Sea to be consistent with existing international law, as reflected in UNCLOS; to not prejudice the interests of third parties or the rights of all states under international law; to reinforce existing inclusive regional architecture; and to strengthen parties’ commitments to cease actions that would complicate or escalate disputes.



The ministers underscored their commitment to work with their Pacific partners to support a Pacific region that is prosperous, secure and respects sovereignty. The ministers welcomed and acknowledged the significance of each state’s military-to-military activities, particularly when those activities contributed to whole of government engagement with the Pacific.



The ministers agreed on a Strategic Action Agenda (SAA) that articulates their shared long-term vision for trilateral cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. They affirmed the SAA would enable their respective defense organizations to plan and implement enhanced trilateral defense cooperative activities.



The ministers underscored the close defense relationship between the three countries, and agreed to do more to coordinate their respective regional defense engagement activities, such as joint exercises and training and capacity building.



Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 3:50 p.m. No.6672388   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Record Number’ of Migrant Boats in English Channel, ‘Home Office Needs to Get a Grip’

RP from QRes#8499


The number of boats transporting illegal migrants to Britain appears to have hit a daily record, with HM Coastguard reporting it has assisted with 13 “incidents” off the Kent coast and a dinghy sighted off East Sussex.


The Kent incidents involved nine boats carrying dozens of migrants, according to Sky News — prompting Charlie Elphicke, MP for the Dover and Deal constituency on the frontline of the crisis, to admonish the authorities.


“If confirmed this would be a record number of boats arriving in a single day. This crisis was meant to have been dealt with at Christmas, yet numbers continue to rise,” he tweeted, in reference to Home Secretary and Tory leadership hopeful Sajid Javid having declared already “major incident” in the Channel as the number of boats were beginning to surge over the festive period.


“It looks set to surge to record levels through the Summer. The Home Office needs to get a grip on this crisis,” Elphicke added.


The MP warned that the Channel crisis was “about much more than simply border security”, noting that the “the exploitation of vulnerable people by criminal trafficking gangs” and the inherent dangerousness of the voyages were also concerns.


He reiterated the urgent need for the British and French authorities to crack down on the people-smugglers to avert “a tragedy in the middle of the English Channel resulting in loss of life”.


Australia managed to avert a similar crisis in the Pacific with its Operation Sovereign Borders policy, which deterred migrants from embarking on journeys in the first place by making it clear that anyone reaching their country by sea would either be turned back or, if found to be genuine refugees, resettled in another safe country.


While the boat migrants crisis has concentrated the minds of politicians and commentators on illegal migration into Britain, the hundreds of people involved make up a relatively small proportion of clandestine entrants — with tens of thousands still using more tried and true methods of breaking into lorries, ferries, or the Channel Tunnel in order to make their crossing.


Unlike the Australians, the British are able to deport very few illegal migrants who do make it to British soil or territorial waters, despite France — where most come from — being a safe country, thanks to onerous EU asylum regulations.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 3:51 p.m. No.6672396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former bank director calls for Sir John Key to be forced to resign from ANZ

RP from QRes#8499


A former top bank director has reportedly called for former Prime Minister Sir John Key to resign "or be removed" as chairman of ANZ following an incident that saw it censured by the Reserve Bank.


In a letter to Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr, Kerry McDonald, the chairman of BNZ for 12 years until 2008, said he was "amazed" at the limited penalty imposed on the bank, Stuff reported.


McDonald also took aim at several others at ANZ – including chief executive David Hisco – saying they should resign.


The Reserve Bank revoked ANZ Bank New Zealand's accreditation to model its own operational risk capital requirement due to a "persistent failure" in its controls and attestation process.


The decision means ANZ is now required to use the standardised approach for calculating appropriate operational risk capital. From March 2019, this will increase its minimum capital held for operational risk by around 60 per cent, to $760 million.


According to the Reserve Bank, ANZ's failure to use an approved model was revealed after encouraging ANZ to review its attestation and assess its compliance with capital regulations.


A spokesperson for ANZ said: "ANZ New Zealand does not believe there is a systemic failure in its controls and attestation processes.


"While isolated, and with no impact on customers or the operation of the bank, ANZ New Zealand is disappointed this error occurred.


"Mr McDonald is welcome to discuss the issue with us at any time."


Sir John Key was named chairman of ANZ Bank's local arm in October 2017 and began his role in early 2018.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 4:04 p.m. No.6672472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2477

So much for climate change kek


Is the Southern Ocean getting greener?

RP from QRes#8506




The Southern Ocean is a key player in regulating the planet's biogeochemistry, productivity, and climate. Ocean color data from two NASA satellites show statistically significant increases in the concentration of chlorophyll in all sectors of the Southern Ocean, particularly in the Sub?Antarctic Zone and Permanently Open Ocean Zone. The smallest changes were observed in the Atlantic and Pacific sectors of the Sub?Tropical Zone. These trends seem accentuated by higher chlorophyll concentrations during the austral winter. Increases in the annual and wintertime chlorophyll concentrations can have implications for the Southern Ocean biological pump and ocean productivity and higher trophic levels.


Plain Language Summary


The Southern Ocean is getting greener because the amount of marine plants (phytoplankton) has been increasing in the last 21 years. These changes appear to be happening faster during the winter, which suggests that the growing season is getting longer. This is important because the Southern Ocean has a big role in the biology and chemistry of the oceans, and in regulating the Earth's climate. This work was done using 21 years of data from two NASA satellites.


Looks like it blooming in plankton … must be all the carbon dioxide/monoxide in the air like most plant life needs to thrive. kek.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 4:07 p.m. No.6672489   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Climbing group (including 2 Aussies) missing on Everest

RP from QRes#8507


"A group of eight climbers – including two Americans – has gone missing while attempting to scale India's second-highest mountain, sparking a massive search as one official disclosed Sunday they are unlikely to be found amid reports of a "sizable avalanche."


The group, led by British climber Martin Morgan, began its ascent on May 13 up to a previously unclimbed peak on Nanda Devi East at 21,250 feet, according to Moran Mountain, Moran's Scotland-based company. The team was made up of four Britons, two Americans, an Australian and an Indian liaison officer."

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 4:08 p.m. No.6672499   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Exposing The Lawlessness Of Assange's 'Slow Assassination'


With the news that Julian Assange is “wasting away” in Belmarsh prison hospital, and with UN rapporteur Professor Nils Melzer’s report detailing how this happens, I’m once again drawn towards the lawlessness that all “authorities” involved in his case have been displaying, and with impunity. They all apparently think they are literally above the law. Their own laws.


But they can’t be, nowhere, not above their respective national laws nor the international ones their countries have signed up to. They can’t, because that would instantly make any and all laws meaningless. So you tell me where we find ourselves today.


There’s this paragraph in an article by Jonathan Cook entitled Abuses Show Assange Case Was Never About Law, which lists “17 glaring anomalies in Assange’s legal troubles”, that sums it all up pretty perfectly:


Australia not only refused Assange, a citizen, any help during his long ordeal, but prime minister Julia Gillard even threatened to strip Assange of his citizenship, until it was pointed out that it would be illegal for Australia to do so.


See, Cook is already skipping a step there. Gillard didn’t take Assange’s citizenship away, because that is against Australian law, but it’s just as much against Australian law for a government to let one of its citizens rot in some kind of hell. Still, they did let him rot, but as an Australian citizen. At that point, what difference does anything make anymore?


This is a pattern that runs through the entire Assange “file”, and it does so to pretty astonishing levels. Where you’re forced to think that the countries involved effectively have no laws, and no courts, because if they did, the actions by their governments would surely be whistled back by parliaments or judges or someone, anyone. They’re all essentially lawless.


There are 5 principal countries involved in the case (that doesn’t absolve any other country from its own responsibility for speaking out when international laws are broken). In alphabetical order, they are Australia, Ecuador, Sweden, the UK and the US. We can go through them in that order.



Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 4:10 p.m. No.6672507   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Malaysian PM Says No Evidence Russia Shot Down MH17

RP from QRes#8507


"Australia's prime state run news service ABC News noted the Malaysian PM's speech has sent shock waves through the region as it questioned everything Australia's own leaders have said. "From the very beginning we see too much politics in it," Mahathir said in reference to the official Dutch-led investigation."


"The Malaysian PM further went so far as to point to Ukrainian pro-government forces as being prime suspects: “It could be by the rebels in Ukraine; it could be Ukrainian government because they too have the same missile,” he said."


Moar at link


Video of Malaysian PM speech linked from ZH article.


  • Q&A on Huawei, plastic waste, ASEAN country relations,

  • Ukraine missile remarks at 40:35

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 4:13 p.m. No.6672530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They’ve Stolen Our Future!

RP from QRes#8509


It’s time to have a serious conversation. I know we’ve been having it, but maybe there’s another glove hidden beneath the one we’ve already taken off.


Put bluntly, there doesn’t seem to be any hope of avoiding a collapse of civilization. The forces of the Business-As-Usual crowd are just too strong, the narrative machine too honed, the interests too entrenched to allow any sort of meaningful course correction at this time.


But is that the case?


Writing about the outcomes of the recent Australian elections which saw a pro-business, conservative government elected, Australian based reader-member ezlxq1949 said:


“They’ve stolen our future!”


That was the wail of the 11-y.o. daughter of a Greens candidate who cried herself to sleep the night after the astonishing election results came in. It couldn’t be worse; the public have sold themselves into almost complete captivity to the neoliberal élites called the Liberal Party. (Liberal = Conservative. Go figure.) It was supposed to have been a climate change election but became a jobs ‘n growth election.


Mind you, it wouldn’t have been much better if the opposition Labor Party had won; they’ve moved so far to the right that like the US we really have only one party with two heads. For instance, Labor would not commit to stopping the monster Adani coal mine.


So it’s goodbye to:


the ABC (the excellent government broadcaster which has the gall and temerity to criticise the government of the day; the government badly wants to get even)


renewable energy (fossil fools rule ok)


the Great Barrier Reef (sliced and diced to let coal ships cross it)


our river systems (suck them dry, privatise the water, send the profits to the Cayman Islands — as is already happening)


the Great Artesian Basin (world’s largest and deepest, to be contaminated by coal mines and fracking)


public services (cut back yet again to create a damaging government budget surplus)


public health (to be Americanised)


public education (to be privatised; maybe high schools this time)


the Great Australian Bight (a pristine area which may have oil under it; damn the pollution, full greed ahead)


southern ocean fish stocks (they’ll let the supertrawlers in now).


The environment is completely expendable. All resources are permanently abundant and all will be fed into the growth machine. Climate change is NOT HAPPENING. It’s fake, right? Bah. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we fry.


There’s one ray of hope. Steve Keen predicts a severe recession, Depression really, within 6 months to a year from now. Our economy is indeed wobbling already. This will happen on the Liberals’ watch and they will be blamed for mismanaging the economy. This isn’t supposed to happen. Only Labor does that. Only Labor mismanages the economy. That’s what the Murdoch press drums into our heads. The Libs will panic. The Murdoch press won’t know what to say. Maybe this will shake up people’s belief and confidence in mainstream economics.


I’m not sleeping well at the moment. I wonder why.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.6672561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Assange won’t face charges over role in devastating CIA leak

RP from QRes#8509


The decision surprised national security experts and some former officials, given prosecutors’ recent decision to go after the WikiLeaks founder on Espionage Act charges.


The Justice Department has decided not to charge Julian Assange for his role in exposing some of the CIA’s most secret spying tools, according to a U.S. official and two other people familiar with the case.


It’s a move that has surprised national security experts and some former officials, given prosecutors’ recent decision to aggressively go after the WikiLeaks founder on more controversial Espionage Act charges that some legal experts said would not hold up in court. The decision also means that Assange will not face punishment for publishing one of the CIA’s most potent arsenals of digital code used to hack devices, dubbed Vault 7. The leak — one of the most devastating in CIA history — not only essentially rendered those tools useless for the CIA, it gave foreign spies and rogue hackers access to them.


Prosecutors were stymied by several factors.


First, the government is facing a ticking clock in its efforts to extradite Assange to the United States from the United Kingdom, where he is being held. Extradition laws require the U.S. to bring any additional charges against Assange within 60 days of the first indictment, which prosecutors filed in March, accusing Assange of helping former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning hack into military computers.


Second, prosecutors were worried about the sensitivity of the Vault 7 materials, according to an official familiar with the deliberations over whether to charge Assange. Broaching such a classified subject in court risks exposing even more CIA secrets, legal experts said. The CIA has never officially confirmed the authenticity of the leaked documents, even though analysts widely believe them to be authentic.


“There is no question that there are leak cases that can’t be prosecuted against the leaker or the leakee because the information is so sensitive that, for your proof at trial, you would have to confirm it is authentic,” said Mary McCord, who was acting assistant attorney general for national security at the Justice Department until 2017. “So the irony, often, is that the higher the classification of the leaked material, the harder it is to prosecute.”


So instead, the Justice Department will go after Assange on the one count for allegedly assisting Manning and the 17-count Espionage Act indictment. There are no plans to bring any additional indictments prior to his extradition.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.6673962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Administration Considered Tariffs on Australia

RP from QRes#8513


WASHINGTON — The Trump administration considered imposing tariffs on imports from Australia last week, but decided against the move amid fierce opposition from military officials and the State Department, according to several people familiar with the discussions.


Some of President Trump’s top trade advisers had urged the tariffs as a response to a surge of Australian aluminum flowing onto the American market over the past year. But officials at the Defense and State Departments told Mr. Trump the move would alienate a top ally and could come at significant cost to the United States.


The administration ultimately agreed not to take any action, at least temporarily.


The measure would open yet another front in a global trade war that has pitted the United States against allies like Canada, Mexico, Europe and Japan, and deepened divisions with countries like China. It would also be the end of a reprieve for the only country to be fully exempted from the start from steel and aluminum tariffs that Mr. Trump imposed last year.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.6673983   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Chinese warships arrive in Sydney Harbour for four-day stop.

RP from QRes#8514


Three massive Chinese warships made a showy arrival in Sydney Harbour this morning ahead of a four-day stopover in the city.


The ships, which are carrying around 700 sailors, docked at Garden Island navy base after requesting safe harbour from Australia, according to The Australian.


In a detail that has left some people concerned, the visit from the warships comes one day before the 30-year anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre when Chinese troops opened fire on protesters, resulting in 241 deaths."


This Ausfag doesn't like this development at all.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 7:07 p.m. No.6673995   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8514


You know, we may fuck up a several billion dollar stealth jet - but at least we can manage to get our standard issue assault rifles right…


$100m army rifle comes with an explosive defect

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 7:11 p.m. No.6674030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4036

RP from QRes#8514


‘I would not stand in the way of Assange's extradition’ – UK Foreign Secretary Hunt


British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who is also vying to become prime minister, said he would not hamper Julian Assange's extradition to the US. Charges against the WikiLeaks founder carry up to 175 years in prison.


Washington wants Assange prosecuted under the Espionage Act for his role in publishing the classified documents released by whistleblower Chelsea Manning and revealing the high civilian death toll from US airstrikes among other things.


“Well, we would have to follow our own legal processes, just as the US has to follow its own legal processes,” Hunt told Face the Nation on Sunday. “But would I want to stand in the way of Julian Assange facing justice? No, I would not.”


Since Assange is “someone who is alleged to have committed some very serious crimes,” Hunt added, “it is absolutely right that he faces justice.” The foreign secretary also said that the journalist's “crimes” are “alleged to have led to people's deaths,” yet it was unclear what he meant exactly. During the Manning process, the investigators did not establish if the leak actually resulted in any deaths or put lives at risk.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 7:22 p.m. No.6674123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8518


Next Irish governor faces calls to resign in NZ scandal


Opposition politicians in New Zealand have called on the man appointed as the next governor of Ireland’s central bank to resign from his current role.


Gabriel Makhlouf is currently serving as the senior civil servant at New Zealand’s finance ministry, having previously held senior roles in the equivalent UK ministry. He was named as the next governor of the Central Bank of Ireland by the Irish finance minister in May this year. Makhlouf was expected to start his five-year term as governor

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 7:26 p.m. No.6674171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube pushes children’s videos to pedophiles through content recommendation engine


A mom in Brazil became concerned as she watched the viewing numbers on innocent backyard clip her daughter posted to YouTube suddenly climb hundreds of thousands of views. The child posted a video of herself and a friend playing in the family pool. YouTube’s recommendation engine had been suggesting the video as recommended content to viewers who’d just watched other videos that contained sexually oriented video content. YouTube’s AI sexualized her kid and pushed her image to pedophiles. This happens a lot, apparently.


“YouTube’s algorithm has been curating home movies of unwitting families into a catalog of semi-nude kids,” tweeted Max Fisher at the New York Times.


“YT often plays the videos after users watch softcore porn, building an audience of millions for what experts call child sexual exploitation.”


“I asked YouTube— why not just turn off recommendations on videos of kids? Your system can already identify videos of kids automatically,” says Fisher.


“The recommendation algorithm is driving this whole child exploitation phenomenon. Switching it off would solve the problem and keep kids safe.”


YouTube’s CEO is a woman, Susan Wojcicki.


From Max Fisher and Amanda Taub at the New York Times:


YouTube’s automated recommendation system — which drives most of the platform’s billions of views by suggesting what users should watch next — had begun showing the video to users who watched other videos of prepubescent, partially clothed children, a team of researchers has found.


YouTube had curated the videos from across its archives, at times plucking out the otherwise innocuous home movies of unwitting families, the researchers say. In many cases, its algorithm referred users to the videos after they watched sexually themed content.


The result was a catalog of videos that experts say sexualizes children.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 7:29 p.m. No.6674182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8520


Catholic schoolgirls are being taught that God is GENDER-NEUTRAL and are banned from using the words 'Lord', 'Father' and 'Son' in prayers


Brisbane Catholic schools are removing male-centric terms from their prayers


The Catholic Office for the Participation of Women director said she is 'thrilled'


Queensland Catholic Education Commission doesn't give a guide on language


Catholic schoolgirls are being taught that God is gender-neutral and banned from using the words 'Lord', 'Father' and 'Son' in prayers.


A number of elite Catholic schools in Brisbane are making moves to teach their students to use inclusive language when referring to God.


Top schools including All Hallows, Stuartholme, Loreto College and Stuartholme School are leading a push towards a feminist interpretation of the Christian Bible.


Students at Stuartholme School in Brisbane's inner-city, which charges upwards of $40,000 a year, are taught to use the word 'Godself' instead of 'himself'.


As we believe God is neither male or female, Stuartholme tries to use gender-neutral terms in prayers … so that our community deepens their understanding of who God is for them, how God reveals Godself through creation, our relationships with others and the person of Jesus,' a spokeswoman told The Sunday Mail.


Loreto College in Coorparoo has taken the word 'Lord' from their prayers as it is a 'male term'.


The school's principal Kim Wickham said prayers written for use within the college didn't assign God a gender.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 7:36 p.m. No.6674233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4244

RP from QRes#8254


Jon Swaine

Verified account



21m21 minutes ago




Federal police in Australia are raiding the home of a reporter who revealed a government plan to expand powers for digital surveillance of the public

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 4, 2019, 7:38 p.m. No.6674244   🗄️.is 🔗kun



RP from QRes#8525


Aussie Feds Raid News Corp Journalist's Home After Government Spying Exposé


Australian federal police officers are raiding the home of News Corp Australia journalist Annika Smethurst over an April, 2018 story accusing the government of radical new espionage powers allowing the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) to monitor citizens for the first time, according to the Daily Telegraph (via the Herald Sun).


Ms Smethurst, the political editor for News Corp Sunday titles includingThe Sunday Telegraph, was at home preparing to leave for work this morning when several Australian Federal Police officers arrived with a warrant from an ACT magistrate giving them authority to search her home, computer and mobile phone.


Ms Smethurst complied with the warrant and is presently waiting for the raid to be completed. She has declined to answer questions apart from confirming her identity. -Herald Sun


Smethurst's article revealed that the emails, bank accounts and text messages of Australian citizens could be secretly accessed by government spies without a trace under the proposal, as long as the Defense and Home Affairs ministers approved the plan.


The raid comes three weeks after the federal election returned the Morrison government to power, leaving Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton at the helm.


Ms Smethurst’s original story included images of top-secret letters between the secretary of Home Affairs, Mike Pezzullo, and his counterpart in Defence, Greg Moriarty, outlining a plan to potentially allow government hackers to “proactively disrupt and covertly remove” onshore cyber threats by “hacking into critical infrastructure.” -Herald Sun


Current Australian law prohibits the ASD from spying on citizens - a power left to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, the country's domestic spy agency.


Smethhurt revealed that Dutton and former Defense Minister Marise Payne had reviewed the proposal, however it had not moved beyond that stage to be formally presented to the government.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 4, 2019, 11:31 p.m. No.6675674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scott Morrison meets Queen, business leaders in London


London: Scott Morrison has held private talks on trade, politics and banking on his maiden trip to Britain as Prime Minister – and also found time to meet the Queen and give her a book about a horse.


Morrison and his wife Jenny were granted an official audience with the Queen at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, and on the advice of John Howard brought a gift: Winx: The Official Biography by former The Age journalist Andrew Rule.


Howard advised that it would be well received: the Queen has a particular interest in Winx, even beyond her well-known fascination with all things equestrian.


The Prime Minister also visited nearby Clarence House to meet Prince Charles, who is taking an increasing role in the most senior work of the monarch in preparation for when he inherits the crown. Under royal protocol the content of their discussions is kept private.


Former attorney-general George Brandis, who is now Australia's High Commissioner in London, said on Tuesday he had been “teased” by members of the royal family – as well as British politicians - “about the frequency with which there was a turnover of prime ministers in Australia”.


He also said he was now happy to assure them the new Australian government had a clear and stable majority “and the prime minister has absolute and commanding authority in the government party room”.


Morrison arrived in London on Tuesday morning, local time, after a 26-hour flight from the Solomon Islands.


He gave a lunchtime speech to the Australia-UK Chamber of Commerce in which he warned the global trading system was “under real and sustained pressure”.


“Trade conflict between the US and China is testing the system as never before and is putting the prosperity, frankly, and living standards of billions of people at risk around the globe today.”


Morrison intends to use this visit, which culminates in D-Day commemorations in Portsmouth on Wednesday, to campaign against what he said was a developing “zero-sum mindset” in international trade – interpreted as a dig against Donald Trump’s America First policies.


In Portsmouth he will lobby G20 leaders including Trump, outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, for renewed support for institutions such as the World Bank, the IMF and the World Trade Organisation.


Morrison said those institutions had helped open markets and lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.


The WTO is in crisis as the US has blocked new appointees to its appellate body, which will lead to it being incapacitated in December when there will no longer be enough judges to issue rulings.


The EU and Canada are supporting a plan to set up a proxy version of the court to allow WTO members to continue using the body to arbitrate trade disputes.


Morrison said he would speak with Trump on Wednesday about his trade war with China.


“I will simply make [to Trump] the same comments that I’ve always made which is that I think it’s in everybody’s interests for these issues to be resolved,” he said.


The chamber of commerce lunch was sponsored by NAB.


Morrison thanked NAB and the Commonwealth Bank for “doing the right thing by their customers” by passing on the latest interest rate cut - “others omitted”, a reference to ANZ and Westpac.


He also singled out election guru Lynton Crosby whom he called a “dear friend over many years”.


“He taught me many things about campaigns and politics,” he said, and revealed he would be meeting Crosby and his wife Dawn in private later in the day.


The chamber lunch was due to be attended by former foreign secretary Boris Johnson, currently a leading contender to replace Theresa May as British Prime Minister.


However his seat – next to Crosby – was left empty.


Crosby is reportedly advising Johnson on his leadership bid.


On Tuesday afternoon Morrison also met Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England.


During the private meeting they discussed the global economy and trade tensions – including the trade war between the US and China – and ways in which the G20 nations could help defuse them.


They also discussed “open banking”, a system in which banks share customer data to allow greater flexibility and competition in the financial sector.


Britain has led in this area but Australia is approaching it cautiously, with a pilot project due this year.

Anonymous ID: 474844 aLEXANDER dOWNER IS A DS TREASONOUS DEEP STATE AU BASTARD WHO NEEDS TO BE REMOVED & TRIED IN US! June 5, 2019, 12:02 a.m. No.6675782   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Alexander Downer needs to be extrodited to the US and tried for his actions to overthrow America, and used the AU spy agency for the DEEP STATE HRC! His treasonous Coup attempt involvement makes him a traitor,who needs be tried and if found GUILTY IN THE COUP against TRUMP, he needs to be beheaded, with his wife and children sitting in the front row for them to see his criminal Treasonous actions he did, and his send off into the future in HELL!

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 12:10 a.m. No.6675813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8527


Anons, Cardinal George Pell's appeal begins TOMORROW, Wednesday 5 June 2019, 9:30am (Australian Eastern Standard Time).


George Pell appeal: What you need to know


George Pell’s case will return to court tomorrow as the disgraced cardinal appeals his conviction for sexually abusing two Melbourne choirboys.


The cardinal was found guilty in December of raping one choirboy and molesting another after mass in the sacristy of St Patrick’s Cathedral in 1996.


Pell, who was archbishop of Melbourne at the time, molested the first boy again about a month later.


The conviction was made public in February after a court-imposed gag order was lifted and Pell was sentenced to six years in jail – with a minimum of three years and eight months - by County Court Chief Judge Peter Kidd in March.


Pell’s team indicated last week they would not seek a reduced sentence if the appeal fails.




The appeal will take place in the Supreme Court in Melbourne tomorrow and Thursday from 9.30am.


Pell’s lawyers will first seek leave to appeal and if granted the case will be heard over the two days.


The case will be heard by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria Justice Anne Ferguson, President of the Court of Appeal Justice Chris Maxwell and Justice Mark Weinberg.


The appeal is being heard in the Supreme Court instead of the Court of Appeal to cater for intense interest in the case.


The case can be reported on and a live stream will be also hosted on the Supreme Court’s website.




Pell’s legal team cited three reasons for its appeal.


Their first claim is that the jury reached “unreasonable” verdicts based on the evidence.


“The verdicts are unreasonable and cannot be supported having regard to the evidence because on the whole of the evidence, including unchallenged exculpatory evidence from more than 20 Crown witnesses, it was not open to the jury to be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt on the word of the Complainant alone,” Pell’s team said in announcing its appeal.


Secondly, the defence says Judge Kidd erred by not allowing a 19-minute video reconstruction to be played to the jury which claimed to show where people would have been in the cathedral at the time of the abuse.


Judge Kidd had ruled the video was based on speculation and as new evidence, it could not be used during a closing address.


The final claim for appeal is that Pell was not arraigned in front of the jury in what was a “fundamental irregularity in the trial process”.


The video and arraignment arguments are technicalities and could see a retrial if they are upheld.


If the “unreasonable verdict” claim is upheld, Pell’s conviction would likely be overturned and he would be released from custody.




Pell has been in custody since February and it is not yet known if he will attend the appeal in person.


He was free when the appeal was lodged and had requested to be in court for the appeal hearing.


Now that he is behind bars, Pell may follow proceedings via video link.




We may not know the outcome of the appeal over the next two days.


The judges have the option to reserve their decision, the reasons for it, or both.


So no matter the verdict and given the public scrutiny on the decision, it may not be made public for weeks or months to come.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 12:14 a.m. No.6675828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Legal action in Australia. Claiming Roundup was cause of non hodgkin's lymphoma

Sourced from QRes#8527


Melbourne gardener launches legal action against Monsanto in first Australian Roundup lawsuit

By national regional and rural reporter Jess Davis and Angus Verley


Updated Tue at 11:47am


Legal action has been launched against agribusiness giant Monsanto by a Melbourne gardener who claims his cancer was caused by the herbicide Roundup.


Key points:

The first Australian legal case against agribusiness giant Monsanto has been lodged by a Melbourne gardener who claims his cancer was caused by the herbicide Roundup

Roundup is the most commonly used herbicide in the world and its active ingredient is glyphosate

Monsanto has lost three trials in the US over links between cancer and glyphosate and has been ordered to pay out billions of dollars in damages to four cancer patients, with thousands more plaintiffs awaiting trial


It will be the first case in Australia following similar trials in the US.


The writs were lodged in Victoria's Supreme Court this morning.


Michael Ogliarolo, 54, ran his own landscape gardening business until 2015 but was forced to retire due to ill health.


Mr Ogliarolo was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2011, after using Roundup for over 18 years in his work as a landscape gardener.


His lawyer Tony Carbone said his client would mix the herbicide and apply it on lawns and plants as part of his job.


The plaintiff claims that Monsanto failed to warn him that the use of Roundup products was dangerous and capable of causing serious injuries, loss and damage.


"What we're saying is that due to the heavy exposure, no warnings on the label to say 'look, wear a mask, wash your hands, do this and do that', consequently he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma," Mr Carbone said.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 12:19 a.m. No.6675837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5840

Multiple fatalities, man arrested after shooting in Darwin


A man who allegedly opened fire in Darwin on Tuesday night, killing four men and injuring a woman, can be identified as 45-year-old Ben Hoffmann.


Hoffmann was on parole and wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet when he allegedly opened fire with a pump-action shotgun in the Darwin city area about 5.45pm local time (6.15pm AEST) on Tuesday.


The shooting spree began at a motel in the suburb of Woolner, before the alleged gunman travelled to four other locations, including to the outskirts of the city.


Police arrested Hoffmann, known to his friends as "Hoffy", in the Stuart Park area of Darwin at 6.45pm.


NT Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw said officers were able to track down the suspected gunman after he contacted a police duty superintendent, who alerted others to his location.


"He asked to be placed into protective custody, which we did," Commissioner Kershaw said. "We do believe he may have been trying to hand himself in. We're not sure."

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 12:21 a.m. No.6675840   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RP from QRes#8527




FIVE people are dead and two others seriously injured after a man went on a pump-action shotgun rampage in Australia today.


Parts of Darwin were thrown into total lockdown as armed cops scoured the Northern Territory city to find the gunman.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 12:25 a.m. No.6675859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Also from Down Under

(Another RP from QRes#8527)


"Witnesses say the man walked into the Palms Motel on McMinn Street in the suburb of Woolner just before 6:00pm while holding a pump-action shotgun and shot at multiple doors."


"Multiple witnesses said he was looking for someone called "Alex".


"He shot up every room in that place," one man said.


"He got what he wanted and then he left in his pick-up."


"I understand when an event like this occurs, especially considering recent global events, people's fears turn to terrorism. We can confirm this is not a terrorism event."


Some call it a pump-action shotgun, some call it a rifle, also witnesses say he left in a toyota pick-up. most Australians , especially Territorians, would call a Hilux a Ute

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.6675872   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gunman kills 4 people in Darwin, Australia.

(More RP from QRes#8527)


Four people have been killed and a woman has been rushed to hospital with gunshot wounds to her legs after a Darwin man allegedly went on a shooting rampage across the city tonight.


Parts of Darwin were thrown into lockdown before 6pm as police scoured the city to find the alleged gunman, believed to be armed with a sawn-off shotgun.


NT Police Duty Superintendent Lee Morgan confirmed to four people were dead and two more had gunshot wounds.


Mr Morgan said police were unable to confirm if more people had been killed.


We’re still working through a number of crime scenes so we still don’t know if there are others,” he said.


Speaking at a press conference tonight, NT Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw said the alleged gunman had been out on parole after being freed from jail in January.


Mr Kershaw said the alleged gunman was well-known to police and was wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet tonight as he evaded officers through Darwin.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 12:29 a.m. No.6675875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5973

Australian Federal Police raid News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst's home over alleged national security leak

RP from QRes#8527


"According to The Daily Telegraph, the raid related to a story published in April last year in which Annika Smethurst reported that the Home Affairs and Defence departments were considering giving spy agencies greater surveillance powers."


"The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) collects and assesses foreign intelligence information before passing it on to Australia's domestic and foreign spy agencies.


The ASD does not collect information on Australian citizens, but some senior public servants want to change that.


The story alleged new powers, if adopted, would go to the ASD to secretly access bank records, emails and text messages without leaving a trace."



Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 1:16 a.m. No.6675973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5981


=More related links and Anons comments

RP from QRes#8528


Spying shock: Shades of Big Brother as cyber-security vision comes to light, Daily Telegraph


Federal police raid home of Australian journalist who revealed government's proposal to spy on the public


Australian journalist's home raided over spying report


Aussie Feds Raid News Corp Journalist's Home After Government Spying Exposé


    • *




The raid follows a story published by News Corp Australia publication, the Daily Telegraph, and written by national political editor, Annika Smethurst, in April 2018. The article, titled “Spying shock: Shades of Big Brother as cyber-security vision comes to light”, detailed a discussion between two government agencies that were reportedly discussing the potential for new surveillance powers for Australia’s electronic spy agency, the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD).


The Daily Telegraph article included photographs of top secret internal documents that detailed a proposal to allow the ASD to target Australians — if approved by the Defence and Home Affairs ministers.


An anonymous source told the publication the proposal would allow spies to access the digital records of Australians, such as financial transactions, health data and phone records, without a warrant.


The proposal also detailed a plan to grant authorities the ability to forcibly coerce government agencies and private businesses to comply with an order to provide information on Australian citizens, the Telegraph reported.


It would also allow for the ASD’s hackers to “proactively disrupt and covertly remove” cyber threats within Australia by “hacking into critical ­infrastructure”, it said. The organisation is currently focused on international threats.


Under Australian law, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) can spy on Australians but they must have obtained a warrant issued by the Attorney-General. The warrant allows ASIO to enter and search premises, intercept and inspect mail, use surveillance devices, monitor communications and remotely access computers. It is expected to use other methods before using these powers.


… Moar at links …


Note that AUS Intel agencies did not need to out-source spying on AUS citizens in Australia. So what might have been the exchange made to get them to spy on USA citizens abroad?


One possible angle, Anons:


Former Daily Telegraph journalist 'spied for Communist Russia'

Independent, 25 FEB 2018


Infiltration → Embarrassment → ongoing infestation → blackmail

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 1:20 a.m. No.6675981   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Federal police raid home of Australian journalist who revealed government's proposal to spy on the public


JENNI RYALL, BUSINESS INSIDER JUN 4, 2019 (few hours ago)

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 1:21 a.m. No.6675982   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ms Smethurst, the national politics editor of the Sunday Telegraph and other News Corp Australia titles, reported last April that Australia's Home and Defence ministries were discussing a proposal that would grant new powers to the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), a cyber intelligence agency.


She wrote that under the plan, emails, bank records and text messages of Australians could be accessed by the ASD if the two ministries gave their approval. Currently, the ASD is not allowed to spy on Australians, though the domestic spy agency, ASIO, can investigate citizens with a warrant.


Ms Smethurst's report included images from a top secret document.


At the time, the two ministries and the ASD released a joint statement saying: "There is no proposal to increase the ASD's powers to collect intelligence on Australians or to covertly access their private data."




Smethurst’s article revealed that the emails, bank accounts and text messages of Australian citizens could be secretly accessed by government spies without a trace under the proposal, as long as the Defense and Home Affairs ministers approved the plan.


The raid comes three weeks after the federal election returned the Morrison government to power, leaving Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton at the helm.


Current Australian law prohibits the ASD from spying on citizens – a power left to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, the country’s domestic spy agency.


Smethhurt revealed that Dutton and former Defense Minister Marise Payne had reviewed the proposal, however it had not moved beyond that stage to be formally presented to the government.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 1:23 a.m. No.6675986   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“This raid demonstrates a dangerous act of intimidation towards those committed to telling uncomfortable truths. The raid was outrageous and heavy handed.


“News Corp Australia has expressed the most serious concerns about the willingness of governments to undermine the Australian public’s right to know about important decisions governments are making that can and will impact ordinary Australian citizens.


“What’s gone on this morning sends clear and dangerous signals to journalists and newsrooms across Australia. This will chill public interest reporting.”


NGO Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA) told Business Insider Australia via email that the police raid was “authoritarian intimidation” and that we are all entitled to live in a free society without fear of bullying by police.


“We need to have a debate about Australians’ rights to privacy and security, and it needs to be held out in the open with the participation of civil society,” a spokesperson for EFA said.


“Exposing the government’s secret plans for yet more surveillance of our everyday lives is clearly in the public interest. This heavy-handed reaction from the government, and so soon after being returned to government after an expected loss, indicates that this is about consolidating power, not keeping us safe. That should scare anyone who wants Australia to be a free society.”

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 1:27 a.m. No.6676004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia suffers second worst mass shooting since 1996

RP from QRes#8528


Four are dead and one is injured in Australia’s second deadliest mass shooting since the 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania. A 45-year-old gunman began opening fire with a pump-action shot gun at a motel in the northern city of Darwin before opening fire at other nearby locations in the city’s central business district around 6 p.m. Monday. Pump-action shotguns are largely prohibited in the country under sweeping legislation passed in the aftermath of the Port Arthur shooting, where 35 people were killed.


“He shot up all the rooms, and he went to every room looking for somebody, and he shot them all up,” John Rose, a witness, told Australia’s public broadcaster. “Then we saw him rush out, jump into his Toyota pickup and rush off.” Police said the man was out of prison on parole and was wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet. After about an hour police took the suspect into custody.


Northern Territory Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw said that they were still working on establishing a motive for the shooting. “We’re still trying to establish the intent and motivation behind this, but all I can say, sadly, is that people have lost their lives this evening,” Kershaw said. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that the shooting was not terrorism-related. “I have been in contact with Chief Minister Gunner and understand this is not an act of terrorism and a person has been taken into custody. My thoughts are with Territorians and the tight-knit community in Darwin,” he tweeted.


In addition to prohibiting pump-action shotguns, the strict gun control measures passed after the Port Arthur shooting also banned automatic and semi-automatic assault rifles, except in rare circumstances. It also created a national gun registry and a temporary buyback program.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 5, 2019, 1:28 a.m. No.6676006   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>AUS Anons kept track of intel infiltrations past few years? Scanals related? Cross-over between intel com and party political reps? (Like ex-CIA running for office in USA). Trends?


From almost a decade ago…


WikiLeaks outs America's Aussie mole: Labor's Mark Arbib named as embassy source




10:54PM DECEMBER 8, 2010


FEDERAL Labor powerbroker Mark Arbib has been outed as a key source of intelligence on government and internal party machinations to the US embassy.


New embassy cables, released by WikiLeaks to Fairfax newspapers today, reveal the influential right-wing Labor MP has been one of the embassy's best ALP informants, along with former frontbencher Bob McMullan and current MP Michael Danby.


The documents say the Minister for Sport had been secretly offering details of Labor's inner workings even before his election to the Senate in 2007, dating back to his time as general secretary of the party's NSW branch from 2004.


But Mr Labor minister Mark Arbib has defended his relationship with America after revelations in WikiLeaks cables that he has been their insider in Canberra for years.


In a three-sentence statement issued to The Sydney Morning Herald, Senator Arbib. who is currently on leave, said: "I am publicly known as a strong supporter of Australia's relationship with the United States.


"I am an active member of the well known Australia-American Leadership Dialogue which meets regularly.


"I, like many members of the Federal Parliament, have regular discussions about the state of Australian and US politics with members of the US mission and consulate."


Senator Arbib was one of the "faceless men" who was instrumental in the decision to oust Kevin Rudd and install Julia Gillard as Prime Minister in June.


The documents also identify Senator Arbib as a strong backer of the Australia-US alliance.


He understands the importance of supporting a vibrant relationship with the US while not being too deferential. We have found him personable, confident and articulate," an embassy profile on Senator Arbib written in July last year says. "He has met with us repeatedly throughout his political rise.


Government frontbencher Bill Shorten rejected suggestionsSenator Arbib was a spy.


"I just think that's nonsense," he told Sky News, adding that Senator Arbib was "a very conscientious minister".


"He puts a lot of effort into his portfolios and any other proposition about him just isn't correct at all."


Mr Shorten played down reports that Mr Arbib forewarned US officials in October 2009 that then-prime minister Kevin Rudd may face a leadership challenge.


"I think that the commentary I've seen this morning in the newspapers is dinner party gossip masquerading as US intelligence.


"I think each week someone's got to send a report of to America. So they jot down gossip and conversation.


"I just don't think what I've seen today is any more than what any journalist in the press gallery would already know, indeed what half of Australia might already know."


The embarrassing revelations come as lawyers for whistleblower Julian Assange say the 39-year-old Australian will not be safe if he is sent to Sweden for trial because the "endgame" of US authorities is to move him there to be charged with espionage.


The US Justice Department is considering charging Mr Assange with espionage over the website's release of a mass of classified documents and Britain's The Independent newspaper said US and Swedish officials had already held informal discussions about the possibility of him being delivered into US custody.


Assange was yesterday refused bail and sent to London's Wandsworth prison after appearing in a British court to answer a Swedish extradition application.


As he awoke from his first night in British custody, his lawyer, Mark Stephens, told The Australian the Townsville-born computer hacker had formally approached Australian consular officials in London and Sweden for help in fighting a Swedish extradition request over sexual assault allegations.


Describing Sweden as the US's "lickspittle state of choice", Mr Stephens said he feared the Swedish extradition order was merely a prelude to Mr Assange's ultimate removal to the US, where possession of 251,000 state department cables has caused a political uproar and calls for retribution.


"His Swedish lawyer has said explicitly to me that it would be quite unsafe for Julian in Sweden at this time," Mr Stephens said. "Not in terms of he would be harmed in Sweden, but that Sweden is not the end game."

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 1:42 a.m. No.6676039   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Snow fall in southern Queensland, Australia

RP from QRes#8531


Snow has fallen in parts of southern Queensland for just the third time in 35 years and temperatures are expected to continue to plummet. Icy winds dropped the apparent temperature to below zero in other inland Queensland communities on Tuesday.


Snow fell in Queensland's Granite Belt west of Brisbane, at the Girraween National Park and nearby Eukey, but it was only light and it did not accumulate on the ground for long. Bureau of Meteorology forecaster Lachlan Stoney said it was the third time snow had fallen in Queensland in 35 years, with 2015 and 1984 recording snowfalls.


"We've had colder mornings (this year) but we had enough moisture in the atmosphere for snow (on Tuesday)," Mr Stoney told AAP. While it is not expected to snow on Wednesday, he said temperatures across the southern Queensland were expected to drop below zero due to clearer skies.


The arrival of a cold air mass from southern states is responsible for the drop in temperatures. At Toowoomba, west of Brisbane, the temperature felt like -4.6 degrees early on Tuesday morning, even though the official temperature was 3.1 degrees. It was a similar situation in other southern inland communities, where the "feels like" temperature was at or slightly below zero.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 1:47 a.m. No.6676055   🗄️.is 🔗kun


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the "Gigantic antenna at Parks", Australia was "Our source of information."


Apollo 11’s ‘third astronaut’ (Michael Collins) reveals secrets from dark side of the moon




60 Minutes Australia


Published on Jun 3, 2019


This year marks the 50th anniversary of that remarkable feat of technology and daring. And while the moonwalkers, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, dominate our memories of the moon landing, there’s a third astronaut who deserves his place in history. Michael Collins piloted the Apollo 11 command module spacecraft in lunar orbit while his two colleagues collected moon rocks. In a rare interview he tells Sarah Abo if it wasn’t for him, one of our greatest successes would have been a monumental failure.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 1:51 a.m. No.6676065   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cardinal Pell’s court appeal will be live-streamed from Australia

RP from QRes#8533


MELBOURNE, Australia, May 30, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal George Pell’s appeal to the Victorian Supreme Court next Wednesday will be available for viewing worldwide from Australia via a livestream broadcast.


Cardinal Pell was convicted earlier this year on charges that he sexually abused two boys in the 1990s while he served as Archbishop of Melbourne. Presiding over the appeal will be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria Anne Ferguson, President of the Court of Appeal Justice Chris Maxwell and Justice Mark Weinberg.


The hearing is scheduled to be live-streamed


[ ]


from the court’s website throughout Wednesday, June 5 and into Thursday, June 6. During the hearing, a camera will be focused solely on the three justices of the Court of Appeal. Neither Pell nor the lawyers will be shown on camera.


Pell, who turns 78 in June, has served three months of his prison term and would not be eligible for parole until 2022.


The cardinal is expected to appear before the Court of Appeal, to whom the lawyers will appeal his conviction. Rather than being held in the Court of Appeal building, where seating is limited, the hearing will take place in one of the larger courtrooms in the Supreme Court building.


Barrister Bret Walker, who is leading Pell’s appeal, is expected to argue against the jury conviction. Pell’s lawyers have not yet filed an appeal of the sentence.


The judges will hear arguments that the verdict was unreasonable and that evidence presented by prosecutors was faulty. Pell’s lawyers are expected to say that the fact that he was not arraigned (asked to plead guilty or not guilty) before the jury was irregular. Instead, jurors were shown a video of Pell’s plea that was recorded at the original trial four months earlier.


In addition, Pell’s lawyers will argue that Judge Peter Kidd, who sentenced Pell, wrongly prevented Pell’s lawyers from introducing a graphic video to the jury during their closing arguments. Purportedly, the video shows how Pell, when vested in liturgical vestments, could not have easily abused the boys in question. Pell did not, however, take the stand to answer questions on that point.


Pell’s case was retried with a new jury after the original jury was dismissed when it failed to reach a unanimous verdict. In the new trial, the jury accepted prosecutors’ arguments that Pell had sexually assaulted two boys in a room in the cathedral in December 1996, and then again sexually assaulted one of the boys in a cathedral hallway the following year. Evidence was provided by one of the former rboys, now a man in his 30s. However, another alleged victim died in 2014 due to a heroin overdose.


Pell’s convictions would be annulled if the appeals court rules in his favor, thus allowing his release from prison. However, the judges may also call for a retrial.


Should Pell succeed in his appeal, it is likely that he may face additional days in court for a new trial on the charges. There are other civil suits underway against the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Two other men allege that Pell touched them inappropriately when they were boys.


Pell was one of the closest advisers to Pope Francis. If his conviction is upheld, he will face removal from the College of Cardinals and suppression of his priestly faculties, thus becoming one of the highest-ranking churchmen to face such a sanction.


Critics of Pell’s trial have suggested that some of the evidence was actually taken from an article in Rolling Stone magazine, which described in 2011 allegations of sexual abuse leveled at a priest in the United States.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 1:55 a.m. No.6676073   🗄️.is 🔗kun



BREAKING: The Australian Federal Police are raiding the ABC's Sydney offices right now


6:53 PM - 4 Jun 2019

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 2:01 a.m. No.6676082   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal Police raid ABC offices in Sydney over 2017 story about Afghanistan, a day after Annika Smethurst search

RP from QRes#8535


Australia’s media industry is bracing for more “heavy-handed” raids by the Federal Police, following the extraordinary searches of the ABC today and a journalist’s home yesterday.


Several officers remain inside the Sydney headquarters of the public broadcaster, trawling through more than 9200 items in relation to reports published two years ago regarding alleged unlawful killings and misconduct by Special Forces troops in Afghanistan.


It comes just a day after the Canberra home of Annika Smethurst, political editor of News Corp Australia’s Sunday newspapers, was stormed by seven AFP officers who spent seven hours poking through her personal items, including her underwear drawer.


Claire Harvey, deputy editor of The Sunday Telegraph, said she was concerned more journalists would be targeted in what was clearly an attempt to intimidate.


“All media organisations should be concerned about who’s going to be next,” Harvey said on ABC News today.


“There will be more raids. That’s inevitable. There are plenty of stories I can think of that the government might be targeting next.”



Australian Federal Police officers are conducting a raid at the ABC’s headquarters in Sydney over reports published in 2017 about alleged unlawful killings and misconduct by Special Forces troops.


The public broadcaster’s Ultimo offices and studios are the subject of a search in relation to The Afghan Files special, which included hundreds of pages of leaked Defence Force documents.


John Lyons, executive editor of ABC News and the head of its investigations department, is live-tweeting the raid, being carried out by six AFP officers, including IT specialists.

Full of interesting tweets showing progress of AFP search atABC

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.6676087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Other sources confirm:

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.6676097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The national broadcaster says a raid on its Sydney headquarters over a 2017 story that Australian defence personnel may have committed war crimes in Afghanistan "raises concerns over freedom of the press".


The ABC vowed to protect its sources even as the federal police raid was continuing at the broadcaster's offices in Ultimo on Wednesday.


A warrant indicates digital forensic officers will target documents and computers linked to reporters Dan Oakes and Sam Clark as well as news director Gaven Morris, the ABC reports.


The news organisation says the raid is in relation to a July 2017 story that revealed "hundreds of pages of secret Defence Force documents leaked to the ABC give an unprecedented insight into the clandestine operations of Australia's elite special forces in Afghanistan including incidents of troops killing unarmed men and children".


The ABC reported at the time that some of the cases detailed in the documents were being investigated "as possible unlawful killings".


"It is highly unusual for the national broadcaster to be raided in this way," the ABC said in a statement on Wednesday afternoon.


"This is a serious development and raises legitimate concerns over freedom of the press and proper public scrutiny of national security and defence matters."


The ABC said it stood by its journalists, would protect its sources and continue to report "without fear or favour" on national security and intelligence issues in the public interest.


The Australian Federal Police in a statement said the raid was "in relation to allegations of publishing classified material contrary to provisions of the Crimes Act".


It said the search warrant related to a referral received on July 11, 2017, from the Defence Force chief and the then-acting secretary for Defence.


The federal police said the warrant was duly authorised and no arrests were planned.


ABC executive editor John Lyons tweeted that ABC lawyers asked the AFP if there was any connection with a raid on News Corp Australia journalist Annika Smethurst on Tuesday and the police said "No".


The AFP raided Smethurst's Canberra home over a 2018 story detailing an alleged government proposal to spy on Australians.


The AFP on Wednesday confirmed officially that: "This (ABC) activity is not linked to a search warrant executed in Canberra yesterday."


The media union said the dual raids were a disturbing attempt to intimidate legitimate journalism in the public interest.


"This is nothing short of an attack on the public's right to know," MEAA media section president Marcus Strom said in a statement.


"Police raiding journalists is becoming normalised and it has to stop."


The union argued national security laws passed in recent years had been designed not just to combat terrorism but also to persecute whistleblowers who sought to expose wrongdoing.


Storm demanded to know who'd ordered the raids and why they came after the federal election given the stories were published in 2017 and 2018.


Federal Labor said it had requested a briefing through Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton's office asking "why raids of such nature are warranted".


Lyons tweeted ABC lawyers had told the AFP officers: "We waive no rights, and reserve right to take injunction against the warrant."–spt.html

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 2:08 a.m. No.6676110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6115

Australian Federal Police raid ABC headquarters at Sydney's Ultimo

RP from QRes#8536


June 5, 2019




Australian Federal Police are carrying out a raid on the ABC headquarters in the inner-Sydney suburb of Ultimo.


Three officers entered the Harris Street building just before 11.30am. The plain-clothes officers were met by ABC security and staff in the lobby area of the ABC Ultimo Centre before meeting lawyers for the broadcaster.


The raids are in connection with a 2017 report called "the Afghan files", based on leaked defence documents.


The police warrant names ABC reporters Dan Oakes and Sam Clark and news director Gaven Morris.


The story revealed incidents of Australian troops killing unarmed men and children, with the cases being investigated as potential unlawful killings.


The sensitive documents were marked as "AUSTEO" - Australian eyes only.


The raid comes the day after Australian Federal Police raided the home of News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst in connection with a 2018 story she authored concerning top-secret plans to expand surveillance of Australian citizens. Smethurst has not been charged with any offence.


It also comes days after a former Australian military lawyer, charged over the leak of documents to the ABC, was committed to stand trial in the ACT Supreme Court.


David William McBride, 55, is accused of theft and three counts of breaching the Defence Act, for being a person who is a member of the Defence Force and communicating a plan, document or information, an offence that carries an unlimited fine or prison time as penalty when heard on indictment.


ABC executive editor John Lyons, who is tweeting Wednesday's conversation between ABC lawyers and the AFP officers, said police have told them Wednesday's raid is not in connection with Tuesday's search of Smethurst's house.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 2:10 a.m. No.6676115   🗄️.is 🔗kun



[P2] RP QRes#8536


"ABC lawyers tell AFP: We waive no rights, and reserve the right to take injunction against the warrant," Lyons tweeted.


"The AFP tell us they are interested in 'certain things'."


In a statement, the Australian Federal Police said Wednesday's search warrant "relates to a referral received on 11 July 2017 from the Chief of the Defence Force and the then-acting Secretary for Defence".


The raids were "in relation to allegations of publishing classified material, contrary to provisions of the Crimes Act 1914".


"All AFP search warrants are authorised by a magistrate or an appropriate member of the judiciary. This is the result of supporting documentation or material being presented to the court which provides sufficient suspicion that a criminal offence has been committed," the statement said.


"No arrests are planned today as a result of this activity."


ABC managing director David Anderson said it was "highly unusual" for the national broadcaster to be raided in this way.


"This is a serious development and raises legitimate concerns over freedom of the press and proper public scrutiny of national security and defence matters," he said in a statement.


"The ABC stands by its journalists, will protect its sources and continue to report without fear or favour on national security and intelligence issues when there is a clear public interest."


Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Wednesday said he was not troubled by a federal police raid on the home of Smethurst, arguing all Australians must abide by national security laws.


2GB radio host Ben Fordham also revealed this week that he had been contacted by the Department of Home Affairs about his reporting, with the department investigating how he obtained "highly confidential" information about asylum seeker vessels.


Fordham said the department was seeking his co-operation with the probe, which could become a criminal investigation and "potentially" involve a police raid.


Journalists' union the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance said a second day of raids set a "disturbing pattern of assaults on Australian press freedom" and was an attack on the public's right to know.


"Police raiding journalists is becoming normalised and it has to stop," union official Marcus Strom said.


"These raids are about intimidating journalists and media organisations because of their truth-telling. They are about more than hunting down whistleblowers that reveal what governments are secretly doing in our name, but also preventing the media from shining a light on the actions of government."


Strom said the Coalition and Labor had together created a legal environment that was enabling a "politically motivated assault" on public interest journalism.


Centre Alliance senator Rex Patrick immediately hit out at the latest police raids, saying the ABC's investigation was clearly in the public interest.


"It appears this is the chosen week for a full-blown attack on freedom of the press in this country," he said.


Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young called for an urgent inquiry into press freedom.


"Another day, another AFP raid on Australian journalists. This is a very worrying sign," she said.


"Australians deserve and have every right to know what our [government] is up to."

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 2:11 a.m. No.6676117   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian police raids on national broadcaster, News Corp prompt outcry

RP from QRes#8536


SYDNEY (Reuters) - Police raided the offices of Australia’s national broadcaster on Wednesday over allegations it had published classified material, the second raid on a media outlet in two days, prompting complaints that the “outrageous” raids hindered media freedom. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) said its officers carried out a search warrant at the head office of the government-funded Australian Broadcasting Corp. (ABC) in Sydney on Wednesday. That came a day after police raided the home of a News Corp editor, although the AFP said the raids were unrelated.


“It is highly unusual for the national broadcaster to be raided in this way,” ABC Managing Director David Anderson said in a statement. “This is a serious development and raises legitimate concerns over freedom of the press and proper public scrutiny of national security and defense matters,” he said. The AFP said the ABC raid was in relation to allegations it had published classified material and followed a referral from the chief of the Australian Defence Force and a former acting defense secretary in 2017. The ABC raid was authorized by a court and based on evidence that provided “sufficient suspicion that a criminal offence has been committed”, the AFP said in a statement.


Marcus Strom, president of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance trade union, said on his Twitter account the two raids were “just outrageous”. “Police raiding journalists is becoming normalized. It has to stop,” he said. The ABC raid was in relation to a series of broadcasts in 2017 about alleged misconduct by Australian troops in Afghanistan, the broadcaster said.


The raid on the News Corp editor related to a 2018 newspaper report that said Australian intelligence agencies wanted to carry out surveillance by accessing people’s emails, bank accounts and text messages, domestic media reported. News Corp called the raid on its employee “outrageous and heavy handed”, and “a dangerous act of intimidation”. The Rupert Murdoch-controlled company said it had “the most serious concerns about the willingness of governments to undermine the Australian public’s right to know about important decisions governments are making”.


Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison was reported as saying he believed in media freedom but that there were also clear rules about the use of classified information. “​It never troubles me that our laws are being upheld,” the Sydney Morning Herald quoted Morrison as saying.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.6683718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Questions raised over arrival of Chinese warships in Sydney

RP from QRes#8539




Questions have been raised about the arrival of three Chinese warships in the Sydney Harbour, with New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian revealing she was not informed prior.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has dismissed concerns, saying he had known about the arrival for 'some time' and insisting 'it certainly wasn’t a surprise to the government'.


Defence experts say the government's decision not to formally announce the Chinese naval taskforce visit to Australia is a 'bad look'.


Shadow Minister for Defence and newly appointed Deputy Labor leader Richard Marles has taken aim at the government for its failure to announce the arrival in advance, questioning why the Coalition 'wouldn't bother to let anyone know it was happening'.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 5, 2019, 11:52 p.m. No.6683726   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another PapaD Tweet

RP from QRes#8539


Downer was such a clown that he was actually holding his phone upright as I was answering his questions to record me. The walrus, Stefan Halper, tried to pull the same thing. Both are responsible for getting the UK and Australia to kiss the ring and humiliate themselves.



Anonymous ID: 91655b June 6, 2019, midnight No.6683747   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian feds raid broadcaster’s office over Afghan war crime stories

RP from QRes#8541


Australian police have raided national broadcaster ABC's headquarters over a 2017 story series exposing crimes committed by special forces in Afghanistan, the second raid on journalists in two days.


Six officers, including three police technicians, descended on the broadcaster's Sydney offices with a warrant explaining the raid was "in relation to allegations of publishing classified material, contrary to provisions of the Crimes Act 1914." The classified material in question? Hundreds of pages of leaked defense documents marked AUSTEO (Australian Eyes Only) that formed the basis of ABC's 2017 story series 'The Afghan Files.' The warrant names the report's authors, Dan Oakes and Sam Clark, as well as ABC news director Gaven Morris.


The officers rounded up ABC's IT staff to assist in examining their email server looking for "a series of key words," while others scoured a hard drive, according to John Lyons, ABC executive editor and head of investigations department, who live-tweeted the raid. Officers helpfully told him they were interested in "very specific matters" and "certain things," dryly noting "this could take some time," Lyons reported. Four hours into the raid, they had collected over 9,200 files and were deciding which could be seized under the warrant.

Anonymous ID: 91655b June 6, 2019, 12:07 a.m. No.6683764   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Vatican treasurer appeals against abuse convictions

RP from QRes#8544


MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Former Vatican treasurer Cardinal George Pell appeared in an Australian court on Wednesday for an appeal hearing to overturn convictions for sexually abusing two choir boys in the 1990s. Pell, who has maintained his innocence throughout, wore a black suit with a clerical collar in his first public appearance since March, shortly after becoming the most senior Catholic worldwide to be convicted for child sex offences. The 77-year-old was jailed for six years after he was found guilty on five charges of abusing two 13-year-old boys at St Patrick’s Cathedral while he was archbishop of Melbourne more than 20 years ago.


The appeal is being held over two days in the state of Victoria’s Supreme Court, although a ruling could take several weeks. Pell could be released or face a retrial if the court rules in his favor. The court was packed with lawyers, journalists and members of the public while a few protesters outside the building carried placards denouncing the Catholic Church. Pell’s original trial judge in March said that because of his age, the former Vatican treasurer could die in jail. His fate now rests in the hands of three judges presiding over the appeal.


Pell is appealing his conviction on three grounds: the jury verdicts were “unreasonable” based on the evidence, the judge erred by blocking the defense from showing a video graphic in its closing argument, and there was a “fundamental irregularity” as Pell did not make his plea physically in the presence of the jury panel, but rather by a video-link. Pell’s appeal claim said the whole case rested on the account of one of the two victims, and there were “at least thirteen solid obstacles in the path of a conviction”. “No matter what view was taken of the complainant as a witness, it was simply not open to the jury to accept his word beyond reasonable doubt,” the appeal claim to the court said.


Pell’s barrister, Bret Walker, told the court his client could not have been in the priests’ sacristy at the time of the events as he would have been out on the front steps of the cathedral after mass, a point that went unchallenged at the trial. The claimant said the first assault took place in the priests’ sacristy after mass in late 1996. “You have to destroy the alibi, otherwise there is a reasonable doubt,” Walker told the court. He said the victim who testified at the trial gave differing accounts about the timing of the abuse, which also should have raised a reasonable doubt. The Crown will lay out its response to the appeal on Thursday.


While awaiting the outcome of his appeal, Pell remains a cardinal and could only be dismissed from the priesthood if the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith found him guilty following a separate canonical trial or a shortened procedure called an “administrative process”. Pell was chosen in 2014 to oversee the Vatican’s vast finances, but no longer has any position in the Vatican.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 6, 2019, 12:45 a.m. No.6683889   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No repeat of WWII horrors: leaders


Scott Morrison sat behind the Queen, outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May and US President Donald Trump during a moving commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day, soon after signing a world leaders’ Peace Pledge declaring the unspeakable horrors of World War II would never be revisited.


The Prime Minister was one of 16 world leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to make the pledge as they saluted the anniversary of the turning point of WWII.


Mr Morrison then met 300 veterans of the D-Day landing, although there were none of the 3300-strong Australian contingent that took part in Operation Overlord on June 6, 1944. Thirteen Australians died on D-Day.


Ninety-three-year-old D Day British veteran Thomas Stonehouse, 93, of Hampshire told The Australian: “I was dead lucky to survive.” He said that his abiding memory was being dreadfully seasick during the landing. His mate who had enrolled in the army on the same day as him — their shared 18th birthday — died beside him that day.


The Peace Pledge acknowledges the 16 nations present at the D-Day ceremony will ensure the un­imag­in­able horror of what happened 75 years ago will not be repeated.


The nations who have signed it include Germany, the US, Britain, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Greece, Czech Republic, Holland, Norway, Poland and France.


“In this way, we salute the surviving veterans of D-Day and we honour the memories of those who came before us,” the pledge says. “We will ensure that the sacrifices of the past are never in vain and never forgotten.”


It also promotes working together in a multilateral sense, and reinforces the strong message of the UK from Britain to Mr Trump to work together constructively as friends and allies.


World leaders who were in attendance were Mr Morrison, French president Emmanuel Macron, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, US President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Charles Michel from Belgium, the Czech Republic’s Prime Minister Andrej Babis, President Prokopis Pavlopoulos from Greece, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel, the Dutch PM Mark Rutte, Norway’s PM Erna Solberg, Poland’s PM Mateusz Morawiecki and Slovakia’s deputy Prime Minister Richard Rasi.


Lieutenant Commander Scott Roberts of the Royal Australian Navy Lieutenant Commander Scott Roberts had a key role in the emotional commemoration representing Australia’s participation in the huge Allied invasion.


Lieutenant Commander Roberts read an excerpt from the 1943 Tehran Conference, where Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Russia’s Joseph Stalin discussed military strategy against Germany, and developed the D-Day plan.


“We look with confidence to the day when all peoples of the world may live free lives, untouched by tyranny, and according to their varying desires and their own consciences. We came here with hope and determination. We leave here, friends in fact, in spirit and in purpose,’’ he read.


The Queen is the only female member of the royal family to have served in the military, training as a mechanic with the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1945 upon turning 18. She remembered the words of her father, King George VI, as he called for a new unconquerable resolve for the D-Day invasion and she then added: “With humility and pleasure on behalf of the country and the whole free world I say to you all, thank you.


She said: “When I attended the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the D-Day Landings, some thought it might be the last such event. But the wartime generation — my generation — is resilient, and I am delighted to be with you in Portsmouth today.’’


Other speakers at the commemoration were Mr Macron, who read a letter from a 16-year-old French Resistance member who was executed by the Nazis; Mr Trump, who read excerpts of a prayer broadcast across the US by his predecessor Franklin D. Roosevelt on the night of the D-Day invasion; and Mrs May, who read a letter from Captain Norman Skinner of the Royal Army Service Corps, to his wife Gladys on June 3, 1944, that was found in his pocket after he was killed in action.


Before the event, Mr Morrison said he would be remembering the sacrifice of Australians in both ­during D-Day and the entirety of WWII. He said it was an honour to represent Australia paying tribute to those who stormed the beaches and landed in of Normandy on June 6, 1944.


“At those beaches now forever etched in our consciousness, our memory — Utah, Omaha, Juno, Gold and Sword — tens of thousands of young men faced enemy fire and their own fear and conquered it, all for the higher cause of freedom,’’ Mr Morrison said.

Anonymous ID: f430c7 June 7, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.6691924   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More Police Raids As War On Journalism Escalates Worldwide

RP from QRes#8549


The Australian Federal Police have conducted two raids on journalists and seized documents in purportedly unrelated incidents in the span of just two days.


Yesterday the AFP raided the home of News Corp Australia journalist Annika Smethurst, seeking information related to her investigative report last year which exposed the fact that the Australian government has been discussing the possibility of giving itself unprecedented powers to spy on its own citizens. Today they raided the Sydney headquarters of the Australian Broadcasting Corp, seizing information related to a 2017 investigative report on possible war crimes committed by Australian forces in Afghanistan.


In a third, also ostensibly unrelated incident, another Australian reporter disclosed yesterday that the Department of Home Affairs has initiated an investigation of his reporting on a story about asylum seeker boats which could lead to an AFP criminal case, saying he’s being pressured to disclose his source.


AFP: I’m still staggered by the power of this warrant. It allows the AFP to “add, copy, delete or alter” material in the ABC’s computers. All Australians, please think about that: as of this moment, the AFP has the power to delete material in the ABC’s computers. Australia 2019.


— John Lyons (@TheLyonsDen) June 5, 2019

Anonymous ID: f430c7 June 7, 2019, 12:18 a.m. No.6691937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Citizens Disobey New Zealand Gun Ban, Only 530 of 300,000 People Turned Guns In

RP from QRes#8549


After New Zealand banned people from having guns in reaction to the terrible shooting in March, almost everyone is refusing to obey the law.


In March, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the “first tranche” in a number of moves to restrict the rights of New Zealand citizens to protect themselves with firearms. This move was in direct response to the horrific murders that unfolded on March 15. Coincidentally, this is the exact move the terrorist who carried out these attacks had hoped for and predicted. The good news is, however, that most citizens are refusing to turn in their guns.


The terrorist who murdered 50 people earlier this year was engaging in a classic propaganda of the deed in which he predicted—accurately—that his murder would spark the restriction of gun rights. Lawmakers took his bait.


“On 15 March, our history changed forever. Now, our laws will too,” said Ardern as she carried out the will of this terrorist. “We are announcing action today on behalf of all New Zealanders to strengthen our gun laws and make our country a safer place.”


“What we’re banning today are the things used in last Friday’s attack,” she said, adding: “It’s about all of us, it’s in the national interest and it’s about safety.”


According to a new report from the NZ Herald, however, the citizens feel “safer” by holding on to their guns.

Anonymous ID: f430c7 June 7, 2019, 12:24 a.m. No.6691946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: Armed Offenders Squad Responding to Reports of Gun Fire in Christchurch, New Zealand


The Armed Offenders Squad is reportedly responding to reports of gun fire in Christchurch, New Zealand.


Officers in Christchurch, the site of two mosque shootings that left 51 people dead, say that they are responding to reports of gun fire, but did not give any further details. Avonside Drive has been closed off as police investigate.


The Armed Offenders Squad is a special unit of the New Zealand Police who are typically used to respond in high risk incidents. Police say that they have been deployed in this case as a precaution.


We will provide more information as it becomes available.

Anonymous ID: f430c7 June 7, 2019, 12:34 a.m. No.6691969   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian Authorities seize almost 1.6 tonnes of ice (Meth) hidden in stereo speakers

RP from QRes#8556


A joint investigation between Australian Federal Police and Border Force officers has uncovered the largest amount of ice to ever make it to Australian shores.


The mega-haul, close to 1.6 tonnes, was hidden inside stereo speakers sent from Bangkok, Thailand and was discovered when border officers selected a container for further inspection at Melbourne’s ports.


In total, 1.596 tonnes of methylamphetamine and 37kgs of heroin


here have been no arrests and ABF and the AFP are continuing investigations.


ABF Regional Commander Victoria, Craig Palmer, said the record detection would have a significant impact on drug supply in the state.


“Without the sophisticated targeting and detection capabilities of the ABF, these drugs would have made it to the streets of Melbourne and beyond,” Commander Palmer said.


“This is the largest meth bust we’ve ever seen in this country and demonstrates not only the brazen nature of those involved in this criminal activity, but the resolve of the ABF in Victoria and around the country to stop these imports.”


AFP Acting Commander Peter Bodel, Organised Crime, said the seizure has stopped the drugs from devastating the community.


“The effect of these drugs on the community and families would have been profound. It may be your loved one, a friend or neighbour who has been spared the terrifying impact of this mammoth shipment.”

Anonymous ID: f430c7 June 7, 2019, 12:43 a.m. No.6691996   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#8556


Compare The Market on the hunt for new CMO following resignation of Jenny Williams

Anonymous ID: f430c7 June 7, 2019, 12:45 a.m. No.6692001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Massive blunder as suppressed name of one of Pells victims mentioned in court

RP from QRes#8556




There has been a major blunder on day two of Cardinal George Pell's appeal. Gasps could be heard across the court as top secret information was mentioned, while the proceedings were being live streamed. @ChrisReason7 #7NEWS


Major blunder on day two of Pell’s appeal


11:15 PM - 5 Jun 2019


Gasps could be heard across the court as top secret information was mentioned, while the proceedings were being live streamed.

Anonymous ID: f6750d June 7, 2019, 1:05 a.m. No.6692042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2591

Whats this about? Tensions in the Pacific..


This is clearly sending a message.


China warships leave Sydney after surprise visit 'raises hackles'


“The ships arrived off Darling Point and other famous places in Sydney’s harbor without people knowing in advance … and with armed soldiers and sailors on the decks of the ships looking fairly aggressive.”

Anonymous ID: 0e2003 June 7, 2019, 4:38 a.m. No.6692591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5811



Maybe China owns Australia? Or they think they do?


But what about the Australian Federal Police raids on deep state journalists. This is really confusing since I doubt that either the ABC journalists or the AFP leadership are white hats.


Right now I'm thinking that this is the Australian deep state trying to tee something up. Maybe to set a precedent to raid everyone they want? Maybe to set a precedent to so that they can claim everything posted on 8Chan is an illegal leak, even when it's not?


It really looks like somebody in Australia is panicking. Now we have to figure out what it means. Right now I can't decide.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 8, 2019, 1:11 a.m. No.6700825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3037

US police officer Mohamed Noor jailed for death of Justine Damond Ruszczyk


A former Minneapolis police officer has been sentenced to jail for the fatal shooting of an Australian woman nearly two years ago.


Former police officer Mohamed Noor was sentenced to a 12.5-year prison sentence for shooting dead Australian life coach Justine Damond Ruszczyk.


Justine Damond Ruszczyk grew up on Sydney's northern beaches and devoted her life to helping people and animals.


Mohamed Noor was born in war-torn Somalia, fled to Kenya as a five-year-old refugee with his family before settling in the US where he overcame racism and a lack of English to become a celebrated Minneapolis police recruit.


Ms Damond Ruszczyk, 40, was shot dead in an alley.


Noor, 33, fired the fatal bullet.


"Good people sometimes do bad things," Judge Kathryn Quantance told Noor as he stood before her in a Minneapolis court on Friday.


Noor was convicted by a Minneapolis jury of Ms Damond Ruszczyk's third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in April and Judge Quantance showed little mercy.


She sentenced Noor to a 12.5-year prison term.


The sentence was announced at the end of an emotionally-charged hearing where the fallen officer spoke to Ms Damond Ruszczyk's American fiance and Australian family.


Noor, who admitted he took the life of "a perfect person", said he had wanted to meet with Mr Damond and Ms Damond Ruszczyk's father John, brother Jason and other family members but was prevented from doing so.


He issued an apology and told how he wrote the family a letter from jail.


"I have wanted to sit with Mr Damond and tell him about what happened and to extend my condolences to him for the last two years as well as to Ms Ruszczyk's other families," Noor said in a voice trembling with emotion.


"The process of the courts and the lawyers (are) so cruel in the way it makes us behave to each other.


"The system is dehumanising."


The public gallery was filled with tears as a video of Ms Damond Ruszczyk's life was played.


Tears also flowed when Mr Damond, who was set to marry his "soul mate" in a romantic ceremony in Hawaii just weeks after the tragedy, addressed the court.


It was in the form of a letter he wrote to Ms Damond Ruszczyk.


Mr Damond's heart-wrenching words included how they were planning to have a baby.


"I miss you every day - every moment," Mr Damond said.


Ms Damond Ruszczyk's Australian family members were not in court but their impact statements were read.


Her father requested the maximum sentence and described how "Justine's death has left me incomplete".


The murder count carried a maximum 25 years' prison and the manslaughter charge 10 years.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 8, 2019, 1:27 a.m. No.6700854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

George Pell faces new legal fight over allegations he failed to protect abuse victim from paedophile


A man abused by notorious paedophile Christian Brother Edward "Ted" Dowlan is suing George Pell, alleging the disgraced Cardinal did nothing to protect him.


The man was a student at East Melbourne's Cathedral College when he was abused by Dowlan, who was first jailed in the 1990s for abusing boys in the 1970s and 1980s.


Taking civil action in the Supreme Court, the man alleges Pell knew of Dowlan's abuse and was involved in moving him from school to school, allowing it to continue.


Pell was the episcopal vicar for education in the Ballarat diocese from 1973 to 1984.


Dowlan is serving jail time for abuse he admitted committing between 1971 and 1988.


The Supreme Court heard on Friday Pell had not responded to the civil suit.


Dowlan remained a Christian Brother until 2008 and changed his name to Ted Bales in 2011 to separate himself from the earlier offending.


He was jailed again in 2015 after admitting to the abuse of another 20 boys.


The civil case is due to go before a jury next year, but parties will first have to attend mediation.


Barrister Geraldine Gray was in court representing Bishop of Ballarat Paul Bird, Archbishop of Melbourne Peter Comensoli and the Catholic Education Commission, who are also named in the suit.


Michael Magazanik, representing the man, said there was no question the abuse occurred and his client had been compensated for it previously.


It was not a complicated case, he said.


Ms Gray noted there were specific allegations made against each defendant which would take time to address.


Pell is facing a number of civil suits in the Supreme Court, on top of his criminal matters.


He faced the Court of Appeal this week in a bid to overturn his December conviction on five charges for abusing two 13-year-old choirboys at St Patrick's Cathedral in 1996.


Pell was jailed in March and is serving a six-year sentence, with a minimum three years and eight months.

Anonymous ID: 5c4101 June 8, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.6704415   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I live in VIC and there have been a staggering number of chem trails recently.

I'm on the road every day and travel through many suburbs. They're happening so frequently I'm almost jaded to the sight. Never used to believe in them until I saw them with my own two eyes. Makes me so furious to think of what they're dumping into our air.

Having said that, I trust the plan. I know these Cabal fuckers won't be getting away with their crimes for much longer. Justice is coming and I'm so grateful we've got Q leading us into a brighter future.

Godspeed Q and much love to all Aussie anons


Anonymous ID: d61a21 June 8, 2019, 4:37 p.m. No.6705811   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Aus media stood by and watched the witch hunt of Assange for 7 years, with barely a murmur, no worries.


Now they are coming for them.

Bleat bleat…

Anonymous ID: de01bc June 9, 2019, 12:21 a.m. No.6708994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It is Gerry Harvey of Harvey Norman who forced the government’s hand to introduce GST on purchases under $1000 made from overseas websites.

You see, Gerry, who is really quite poor, was contemptuous that he was missing out on the extra profits he so desperately needed, so lobbied the government to apply the tax WHICH COSTS MORE TO ADMINISTER THAN IS COLLECTED. So if you follow this to it’s natural conclusion, the government (you and me) spend more money than we make charging GST so Gerry can make more sales and money. We should just let him pay less tax and we’ll all be happy.



Anonymous ID: 529664 June 9, 2019, 3:25 a.m. No.6709285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After Assange’s Espionage Act Indictment, Police Move Against More Journalists for Publishing Classified Material

RP from QRes#8559


Less than two months after the arrest of journalist Julian Assange, and two weeks after his indictment under the Espionage Act, emboldened governments have sent the police after journalists who’ve challenged the state. Joe Lauria reports.


By Joe Lauria


in Sydney, Australia


Special to Consortium News


Following the arrest and Espionage Act indictment of Julian Assange a number of police actions against journalists for publishing classified information and other journalistic activity has heightened fears among mainstream journalists that they could be next.


Police in Sydney, Australia on Wednesday raided the offices of the taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation, copying thousands of files related to a 2017 ABC broadcast that revealed allegations of war crimes by Australian special forces in Afghanistan.


Three Australian Federal Police officers and three police technicians entered ABC’s Sydney headquarters with a search warrant that named two ABC investigative journalists and the network’s news director. The police demanded to look through the journalists’ emails, ABC reported.


David Anderson, the ABC managing director, said it was “highly unusual for the national broadcaster to be raided in this way”.


“This is a serious development and raises legitimate concerns over freedom of the press and proper public scrutiny of national security and Defence matters,” he said. “The ABC stands by its journalists, will protect its sources and continue to report without fear or favour on national security and intelligence issues when there is a clear public interest.” John Lyons, ABC’s executive editor and head of investigative journalism, tweeted:


Lyons said the federal police were going through dozens of emails with the authority to delete or even change their content. Protagonist Winston Smith’s job in Orwell’s 1984 was to rewrite news archives.


“I recall writing ages ago about Australian legislation giving the Australian govt power to ‘add, alter or delete’ targeted material,” Australian psychologist and social critic Lissa Johnson told Consortium News.“The msm barely batted an eyelid at the time. Now that power is being wielded against the ABC.”


Gaven Morris, ABC’s news director, said: “Journalism is not a crime.”


“Our journalists do a really difficult job, I’m proud of what they do, they do it in the public’s interest,” he said. “I’d say to all the journalists at the ABC and all the journalists across Australia, don’t be afraid of the job you do.”….

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 9, 2019, 3:40 a.m. No.6709300   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another Papa D Tweet

RP from QRes#8564


"Mid April 2016 Australian wanna be honeypot, Erica Thompson, starts to make contact and tries to seduce me (too ugly). Late April CIA asset, Joseph Mifsud, drops the fake Russia info in my lap. May 10, Alexander Downer and wannabe honeypot spy and record my conversation. Declass!"

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 9, 2019, 3:47 a.m. No.6709308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian police seize 1.6 tons of Meth

RP from QRes#8567




Australian police seize 1.6 tons of #meth in largest ever bust #Australia


3:20 PM - 7 Jun 2019


Good news

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 9, 2019, 3:52 a.m. No.6709314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the region

RP from QRes#8568


Councillor to resign as divisions rage in Southland


Invercargill City councillor to resign over council actions at meeting

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 9, 2019, 3:55 a.m. No.6709317   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Antony Kidman links

RP from QRes#8569,6918

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 9, 2019, 3:57 a.m. No.6709323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian newspaper running a hit-piece on DJT re Central Park 5.

RP from QRes#8570


Donald Trump’s role in the tragedy of the Central Park Five case -


It was a sickening case that became infamous. And now a director refuses to let President Trump forget his role in the wrongful conviction of the Central Park Five.





Donald Trump, then a real estate tycoon who had recently shot to prominence in the city due to his ghostwritten book The Art Of The Deal, paid $85,000 to run full-page ads in New York’s four daily papers: The New York Times, The Daily News, The New York Post, and New York Newsday. The same inflammatory 600-word diatribe, running May 1, 1989, across all four papers, was titled ‘Bring Back The Death Penalty. Bring Back Our Police’ and while it didn’t refer to the incident specifically, it referred to “roving bands of wild criminals” and called for the “criminals of every age” to be put to death. “I want to hate these muggers and murderers,’’ Trump wrote. “They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.’’


Rallying against a largely misunderstood quote from Mayor Koch that “hate and rancour should be removed from our hearts”, Trump called for zero policy sentencing.


“How can our great society tolerate the continued brutalisation of its citizens by crazed misfits?” the letter asks. “Criminals must be told that their CIVIL LIBERTIES END WHEN AN ATTACK ON OUR SAFETY BEGINS!”



Since then, he (Trump) has repeatedly reiterated the guilty verdict of the men, even though their convictions were vacated. Just this week, he alluded to the case again.


“Anyone associated with the 1994 Crime Bill will not have a chance of being elected,” he tweeted. “In particular, African-Americans will not be able to vote for you. I, on the other hand, was responsible for Criminal Justice Reform, which had tremendous support, & helped fix the bad 1994 Bill!”


The film’s director, Ava DuVernay, was quick to fire back: “The story people know is the lie that you told them. Your violent rhetoric fed tensions that led to the bill you pretend to distant yourself from. But you can’t hide from what you did to The Central Park Five. They were innocent. And they will have the last word.”

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 9, 2019, 4:03 a.m. No.6709339   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not sure if already posted, but a good read to share. Jeff does good work and links sources. Just posting first few paragraphs. He updated the article yesterday.


5 Discrepancies Call the Accuracy of Mueller’s Report Into Question

RP from QRes#8573


The Mueller report appears to have been carefully worded by the lawyers working under former special counsel Robert Mueller, and perhaps Mueller himself, in a manner designed to inflict political damage on President Donald Trump.


Additionally, we now know that sections of the report were also selectively edited to provide damaging portrayals. Examples include the representation of the transcript of a phone call between the president’s attorney, John Dowd, and the attorney for former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a letter from the attorney of an individual referenced in the Mueller report, and a sequence of dates concerning the meeting between Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos and Australian diplomat Alexander Downer.


Lastly, there are troubling and disturbing details surrounding a heavily used witness in the Mueller report, George Nader.


What makes these examples particularly notable is that access to the underlying material used in the Mueller report is extremely limited. In each of the instances where information is publicly available—documents released in the ongoing Flynn case, a rebuttal letter from lawyers for the individual mentioned in the Mueller report, and details surrounding the Papadopoulos case—they highlight inconsistencies, thereby raising concerns that Mueller’s report may be hiding many more such problems.


Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) highlighted the Dowd transcript in a May 31 tweet, saying, “This is why we need all backup and source documentation for the #muellerdossier released publicly. It’s all a fraud…”

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 9, 2019, 4:09 a.m. No.6709348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinese warships collect baby formula in Australia



Chinese warships that docked unexpectedly at an Australian port departed with a cargo of baby formula, local media discovered.


The arrival of a trio of Chinese ships, including an amphibious assault vessel, set off alarm bells on Monday morning among Australian citizens who did not have advance notice of the visit and analysts who regarded it as a show of force. But the trip also highlighted China’s vulnerabilities, as Chinese sailors were photographed loading baby formula onto the ships before they departed.


“What some Chinese colleagues were saying about ‘realistic socialism’ as true state of affairs in their country, and best epitomized here: advanced warships that project the State's might while sailors cope with tainted food products back home,” Collin Koh, a research fellow at the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies in Singapore, commented in a Friday night tweet.


China was rocked by a scandal involving tainted baby formula in 2008, when testing showed that a toxic chemical was being used in milk powder that resulted in the death of six children and illness for 300,000 more, including more than 50,000 babies who required hospitalization.


“On Thursday, on the eve of the ships’ departure for China, People’s Liberation Army personnel were seen loading dozens of boxes full of A2 platinum and Aptamil formula on board,” the Weekend Australian, which photographed the sailors, explained. “Baby formula made in Australia, the US and Europe has been highly sought in China for the past decade.”


The arrival of the three ships stirred a controversy in Australia, in part because Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s government did not warn local officials to expect the warships. Their trip was billed as a routine visit while returning from the Middle East.


“Chinese naval visits to Australia have more typically been a lone frigate, not a task group with an amphibious assault ship and 700 personnel,” Rory Medcalf, the head of Australian National University’s National Security College, said this week. “Sydney is hardly a convenient stopover on their way home from the Gulf of Aden.”

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 9, 2019, 4:11 a.m. No.6709350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another PapaD Tweet

RP from QRes#8575


Australia/UK/Italy/Ukraine were willfully sabotaging the democratic process in this country by spying on us. Italy has already flipped and are getting the best deal out of their mistakes in 2016. The UK is dragging its feet, Australia is aloof and Ukraine is terrified.

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 9, 2019, 4:15 a.m. No.6709359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9467

Anons comments on Streets pedo-like logo

RP from QRes#8578


I'm so sick of the sheer audacity of these Satanic companies that openly advertise their participation in the global child-trafficking death cult.


You see this company's branding EVERYWHERE in Australia, even though this "heart swirl" was one of the earliest leaks of pedo symbols. It will be much easier to take down the criminals behind these companies when they so proudly telegraph their crimes for all to see.


The people of Australia are still very asleep. But not for much longer. There will be hell to pay. Soon.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 9, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.6715686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AFP media raids: defence agencies refuse to say if minister was told before leaks referred to police


Defence agencies are refusing to say whether they consulted with the then defence minister Marise Payne before referring leaks of classified information to the Australian federal police.


The AFP has confirmed that it began its investigations into the ABC’s report of alleged unlawful killings by Australian troops in Afghanistan and Annika Smethurst’s report of plans to extend spy powers after it received referrals from agency heads in July 2017 and August 2018 respectively.


Payne was the relevant minister for both the defence department and the Australian Signals Directorate at the time of the referrals.


Both agencies refused to respond to questions from Guardian Australia about whether they had consulted with Payne before asking the AFP to investigate, with the Department of Defence saying it would be “inappropriate” to respond.


The ongoing secrecy over the handling of the raids comes as the AFP faces the possibility of two inquiries into its widely condemned actions when parliament resumes next month. The chair of the committee overseeing law enforcement agencies, Craig Kelly, has pledged to review the AFP’s conduct, while crossbench senators are also pushing for a separate Senate probe.


Labor’s shadow home affairs minister, Kristina Keneally, has said a Senate inquiry is “an option open to the opposition”, but it would still require the full support of the crossbench to become a reality.


The ABC is also considering taking legal action over the raid, its chair confirmed on Monday. Ita Buttrose said the broadcaster had consulted lawyers about its options but had not “briefed anybody yet”.


“At this point, we’re really assessing the allegations to see what actions can be taken and we want to make sure that we’re in the strongest available position to defend ourselves and also our journalists,” Buttrose told ABC radio.


Matthew Collins QC, president of the Victorian Bar Council, confirmed he had been retained by the ABC but could not comment further.


Buttrose also said she would be meeting with the prime minister, Scott Morrison, about the raid this week.


“I’m not going to tell the prime minister what to do but I will tell him how we feel at the ABC and how I feel,” she said.


The home affairs minister, Peter Dutton, has claimed the AFP’s investigation happened at “arm’s length” from the government, saying he had been aware that the investigation was under way, but had no prior knowledge of the media raids.


Under the AFP’s guidelines, matters where the execution of a search warrant may have “politically sensitive implications” should be raised with the minister responsible for the AFP, by the relevant minister or department at the time of the referral.


“This enables the government to be informed at the earliest juncture of potentially politically contentious matters that may require investigation by the AFP,” the guidelines state.


As the government faces sustained pressure over the nature of the raids, former defence secretary and former head of ASIO Dennis Richardson said agencies needed to be “cautious” about referrals to the AFP.


“If you refer a matter to the AFP they take control of that, and it goes where it goes – they drop some, they pursue others,” Richardson told ABC radio.


“This one … was a matter referred to them two years ago and it pops out of the woodwork now. That to me is not unusual, but I do think that it points to the fact that you need to be cautious in what you refer to the AFP if you don’t want it to surprise you down the track.”


He said he understood the “emotional reaction” to the raids, but believed it was “misplaced” to suggest the AFP was trying to intimidate the media.


“It might have had the consequence of that, but everything I know about the AFP would lead me to believe that the AFP is not in the space of deliberately setting out to intimidate the media.”

Anonymous ID: de01bc June 10, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.6717849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From General Research:



Connected to setting up Papadopoulous.

George Papadopoulos spreading disinformation to Australia

George Papadopoulos, a one-time adviser to the Donald Trump campaign, is promoting disinformation aimed at Australia, using tactics “in the same vein” as other public figures linked to Russia.

Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty in a US court to lying to the FBI about his contacts with a Russian intermediary in September, has since initiated a public relations war against Australia's former High Commissioner to the UK Alexander Downer.

About the US and the Americas Programme

Work on the US and the Americas at Chatham House concentrates on the changing role of the US in the world. Building on the independent, international reputation of Chatham House, the programme provides a unique external perspective on the US.

The programme aims to:

develop a contextual understanding of the transformations taking place within the US and internationally, to analyse how they affect US foreign policy;

offer predictions on America's likely future international direction;

influence responses from allies and others towards the US;

highlight to American policy-makers the intended, and unintended, impact of their policies overseas.

The programme comprises both in-house staff and an international network of associate fellows who together provide in-depth expertise in both geographical and thematic areas.

About the Russia and Eurasia Programme

The Russia and Eurasia Programme brings together the best thinking on the changing dynamics of this increasingly diverse region as well as their implications for the West and the wider world. Established in 1986 as the Soviet Foreign Policy Programme at Chatham House, the programme swiftly evolved after the collapse of the Soviet Union to cover external and internal policy issues not just in the Russian Federation, but in the other newly independent states. Our challenge today is to reflect the disposition of forces and interests in the region without diminishing the high level of attention we have always devoted to Russia.

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 11, 2019, 2:59 a.m. No.6724515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons Twitter find on George Pell/Catholic Church

RP from QRes#8583


Found on twatter


Rod Dreher




Just heard from a clerical source I trust that 3 yrs ago, #CardinalPell was describing how much hidden money he'd found investigating Vatican Bank. Someone present said, “Your Eminence, don’t you fear for your life?” Pell responded, “No, they will destroy my reputation.”




Cardinal Pell & The Mafia


By ROD DREHER • June 6, 2019


In 2014, Pell was given by Pope Francis responsibility for cleaning up the infamously corrupt Vatican Bank. When that news broke, I thought, “They’ll find some way to take him out. They won’t let him do it.” When the child abuse charges were brought against Pell in 2017, I thought, “So that’s how they did it.” But I didn’t go further, because how would I prove that Pell was set up? It was just a hunch.


When I was in Australia last month, I found myself in a conversation one evening with someone about all this. (I had a lot of Pell conversations, as you might imagine.) I shared with my interlocutor my suspicion that Pell was set up to take him off the Vatican Bank case. The man across the table said, “That’s interesting. You may not know it, but the ‘Ndrangheta is quite well established in Australia, especially in Victoria. That’s where the cardinal was charged.”


The ‘Ndrangheta is the Calabrian mafia, and yes, they are well established in Australia. They control organized crime on Australia’s East Coast, and are said to have infiltrated every part of the Australian establishment. With that in mind, here’s an interesting bit of news, from the Irish Times, Nov. 16, 2013:


Senior Calabrian Mafia investigator Nicola Gratteri, whose investigative zeal has forced him to live with police protection since 1989, has said the pope’s plans to reform Vatican structures, including the Vatican bank, the IOR, could prove a problem for the ’Ndrangheta, Italy’s most powerful Mafia.


He said that while Pope John Paul II called on the “military” mafiosi to “repent” in 1993, Pope Francis has gone further, perhaps hitting the ’Ndrangheta where it hurts.


“He has named his G8 [council of cardinals] to overhaul the entire structure of the Vatican, including a review of the Vatican’s economic affairs and in particular, the IOR,” Gratteri says.


“For those with real economic power it is obvious this could be a huge disadvantage . . . Given that in the past we’ve had collusion at the highest level between church and Mafia, this exposes the pope.”


Months after this report, Cardinal George Pell was named by Francis to reform the IOR. In 2014, Pell said his team found nearly two billion euros hidden away in various Vatican accounts, off the balance sheets. In November 2015, with the Pope’s approval, Pell issued new guidelines for running all Vatican offices, to bring them up to international standards for financial transparency.


In April 2016, without consulting Pell, the Vatican Secretary of State suspends an external audit of Vatican finances. The National Catholic Register quotes an unnamed source as saying that officials are afraid of what the audit will find, and want to get rid of Pell. A year later, Pell was charged in Melbourne with sexual abuse. And that was the end of the Pell threat to the Vatican Bank insiders.


This mafia thing, it could all be a coincidence, and in any case, there are other factors in play in the persecution of George Pell, who was widely hated by Australian anti-clericalists. But it’s curious all the same. George Pell was the No. 1 enemy of the ‘Ndrangheta in the Vatican, and he showed early on in his tenure, when he uncovered all the hidden euros, that he meant business. Now George Pell sits in solitary confinement in a prison cell in Melbourne, convicted on pathetically shabby charges. The old guard in the Vatican won. The world is as it always was.


UPDATE: I have been told by someone very much in a position to know that the current head of the Vatican Bank is from Calabria. For what it’s worth…

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 11, 2019, 3:13 a.m. No.6724537   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Articles about recycling system abuse


RP from QRes#8585


Exposing Australia’s recycling lie | 60 Minutes Australia

There is no doubt Australia is one of the most wasteful nations in the world, so the practice of recycling helps to lessen our guilt. As we drag our bins out for collection each week, we feel like we’re helping the environment. But the reality is that we’re all being conned. Right now, Australia is stuck in an unsightly and worsening recycling crisis. What is being done with plastic waste, the material most people think would be easy to salvage and re-use, is of the greatest concern. As Liam Bartlett discovers, most of it ends up either being buried or worse – exported to countries like Malaysia, a place we are now treating like a garbage bin.


Canada's "garbage ship": The dirty truth Trudeau won't tell | Jessica Swietoniowski & Keean Bexte

Jessica Swietoniowski and Keean Bexte of The Rebel with the shocking saga of the rotten garbage Canada shipped to the Philippines — and that the Philippines is finally sending back. Trudeau's Environment Minister insists that this garbage will be used "to power homes" in British Columbia. Really…?


Catherine McKenna welcomes rotting garbage back to Canada

On the latest episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we focused in on Catherine McKenna's banner week from her drunk rant in St. John's to her excited tweet welcoming the shipment of dozens of containers of old, rotting garbage from the Philippines.


“If you repeat it, if you say it louder, if that’s your talking point, people will totally believe it!” says McKenna.

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 11, 2019, 3:47 a.m. No.6724626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why Mexico is the new China

RP from QRes#8590


The trade war represents a perfect opportunity for Australia to move away from its dependence on China and start thinking more globally, according to a former economic adviser to US president George W. Bush.


Pippa Malmgren believes Australia should start looking to areas such as Latin America as China begins to price itself out of the market.


"Mexico is the new China," she told The Australian Financial Review last week.


"Mexico's wages are 20 to 40 per cent cheaper but their quality control is American-standard. Australia has always linked itself to China, and China alone, but the whole rest of the world is building and making stuff now – why isn't Australia doing more business in Mexico?


"It made sense [to invest in China] when they were achieving this extraordinary competitiveness, but that ended a while ago."


Dr Malmgren, who was in Australia as part of AMP's Amplify festival, now heads commercial drone business H Robotics.


She said China's rapid growth had seen it become less competitive in the global landscape.


"I'm a manufacturer and I can make electronics in the UK as cheaply as in China but with much better quality control," she said.


"They have so lost their competitive edge, their quality control isn't good enough and their costs have gone through the roof."


"China's threatened to restrict the flow of refined rare earths metals and there's loads of rare earths all over the world but they're useless unless they're refined and we moved all the refining to China because it was so environmentally toxic we didn't want it in the west," she said.


"So suddenly, within weeks of this announcement, you see Lynas building the first rare earths refinery in the US in decades in Texas. So I suspect what we'll see is the rebuilding of the supply chains in the West now, and it's happening at a moment in history when China has priced itself out of the market and they're not very competitive anyway."

Anonymous ID: de01bc June 11, 2019, 5:55 a.m. No.6724957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RP from General:


In-Q-Tel opens Sydney office.

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 12, 2019, 2:30 a.m. No.6732373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In-Q-Tel opens Sydney office.

RP from QRes#8598


A technology investment fund bankrolled by America's foreign spy agency, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is stalking Australian companies for future investment opportunities.


The company, In-Q-Tel, headed in Australia by former US Marine Mike Ferrari, opened its Sydney office late last year. Its stated goal is "to reach startups and the venture capital community outside the United States and to better contribute to the national security of the US and its allies".

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 12, 2019, 2:33 a.m. No.6732379   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US submits formal extradition request for WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange – reports

RP from QRes#8599


The US Justice Department has formally submitted its extradition request for Julian Assange to the United Kingdom, American media report, citing government sources. The notice, which by law had to be provided to British authorities within 60 days following Assange’s arrest on April 11, was sent on Thursday, the Washington Post reports.


The whistleblower is set to appear in court on June 12, where his fate could be decided. In the US, the WikiLeaks co-founder is wanted on 18 counts, including charges under the Espionage Act for receiving and publishing top secret information obtained by former military intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. If proven guilty, the Australian-born publisher could face up to 175 years in prison.


Assange continues to maintain his innocence while incarcerated in HM Prison Belmarsh following the suspension of his seven-year-long political asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London and his subsequent arrest two months ago.

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 12, 2019, 7:56 a.m. No.6733474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To reduce reliance on China, US will team up with Canada and Australia to boost output of key minerals

RP from QRes#8607


The United States will team up with Canada and Australia to help countries around the world develop their reserves of minerals like lithium, copper and cobalt, the US State Department said on Tuesday, part of a multipronged strategy to reduce global reliance on China for materials crucial to hi-tech industries.


Washington grew more concerned recently about its dependence on mineral imports, especially the so-called rare earth minerals, after Beijing suggested using them as leverage in the trade war between the world’s largest economic powers. This would interrupt the manufacture of a wide range of consumer, industrial and military goods, including mobile phones, electric vehicles, batteries and fighter planes.


“Over 80 per cent of the global supply chain of rare earth elements … is controlled by one country,” the State Department said in a fact sheet outlining the effort, which it has dubbed the Energy Resource Governance Initiative.


“Reliance on any one source increases the risk of supply disruptions.”

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 12, 2019, 8:03 a.m. No.6733516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sara Carter: FBI Outsourced Spying on Trump Campaign to UK, Italy and Australia (VIDEO)

RP from QRes#8607


On Tuesday night Judicial Watch and Tom Fitton broke the news that the Obama State Department was working hand in with the Clinton spy Christopher Steele.


Fitton and Judicial Watch have documents that the State Department were working with Steele.


Coup Update: Harassment of @RealDonaldTrump continues with abusive fake "contempt" moves by Pelosi House PLUS @JudicalWatch new docs show Obama State Dept worked hand in glove with Clinton spy Christopher Steele. This and more with @SeanHannity tonight at 9pm, @FoxNews


— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) June 11, 2019


Also on Hannity investigative journalist Sara Carter discussed how the Obama FBI outsourced spying on Trump campaign officials to the UK, Australia and Italy.

Anonymous ID: 529664 June 12, 2019, 8:14 a.m. No.6733576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Matriarch of alleged incest family Betty Colt bailed ahead of perjury trial

RP from QRes#8610


The matriarch of a family alleged to have engaged in incest over four generations has been released on bail by order of the Supreme Court ahead of her trial for allegedly trying to conceal the paternity of her children.


Supreme Court Justice Desmond Fagan ordered the release of the 52-year-old mother of 13, known by the pseudonym Betty Colt, saying that so far she has spent 14 months on remand and he could not “justify holding her in prison for what is likely to be longer than her ultimate penalty.”


“It is alleged that on a particular rural property where a large number of members of the family resided various adults engaged in encouraging children who were related to each other to engage in sexual acts.”


The eight Colt family members were arrested in simultaneous raids across NSW, Western Australia and South Australia in April 2018.


It was five years after their alleged incest was first uncovered when 12 children were removed from the Colt’s remote property near Yass in the NSW Southern Tablelands by police and welfare workers concerned the minors were being neglected.


Authorities found 38 Colt family members living “off-the-grid” in squalid conditions in a collection of tents, caravans and sheds.


The children were allegedly showing signs of neglect and sexualised behaviour. Some of them had never used a toothbrush or toilet paper and spoke in unintelligible speech.


More (Paywall hit - Subscription required):

Anonymous ID: 17a361 June 12, 2019, 10:03 p.m. No.6739374   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Lads, about 90 minutes ago I was down at the river sitting on a bench after cycling and a camo military chopper appeared from the direction of the Perth Intl. Airport, banked near the Raffles, circled over Canning Hwy exit, circled near some construction twice and then headed in the direction of Fremantle or (I assume) Campbell Barracks and now I can see RAC rescue heading in the same direction, anyone know what's up? I took some shitty phone footage but it's nothing special. I'll cross-link to the main general too.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 13, 2019, 2:25 a.m. No.6740064   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a step closer to US extradition after Britain signs order


British Home Secretary Sajid Javid has signed an extradition order to send Julian Assange to the United States.


The US Justice Department this week formally requested Britain extradite Assange to face charges that he conspired to hack government computers and violated an espionage law.


Mr Javid told the BBC the final decision on Assange's extradition would be up to the court.


"There's an extradition request from the US that is before the courts tomorrow, but yesterday I signed the extradition order, certified it, and that will be going in front of the courts tomorrow," he said.


"It's a decision ultimately for the courts but there is a very important part of it for the Home Secretary and I want to see justice done at all times.


"We've got a legitimate extradition request so I've signed it, but the final decision is now with the courts."


Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson told the ABC the signing of the order was a normal part of the process and the extradition challenge now begins.


Assange wanted in US and Sweden


Assange, who is currently serving a 50-week jail sentence for skipping bail, is due to face court in London on Friday for the extradition hearing.


The United States has charged him with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison.


US government counsel Ben Brandon previously told the Westminster Magistrates' Court the case against Assange involved one of the biggest compromises of classified information in history.


It included hundreds of thousands of activity reports relating to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and 250,000 US diplomatic cables.


He is accused of conspiring with former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to crack passwords to gain access to the information, which was subsequently posted on WikiLeaks.


Sweden has also reopened its own investigation into a 2010 rape allegation made against the WikiLeaks founder.


Earlier this month, the Uppsala District Court rejected a request from prosecutors to detain him in absentia.


However, the ruling does not mean the preliminary rape investigation must be abandoned, only that Assange won't be extradited to Sweden for now.


Assange was arrested by British police and carried from the Ecuadorean embassy after his South American hosts abruptly revoked his seven-year asylum in April.

Anonymous ID: 3762e0 June 13, 2019, 10:41 p.m. No.6747470   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anne Hamilton-Byrne has passed away at 98.

Founder of The Family cult in Australia

Never called into account for her evil actions

This was the cult Assange and his mum escaped from

The use of LSD has all the feels of a CIA op - never connected by the cucked australian press

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 14, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.6748782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nice little red pill for Australia…


KMART photo kiosks blocks Christian and Jewish words in photo captions.


BLOCKED: “God”, “church”, “Jesus”, “Jewish” and “bible”


PERMISSIBLE: “Islam”, “Allah”. "mosque" and “Koran”


KMart Australia is owned by Wesfarmers

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 14, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.6748831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK Signs Julian Assange’s US Extradition Papers

RP from QRes#8621


The United Kingdom has signed an extradition request for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who faces charges in the U.S. under the Espionage Act.


UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid said he signed the papers on Wednesday, a day after the U.S. Justice Department formally asked Britain to extradite the 47-year-old Australian.


“First of all I am very pleased the police were able to apprehend him and now he is rightly behind bars because he broke UK law,” Javid told BBC Radio 4 on Thursday.


“There is an extradition request from the U.S. that is before the courts tomorrow but yesterday I signed the extradition order and certified it and that will be going in front of the courts tomorrow,” he added.


The U.S. will detail all charges against Assange on Friday, when it seeks his extradition in a London court.


U.S. prosecutors initially charged Assange with a single count of computer intrusion, but last month added 17 new counts, including controversial charges under the Espionage Act for encouraging, receiving and publishing national defense information in concert with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning.


Such a charge under the Espionage Act has never been successfully prosecuted, according to CNN legal analyst Steve Vladeck.


Assange’s initial indictment sparked a debate over the First Amendment and whether his alleged role in procuring secret U.S. material constituted protected journalistic activity.


Assange lived inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London for seven years until April when the country revoked his protection and he was arrested.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 14, 2019, 9:51 p.m. No.6755132   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Founder of The Family cult in Australia, Anne Hamilton-Byrne has passed away at 98

RP from QRes#8629 and article content added


Anne Hamilton-Byrne, the matriarch and co-founder of The Family cult, has reportedly died in a suburban nursing home in Melbourne.


Chris Johnston, an author who has followed the family closely, confirmed on Twitter on Friday the notorious figurehead had passed away.


She was 97 years old.


Hamilton-Byrne, who was a charismatic yoga instructor at the time, founded The Family in 1963 with Melbourne University academic Raynor Johnson.


She managed to operate the doomsday cult in near-total secrecy for the next two decades and amassed a following of almost 500 members.


Convinced she was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, she acquired numerous children – some born to cult members and others through adoption scams – and raised them as her own.


The children, who at one point numbered up to 28, were isolated from the outside world on a property in Lake Eildon – dressed in matching outfits and given identical dyed blonde hair.

Image: CBS/ Church Street Films


They were also allegedly beaten, starved, and upon reaching a certain age, given extreme doses of LSD as part of an initiation ritual.


The kids – who thought they were brothers and sisters – were rescued by police in 1987 after the increasing number of dodgy adoptions tipped them off.


This was the cult Assange and his mum escaped from


The use of LSD has all the feels of a CIA op - never connected by the cucked australian press

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 14, 2019, 10:01 p.m. No.6755198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Assange 'won't receive a fair trial' in the US

RP from QRes#8631




Julian Assange is set to face an extradition hearing in the UK on Friday, which could ultimately see him sent to the United States to face trial.


The Australian Wikileaks founder was evicted two months ago after spending seven years as a political asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.


Retired intelligence officer John Kiriakou has been in a similar position to Assange, spending two years in prison for leaking classified information.


Mr Kiriakou told Sky News he does not think Julian Assange will receive a fair trial if he is extradited to the United States, and says ‘no national security defendant has ever won a case in this courtroom.’


The former intelligence officer says if Mr Assange goes to trial ‘it will be a case that future generations of law students study.’


He says the press ‘keeps the government honest’, and the Australian's case is an infringement on basic rights of freedom of speech and freedom of press.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 14, 2019, 10:04 p.m. No.6755218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5429 >>8930

Another PapaD Tweet

RP from QRes#8632


When I reported Australian Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, to the FBI/Mueller/Congress I didn’t know he was working with the US intel agencies to set Trump and his team up with a fake story and recording convos. Australia is trying to guard the transcripts. Squeeze them!



Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 14, 2019, 10:36 p.m. No.6755429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8930


New George Papadopoulos Tweets


Have been contacted by about a dozen Australian journalists for comment on Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, and him being idiotic enough to spy on me with his phone. The transcript of my meeting with him will show Australia was willfully trying to sabotage Donald Trump.


It is in Australia’s interest to throw Downer under the bus quickly and release the recorded transcripts of my meeting with him for both the Australian and American public to see. He will forever be remembered as the fool who almost torpedoed the US-Australia relationship.

Anonymous ID: 94531c ALEXANDER DOWNER NEEDS TO BE ARRESTED BY INTERPOL, SEND TO US FOR TRAIL & PUT TO DEATH FOR USA COUP! June 15, 2019, 10:34 a.m. No.6757853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7944



Alexander Downer (AU) and Sir Richard Dearlove (UK) are HRC Deep State on our Planet, and are "the" Main Masters of these 2 "Friendly" nations to America, THAT USED ALL THEIR POLITICAL POWER AND SPY AGENCIES TO HELP SET-UP TRUMP AND COUP AMERICA!


Notice these so called "friendly" nations, refused to remove them from their covering up their crimes, and their nations 100% support their Coup of America Attempt? Ask yourself, if they were fluke rogue criminals, why are they still in their positions, and not removed? See how our friends and really our enemies? Deep State is not only in US, but the entire world, in their NWO attempt to control the world.


They each need to be arrested, and Interpol deliver them to the US for TRIAL! If found guilty, they need to be put to immediate death, for using their Nations Power to COUP AMERICA! I would be nice and force their families to sit in the front row and watch as the lever is pulled, and they drop to break their necks! Need to film their families reaction to their Treasonous Satanic Loved ones, and those photos a warning to all other Nations and people, who attempt to Coup America and Our President!


The latest episode in the made-for-television series future historians will name “American Goes Insane”, began airing this week when President Donald Trump gave an interview wherein he said he’d consider taking intelligence dirt about a rival from a friendly ally—a familiar plot script as this is EXACTLY what the Obama Regime did, in 2016, when it accepted unsolicited information from ALEXANDER DOWNER, an Australian diplomat who just happened to have helped arrange a $25 million government donation to the Clinton Foundation—and that saw Downer providing “intelligence dirt” with his claiming that he had witnessed a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, bragging about some dirt that the Russians supposedly had on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Anonymous ID: 94531c DS CRIMINAL DOWNER PLACED THE NEEDED 2nd SOURCE NAIL INTO TRUMPS FAKE COUP OF AMERICA! June 15, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.6757944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9673



Remember, US could not spy upon its, and BO used Italy, UK and AU Deep State HRC operatives to set up Trump, and us their spy agencies, in their nations, to do it for BO. This way, DS agents placed in powerful positions all over the world, would Set Up and and all False Flags to force all nations into doing what they would to rule the world.


Downer placed the 2nd needed nail into the fake "Evidence" as being Verified by the AU spy agency, to cross verify it was a valid Russian link, which was known a lie to all in this setup plot.


Sir Richard Billing Dearlove crminal HRC Deep State controller inside the UK, was the physical spy agency who verified all information, and physically did the "Wire Tapping" of Trump towers and everyone.


This is WHY all the 300+ UNMASKINGS BY BO's criminal chick Diplomate, who had no power to Unmask anyone, yet the did! I think here name was Samantha Powers? You know, that Ambassador/Diplomate who did that mass unmasking of American Citizens/


Explains why that BO just happened to work with one crminal DEARLOVE to dig dirt on US citizens, and given directly to him by this unmasking.


Get the picture yet? Answers all your questions WHY that US lady unmasked ALL 300+, which she was never allowed to do, because one DEARLOVE needed to connect the dots ON HIS SPY AGENCY, he overseen, wire tapping Trump!


It was the UK criminal DS spy agency who did all the physical spying, and one DOWNER worked with DEARLOVE, and they double teamed Trumps Coup, hand in hand, for HRC/BO. DOWNER was their from the start, and lied to place the needed 2nd confirmation nail of it being real, but they were both part of the HRC/BO Deep State, and used each of their most secret spy agencies against Trump and America, to Overthrow America!


Their hands were all over this, and need to be charged and tried on US Soil. Death to their heads, with giving their families front row seats to their deaths…

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 15, 2019, 1:27 p.m. No.6758930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1982



More new George Papadopoulos Tweets


This pipeline deal between Israel-Greece-Egypt I was consulting on is why the deep state of the U.K./Australia targeted me. Unfortunately for them, I stopped consulting on this when it was finalized in 2017 and still all their assets got burned trying to take me down. Declass


Mifsud, Downer and Halper were all part of the same operation. Halper got involved to cover for Downer so that he wouldn’t get burned the way he did by having me “repeat” Mifsud. In the end, the CIA/FBI burned three of its assets, likely more, to try and frame me. Boomerang time.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 15, 2019, 3:23 p.m. No.6759490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9731

Bob Hawke memorial service draws thousands to Sydney Opera House for 'very Australian celebration'


The master of ceremonies, former Labor minister Craig "Emmo" Emerson, probably summed it up best while listing the dignitaries in attendance.


"Albo, ScoMo, Emmo — a very Australian celebration," he told a packed Sydney Opera House.


"And, this is a celebration."


Thousands of people gathered inside the harbourside icon and at its forecourt to pay tribute to former prime minister Bob Hawke, who died aged 89 on May 16.


Among them were Mr Hawke's widow Blanche d'Alpuget, his family, and a slew of politicians, diplomats and dignitaries.


The Opera House was a fitting place to farewell Mr Hawke, who launched his first campaign there in 1983.


He would go on to win four elections.


There were five former prime ministers in attendance, including Tony Abbott, who was last month criticised for claiming Mr Hawke had a "Liberal head" the day after his death.


Paul Keating, Mr Hawke's former long-time treasurer who rolled him for the nation's top job after a 1991 leadership challenge, spoke at the service.


The pair's relationship broke down after Mr Hawke was dumped but they reconciled last year and had begun to meet regularly.


"Bob and I would have private skirmishes over this policy or that, even criticise one another to immediate staff," Mr Keating said.


"But by instinct and a very large dollop of friendship, we always remained wedded to the same objective, a point even the closest of our staff sometimes fail to comprehend.


"I'm not sure they knew how stuck together we were."


Ms d'Alpuget said her late husband's death had sparked a "national outpouring of grief".


"With today's transformative service, we smile again, we glow with pride for the presence among us for almost 90 years of a great human being," she said.


'His moral compass did not waver'


Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the first speaker at the service, said the 1980s in Australia would always be "the Hawke era".


"Our 23rd prime minister was a proud and faithful son of the Labor movement," he said.


"He became one of the proud fathers of our modern Australia."


Former Labor leader Kim Beazley, the Governor of Western Australia, delivered the eulogy and asked: "Was he our greatest prime minister, or our greatest Labor prime minister?"


"Bob told me he was neither.


"His aspiration was to be our greatest peacetime prime minister."


The loudest applause was saved for the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and Sydney Philharmonia Choir's rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus.


Mr Hawke had conducted Handel's famous oratorio at the same venue 10 years ago for his 80th birthday, and a video of that moment was beamed over the stage.


He was remembered as a larrikin with an unwavering commitment to his job.


Federal Labor leader Anthony Albanese said Mr Hawke was "no shrinking violet", and a man who wanted to protect Australia from "those who sought to divide us".


"Yet when he was up against those forces of division, his moral compass did not waiver," Mr Albanese said.


"Beneath that cloud of hair, the sunshine would give way to lightning and to thunder.


"But the sunshine always returned and his positivity changed the nation for the better."


Look back at how the memorial service unfolded.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 15, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.6759731   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Senator Bill Heffernan uses parliamentary privilege to accuse a former PM of being alleged paedophile


21 Oct 2015


Liberal senator Bill Heffernan has used parliamentary privilege to accuse an unnamed former prime minister of being an alleged paedophile, while also pointing the finger at the judiciary.


Senator Heffernan has been campaigning for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse to expand its investigation to include the court system.


He told Senate estimates on Tuesday that he had given the commission "very disturbing" police documents that named at least 28 alleged paedophiles, some of whom are prominent Australians.


But he said the commission had told him it could not investigate the cases because they were outside its terms of reference.


"We have in Australia, sadly, a compromise at the highest of levels. There is a former prime minister on this list and it is a police document, " he told senators.


"It's not so much the secret that's the problem, it's when a group of people, such as the 28 people on this page, keep each other's secrets that the institution is compromised."


Senator Heffernan did not expand on the allegations or provide any further details, instead focusing on what he believed were the failings of the "the institution of the law".


"The treatment in the federal jurisdiction of children by some people in the Family Law Court is disgusting and a disgrace," he said.


Attorney-General George Brandis suggested the royal commission could look into the "grave matters" raised by the senator but said it was ultimately up to the commissioner to decide.


"The royal commission has a process for dealing with complaints and other information brought to its attention and placed into its hands by citizens," he said.


"It is for the royal commission to judge whether, by reference to its terms of reference, that information is something that it should or indeed is capable of inquiring further into."

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 15, 2019, 5:08 p.m. No.6759998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3048

Australia's Account Of The London Meeting That Led To The Trump–Russia Investigation Will Remain Secret


In a five-page decision following an appeal from BuzzFeed News, Australia's Information Commissioner said publishing a key diplomatic cable would put the relationship between Australia and the United States at risk.


The Australian Information Commissioner has agreed with foreign officials that releasing the full diplomatic cable which sparked the Trump–Russia investigation would damage the country's ability to have a good relationship with the United States.


The cable was written by the former Australian high commissioner to the UK, Alexander Downer, after the diplomat met with Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos in a London wine bar in 2016.


Downer's account of the meeting reportedly revealed that Papadopoulos had told him about Russia having political dirt on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. According to the New York Times, the cable was a key reason for the FBI to start investigating links between Russia and the Trump campaign.


Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs has been sitting on the cable since its existence came to light at the end of 2017. Foreign officials released a cache of documents relating to the Papadopoulos–Downer meeting after a BuzzFeed News Freedom of Information request in April. Among the documents was the three-page cable, which was heavily redacted.


Putting forward the reasons for redacting the contents of the cable, a senior foreign official said: "Release of the full contents of this document could reasonably be expected to damage the bilateral relationship with the United States, and relationships with other partners with which we engage closely. This would significantly impact the Department's ability to prosecute Australia's foreign policy interests."


BuzzFeed News appealed the decision to the FOI watchdog, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).


Now, in a decision laid out in a five-page document addressed to BuzzFeed News on Friday, Australia's Information Commissioner Angelene Falk said that she agreed with the Department of Foreign Affairs' initial assessment after she read the un-redacted version of the diplomatic cable for herself.


"With regard to the contents of the document at issue and the circumstances in which it was communicated, I am satisfied that it records information relevant to Australia's bilateral relations with the United States that was communicated by Mr Downer to the Australian Government on the basis that it would be treated as confidential."


She continued: "I am satisfied that disclosure of the material that the Department decided is exempt (under FOI law) could reasonably be expected to damage Australia’s bilateral relationship with the United States government."


Falk concluded the full release of Downer's account of his interaction with Papadopoulos "could reasonably expect" to "inhibit" the way Australia deals with the Trump administration.


"I accept the Department's submissions that disclosure of the material could reasonably be expected to inhibit the Australian Government's ability to prosecute Australia's foreign policy interests with the United States Government."


George Papadopoulos was one of three dozen people charged in Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation. He pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and served a 12-day prison sentence.


Since then, Papadopoulos has been doing US–media appearances on conservative-friendly TV networks like Fox News, claiming the whole episode with Downer was part of a deep state plot against the Trump administration.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 15, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.6761982   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The walrus, Stefan Halper, with the Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, a week before Downer met me in London. The system burned these two idiots. Both shamed the UK and Australia and humiliated their governments on the global scale.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 15, 2019, 10:39 p.m. No.6762539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not sure why it keeps changing my ID's every so often .. annoying … oh well here for the (re-)posting, not the post count.

Anonymous ID: de01bc June 16, 2019, 1:53 a.m. No.6763048   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Putting forward the reasons for redacting the contents of the cable, a senior foreign official said: "Release of the full contents of this document could reasonably be expected to damage the bilateral relationship with the United States, and relationships with other partners with which we engage closely.


Yeah. It’ll make us look like untrustworthy arseholes to the whole world.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 16, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.6764987   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another George Papadopoulos Tweet


The Australian government is fighting lawsuits to have the transcripts released of the meeting I had with Alexander Downer. Alexander Downer was spying and recording. The meeting was the Australian government’s attempt to sabotage President Trump and his team. Backfired now!

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 16, 2019, 11:34 p.m. No.6769513   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Zealand police regret not having a nationwide gun registration because it’s making it too difficult to confiscate guns from everyone

RP from QRes#8650


Following the country’s worse mass shooting in history, Left-wing New Zealand politicians immediately followed their authoritarian instincts and moved to ban “assault weapons” though such rifles had never before been used to murder a large group of citizens.


This time, however, it was really different because there was a large virtue-signaling element in play: A white Australian guy purported to be a ‘hater’ attacked a mosque and though Muslims killing Christians never quite rises to the same level of emergency (or outrage), attacking and killing Muslims is intolerable and extreme measures must be taken to ensure ‘it never happens again.’


Make no mistake: Mowing down innocent people no matter who they are or what god they follow, whether it be with a semi-automatic rifle, a shotgun, or a big cargo van, is wrong. And of course the guilty should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.


But why do Leftists always seek to punish the innocent as well, usually by taking away some right or several rights, all in the name of “justice?”


That’s what happened in New Zealand, but now police there surely must be regretting that the country dared to allow its citizens to own firearms without making them register their guns in a central, government-controlled database — because it’s becoming nigh on impossible for them to locate and confiscate firearms banned following the Christchurch mosque killings in mid-March.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 16, 2019, 11:42 p.m. No.6769529   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Folau launches new attack on gays, transgender youths in church sermon

RP from QRes#8653


Israel Folau has launched another attack on gay people and also criticised young people being allowed to change gender during a sermon at his Sydney church.


The former rugby union star described homosexuality as a sin and claimed the devil was behind primary school children being allowed to decide if they wanted to change gender.


"This is what the devil is trying to do, to instil into the government, into this world, into society, and it is slowly happening," Folau said in his Sunday sermon at The Truth of Jesus Christ Church in Kenthurst.


"The sad thing is why a lot of people out there that are non-Christians say bad things about the church, is because a lot of the churches allow those things to happen.


"They say that a man and a man should be able to be married and there is nothing wrong with it. This buys into the theme of pleasing man rather than pleasing God and standing up for the truth."


The 30-year-old's rant was posted on the church's Facebook page.


Folau also criticised modern "westernised" churches and said true believers in Christ "profess him wherever we go".


"Are we too scared because we might be cast out by our workplace or cast out of somewhere because we're not liked or loved by those around us and don't believe the same thing we do?" he asked.


"You might be the only born-again Christian in that workplace, you might feel a bit awkward with your co-workers because they are in the world and you're not. We should feel blessed … because God has called us."


The former Wallaby's $5 million Rugby Australia contract was torn up last month after he refused to take down an Instagram post which quoted bible scripture and said "hell awaits" homosexuals and other sinners.


Folau has launched legal proceedings with the Fair Work Commission against Rugby Australia and is seeking up to $10 million in damages.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 17, 2019, 12:43 a.m. No.6769669   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8657


Here’s one for ya…


A 62-year-old Perth man allegedly imported a childlike sex doll into the country


Officers executed a warrant and recovered the doll from his house last month


Childlike sex dolls are a prohibited import under the Customs Act


The man has been charged and could face up to 10 years in prison


Hopefully they checked his computers for CP too while they were at it

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 17, 2019, 11:07 p.m. No.6777842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7853

DJT and the ABC - Australian speculation from Q Research General #8666


>>6775292 (pb)

POTUS makes same typo to Australia News twice in two days.

@abcnews (Australian)


@ABC (American)

Surely this is not a coincidence?


>>6775764 (pb)

abcnews in Australia was raided by police just a week ago.


>>6775866 (pb)


Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 17, 2019, 11:10 p.m. No.6777853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7863


>>6775935 (pb)

Australia Broadcasting Corporation


POTUS tagged Australian News in his tweet


>>6776464 (pb)

Re no correction by POTUS @abc vs @abcnews

Interdasting.....POTUS still hasn't corrected tweet ( even after being tagged back by [Australian] @abcnews). Why??

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 17, 2019, 11:13 p.m. No.6777863   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>6776512 (pb)

G'day! As much as we appreciate the shout-out, we think you meant @ABC?


>>6776554 (pb)

It Just hit me. Maybe a marker.

Not sure how to read the Comms.


Anonymous ID: 13133c June 18, 2019, 1:22 a.m. No.6778308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ANZ executive quits after probe into wine and chauffeur expenses

RP from QRes#8664


The chief executive of ANZ Bank’s New Zealand division has stepped down following concerns raised by the board over his claiming a chauffeur-driven car and wine storage as business expenses.


The departure of David Hisco, a 30-year veteran at the Australian bank, follows a review of executive expenses ordered by Shayne Elliott, ANZ Group chief executive, in the wake of a high-profile public inquiry into misconduct in the Australian financial industry.


The leadership change comes at a tricky time for ANZ, which is contending with a proposal from New Zealand’s central bank that would require banks in the country to hold significantly more capital — a move that could prompt a round of equity raisings.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 18, 2019, 1:31 a.m. No.6778345   🗄️.is 🔗kun


More RP comments from QRes#8666


abcnews in Australia was raided by police just a week ago.


ABC in Australia = Australian Broadcasting Corporation = public broadcasting


A police raid on Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC) has drawn fire from broadcasters and rights groups.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 18, 2019, 1:33 a.m. No.6778355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8496



Australia Broadcasting Corporation




POTUS tagged Australian News in his tweet

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 18, 2019, 1:39 a.m. No.6778374   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Re no correction by POTUS @abc vs @abcnews

RP from QRes#8667


Interdasting….POTUS still hasn't corrected tweet ( even after being tagged back by [Australian] @abcnews). Why??

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 18, 2019, 1:41 a.m. No.6778381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8505

WATCH: Lighting up the skies: A #meteor flies above #Australia’s Adelaide

RP from QRes#8667


6:20 PM - 17 Jun 2019


In big cities, we don't often see the stars due to illumination or heavy clouds. But, there are still places on earth, where people can enjoy beautiful starry skies and can even spot the occasional meteor.


In this footage uploaded to the Internet by the Royal Adelaide Hospital of Australia, two men appear to be doing a pre-flight check on a helicopter parked on the helipad in front of the hospital. Suddenly, the horizon lights up, as a meteor flies by. It vanishes just as quickly as it appeared, but will leave a lasting impression on everyone lucky enough to have witnessed this breathtaking moment.

Anonymous ID: ad3875 June 18, 2019, 2:49 a.m. No.6778496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8808




ABC Australia is a desperate Satanic propaganda tool used to brainwash the Australian people.


[They] even produce a one-hour weekly show that is 100% devoted to ridiculing and undermining the president of a foreign country. That sounds like an Australian Cabal in total panic to me.


I challenge any clear thinking person to watch more than 5 minutes of this rubbish.


Pathetic. And frightening. Especially if you're an Australian.

Anonymous ID: 150234 June 18, 2019, 5:16 a.m. No.6778808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8810


Desperate measures anon, stephen sall is despicable.

Also the weekly - any catch pickering ridiculing papa docs assertion about downer? Bit heavy for that show - must have been an important message there? Maybe the weekly should have Downer in for a hard chat with Tommo.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 19, 2019, 1:42 a.m. No.6788145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Aussie treasurer max chillin with Mnuchin.

RP from QRes#8671

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 19, 2019, 1:53 a.m. No.6788172   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#USNavy Sailors and #Marines assigned to the Wasp Amphibious Ready Group have arrived in Sydney, #Australia for a port call.


The ready group has been enhancing interoperability with partners and serving as a ready-response force for any contingency in the Indo-Pacific region.



Anonymous ID: 13133c June 19, 2019, 1:54 a.m. No.6788176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0507

Australian news reports on Chinese organ harvesting

RP from QRes#8672


China is forcibly harvesting the organs of tens of thousands of political prisoners to operate a rapidly growing medical black market worth $1 billion a year, an international tribunal has found.


For several years, human rights groups have expressed concern many of the estimated 1.5 million people held in prison camps were part of an insidious human farming system.


But now, the specially formed China Tribunal in London has declared there is no doubt that state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting is occurring on a massive scale.


Made up of members from the United States, United Kingdom, Malaysia and Iran, including experts in human rights, transplant surgery and international relations, the independent tribunal heard from 50 witnesses and examined an enormous volume of visual and text evidence over the past year.


That included testimony about the barbaric practices, including organ removal on live patients.


Dr Enver Tohti worked as a surgeon in China and was instructed to perform organ extractions on unwilling subjects.


“What I recall is with my scalpel, I tried to cut into his skin, there was blood to be seen,” Dr Tohti told the tribunal of one such live procedure. “That indicates that the heart was still beating … at the same time, he was trying to resist my insertion, but he was too weak.”


A map of hospitals in China that carry out organ transplants shows they are in proximity to known detention centres.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 19, 2019, 2 a.m. No.6788193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Outrage Ensues After New Zealand Government Website Publishes Map Labeling Israel as Palestine

RP from QRes#8673


New Zealand sparked outrage this week after their immigration website published a map which labeled Israel as Palestine.


The map was part of a fact sheet about Palestinian immigrants in New Zealand. It has now been removed from the government website, but it was archived on the Wayback Machine.


The Israel Institute of New Zealand immediately condemned the map, and the entire report, which they claimed “presents a one-sided, distorted and politicised narrative of the Israel/Palestine conflict and totally erases Israel from the map.”


“The geography of the map is so inaccurate that it does not even include the West Bank in what it calls ‘The State of Palestine’– it simply replaces Israel (according to pre-1967 borders) with ‘Palestine,'” the Israel Institute of NZ said in a statement.



The organization went on to say that “it is alarming and embarrassing that information provided by a New Zealand government department, can be both so wildly inaccurate and politicised.”


“A primary school student who knows how to use Wikipedia could do a better job. Which leads us to wonder whether in fact this ‘fact sheet’ is a ‘fantasy sheet’, a projection of the department’s delusional hopes for the future. If it were ever to come to pass, Immigration New Zealand would be required to have an ‘Israeli refugee quota fact sheet’ on its website,” the harsh statement concluded.


Immigration New Zealand’s ‘State of Palestine Refugee Quota Factsheet’ presents a one-sided, distorted and politicised narrative of the Israel/Palestine conflict and totally erases Israel from the map.@MFATgovtNZ @IsraelinNZ @AlfredNgaroMP @winstonpeters


— Israel Institute of NZ (@IsraelInstNZ) June 14, 2019


The organization is now calling for an investigation into the matter.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 19, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.6788206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4028 >>4044

New Zealand man who shared Christchurch mosque massacre video sentenced to prison

RP from QRes#8674


A New Zealand man who shared a video of the Christchurch mosque massacre was sentenced to 21 months in prison on Tuesday.


Philip Arps, 44, previously pleaded guilty to two counts of distributing the livestream video of the mass shooting, in which a gunman filmed himself on Facebook killing 51 people at two mosques in March.


Arps, a businessman, allegedly described the video as "awesome," according to Christchurch District Court Judge Stephen O'Driscoll. The judge said Arps had strong and unrepentant views about the Muslim community and committed a hate crime.


"Your offending glorifies and encourages the mass murder carried out under the pretext of religious and racial hatred," the judge said, noting that Arps had compared himself to Rudolf Hess, a Nazi leader under Adolf Hitler.


Arps sent the video of the massacre to around 30 associates, the judge said. He added that Arps also asked somebody to insert crosshairs and include a kill count in order to create an internet meme, although there was no evidence he'd shared the meme.


Arps faced up to 14 years imprisonment on each count, according to New Zealand laws designed to prevent people from sharing objectionable material.


The 44-year-old apparently argued he had a right to distribute the video under the banner of freedom to pursue his political beliefs. His lawyer, Anselm Williams, said Arps shouldn't be sent to prison, and that he filed an appeal against his sentence.


"It's my submission that this court needs to be very careful to sentence Mr. Arps based on what it is that he has actually done, and what he accepts he has done, not on the basis of the views that he holds," Williams said.


Arps is one of six people who have been charged with illegally sharing the livestream of the mass shooting. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was quick to jump to action following the attacks, announcing a week later the country was immediately banning "military-style semi-automatic weapons."


The prime minister is also helping lead a global pledge title "Christchurch Call" to help keep internet platforms from being used to spread hate, organize extremist groups and broadcast attacks.


Australian Brenton Tarrant, 28, pleaded not guilty last week to 51 counts of murder, 40 counts of attempted murder and one count of terrorism in the mosque shooting case. His trial has been scheduled for next May.

Anonymous ID: a01c74 June 20, 2019, 2:18 a.m. No.6796881   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Could this be any more fake?


I don't know why the Aussie Cabal Media wants to paint this policeman as a hero, but this totally staged tackle is so fake it's funny.


The plain clothes cop was supposedly in the midst of a TV interview when a "criminal" just HAPPENS to run past him.


The cop decides without hesitation to tackle this thug (who the cop instantly concluded had done something bad to a lady somewhere far away). The rather large thug then cowers once he's on the ground, even though, presumably, he's got no idea that it's a cop in plain clothes who just tackled him, and nobody's brandishing any weapons. The thug doesn't even try to get up once he's down.


The Satanists are falling apart, I tell you.


Good for a laugh at how pathetic Aussie media really is.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 20, 2019, 3:32 a.m. No.6797086   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#8682


Philippine Airlines president Bautista to retire end-June

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 20, 2019, 3:34 a.m. No.6797096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alien hunters in most extensive search of stars turn up nothing


Breakthrough Listen project found no evidence of alien civilisations on 1,327 stars


The close encounter will have to wait. Astronomers have come up empty-handed after scanning the heavens for signs of intelligent life in the most extensive search ever performed.


Researchers used ground-based telescopes to eavesdrop on 1,327 stars within 160 light years of Earth. During three years of observations they found no evidence of signals that could plausibly come from an alien civilisation.


The only signals picked up by the Green Bank telescope in West Virginia and the Parkes telescope in Australia had more Earthly origins, the scientists found, with mobile phones and other terrestrial technology providing plenty of noise, and more transient signals coming from overflying satellites.

Anonymous ID: de01bc June 20, 2019, 8 a.m. No.6798147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

General Research 8694 06/20/19 (Thu) 23:03:45


American patriots probably don't really appreciate how HORRIFYING the Cabal media is in Australia. But I think POTUS does. Which is why POTUS has trolled ABC Australia twice now by "mistakenly" tweeting at them instead of at the American ABC network.

Here is but one example ABC Australia, from today, as they undertake a "serious interview" with Michael Wolff.

This quote is probably enough to give you the idea: "(Since Trump won) he has not expanded his base by one person beyond the base that got him elected the first time around."

God save Australia.


Response from another anon:

living outside Australia, I don't see the TV news there, so thank you for this perspective.

I do, however, have Australian colleagues in academia and the stories they tell of research censorship there are horrific. It applies equally to biologists, historians, literature scholars, and others.

you can be a credentialed biologist in Australia and want to challenge climate change theory… your project won't be approved.

you can be a historian who wants to challenge socialist narratives on how gays or Muslims or women were treated in the past… not allowed. I've had colleagues threatened with police investigations over these things, not "just" losing their jobs or being denied promotion at their university.

having said this, all the obstacles faced by honest, patriotic Australian academics are also faced by American academics, though usually in a somewhat watered-down form compared to the Land of Oz.


This response is frightening for me.

I knew we were manipulated but this, this is beyond.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 20, 2019, 11:26 a.m. No.6799761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More George Papadopoulos Tweets


It’s not difficult to understand why Comey did not announce an “investigation” into the Trump campaign. He knew from 2016 there was no collusion and Trump’s team was being framed by US allies, the UK/Australia/Ukraine/Italy, which are currently under investigation by Barr.


America: do not forget that that current CIA director, Gina Haspel, was running the CIA desk in London in 2016 while Alexander Downer (Australia) Joseph Mifsud (Italy) Stefan Halper (CIA), Azra Turk (CIA) and the US embassy were spying on me and trying to sabotage Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 21, 2019, 1:12 a.m. No.6805267   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Assange lawyer reveals Pentagon behind pursuit of Wikileaks publisher


A lawyer for Wikileaks’ Julian Assange has confirmed that the Pentagon - not the White House or any other government agency whose secrets he leaked - was driving the nearly decade-long campaign to destroy the publisher.


After asking officials at the Obama administration if they “really wanted” the publisher for whistleblowers and warning that “there are dangerous precedents here,” Assange lawyer Geoffrey Robertson said they responded:


"We don’t want him, but the Pentagon does, and the Pentagon may eventually get its way."


Robertson’s “high connections” got him an audience with Obama administration insiders after he learned of the secret grand jury they had convened against Assange in 2010, he told Phillip Adams on ABC’s Radio National on Thursday. When Robertson warned them of the First Amendment implications of charging a publisher under national security laws, however, they already knew what kind of precedent it would set.


While the Obama administration charged more leakers under the Espionage Act than all previous presidents combined, it never attempted to wield the law against a publisher.


And the Pentagon has finally gotten its way. British Home Secretary Sajid Javid signed a request for a US extradition order earlier this month, and Assange will face a full extradition hearing in February.


He is charged with 17 violations of the Espionage Act, including obtaining and disclosing national defense information, plus an earlier count of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, concerning a massive trove of classified documents given to WikiLeaks by military intelligence analyst Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning. The Iraq and Afghanistan War Logs, as they were titled for publication, exposed US atrocities including the torture of detainees and murder of civilians and constituted the largest leak of military secrets in US history.


If he is found guilty - and it is highly unlikely that the Eastern District of Virginia court where he will be tried and where no “national security” defendant has ever won a case, will acquit him - he faces 170 years in prison.


The grand jury investigation of Assange at its peak involved the Justice Department, the Defense Department, the FBI, the State Department, and the Diplomatic Security Service, according to WikiLeaks. But it was the Pentagon, as early as 2008, which began the quest to bring down the publisher, launching its war on WikiLeaks through its Cyber Counter-Intelligence Assessments Branch.


According to John Pilger, their plot involved a media war using reputational smears and “threats of exposure [and] criminal prosecution” aimed at shredding the “feeling of trust” at the core of WikiLeaks’ operations.


The Pentagon’s mission is all but accomplished. Assange has been so thoroughly smeared most of his supporters doubt he will ever get a fair trial. Not only has he been demonized as a rapist, traitor, fascist, and every other name in the book, but even those journalists who have profited off his work - at the Guardian, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and other mainstream media that published WikiLeaks disclosures years ago - have gleefully turned on him.


Robertson did suggest that a Jeremy Corbyn Labour government in the UK might block Assange’s extradition, or even send him back home to Australia, noting that “extradition to some extent is a political rather than a legal decision,” but he seemed unconvinced of Corbyn’s chances of becoming PM.

Anonymous ID: f10091 June 21, 2019, 4:24 a.m. No.6805695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6220 >>6243

Aussies Bring Up QAnon During Question Time With Former Research Head Of Financial Supervisory Authority


Audience members bring up QAnon during question time following a presentation by Dr. Wilson Sy, former head of research at the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.


The Citizens Electoral Council event was held in Sydney on June 8, 2019.


Begins during question time about 45 minutes in:

Dr Wilson Sy - The Economy of the Lucky Country (Part 2) - Will the luck run out? 8 June 2019


Note: APRA supervises Australian banking, insurance and superannuation institutions.

Anonymous ID: 851e20 June 21, 2019, 6:29 a.m. No.6806220   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There's always an INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVE sitting in every Australian audience, ready to step in and "correct the narrative" when the People start to figure things out. @46:30


I wish I could see the face of the shill who pretends to be an expert on why Q is a "pied piper operation." I would bet money he's on the Cabal payroll.

Anonymous ID: 851e20 June 21, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.6806243   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dr Sy's conclusion is interesting:


"The Australian economy is controlled by speculative banks; it is structurally weak, gutted of productive capacity, heavily indebted to UK and US which control its fate in many ways."

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 June 22, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.6815603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Disturbing’: The real reason there are so many ‘fake doctors’ in Australia


To be a doctor is to hold a fairly unique position in society, with respectability and trust that almost no other profession can lay claim to.


This trust between a doctor and their patient is essential but it is this trust that is being deliberately abused by a small but deceitful group of criminals.


Across Australia, 1303 people have been reported to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA), which is responsible for the registration of medical professionals, since 2014.


Sixteen have been convicted, some of whom infiltrated hospitals and treated people who had no idea that their so-called doctor had about as much knowledge as they did.


One of the most disturbing cases is that of Raffaele Di Paolo, who not only pretended to be a doctor and fertility specialist but also performed a range of bizarre ‘treatments’ and tests on 30 victims.


These included using a needle to remove semen from testicles without anaesthetic, injecting unknown substances into women’s’ stomachs and buttocks, and instructing the partners of some female patients seeking IVF to insert ultrasound probes into their vaginas.


Moar in link below. Much more..

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 22, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.6818248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

George Pell hideaway plan after threats


Supporters of George Pell are planning a safe hideaway for the cardinal should he succeed in having his conviction for child sex abuse overturned on appeal.


Amid fears of a backlash and threats against Pell, his backers are making preliminary arrangements for him to live in a secure compound, possibly in NSW. Friends have also left open the option of him returning at least briefly to live in relative anony­mity in Rome, but not in his former­ capacity as the Vatican treasurer.


But if his appeal fails, Pell is likely to be moved to a country prison that specialises in securing sex offende­rs and has a high level of personal security.


He is currently being held in solit­ary confinement in the Melbourne Assessment Prison for 23 hours a day because of the risk to his safety. There are two prisons in western Victoria where he is most likely to go if the appeal fails, both about two hours’ drive west of Melbourne: one at Ararat and the other at Langi Kal Kal.


His supporters are not predicting whether he will be successful, because of the significant legal setbacks he has suffered over the years and the unpredictability of the Court of Appeal. Next Saturday marks two years since The Australian revealed Pell had been charged with sex offences.


The Weekend Australian under­stands that, despite uncertainty about the appeal outcome, preliminary planning is under way in the event of Pell, 78, being set free. The appeal is based on three grounds, including that the jury got it wrong when it convicted­ him of five sex offences at Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathed­ral in 1996 and 1997. The gravest involved forced oral sex with a teenage choir boy.


Victoria is not believed to be favoured as a potential permanent location for Pell because of his high profile and the publicity that surrounded his court appearances and sentence. The cardinal, some of his supporter­s, and the church more broadly have been bombarded with criticism and threats in the wake of his conviction on child sex crimes.


Appearing before the Victor­ian Court of Appeal, he had the highest level of security, surroun­d­ed by the Correctio­ns equiv­alent of special­ operations officers.


Pell left the Melbourne archdiocese nearly 20 years ago and, until being sentenced to a minimum three years and eight months’ jail, had not been living in his home state. One strong optio­n would be for him to live within the grounds of a seminary in western Sydney where he stayed in the lead-up to his court proceedings.


“We’re not making any assump­tions at all about whether the appeal will be successful,’’ a friend said. “It’s one day at a time.’’


The Vatican has said Pell’s future­ within the church would be decided only once his legal option­s were exhausted.


If Pell is unsuccessful in the Victorian Court of Appeal his lawyers­ could seek to take the case to the High Court.


He is expected to appear in the Court of Appeal’s makeshift dock when the judgment is delivered.


There is intense speculation about the timing of the Court of Appeal’s decision. There is a window of opportunity for it to rule next week but it goes into recess from June 29 to July 14, raising the spectre of the judgment not being delivered for several weeks.


The court said judgments and reasons in the Court of Appeal were handed down at a hearing, and that the whole judgment was not usual­ly read out, although a summary may be. The public has not been granted access to the evidence of the complainant, normal procedure in sex abuse cases.


However, the judgment may contain further references to the evidence, without identifying the sole living complainant from the cathedral convictions case.


Three Court of Appeal judges are presiding: Supreme Court Chief Justice Anne Ferguson, Court of Appeal president Chris Maxwell and Mark Weinberg.


Pell received sentences for one charge of sexual penetration with a child under 16 and four counts of indecent acts with, or in the ­presence of, a child under 16.


He is the highest-ranking Catholic in the world to have been convicted of child sex abuse offence­s. The Vatican is conducting its own inquiry into him.


''"At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street."''

Anonymous ID: 8442ab ALEXANDER DOWNER NEEDS TO BE TRIED FOR TRUMP COUP! IF GUILTY BEHEADED IN PUBLIC! June 22, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.6819673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8907


>Remember, US could not spy upon its, and BO used Italy, UK and AU Deep State HRC operatives to set up Trump, and us their spy agencies, in their nations, to do it for BO. This way, DS agents placed in powerful positions all over the world, would Set Up and and all False Flags to force all nations into doing what they would to rule the world.


>Downer placed the 2nd needed nail into the fake "Evidence" as being Verified by the AU spy agency, to cross verify it was a valid Russian link, which was known a lie to all in this setup plot.


>Sir Richard Billing Dearlove crminal HRC Deep State controller inside the UK, was the physical spy agency who verified all information, and physically did the "Wire Tapping" of Trump towers and everyone.


>This is WHY all the 300+ UNMASKINGS BY BO's criminal chick Diplomate, who had no power to Unmask anyone, yet the did! I think here name was Samantha Powers? You know, that Ambassador/Diplomate who did that mass unmasking of American Citizens/


>Explains why that BO just happened to work with one crminal DEARLOVE to dig dirt on US citizens, and given directly to him by this unmasking.


>Get the picture yet? Answers all your questions WHY that US lady unmasked ALL 300+, which she was never allowed to do, because one DEARLOVE needed to connect the dots ON HIS SPY AGENCY, he overseen, wire tapping Trump!


>It was the UK criminal DS spy agency who did all the physical spying, and one DOWNER worked with DEARLOVE, and they double teamed Trumps Coup, hand in hand, for HRC/BO. DOWNER was their from the start, and lied to place the needed 2nd confirmation nail of it being real, but they were both part of the HRC/BO Deep State, and used each of their most secret spy agencies against Trump and America, to Overthrow America!


>Their hands were all over this, and need to be charged and tried on US Soil. Death to their heads, with giving their families front row seats to their deaths…




IF AU OR GB was HONEST, WHY do they keep him in office? He needs to be charged, sent to US and tried. If found guilty, behead or handed until dead. Same as DS Criminal Sir Dearlove, who Downer planned and coordinated Trumps Coup for BO and HRC DS!


Remember, the US could NOT spy upon itself, so they used these DS criminals in these Nations to Spy and Setup Trump Off US Soil! Then its Legal, as US can not spy upon itself, and used other Criminal DS Nations of GB & AU!


Need people to look for Alexander Downers movements in DC in 2015 and 2016! He "Worked" out of the DC Swamp, and DS CONTACT for AU!


REMEMBER - DEEP STATE IS WORLDWIDE and NOT JUST IN THE US! Thats where they were plotting to take over the WORLD for their NWO.


With GB being the actual physical nation that Wiretapped Trump for US, KNOW YOU KNOW "WHY" THE US's UK Diplomat Samantha Powers (?) "UNMASKED" 300+ US CITIZENS! She did it for the GB Spy agency to help SETUP TRUMPs COUP! Understand now "WHY" the USs UK Diplomat UNMASKED US CITIZENS FOR UK, which she had no AUTHORITY TO DO SO? Make sense now guys of the 300+ UNMASKING IN UK? See WHY the GB needed to know WHO WAS Talking in US?

Anonymous ID: 3cdf7b June 23, 2019, 3:13 a.m. No.6821961   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RP from QRes#8690


Teamwork makes the Dream work.


Marines with @MrfDarwin participate in Exercise Carabaroo, Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia.

Anonymous ID: 3cdf7b June 23, 2019, 3:23 a.m. No.6821972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#8693


Australia's Bank of Queensland says CFO Matt Baxby to resign


John Setka's Victorian CFMEU deputy Shaun Reardon resigns over 'irreconcilable differences'


Air New Zealand boss Luxon resigns, could pursue politics


Jakarta official submits resignation

Anonymous ID: 3cdf7b June 23, 2019, 3:30 a.m. No.6821986   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More bait for gold bugs

RP from QRes#8694




==‘Just bring the gold back’: RBA responds as conspiracy theories swirl around Australia’s ‘missing’ gold


Australia owns 80 tonnes of gold worth $4.4 billion but it’s not even in the country — and the internet is rife with conspiracy theories.==


Is Australia’s gold really being secretly melted down and sold to the Chinese?


If you’re into conspiracy theories, talk of impending global economic collapse and have a deep distrust of central banks, you may have come across this one.


It goes like this. Most people would be aware that the Reserve Bank of Australia, like all central banks around the world, holds a portion of the country’s reserve assets in gold.


What you may not know, because it was only made public in December 2012, is that 99.9 per cent of Australia’s $4.4 billion worth is actually held by the Bank of England.


Of that gold, 11 tonnes is “leased” out to earn interest — it brought in around $700,000 last year — while the other 69 tonnes is sitting in a vault in London. Or is it?


“There are all sorts of conspiracy theories and rumours in the gold market as to what’s going on,” said economist John Adams, who has been on a crusade to find Australia’s “missing gold” in a series of videos with Digital Finance Analytics founder Martin North.


The crux of the conspiracy theory, promoted by the likes of Swiss gold trader Egon von Greyerz, is that China, India and other eastern countries are accumulating more gold than can be explained by mining production.


He believes much of it is actually western central banks “covertly disposing” of their gold, or otherwise leasing it to China and India through bullion banks which then “issue an IOU only backed by paper since the physical will never return from Asia”.


“Since 2008 just China and India have accumulated 26,000 tonnes of gold,” Mr von Greyerz wrote recently. “That is a remarkable figure and virtually the total mine production for that period.”


An audit of Australia’s gold holdings was conducted in 2013, but a freedom of information request for the findings and the final report was denied as providing the documents “would, or could reasonably be expected to, cause damage to” the relationship between the RBA and the BoE.

Anonymous ID: 3cdf7b June 23, 2019, 3:40 a.m. No.6822005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Horns are growing on young people's skulls. Phone use is to blame, research suggests.

RP from QRes#8698


Mobile technology has transformed the way we live - how we read, work, communicate, shop and date. But we already know this.


What we have not yet grasped is the way the tiny machines in front of us are remolding our skeletons, possibly altering not just the behaviors we exhibit but the bodies we inhabit.


New research in biomechanics suggests that young people are developing hornlike spikes at the back of their skulls - bone spurs caused by the forward tilt of the head, which shifts weight from the spine to the muscles at the back of the head, causing bone growth in the connecting tendons and ligaments. The weight transfer that causes the buildup can be compared to the way the skin thickens into a callus as a response to pressure or abrasion.


The result is a hook or hornlike feature jutting out from the skull, just above the neck.


In academic papers, a pair of researchers at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, argues that the prevalence of the bone growth in younger adults points to shifting body posture brought about by the use of modern technology. They say smartphones and other handheld devices are contorting the human form, requiring users to bend their heads forward to make sense of what's happening on the miniature screens.


The researchers said their discovery marks the first documentation of a physiological or skeletal adaptation to the penetration of advanced technology into everyday life.


Health experts warn of "text neck," and doctors have begun treating "texting thumb," which is not a clearly defined condition but bears resemblance to carpal tunnel syndrome. But prior research has not linked phone use to bone-deep changes in the body.


"An important question is what the future holds for the young adult populations in our study, when development of a degenerative process is evident in such an early stage of their lives?" ask the authors in their most recent paper, published in Nature Research's peer-reviewed, open access Scientific Reports. The study came out last year but has received fresh attention following the publication last week of a BBC story that considers, "How modern life is transforming the human skeleton."


Since then, the unusual formations have captured the attention of Australian media, and have variously been dubbed "head horns," "phone bones," "spikes" or "weird bumps."


Each is a fitting description, said David Shahar, the paper's first author, a chiropractor who recently completed a PhD in biomechanics at Sunshine Coast.


"That is up to anyone's imagination," he told The Washington Post. "You may say it looks like a bird's beak, a horn, a hook."


However it is designated, Shahar said, the formation is a sign of a serious deformity in posture that can cause chronic headaches and pain in the upper back and neck.


Part of what was striking about their findings, he said, was the size of the bone spurs, which are thought to be large if they measure 3 or 5 millimeters in length. An outgrowth was factored in to their research only if it measured 10 millimeters, or about two-fifths of an inch.


The danger is not the head horn itself, said Mark Sayers, an associate professor of biomechanics at Sunshine Coast who served as Shahar's supervisor and co-author. Rather, the formation is a "portent of something nasty going on elsewhere, a sign that the head and neck are not in the proper configuration," he told The Washington Post.


Their work began about three years ago with a pile of neck X-rays taken in Queensland. The images captured part of the skull, including the area where the bony projections, called enthesophytes, form at the back of the head.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 23, 2019, 11:32 p.m. No.6828837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9099

New George Papadopoulos Tweet


I had at least five spies from four different agencies and countries thrown my way from 2015-2017. Congressman Gowdy means transcripts are going to be released, not just one. Those transcripts will be with Downer, Halper, “Azra Turk,” and Mifsud when all this is exposed.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 24, 2019, 1:06 a.m. No.6829099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7170


Trey Gowdy: Mystery FBI Transcript ‘Actually Changed My Perspective’ Of Russia Probe


Former Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said Sunday that his “perspective” of the special counsel’s investigation changed after he saw a transcript of an interaction between the FBI and a Trump campaign associate believed to be George Papadopoulos.


“I was supportive of [Robert] Mueller. I was supportive of the idea to initiate, to investigate what Russia did, but when I saw this transcript, it actually changed my perspective,” Gowdy said in an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”


Republicans have hinted at the existence of a transcript that contains exculpatory information for Papadopoulos, who the FBI claims was the catalyst for its counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.


Papadopoulos had encounters with several mysterious figures during his stint on the Trump campaign. He met Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, Australian diplomat Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper, a former Cambridge professor who was identified as an FBI informant in 2018.


Gowdy, who served on the House Intelligence Committee before leaving office in January, said in a May 19 interview on Fox News that the public would likely see the transcript as a “game-changer” if it was ever released.


Gowdy said Sunday the mysterious transcripts were not provided to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), which approved four FBI surveillance warrants against Carter Page, another Trump campaign adviser. The applications cited information from the unverified Steele dossier and also mentioned Papadopoulos.


Republicans have accused the FBI of misleading the FISC by withholding details of the information gathered in its investigation of Trump & Co.


Gowdy went on to describe what he says is a pattern of bias at the FBI against the Trump campaign. He pointed to Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the FBI officials who exchanged anti-Trump text messages while working on the Russia probe.


“When you have exculpatory information and you don’t share it with the court, when you give two different kinds of defensive briefings to the candidates depending on who you like and who you don’t, then you’re bias begins to impact the investigation. That’s what what I thought when I saw the transcript, but your viewers should be entitled to make up their own minds,” Gowdy said.


Former FBI officials have said that the bureau opened its investigation of the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016, after receiving information about Papadopoulos from the Australian government.


Downer, who met with Papadopoulos in London on May 10, 2016, wrote in a memo that Papadopoulos had mentioned that Russia might release information about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton close to the election. The Australian government provided that information to the FBI in late July 2016, after WikiLeaks began releasing emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee.


Downer has denied recording his conversation with Papadopoulos, which took place at a London bar.


Halper, the alleged FBI informant, had contact with both Papadopoulos and Page.


Halper and Page first met on July 10, 2016, at an event held at the University of Cambridge. They remained in contact through September 2017.


Halper reached out to Papadopoulos on Sept. 2, 2016 with an offer of a trip to London and $3,000 to write an academic paper on energy security issues in the Mediterranean Sea. Papadopoulos, who worked in that field at various think tanks, accepted the offer and met with Halper in mid September 2016.


Halper was joined by a woman he claimed was his assistant. The New York Times has reported the woman, Azra Turk, was actually a government investigator.


Papadopoulos has said that both Halper and Turk asked him whether he or the Trump campaign was working with Russia to meddle in the 2016 election. He has said that he denied working with Russia.


The special counsel’s report undercut the premise of the FBI’s initial probe of the Trump campaign. Mueller, the special counsel, said in the report that prosecutors failed to establish that the campaign conspired with Russia to influence the election. The report also said that there was no evidence that Trump associates acted as agents of Russia.

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 25, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.6837170   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Not sure how you have kept same ID for so long … damn site keeps changing mine, which keeps resetting my post count.


Oh well .. 1st world problems I guess

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 25, 2019, 2:16 a.m. No.6837178   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#8704


Setka’s right-hand man resigns


New Zealand's national coach suddenly resigns

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 25, 2019, 2:20 a.m. No.6837181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Aussies Bring Up QAnon During Question Time With Former Research Head Of Financial Supervisory Authority

RP from QRes#8705


Audience members bring up QAnon during question time following a presentation by Dr. Wilson Sy, former head of research at the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.


The Citizens Electoral Council event was held in Sydney on June 8, 2019.


Begins during question time about 45 minutes in:


Dr Wilson Sy - The Economy of the Lucky Country (Part 2) - Will the luck run out? 8 June 2019


Note: APRA supervises Australian banking, insurance and superannuation institutions.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 25, 2019, 2:21 a.m. No.6837182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7193

More George Papadopoulos Tweets


America has woken up. The next are the great people of the U.K./Italy/Australia. This is a movement for the truth and to perpetuate a new rules based order that has been lacking for decades.


The media outreach about my claims of U.K./Italy/Ukraine/Australia interference in the 2016 election has been outstanding. They want the truth now. Now that the Mueller dossier has been published, and we look into the origins of the scandal, my testimony is the roadmap. Fate.


Incredible to be watching my wife on tv tonight during an Australian series on “Russia gate” from 2018. How the narrative has changed, but she still looks great

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 25, 2019, 2:25 a.m. No.6837185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How it went down: The raid that gutted a major Australian broking firm

RP from QRes#8706


The staff raid that led to the near-gutting of broking and financial services firm CLSA by US aggressor Jefferies was swift, strategically executed and choreographed with precision.


It was 4pm Australian time on Friday June 7, when the head of human relations at CLSA’s Hong Kong parent Citic Securities received an email dump – 26 simultaneous resignation alerts, and all from Australia.


It was the ultimate hit list – ranging from its local chief executive Andrew Norman and head of research Richard Johnson, sales boss Ed Clegg and head of trading Karl Guilfoyle to sales staff and highly rated analysts.


The media didn’t have to search hard for the reasons. In late 2018, the five-year ‘hands off’ agreement between Western-modelled CLSA and its Chinese parent had expired. The Chinese management tentacles had begun to wrap around CLSA – and the ensuing culture clash was deafening, according to former management.


Around its various territories, CLSA’s management bonuses had been slashed by about 60 per cent as mainland China overlords couldn’t understand nor stomach the wages paid to Hong Kong and international operatives.


The New York-based Jefferies, which had been light on the ground in Asia and Australia, saw the opportunity and began planning.


As one former staffer described it, "they warmed everyone up to the concept. I think it was a very simple sell because we were all disenchanted with the way things were going at CLSA. They said 'OK, here is the trade. Join us and you get a much better platform and we will pay you more money and the date you resign is going to be 4pm on June 7th'."

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 25, 2019, 2:29 a.m. No.6837193   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Incredible to be watching my wife on tv tonight during an Australian series on “Russia gate” from 2018.


The TV show is "Four Corners", shown on the ABC. The same ABC tagged by President Trump in his June 17 tweet:


Skip to 33:15 for the segments featuring Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos.

Trump/Russia: Secrets, spies and useful idiots (2/3) | Four Corners


In episode two of this three-part series, Four Corners speaks to key protagonists at the centre of the unfolding drama over members of Donald Trump’s team accused of being compromised by Russia.

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 25, 2019, 3:08 a.m. No.6837250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7288

Australian Sky Events

RP from QRes#8724


Anons - not sure if notable or not, however have noticed a number of "meteor" sightings reported over Australia lately.


Maybe another anon can find correlation with other habbenings - EYES IN THE SKY - SKY EVENT??


Meteor suspected as 'fireball' filmed in Australian night sky, with sightings in two states


A "fireball" believed to have been a meteor has lit up the skies in at least two states overnight, with sightings of the phenomenon coming in from across South Australia and Victoria.


Footage of a "bright white light" crashing to the ground was captured on dashcam by Dylan Bishop south of Adelaide just after 10:30pm last night.


The sighting comes as another suspected meteor was spotted in Adelaide skies in March this year.


Meteor captured on Northern Territory police CCTV raining 'purple light' over Top End


A meteor has lit up the Northern Territory night sky with a flash that created "daylight" in Alice Springs and a noise that shook windows.


Meteor lights up Queensland night sky leaving observers scared and amazed


Hundreds of Queenslanders have been left in shock and awe from a spectacular meteor that lit up the night sky, creating a sonic boom as it burned up while hurtling towards Earth.

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 25, 2019, 3:35 a.m. No.6837288   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Footage attached (RP from QRes#8724)


more sauce


Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 25, 2019, 3:37 a.m. No.6837295   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Coming Show Trial Of Julian Assange

RP from QRes#8725


On Friday morning I was in a small courtroom at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London. Julian Assange, held in Belmarsh Prison and dressed in a pale-blue prison shirt, appeared on a video screen directly in front of me. Assange, his gray hair and beard neatly trimmed, slipped on heavy, dark-frame glasses at the start of the proceedings. He listened intently as Ben Brandon, the prosecutor, seated at a narrow wooden table, listed the crimes he allegedly had committed and called for his extradition to the United States to face charges that could result in a sentence of 175 years. The charges include the release of unredacted classified material that posed a “grave” threat to “human intelligence sources” and “the largest compromises of confidential information in the history of the United States.” After the prosecutor’s presentation, Assange’s attorney, Mark Summers, seated at the same table, called the charges “an outrageous and full-frontal assault on journalistic rights.”


Most of us who have followed the long persecution of Assange expected this moment, but it was nevertheless deeply unsettling, the opening of the final act in a Greek tragedy where the hero, cursed by fortuna, or fate, confronts the dark forces from which there is no escape.


The publication of classified documents is not a crime in the United States, but if Assange is extradited and convicted it will become one. Assange is not an American citizen. WikiLeaks, which he founded and publishes, is not a U.S.-based publication. The message the U.S. government is sending is clear: No matter who or where you are, if you expose the inner workings of empire you will be hunted down, kidnapped and brought to the United States to be tried as a spy. The extradition and trial of Assange will mean the end of public investigations by the press into the crimes of the ruling elites. It will cement into place a frightening corporate tyranny. Publications such as The New York Times and The Guardian, which devoted pages to the WikiLeaks revelations and later amplified and legitimized Washington’s carefully orchestrated character assassination of Assange, are no less panicked. This is the gravest assault on press freedom in my lifetime.


The WikiLeaks publisher was trapped for nearly seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy, where he had been granted political asylum. He feared being sent to Sweden to face sexual offense allegations, which he has denied, and then extradited to the United States. Two months ago, although diplomatic missions are considered sovereign territory, he was physically dragged out of the embassy by British police when the new government of Ecuador revoked his asylum and the Ecuadorian citizenship that had been granted to him. (Assange retains his Australian citizenship.) He was transported to court within three hours of his arrest, given 15 minutes to prepare a defense and summarily handed a 50-week sentence for a dubious bail violation. He was sent to Belmarsh, a notorious high-security prison in southeast London.


On Thursday, the day before Assange appeared in court, British Home Secretary Sajid Javid advanced the process for his removal to the United States by signing an extradition request. It is a clear signal to the courts where the British government stands.


We know what will be done to Assange. It has been done to thousands of those we kidnapped and then detained in black sites around the world. Sadistic and scientific techniques of torture will be used in an attempt to make him a zombie. Assange, in declining health, was transferred two weeks ago to the hospital wing of the prison. Because he was medically unable to participate when the hearing was initially to be held, May 30, the proceeding was reset. Friday’s hearing, in which he appeared frail and spoke hesitantly, although lucidly, set the timetable for his extradition trial, scheduled to take place at the end of February. All totalitarian states seek to break their political prisoners to render them compliant. This process will define Assange’s existence over the next few months



Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 25, 2019, 3:46 a.m. No.6837314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fiji has become a stop-off for drug traffickers moving their illicit cargo through the Pacific to Australia and NZ

RP from QRes#8730


“Draw a direct line between Bogotá and Canberra and it goes straight through the islands,” says Dr Andreas Schloenhardt, professor of criminal law at the University of Queensland.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 26, 2019, 1:18 a.m. No.6844642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scott Morrison to meet with Donald Trump at the G20 summit in Japan


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has made US President Donald Trump’s short and exclusive list of scheduled meetings on the sidelines of this week’s G20 in Japan.


The White House announced Mr Trump’s schedule in Osaka, with Mr Morrison slated for a meeting.


Chinese President Xi Jinping, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman and Turkish President Recep Erdogan also made Mr Trump’s schedule.


Mr Trump is expected to land in Osaka on Thursday for the two-day Group of Twenty meeting.


Mr Morrison’s meeting comes as the prime minister becomes more critical of the growing US-China trade war.


In a speech to be delivered on Wednesday in Sydney, Mr Morrison will warn Australia will not be a “passive bystander” if the US and China fail to find a trade solution.


“We should not just sit back and passively await our fate in the wake of a major power contest,” the prime minister will tell the event. A senior Trump administration official, during a G20 briefing in the US on Monday, told reporters the “president will focus a lot on trade” in Osaka. The White House signalled it was in no hurry to solve the trade dispute with China and Mr Trump would use his meeting with President Xi “to see where the Chinese side is since the talks last left off”.


“The goal here, as the president has said many, many times, and I’m sure he’ll make clear again, is that the purpose of these discussions is to rebalance the economic relationship in a way that protects US economic prosperity and workers,” the official said.


“And of course, that also means the kinds of structural changes that would need to take place to protect intellectual property.”


Mr Trump will also use the G20 to engage with world leaders and obtain support as tensions rise between the US and Iran.


The official described the president’s meeting with Mr Putin as “a normal event that happens at these” summits.


“It is expected to be a conversation that will focus primarily on regional security issues, including Iran, Ukraine, Syria, the Middle East,” said the official, previewing the meeting with the Russian leader.


Mr Trump will depart Osaka on Saturday for South Korea where he will spend the night before departing for Washington DC late on Sunday afternoon.

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 26, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.6845590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Same World Wide Game Plan of the Socialist Left


Here is the Australia version, Sounds like the USA AOC version


Same Play Book


Title: Power without earning it: How the Greens plan to push their extreme left-wing agendas on Australians - to ban private schools, oppose free speech and legalise drugs

RP from QRes#8733

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 26, 2019, 7:02 a.m. No.6845602   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#8733


22 resign in wake of hospital restructure plan

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 26, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.6845619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5623

Anon Observations on Ring of Fire

RP from QRes#8733


Very active this last month. Something big is coming. Todays Earthquakes alone should warrant concern. Ring of fire is more active than I have ever seen. Amazing amount of activity

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 26, 2019, 7:06 a.m. No.6845623   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Quake of magnitude 7.5 shakes East Timor, Australia; no tsunami feared

RP from QRes#8734

Anonymous ID: 015d75 June 26, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.6845679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia Begins Importing ISIS Children from Crushed Caliphate

RP from QRes#8737


CANBERRA, Australia (AP) – Eight Australian offspring of two slain Islamic State group fighters had been removed from Syria in Australia’s first organized repatriation from the conflict zone, Australia’s prime minister said on Monday.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the eight children being repatriated were in the care of Australian government officials. He would not identify the children or say when they would reach Australia.


Media reported that they include five children and grandchildren of Sydney-born convicted terrorist Khaled Sharrouf and three children of Islamic State group fighter Yasin Rizvic, from Melbourne. Both men and their wives died in the conflict zone.


The children had been taken by an aid agency on Sunday to Iraq, The Australian newspaper reported.


“The opportunity now is for these young children who are coming back to Australia, they can’t be held responsible for the crimes of their parents,” Morrison told reporters.


The children would be provided with support services so that “they can fully integrate into a happy life in Australia,” Morrison said.


“They’ve got off to a horrible start in life as a result of the appalling decisions of their parents and they’ll find their home in Australia and I’m sure they’ll be embraced by Australians and as a result of that embrace, I’m sure they’ll live positive and happy lives,” Morrison added.


Hopefully the children haven't already been irreversibly poisoned by their parents radicalised behaviour and beliefs.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 26, 2019, 11:21 p.m. No.6853155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3322

From Q Research #8763

>>6851715 (pb)


POTUS Scheduled for Thursday, June 27, 2019




All Times as Eastern (EDT)


6:00AM Arrive at Osaka International (Itami) Airport

6:10AM Departs Osaka International (Itami) Airport en route to the RON

6:30AM Arrive at the RON

7:00AM Participate in a working dinner with the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 26, 2019, 11:36 p.m. No.6853205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New POTUS Tweet referencing Australia


These flyers depict Australia’s policy on Illegal Immigration. Much can be learned!


From Q Research #8760

>>6849748 (pb)

>>6849734 (pb)


Pics 1, 3 and 4 depict storms.

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.6853322   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>7:00AM Participate in a working dinner with the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia


Interesting they say "Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia" instead of just "Prime Minister of Australia".

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 12:32 a.m. No.6853361   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#8743


The chairman of Westland Holdings Ltd has resigned

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 12:36 a.m. No.6853365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0356

Tongan/Aussie Rugby player, Israel Folau, has raised $1 million in just one day after his $500k GoFundMe page was taken down.

RP from QRes#8744


Folau, a Christian, had tweeted that he believed homosexuals and people who transgress against God's laws would go to hell.


For that, he lost his job with Rugby Australia and is effectively banned from playing for his country or domestically.


He is raising funds for his legal fees as he seeks to have the Australian Rugby Union's decision overturned.


Conservative Australians, appalled by the political correctness and lack of free speech have rallied behind the popular and talented player and have pledged $1million just one day after GoFundMe took his page down and tweeted about it with a rainbow pride flag.


This issue is currently dividing Australia. The media are, typically, calling him out but Folau has a lot of support from regular people.

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 12:38 a.m. No.6853371   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another George Papadopoulos Tweet

RP from QRes#8744


Incredible to be watching my wife on tv tonight during an Australian series on “Russia gate” from 2018. How the narrative has changed, but she still looks great


The TV show is "Four Corners", an investigative journalism/current affairs program shown on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the Australian national broadcaster. This is the same ABC tagged by President Trump in his June 17 tweet:


Skip to 33:15 for the segments featuring Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos.,-spies-and-useful-idiots/9857934


Trump/Russia: Secrets, spies and useful idiots


Posted Mon 11 Jun 2018, 8:30pm


Secrets, spies and useful idiots: part two of Four Corners' special investigative series.


"I'm just a sacrificial lamb for people who are looking for a false story to tear down the Trump campaign." Carter Page, former Trump adviser under investigation


On Monday, Four Corners reveals the story of two key players central to the allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.


"Unfortunately, Carter Page fell right into the trap, he walked right into the lion's den, dragging the rest of us with him." Former Trump campaign national security director


Carter Page and George Papadopoulos both served as foreign policy advisers to Donald Trump during the Presidential campaign. Both have come under investigation by the FBI and the special prosecutor examining Russia's interference in the election.


Both were targets of Russian spies.


"Typically, when Russian intelligence is in contact with someone, they don't waste their time. They have a reason for doing it." Former CIA Moscow station chief


In part two of Four Corners' special investigative series, reporter Sarah Ferguson pieces together the events that have engulfed these men and the Trump camp.


Part one is here:


Trump/Russia: Follow the Money

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.6853375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zanetti Cartoons






25m25 minutes ago




Folau will reach $1.5million tonight, halfway to his $3million goal, in around 24 hours since he relaunched his fundraising campaign.


Another middle finger from the Quiet Australian to the PC Police.


Thank you @gofundme







Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 1:16 a.m. No.6853444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Media companies scramble after judge rules they are liable for Facebook comments

RP from QRes#8750


Major media companies and Facebook are scrambling to come to grips with a landmark ruling by an Australian judge that found publishers are legally responsible for pre-moderating comments on the social media site.


On Monday in the New South Wales supreme court judge Stephen Rothman found that commercial entities, including media companies, could be regarded as the publishers of comments made on Facebook, and as such had a responsibility to ensure defamatory remarks were not posted in the first place.


The judgment has potentially profound impacts on the way news organisations in Australia interact with the social media giant, and prompted immediate backlash from the country’s largest media companies.


“This ruling shows how far out of step Australia’s defamation laws are with other English-speaking democracies and highlights the urgent need for change,” News Corp Australia said in a statement following the ruling.


“It defies belief that media organisations are held responsible for comments made by other people on social media pages.


“It is ridiculous that the media company is held responsible while Facebook, which gives us no ability to turn off comments on its platform, bears no responsibility at all.”


This will only extend censorship WW

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 2:22 a.m. No.6853622   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Proof that Gold ETFs Are a Fraud

RP from QRes#8751


Several years ago, during the 2008 meltdown, the Perth Mint certificate program was exposed for not holding the gold they told their customers was backed by the Western Australian government.


In the early 70's the Hunt brothers started buying silver to corner the physical silver markets and also they laid on paper positions to augment it. The big mistake they made was not having a strategy to deal with the the way that the CFTC began rasing the premiums they charged for maintaining the positions they carried. This is what wiped them out.


How the Hunt Brothers Cornered the Silver Market and Then Lost it All

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.6853633   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#Australia eyes new South #China Sea port to be used by US marines amid Washington-Beijing row

RP from QRes#8752


4:34 PM - 25 Jun 2019

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 2:28 a.m. No.6853642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9065

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#8753


James Jeffrey resigns from the Australian to join Anthony Albanese's staff


ACT Government minister Meegan Fitzharris announces resignation to spend more time with family


Queensland Health boss resigns amid hospital software rollout issues

Anonymous ID: 10ca04 June 27, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.6856733   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've been following the Israel Folau sacking since his first few 'controversial' posts (he's been over the target for a couple years now)


In case you weren't aware, Rugby Australia offered money to him to take down the post. Rugby Australia doesn't have very much money (or are even running a deficit). Suspicions are that everybody favourite Qantas CEO was involved in pulling strings.


Word is that Israel did not breach his contract by his post either, pushing Rugby Australia into a big hole, but nevertheless they are unrelenting. I wonder who will take the fall for this one?

Anonymous ID: 8442ab AU ALEXANDER DOWNER Needs to be Tried and when Guilty FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! Guilty=Death! June 27, 2019, 3:46 p.m. No.6858907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4202


>Remember, US could not spy upon its, and BO used Italy, UK and AU Deep State HRC operatives to set up Trump, and us their spy agencies, in their nations, to do it for BO. This way, DS agents placed in powerful positions all over the world, would Set Up and and all False Flags to force all nations into doing what they would to rule the world.




>Downer placed the 2nd needed nail into the fake "Evidence" as being Verified by the AU spy agency, to cross verify it was a valid Russian link, which was known a lie to all in this setup plot.




>Sir Richard Billing Dearlove crminal HRC Deep State controller inside the UK, was the physical spy agency who verified all information, and physically did the "Wire Tapping" of Trump towers and everyone.




>This is WHY all the 300+ UNMASKINGS BY BO's criminal chick Diplomate, who had no power to Unmask anyone, yet the did! I think here name was Samantha Powers? You know, that Ambassador/Diplomate who did that mass unmasking of American Citizens/




>Explains why that BO just happened to work with one crminal DEARLOVE to dig dirt on US citizens, and given directly to him by this unmasking.




>Get the picture yet? Answers all your questions WHY that US lady unmasked ALL 300+, which she was never allowed to do, because one DEARLOVE needed to connect the dots ON HIS SPY AGENCY, he overseen, wire tapping Trump!




>It was the UK criminal DS spy agency who did all the physical spying, and one DOWNER worked with DEARLOVE, and they double teamed Trumps Coup, hand in hand, for HRC/BO. DOWNER was their from the start, and lied to place the needed 2nd confirmation nail of it being real, but they were both part of the HRC/BO Deep State, and used each of their most secret spy agencies against Trump and America, to Overthrow America!




>Their hands were all over this, and need to be charged and tried on US Soil. Death to their heads, with giving their families front row seats to their deaths…




IF AU OR GB was HONEST, WHY do they keep him in office? He needs to be charged, sent to US and tried. If found guilty, behead or handed until dead. Same as DS Criminal Sir Dearlove, who Downer planned and coordinated Trumps Coup for BO and HRC DS!


Remember, the US could NOT spy upon itself, so they used these DS criminals in these Nations to Spy and Setup Trump Off US Soil! Then its Legal, as US can not spy upon itself, and used other Criminal DS Nations of GB & AU!


Need people to look for Alexander Downers movements in DC in 2015 and 2016! He "Worked" out of the DC Swamp, and DS CONTACT for AU!


REMEMBER - DEEP STATE IS WORLDWIDE and NOT JUST IN THE US! Thats where they were plotting to take over the WORLD for their NWO.


With GB being the actual physical nation that Wiretapped Trump for US, KNOW YOU KNOW "WHY" THE US's UK Diplomat Samantha Powers (?) "UNMASKED" 300+ US CITIZENS! She did it for the GB Spy agency to help SETUP TRUMPs COUP! Understand now "WHY" the USs UK Diplomat UNMASKED US CITIZENS FOR UK, which she had no AUTHORITY TO DO SO? Make sense now guys of the 300+ UNMASKING IN UK? See WHY the GB needed to know WHO WAS Talking in US?


Downer American Patriots will never forget your Coup Against America!

Anonymous ID: f8f343 June 27, 2019, 4 p.m. No.6859065   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Feels like a big show and Folau is just another performer. Distraction? Division? Whatever it is, it's pathetic and it will fail. Nothing can stop what is coming. Free Australia.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 27, 2019, 11:56 p.m. No.6863506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3520 >>3550

Scott Morrison meets with Donald Trump over dinner in Japan ahead of G20 Summit


Scott Morrison has met with Donald Trump at a dinner meeting in Osaka, speaking with the US President for more than an hour as the leaders prepared for the annual G20 Summit.


In a meeting that ran overtime, the Prime Minister told Mr Trump and his advisers of the effect his trade tariffs against China are having on the rest of the world, including allies like Australia.


"For Australians, we are a trading nation," Mr Morrison told the ABC after the meeting.


"One in five jobs are dependent on trade, that is why events like this are important, not just dealing with the United States but the many other participants."


When asked if his trade policies strained traditional alliances, Mr Trump insisted that Australia had done well on trade under his administration.


"I can say very easily that we've been very good to our allies, we work with our allies, we take care of our allies," Mr Trump said.


"I have inherited massive trade deficits with our allies. And we even help our allies militarily. So, we do look at ourselves and we look at ourselves I think more positively than ever before.


"But we also look at our allies. And I think Australia is a good example. We've worked together very closely — just recently, on a big trade situation.


"We had a little bit of a trade deal going, and it worked out very well for both of us."


Mr Morrison impressed on Mr Trump the importance of resolving the US trade dispute with China.


Mr Trump also said he would "like to" visit Australia later this year for the prestigious Presidents Cup golf tournament.


"I think there is a reasonable chance [Mr Trump will come]," Mr Morrison said.


"He is obviously a passionate follower of the sport and the tournament is actually named after the President so I think it would be great for Melbourne and for the tournament.


"We have certainly issued that invitation for him to join us for what should be a great time."


Both leaders will enter the G20 Summit today, where concerns about the trade friction between China and the US will be expressed by many leaders.


Mr Trump will meet with China's President Xi Jinping, in a one-on-one meeting tomorrow.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 28, 2019, 12:06 a.m. No.6863550   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Preparations underway for possible Donald Trump trip to Australia


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has invited US President Donald Trump to visit Melbourne in December as the two leaders canvass rising security concerns with Iran and the danger of a global trade war.


Mr Morrison asked Mr Trump to fly to Australia to attend the President’s Cup golf tournament, seizing the opportunity to strengthen ties with the President during their working dinner on Thursday night.


The Prime Minister emerged from the meeting to declare Mr Trump did not seek Australian military help in the rising tensions with Iran, although the security challenges with Iran and North Korea were canvassed during the meeting.


The President’s Cup is played at different locations every two years and will be held this year at the Royal Melbourne Golf Club from December 12 to 15 - the same venue used for the event in 1998 and 2011. The US team will be captained by US golf champion Tiger Woods.


While Mr Morrison extended his invitation during the private meeting, Mr Trump was asked during the open remarks at the start of the meeting if he would attend the golf tournament and replied: “I’d like to.”


The Australian ambassador to the United States, Joe Hockey, has been working on plans to get Mr Trump to Melbourne for several months and the formal invitation intensifies that effort. Australian sources said it was right to estimate a 50:50 chance of the visit going ahead.


Mr Trump moved to ease Australian fears of a growing trade war by assuring Mr Morrison during the working dinner that he wanted to “maximise” the economic partnership between the two allies.


Mr Trump said he was committed to “fair, balanced and mutually beneficial” trade and investment.


But the President also canvassed security challenges including rising tensions with Iran after the Islamic republic shot down a US drone, leading Mr Trump to come close to launching a retaliatory strike.


Asked about this on Australian television on Friday morning, Mr Morrison said the US President did not seek Australian assistance.


“It certainly wasn’t sought. We talked about these issues and we have been watching them very closely as well but there are no requests and at this stage I think those issues are a bit premature, but we are obviously concerned,” Mr Morrison said.


“We would deal with any request from an ally such as the United States seriously and on its merits.”


Also on the agenda was the challenge of halting North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and the need for Australia and the US to work together in the Pacific, a region now subject to growing Chinese influence.


Mr Morrison said he spoke to Mr Trump about the trade tensions between the US and China ahead of the President’s meeting on Saturday with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.


“We talked about the tensions that are there and the impact that has on the global economy and what that means for Australia,” Mr Morrison said on Friday morning.


“They've got some fair dinkum issues they are trying to sort out. They will seek to do that, I am sure of that. There are things that do have to be sorted.”


While US news reports have raised the idea of a “truce” on trade when Mr Trump meets Mr Xi, the message from Mr Morrison was that the outlook for a deal was difficult.


“I walked away [from the dinner] with the view that this is going to be tough because there are serious issues to be resolved, but that is what this gathering is about,” he said.


“As long as people are talking, that is a positive thing.”


In a worrying sign for Australian relations with China, there is no bilateral meeting scheduled between Mr Morrison and Mr Xi and there was no such meeting at the last G20 summit, held in Argentina last December.


Mr Morrison held a formal meeting with Chinese premier Li Keqiang in Singapore last December.


Mr Morrison rejected the idea that relations with China were “strained” and said he was sure there would be an opportunity for him to “catch up” with Mr Xi.


“Our patience, strategic patience I would describe it, and consistency is important,” he said.


“We are supportive of China’s economic growth. That has been great for Australia. We work constructively with everybody.”

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.6864031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rugby Australia denies offering Israel Folau money to take down controversial Instagram post

RP from QRes#8772


Rugby Australia has denied offering Israel Folau a sum of cash to take down his controversial Instagram post, a claim the sacked Wallabies star made in his first TV appearance since the saga began.


Speaking on Sky News, Folau said he was seeking an apology from his former employer before revealing that rugby's national governing body tried to pay him to make the problem go away.


“I’m hopeful for an apology from them, and an admission that they were wrong,” Folau said.


“That’d be something I’d like to get.


“I’m extremely proud to have represented my country, it’s truly an honour.


“Tomorrow is the first step in terms of the legal stuff, I’m looking for an apology and if I can get that, that would be awesome.”


Folau: 'I felt backed into a corner'


Rugby Australia chief Raelene Castle also released a statement for the first time since Folau's Go Fund Me page was brought down.


“Rugby Australia has acted with complete professionalism and integrity at all times through the process by which Israel was found, by an independent three-member tribunal panel, to have made multiple, serious breaches of the Professional Players Code of Conduct,” Castle’s statement read.


“The panel found the breaches constituted a high level and directed Rugby Australia to terminate Israel’s contract.”


Folau has shown no interest in any settlement offers made by RA before and during his code of conduct hearing, the largest of which was close to $2 million.


In the interview with Alan Jones, Folau said his message "came from a place of love" and said he understands why some people have reacted with passion to his case. He also received a strong reaction from Twitter users, when he compared being gay to being a drug addict.


“I can certainly see it from both sides. If I had a child who was a drug addict I would still love my child without anything attached to that.”


Did Folau just compare gay people to drug addicts? Gees Louise: @newscomauHQ


— Benedict Brook (@BenedictBrook) June 27, 2019


So in his first TV “interview” Israel Folau compares being gay to being a drug addict….that really does sum him up quite succinctly


— Peter van Onselen (@vanOnselenP) June 27, 2019


Wow… just when you think Israel Folau couldn’t be any dumber, I watch an interview where he essentially says gays and drug addicts are the same.


Does the guy even want a career in this country anymore? 😂


— Matt (@RugOnline) June 27, 2019


Folau also touched on the impact the scandal has had on his wife but said she drew strength from her faith to get past it.


“She’s been dragged into this situation unexpectedly and it’s been very frustrating for her. I’m lucky she’s a strong woman and same as me, convicted by her faith.”


He also spoke of the reaction from his teammates and said he understood where they were coming from and he had no hard feelings toward any of them.


Former teammates Drew Mitchell, Bernard Foley, Nick Phipps and Michael Hooper had strongly disagreed with Folau's views during the saga.


“It’s hard to understand, but it’s something that doesn’t surprise me, I’ve got no animosity towards anyone,” Folau said.


“I let that [criticism] wash over me, I’ve got no hard feelings towards those guys, I’ve had really good times with those guys on and off the field, they are entitled to their opinions.”

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.6864041   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8773



Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 2:16 a.m. No.6864080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia Planning New Naval Port For US To Counter China

RP from QRes#8776


A new report from Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reveals Australia is building a new naval port on its northern coast, near Darwin, able to support thousands of US Marines as part of Washington's efforts to counter rising China in the Eastern Hemisphere.


This comes at a time when Washington is falling into Thucydides Trap, referring to China, the rising power, challenging the US, the status quo, could one day lead to a shooting war somewhere in the heavily contested South China Sea and western Pacific waters.


The "secret plan" was revealed on Monday by ABC, which quoted multiple defense and government officials as saying the new naval port would be 25 miles from Darwin, the capital of the Northern Territory. The exact location is at Glyde Point, a site with relatively deep-water access that will one day allow large warships to dock.

Anonymous ID: e8871c June 28, 2019, 3:05 a.m. No.6864224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sydney Daily Telegraph 28 June 2019



SCOMO stock on the up and up kek

Everyone wants to be seen with Trump

Giving the Thumbs Up with The Donald is like winning the lottery

Anonymous ID: e8871c June 28, 2019, 3:08 a.m. No.6864229   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sydney Daily Telegraph 28 June 2019 - forgot pic



SCOMO stock on the up and up kek

Everyone wants to be seen with Trump

Giving the Thumbs Up with The Donald is like winning the lottery

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.6867533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8779


AborigineAnon here, long time lurker and this is my first post ever.


I just want to tell you it’s been amazing sharing these times with you fags and things are really starting to look up here in Australia.


I just saw a Q smoke painted in a local cave.


The word is getting out frens.


Light to Darkness.


We have hope now that our sharp shooter Quigley will get here soon with lots of red buttons. We had given up all hope but now drinking water out of a cactus with a straw is almost tasty.


Thank you and may the “everwhen” be with you.


Nice to have you on board fren

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 1:14 p.m. No.6867556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Papa D Twit


IG report coming prior to 07/17/19???

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 7:17 p.m. No.6869985   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hi fren,


I meant ready as in "bring it on", not "ready" as in ready for the fallout it brings.


There will be some who are never ready to deal with whats coming. But sometimes better to rip the bandaid off quick, rather than slow and prolong the pain.


The "actual truth" is going to upset the normies whether its dropped in 6 days or 6 months, and some will never believe.


Personally having following Q for over 18 months, and watching the Sealed Indictments increase to over 100,000, I am hoping its time to see some of the dominoes start falling.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 28, 2019, 9:45 p.m. No.6871219   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'No news' for US press in Morrison's dinner with Trump


Front-page material here deemed non-event by White House press pool.


For Australian newspapers, Scott Morrison’s official dinner with Donald Trump was worthy of front-page treatment. Reports said the US president had “lauded” the closeness of the Australian-US alliance and “‘lavished” praise on the prime minister.


It was true of course. Trump had said Morrison “had a fantastic victory”.


But for the US press corps it was a non-event. In its official briefing note the journalists said:


“Pool was briefly led into dining room where President Trump was meeting with Australian Prime Minister (Scott) Morrison. There was no news.”


What's the old saying? No news is…


>Learn our comms.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 28, 2019, 10:10 p.m. No.6871346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ivanka Trump Tweet


Great start to the #G20OsakaSummit with @POTUS and the U.S. delegation at a working dinner with Australia’s Prime Minister!


Anonymous ID: 14adfd June 29, 2019, 3:07 a.m. No.6872564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2578


What the fuck are talking about?

This is not namewhoring as you put it

This is a title in the name field

Fucken try and divide, both you and your pa

ID ef3d17 - Are you stoopid ??

Divide they will try

Fail they will

United we win

Anonymous ID: 04af29 June 29, 2019, 3:14 a.m. No.6872578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2724


It’s namewhoring and attention seeking you maggoted faggot

Go back to ‘for newfags’

Read it

Leave field as Anonymous or GTFOH

Anon digs DO NOT need titles

You dig

You meme

You pray

And you let others decide what they think your work is about

EXPAND YOUR THINKING beyond your ego


Anonymous ID: 14adfd June 29, 2019, 4:18 a.m. No.6872724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2744 >>3308


AU ALEXANDER DOWNER Needs to be Tried and when Guilty FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! Guilty=Death


Here ya go you faggot who thinks you are above another and incorrectly assumes

No namewhoring here

You try to detract from the post

Well suck on this one

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 29, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.6875337   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Owners of Social Media Pages Are Liable for Comments Posted by Others, NSW Supreme Court Finds

RP from QRes#8791


A recent decision by the NSW Supreme Court has paved the way for those who are defamed on social media to take proceedings against not only the poster, but also commercial page administrators.


The preliminary decision in Voller v Nationwide News Pty Ltd and others [2019] NSWSC 766 relates to proceedings brought by former Northern Territory youth detainee Dylan Voller against The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald, Sky News Australia, The Bolt Report and the Centralian Advocate in respect of defamatory material published by “third-party users” or “commentators” in the comments section of Facebook posts.


The lawyers for Mr Voller asserted that 10 posts on the Facebook pages of the news outlets in 2016 and 2017 carried defamatory imputations, and that the organisations are liable for the content of those posts.


The decision, published on 24 June 2019, makes clear that the outlets are considered to have ‘published’ the comments for the purposes of defamation laws, even though the remarks were published by others and despite the difficulties of monitoring every comment by every member of the public, and in spite of the fact there were no requests by Mr Voller or anyone else for the remarks to be deleted.


Full Article:

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 29, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6875364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian Anon digs into the dirt on every crooked American Democratic politician…

RP from QRes#8791




One hell of an interesting thread!

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 29, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6875388   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8791




Reminds me of a story I was told by a guy going to Australia on business. Customs & Immigration guy in Oz was giving him the gears, rummaging through his luggage, etc. Just being a jerk and pissing him off.


When Customs guy asked, "Do you have a criminal record," the guy responding with a straight face: "I didn't think that was required to get into Australia anymore."


Shut the Customs guy's yap right up.

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 29, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.6875422   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NZ Anons Interesting Dig

RP from QRes#8791




An addition(s) to the resignation list.


National Party MP Amy Adams’ surprise resignation.


The Honourable Ms Amy Adams was the Minister for Communications and Information Technology under former NZ PM Sir John Key. She was present at the ‘unscheduled’ meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand between the former US Sec of State Mr John Kerry and the former NZ PM’s top bods (FVEY) the day after President Trump won.


I know nothing of National MP Alistair Scott but the timing of his resignation is suspicious.


National Party resignations raise questions about Simon Bridges' leadership




‘“The resignation of two National MPs has raised inevitable questions about Simon Bridges' leadership.


Amy Adams, one of National's most senior MPs, announced on Tuesday she would be stepping down in 2020, just 45 minutes before National MP Alistair Scott announced his resignation.


As Finance spokesperson, Adams is one of the most powerful women in the National Party. Last year she lost to Simon Bridges in the race to be the party's leader.”’


National's Amy Adams retiring from politics at 2020 election


25 Jun, 2019


‘It was a surprise – not just for media, but also for her caucus colleagues when she told them this morning - as Adams had run for the party leadership in February last year following Bill English's resignation.’


In addition I’d previously suggested that the former NZ PM John Key be added to the resignations list but was informed that he was too early to qualify. I think that this is a mistake as he not only willingly did Husseins bidding as regards to NZ FVEY/NZGCSB/Southern Cross cable upgrades and security law changes but is a good golfing friend and accompanied him on his subsequent visits here.


John Keys near immediate resignation after President Trumps win was very telling as was the similarly rapid resignation of his sidekick McCully.


John Key resigns as Prime Minister of New Zealand, cites family reasons for leaving


5 Dec, 2016


‘John Key is resigning as Prime Minister of New Zealand.


Key made the announcement at his weekly press conference this afternoon.


Key, his voice shaking with emotion, said he told his Cabinet of his decision this morning.


"This is the hardest decision I've ever made and I don't know what I'll do next."


Key cited family reasons for leaving, saying the job had required great sacrifices "from those who are dearest to me".’


Murray McCully quits politics.




‘Foreign Minister Murray McCully has announced he's not returning to Parliament in 2017.


He had announced he would not contest the East Coast Bays seat, which he has held since 1987, and has now said he won't stand for National's list either.’


The last image is a screen-cap of an interesting take on the NZ spying and NZ election postal vote rigging in the NZ Q Research

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 29, 2019, 1:54 p.m. No.6875465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6227

Another Australian Anon with an extremely interdasting and deep insight into the "Q phenomenon"…

RP from QRes#8792


Including here as Aus-relevant content, but be warned some Anons did suggest some of this guys comments were a little out there

Anonymous ID: 005c19 June 29, 2019, 3:18 p.m. No.6875943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons from down unda…


Tap out of the mainstream, and into The Ascension Vortex!


Live in T-1.75 hours


We got the hottest topics, you'll agree!



Anonymous ID: e8d758 June 29, 2019, 4:10 p.m. No.6876227   🗄️.is 🔗kun



i am a jin 'tits MOAR! [than that] - peer'd with-IN lately? [too much chaos for most]


as above, so it is below. . .. … <:>!


waky-waky - WHAT's for break-fast?


gott'a get sum eduction!

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 29, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.6876741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6757 >>1114

Scott Morrison secures G20 deal to block violent terrorism on Facebook and social media


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has gained an agreement from world leaders to put new pressure on Facebook and other social media giants to halt the spread of violent terrorism online in the wake of the Christchurch attacks in March.


The declaration at the G20 summit in Japan is a significant victory for Mr Morrison and the Australian government in demanding faster action by all companies to take down violent terror content.


The Osaka summit ended on Saturday afternoon with a warning to the social media companies to lift their standards, a message backed by all members including US President Donald Trump after months of Australian diplomatic effort.


The statement from the G20 puts pressure on the companies to act immediately when contacted by authorities to remove terrorist content such as the live video of an attack or other violent posts that seek to spread terror or recruit followers.


The G20 statement was proposed by Australia and agreed by consensus after support from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as European Union leaders.


While the G20 statement cannot bind the companies, given any laws or rules are up to each nation, it tells the social media and internet sectors to expect direct intervention by governments if they do not fix the problem.


Mr Morrison wrote to Mr Abe, the host of this weekend’s summit, in the days after the Christchurch terror attack in March when an Australian gunman killed 51 and wounded 49 while streaming the murders on Facebook.


The letter set out a proposal for a global agreement to stamp out terrorist violence on social media but the idea faced objections from the US and others out of concern it could curb free speech.


Mr Morrison overcame those concerns and the result was a consensus agreement.


Tough Australian laws already require the social media companies to act upon instructions from police and other authorities to remove violent terrorist material, under legislation put forward by Mr Morrison and backed by Labor in Parliament in early April.


The joint statement was a significant breakthrough because Mr Trump and his officials had expressed concern about any stance that could be seen as a restriction on freedom of speech.


The G20 leaders said they issued their statement to "raise the bar" for online platforms.


"The internet must not be a safe haven for terrorists to recruit, incite or prepare terrorist acts," they said.


"We urge online platforms to meet our citizens' expectations that they must not allow use of their platforms to facilitate terrorism and [violent extremism conducive to terrorism]."


"Platforms have an important responsibility to protect their users. The complexity of the challenge - and increasing sophistication of the criminals who would misuse the internet - does not lessen the importance of platforms mitigating the proliferation of terrorist and VECT content, which harms society, via their platforms."


"Where terrorist content is uploaded or livestreamed, we underline the importance of online platforms addressing it, in a timely manner, to prevent proliferation, while ensuring that documentary evidence is preserved. We welcome online platforms' commitment to provide regular and transparent public reporting, as set out in their policies and procedures."


The statement has no binding force on the companies but sends a signal that G20 members could take harder action, including passing new laws, to force the companies to remove terrorist content more quickly.


One mechanism to act on the G20 statement is the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), which is expected to work with the social media companies.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 29, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.6877111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7195 >>1114

Social media giants need to 'raise the bar', Prime Minister says ahead of crackdown on streamed terror violence


Social media companies will be forced to take new measures to stop the spread of violent extremist videos in Australia as part of a global push to prevent a repeat of the horrific scenes in March when the Christchurch terror attacks were streamed live on Facebook.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has reached an agreement with social media giants to lift their standards and remove extreme content to prevent terrorism being spread to millions of people online.


The new agreement is aimed at protecting Australian consumers and preventing terrorists from gaining followers, with a new federal law forcing the companies to honour their commitments or face billions of dollars in fines.


The domestic rules, to be announced on Sunday, follow Mr Morrison’s success at the Group of 20 summit in Japan in gaining a global agreement to demand rapid action by social media companies to take down terrorist material.


The Osaka summit ended on Saturday afternoon with a warning to the social media companies to lift their standards, a message backed by all members including US President Donald Trump after months of Australian diplomatic effort.


Mr Morrison contacted New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern soon after the outcome to relay the news given her demand in April that social media companies stop the capacity to "livestream murder" and spread terror.


The statement from the G20 puts pressure on the companies to act immediately when contacted by authorities to remove terrorist content such as the live video of an attack or other violent posts that seek to promote terrorism or recruit followers.


"We all appreciate the great opportunities that these new platforms provide - we want to ensure that they're realised," Mr Morrison said in an interview with The Sun Herald and The Sunday Age.


"But at the same time, the chilling reminder from Christchurch was that we've got to protect these tools from being weaponised by terrorists. That is important to ensure we realise their positive benefits so people don’t lose confidence in these platforms because of the failure to keep them safe."


The G20 statement was proposed by Australia and agreed by consensus after support from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as host of the meeting, as well as French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the European Union leaders.


The G20 leaders said they issued their statement to "raise the bar" for online platforms.


Tough Australian laws already require social media companies to act upon instructions from police and other authorities to remove violent terrorist material under legislation put forward by Mr Morrison and backed by Labor in Parliament in early April.


The government set up a taskforce to act on the laws with members including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and Microsoft as well as the communications companies that carry most internet traffic, Telstra, Optus, Vodafone and TPG.


All are subject to amendments to the Criminal Code that imposes fines worth billions of dollars if they do not act on police warnings about "abhorrent violent material" they host.


The taskforce report, to be released on Sunday, includes pledges from the social media companies to control live streaming, monitor new accounts, remove users who breach standards and do more to moderate content.


It also recommends a the government run a "terrorist scenario" at some time in the next 12 months to test the response of social media networks.


A new reporting regime will require the companies to tell the government twice each year about their efforts in stopping terrorist content.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 June 29, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.6877195   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It also recommends the government run a "terrorist scenario" at some time in the next 12 months to test the response of social media networks.


Report of the Australian Taskforce to combat terrorist and extreme violent material online


Publication abstract:

The terrorist attacks that took place in Christchurch on 15 March 2019 shocked the world. Citizens and governments alike questioned how the mass murder of 51 men, women and children could take place in a peaceful, democratic country like New Zealand. In the hours and days that followed, it became apparent that the internet was exploited to amplify the crimes. The alleged perpetrator livestreamed the murders on Facebook and from there, the video quickly spread, with individuals attempting to upload copies on mainstream and smaller digital platforms and websites.


Condemnation of the acts, and of the use of online platforms in disseminating this content, was swift. On 26 March 2019, the Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, chaired a Summit in Brisbane to discuss Australian Government and industry responses to the sharing of content related to the Christchurch terrorist attack. The Summit brought together representatives from the major digital platforms, Australian Internet Service Providers (ISPs), the heads of relevant Government agencies, along with the Attorney-General, the then Minister for Communications and the Arts and the Minister for Home Affairs.


In this forum, the Government made clear that the community expected more from the digital platforms and that it wanted to see industry bring forward concrete measures to prevent extreme violent content from being disseminated so readily on their services. A key outcome of the Summit was the establishment of the Taskforce to Combat Terrorist and Extreme Violent Material Online (the Taskforce). Comprising government and industry representatives, the objective of the Taskforce was to provide advice to Government on practical, tangible and effective measures and commitments to combat the upload and dissemination of terrorist and extreme violent material.


This report provides that advice. It identifies actions and recommendations that fall into one of five streams: prevention; detection and removal; transparency; deterrence; and capacity building. These actions and recommendations build on and extend the commitments already made by industry and Government following the attacks, including changes by individual firms to the operation of their services. They are also consistent with principles contained within the Christchurch Call to Action.


Ultimately, the Government will assess whether the actions detailed in this report represent a sufficient step forward in terms of ensuring the safety of Australians online. The Government has made clear that it is willing to consider regulatory options where the voluntary commitments put forward by industry fall short of the mark. This reflects a growing consensus internationally that the internet should not be a forum or tool for the proliferation of harmful content, and that more needs to be done — particularly by the larger and well-resourced digital platforms — to make the internet a safer place.


A number of countries, including Australia, have strongly advocated for international cooperation on this issue through various multilateral fora. Consistent with the Christchurch Call to Action, the Australian Government is working internationally and through the actions agreed, including through this taskforce, to drive concrete initiatives on preventing terrorist and violent extremist exploitation of the internet.


There is clearly an appetite, in Australia and overseas, for tangible, concrete measures to tackle the upload and spread of terrorist and extreme violent material online. Whether these fora and the parallel commitments to action from industry can deliver on this outcome will become clearer over the coming months.

Anonymous ID: e8d758 June 29, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.6877665   🗄️.is 🔗kun


bollocks: Q-: is faceplant a publisher or coms platform?


hosted on a global, military coms platform with "extras"…


either-way [and knot-or]; Logically, Louise Cypher Tries Ortegrity. Rember that.


Here's 3 hours of Vitriol - if u can handel it …


Having the psychopath is not the same as being psychopathic :-)

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 30, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.6881114   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Anons responses to proposed Social Media crackdown by Scott Morrison

RP from QRes#8796


So, Australia wants to become even more of a police state than it already is? How fucked up is Australia?


The Australian Prime Minister is the Rothschilds' bitch, but he pretends to be friendly with Trump for the cameras.


This is going to get uncomfortable for Australia.




"going to get uncomfortable"


its been that way for a long time now ever since port arthur

Anonymous ID: 51d363 July 1, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.6890755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0905 >>1365

Join the body of Christ in the flesh and fight


The following texts were written around 60 years ago the writer, B.F. Jackson, and his family soon after he published this work were brutally murdered and these texts were hidden.


This is a 19 page document you can read the remainder here.


For deeper research into the Cahilla and systems of EVIL dig here.

Anonymous ID: 9e5e01 July 1, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.6890758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0771

Been a Q follower from beginning but having a hard time understanding Trump's comments about Sessions.


Q says

Trust Sessions.


POTUS has recently said his biggest regret was asking Sessions to be AG.



Q also stats "has POTUS ever made a statement that was not TRUE"?


These posts contradict each other.

Where is the disinfo?

Why is it necessary?

Protect Sessions?


Sessions = 2 year long placeholder

Sessions = Huber/stealth bomber

Sessions = many fired at DOJ

Sessions was a big part of this.

Why lie/troll/fib?

Anonymous ID: 50e60d July 1, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.6890763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why…in the past…did movies always have somebody with a German accent as a BAD GUY.

However, within the turn of the century, the STEREOTYPICAL Bad Guy accent is British.

Now…just within the past few years or so…the typical BAD GUY accent is Aussie????




Asking for a friend.

Anonymous ID: 72e0f5 July 1, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6890905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1365



Don't be Tard. Comprehend sum pattern.


-2Sin666, modulas 25: "1st" 7x7 fractal <:beyond Sureal


Here's a True "Jew" we'd be wise to heed…


u figure the Quadrivium "why" , or kNOT


F kNights!

Anonymous ID: 5e5d0a July 1, 2019, 2:51 p.m. No.6891365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1478




We really must be in the big leagues now .. we have ourselves the jew hating set - what a bunch of fucking nongs.


You going to post your jew hating nonsense at beginning of each thread, like in Q Research General ?


kek - come back in a couple weeks and we should have just about finished the thread for you

Anonymous ID: 72e0f5 July 1, 2019, 3:08 p.m. No.6891478   🗄️.is 🔗kun



yep we're officially in Tard-vile. Vile as hell - truth be known.


Elohim means Mother(s) plural, present continuous.


[sump] Tards would eat their own mother and children - it IS that bad. And don't believe me ; begin by showing some children a slaughter house and monitor the consequences - in particular the psychosis. or is that "illegal" to show children slaughter [and ok for prepubescent to gender "change"…]?


Bible : we are sinners, born is sin. (Mother! how COULD u!?)

Upanishad : Maya - all is illusion.

Budda : Dukkha - suffering, change and conditioned for present continuous suffering.


shall we extend and expose the dogma MOAR?

Anonymous ID: 51d363 July 1, 2019, 3:56 p.m. No.6891804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cabal always looks after it's own with a cushy intl job


Julie Bishop lands board position in first move after politics


Former foreign minister Julie Bishop has picked up a board director role at the international consultancy Palladium.


The non-executive position is the West Australian's first job in the private sector since she bowed out of politics after more than 20 years at the election.


The company operates in more than 90 countries, providing advice and working on international development projects with governments, companies and not-for-profits.


Ms Bishop says joining Palladium will continue her long-standing interest in economic development in the Pacific and beyond.

"Palladium has a focus on private sector engagement to deliver effective, sustainable development and even invests its own money into projects," she said in a statement on Tuesday.


Palladium chief executive Kim Bredhauer said Ms Bishop has plenty in common with the company.


"We are both committed to inclusive growth, resulting in sustainable solutions around the world."

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 2, 2019, 12:59 a.m. No.6894958   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US ambassador’s message for Morrison: ‘embrace power role in Pacific’


New US ambassador Arthur ­Culvahouse has called on Australia to play “a great power leadership role” in the Pacific, saying he expects Scott Morrison will ­increasingly call out “malign influences” in the region as China ­increases pressure on vulnerable nations through its Belt and Road Initiative.


Mr Culvahouse said the US, not China, was Australia’s most important economic partner with $1.6 trillion in two-way investment, and declared both nations needed to protect critical technology from “impermissible and pernicious theft” by Beijing.


In an interview to mark his first 100 days in the role, Mr Culvahouse reaffirmed the “solemn and unbreakable” nature of the Australia-US alliance, and declared the US would “absolutely” come to Australia’s aid if it were threatened by a foreign power.


He also stepped up previous criticism of the BRI, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s signature foreign policy initiative, branding it a “lose, lose, lose” proposition for developing nations across the ­region.


The Donald Trump appointee and adviser to Republican presidents since Richard Nixon said his mission as ambassador was to refresh the US’s relationship with Australia and cement it for ­decades to come by engaging with Australia’s future leaders and ­innovators.


Amid growing emphasis by the Prime Minister on his “Pacific step up”, Mr Culvahouse said the US had “immense confidence” in Australia’s standing in the region, with “expertise and relationships and sensitivities that exceed ours”.


“We believe Australia can and should play a great power leadership role in the region,” Mr Culvahouse told The Australian yesterday.


“It’s Australia’s area. You’re a little more nimble and subtle than we are. We are not abdicating our role, by any means. But we want to pay particular attention to the Australian leadership role in our region.”


A week after Mr Morrison praised China’s “economic miracle” while backing US attacks on Chinese trade practices and intellectual property theft, Mr Culvahouse expressed confidence that the Prime Minister would increasingly call out bad behaviour by Beijing.


“We think the natural course is the Australian government, as it goes forward, will be even more supportive of US policy in the ­Pacific and that may include calling out malign influences where they see them,” he said.


As Mr Trump and Mr Xi battle for influence and economic ­supremacy in the Indo-Pacific, Mr Culvahouse dismissed suggestions that US power in the region was on the wane, and with it the value of the Australia-US alliance.


He said the pivot to Asia announced by former Democrat president Barack Obama was “now becoming a reality” under Mr Trump, with more “soft and hard power” resources directed towards the Indo-Pacific.


Mr Culvahouse said the US and Australia, together with allies such as Japan and New Zealand, were “marshalling our forces to offer alternatives” to the BRI. He noted the recent commitment by those countries to roll out electricity and internet coverage to 70 per cent of Papua New Guinea’s population.


“This region does need infrastructure. But it also needs good governance, respect for sovereignty,” he said.


Mr Culvahouse said China’s hacking of technology secrets was “common law theft”, and criticised the infiltration of Western universities by People’s Liberation Army scholars seeking quick access to dual-use innovations.


“We have got to do a better job of protecting our national security interests,” Mr Culvahouse said.


“Your country and my country have tens of millions of dollars and decades of investment in these areas, and it is just impermissible that someone, through a so-called academic exchange, or doing a doctorate or dissertation, can pilfer that information and use it against us.”


Mr Culvahouse said the US remained concerned about the 99-year lease of the Port of Darwin to Chinese company Landbridge, and welcomed strengthened foreign investment rules following the decision.



Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 2, 2019, 1:03 a.m. No.6894966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2108

Scott Morrison: missing Alek Sigley the focus of prayers


Scott Morrison says an Australian student missing in totalitarian North Korea has been the focus of his prayers and that he will do everything to ensure he is brought home safely.


The Prime Minister has sought help from G20 counterparts to locate Alek Sigley, 29, who vanished in North Korea last week.


“This morning, there are many prayers but I must say my prayers this morning are for Alek Sigley and his family,” Mr Morrison said after a church service in Canberra.


“This is a troubling situation and we will continue to use every effort we have to locate him and hopefully bring him home safely.”


Mr Sigley’s disappearance in North Korea came days before US president Donald Trump became the first American leader to cross the demilitarised zone into the communist rogue state.


Australian officials fear, but have not yet confirmed, that the Perth man has been arrested and is detained in Pyongyang.


Australia has no diplomatic presence in North Korea and is working through the Swedish embassy in Pyongyang to try to establish his whereabouts.


Mr Sigley blogged and tweeted regularly about his life in the country, but his observations were overwhelmingly positive and included rave reviews of Pyongyang’s restaurants.


Last year, he began studying for a masters in Korean literature at Kim Il-sung University in Pyongyang. By that time, he had led more than a dozen trips into North Korea and married his Japanes­e student fiancee Yuka Morinaga at an elaborate wedding in Pyongyang.


When the couple were interviewed on Pacchigi TV for Korean­-Japanese viewers last December, they enthused about Pyongyang’s “cool” khaki jumpsuit fashion, attending karaoke picnics in the park, and the shocked reception of locals when Mr Sigley aired Australian movies at the Pyongyang International Film Festival.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 2, 2019, 3:03 a.m. No.6895274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vatican defends confessional secret as sexual abuse crisis stings

RP from QRes#8817


VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican on Monday reaffirmed Catholic teaching that priests cannot reveal what they learn in confession, in an apparent response to moves in Australia and elsewhere to force them to do so in cases of sexual abuse. A document from the Vatican's Apostolic Penitentiary, which deals with issues of the sacrament of confession, said no government or law could force clergy to violate the seal "because this duty comes directly from God. The document, which did not mention any countries or the sexual abuse crisis, complained of a "worrying negative prejudice against the Catholic Church".


Most countries' legal systems respect the religious right of a Catholic priest not to reveal what he has learned in confession, similar to attorney-client privilege. But the sexual abuse crisis that has embroiled the Catholic Church around the world has seen this right challenged more frequently.


In Australia, an inquiry into child abuse recommended that the country introduce a law forcing religious leaders to report child abuse, including priests told of it during confession. So far, two of Australia's eight states have introduced laws making it a crime for priests to withhold information about abuse heard in confession. Others are still considering their response. In May, the California state senate passed a bill to require the seal of confession to be broken if a priests learns of or suspects sexual abuse while hearing the confession of a fellow priest or a colleague such as a Church worker.


Church leaders in both the United States and Australia have opposed such laws and the document backed them up unequivocally. "Any political action or legislative initiative aimed at breaking the inviolability of the sacramental seal would constitute an unacceptable offence against the (freedom of the Church)," the document said. "(The Church) does not receive its legitimacy from individual States, but from God; it (breaking the seal) would also constitute a violation of religious freedom, legally fundamental to all other freedoms, including the freedom of conscience of individual citizens, both penitents and confessors," it said.


Victims advocates said the lifting of the seal of confession, even partially, was drastic but necessary under the circumstances. “As a Catholic, I too am shaken by incursions on the seal of confession. But it’s the leaders of the Catholic church, not civil society, that have gotten us to this point,” said Anne Barrett Doyle, co-director of the U.S.-based abuse tracking group "Secret church files made public in Australia and the United States reveal many instances of confession being used to absolve an abuser, allowing him to remain in ministry and re-offend," she told Reuters in an email.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 3, 2019, 1:26 a.m. No.6903858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Today's Birthday, July 3: Julian Assange


Australian founder of WikiLeaks, publisher and investigative journalist, (1971 - ).


Supporters of the Australian-born computer hacker hail him as a hero, a freedom fighter who created an online platform that exposes systemic abuse of power and forces governmental transparency.


His detractors include the US government, where Assange faces charges for spying and conspiring to hack government computers and violating an espionage law.


The 47-year-old was evicted from the Ecuadorian embassy in London on April 11, after seeking political asylum there since 2012. He was immediately arrested by British police and is currently serving a 50-week sentence for jumping bail in 2012.


He is also wanted in Sweden over rape allegations made by women in Sweden, which Assange dismisses as political intervention.


He faces decades in prison if convicted.


Born on July 3, 1971, in Townsville, Assange faced a turbulent childhood, moving more than 35 times with his mother before settling in Townsville in Queensland's north.


He attended multiple schools but was essentially homeschooled for most of his life. A computer whiz from a young age, he began hacking computers at 16, under the moniker of Mendax.


He spent the early 90s giving technical advice to the Victoria Police Child Exploitation Unit, as well as computer programming and helping build one of the first public internet service providers in Australia.


He first gained notoriety in 1991, when he was charged with more than 30 counts of hacking over his involvement in crimes against RMIT, ANU and Telecom, and fined $2100.


A brief stint at University of Melbourne to study maths and physics ended in 2006 when he left without a degree to establish WikiLeaks.


WikiLeaks has published classified documents on a number of high-profile cases, including Edward Snowden who leaked confidential information from the National Security Agency in 2013. The American whistleblower recently called Assange's arrest in Britain as " a dark moment for press freedom".


English actor Benedict Cumberbatch plays Julian Assange in a 2013 biographical Hollywood thriller about his life and how he built his online powerhouse. Assange originally attacked the film as a "mass propaganda attack" against WikiLeaks, but later softened his stance.


During his refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, Assange was visited by high-profile guests including Lady Gaga and Pamela Anderson - a staunch advocate for his freedom.


Assange is serving his 50-week sentence in Belmarsh Prison in East London.–spt.html

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 3, 2019, 1:47 a.m. No.6903888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3902

How an American war hero was convinced by an embedded Australian reporter that it was a 'rational idea' to save his platoon by single-handedly taking on a house full of 'suicidal jihadists'


An American war hero awarded the nation's highest military honour has credited an embedded Australian journalist for his bravery.


Former Staff Sargeant David Bellavia single-handedly took on a house full of 'suicidal jihadists' in the Battle of Fallujah in Iraq in 2004.


He on Tuesday became the first and only surviving Medal of Honor recipient from the Iraq war when US President Donald Trump recognised his bravery in a White House ceremony.


Sgt Bellavia, now 43, was leading a squad in support of Operation Phantom Fury in November 2004.


After helping his platoon escape fire, he entered a house and killed at least four insurgents who were firing rocket-propelled grenades, the White House said.


Sgt Bellavia acknowledged the persistence of Australian war correspondent Michael Ware, who encouraged him to re-enter a jihadist hideout to save his platoon.


'I looked at Michael Ware and I needed someone to just give me some confidence, some ability that I could do (it),' Sgt Bellavia said.


'At that point in my life a guy from Australia, who I literally didn't want anything to do with, an embedded reporter, that embedded reporter gave me a lot of confidence that this was a very rational idea.'


Ware - who has worked for Time Magazine and CNN - followed Sgt Bellavia into the home with his camera and became the only eyewitness of his bravery, eventually using the footage to create his award-winning Netflix film Only The Dead.


Sgt Bellavia said he initially considered Ware a nuisance, and said he had no interest in working with journalists on the battlefield.


He said he didn't want to feel like he had to 'babysit' a journalist, but by the end of the trip, the pair had a mutual respect for one another and their roles in the war.


'I learnt a great deal of respect of the role that journalists have on the battlefield. Without them, men and women who do this job, Americans will not know what we do, it would go unremarked.


'Our families would never know, our citizens would never know the sacrifice. I'm awful grateful for Michael Ware's body of work and what he represents.'


President Trump told a room full of supporters at the White House that Sgt Bellavia's squad was tasked with clearing 12 houses, and on the 10th house, insurgents opened fire, wounding multiple soldiers.


'Bleeding and badly wounded, David single-handedly defeated the forces who had attacked his unit and would have killed them all had it not been for the bravery of David,' Trump said.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 3, 2019, 1:59 a.m. No.6903902   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump awards Medal of Honor to David Bellavia


US President Donald Trump has awarded the Medal of Honor to David Bellavia for his role in the Iraq War in the US Army.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 3, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.6903913   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New George Papadopoulos Tweet


My main prediction, as someone who spent hours in front of congress, and dealt with the many spies of spygate personally, it will be revealed that the Mifsud-Downer-Halper element of the scandal was preplanned and coordinated between the CIA/MI6.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 3, 2019, 11:06 p.m. No.6912108   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Alek Sigley 'released from detention' in North Korea, Scott Morrison says


Australian Alek Sigley has been freed from detention in North Korea more than a week he was reported missing, landing safely in China after Swedish officials helped to secure his release.


Mr Sigley arrived in Bejing this morning, telling reporters he was feeling "great", but declining to answer any questions about his time in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).


"I'm fine. I'm very good," he said.


He was accompanied by Swedish Government envoy Kent Rolf Magnus Harstedt, and was ushered out of the airport by an embassy vehicle shortly after.


Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the release of Mr Sigley in Question Time this afternoon.


"Alek is safe and well," Mr Morrison said.


"We were advised that the DPRK have released him from detention and he has safely left the country and I can confirm that he has arrived safely [in China].


"On behalf of the Australian Government I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the Swedish authorities for their invaluable assistance in securing Alek's prompt release, which demonstrates the value of discreet behind-the-scenes work by officials in solving sensitive consular cases in close partnership with other governments.


"I'm sure we all could not be more pleased."


The 29-year-old's father, Gary Sigley, said he was very happy to hear his son was safe.


"I'm sure that he'll be reunited with his wife very soon," he said.


"We hope to see him in the not too distant future as well and give him a big hug and kiss.


"We're very happy that he's safe and sound."


Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne said Swedish diplomats met with North Korean officials on Australia's behalf on Wednesday to discuss Mr Sigley's disappearance.


"On behalf of the Australian Government may I express our deepest gratitude to Swedish authorities for their prompt and invaluable assistance in securing Alek's prompt release," she told the Senate.


Senator Payne said she would not be releasing any more information about the case out of respect for Mr Sigley's privacy.


Mr Sigley was reported missing by friends last week.


The 29-year-old, who was believed to be the only Australian living in North Korea, began studying for a master's degree in Korean literature at Kim Il-sung University in Pyongyang last year.


He is the founder of Tongil Tours, an Australian-based company specialising in guided tours to North Korea since 2013.


In 2017 he told the ABC North Korea was "a fascinating country, there's no other country in the world like North Korea" and said it was not dangerous to travel there.


"If we thought it was unsafe, we'd stop doing these tours," he said at the time.


Mr Sigley grew up in Perth but attended the Australian National University in Canberra before moving overseas.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 4, 2019, 2:39 a.m. No.6912742   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Islamic State-linked trio allegedly planned to attack embassies, police and defence facilities in central Sydney

RP from QRes#8819


Australian police on Tuesday arrested three men accused of links to Islamic State (Isis) over an alleged plot to attack police stations, embassies and defence facilities in central Sydney.


The men – aged 20, 23 and 30 – were arrested in raids in the city’s suburbs after their online activities raised suspicion.


Two of them will face charges of being members of a terrorist organisation and of preparations to carry out terror attacks.

Australian police arrest seven over Paris-style plot to attack Melbourne landmarks


“We will say that they had a number of targets, including police stations, defence establishments, embassies and councils, courts and churches,” Australian Federal Police assistant commissioner Ian McCartney told reporters.


“There are still those people within the community who wish to do us harm. I want to say they don’t represent the Islamic faith. Their actions are criminal and they represent hatred and terror.”


The plots were said to be in the “early stages”, but included moves to import weapons and explosives to target facilities in the central business district.


The third man – described as an “associate” – will be charged with lesser offences.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 4, 2019, 2:53 a.m. No.6912774   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Drama teacher advised boys to ‘wear knee pads’ to give directors oral sex for acting roles


A DRAMA teacher has been sacked for advising boys they should expect to give directors “blow jobs” if they wanted acting roles.

By Sofie Jackson / Published 2nd July 2019

RP from QRes#8823


The disgraced male teacher, only named as CMH in tribunal documents, was accused of inappropriate behaviour by two boys he taught at a high school in Queensland, Australia.


In year 12 at the time, the boys claimed the teacher told them about “casting couch” situations where “young actors have to perform sexual acts in order to secure acting roles”, a tribunal document read, Australian media reports.


It added: “CMH told the students about sexual acts he had performed in order to secure acting roles, including giving oral sex.


“He used the term ‘blow jobs’ and spoke of the need to wear knee pads and offered to buy knee pads for the students.”


Wow. Hollywood is going to hell in a HURRY.

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 July 4, 2019, 5:46 a.m. No.6913256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New legal advice puts council fluoridation programs on shaky ground


Australia's water providers may not have the proper approval to add fluoride, according to legal advice from a prominent lawyer.


Tim Robertson SC, who specialises in environmental and constitutional law, warns fluoridation is prohibited without approval from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).


"Supply of fluoridated water is in breach of the [Therapeutic Goods] Act, until fluoridated water is registered … or excluded from the Act," Mr Robertson wrote in a report to the Port Macquarie Hastings Council, on the NSW Mid North Coast.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 5, 2019, 12:17 a.m. No.6922843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘What about Assange?’: UK Foreign Office video calling for press freedom shamed for hypocrisy

RP from QRes#8833


The UK Foreign Office has come under fire after posting a video online that calls for an increase in media freedom in nations around the world, drawing accusations of hypocrisy from those citing the treatment of Julian Assange.


The 13-second video includes the shocking statistic that “Only 10% of the world’s population live in a country with a free media,” with images of journalists and high profile world leaders past and present. It ends with a declaration that “This has to change.”


A free media nurtures free people. Now more than ever we must defend it. #DefendMediaFreedom


🔁 Retweet if you support a free press.


— Foreign Office 🇬🇧 (@foreignoffice) July 3, 2019


On the day Australian journalist Assange ‘celebrated’ his 48th birthday inside Belmarsh maximum-security prison, it may not be unreasonable to suggest that this ‘free media’ video was nothing more than the UK government’s way of trolling the WikiLeaks co-founder.


A thought that appears to resonate with many on Twitter. Some people online suggest that the UK is only interested in a ‘free press’ that reports on “regimes that fall for your benefit,” rather than exposing corrupt governments allied to Britain, killing innocent people.


The apparent hypocrisy did not escape the attention of others who highlighted the case of Assange who awaits his now-delayed US extradition request hearing in February in London.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 5, 2019, 12:24 a.m. No.6922875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3083

NBN Outages - Part of recent web outages?

RP for QRes#8835


Heck wow even Australia

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 5, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.6923058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7307

Another George Papadopoulos Tweet


Things that declassification will prove:


The Australian government through Alexander Downer was illegally spying on me and interfering in our election. Congressman Mark Meadows months back noted that an Ambassador was “conspiring with the FBI.” My testimony unlocked it all

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 5, 2019, 2:48 a.m. No.6923134   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google Maps down, sparking mass disorientation

RP from QRes#8853

The Google Maps server has gone offline in some parts of the world, and users are finding themselves utterly disoriented – or not finding themselves at all. Instead, they are reportedly shown “no results found” error messages.


The app has been reported down in the US, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia, with both coasts of the US apparently hit the worst. Both the Chrome and Android versions of the app are not functional, according to the reports.


Over 1,000 people reported the problem to website Outage Report within a 20-minute period, with some reporting it had been fixed and others still apparently stranded in GPS-less limbo. Twitter was full of panicked users wondering if they were alone in this nightmare, while others tried to make the best of the situation: “Google Maps took me in an unexpected journey to the past, I loved it,” one person tweeted.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 5, 2019, 2:51 a.m. No.6923142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian banking regulator confirms looser mortgage lending rules

RP from QRes#8853


creating a bigger bubble in Oz-sorry AusFags

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 5, 2019, 2:55 a.m. No.6923150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian student 'very happy' in Tokyo after North Korea detention

RP from QRes#8355


SYDNEY/STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - An Australian student released after being mysteriously detained in North Korea said he was safe and well in Tokyo on Friday and intends returning to normal life, without commenting on what happened to him in Pyongyang.


Alek Sigley, who flew to Tokyo on Thursday to join his Japanese wife, had been one of very few westerners studying in the North Korean capital and went missing on June 25.


It is still not clear why he was detained by the secretive North. The details of his release are also not known and Australia has warned him not to return.


“I just want everyone to know I am OK,” Sigley said in a statement issued by email.

Anonymous ID: bc0b35 July 5, 2019, 5:01 a.m. No.6923476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3898

Hi fellow Ausanons …

Anyone watch the 4th July Spectacular this morning?

I really enjoyed it

Sang along with my hand over my heart …

We need Patriotism, the love of God and Country, we need it the way the yanks do it, the way they think and FEEL it

I love America

I love Australia too but I’m scared for our future

It’s time we followed suit and took back OUR COUNTRY!! OUR NATION!!

America first, and then I hope and pray that the USA will help us to rid our nation of the deep state

God Bless Potus

God Bless Q

God Bless all Operators

Happy 4th of July!

Anonymous ID: 192b85 July 5, 2019, 6:53 a.m. No.6923898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4071


To our European, NZ, Aussie, Canadian friends and (other countries too many to name)


I don’t view any of this as the beginning of the end but the end of the beginning. Much work still needs to be done to free us once and for all of this vile Luciferian cabal. Do not fear. Fear and anxiety only feeds into the darkness. Picture only in your mind the type of country you want to live in and hold it there and know that whatever is happening, God has his hand in it. I pray every day for God’s continued help in defeating the evil that has enslaved us. To send these creatures back to wherever they came from. Remember: Luciferians are all connected. If they go down in the U.S. there is a ripple effect throughout the worldwide web. As more fall, the bigger the effect until the entire web collapses. It will take time. They have been at this game for centuries. Even though much has not been made public, much is going on in the background. Never forget that we are in this together and that none of us will be free until all of us are free. WWG1WGA

Anonymous ID: 192b85 July 5, 2019, 8:29 a.m. No.6924526   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your welcome. I do laugh when I think about how the cabal built up and poured money into our military industrial complex. How our men and women were used to wage war. They thought she would never lose and our battle hardened military wouldn't be turned around and used against THEM. Gotta love the irony of it all.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 5, 2019, 3:25 p.m. No.6927307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8831


If we don’t start releasing transcripts, exposing informants who were illicitly spying, and the foreign governments (UK/Australia/Italy) involved then all that talk about American superiority and values will have been done in vain. Democracy guides this republic and made it great

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 6, 2019, 12:32 a.m. No.6930842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6561

Anyone else been experiencing a lot of synchronicities lately?


Whenever I check a clock lately its like 3:33 or 12:34.


But had to smile when i turned on radio after dropping one of my kids off at a friends birthday party. Song playing is "The Final Countdown" by Europe.


Here's hoping the final countdown is indeed upon us. Take care frens.

Anonymous ID: 1d7745 July 6, 2019, 2:52 p.m. No.6934826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6573

USMC Q proof tweet storm!


While the Marine Corps twatter was posting at any timestamp in the past, all below recent tweets were either done at 5:00 or 17:00. They are all succesive tweets, no tweets inbetween the below.


(EST time.) 5:00 AM - 6 Jul 2019 5:00 PM - 5 Jul 2019 5:00 AM - 5 Jul 2019 5:00 AM - 4 Jul 2019 5:00 AM - 3 Jul 2019 5:00 AM - 1 Jul 2019 5:00 PM - 30 Jun 2019 5:00 AM - 30 Jun 2019


for reference: a tweet with different timestamp. 09:44 AM - 12 Jun 2019


Obviously this is not a coinkidink.

Obviously this is comms to anons.


Q500 and Q1700 are very interdasting drops:

FIRE & FURY and Declaration of Independence (1776)


I T I S O N ! ! !

Anonymous ID: d5ccf0 July 6, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.6936573   🗄️.is 🔗kun


An acquittal of faith

purged throughout

draws the blessed and wicked alike.

A crown of gold is heavy and tortured

and alike they reign by the laws of God.

One anointment surpasses the splendor of all

and the call of reckoning is in our midst

and the hand will arise out from the storm

to take the readied.

The karmic wheel is turning slowly now

that all may see

a grand mystery unfolds

the world is told.



Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 6, 2019, 7:39 p.m. No.6937454   🗄️.is 🔗kun

=New George Papadopoulos Tweet==


The U.K., and Australia, are hindering US interests and goals in both Europe and Asia. Transactional relations with individual strategic countries in Europe matter now more for trade and security and hedging the other two powers in the world: Russia and China. Recalibrate needed.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 6, 2019, 8:02 p.m. No.6937684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was Alek Sigley detained to keep him quiet ahead of the Donald Trump meeting?


When US President Donald Trump stepped over the line dividing North and South Korea at 3.46pm last Sunday after shaking hands with Kim Jong-un, the moment had been a while in the planning.


Mr Trump actually mentioned his plans to visit the sensitive demilitarised zone and the possibility of meeting Mr Kim to the Washington political newspaper The Hill six days earlier, but their story was held at the request of the White House on security grounds.


But the North Koreans would have been told well in advance. The timing of the detention of Australian student Alek Sigley on the Tuesday of that week supports the theory posed by Sydney-based Korea expert Leonid Petrov - and shared by others - that Mr Sigley's mysterious detention was related to the Trump DMZ visit.


Zealous North Korean officials, knowing that a major political moment was coming, likely wanted to ensure the social media silence of a prolific western commentator like Mr Sigley, even if his writings were inoffensive to the country's regime, said Dr Petrov, who taught Mr Sigley at the Australian National University and remains friends with him.


When Swedish diplomat Kent Harstedt arrived in Pyongyang to negotiate the release of Alek Sigley, he did so the day after Mr Trump and Mr Kim's meeting.


"Whoever made the decision to put [Alek] outside of the ability to communicate, probably had in mind national security for North Koreans," said Dr Petrov, now a senior lecturer at the International College of Management, Sydney.


"Alek is known as being friendly, so I'm sure they did it in a mild way, a sensible way. That's my theory and it still stands: he was deliberately cut out of communications and it was prompted by things happening on the Korean peninsula."


Mr Harstedt alluded to bigger things at play. As the Swedish special envoy to North Korea, he is the point man for many countries, including Australia, that do not have their own diplomatic presence in the reclusive country.


As Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his officials spoke to Japanese, South Korean and American counterparts at the G20 summit in Osaka about Mr Sigley's disappearance, Australia was also mobilising Mr Harstedt through the Swedish government.


Mr Harstedt won't reveal exactly what he said to North Korean officials after he landed on Monday in their capital Pyongyang. But he told The Herald and The Age that the quick release by Thursday should not be "simplified" as a response to the intervention by his team.


"There might be a more complicated explanation, for many reasons, for the timing and the way it happened," he said.


North Korean officials initially refused to admit they even had Mr Sigley in detention, Mr Harstedt said. But by early Thursday morning, Australian officials had received word that Mr Harstedt's team had confirmed the 29-year-old was detained and that his situation was being discussed in Pyongyang.


By mid-morning of that day, the Australian embassy in Seoul got word from the Swedish Ambassador there was a strong possibility Mr Sigley would be handed over to Mr Harstedt's delegation at the airport as they left North Korea. The Australian government quickly dispatched two officials to the airport in Beijing, to which Mr Sigley would be flying.


Mr Sigley has been a frequent writer about North Korean food, culture and society as he led trips to the country with his company Tongil Tours. His business partner Michelle Joyce doubts Mr Sigley was detained over any serious issue. This was a view also expressed by well-informed sources.


Ms Joyce said Mr Sigley and the company had built strong relationships in North Korea, which meant it was unlikely he would have been targetted out of suspicion he'd done anything wrong.


"Maybe it was something that was part of the procedure," she said. "They make sure that foreign students that have access to communications don't say anything around the time of a major event. Sometimes people are instructed not to talk to others in those periods.


"I think that is a good theory," she added. "I don't know that's what happened, but it's a good theory."

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 6, 2019, 8:15 p.m. No.6937798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8004

Judge orders 'potentially explosive' files on sex trafficking allegations against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein must be released


A judge has ordered that potentially explosive documents related to sex trafficking allegations against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein must be released.


Sealed until now, the 2,000 pages of court documents centre around the activities of American financier Epstein, who was jailed on child prostitution charges in 2008.


His former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell – daughter of disgraced newspaper baron Robert Maxwell – has been fighting to keep the 167 files under wraps.


The documents are from a 2015 defamation case against the heiress brought by alleged trafficking victim Virginia Roberts – photographed aged 17 in Ms Maxwell's London apartment.


Ms Maxwell, 57, a former girlfriend of Epstein and now an environmentalist, has always denied the allegation that she had procured girls for Epstein and has never been charged.


Ms Roberts, now 35, claims she was forced to have sex with Epstein, 66, from the age of 16.


She also alleges she was loaned out to his wealthy friends at the financier's mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, and homes in New York and the US Virgin Islands.


The mother of three, now living in Australia, sued Ms Maxwell for defamation after the latter called her a liar in public. The case was settled in 2017. But nearly all the documents related to the case remained sealed.


It is understood the documents contain wide-ranging evidence, including testimony from other possible underage victims who were trafficked. The age of consent in Florida is 18.


In the new ruling, appeals judge Jose Cabranes said the public's right to access outweighed privacy rights of individuals who want to keep information secret. But the decision could still be subject to an appeal by two unnamed people concerned that their names will be released in the case.


The dramatic decision to unseal the documents comes days after federal prosecutors recommended that Epstein's victims should be given a public court hearing to tell their stories.


They were due to have their day in court in Florida last December in a case between Epstein and a lawyer. But the financier settled at the last minute, denying them a chance to relive their ordeal in public. The new move could potentially see Ms Roberts and a number of other victims relaying harrowing stories in the form of victim impact statements.


However, the legal motion also revealed prosecutors are not willing to throw out the deal Epstein agreed when he was jailed on child prostitution charges in 2008.


The hedge fund tycoon served just 13 months of an 18-month sentence after reaching a controversial non-federal prosecution arrangement with Florida prosecutors. He admitted two counts of soliciting girls as young as 14 for prostitution.


Two victims have been fighting for a decade to have that deal overturned and make Epstein face a potentially far harsher federal prosecution. The 35-page motion was in response to that bid, which said their rights were violated because they were never consulted at the time.


If the hearing takes place, it will be heard in the West Palm Beach court of Judge Kenneth Marra.


A legal source close to the case told The Mail on Sunday: 'Judge Marra is very angry about the Epstein deal.


'If a public hearing goes ahead, we do not expect the victims to be limited in what they can say, or the ground they can cover. It will be standing room only.'

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 6, 2019, 8:38 p.m. No.6938004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8061 >>8102


Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking bust: Convicted pedophile arrested on the tarmac after he jets in from France as FBI agents break down the door of his NYC mansion to execute search warrant


Jeffrey Epstein was charged with sex trafficking on Saturday by federal prosecutors with the US Attorney's Office in Manhattan according to an individual who is familiar with the proceedings.


That same individual said that Epstein, 66, will make his first court appearance on Monday in New York, confirming a report that first appeared on The Daily Beast.


It had been reported for the past few months that Epstein was being investigated on unknown charges by the Southern District of New York.


He was taken into custody after his private jet touched down from France on Saturday at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, Around the same time, agents with the FBI were seen breaking down the door to his Upper East Side mansion to execute a search warrant in the case according to the Miami Herald.


The US Attorney's Office and a spokesperson with the New York Police Department both declined to comment on Saturday.


This news comes just days after a judge ordered the unsealing of nearly 2,000 pages of records related to a civil case that could reveal how he and his accused accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly trafficked underage girls.


The documents that will be unsealed are from a defamation case that was settled after Epstein entered a guilty plea guilty to a single charge of soliciting and procuring a person under age 18 for prostitution.


Records in the defamation case contained descriptions of sexual abuse by Epstein along with new allegations of sexual abuse by 'numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister and other world leaders.'


The appeals court found that the judge in the case did seal a number of documents without a justifiable reason when ordering the release.


Epstein's lawyers will first get a chance to appeal, and after those legal proceedings play out the documents will start being prepared by the court for release.


The plea deal Epstein agreed to back in 2008 saved the accused child rapist from having to register as a sex offender in 31 of 50 states.


In a deal unknown to the victim or her lawyer, the minor Epstein admitted to soliciting for prostitution was not the 14-year-old girl who first reported the millionaire money manager, but rather another girl, 16, whose age was left blank on court documents.


That victim's age means that Epstein did not have to register as a sex offender in states like New Mexico, where he owns a 7,600-acre property called Zorro Ranch, and allows him to be classified as a low risk offender in the US Virgin Islands, which is currently his primary residence.


A federal judge ruled earlier this year that then-U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta violated the rights of Epstein's alleged victims when they neglected to notify them that they were no longer pursuing federal charges.


That was another part of the deal, which in addition to allowing Epstein to have work release and live in a low-security facility also agreed to drop a federal probe into the millionaire moneyman.


Now Acosta - who is the current Secretary of Labor and had been mentioned as a possible candidate for attorney general - and others are again coming under fire for allegedly catering to the man who donated millions to the Clintons and hosted President Trump at his Manhattan townhouse while keeping his victims in the dark.



Anonymous ID: 9a2be6 July 6, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.6938045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8055 >>8061 >>8102

Fellow Ausanons,




A few hours ago that sick satanic cultist Billionarie JEFFREY EPSTEIN was arrested and taken into custody on sex trafficking charges (for starters)

AG BARR is a man of his word.


‘Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to three law enforcement sources. The arrest comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.’


This is THE can of worms we’ve been working and waiting for …


GOD BLESS Q, POTUS, FLOTUS and ALL Operators .. keep them safe from all harm!


Also, checkout the USMC tweet, proofable timing at its military finest , "JUDGEMENT DAY"

Anonymous ID: f9ea9e July 7, 2019, 6:18 a.m. No.6940466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4642 >>4951

So few of us Aussies know about this place, about Potus, Q, the Great Awakening

I’m still quite stunned that i fell down into this rabbithole late 2017

Redpilling very difficult Downunder

If not for the main QR board and the handful of Aussies here, I’d be on alone, back in NoMan’s Land

Bless each and everyone of you

Let’s pray that our fellow Aussies wake up!!

Anonymous ID: 72e0f5 July 7, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.6944642   🗄️.is 🔗kun



eugenics and democide exposed. it's tipped - when "they" began openly "changing" prepubescent' gender, it was like a 4x2 to the back of the head for dem tards. even tards protect their offspring - at least the overwhelming majority do.


butt tards have much work to do - before they can be Trusted again…


This Earth is OUR EARTH


For our Children's Children

Anonymous ID: 0f15af July 7, 2019, 4:11 p.m. No.6944951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8492



"Redpilling very difficult Downunder"


Show them the disappearing shell casings:


Don't worry, no human beings or even blood can be seen.

Anonymous ID: 944c26 July 8, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.6948517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8520

There’s been another arrest

No details as yet

Confirmed on main QR board


EPstein will have company kek

Maybe his pimp girlfriend Maxwell, human trafficker

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 8, 2019, 4:37 a.m. No.6949311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Turns Down $12,000 Pay Rise

RP from QRes#8866


There was quite a bit of outrage last week when it was announced that Aussie politicians were getting a decent pay rise.


Different roles received different pay hikes, but the Prime Minister Scott Morrison will add $10,000 to his bottom line at the end of the year.


So it’s come as a bit of a surprise that New Zealand’s leader has turned down a pay rise for herself and all politicians in the country.


Our neighbours across the ditch have the same process here where an independent body sets pay for politicians and judiciary positions like a Federal Court Judge.


The body in New Zealand recommended a three percent pay hike, the same that Aussie pollies were given last week, however Jacinda Ardern rejected it.


She said it wasn’t acceptable and has moved to freeze MP’s salaries for a year.


“We do not believe, given that we are on the upper end of the salary scale, that we should be receiving that kind of salary increase,” she said.


“Because we, of course, already are on a high income … One of the things we’ve been trying to bridge as a government is the fact that we see these increases at the top end of the scale, without the same increase at the end of the scale where most New Zealanders sit.”


Ms Ardern was supported by her political colleagues and when the Opposition Leader was informed, he was also okay with the decision.


The New Zealand parliament now needs to table legislation that allows for the pay rise to be block because at the moment they have to accept the body’s recommendation.


The move has caused many within Australia to ask why our politicians couldn’t do the same.


There was particular scorn about the Aussie pollie pay rise because it is due to come into effect on the same day that penalty rates for hospitality workers get banned across the country.


The changes will affect around 700,000 Aussies who depend on a little extra pay for working Saturdays, Sundays and over time.


United Voice national secretary Jo-anne Schofield said in a statement: “The economy is tanking, wage growth is at historical lows but the Prime Minister and his Cabinet mates will rake in a sizeable pay rise on 1 July.


“Meanwhile retail and hospitality workers are having real difficulties putting food on the table or meeting their utility and medical bills from week to week as they face yet another round of penalty rate cuts.


“Working people need jobs that are secure and pay them fairly – not more cuts that stop them from being able to pay for life’s essentials.”


No sauce article provided.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 8, 2019, 4:54 a.m. No.6949356   🗄️.is 🔗kun

North Korea says freed Australian student had been spying: KCNA

RP from QRes#8867


SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea’s state news agency said on Saturday an Australian student who was expelled from the country after 10 days’ detention had committed “spying acts” through his work with foreign media.


Alek Sigley, who had been held in North Korea since June 25, was an active social media user and also a regular contributor to international media organizations including NK News about his time in North Korea.


“Investigation revealed that at the instigation of the NK News and other anti-DPRK media he handed over several times the data and photos he collected and analyzed while combing Pyongyang by making use of the identity card of a foreign student,” the North’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.


His latest post, uploaded on April 30, describes his dining experiences in Pyongyang, according to the NK News website.


“The six articles Alek published represent the full extent of his work with us and the idea that those columns, published transparently under his name between January and April 2019, are “anti-state” in nature is a misrepresentation which we reject,” Chad O’Carroll, CEO of NK News publisher the Korea Risk Group, said in a statement.


“Alek Sigley’s well-read columns presented an apolitical and insightful view of life in Pyongyang which we published in a bid to show vignettes of ordinary daily life in the capital to our readers,” O’Carroll added.


KCNA said Sigley admitted his “spying acts” and repeatedly asked for a pardon. It added that he was expelled from North Korea on Thursday.

Anonymous ID: 2a9055 July 8, 2019, 5:14 p.m. No.6957653   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FFS Fellow Aussies,






Slick Willy is in PANIC MODE


Q is dropping moar cyber bombs and nobody here since 10pm last night??

Must be cos we’re all on the QR main board …

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 8, 2019, 10:18 p.m. No.6963417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3595

Epstein's Aust accuser "deeply pleased"


The arrest of billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein in New York on child sex trafficking charges is the latest step in a long, emotionally-brutal battle for one of his alleged victims who moved to Australia as a 19-year-old when she believes she became "too old" for him.


Virginia Roberts Giuffre has been one of Epstein's most vocal accusers, alleging he recruited and groomed her as a 16-year-old in Florida to have sex with him and other rich and powerful men.


Ms Giuffre, now 35, broke away from Epstein when she married an Australian man in 2003, settled in Queensland and had three children.


Epstein, 66, appeared in a New York court on Monday dressed in a blue jail jumpsuit and entered not guilty pleas to counts of sex trafficking of minors and conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of minors.


"Finding the words adequate enough now to express how I feel is a tall task," Ms Giuffre, in a statement released to AAP by her lawyer Sigrid McCawley, said.


"But I can say, without hesitation, that I am deeply pleased that federal prosecutors in New York have arrested Jeffrey Epstein and are on the case in a serious way.


"It is time for Jeffrey Epstein and those who participated and enabled his sex crimes to be brought to true justice."


Epstein was arrested on Saturday after his private plane landed in New Jersey after a flight from Paris.


The indictment alleges Epstein, between 2002 through 2005 in New York and Florida, sexually exploited and abused dozens of underage girls by enticing them to engage in sex acts with him in exchange for money.


His victims were as young as 14, according to prosecutors.


Epstein allegedly worked with several employees and associates "to ensure that he had a steady supply of minor victims to abuse, and paid several of those victims themselves to recruit other underage girls to engage in similar sex acts for money".


He faces more than 40 years in prison if convicted.


Epstein also faced a lengthy prison sentence amid similar allegations in Florida in 2007 but managed to strike a lenient deal allowing him to plead guilty to two state charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution.


He was given 13 months in Palm Beach County jail, but spent up to 12 hours a day, six days a week, on work release outside of jail.


The Miami Herald launched an investigation, exposing the plea deal and horror stories from alleged victims, including Ms Giuffre.


The newspaper says it was able to identify nearly 80 girls who allegedly were molested by Epstein.


Ms Giuffre told the Herald it was when she turned 19 in 2003 it became clear Epstein had lost interest in her because she "was too old for him".


She said she convinced him to pay for training to become a professional masseuse so she could move on with her life.


Epstein arranged for her to fly to Thailand to take a massage class but he instructed her to pick up a Thai girl he had arranged to come to the US, the Herald reported.


Ms Giuffre did not follow the plan.


She met an Australian man in Thailand, married soon after, settled in Queensland and the couple has three children.


Ms Giuffre said the FBI called her in Australia in 2007 to ask about Epstein, but she was not certain the call was legitimate.


"Then about six months later I get a knock at the door and it is the Australian Federal Police," she told the Herald.


"There was a 12-page document about Jeffrey Epstein and what he had done and how I was a victim."


Ms Giuffre went public with her claims against Epstein after the birth of her daughter.


She hopes other victims of abuse also go public "whenever you are ready to do it".


"It took me having a daughter and looking at this beautiful, young, innocent baby to say 'I want to speak out about it now'," she said.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 9, 2019, 1:48 a.m. No.6964494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2525


Police gearing up to indict minister suspected of aiding alleged pedophiles


Law enforcement slated to recommend Yaakov Litzman be charged for pressuring employees to prevent extradition of Malka Leifer, who faces 74 child sex abuse charges in Australia


The Israel Police are gearing up to recommend that Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman be indicted for using his office to illicitly provide assistance to alleged sex offenders, according to a report released Friday by the Kan public broadcaster.


Israeli law enforcement intends to indict the United Torah Judaism party chairman in two cases, the report said.


The first case involves Malka Leifer, a former ultra-Orthodox girls’ school principal charged in Australia with 74 counts of child sex abuse. The police announced in February that they were investigating Litzman on suspicion that he pressured employees in his office to change the conclusions of their psychiatric evaluations to deem Leifer unfit for extradition.


In the second one, Litzman is accused of aiding other alleged sexual predators in a manner that was against the law, Kan reported.


Litzman has denied any wrongdoing, maintaining that he responds without prejudice to all pleas for assistance his office receives.


Last month, Channel 13 news reported that Litzman helped at least 10 serious sex offenders obtain improved conditions, including home visits and other benefits, by pressuring state psychiatrists and prisons service officials.


In March, Channel 13 news reported that police were investigating suspicions that Litzman and his chief of staff pressured a psychiatrist, Moshe Birger, to ensure that another imprisoned sex offender close to Litzman’s Gur sect was placed in a rehabilitation program. Participation in the program can lead to home visit rights and early release from prison.


Leifer is known to have links to the Gur community, having once taught at a school in Israel affiliated with the branch.


A Justice Ministry official told The Times of Israel in February that police had recordings of Litzman and officials in his office speaking to Health Ministry employees and pressing them to act on Leifer’s behalf.


In 2000, Leifer was recruited from Israel to work at the Adass Israel ultra-Orthodox girls school in Melbourne. When allegations of sexual abuse against her began to surface eight years later, members of the school board purchased the mother of eight a red-eye plane ticket back to Israel, allowing her to avoid being charged.


After authorities in Melbourne filed charges against her, Australia officially filed an extradition request in 2012. Leifer was arrested in Israel two years later, but released to house arrest shortly thereafter.


Judges deemed her mentally unfit to stand trial and eventually removed all restrictions against her, concluding that she was too ill to even leave her bed.


She was rearrested in February 2018 following a police undercover operation that cast doubts on her claims regarding her mental state, and has remained in custody since. The operation was launched after the Jewish Community Watch NGO hired private investigators who placed hidden cameras in the Emmanuel settlement, a Haredi community in the northern West Bank, where Leifer had been living, which showed the alleged sex abuser roaming around the town without any apparent difficulty.


Despite the seemingly damning footage, the trial has dragged on for an additional year, as the court continues to debate her mental fitness. The Jerusalem District Psychiatrist responsible for evaluating Leifer, Dr. Jacob Charnes, has changed his mind three separate times regarding whether Leifer is fit for extradition.


In April 2015, Charnes signed off on a legal opinion affirming that she was fit to be sent back to Australia.


In December of that year, he signed off on another legal opinion, which reached a contrary conclusion.


After Leifer was rearrested in 2018, state psychiatrists put together an updated legal opinion in which they once again found her fit for extradition. Charnes refused to sign off on the document for several months, but eventually did so.


However, when the psychiatrist was cross-examined by the defense on the evaluation late last year, he told the court that he recommended an additional evaluation of Leifer be carried out — a proposal that both sides have rejected.


A legal official told The Times of Israel that police suspect Charnes changed his medical conclusion after being contacted by officials in Littzman’s office. Charnes has been interrogated under caution in the case against the deputy health minister.


The Jerusalem District Court will hand down a final decision regarding Leifer’s mental fitness for an extradition hearing on September 23.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 9, 2019, 2:39 a.m. No.6964670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4886 >>9270

Chinese spy warship under close surveillance as it travels to Australia to monitor joint military exercises with the United States

RP from QRes#8877


  • A Chinese spy warship is heading towards the Australian territorial waters

  • It is expected to monitor a joint military exercise between Australia and the US

  • The exercise will take place from July 11 to July 24 on the Queensland Coast

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 9, 2019, 2:52 a.m. No.6964709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-Iran protester arrested after climbing Sydney Harbour Bridge to deliver ‘message to Trump'

RP from QRes#8881


A man has been arrested after scaling Sydney Harbour Bridge in heavy fog to deliver a message to Donald Trump.


New South Wales Police were called to the scene early on Sunday morning. The force deployed police rescue and a specialist bomb disposal unit to help bring him down.


The 33-year-old, who gave his name as Pedro, left his car parked at the northern end of the bridge, before scaling it.


In a protest against the government of Iran, he went on to hang the flags of the USA, Israel and Australia from the top of the bridge, alongside the former flag of Iran which was replaced after the Iranian revolution of 1979.


In a video posted to Twitter from the top of the bridge, he claimed to have climbed the landmark to record a favourable “message from the Iranian people” to US President Donald Trump.


He added: "At the moment we don't have any President in Iran. Our President at the moment is President Trump - you are our President at the moment, until we get a new president and we get rid of this terrorist regime".


He followed this with a combination of apparent references to the QAnon conspiracy theory popular among some Trump supporters, and to the Iranian anti-government group Restart.


He has been charged with damage, disruption or obstruction of Sydney Harbour Bridge and faces a maximum sentence of a $22,000 (£11166) fine and two years in prison.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 9, 2019, 3:05 a.m. No.6964753   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Interesting you say that I just looked at seismic activity around the world in last 30 days, and look what’s surrounding Australia. Europe has zip activity


RP from QRes#8884


And I always thought "RING OF FIRE" was what happened after you ate too much Vindaloo

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 9, 2019, 3:19 a.m. No.6964788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2278



UKanon here… FYI


BBC is running with a report this evening into the Christchurch killer and his connections to europe far right groups.


The report says that far right groups use DISCORD, 4CHAN, 8CHAN and GAB as their network.


Here is the BBC article but there is also a video clip that also prominently displays the chan logo…


My instinct is that this is deepstate trying to fling more mud to stick to the NZ nutters posts and that you may want to challenge the report.


RP from QRes#8885

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 9, 2019, 3:58 a.m. No.6964886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4063



Chinese spy ship heading towards Australia to monitor joint war games off Queensland

RP from QRes#8890


Multiple military sources have confirmed to the ABC they are preparing for the imminent arrival of the Auxiliary General Intelligence (AGI) vessel, which is expected to closely monitor the massive biennial joint United States-Australian exercises from just outside Australian territorial waters.

Anonymous ID: 72e0f5 July 9, 2019, 3:32 p.m. No.6972278   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ta 4 dat. Here's your own AI Warrior back at yah. Vinny and Louise Cypher, London, UK.

"The Vincent Vendetta Channel"


Recall, a Commercial Lien is just a post-stamp away from a Grand Jury. Kakistocracy tards have tied themselves in their own knots. it's the beautiful but [deadly] demise of the Serpent devouring self. [destructively hypnotic for tards]


Q: if you are caught traumatising a sentient being, WHAT happens?


Q: Universally, WHAT causes trauma?


If the Chch trauma involves moar than 1 individual : it's a CONSPIRACY. Q : What are the legal consequences and public disclosure implications?


Q: What are the consequences for conspiring and traumatising and harming humans?


Q: Crimes against MAN incur WHAT [kNot]?


I trust your thumb is clean enough to comprehend we've tipped and the ramifications are global…



Anonymous ID: d5ccf0 July 9, 2019, 5:28 p.m. No.6974063   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dragons in the sea

breathe not fire

yet they are the horror awakening.

From North, South, East or West

all eyes of Nation’s will see as one.

In the hands of Destiny one nation shall choose to be

and the world will be as one.



Anonymous ID: b767dd July 10, 2019, 12:04 a.m. No.6978745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8913

News from Australia - one of Jeffrey Epstein's alleged victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, "deeply pleased" with his arrest.


RP from QRes#8909


Epstein's Australian accuser "deeply pleased"


The arrest of billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein in New York on child sex trafficking charges is the latest step in a long, emotionally-brutal battle for one of his alleged victims who moved to Australia as a 19-year-old when she believes she became "too old" for him.


Virginia Roberts Giuffre has been one of Epstein's most vocal accusers, alleging he recruited and groomed her as a 16-year-old in Florida to have sex with him and other rich and powerful men.


Ms Giuffre, now 35, broke away from Epstein when she married an Australian man in 2003, settled in Queensland and had three children.


Epstein, 66, appeared in a New York court on Monday dressed in a blue jail jumpsuit and entered not guilty pleas to counts of sex trafficking of minors and conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of minors.


"Finding the words adequate enough now to express how I feel is a tall task," Ms Giuffre, in a statement released to AAP by her lawyer Sigrid McCawley, said.


"But I can say, without hesitation, that I am deeply pleased that federal prosecutors in New York have arrested Jeffrey Epstein and are on the case in a serious way.


"It is time for Jeffrey Epstein and those who participated and enabled his sex crimes to be brought to true justice."


Epstein was arrested on Saturday after his private plane landed in New Jersey after a flight from Paris.


The indictment alleges Epstein, between 2002 through 2005 in New York and Florida, sexually exploited and abused dozens of underage girls by enticing them to engage in sex acts with him in exchange for money.


His victims were as young as 14, according to prosecutors.


Epstein allegedly worked with several employees and associates "to ensure that he had a steady supply of minor victims to abuse, and paid several of those victims themselves to recruit other underage girls to engage in similar sex acts for money".


He faces more than 40 years in prison if convicted.


Epstein also faced a lengthy prison sentence amid similar allegations in Florida in 2007 but managed to strike a lenient deal allowing him to plead guilty to two state charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution.


He was given 13 months in Palm Beach County jail, but spent up to 12 hours a day, six days a week, on work release outside of jail.


The Miami Herald launched an investigation, exposing the plea deal and horror stories from alleged victims, including Ms Giuffre.


The newspaper says it was able to identify nearly 80 girls who allegedly were molested by Epstein.


Ms Giuffre told the Herald it was when she turned 19 in 2003 it became clear Epstein had lost interest in her because she "was too old for him".


She said she convinced him to pay for training to become a professional masseuse so she could move on with her life.


Epstein arranged for her to fly to Thailand to take a massage class but he instructed her to pick up a Thai girl he had arranged to come to the US, the Herald reported.


Ms Giuffre did not follow the plan.


She met an Australian man in Thailand, married soon after, settled in Queensland and the couple has three children.


Ms Giuffre said the FBI called her in Australia in 2007 to ask about Epstein, but she was not certain the call was legitimate.


"Then about six months later I get a knock at the door and it is the Australian Federal Police," she told the Herald.


"There was a 12-page document about Jeffrey Epstein and what he had done and how I was a victim."


Ms Giuffre went public with her claims against Epstein after the birth of her daughter.


She hopes other victims of abuse also go public "whenever you are ready to do it".


"It took me having a daughter and looking at this beautiful, young, innocent baby to say 'I want to speak out about it now'," she said.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 10, 2019, 1:04 a.m. No.6978947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Spanish security company spied on Julian Assange’s meetings with lawyers


Julian Assange was spied on 24 hours a day during the time that he spent at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he took refuge for seven years.


Documents, video and audio material that EL PAÍS has had access to show that a Spanish private defense and security firm named Undercover Global S. L., which was tasked with protecting the diplomatic building between 2012 and 2018, instructed its men to collect all possible information about the cyberactivist, particularly regarding his lawyers and collaborators.


Several video cameras, which were equipped with audio recording capability between December 2017 and March 2018, recorded dozens of meetings between the WikiLeaks founder and his attorneys and visitors. At these meetings, Assange’s legal defense strategy was discussed.


The recording equipment picked up on several secret plans drafted by Assange’s team to spirit him out of the embassy in disguise and take him to Russia or Cuba. The projects were never executed because the Australian-born activist refused, as he considered this solution “a defeat.”


UC Global’s feverish, obsessive vigilance of “the guest,” as he is described in the security firm’s notes, became more intense when Lenin Moreno became the new president of Ecuador in May 2017. It was Moreno who turned Assange over to British authorities. His predecessor, Rafael Correa, had granted him asylum and allowed him to stay at the embassy in London for seven years.


The security employees at the embassy had a daily job to do: to monitor Assange’s every move, record his conversations, and take note of his moods. The company’s drive to uncover their target’s most intimate secrets led the team to carry out a handwriting examination behind his back, which resulted in a six-page report. Company employees also took a feces sample from a baby’s diaper to check whether Assange and one of his most faithful collaborators were the child’s parents. This intelligence work had nothing to do with protection duties.


The security team for the Spanish company, which is based in Puerto Real (Cádiz), would write up a confidential report each day and send it to the company chief, David Morales, a former member of the military who trained with the special ops unit of the Marine Infantry, the marine corps of the Spanish Navy.


The degree of detail found in these reports illustrates how the company was bent on accumulating as much information as possible on a man who is indicted on 18 counts for leaking thousands of cables from the US State Department, as well as secret information about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


“Great exaltation and nervousness by the guest after receiving news about the sentence commutation for [Chelsea] Manning [the soldier accused of passing secret documents to WikiLeaks],” reads the January 17, 2017 report. “Julian is providing a lot of information. The guest keeps writing in his agenda. You can feel the tension in the room. The guest hides his agenda with his hands at all times. Stella peeks out the door, thinking somebody could be listening in,” writes the security employee about the visit made by Walaman Adan Robert on January 12, 2017.


Another report dated January 21, 2017 says: “3.30pm-6.28pm. Pamela Anderson. They exchange information through notes. They take pictures inside the meeting room. The voice-distortion device is on at all times.”



But if the security guards were obsessed with capturing every last detail about the “guest” staying at the “hotel,” the WikiLeaks founder was no less obsessed about avoiding being spied on. Every time he met with his lawyers and visitors, Assange would first turn on the aforementioned voice-distortion device, which was concealed inside a lamp. However, this did not prevent audio-recording equipment from capturing every conversation. Some videos show the cyberactivist writing with a folder covering the sheet of paper, to prevent any potential cameras from zooming in on his notes.


Assange was so paranoid about being spied on that he conducted some of his meetings inside the ladies’ bathroom, which he considered a safe place. A report written by a security employee named José Antonio on January 15, 2017 says: “11.18am Aitor Martínez [Spanish lawyer] brings a briefcase, a telephone and a laptop; 11.20am guest, Stella and Aitor Martínez head for the ladies’ room, where they hold the meeting. 1pm: they exit the ladies’ room.” A few days earlier, on January 9, another employee reported on Assange’s meeting with his lawyers Melynda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson, Aitor Martínez and Baltasar Garzón.



Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 10, 2019, 1:08 a.m. No.6978965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No way on Huawei: Morrison government doubles down on ban of Chinese telco supplier


Two senior Cabinet Ministers have declared that the Morrison government will not lift its ban on Huawei, despite signs key ally the United States may soften its stance towards the controversial Chinese telecom equipment supplier.


Communications Minister Paul Fletcher emphatically ruled out any weakening of the Federal Government's policy to block the involvement of China-based providers in new ultra-fast '5G' mobile networks. His comments came just hours after Defence Minister Linda Reynolds used her first visit to the UK to urge Britain to copy Australia's ban on Huawei.


"The government last year took a decision in relation to 5G networks and it's a decision that has been publicly announced and well articulated," Mr Fletcher said in an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. "The government won't be changing that decision."


The Turnbull government banned Huawei and ZTE from providing equipment to Australian telcos for their upcoming 5G networks on the basis of security concerns in August 2018. The US blacklisted the company in May, but President Trump last month appeared to open the door to its involvement in the world's largest economy as part of a broader trade deal.


Any softening of the US government's stance towards Huawei raises the potential Australia could be isolated on an issue that has upset China, the nation's biggest trading partner. While Huawei has also been blocked from supplying 5G equipment to New Zealand's dominant telco, it remains a key provider to mobile carriers in the UK.


New Zealand and the UK are members of the 'Five Eyes' intelligence sharing alliance with Australia, the US and Canada.


While not referencing Huawei by name, Senator Reynolds in a speech stressed the need for the intelligence relationship to be linked more tightly, in line with previous warnings that the UK could endanger the Five Eyes relationship, by failing to ban Huawei.


The upcoming 5G technology is expected to digitally connect a range of industries, including critical infrastructure, driverless cars and remote hospitals. For this reason it's considered particularly sensitive but also lucrative for businesses that can secure major contracts with telcos to provide their equipment.


Huawei has ramped up its campaign against its naysayers globally amid growing pressure on its business, a US-China trade war and additional scrutiny on its security and the possibility the Chinese government could interfere with the infrastructure.


The company's top Australian executives have been intending to organise a meeting with Mr Fletcher in an attempt to persuade him to overturn the ban and consider other security measures like a "testing centre" where independent experts could look for security problems. Huawei funds similar centres in the UK and Belgium.


Huawei and its supporters have argued that knocking out the world's largest player from local rollouts will reduce competition and drive up costs that will ultimately mean inferior technology and higher priced plans for consumers.


Mr Fletcher dismissed these claims in June, saying there were many global vendors who could provide high quality equipment.


The Chinese company in the past few months has launched a scathing attack against the taxpayer-funded National Broadband Network, which it was banned from providing equipment for in 2012, and criticised the US government for "bullying" after being stung with trade restrictions.


A Huawei spokesman said the decision to exclude the company from Australia's 5G market remained a matter for government but the company was "still waiting for written advice on the exclusion and an explanation on why we have been excluded."


"To our knowledge the 5G ban imposed by the Australian Government has been made without any proof of Huawei conducting any wrongdoing in any of the 180 countries around the world in which we successfully operate," he said.


"We will continue to advocate that excluding Huawei from 5G simply means that Australians will be paying more for 5G services and will not be able to access the leading technology and innovation that we bring because of the reduced competition in the market."

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 10, 2019, 2:39 a.m. No.6979179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

feel sorry for Aus anons, nutcases in your legislature 30 year doom, al gore residue.


June 5, 2019


Climate change doomsday report predicts end of human civilisation

RP from QRes#8921


In the past week, the world has experienced chaotic weather phenomena, from deathly Indian heatwaves to snow inundating parts of Queensland. Now, the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Change has issued a report predicting the end of human civilisation as we know it.


The report, terrifyingly entitled Existential climate-related security risk, glimpses 30 years into the future to the year 2050 — and the results are grim.


Authors David Spratt, a researcher into climate change, and Ian Dunlop, former chairman of the Australian Coal Association and chair of the Australian Greenhouse Office Experts Group on Emissions Trading, propose a scenario in which global emissions and climate threats are ignored, and the trajectory of environmental collapse goes unchecked.


Their conclusions spell out a dire warning…..

Anonymous ID: b4c377 July 10, 2019, 2:42 a.m. No.6979184   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So, where did the plane land? Where did they get on the boat to the Island?


Cyril E King Airport, St. Thomas?

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 10, 2019, 2:44 a.m. No.6979189   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region


Australian industry veteran Phil Tripp resigns from SXSW

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 10, 2019, 2:47 a.m. No.6979202   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons comments about relevance of Owls

RP from QRes#8925



An owl symbolizes wisdom and authority in the dark, or in an unexposed setting. Can be of good or bad intent.




In the Middle East, China, and Japan, the Owl is considered as both a bad omen and an evil spirit. For Christians the Owl traditionally signifies the Devil, powers of evil, bad news, and destruction. Similarly, in the Old Testament the Owl is an unclean creature that stands alone as a figure of desolation. In an Australian Aboriginal myth the Owl is the messenger of bad news. Yama, the Verdic God of death, sometimes sent out the Owl as his emissary.


Indigenous peoples of the Americas consider the Owl to be the Night Eagle because it is silent and deadly in flight, and is a solitary bird with all-seeing eyes. The Owl is generally regarded as a bird of sorcerers because of its association with–and abilities in–the dark. It symbolizes deception and silent observation because it flies noiselessly. The Owl is feared by peoples who believe that the death warning is in its hoot.

Anonymous ID: 14adfd July 10, 2019, 3:23 a.m. No.6979270   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This board is a breeze… not much chatter here

The Chinese can fuck right off !

Australia does not belong to them and never will

The ports and land and mining are short term - when the people wake and their $ deteriorates even more they can sit on the finger

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 11, 2019, 12:24 a.m. No.6992525   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Medical committee rules Leifer faked medical condition to avoid extradition


A medical committee has ruled that alleged sexual predator Malka Leifer, the former Australian principal accused of molesting numerous pupils, has faked her mental illness in an effort to elude extradition from Israel, according to a report from Channel 13.


The committee received information from the Israel Prison Service and expressed suspicions that documents about her medical conditions had been forged. The committee will pass on its findings to the police.


Leifer is standing trial for extradition on 74 counts of sexual abuse in Australia against sisters Dassi Erlich, Ellie Sapper and Nicole Meyer, but has for many years claimed to be mentally unfit to be extradited.


In May, private investigator Tzafrir Tzahi – who carried out a private investigation of Leifer in 2017 – said that his team had observed her for two weeks and that her behaviour and functioning seemed perfectly normal.


“During the investigation, we saw that she was functioning like a normative woman and mother,” said Tzahi.


“She does the shopping, hosts her children on Shabbat, goes to the grocery store, goes to the post office, speaks a lot on the cell phone, laughs, converses with people – nothing that could indicate a problem with her daily functioning,” he continued, adding that they had also witnessed her writing checks and paying bills.


Tzahi noted that Leifer does not work, but that she occasionally goes to Bnei Brak, alone by public transport, for various arrangements and also to meet with one of her children.


He also stated that during the entire two weeks his team had tracked her, they had not seen her husband once.


Attorney Yehuda Fried, who is representing Leifer, told the Post in response that Leifer’s mental health problems do not prevent her from basic functioning such as shopping, traveling and other such activities, but that stressful situations can lead to an eruption of her symptoms which severely debilitate her.


He added that prison officials who have observed Leifer, who has been incarcerated since February 2018, have stated that her mental health has been deficient during her time in prison.


Manny Waks, founder and director of the Kol V’Oz campaign group, said that the long length of the legal proceedings against Leifer in which extradition hearings themselves are yet to begin has “made a farce of the Israeli system in the eyes of many around the world.”


Leifer fled Australia to come to Israel in 2008, but legal proceedings against her only began in 2014. Following the private investigation into her conducted on behalf of the Jewish Community Watch organisation, the police began its own investigation, arresting Leifer in 2018 on suspicion of feigning mental illness to avoid extradition.


“This ongoing saga needs to be wrapped up as soon as possible. It is continuing to raise questions regarding Israel’s judicial process, and is detrimentally impacting Israel’s international reputation. Of course, due process must be followed – but Leifer and her supporters must also not be allowed to have undue influence and to dictate terms,” said Waks.


He added that the police are currently investigating alleged interference in the legal proceedings against Leifer by Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, who is now under police investigation himself for allegedly threatening to fire Health Ministry officials if they did not produce a psychiatric evaluation declaring Leifer to be unfit for extradition.


Litzman has denied any wrongdoing.


“Due process is critical, but we need to ensure that justice is happening and that there aren’t any external parties impacting the case – as we have seen in the past,” Waks said.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 11, 2019, 11:18 p.m. No.7007541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region


SBS news anchor Kim Sungjoon resigns after Molka Investigations

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 11, 2019, 11:45 p.m. No.7007824   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It’s millennials leading the charge, in their star-sign emblazoned T-shirts (the fashion world loves the zodiac) and subscriptions to Co-Star – a hugely popular app that helps you determine your birth chart, lets you see friends’ charts, and gives you daily horoscopes. It even offers “your day at a glance” push notifications, such as “get a plane ticket if you can and just go”; “your nervous energy won’t be especially useful today”; “Be someone’s service animal today”; and, here’s a good one, “start a cult”.


This resurgence in astrology – the study of the movements and positions of celestial bodies in the belief that they affect lives – rivals the so-called “Age of Aquarius” in the 1960s and ’70s, when people began rejecting organised religion, replacing it with the more malleable concept of spirituality. The current popularity of horoscopes demonstrates the phenomenon in action, with the stars among the most avid followers of the stars. Kendall Jenner says she “sticks to people” because she’s a Scorpio; Taylor Swift describes herself as a “blindly optimistic” Sagittarius; and Rihanna warns that, as a Pisces, she’s “never been interested in contemporary friendships”.


Cue Cassandra Tyndall, an astrologer since 2006, who has a growing client base in Brisbane and overseas, and confirms the move back to mysticism is gaining momentum. “Usually when we are experiencing a level of uncertainty in the world people look for certainty in the stars,” she says. “It’s definitely in vogue again. It will probably fall out of fashion again if Christianity rises but at the moment we are experiencing a post-Christian phase and people looking up for some sort of guidance and some faith and hope.”


Resident Brisbane News astrologer Tanya Obreza says the night sky is something that “can absolutely be relied on because it’s based on mathematics”. Tanya say the majority of her clients now are under the age of 30, reinforcing the view that there is a wave of interest in astrology from the younger generation. “What’s driving them is fear and instability. I hear the same thing over and over about how they have qualifications and have put the work in and done the right thing but they have problems getting stable jobs,” she says. “Once upon a time it was all about love and when they were going to find the right man but these days it’s more about financial stability and financial security.”


Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.

Identify and list.

They don’t hide it.

They don’t fear you.

You are sheep to them.

You are feeders.


They think you are STUPID.

They think you will follow the STARS.

They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.



They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 11, 2019, 11:47 p.m. No.7007842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4136

Get ready for the “Half-Blood Thunder Moon Eclipse.”

RP from QRes#8938


You’re outside. It’s dark. You see the moon, but… wait. What’s wrong with it? A weird curve down its middle makes it looks like it’s been split in half. One side is bright, almost glaring. The other is a dark, reddish color. Something is blocking half of the moonlight.


This is a partial lunar eclipse, a “half-blood” moon, and it’s a truly strange-looking spectacle coming soon to a night sky near you. Possibly.


Remember January’s “Super Wolf Blood Moon?" It was a wondrous sight across Europe and North America, but despite the rumors that no such event will happen again for some years, it wasn’t the only lunar eclipse of 2019.


There is another, and it’s happening on Tuesday, July 16, 2019. Get ready for the “Half-Blood Thunder Moon Eclipse.”


While January’s event was a total lunar eclipse, Tuesday’s celestial match-up isn’t as exact. It’s a partial lunar eclipse and, what’s more, this is one is only for those in South America, Europe and Africa on July 16, and on July 17 in Asia and Australasia.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 11, 2019, 11:49 p.m. No.7007866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

QAnon fans and other conspiracy theorists taint justice they seek - Q hit piece from NZ

RP from QRes#8938

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 11, 2019, 11:54 p.m. No.7007905   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well this is interesting..Hillary Clinton videos of her visit in NZ 08/05/2018 are being censored by location..hmmm, nothing to see here


Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand


Hillary Clinton coming to NZ


RP from QRes#8939

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 12, 2019, 1:54 a.m. No.7008748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Allies rattle sabres before eyes of world


Military helicopters, warships and artillery systems were in action yesterday as the joint US-­Australian military exercise ­Talisman Sabre began in ­Queensland.


As RAAF and US Air Force helicopters were seen around Bundaberg and mobile artillery rocket vehicles were in use near Rockhampton, US warships ­travelled north for training activities off the coast of Shoalwater Bay today.


More than 34,500 Australian and US personnel are taking part in the largest bilateral military exercise to take place in Queensland, with 18 other nations including Japan, New Zealand, Canada and Britain sending observation teams.


Beijing also deployed a Chinese surveillance ship off the coast of Shoalwater Bay to watch the drills. Chinese vessels were also spotted off the Queensland coast during the last Talisman Sabre operation in 2017.


Talisman Sabre is held every two years to reflect the closeness of Australia’s alliance and “enduring military relationship” with the US. It will conclude early next month.


While Australia’s F-35s will not take part in the exercise, the US has sent a squadron of F-22 Raptors, a Boeing E-3 Sentry aircraft and C-17 Globemasters.


The US Marine Corp will operate F-35s.


Lieutenant General Rick Burr of the Australian Army said on Wednesday that forces would be “hard at work with our partners and allies” throughout the operation. “Our army is … building a tactical edge through new capabilities, strong partnerships and leadership at all levels,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 12, 2019, 1:58 a.m. No.7008771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Aust, US view world with same eyes: PM


Australia and the United States see the world through the same eyes, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says.


Mr Morrison's comments came as he paid tribute to 25,000 military personnel from Australia, New Zealand, the United States, UK, Canada and Japan taking part in the biennial Talisman Sabre exercises in Queensland.


"Australia and the United States see the world through the same eyes," he said on the deck of the USS Ronald Reagan.


"Or, as President Reagan put it, 'We both recognise the responsibility of freedom and are prepared to shoulder it squarely.'"


Mr Morrison described the $4.5 billion aircraft carrier, which has 4500 crew, as an "extraordinary symbol not only of American power, but of the United States' commitment to the many nations of this region and their security".


"It's not something we can ever take for granted."


American military newspaper Stars and Stripes reported the ship had a bumpy start, running into cranes in the Port of Brisbane as tug boats pulled it in so its sailors could take a short break before the exercises.


The incident, which is being investigated, caused minor damage to the ship and spilled hydraulic fluid on the pier.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 12, 2019, 2:20 a.m. No.7008869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4487

Prime Minister Scott Morrison Tweet


An honour to tour the USS Ronald Reagan as it participates in Exercise Talisman Sabre 2019 with the Australian Defence Force. The USS Ronald Reagan is an extraordinary symbol of the United States’ commitment to the many nations of the Pacific region and their security.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 13, 2019, 12:52 a.m. No.7024141   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New George Papadopoulos Tweet


Australia: leak the secret recordings from my meeting with Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer. Our media and citizens will be grateful and it will usher in a new chapter in US-Australia relations. Be smart. It’s all coming out anyways

Anonymous ID: 31b6c2 July 13, 2019, 12:57 a.m. No.7024162   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Metropolitan Fire Brigade chief Dan Stephens has resigned after just over a year in the role, effective immediately.


It is the cumulation of a rocky term for Mr Stephens, and the latest development in the tortured process to set up Victoria's new firefighting body.


MFB Board President Jasmine Doak thanked Mr Stephens, who moved from the UK to Australia to take up the role, for his service and leadership.

Mr Stephens' appointment sparked tension with Victoria's powerful firefighters union when it was announced in April 2018, with branch secretary Peter Marshall criticising his "union-busting, budget breaking" record.

Mr Stephens rebuffed the claims upon starting his role in late May, 2018.


Mr Stephens' resignation comes less than a month after the state government's contentious fire services reforms became law.


The legislation, which passed on June 20, devolved the Country Fire Authority into a volunteer-only organisation while maintaining its 1200 volunteer brigades. There had been no guarantee that Mr Stephens would lead the new agency.


The new Fire Rescue Victoria would replace the MFB and take control of 38 Country Fire Association brigades in mid-2020.


Mr Stephens reportedly went on "indefinite" leave in late June, after the state government failed to back him to lead the new FRV.


Emergency Services Minister Lisa Neville thanked Mr Stephens for his service.


"He has shown great commitment to the Victorian community and leaves the MFB in a strong position during a time of change," she said.


Opposition spokesman for emergency services Brad Battin praised Mr Stephens, while slamming the state government's connection to the firefighters union.


"[Mr Stephens] could never achieve the goal of improving the culture as the government owes too much to UFU Secretary Peter Marshall, who it would appear had wanted Mr Stephens gone for months.


"Mr Stephens was targeted by the United Firefighters Union even prior to his arrival to Victoria.


"Dan Stephens’ resignation is a huge loss to Victoria’s fire services and to any attempt to ensure all firefighters have a safe and bully-free work environment."


The firefighting services reforms have a bitter history that spans three years. At its fiercest, in 2016, the debate saw the resignation of multiple CFA chiefs and then-Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett.


Ms Garrett refused to back Premier Daniel Andrews’ decision to side with the United Firefighters’ Union in its industrial dispute with the CFA.


The entire CFA board was also sacked by the Andrews government in 2016.


When the state government attempted to again push through legislation to break up the fire services in 2018, it was upended by a Coalition ambush at the end of a marathon upper house debate.

Anonymous ID: 09194c July 13, 2019, 2:26 a.m. No.7024487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4634


I hope the PM's sentiment is real. It was pleasantly surprising.


I hope the thrust of his message is that we are working in tandem with the good guys in the USA to defeat evil.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 13, 2019, 3:23 a.m. No.7024634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4711


>we are working in tandem with the good guys in the USA to defeat evil.


Scott Morrison to go to Washington for Trump state dinner


Prime Minister Scott Morrison will head to the US to officially dine alongside President Donald Trump.


The Prime Minister’s office has confirmed Mr Trump will play host at a state dinner at the White House for Mr Morrison, who says relations between Australia and the US are the strongest they’ve ever been.


Mr Trump has insisted the Mr Morrison be afforded the highest status offered to world leaders, including the first state dinner for an Australian leader since John Howard.


“This relationship with the United States is as strong as it has ever been, and I’m looking forward to making that visit to the White House,” Mr Morrison told Liberal National Party faithful in Brisbane on Sunday.


“We’ve been fighting alongside the Americans for over a century, and that’s what they see, and that’s what they acknowledge.


“This relationship is a product of all that over a long period of time, but it will be my great honour to represent Australia when we go there in a few months.”


The Weekend Australian understands the Prime Minister will make the trip in mid-September, with the formal invitation issued this week following a private meeting and dinner between the two leaders on the sidelines of the recent G20 summit in Osaka, when the US President is believed to have flagged the idea of an ­official visit.


The move by Mr Trump to elevate an official visit to include a formal state dinner at the White House will be the first for an Australian leader since Mr Howard and his wife Janette were hosted by George W. Bush in 2006.


It will also be seen in the strategic context as a demonstrable show of support from the US President for the Australia-US alliance and its critical role in maintaining stability in the Indo-Pacific region.


Mr Morrison said yesterday that Australia and the US saw the world “through the same eyes” after he was flown out to visit the flagship of the US Navy, the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, taking part in the Talisman Sabre military exercises off Queensland.


“We are in awe of the strength and power of the United States which this ship so ably represents, but at the heart of our friendship are the values and beliefs that knit our two countries together,” the Prime Minister said.


Speaking on the deck of the ship, Mr Morrison paid tribute to American leadership in the Pacific during World War II, saying the US “helped secure the freedom we enjoy today”.


He said America deserved great credit for shaping a new global order when the war ended, adding that Australia and the US had “always understood each other and stood by each other”.


“Australia believes in what Ronald Reagan called the ‘truths and traditions’ that define the United States,” Mr Morrison said. “We stand together in these self-evident truths. We stand together for personal liberty and freedom. For democracy and the ballot box. For the rule of law, and freedom of association. For free economies and free peoples.”


The deepening relationship between Mr Morrison and Mr Trump comes amid growing tensions between Iran and the West. Three Iranian ships this week tried to block a UK-flagged commercial vessel in the Strait of Hormuz — a choke point for the flow of Middle East oil to the rest of the world.


The US has also flagged the prospect of building a coalition to uphold freedom of navigation in the Persian Gulf amid escalating tensions over Iran’s decision to enrich uranium to levels beyond the terms of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.


Former prime ministers Tony Abbott, Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd never made “official visits” to the US, despite visiting the White House, with their trips recorded by the US embassy in Canberra as “working visits”.


Malcolm Turnbull did make an official visit in February last year but was not hosted at a state dinner.


During his visit, Mr Morrison will also attend a wreath-laying at the Tomb Of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery and meetings are likely to be held with senior members of the House of Representatives and the Senate.


Mr Trump said at the G20 that he would be keen to attend the Presidents Cup golf tournament in Melbourne in December.


Mr Morrison will become only the second world leader, after French President Emmanuel Macron, to have been hosted by Mr Trump at a state dinner at the White House.



Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 13, 2019, 3:31 a.m. No.7024648   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Five Eyes” Nations Finish Large-Scale Cyber Exercise


Military personnel from the US and the other “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing partner nations came together for a large-scale exercise focused on preparing for cyberattacks and keeping adversaries out of critical infrastructure.


Cyber Flag 19-1, which was held June 21-28 at a Joint Staff facility in Suffolk, Va., included 650 personnel from across the Defense Department, along with representatives from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. While this is a regular exercise, this year’s iteration was the first time it was led by a non-US official and instead commanded by a Royal Canadian Air Force captain, according to a Defense Department release.


The Homeland Security and Energy departments, FBI, Postal Service, and the House of Representatives also took part in the exercise.


Nineteen American airmen and civilians from the 836th Cyber Operations Squadron, JB San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, participated on the “blue” side and in planning the exercise, along with three weapons officers from other units who supported planning, according to an Air Forces Cyber spokesman. Pentagon staff partnered with DHS and USPS personnel employees, offering airmen a perspective on what it would be like to help protect non-military networks and work under DHS guidelines.


“The airmen were able to exchange ideas and tactics, techniques and procedures about hunting for adversaries and protecting the network on civilian-owned critical infrastructure,” 24th Air Force spokesman TSgt. R.J. Biermann said in an email.


Personnel split into 20 multi-agency teams that blocked attacks on networks built to simulate industrial hardware and software infrastructure, the release states. About 100 people formed an enemy “red team” to test the others’ defensive skills.


"We have more than half the entirety of the teams here with an outside person who doesn't belong intrinsically to their organization," exercise commander RCAF Capt. Shae Luhowy said in the release. "The teams jumped on it. We encouraged it, and we got an overwhelmingly positive response for this exact reason. The teams are very happy to be able to pick up some ideas and learn from the other teams they may be sharing with."


Cyber Flag dates back to 2011 when it was first held at Nellis AFB, Nev. The growth of the exercise mirrors burgeoning US military cyber operations overall. Last year, US Cyber Command finished building its 133 Cyber Mission Force teams, including 39 Air Force teams and about 6,200 personnel from across DOD in total.


While the exercise focused on defending against attacks, CYBERCOM is looking for more freedom to act offensively against bad actors, command boss Army Gen. Paul Nakasone told lawmakers earlier this year.

Anonymous ID: 09194c July 13, 2019, 3:57 a.m. No.7024711   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'spose your right.


Well, I can't find where I saw it, but I'm sure Trump and Morrison had a dinner/meeting than ran 17 minutes overtime.


Trump had a meeting/tea with Queen Elizabeth that ran 17 minutes.


I'm sensing a pattern here, but I don't have qlue what it is. I'll just sit back and enjoy the show.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 13, 2019, 4:15 a.m. No.7024769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7104 >>7101

New Zealand begins first gun buyback collection after Christchurch massacre


New Zealand has started the first of more than 250 gun buyback collections for banned military-style semi-automatic weapons in the wake of the Christchurch mosque massacres.


Police said gun owners were compensated with a total of NZ$433,682 ($413,604), after 169 individuals handed in 224 prohibited firearms.


The firearms collection event was set up just a few kilometres away from where a lone gunman opened fire at two Christchurch mosques in March, killing 51 people.


The Australian man accused of the killings, Brenton Tarrant, is alleged to have used an arsenal of five weapons, including two military-style semi-automatic rifles, in the attacks on two Christchurch mosques.


Mr Tarrant in June pleaded not guilty to terrorism charges, as well as 51 counts of murder and 40 of attempted murder.


New Zealand police said they had paid about $200,000 to dozens of gun owners handing in their weapons in the first hours of the buyback event.


In the wake of the worst massacre in modern New Zealand history, MPs voted 119-1 to outlaw military-style semi-automatics, which allow the rapid fire of high-calibre bullets.


The Government is offering money for every gun handed back by a licensed owner, with the total cost of the scheme estimated at NZ$218 million ($207 million).


Chris Cahill from the Police Association said he expects a positive response.


"We needed these semi-automatic assault rifles out of the community, but it's appropriate that people who have had to hand them in are compensated for it," he said.


But Nicole McKee from the Council of Licensed Firearms Owners said the compensation package was not fair and reasonable.


"It happened so quickly that there was no democratic process involved and there were no discussions involved with the community that had been affected," she said.


There are concerns too that farming communities, which rely on firearms for hunting and pest control, will suffer because of the weapons ban.


Professor Kevin Clements from Otago University told ABC's The World program that general public opinion was "completely in favour" of the measures, despite complaints from gun owners.


"The reality is we've got twice as many weapons per capita as you have in Australia, and six times as many as exists in the United Kingdom," he said.


"So on a per-capita basis New Zealand is a fairly over-gunned society, and those guns kill people, in suicides and homicides and so forth, at the rate of about one a day."


He said New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern had responded in much the same way as John Howard after the Port Arthur mass shooting.


But he said some in the gun lobby were urging firearms holders not to hand over their weapons and to bury them instead, and that many were disappointed that ammunition would not be compensated.


Some 258 collection events will be held across New Zealand over the next three months, and police expect tens of thousands of guns to be surrendered.


Licensed firearms owners will have six months to surrender weapons that have now been deemed illegal under the scheme, with an amnesty ensuring they will not face prosecution during that period.


After the amnesty expires, possession of prohibited firearms is punishable by up to five years in jail.


Police Minister Stuart Nash said police knew of 14,300 registered military-style semi-automatic rifles and there were an estimated 1.2 million firearms in the community, with the vast majority still legal under the new rules.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 13, 2019, 4:37 p.m. No.7030919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Highly mobile rocket systems to stay in Australia after Talisman Sabre ends


High-Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, known as HIMARS, will train with Marines in Darwin, Australia, after participating in this month’s Talisman Sabre exercise Down Under, according to the Marine Corps.


A platoon from the Okinawa-based 12th Marine Regiment brought three HIMARS launchers to Australia for the monthlong, biennial drills involving 34,000 U.S. and Australian troops.


“The HIMARS is a highly mobile artillery rocket system,” 12th Marines commander Col. Mike Roach said in a phone interview from Australia on Thursday. “It’s light and it’s air transportable but it’s all-weather capable and provides a range up to [186 miles].”


On Monday, 50 Marines teamed up with the Air Force, Australian army and Royal Australian Air Force to practice inserting the launchers into an expeditionary air base before conducting live-fire drills in coordination with ground and amphibious forces, Roach said.


Air Force C-130J cargo planes out of Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, and KC-130s out of Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in mainland Japan flew the launchers into Williamson Airfield in the Australian state of Queensland.


The launchers conducted live-fire training with reduced-range practice rounds, but the capability of the HIMARS wasn’t lost on Australian troops who watched them in action, Roach said.


“All the folks out there were very impressed at what it can do,” he said.


The rocket artillery has participated in Talisman Sabre in past years. It has also seen service in Afghanistan and Iraq, where it struck insurgents up to 50 miles from where launchers were based, Roach said.


In an area as large as the Pacific, the rocket artillery provides commanders with the range to go after time-sensitive targets, he said.


After the exercise, the launchers will move to Australia’s Northern Territory, where 2,500 Marines are training over summer as part of Marine Rotational Force — Darwin, Roach said.


“The HIMARS are taking advantage of the opportunity that Australia provides,” he said.


The sparsely-populated continent with its massive military training areas is a contrast to the Marines’ home on Okinawa, where military bases take up much of the island, causing friction with some locals.


The HIMARS will conduct training in Darwin in August, Roach said.


Talisman Sabre


''Magic Sword''

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 14, 2019, 5 a.m. No.7036028   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Police fork out more than $400,000 to gun owners at first buyback

RP from QRes#8989


Saturday 13 July


‘Police have collected more than 220 firearms at the first of 258 events to collect now prohibited weapons and modifications.


The first buyback event took place in Christchurch on Saturday at Riccarton Racecourse.


As of 4:40pm, 169 firearms owners had been processed, handing over 224 prohibited firearms and 217 parts and accessories’

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 14, 2019, 5:05 a.m. No.7036042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0995

AI Creates Flu Vaccine Better Than Anything on the Market Today

RP from QRes#8992


The computer-generated vaccine was developed by scientists in Australia, but is undergoing clinical trials in the US amid the researchers' reported inability to test it locally due to bureaucratic red tape.


A team of researchers led by Flinders University professor of medicine Dr. Nikolai Petrovsky has used artificial intelligence to create a highly effective new flu vaccine from scratch, Business Insider Australia has reported.


The AI programme, known as SAM (Search Algorithm for Ligands) is designed to find the ideal chemical compounds that can cause an appropriate response from a human immune system among the trillions of possible combinations.


"We had to teach the AI program on a set of compounds that are known to activate the human immune system, and a set of compounds that don't work," Dr. Petrovsky explained. "The job of the AI was then to work out for itself what distinguished a drug that worked from one that doesn't."


The next step was to create 'synthetic chemist', a random chemical compound generator capable of combining "trillions of different chemical compounds," which are then sent to SAM for analysis to weed out the chaff and find compounds which could be used to develop drugs for humans.


After SAM completed its computations, scientists tested the AI tool's top candidates on human blood cells. "This confirmed that SAM not only had the ability to identify good drugs but in fact had come up with better human immune drugs than currently exist," Dr. Petrovsky boasted.


The drugs were then tested on animals, again confirming their effectiveness.


SAM's flu vaccine is now undergoing clinical trials in the. Before that, Petrovsky and his team complained that they could have conducted the tests at Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide, Australia up to two years earlier if it weren't for bureaucratic efforts to block them.


"We would love to be able to do our research here but unfortunately we can't do our clinical trials here," Petrovsky told Australia's ABC News last week.


According to the academic, the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network had told him flat out not to conduct the trials, even as one of the trials was already underway. "I've never heard of trials being stopped similarly anywhere else in Australia," he complained.


The team's research has now received funding from the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The scientists expressed confidence that their vaccine could one day come to complement or even replace the existing standard seasonal flu shots issued in Australia.


Speaking to CNET about the AI program, Petrovsky said SAM's greatest potential may be its ability to predict a virus's future mutations.


"I believe that only a properly trained AI will have the ability to explore these patterns and choices [in the mutations] so that it can then actually predict where the virus is likely to go next…So we can then use this to get it to design a vaccine that predicts against future flu viruses rather than past ones," he said.


According to the scientists, SAM has the potential to shorten the discovery of new drugs by years or even decades, and save companies hundreds of millions of dollars in man hours.–report/

Anonymous ID: 72e0f5 July 14, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.7040995   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Headline should read: Louise Cypher, misanthropic a.i. creates virus to end humans.


If we're lucky it'll just vaccinate humans against carnism: the destructive dogma destroying earth and sentient life.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 14, 2019, 7:15 p.m. No.7044363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4454

Marines bring highly mobile rockets to Australia

RP from QRes#8996


High-Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, known as HIMARS, will train with Marines in Darwin, Australia, after participating in this month’s Talisman Sabre exercise Down Under, according to the Marine Corps.


Talisman Sabre.


Magic Sword.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 14, 2019, 8:08 p.m. No.7045032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another Papa D Tweet

RP from QRes#9006


Australia: leak the secret recordings from my meeting with Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer. Our media and citizens will be grateful and it will usher in a new chapter in US-Australia relations. Be smart. It’s all coming out anyways


1:38 PM - 14 Jul 2019



Anonymous ID: 468247 July 14, 2019, 9:54 p.m. No.7045888   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Starfvkers Club in Sydney


Organisers are Luceriferian pedes with tonnes of Illuminati symbols.

Anonymous ID: ff8687 July 15, 2019, 3:07 a.m. No.7047104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7027


>Mr Tarrant in June pleaded not guilty to terrorism charges, as well as 51 counts of murder and 40 of attempted murder.


How the hell would you plead, or even a lawyer advise to plead, NOT guilty unless:


  1. Tarrant is a murdering nutbar and doesn't care or,

  2. The "massacre" was fake and gay, he knows it, and pleads not guilty.


Did all the shooters in the US plead not guilty? Martin Bryant pleaded not guilty but was CONVINCED to plead guilty, so he did.


This reeks of bullshit, the lot of it.

Anonymous ID: eb8965 July 15, 2019, 3:25 a.m. No.7047157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0369

July 15 - ABC 7:30 Report in Australia


Just aired ..


E. Jean Carroll giving the fake news re alleged sexual assault by Donald Trump


ABC ‘reporter/journalist Leigh Sales





Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 15, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.7050369   🗄️.is 🔗kun


E.Jean Carroll interviewed by Leigh Sales on ABC 7:30


US journalist and author E. Jean Carroll, who has accused Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her, gives her first Australian interview with Leigh Sales on tonight’s 7:30.


In her new book ‘What Do We Need Men For’, Carroll alleges the assault took place in a Manhattan department store in the mid-1990s.


She told Leigh Sales “stopping a powerful man in his tracks takes not only a few women, it takes hundreds”.


Monday 15 July at 7:30pm on ABC.


Full Interview here:

Donald Trump accuser E. Jean Carroll says 'no woman should be scared of coming forward'

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 16, 2019, 12:07 a.m. No.7056842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7618

Julian Assange made embassy his HQ for 2016 election meddling: report


Julian Assange was able to turn the Ecuadorian embassy in London into a command center for meddling in the 2016 US presidential election, a report said Monday.


Documents obtained by CNN detail how the WikiLeaks founder received in-person deliveries, potentially containing hacked materials from Russian operatives during sometimes hour-long meetings at the embassy.


The hundreds of pages of surveillance reports and visitor logs were compiled by UC Global, a private Spanish security firm hired by the Ecuadorian government.


The information supports the suggestion raised by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his report that WikiLeaks helped the Russians undermine the US election.


The reports show that Assange met with Russians and “world-class hackers” before critical leaks.


He also got his hands on computer and network hardware updates to help with the transfer of massive encrypted files from Russian operatives, according to the documents.


The security logs said that Assange personally managed some of the document releases “directly from the embassy.”


After the election, the security company assessed Assange’s allegiance and found that there was “no doubt that there is evidence” that the Australia native has ties to Russian intelligence agencies.


Assange has always denied working for the Kremlin and insists his source for the leaks “is not the Russian government and is not a state party.”


In April, the US unsealed a computer hacking indictment against Assange for his role in helping Chelsea Manning infiltrate Pentagon computers.


Assange is serving a one-year prison sentence in London for skipping bail in the UK and is fighting extradition to the US.


A dozen Russian intelligence officers were indicted in 2018 as part of Mueller’s probe for working with WikiLeaks and hacking the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 16, 2019, 12:54 a.m. No.7056965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Man, 31, sentenced to 70 years jail for filming, uploading sex with one-year-old relative


WARNING: Distressing content


A man in the US state of Florida has been sentenced to 70 years jail for recording himself having sex with a one-year-old relative and distributing the footage online in a dark web forum.


In what authorities have referred to as "the most horrible atrocities imaginable", James Lockhart produced a sexually violent four-video series of child sex abuse.


According to the US Attorney's Office, Lockhart displayed signs bearing the forum's name in the videos, as well as his online monikers "Strangewood" and "Hardwood" in order to gain notoriety.


In one message shared by Lockhart on the forum, he said he was "new to the production game" but was "eager to get working and getting better", according to a plea agreement.


In another, he asked for requests.


He also created other sex abuse videos and images of the child while bragging about sexually abusing another one year old. has chosen not to report other, graphic messages posted by Lockhart as well as other detail in this story.


The 31-year-old, who pleaded guilty earlier this year, also collected child pornography involving other victims which depicted sadomasochistic and violent conduct.


"This deviant committed the most horrible atrocities imaginable to a one-year-old child," Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agent Michael Cochran said.


"HSI's national and international partnerships have helped ensure that this predator will never again harm a child."


US authorities were assisted in their investigations by the Queensland Police.


While acknowledging this, a spokesperson for Queensland Police told that "in the interests of protecting the victim" no further details would be given.


>The choice to know will be yours.

Anonymous ID: acbca3 July 16, 2019, 1:14 a.m. No.7057027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>t. Why would he do what he said he was going to do?


Really? Did you even read his manifesto? He specifically said he was going to do this. He's pleading not guilty to drag it out as long as possible so he gets his message out. He wants people thinking about it, researching it (including the fact it was an ISIS mosque he hit - that ties into all the other stuff discussed here). I don't agree with his actions, or the way the Seejfags (including the increasingly obvious O9A/TOB infestation) are idolising him but he got his point across.


And it wasn't a false flag - no false flagger would make those posts about Ebba over a 2 year period, it's just too organic & genuinely autistic. Same with how he operated - like an effective amateur who had planned thoroughly, but not a pro (like fumbling his mags, not securing them properly in his vest, the FTEs from not cleaning his rifle etc). Mossad were a little too eager to claim him as well - and nobody goes to the trouble of creating a manifesto for a false flag that they then try to hurriedly scrub from the Internet in a panic (and it WAS a panic).


The reality is it was always gonna happen eventually, somebody that just eats too many blackpills and snaps. It's all well and good to "trust the plan" while there's pieces of child strewn all over the place. It happened to enough otherwise good soldiers in many wars in the past.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 16, 2019, 1:50 a.m. No.7057103   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-Iran protester arrested after climbing Sydney Harbour Bridge to deliver ‘message to Trump'


A man has been arrested after scaling Sydney Harbour Bridge in heavy fog to deliver a message to Donald Trump.


New South Wales Police were called to the scene early on Sunday morning. The force deployed police rescue and a specialist bomb disposal unit to help bring him down.


The 33-year-old, who gave his name as Pedro, left his car parked at the northern end of the bridge, before scaling it.


In a protest against the government of Iran, he went on to hang the flags of the USA, Israel and Australia from the top of the bridge, alongside the former flag of Iran which was replaced after the Iranian revolution of 1979.


In a video posted to Twitter from the top of the bridge, he claimed to have climbed the landmark to record a favourable “message from the Iranian people” to US President Donald Trump.


He added: "At the moment we don't have any President in Iran. Our President at the moment is President Trump - you are our President at the moment, until we get a new president and we get rid of this terrorist regime".


He followed this with a combination of apparent references to the QAnon conspiracy theory popular among some Trump supporters, and to the Iranian anti-government group Restart.


He has been charged with damage, disruption or obstruction of Sydney Harbour Bridge and faces a maximum sentence of a $22,000 (£11166) fine and two years in prison.


He appears in court on 7 July.


The Restart group was founded “to overthrow the regime of Islamic Republic of Iran, establish a government based on knowledge and merits, and replace misery and poverty with happiness and prosperity”, according to its website.


In October 2017 several supporters of the group were reportedly arrested on suspicion of arson in Iran after leader Seyed Mohammad Hosseini issued a "Fire challenge", which called on followers to ignite banks and state military buildings.

Anonymous ID: 71338b July 16, 2019, 7:15 a.m. No.7058403   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump's Secret Weapon For Peace - Part 2


Jeffrey Epstein was/is a front for the Deep State


Jeffrey Epstein…Who and What is behind him?…The Deep State and the DEEP STATE'S INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES!




Part 1 here:

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 16, 2019, 11:47 p.m. No.7066445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9775

New George Papadopoulos Tweet


People are missing the point. The dossier was small potatoes. The unredacted FISA warrants, which ABC news confirmed to me in April 2017 that I had one on me, is going to expose the informants, and the involvement of the CIA/UK/Australia. Keep the eye on the prize.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 17, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.7069775   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And another…


Alexander Downer has come unhinged. In recent interviews he has given, he blames ISRAEL, for HIM, spying on me.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 18, 2019, 12:19 a.m. No.7077618   🗄️.is 🔗kun


‘Rubbish!’: Correa blasts CNN for claim that Assange made embassy into ‘command post for meddling’


Former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa has lashed out at CNN over a report claiming whistleblower Julian Assange turned the country’s embassy in London into a “command post for election meddling,” branding the story “rubbish.”


In a Monday report, CNN alleged that the WikiLeaks founder had used the Ecuadorian embassy, where he lived under asylum for seven years, as a base from which to help Russia “undermine” the 2016 US presidential election. CNN claimed Assange received “in-person deliveries” of potentially “hacked materials” and held “suspicious meetings” with “Russians and world-class hackers.”


A day later, CNN published comments from an interview with Correa in which he said that since Assange was posting information about Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump, his whistleblowing amounted to "manipulation." This is why Ecuador eventually cut off Assange's internet access in the embassy, Correa said — but he denied there was any cooperation between Assange, Russia and Ecuador to interfere in the US election.


CNN, however, framed the story to fit with its conspiracy narrative of Assange and Quito aiding in Moscow’s alleged interference, with its headline dramatically reading that Correa “confirms” the election meddling. In a tweet promoting the story, the network implied that Correa was aware of the alleged meddling and simply didn't care.


Correa told RT on Wednesday that CNN’s original story about the embassy operating as a “command center” was “rubbish” and that the network was trying to build an untrue narrative of cooperation between Assange and Russia to ensure the public supports his eventual fate.


"What CNN and other media are saying is rubbish, but we're used to it. They are prepping for the show. The reason is, when they extradite Assange to the US and sentence him to life, they want the honest backing of the public. They are setting the stage."


Correa compared CNN's assertions about Assange to its claims about "weapons of mass destruction" in the lead up to the Iraq war in 2003 — media manipulation which was used to make Americans "applaud a war,” he said.


Now, to "justify the assassination of Assange or to extradite him" they are constructing a new narrative about a fake "command center" for election meddling, he said.


Correa also denied claims made by other media that he had a direct telephone line with Assange in the embassy. In reality, he said, he only spoke to Assange once — when the WikiLeaks founder interviewed him for his show on RT.


Correa said that CNN's claims about illicit activities in the London embassy were not confirmed by actual evidence, but based on the report by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller into so-called Russian interference and disproven "collusion" with the Trump campaign.


The former Ecuadorian leader also dismissed claims made by CNN that it was pressure from US authorities that forced Quito to cut off Assange’s internet and phone access.


"If such a threat [from the US] had come to me, I assure you that I would not have taken any action — because we do not accept this kind of pressure."


In Correa’s opinion, Assange was "justified" in publishing damaging material about Clinton because it was "true" — but he also said that publishing about one candidate and not the other was a kind of “manipulation.”


When Assange was arrested by British police and dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy in April, Correa slammed his successor Lenin Moreno as the “greatest traitor in Ecuadorian and Latin American history” for having “allowed” it to happen, adding that Assange's arrest was "a crime that humanity will never forget.”


CNN even attempted to implicate RT in the whole conspiracy by including in the story a long-debunked theory that this network was in cahoots and “coordinating behind the scenes” with WikiLeaks simply because it reported on a new document dump which was posted on the website before the whistleblowing site tweeted out a link to the information.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 18, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.7077915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Three arrested in Sydney over alleged $80 MILLION money-laundering syndicate operation

RP from QRes#9017


A Sydney security company has allegedly been used as a front to launder $80 million for an organised crime syndicate.


Gagandeep Pahwa, 30, was arrested by NSW Police today after he arrived at his business – Assured Protection Services - in Guildford West, in the city’s west.


During raids on the business, officers uncovered more than $400,000 in cash, which was part of $80 million in funds allegedly shifted illegally from organised crime groups through multiple business accounts to make the transactions appear legitimate.


It is alleged that process occurred over a period of four years, with millions of dollars either redirected back into Sydney’s criminal underworld or transferred overseas.


“It was a semi-legitimate business, but it’s primary function (was) to act as a front for the money-laundering operation,” NSW Police detective chief inspector Nick Read told reporters today.


Authorities also seized Pahwa’s car during the raids, believed to be the proceeds of crime.


Police are now investigating whether the alleged syndicate activity has extended beyond NSW’s borders into Victoria and Western Australia.


After the 30-year-old was taken into custody this morning, his girlfriend was then arrested at their home in Merrylands West.


The couple and a third person – a 29-year-old male employee at the business – tonight remain behind bars as they are questioned by detectives over the sophisticated ring.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 18, 2019, 1:03 a.m. No.7078125   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jacinda Ardern to raise deportation of New Zealanders in meeting with Scott Morrison


New Zealand Prime Minster Jacinda Ardern will raise the “corrosive issue” of Australia deporting more Kiwis on character grounds when she meets with her Australian counterpart Scott Morrison in Melbourne.


About 800 New Zealanders were booted out of their adoptive country last year, with most cases involving expat criminals who had been convicted of violent offences.


Ms Ardern said it was legitimate for Australia to deport New Zealand nationals who had committed serious crimes but the emergence of cases involving people with tenuous links to New Zealand had become a thorn in the side of bilateral relations.


“Those New Zealanders who are living in Australia and who may struggle for citizenship despite having lived here for a long time and the benefits of citizenship is something I consistently raise and will continue to do so,’’ she said ahead of Friday’s meeting with Mr Morrison.


“There are a number of areas where it would be completely legitimate for a New Zealand citizen to be deported back to New Zealand if they engage in criminal activity, but we have seen cases where there is almost no connection of an individual to New Zealand who had been deported.


“I consider that to be a corrosive part of that policy and it is having a corrosive effect on our relationship so I will continue to raise that as well’’.


The meeting with Mr Morrison is Ms Ardern’s final stop in an overnight visit to Melbourne intended to assuage the concerns of Australian banks and would-be investors about proposed changes to New Zealand’s foreign investment rules.


The New Zealand government is preparing a second tranche of reforms to its Overseas Investment Act expected to expand the definition of “sensitive assets” which require government approval to sell to a foreign buyer and introduce a character test for would-be buyers. Ms Ardern said her message to Australian investors was New Zealand remains open for business.


“We are looking for productive investment that is good for New Zealand and good for our economy,’’ she said shortly before a meeting with Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews.


Ms Ardern held talks with bosses from ANZ and AMP today and will hold further discussion with institutional investors tomorrow prior to her meeting with Mr Morrison.


She told New Zealand reporters that one of the barriers to greater investment in New Zealand was a so-called “confidence gap” — the difference between the talent and ingenuity of New Zealand entrepreneurs and the willingness of New Zealand to sell itself to attract overseas capital.


While Mr Morrison and Ms Ardern have vastly differing relations with US President Donald Trump — the New Zealand Prime Minister has condemned Mr Trump’s racially charged statements about Democrat congresswomen while Mr Morrison is expected to be honoured with a State dinner when he next visits Washington — Ms Ardern said they were “signing from the same songsheet” when it came to US engagement in the Asia Pacific region.


“Both of us have been calling for greater engagement,’’ she said.


Ms Ardern said she would be willing to expand New Zealand’s free trade agreement with the US but only if US tariffs were lifted against New Zealand aluminium and steel exports. “Any expansion of free trade deal must serve New Zealand interests,” she said.


The Trump administration last year excluded Australian steel and aluminium smelters from its tariffs regime but imposed the trade penalty on New Zealand.


Ms Ardern will tonight deliver a keynote address to the Australia and New Zealand School of Government at Melbourne’s Town Hall.

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 18, 2019, 1:41 a.m. No.7078408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israelis to sue facebook for 500bn in Australia over bitcoin market manipulation

RP from QRes#9035


– Facebook developed Libra while banning the entire cryptocurrency industry from advertising


– Ad ban by Facebook, Google & Twitter was illegal cartel under Australian competition law


– Cartel faces $500 Billion Class Action Lawsuit by cryptocurrency/blockchain industry

Anonymous ID: b767dd July 18, 2019, 2:32 a.m. No.7078676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian MSM priming the public to deny the truth

RP from QRes#9053


Security flaw gives hackers access to your photos, videos and voice messages


A dangerous security flaw allowing hackers to gain access to your photos, videos and voice messages has been discovered on encrypted messaging services WhatsApp and Telegram.


These services claim to be safer than traditional texting methods as they encrypt messages so only the sender receiver can read them.


However, cyber security experts at Symantec have identified a tiny window of time where media files could be stolen and even edited by hackers.


The flaw has been dubbed “media file jacking” and affects WhatsApp for Android by default, and Telegram for Android if certain features are enabled.


“It stems from the lapse in time between when media files received through the apps are written to the disk, and when they are loaded in the apps’ chat user interface (UI) for users to consume,” researchers explained.


“This critical time lapse presents an opportunity for malicious actors to intervene and manipulate media files without the user’s knowledge.


“While end-to-end encryption is an effective mechanism to ensure the integrity of communications, it isn’t enough if app-level vulnerabilities exist in the code.”


Researchers said the flaw is due to Android phones saving files to an external storage public directory by default, meaning they can be modified by other apps or users.


It was found the ideal opportunity for exploitation arises in the time between when files are first received on a device and written to the disk and when they are loaded for users to consume via the apps.


“Think of it like a race between the attacker and the app loading the files. If the attacker gets to the files first - this can happen almost in real time if the malware monitors the public directories for changes - recipients will see the manipulated files before ever seeing the originals,” Symantec wrote.


Experts warn the security flaw could allow cyber criminals to manipulate sensitive information such as personal photos and videos, corporate documents, invoices, and voice memos.


“In one of the most damaging Media File Jacking attacks, a malicious actor can manipulate an invoice sent by a vendor to a customer, to trick the customer into making a payment to an illegitimate account,” Symantec wrote.


To ensure that media files are kept safe from malicious actors, Symantec recommend users store media files in a non-public directory, such as internal storage.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 18, 2019, 11:40 p.m. No.7093968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Assange drops appeal against length of jail term for breaching bail


London: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has dropped an appeal against his 50-week jail term in Britain for jumping bail by going into the Ecuadorian embassy.


Assange, 48, entered the embassy in London on June 19, 2012, to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he was wanted in connection with sexual offences allegations.


He spent nearly seven years living in the embassy until being dramatically dragged out by police in April after Ecuador revoked his political asylum.


He was jailed for 50 weeks for breaching his bail conditions, just short of the one-year maximum for the offence.


He lodged an appeal against the length of his sentence and a hearing was due to take place at the Court of Appeal in London on July 23.


But Assange is no longer pursuing the appeal and a spokeswoman for the judiciary confirmed on Thursday that the planned hearing had been cancelled.


Sentencing him at Southwark Crown Court in May, Judge Deborah Taylor said it was "difficult to envisage a more serious example" of breaching the Bail Act.


Assange wrote to the court to apologise for his actions, which he said he regretted and acknowledged might have placed him in a more serious situation.


Judge Taylor said this was the first time he had expressed contrition over his actions, which she stated cost at least £16 million ($28 million) in public funds.


"Firstly, by entering the embassy, you deliberately put yourself out of reach, whilst remaining in the UK," she said.


"You remained there for nearly seven years, exploiting your privileged position to flout the law and advertise internationally your disdain for the law of this country."


She also said his actions "undoubtedly" affected Swedish prosecutors' efforts, which were discontinued in May 2017, "not least because you remained in the embassy".


In a handwritten letter to the court, Assange said he went into hiding while "struggling with terrifying circumstances".


"I apologise unreservedly to those who consider that I have disrespected them by the way I have pursued my case," he added.


"I did what I thought at the time was the best and perhaps the only thing that could be done, which I hoped might lead to a legal resolution being reached between Ecuador and Sweden that would protect me from the worst of my fears.


"I regret the course that this took.


"Whilst the difficulties I now face may have become even greater, nevertheless it is right for me to say this now."


Assange entered the embassy while under intense scrutiny over the leaks of hundreds of thousands of classified US diplomatic cables on his whistle-blowing website.


The drastic move came after he exhausted all legal options in fighting extradition to Sweden over two separate allegations - one of rape and one of molestation.


Assange is fighting extradition to the US where he faces 18 charges including allegations of conspiring with intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to hack into a classified Pentagon computer.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 18, 2019, 11:59 p.m. No.7094073   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dutton looks to London for Five Eyes meeting with Huawei in its sights


London | Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton is set to fly to London before the end of July for a summit with his fellow "Five Eyes" security ministers, where Britain and Canada will come under yet more pressure to join the Australia-US ban on Chinese involvement in 5G telecommunications networks.


The "Five Country Ministerial", which last year took place on the Gold Coast, brings together interior ministers from the US, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to compare notes on the gamut of national security threats and policy challenges.


The intelligence partners' schism over 5G will almost certainly feature in discussions. The US, Australia and New Zealand have banned the Chinese telco giant from participating in developing this critical national infrastructure, but Britain and Canada are struggling to reach a decision.


Canada has put off a decision until after a federal election in October, amid brittle ties with China following the arrest of Huawei's chief financial officer on a US warrant. Britain, meanwhile, is conducting a review that was meant to conclude months ago, and which is likely now awaiting Prime Minister Theresa May's replacement as prime minister.


Washington has put heavy pressure on Britain, implying that Five Eyes intelligence-sharing relationships could be put at risk if London doesn't follow the US lead. Even Donald Trump's partial climbdown in his anti-Huawei push – allowing the Chinese telco to buy from American suppliers – is unlikely to ease the extent of US concern about the direction of British policy.


There's speculation May will release a statement on Huawei this week or next, although it's thought likely merely to confirm there are both risks and opportunities from Chinese participation in Britain's 5G rollout.


She would thus leave the final decision for the probable next prime minister, Boris Johnson, who takes office next Wednesday. Johnson might also appoint a new home secretary, replacing Sajid Javid, before the Five Country Ministerial takes place.


Johnson hasn't made his detailed thoughts known on the Huawei question, except to say that “we should not be doing anything that will deter co-operation with our most valuable intelligence partners, the Five Eyes” – a formulation that, as ever with Mr Johnson, leaves some wriggle room.


Conservative MP and parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee member Bob Seely said the new leader had a major, and pretty urgent call to make.


"This is one of the big decisions of the 21st century. Not quite on a par with Brexit but not far off," he told The Australian Financial Review.



Anonymous ID: dd3278 July 21, 2019, 12:50 a.m. No.7118702   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sorry for lack of RP from QRes of late. Been trying to trawl through pages of BO's off-bread Notables, so any Aus-relevant notables can be captured here.


Will hopefully get back to General breads soon, then work through backlog of breads that have amassed in the meantime.


Take care frens. WWG1WGA

Anonymous ID: dd3278 July 21, 2019, 4:52 a.m. No.7119558   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10 News First Adelaide

RP from QRes#9017


‏Verified account @10NewsFirstAdl


WATCH: The state's corruption watchdog has revealed two men have been arrested, accused of a major scandal involving the $150 million redevelopment of Yatala Prison.


2:45 AM - 15 Jul 2019

Anonymous ID: e228ce July 21, 2019, 9 a.m. No.7120822   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Intro to Qanon great for newfags send link to your mates and rellies who are on the fence about Q



Anonymous ID: dd3278 July 22, 2019, 4:56 a.m. No.7130278   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Julia Gillard Has Warned Women To Expect Violent "Rape Threats" In Public Life (2016 article)

RP from QRes#9032


Former Australian prime minister Julia Gillard has issued a shocking warning to women who want to enter public life, saying violent rape threats are an "almost daily" occurrence.



Australia's first female leader made the comments in a speech delivered in London in memory of UK politician Jo Cox, who was murdered in the street ahead of the country's Brexit vote earlier this year.


Gillard, who quit politics in 2013 after a tumultuous time as prime minister, outlined what it's like to be a notable women in the public eye.


"As a woman in public life, the violent threats take on another sickening dimension. Threats of violent abuse, of rape, are far too common. A woman in public view may expect to receive them almost daily," said Gillard.


She said the internet had allowed people to fire off the threats to female politicians, "protected by the anonymity of a Twitter handle".


"At best, these can be snarky and occasionally witty criticisms of a politician’s decisions or actions. At worst, they can take the form of detailed death threats, or threats of violence against family, friends and staff."

Gillard has endorsed and appeared in advertising for Hillary Clinton during her presidential campaign and said Donald Trump's recent attacks include a "subtle endorsement" of violence against the former secretary of state.

Anonymous ID: dd3278 July 22, 2019, 5:42 a.m. No.7130510   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gas explosion in NZ

RP from QRes#9072

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 22, 2019, 11:31 a.m. No.7134547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Repost from Q Research General #9127:


>>7133811 (pb)

Prime Minister and Mrs. Morrison of Australia will visit the White House for the second U.S. State Visit in September!


10:22 AM - 22 Jul 2019

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 23, 2019, 12:10 a.m. No.7143312   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alexander Downer Tweet

With @GeorginaDowner at Kensington Wine Rooms. I’m spying on her for CIA, FBI, MI6, ASIS, ASIO and many more!!! Another fantastic conspiracy theory is born! @GeorgePapa19


George Papadopoulos' Response

Downer really wants another drink with me at the Kensington Wine Rooms. Let’s make it happen!


>Define 'Projection'.

>Define 'Getting Ahead of the Story'.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 23, 2019, 12:55 a.m. No.7143499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3935 >>3960

Donald Trump grants his second state dinner at White House to Scott Morrison


United States President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump are hosting an official visit and state dinner in September for Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his partner, Jenny Morrison.


This marks only the second state dinner that Mr Trump has held since he became president.


The first was for French President Emmanuel Macron in April 2018.


The invitation is also the first by a US president to an Australian prime minister since former president George W Bush hosted John Howard in 2006.


In a congratulatory call with Mr Morrison after he won the 2019 Australian election, Mr Trump likened the victory to his presidential win in 2016.


When the two leaders later met on the sidelines of the 2019 G20 summit in Osaka, Mr Trump praised the trading relationship between Washington and Canberra.


"I think Australia is a good example. We've worked together very closely — just recently, on a big trade situation," he said.


The dinner will happen on September 20.


In a press statement, the White House said the visit would celebrate the close bonds between the two countries.


"The visit will celebrate our two countries' close friendship and shared history, and reaffirm our common vision for global peace, security, and prosperity," the statement read.


President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Announce Official Visit and State Dinner with Australia


The President and First Lady will welcome Prime Minister and Mrs. Morrison of Australia to the White House on September 20, 2019, for an official visit, which will include a state dinner. The visit will celebrate our two countries’ close friendship and shared history, and reaffirm our common vision for global peace, security, and prosperity.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 2:48 a.m. No.7143898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3917 >>4030 >>4121

Huge Blast in Christchurch -

RP from QRes#9069


Huge blast in CHCH,


Apparently 5 people hurt in explosion.


'Like a bomb went off': Explosion at Christchurch house heard across city


A massive bang has sounded out across Christchurch after an explosion at a house.


It is believed five people had suffered moderate injuries, St John says.


The incident is at a house on Marble Court in the Christchurch suburb of Northwood.


Facebook users reported hearing what sounded like an explosion all over the city, from Avondale, Bryndwr, Woolston, Parkland and Redwood, of which the resident said their house shook.


A worker at a nearby motel and holiday park said the explosion shook nearby homes and sounded like a bomb had gone off.


A worker at a nearby motel and holiday park said the explosion shook nearby homes and sounded like a bomb had gone off.


"It was more than an earthquake, you'd think a bomb had gone off."


She said insulation and small debris had fallen down from the sky onto her property.


A bystander says the debris is spread across the road.


Fire officers have been instructed to wear hard hats and safety equipment.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 2:55 a.m. No.7143917   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Gas explosion in NZ

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 3:24 a.m. No.7144030   🗄️.is 🔗kun



'It's matchsticks' - gas blast destroys Christchurch house, 6 hurt

RP from QRes#9074


Six people have been injured and rushed to hospital - with injuries ranging from serious to critical - after a gas explosion destroyed a house in Christchurch and sent debris flying 100 metres in all directions.


Fifty residents have been evacuated after the blast ripped through the house on Marble Court in the suburb of Northwood. Emergency services have cordoned off the scene and fire teams are investigating any other


One of the first neighbours on the scene, former police officer Bradley Culver said he was amazed no one was killed.


Moar weird shit from Christ's Church

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 3:48 a.m. No.7144113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4488

Epsteins Temple features a cockatoo statue

RP from QRes#9077


A Cockatoo is a Lookout


".. whenever there is a flock on the ground, there is at least one high up in a tree (usually a dead tree), keeping guard.


This is so well known that it has even entered Australian slang: a person keeping guard for sudden police raids on illegal gambling gatherings is referred to as a cockatoo or cocky for short."

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 3:50 a.m. No.7144121   🗄️.is 🔗kun




RP from QRes#9077

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 3:57 a.m. No.7144142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4502

Commentary on Julia Gillard

RP from QRes#9078


In a death bed confession a high level Satanist in a Australia hints that former prime minister of Australia Julia Gillard is a Satanist known as the "Toilet Vampiress".


'In his last testimony, Satanist Frater 616 writes that "Some of the deadliest, most effective and disarming assassins are women… the Outer Head of the Alpha Lodge Australasia is a very highly placed and successful Federal politician–whose Satanic name is Bestia." Many believe he is referring to Julia Gillard'

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 5:06 a.m. No.7144457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Roman Polanski's 13-year-old Rape Victim Breaks her Silence


60 Minutes Australia


Published on Jul 20, 2019


(2013) It was one off the biggest scandals in the world. In 1977, Hollywood director and producer Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl, at the home of actor Jack Nicholson. The story made international headlines and when he fled America to avoid sentencing, it only got bigger. 36 years later, US authorities are still trying to bring Roman Polanski to justice. His 13 year old victim was Samantha Geimer. She's never forgotten what happened to her all those years ago. On 60 Minutes, Samantha tells her story. What she has to say is difficult, challenging and most definitely not what you might expect.


(14 minute video)

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 5:51 a.m. No.7144704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4712

'Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run The World' Claims Nicole Kidman

RP from QRes#9109


“Stanley told me the world is run by pedophiles,” Nicole Kidman said while promoting HBO’s Big Little Lies, in Los Angeles. “He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and he said the elite, the top secret societies, they are full of men with a certain predilection. They are tied together, sort of bonded, by pedophilia.


“They all know each other’s dark secrets. There is no way out for any of them. It’s a lifetime bond. Even if one of them wanted to go straight, repent, so to speak, he can’t. His peers will bring him down. They are in it until death, driving the world to ruin. That’s kind of how Stanley explained it but it was all very complex. I’m probably not doing it justice.”


Kidman said that Stanley had said that the world is run by pedophiles. She was talking during an interview to promote Big Little Lies in LA. She went on to say that the director had studied secret societies all of his life and that he had become fascinated by them. Kubrick said that the elite of the top secret societies had been full of men who had certain predilections and who were all tied by pedophilia.


Kubrick said that all of them knew the dark secrets of everyone else and that there was no way out for them as it was a bond that lasted a lifetime. He continued by saying that even if one of them were to want to go straight, he would not be able to do so as his peers would bring him down. Kubrick said that they were in it until death and they were driving the world to ruin.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 5:52 a.m. No.7144712   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Adding to that…The Ninth Circle

RP from QRes#9109


“Nicole kidman's clinical psychologist father, Dr. Antony Kidman, died in 2014 after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring called the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice cult. A month prior, Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman’s sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. When the Commission opened an investigation, Kidman suddenly left his 43 year tenure as clinical psychologist with the Sydney University of Technology and Royal North Shore Hospital to stay in Singapore until he died. Corey Feldman has long said paedophilia is the biggest problem facing Hollywood. On his reality series, The Two Coreys, which he starred in alongside Haim, the pair had a full, frank and sometimes painful discussion about the sexual abuse they both suffered as children.


Over sixty eyewitnesses such as Barnett have testified of Ninth Circle child sacrifice and pedophile activities that spanned the globe, including criminal activities against children in the Americas, Netherlands and UK commonwealth countries such as Australia.


The Ninth Circle was also said to have well organized and secretive human hunting parties that included pedophilia. Privately owned forest groves were believed used in the US, Canada, France and Holland. It appeared children and teens were obtained by the criminal drug syndicate Octopus, which was believed connected to the Vatican. The kidnapped children and teens were said to be stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed.


You have to wonder - what happened to Nicole Kidman after growing up with a father who was a clinical psychologist under investigation for child sexual and physical assaults?”

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 5:57 a.m. No.7144748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Over 60 Australian planes grounded after fatal crash in Sweden

RP from QRes#9110


A total of 63 Australian-made planes have been grounded around the world following the fatal crash of an aircraft in Sweden in which nine people died. The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority ordered the suspension of GA8 aircrafts by Victoria-based manufacturer GippsAero, pending Swedish and EU investigations into the July 14 incident.


READ MORE: Small plane crashes in Sweden, killing 9


The aircraft in Sweden was being used by a parachuting group when it crashed in what local officials described as one of the country’s worst aviation accidents.


The GA8 plane suspension order lasts until August 3.

Anonymous ID: d07282 July 23, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.7149989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0195

From QRB #33 >>25875


Interesting spin on recent happenings.

July 23, 2019


Military Operation To Evacuate Trump Begins After Mueller Bombshell Explodes In Austrian Court … By: Sorcha Faal


A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the prescient coming clean of President Putin in his response to the “meddling” in the 2016 US Presidential Election confirming that it is “perfectly clear Ukrainian oligarchs gave money to Trump's opponents”, states this entire sordid American affair took a much more ominous turn last week after everything that Special Counsel Robert Mueller tried to do against Trump “exploded like a bombshell” in an Austrian courtroom—a courtroom where the extradition of Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash to the US was put on hold after it was shockingly revealed that the Obama Regime Justice Department had fabricated the charges against him—charges Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann offered to drop in their entirety if Firtash would lie under oath saying Trump was being financed by Russia—an illegal coup plot Firtash and his American attorneys outright told Weissmann they would in no way be a part of—and as this vast coup plot continues unraveling, putting numerous high-level American elites in grave danger of being charged with treason—now sees the United States Army moving quickly to protect President Trump in what is being described as an “emerging classified flight mission”—the full dimensions of which were displayed yesterday when at least 10 UH-60 Black Hawk heavily armed combat helicopters flooded the skies in and around Washington, D.C.—and whose obvious mission would be to evacuate Trump from the White House if his enemies launch an attack against him.

Anonymous ID: d07282 July 23, 2019, 2:28 p.m. No.7150213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As Predicted – Mueller Will Not Testify Alone – Handler Aaron Zebley Now Added

Posted on July 23, 2019

The schemes of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler are predictable. As we said three months ago, Robert Mueller would not be allowed to testify without a handler. Small group participant Aaron Zebly will now join Mueller for his testimony. This has always been the plan, but strategically announced today.

Remember, Mueller’s team is working closely with Nadler’s team; they are part of the same purpose. They are all part of the same network. The impeachment objective is a group effort from inside government & outside (Lawfare). These are not separate groups.

The pre-planning was why Chairman Nadler hired Lawfare Group members to become committee staff. Chairman Schiff hired former SDNY U.S. Attorney Daniel Goldman (link), and Chairman Nadler hired Obama administration lawyer Norm Eisen and criminal defense attorney Barry Berke (link). All these participants are within the Lawfare network. Aaron Zebly is just another key player in the coordinated group.

WASHINGTON – Former special counsel Robert Mueller has made a last-minute request to have one of his longtime aides appear as a witness during his highly-anticipated testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, one congressional source told NBC News on Tuesday.

Mueller has requested that Aaron Zebley appear with him when he testifies on Wednesday about his report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and collusion and obstruction by President Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 24, 2019, 1:53 a.m. No.7158089   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report Finds The Average Person Swallows The Plastic Equivalent Of A Credit Card Every Week

RP from QRes#9117


We consume plastic every day. And that quantity is growing as each day we let our planet get inundated in a plastic tide. The thick bed of plastic floating on the sea; the beasts and birds choking to death on plastic; it all used to be a part of the dining table conversation. And then suddenly we find that it is a part of our diet. We are surrounded by plastic and almost all of the food that the modern man consumes is either packed in plastic or has plastic mixed in it, in some form of the other.


Already, the quantity is alarming. WWF, the global environment charity has put the quantity at 5 grams, the weight of a credit card. The alarming news focuses on the extent to which this pollution has spread.


The study initiated by the University of Newcastle, Australia, concluded that the average person is consuming more than 2000 bits of plastic less than 1 mm every week, which adds up to 250 grams a year. Almost 90% of that comes from drinking water, both tap and bottled.


Seafood is the worst affected segment where direct consumption of plastic is the norm. Shellfish lovers eat up to 11,000 fragments of plastic in their seafood every year. Even if we absorb 1% of all that enters our body, it still is quite a significant quantity. A third of the fish caught off the UK had plastic in it.


The plastic serving at the dinner table starts with the ubiquitous salt pot. It is usually made of plastic and now it contains some too. And so does your beer. European tap water has a generous share of plastic with every litre containing at least 4 plastic fibres.


Increased awareness of the presence of microplastics and the harm it causes has also thrown up this alarming statistic; an accurate calculation of the amount of plastic that we ingest.


Plastic has littered the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest place on earth; it is there at its highest point up there on Mt. Everest. it has been found in Arctic sea ice and littered on the peaks of the remote French Pyrenees.


But what has alarmed people the most is the realization that they are ingesting it too. And there is no way they can avoid it.


The study of the effects of ingesting plastic is still in its nascent stages. The long term effects are unknown. Respiratory distress caused by inhalation of plastic fibers and inflammation of respiratory tracts is known. Some chemicals like bisphenol-A(BPA) and phthalates are potential carcinogens. Reproductive malformations and developmental disorders can also occur.


The convenience of plastic in our lives is slowly being superseded by the nuisance of plastic, especially when we are being forced to ingest them. No nation is immune to the problem, so no section of the social strata is above the nuisance. The steps taken so far have been perfunctory at best. Banning the use of plastic bags or restricting the use of straw is okay for the media. But unless a total control of the production of plastic is initiated at a global level as in the case of green gases, let’s continue to have plastic as a side dish and perhaps as a main course in a few decades.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 24, 2019, 1:57 a.m. No.7158098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Dubai royal insider breaks silence on escaped princesses

RP from QRes#9121


60 Minutes Australia


Published on Jul 21, 2019


For the first time, Dubai royal family member and palace insider, Marcus Essabri, exposes what life is like inside the royal family. In a world exclusive interview with 60 Minutes, he says the freedoms of women are severely restricted, and there are torturous consequences for those who dare to defy those in power.


also she's the Sister of the King of Jordan

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 24, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.7158115   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New gun laws explained, but Government gets critical detail wrong

RP from QRes#9122

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 24, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.7158123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8180

Assange hit piece (47mins) just aired in Australia on the ABC. His detractors had 90% of airtime.

RP from QRes#9123


Four Corners: Hero or Villain? (Part 1 of 2)


Next week: Assange and the 2016 campaign. Russia Russia Russia.



Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 24, 2019, 2:08 a.m. No.7158142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump invites ScoMo to the WH

RP from QRes#9124


** The President and First Lady will welcome Prime Minister and Mrs. Morrison of Australia to the White House on September 20, 2019, for an official visit, which will include a state dinner. The visit will celebrate our two countries’ close friendship and shared history, and reaffirm our common vision for global peace, security, and prosperity.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 24, 2019, 2:12 a.m. No.7158153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8156

Q Post #3471

Bigger than most realize.

[Be Ready], [Bob]



John Solomon Tweet


Breaking: DOJ Russia review targeting key figure, conclusion in Mueller report. Prosecutors seek access to professor Joseph Mifsud to determine if any improper surveillance occurred on George Papadopoulos.


Robert Mueller soon may be exposed as the 'magician of omission' on Russia


The Mueller report has glaring omissions that leave key questions unanswered, especially about how the FBI's probe of Trump began.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 24, 2019, 2:13 a.m. No.7158156   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Graham says he will call Papadopoulos to testify


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said he plans to call former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos to testify as part of a “deep dive” into the early stages of the FBI probe into Russia's election interference.


“The committee will be looking at the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign. We will call Papadopoulos and we will find out what happened,” Graham said at the start of a hearing Tuesday with FBI Director Christopher Wray.


Graham said that the panel would conduct a “deep dive into 2016 surveillance by the FBI,” reiterating plans he has long had to investigate the origins of the Russia probe.


Papadopoulos declined to comment Tuesday when reached by The Hill.


Republicans have long raised questions about the origins of the probe into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, alleging FBI agents were biased against President Trump in their decisions. They have also raised questions about the role played by the controversial Steele dossier in the FBI’s application for a warrant to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.


Democrats have accused Republicans of promoting baseless conspiracy theories in an attempt to undermine the investigation, which was eventually taken over by now-former special counsel Robert Mueller.


Mueller’s 448-page report confirms that the FBI began investigating potential coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia after Papadopoulos told a foreign diplomat that the Trump campaign “had received indications from the Russian government that it could assist the Campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging to candidate [Hillary] Clinton.”


Mueller, who will testify before two House committees on Wednesday, did not uncover sufficient evidence to charge members of the campaign with conspiring with Russia to meddle in then election.


Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in connection with Mueller’s investigation in 2017. He served a short prison term last year and has become a vocal critic of the FBI and the investigation, claiming it was “entrapped” by Western intelligence.


Graham said he would wait to jump-start his investigation until after Justice Department inspector general concludes his own inquiry into the FBI’s actions in applying for the Page warrant.


Attorney General William Barr has also opened a separate investigation into whether intelligence collection on the Trump campaign — which he termed “spying” — was adequately predicated. Democrats have accused the attorney general of promoting a conspiracy theory and undermining the intelligence community.


Wray has previously testified that he had no evidence personally that the FBI engaged in illegal surveillance during the 2016 campaign.


Wray was testifying Tuesday as part of a general oversight hearing focused on the FBI.


Under questioning from Graham, Wray said that Russia has not been deterred by sanctions and other measures and is still engaging in foreign influence campaigns against U.S. elections.


“The Russians are absolutely intent on trying to interfere with our elections through foreign influence,” Wray said.


When asked if Russia had not been deterred, the FBI director replied: “My view is, until they stop, they haven’t been deterred enough.”


New George Papadopoulos Tweet


First Mifsud. Downer is next.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 24, 2019, 2:21 a.m. No.7158180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4795


Hero or Villain: The Prosecution of Julian Assange | Four Corners


Julian Assange is one of the most influential figures to emerge this century. The Australian born founder of WikiLeaks has harnessed the technology of the digital age to unleash an information war against governments and corporations.


WikiLeaks has collaborated with anonymous sources to release highly classified and often deeply embarrassing information to the world.


The organisation exploded onto the world stage in 2010 when it began publishing a series of spectacular leaks laying bare the conduct of the United States. At the centre of it all was Julian Assange.


The leaks sparked ferocious debate over the right to know and the right to keep secrets.


Now Julian Assange is in the fight of his life. In April this year he was dragged, protesting, from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, nearly seven years after seeking diplomatic protection.


He is facing extradition to the United States on espionage charges stemming from the spectacular 2010 leaks by Private Chelsea Manning.


Everyone has an opinion about Julian Assange, but now you will hear from those who have been on the inside.


Four Corners investigates the prosecution of Julian Assange in key interviews with those at the heart of WikiLeaks and those who have sought to bring him to US justice. These insider accounts give powerful insights into how these momentous events have unfolded.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 24, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.7166177   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q Post #3472





Q Post #3473


There are Puppets.

There are Puppet Masters.

Which is [MUELLER]?

Attempt to replace [JC] as FBI Dir FAILED [attempt to regain FBI control].

Plot & Plan [backup] to initiate SC to safeguard against criminal prosecution re: illegal and criminal actions?


[SC = loss of FBI command/control safeguard]

DOJ depends on what agency for investigating criminal actions?


[MUELLER] [Epstein bury & cover-up].

[MUELLER] [plot to remove duly elected POTUS].






Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 25, 2019, 12:46 a.m. No.7179082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9154

More George Papadopoulos Tweets


Halper and Downer spying. Bring it up.


The heat is now on the Clinton errand boy, and wannabe spy, Alexander Downer. The world will love to see the secret recordings of my “meeting” with him. They will be out as soon as Mifsud provides his deposition to Durham. Glorious.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 25, 2019, 12:48 a.m. No.7179090   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Republicans grill Mueller about Downer


Former US Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been grilled at two congressional hearings in Washington DC about Alexander Downer’s role in sparking the Russian influence probe into Donald Trump’s presidential election campaign.


The questioning centred on a meeting at a London bar in May 2016 between Mr Downer, then Australia’s high commissioner to the UK, and Mr Trump’s campaign aide, George Papadopoulos.


Mr Mueller was also quizzed about a mysterious Maltese diplomat, Joseph Mifsud, who Mr Papadopoulos claims is the person who told him Russia had dirt on Mr Trump’s presidential rival Hillary Clinton.


“So Downer conveys a rumour he supposedly heard about a conversation between Papadopoulos and Joseph Mifsud,” Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, told Mr Mueller on Wednesday.


“(Former FBI director) James Comey has publicly called Mifsud a Russian agent.


“Yet your report does not refer to Mifsud as a Russian agent.


“Misfud has extensive contacts with Western governments and the FBI.


“For example, there was a recent photo of him standing next to Boris Johnson, the new prime minister of Great Britain.


“What we are trying to figure out here, Mr Mueller, is if our NATO allies or Boris Johnson have been compromised.”


The hearing was shown a photo of Mr Mifsud standing with Mr Johnson.


Mr Mueller’s much-anticipated final report, released in April, stated the London bar meeting between Mr Downer and Mr Papadopoulos prompted the FBI on July 31, 2016 to open its probe into the Trump campaign’s links to Russia.


Mr Downer told The Australian newspaper last year Mr Papadopoulos said during the drinks session Russia had damaging material on Mrs Clinton.


Mr Papadopoulos denies telling Mr Downer this.


Mr Papadopoulos, a 31-year-old from Chicago, pleaded guilty last year and was sentenced to 14 days’ prison for lying to the FBI about his contact with Russian nationals and Mr Mifsud.


Mr Papadopoulos has claimed Australian, UK and US intelligence agencies targeted him in the lead-up to Mr Trump’s election win.


Mr Downer has strongly rejected claims he was spying on Mr Papadopoulos.


Republicans peppered Mr Mueller with questions about Mr Downer and Mr Papadopoulos on Wednesday, but Mr Mueller largely avoided providing answers.


Ohio Republican Jim Jordan listed Mr Downer, Australian official Erika Thompson, Mr Mifsud and Cambridge Professor Stefan Halper among “human sources” the FBI used to “swirl around” Mr Papadopoulos.


Mr Papadopoulos has also claimed a woman, Azra Turk, was sent to spy on him.


“Names like Halper, Downer, Mifsud, Thompson meeting in Rome, London, all kinds of places,” Mr Jordan told Mr Mueller.


“The FBI even sent a lady posing as somebody else, went by the name Azra Turk.


“Even dispatched her to London to spy on Mr Papadopoulos.


“In one of these meetings, Mr Papadopoulos is talking to a foreign diplomat (Mr Downer) and he tells the diplomat, Russians have dirt on Clinton.


“That diplomat then contacts the FBI and the FBI opens an investigation based on that fact.”

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 25, 2019, 1 a.m. No.7179154   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Alexander Downer accused of spying by US Republicans in Mueller probe


The former Trump staffer at the heart of allegations into Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election has taken to Twitter to attack the former Australian foreign affairs minister and ambassador to the UK.


George Papadopoulos has accused Alexander Downer of being a "Clinton errand boy and a wannabe spy", after former US Special Counsel Robert Mueller was grilled in a congressional hearing in Washington DC on Wednesday.


The questioning centred on a now-infamous meeting at a London bar in May 2016 between Downer, who was then Australia's high commissioner to the UK, and Papadopoulos, who was working on Donald Trump's presidential campaign at the time.


The final report into Mueller's investigation into whether anyone on the Republican Trump team conspired with Russia to discredit his Democrat opponent - and whether Trump himself then sought to obstruct justice by hindering the investigation - named the meeting in the London bar as the catalyst for an FBI investigation into alleged Russian interference that was launched two months later.


Over gin and tonics at the swank Kensington Wine Rooms in London, Downer says Papadopoulos told him Russia was sitting on damaging material the could derail Hillary Clinton's campaign.


Papadopoulos, who was subsequently convicted of lying to the FBI, has consistently denied this allegation made by his nemesis, who he dubs "the Devil from Downunder" in his memoir Deep State Target.


Papadopoulos claims he was set up by Downer, who was acting for Australian, UK and US intelligence agencies, a claim the former Australian ambassador says is "a little bit sad".


Twitter taunt


On Tuesday, Downer appeared to be goading Papadopoulos on Twitter, by revisiting the Kensington Wine Rooms with his daughter Georgina and tagging the former Trump aide.


"With @GeorginaDowner at Kensington Wine Rooms. I’m spying on her for CIA, FBI, MI6, ASIS, ASIO and many more!!! Another fantastic conspiracy theory is born! @GeorgePapa19"


On Wednesday, Republicans peppered Mueller with questions about whether Downer had been sent to spy on Papadopoulos.


Ohio Republican Jim Jordan listed Downer and an Australian official, Erika Thompson, who was working with him at the time, as two of four "human sources" the FBI used to "swirl around" Papadopoulos.


"In one of these meetings, Mr Papadopoulos is talking to a foreign diplomat (Downer) and he tells the diplomat, 'Russians have dirt on Clinton'," Jordan said.


"That diplomat then contacts the FBI and the FBI opens an investigation based on that fact."


Russian connections


Papadopoulos, a 31-year-old from Chicago, pleaded guilty last year and was sentenced to 14 days' prison for lying to the FBI about his contact with Russian nationals and an inscrutable Maltese identity called Joseph Mifsud, who is believed to have high-level connections within the Russian government.


Papadopoulos claims it was Mifsud who told him Russia had dirt on Trump's presidential rival Clinton.


Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, suggested Downer was acting as an informant for the FBI.


"So Downer conveys a rumour he supposedly heard about a conversation between Papadopoulos and Joseph Mifsud," Nunes said to Mueller at Wednesday's hearing.


"(Former FBI director) James Comey has publicly called Mifsud a Russian agent.


"Yet your report does not refer to Mifsud as a Russian agent.


"Misfud has extensive contacts with Western governments and the FBI.


"For example, there was a recent photo of him standing next to Boris Johnson, the new prime minister of Great Britain.


"What we are trying to figure out here, Mr Mueller, is if our NATO allies or Boris Johnson have been compromised."


The hearing was shown a photo of Mifsud standing with Johnson.


Trump has claimed the Mueller report completely exonerated him from all allegations of Russian collusion and interference in the investigation.


In his congressional testimony on Wednesday, Mueller said he had not exonerated Trump of obstruction of justice.


But he said charges were never considered because he received legal advice that a sitting president was constitutionally immune from indictment and criminal prosecution.


However, Mueller agreed there was no legal impediment to a president being charged with a crime after leaving office.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 25, 2019, 1:13 a.m. No.7179222   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller: Trump Gave a ‘Boost’ to WikiLeaks’ ‘Illegal Activity’


The remarks, made by the former special counsel in his second hearing, were the closest Mueller came to directly criticizing the president.


Robert Mueller saw Trump’s praise of WikiLeaks as a big red flag.


In his testimony to the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday, the former special counsel criticized the president’s fondness for the group that published emails stolen from Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the 2016 presidential campaign.


Pressed by Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) about Trump’s effusive praise for WikiLeaks on the campaign trail, Mueller was unequivocal.


“‘It’s problematic’ is an understatement, in terms of what it displays in terms of giving some hope or some boost to what is and should be illegal activity,” he said.


The awkwardly phrased comment was Mueller’s most pointed public criticism of the president—strongly insinuating that Trump took the side of criminals during the campaign.


Quigley also asked Mueller if he shared Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s view that WikiLeaks is a hostile foreign intelligence service.


“Absolutely,” Mueller replied, “and they are currently under indictment.”


Quigley also asked Mueller about communications during the campaign between the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., and WikiLeaks.


“Disturbing, and also subject to investigation,” he said.


Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, was in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for the duration of Trump’s campaign.


While he was there, his group published emails that hackers stole from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, well after it was revealed that Russian intelligence officers were responsible for those hacks.


At the same time, Assange and Trump associates pushed the baseless conspiracy theory that Seth Rich––a murdered DNC staffer––actually leaked the emails to the group as part of a whistleblowing operation. The attempted cover-up was highlighted in Mueller’s report, and the Seth Rich conspiracy has since been folded into the QAnon conspiracy theory, which many Trump supporters also believe.


Assange took refuge in the embassy in London in 2012, when he was facing imminent extradition to Sweden for questioning in a rape and sexual-assault investigation.


Ecuador began tiring of Assange after a change in the country’s leadership, and lost patience entirely when Wikileaks promoted a leak of emails stolen from the account of Ecuador’s new president, Lenín Moreno. On April 11 of this year, the embassy allowed entry to British police who arrested Assange for jumping bail. The U.S. Justice Department immediately unsealed an indictment charging Assange with conspiring with his first prominent source, then-Army intelligence officer Chelsea Manning.


In May, the DOJ unsealed a superseding indictment charging Assange under the Espionage Act for publishing the Manning material. Many First Amendment advocates see the indictment as an unprecedented attack on the rights of publishers. Assange is fighting extradition in the UK courts.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 25, 2019, 1:23 a.m. No.7179257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0307

George Pell mural removed by car park because it was 'offensive'


A mural depicting a satanic figure hovering over a handcuffed George Pell stood just 50 metres from the entrance to St Mary's Cathedral College and less than 100 metres from the front door of the disgraced archbishop's former residence.


It was never going to last.


At some point over the past week, the graffiti art was removed from a Domain Car Park entrance on St Mary's Road - and the church insists it had nothing to do with it.


A spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of Sydney confirmed to it had contacted Wilson Parking to complain about the mural but had been assured the company was already in the process of removing the controversial image.


"The Archdiocese frequently alerts the Sydney of City to any vandalism or graffiti around the cathedral precinct," a statement from the church said.


"However, in this instance, the graffiti in question was done on property belonging to Wilson Parking Domain Car Park.


"When the archdiocese contacted Domain Car Park we were told the manager of it had already organised for it to be removed."




Wilson Parking will only say that it was removed in response to complaints.


“We’re not seeking to make any kind of statement, religious or otherwise, but have simply acted upon complaints from members of the public who find the painting offensive," a spokesman said.


“The painting was done on private property without permission, and in close proximity to a nearby primary school.


"Because of this, and because some find the content offensive, a decision was taken to remove it.


Wilson Parking said it only removed the Pell section of the overall graffiti because, although the remaining artwork was "unsightly", there were "potential restrictions relating to the underlying murals … (and) we have not received complaints about it."


Artist disappointed


The artist responsible for the mural, Scott Marsh, said it wasn't the first time his work involving a religious theme has been destroyed.


"Shortly after the same-sex marriage Yes result I had a mural titled “the happy ending” which featured Tony Abbott and George Pell destroyed," he told


"And in the days after, my mural of George Michael as ‘Saint George’ was destroyed in Newtown.


"It's disappointing but not surprising that the Catholic Archdiocese wanted this work removed.


"There is a long history of protecting and covering up paedophilia in the church, this is just another example of sweeping it under the rug."


A third Pell mural depicting the Cardinal - who is serving a minimum three years and eight months in a Melbourne jail for historical child sex abuse offences - remains intact as of Thursday, in Sydney's inner-city suburb of Redfern.


Pell is appealing his conviction.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 25, 2019, 2:35 a.m. No.7179549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Breaking Bad Meets Bad Braking: Man Transporting $140 Million In Meth Crashes Into Cop Car

RP from QRes#9148


An Australian man was found transporting over $140 million in methamphetamines after he crashed his van into a police car outside of a Sydney police station, according to the New South Wales Police.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 25, 2019, 4 a.m. No.7179974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9982

Serial killer fears after couple shot dead on Canada’s ‘highway of tears’

RP from QRes#9183


Saturday 20 Jul 2019 12:59 pm


Lucas Fowler Chynna Deese Australian Lucas Fowler, 23, and his American girlfriend, Chynna Deese, 24, were killed after their vehicle broke down in British Columbia, Canada.


Australian Lucas Fowler, 23, and his American girlfriend, Chynna Deese, 24, were driving towards a cattle ranch in British Colombia when they were shot at close range. Police said they have also found a third body on the same stretch of the Alaska Highway and are attempting to find out if it is linked.


The 450-mile road has been dubbed the ‘Highway of Tears’ with up to 50 women vanishing or being murdered there since 1970. Locals are terrified there could be a serial killer on the loose as there have been six deaths in the past year. In 2015 women were warned not to hitchhike in the area.


Australian Lucas Fowler, 23, and his American girlfriend, Chynna Deese, 24, were driving in a Blue 1986 Chevrolet van towards a cattle ranch in British Columbia when they died. Witnesses claim their car broke down on the side of Alaska Highway. That is the last time they were seen alive. Their bodies were found around 20km from the popular Liard Hot Springs.


NSW Assistant Commissioner Mark Jones said in a press conference that both had been shot in 'horrific circumstances'. Police believe their deaths are not linked to any other active or ongoing investigation. Their bodies were found around 20km from the popular Liard Hot Springs The couple were at the start of a tour around ‘the top half of the globe’ (Picture: Facebook) Lucas and Chynna were last seen by the side of their blue 1986 Chevrolet about 15 miles south of Liard Hot Springs on Sunday afternoon. Their bodies were found at 7am the next day.


Chynna had recently graduated from university while Lucas was working on a cattle ranch in Canada. The pair were at the start of a road trip around the ‘top half of the globe.’ The couple’s friends and family said they had previously travelled across Europe and Asia together and were always ‘sensible and cautious.’

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 25, 2019, 4:01 a.m. No.7179982   🗄️.is 🔗kun



con't One of the last people to see the couple alive said both were happy just hours before their deaths. Curtis Broughton said he saw them in arm chairs close to their blue van on the Alaska Highway. He said: ‘Obviously their van had broken down but they were still happy and smiling. ‘They were having lunch or a bit of a meal when we pulled up.’ He said he and his wife stopped to help the pair but he realised the young Australian had the problem under control.


Curtis said he was ‘shocked’ when he turned on the news later in the week and found out the pair had been murdered. Their bodies were found on the Highway of Tears. The remote stretch of road was given the grisly nickname Highway of Tears after a string of women were discovered in shallow graves or simply vanished without a trace.


Signs along the highway warn of a serial killer on the loose - cautioning girls not to hitchhike. But many of the missing belong to remote indigenous communities, who are forced to hitchhike as they have little or no transport or phone coverage. A shocking 2014 report by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police identified 1,049 murdered and 172 missing aboriginal women dating back to 1980.


Sergeant Janelle Shoihet said in a statement this morning: ‘We recognise this news is troubling for the entire community and absolutely appreciate there are concerns for safety, in an area that is popular with nature enthusiasts and tourists.


‘This investigation is in its very infancy and it is not yet clear whether Lucas and Chynna were targeted or if this was a crime of opportunity. ‘At this point, we have nothing to indicate that their deaths are linked to any other active and ongoing investigations in the area, or if there is a heightened risk to public safety. ‘This is a unique circumstance and not one I am personally aware of in recent years.’


The first recorded death on the highway was in 1969 when the body of Gloria Moody was found after she failed to return home from a bar. Since then dozens more women have vanished on that stretch of road while several bodies have been found in shallow graves. Last year, three women were murdered or went missing while on the Alaska Highway through British Colombia.


Last July, the body of 34-year-old Chantelle Catherine Simpson was found in the Skeena River. In September, Jessica Patrick, aged 18, vanished after last being seen at a McDonald’s restaurant. Her remains were found down a steep embankment. On December 23, Cynthia Martin disappeared from Hazelton and the 50-year-old has not been seen since. The deaths of Lucas and Chynna and the mysterious third body take the total to six in the past 12 months.


Read more:

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 25, 2019, 11:23 p.m. No.7196599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top US officials to visit Australia next week for talks with Morrison


New York: US President Donald Trump's top diplomat and his newly-installed defence chief will travel to Australia next week for meetings with Prime Minister Scott Morrison and other senior Australian politicians.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defence Mike Esper will lead the US delegation to Australia for the annual Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN) in Sydney on Sunday, August 4.


The meetings are held every year between the two countries' top foreign affairs and defence officials, alternating between the US and Australia.


They come a month before Morrison travels to Washington DC, where he will receive a rare state dinner with Trump.


Foreign Minister Marise Payne, who was then defence minister, attended last year's talks in California alongside her predecessor Julie Bishop. This will be the first time Defence Minister Linda Reynolds has participated in the talks.


This year's event comes as tensions between the US and Iran continue to escalate and with the US and China about to re-open negotiations on trade.


"As part of his AUSMIN engagement, the secretary will participate in dialogues aimed at strengthening the Alliance, working shoulder-to-shoulder with Australia to meet global and transnational challenges, and safeguarding sovereignty in Pacific Island countries and Southeast Asia," US State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said.


"The secretary will also meet with Prime Minister Morrison to discuss continued collaboration on advancing our shared set of values, principles, and overlapping interests."


Pompeo, one of Trump's most trusted advisers, will also travel to Thailand and Micronesia on the trip.


Esper was only confirmed to the position this week by the US Senate, making this his first overseas trip since being appointed the permanent defence secretary.


He replaces James Mattis, who resigned just before Christmas because of policy disagreements with the President.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 26, 2019, 4:12 a.m. No.7197943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian mom working for UN in Fiji reportedly found dead in home

RP from QRes#9188


An Australian mother working for the United Nations in Fiji was found dead in her home on Tuesday and local authorities believe she may have been murdered, according to reports.


Jennifer Downes, who was professionally known as Jenna Lusaka, was allegedly killed, and her husband, Henry Lusaka John, was left seriously injured, The Guardian reported on Wednesday.


The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade told the news outlet the agency is assisting the woman's family, but did not comment on the situation further. John reportedly remains under "police guard" at a hospital in the capital of Suva.


Downes worked for the World Food Programme (WFP), the food-assistance sector of the U.N. Farhan Haq, a deputy spokesperson for the UN secretary-general, said "The UN closely collaborates with national law enforcement authorities in Fiji in following up on this case."


In a Medium post published in June 2018, Downes described how much she loved her job as a logistics officer. The U.N. wrote that "with her zest for the role, good-humored nature, and more than 10 years of field experience, Jenna is working with partners across the Pacific on building knowledge on logistics systems, tools, and operational planning for disaster preparedness."


The mother-of-three "worked tirelessly to bring logistics tools and knowledge to the communities in the Pacific islands, helping them prepare for and respond to natural disasters," a spokesperson for the WFP told The Sydney Morning Herald.


Authorities in Suva are reportedly investigating her death as suspicious, but further information was not immediately clear.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 26, 2019, 4:21 a.m. No.7198012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8019 >>8030

Witness Statement by Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor, Fiona Barnett – Calling Out Her Pedophile Abusers

RP from QRes#9191


"I was child sex trafficked from Sydney airport to California, USA, in a cargo plane. I was gassed and stuffed in a wooden crate like an animal. During this trip, I was raped by media founder Ted Turner at a pedophile party held at Disneyland"

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 26, 2019, 4:22 a.m. No.7198019   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another RP from same bread


Articles written by Fiona Barnett (13)


23 October 2015 | Fiona Barnett: The 'Candy Girl', the Royal Commission and the NSW Police


13 October 2015 | Abuse survivor Fiona Barnett: The ‘Candy Girl’


19 March 2015 | Gold Coast hogtie doctor found guilty of assaulting 7-year-old boy


3 November 2014 | Trapped inside (Part 3): AHPRA protects alleged sex offenders


20 September 2014 | Antony Kidman dies amidst child abuse allegations


20 July 2014 | Trapped inside (Part 2): Bond University exposed


2 July 2014 | The disappointing Child Abuse Royal Commission


9 May 2014 | Trapped inside Australia’s vast child abuse network (Part 1)


12 February 2014 | Hogtie victim’s mother speaks out


10 February 2014 | Gold Coast 'hog-tie' paediatrician: More mothers speak out


27 July 2013 | Child Abuse Royal Commission ‘at risk’


26 June 2013 | NSW police protects alleged Tweed Heads paedophile ring


25 June 2013 | NSW Education Department covers up teacher’s alleged 18-year child sex abuse spree,264

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 26, 2019, 4:30 a.m. No.7198082   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pope Benedict XVI has his own Mickey Mouse ears.

RP from QRes#9192


Pope Benedict XVI has his own Mickey Mouse ears.


They are even inscribed with “Benedict XVI” on the front.


He received them from Armando Cervantes, a youth minister with the Diocese of Orange, who along with 11 others had lunch with the Pope on Thursday and brought him gifts.


They are in Sydney, Australia as a part of World Youth Day.


Cervantes, 27, is the lay leader of a group of 300 Orange County youths from the diocese who traveled to Australia. He spoke to the pope about his goals in youth ministry and, like the other 11 youth leaders at the table, shared stories about their lives and countries.


“It was an overwhelming feeling that I find it very hard to describe,” Cervantes said by phone. “We were all very giddy, joking and laughing, nervous waiting for him to come in. And when he did, there was this amazing calm as soon as he entered the room.


“You could just feel the love from him and how much we respected him like a grandfather talking to his family.


“What impressed me too was it never felt like he had an agenda of any kind,” Cervantes added. “The focus of the conversation was always on us, like we were the most important. He wanted to hear what we were doing for the ministry. I was very impressed.”


The meal, served in the rectory of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney, included sweet potato and pear soup with crusty bread; chicken; baked new potatoes and snow peas; lemon and passion fruit meringue pie; freshly squeezed orange juice, tea and coffee; and chocolates.


“It was quick,” Cervantes said. “We headed to dessert, and he was whisked away. It happened so fast. … This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I will treasure for the rest of my life.”


About 15,000 youth will celebrate a final Mass with the pope on Sunday; the Orange County youth, teenagers and young adults, will leave Australia on Tuesday. World Youth Day aims to energize young Catholics.


The pope, by the way, didn’t put on the ears.


But when he received them, he was smiling.

Anonymous ID: fe7c69 July 26, 2019, 6:02 a.m. No.7198762   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nick Cummins, Australian rugby player. Another sell out to the Vatican. The cockatoo is the tell.


Symbolism will be their downfall.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 26, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.7207332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2026

New George Papadopoulos Tweet


The lesson of this story? Don’t send clowns to try and spy on a guy who had them made within minutes of sitting down with them. Mifsud Downer, Halper, “Azra Turk” and many more in my story are just now going to get exposed for the world to see. And with them a system will fall.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 27, 2019, 12:58 a.m. No.7212026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2559


America: there were three countries that were actively colluding with the FBI/CIA to cause the chaos of the last three years in our country. It wasn’t Russia. Italy, the U.K. and Australia were willfully participating in this attack against our democracy and country. Expose them!

Anonymous ID: e1d8ed July 27, 2019, 1:24 a.m. No.7212120   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jesus fabulous&loveable 🆔split

due to YHWH energetic immaculate conception (ADAM DNA)


#MAX natural source for nonGMO sperm cells with a fertility interface 2 create healthy princes & princesses (NatureRole)


Jesus celibate or only daughters?


#MAGA multiQueens

#QAnon 👑✝️☯️


More landed in our comms:

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 27, 2019, 5:31 a.m. No.7212895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2903

8 pointed star used in Aussie coin, not 7 points as used on Aussie flag


Star has 8 points. 8 points NOT associated with Australian symbolism before this design!


The small dot also suggests Arabic stylising

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 27, 2019, 5:35 a.m. No.7212903   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another RP from QRes#9207


Symbolism of an 8 pointed star, some of which are a little creepy:


What's interesting here is that the British Commonwealth does use a 7 pointed star as its symbol, and it is on the Australian flag:


"The Commonwealth Star, in the lower left quadrant, represents the different colonies that joined together to create the Commonwealth of Australia. When the flag was first introduced, it had six points to represent the six different colonies. Because the six colonies were joining together to form a federation, the Commonwealth Star is sometimes referred to as the Federation Star.


A seventh point was added to the Commonwealth Star in 1908 to represent Australia’s territories."


Why was an 8 pointed star instead of a 7 pointed star chosen for that coin, though? Hmm, interesting.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 27, 2019, 6:10 a.m. No.7213115   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#9207


Joh Griggs' shock resignation after seven years

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 27, 2019, 6:10 a.m. No.7213120   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia seeks to dissect Big Tech algorithms & impose ‘code of conduct’ to protect privacy

RP from QRes#9215


Australia has pledged to “lift the veil” on Big Tech’s use of citizens’ data, empowering a new branch of its antitrust authority to analyze how companies like Facebook and Google decide what ads and content to show users.


“They need to be held to account and their activities need to be more transparent,” Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg told reporters on Friday following the release of a report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the country’s antitrust regulator.


The new digital platforms division would be able to peek behind the curtain at what are currently proprietary algorithms determining how tech platforms choose what content, including advertisements, their users see. It would have the power to compel tech platforms to provide information, including prices charged on advertising exchanges, and could rule on whether there was enough competition in the market.


The ACCC’s report also recommended stronger privacy laws with greater protection for personal information, including the ability to have one’s data destroyed or moved to another company and the adoption of a statutory tort for the most egregious privacy invasions. Its 23 recommendations also included protections for the press, as well as a code of conduct regulating how tech platforms can profit from user-generated content and how they evaluate complaints about inaccurate information being spread on their services. The ACCC’s reforms are open to public consultation for 12 weeks before the government decides how – or if – to implement them.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 27, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.7219237   🗄️.is 🔗kun

''"Hunters become the HUNTED."''


Europol’s most wanted arrested for online sexual exploitation of children; 8 children rescued so far


CEBU, PHILIPPINES – Philippine authorities have captured EUROPOL’s most wanted criminal for the production and distribution of child sexual exploitation materials (CSEM) on the dark-web.


A 32 year old man, was arrested on 12 April 2019 in Cebu City where thousands of images, including videos depicting children being sexually abused by an adult, were found in his possession.


Joint forces of the National Bureau of Investigations - Anti-Human Trafficking Division (NBI-AHTRAD) and the Philippine National Police - Women and Children Protection Center (PNP-WCPC) arrested the man for possession of CSEM with intent to sell, distribute, publish or broadcast, committed through the use of information communications technology.


Partner agencies from the Philippine Internet Crimes Against Children Center (PICACC) – namely, the Australian Federal Police (AFP), the United Kingdom National Crime Agency (NCA), and non-government organization International Justice Mission (IJM) – supported the operation.


NBI-AHTRAD Chief, Atty. Janet Francisco expressed that this arrest was testament to their commitment and resolve to fight the online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC). She adds, “It was a group effort, and a clear demonstration of how collaboration works, to our advantage. Certainly, there are others like him out there waiting for the opportunity to prey on helpless children, but one thing is more certain, that we are likewise waiting for the opportunity to get them!”


PNP-WCPC Chief, PBGEN William Macavinta was ashamed that Europol's number one on the list of sexual offenders is a Filipino who had abused numerous Filipino children.


“The message is very clear. Regardless of the nationality of the perpetrator or wherever he is, the WCPC will support working under PICACC to ensure global cooperation and response until the Philippines is protected from those who victimize our innocent children using the internet,” Macavinta said.


In September 2018, Queensland Police Service (QPS) forwarded a referral to the AFP who in turn referred the case to NBI and PNP. Armed with evidence acquired during investigations, a search warrant was secured on 11 April 2019 and a 32 year old man was arrested.


AFP Assistant Commissioner Debbie Platz, National Manager Crime Operations, said the arrest highlighted the impact of cross-border collaboration between foreign law enforcement in combatting the online sexual exploitation of children.


“The AFP is committed to combatting transnational child sexual exploitation, whether the offending and victims are in Australia or abroad. The arrest of such significant suspect who is accused of abusing children to produce CSEM for international dark-web distribution highlights the value of international collaboration provided by the PICACC,” Assistant Commissioner Platz said.


Children rescued


A total of eight children – neighbors and acquaintances of the suspect, were protected. In total, five children from Cebu City, one child from Liloan and two children from Iligan City were identified and given trauma-informed interventions.


All children rescued have been reintegrated back to their families and will continue to receive trauma-informed interventions.


A press release on his arrest had been embargoed due to ongoing investigations that stemmed from the arrest. Online child sexual exploitation facilitators typically share content and contacts with other local facilitators. Hence, the release of information close to the date of arrest, could potentially work against the deterrence of the crime.


All new online child sexual exploitation referrals are directed to the PICACC which opened in February 2019. The PICACC is a collective effort to combat child exploitation across the Philippines by law enforcement – the PNP, the NBI, the AFP, and the NCA; in partnership with non-government organization, IJM. This collaborative international effort protects children through an enhanced global response to combatting OSEC.


NCA Director Rob Jones said: “This case truly represents how important the PICACC and international partners are to each other in protecting children and ensuring there’s no safe place for those with a sexual interest in children.


“There is no greater priority to the NCA than catching these offenders. We are very proud to have been a part of the team that brought this suspect to justice,” Jones said.



Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 27, 2019, 11:22 p.m. No.7226169   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Massive military exercise Talisman Sabre ends in Brisbane


The end of Talisman Sabre has officially been marked with a formal closing ceremony on-board the USS Wasp, docked in The Port of Brisbane.


With a vantage point view from the flight deck of the 30-year-old war ship, the ceremony opened with the Australian and the American National Anthems.


Addressing a crowd of around 1000 military personnel, officials and special guests from both countries, Rear Admiral Fred Kacher, Commander of expeditionary strike group 7 expressed America’s love for Australia- and one of the country’s favourite snacks.


“For so many Americans, Australia is a dream destination not only for the beauty we see today, but for the great people that inhabit it,” he said.


“With another generation of young Americans now fully acquainted with Australian football- we’re still figuring out the rules.

“And biting into a Tim Tam cookie in the morning- or biscuit I should say- our time is probably just about ready to close at Talisman Sabre.


“The friendships that we’ve built will endure far beyond the exercise and it reminds us that we are all stronger together.


“Talisman Sabre represents another strong link in a bond of friendship that spans more than a century.”


Rear Admiral Kacher said the training exercise allowed both countries to work together under realistic warfare circumstances.


“Through talisman sabre 2019, we have undeniably advanced our collective interoperability,” he said.


“We stood watch side-by-side in the ships combat information centre, and we landed on the beach fighting shoulder to shoulder ashore.


The 2019 Talisman Sabre is the eighth — and the largest — in the series since its inception in 2005.


It involved 34,000 military personnel from Australia, New Zealand, the United States, UK, Canada and Japan.


Held over four weeks, it also involved 200 aircraft and 36 ships.


One of the ships that captured the most attention though was a Chinese spy ship located off the coast.


“We anticipate international interest in a major event like this, it’s to be expected,” Major General Robert Noble, Deputy Chief Joint Operations of the Australian Defence Force said.


“Nobody interfered with the exercise in any way.


“(Training) is not the same as the real thing, but it’s as close to the real thing as we can get it … you want to prepare people as best you can, so that when it gets to the real thing, it looks real, your surprises are not as many and you’re mentally prepared to adapt to the reality of combat.”


Speaking about the relationship between Australia and the US, Major General Noble said it was as strong now as ever before.


“You’re not the first Americans to come here,” he said.


“Your grandfathers were very welcome and you’re very welcome as well, and your sons and daughters will be welcome here for many years to come.”


Major General Noble said the 2019 Talisman Sabre was the most demanding, most complex and largest of the series.


Looking to the future however, Major General Noble said he predicts the next event in the series in 2021 will be the best yet.


American warships have started to disperse across the Pacific, with USS Wasp to make its way out of Australian waters in the coming days.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 28, 2019, 3:11 a.m. No.7227084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CANBERRA, Australia—Tech giants Facebook Inc. FB -0.48% and Alphabet Inc. GOOG 10.45% ’s Google could have their secretive algorithms policed by a beefed-up watchdog, under what Australia describes as world-first limits to the power that they wield over news and advertising markets.


The recommended changes—which include strengthening privacy safeguards with steep penalties of up to 10% of annual domestic turnover for the misuse of data—are listed in a report by the national competition regulator. It conducted a year-and-a-half investigation into the impact such companies have had on the country.


It comes after Facebook was hit with a $5 billion fine in the U.S. this week. A Federal Trade Commission investigation found the company had repeatedly used deceptive disclosures and account settings to lure users into sharing personal information, undermining their actual privacy preferences.


RP from QRes#9227

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 28, 2019, 3:49 a.m. No.7227228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0467

Antifa Australia: Why I founded, then quit left-wing terror group

RP from QRes#9242


I established a terror movement in Australia, and I quit


OCTOBER 25, 2017


SHAYNE Hunter established the far-left and violent Antifa movement in Australia. After four years the Brisbane man quit. Here’s why.


ANTIFA is a growing extreme group who believe violence is legitimate.


I got radicalised in Sydney. I was originally concerned about Western intervention in Syria. Radical left wing people dominated rallies and I started to associate with them more. My so-called ‘normal’ friends drifted away.


We would hang out at an anarchist library in Sydney. Here a bunch of people on the dole gather enough money to rent out the space and run a bookshop. It’s like extremist networking.


I came to believe that war was a symptom of bigger systems at play in society and they were the real enemy, like white supremacy and patriarchy. Antifa believe these systems need to be smashed through a process of ‘de-platforming’ to save the world. People who don’t necessarily agree on everything are united to attack their common enemy — anyone in the right wing of politics.


This micro-society became my life for four years.


They believe historically their roots were fighting Nazi oppression. They run a website which is updated every couple of weeks with a hit list of right wing names. They believe if these people are allowed to speak, society will suffer. So, they must be pushed back.


There is no mission statement, rather, it’s a dangerous rhetoric. There are a lot of very damaged people who are drawn to it.


Lots of activists came from Sydney University. They invited me along to some of their lectures. When I was organising the ‘Reclaim Australia’ rally and pushing Antifa into Brisbane, we delegated roles out across the gathering. Someone would print pamphlets that got our propaganda out there. Someone else would look after social media and online, we all gathered people to come.


I read that Antifa in the US is training people to shoot and punch. It’s the same here. Antifa in Sydney are doing martial arts to, as they would put it, ‘fight the Nazis’. It’s a paramilitary mindset.


It’s more dangerous than ISIS.


I was ideologically possessed for four years. I would speak louder on public transport so people could hear me speak, hoping they would hear my message.


The radical left of Antifa presents itself as being about compassion and empathy; it’s a Trojan horse. All conversations are about entitlement and rights, not responsibility. When these people talk about freedom, they really mean freedom from responsibility.


Often the people who are drawn to this cult don’t have a strong identity outside it. I’m not a psychologist but, like ISIS, it gives people a sense of belonging to something and having purpose.


A ‘social justice warrior’ cringe video appeared on my social media feed. I didn’t watch it at first. A couple of weeks later it popped up again so I pressed play. It was like seeing the entire cult through an outside lens. It woke me up. I realised that everything I had started to believe was wrong.


You don’t know humiliation until you’ve left a cult; I wasted four years of my life.


I cut ties over time. I’m still in contact with some ex-cult members but I don’t see anyone who’s still active.


In my 20-something generation, social media plays the role of a 24/7 preacher — like a pocket preacher. Each day you’re being validated by the echo chamber on your phone.


Antifa would say there is nothing good about Australian society. Their minds project that belief, and everything is filtered through this ideology.


Without doubt it’s a huge and growing threat to Australian society. It’s a miserable mindset. When I got out of it and stopped feeling oppressed, I finally felt like I could take control of my life. That’s what I intend to do now.”

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 28, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.7230467   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Confessions of a Former Anti Fascist - Shayne Hunter


Shayne Talks about his experiences in the far left-wing Anarchist/Antifa subculture and their belief system.


Shayne was involved in the Anarchist subculture for four years. Through those experiences he has learned a lot. The dangers of ideological possession, and group think, as well as realising the importance of Freedom of Speech. Enjoy.

Anonymous ID: e52760 July 28, 2019, 4:31 p.m. No.7234179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'd be interested to learn more about those underground Newcastle bath houses, in addition to Bare Island Fort in Sydney. Did some quick research online, but limited info. Admittedly, I haven't done a whole lot of digging yet.

Anonymous ID: de01bc July 28, 2019, 8:10 p.m. No.7237264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0172

From General.


Crown Casino enabled Chinese crime syndicates to launder money:'Easier than using a bank'

Junket operators are licensed by casinos to lure Chinese high-stakes gamblers .Such tour operators have been used by Crown Resorts in Melbourne and Perth

Chinese criminal syndicates have been linked to some of these Junket operators. In 2013, Roy Moo was convicted of laundering money by exploiting Crown

In 2016, the Chinese government cracked down on gambling promotion. The operation led to the arrest of 19 former and serving Crown employees.

Tour operators with links to powerful Asian crime gangs were used by Crown Resorts to lure Chinese high rollers to its Melbourne and Perth casinos, it has been claimed.

A criminal syndicate known as 'The Company' allegedly used Crown-linked bank accounts and high roller rooms to launder funds, a joint investigation by The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and 60 Minutes has revealed.

Asian criminal syndicates, known as triads, have been linked to Chinese junket operators, who are licensed to bring in wealthy punters to Australian casinos.

These junket operators specialise in marketing overseas casinos to Chinese high-stakes gamblers and can arrange trips and credit for them.

They manage the gamblers' local funds and liaise with the casinos, who pay them to drum up business.

While some junket operators are legitimate, others are controlled by Asian criminal syndicates, according to the US Government, industry analysts, and Australian law enforcement.

One of these criminal syndicates, The Company, has been linked to criminal activity in Australia for decades.

A 2013 interview between Australian Federal Police and one junket operator, released to The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and 60 Minutes, revealed he was hired by The Company because he had contacts at Crown Casino.

Roy Whye Wah Moo said he was recruited by The Company due to his 'mutual trust,' with Crown and because laundering money through the casino was 'easier than using a bank.'

In December 2013, former financial advisor Moo of Doncaster East, Victoria was jailed for two years after he admitted to using Melbourne Crown Casino linked bank accounts to launder $682,000.

Moo was an authorised representative of the Ang Junket Group – which arranged trips to Crown Casino for Asian visitors – and conducted financial transactions using a Crown Patrons Identity.

The arrest was the first confirmation The Company was exploiting Crown to launder money - with Moo revealing to police it was easier to move 'black money' through Crown than a bank.

CCTV vision of Moo uncovered during the investigation shows him dumping bundles of cash from a plastic bag onto the counter of a Crown cashier.

This money was then wired via Crown's accounts to members of The Company in Hong Kong, according to The SMH.

Crown's attempts to lure big gamblers to their Melbourne and Perth casinos prompted a Chinese government anti-corruption operation in October 2016.

The crackdown resulted in 19 former and serving Crown employees being arrested by Chinese authorities.

Jason O'Connor, head of Crown's 'international VIP' programs was convicted of promoting gambling on the Chinese mainland where it is outlawed.

Another of the 19 employees that were arrested is Jenny Jiang who spent a month in a Chinese prison.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 29, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.7240152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DOD Aust Tweet

RP from QRes#9258


U.S. Air Force Retweeted


Fueling the forces ⛽


A @usairforce KC-10A Extender air-to-air refuelling aircraft on the Brisbane International airport tarmac before taking part in a sortie for Exercise @TalismanSabre 19. #USwithAUS #TS19


📸: CPL Colin Dadd


3:00 PM - 28 Jul 2019

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 29, 2019, 2:14 a.m. No.7240172   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RP Anon responses from QRes#9259


Just watched a great report on this. This shit is nuts. Chinese were sold visas to Australia. Including Xi's cousin, who was caught on a private plane that was being stopped and searched in Australia related to the Crown crime syndicate.


Big deal in Aussie land bc it means high level people in govt were taking bribes to make it all happen. Bunch of people in China went to jail for soliciting big sharks in China to come to Australia to gamble. Yet Xi's cousin is in the middle of it, with a visa and a house in Australia and that's A-OK with Xi.


a fren who traveled to china frequently years ago told me the macau game they play is you bring the money from "they don't care" to the casino and they gave you "special" chips that could be used to place wagers but un-cashable at the cage. When you won they paid out in regular chips. So you just used those special chips to place bets and you gather the real ones, take them to cage and off you go.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 29, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.7240205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8487

News from Australia: Five Eyes intelligence alliance working to disrupt international paedophile networks.

RP from QRes#9262


Security allies wage war on child abusers


Australia will lead a global push to target online child exploitation in a bid to shut down what domestic intelligence and security agencies claim is an alarming proliferation in the live-streaming of child rape.


Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton will today meet in London with member countries of the Five Eyes intelligence network — which includes the US, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, as well as Australia — to discuss how to harness the unrivalled global reach and cyber capabilities of the ­organisation to disrupt international paedophile networks.


It is understood that Britain has agreed to elevate child exploitation to a priority issue for Five Eyes, with the US also likely to back it.


It comes as Australian Federal Police report a doubling in the number of online child exploitation cases reported last year, with an explosion in the use of live-streaming and digital platforms by networks of paedophiles on the dark web.


The Australian understands that last year the AFP received 18,000 reports through inter­national and domestic sources of online child abuse material, ­reflecting an 84 per cent increase since 2017.


Mr Dutton is also likely to argue for pressure to be increased on digital platforms such as ­Google, Facebook and Twitter — which refused a request to ­attend a classified meeting last year — to act against the live-streaming of child exploitation, just as they have been forced to act on terrorism and ultra-violence.


The five country ministerial meeting of Home Affairs, Security and Interior ministers is also expecting to feature heated discussions on whether Britain and Canada join the US and Australia-led 5G ban on Chinese telco ­Huawei.



Mr Dutton, however, has told The Australian that while 5G would feature prominently, it was the proliferation in online child exploitation that would form a “significant part of the agenda” at this year’s Five Eyes meeting.


He welcomed the British decision to elevate child exploitation as “a key priority of discussions”.


“There needs to be a greater international engagement in the battle against child exploitation,” Mr Dutton said in an interview ahead of his arrival in Britain.


“Now with the internet, pay-per view, they (offenders) can ­direct material and have it live-streamed into their bedrooms.


“The bigger picture is how we can disrupt these networks.”


Mr Dutton would not discuss operational options but it would likely involve the enlistment of capabilities of the Australian Cyber Security Centre. “It is necessary to deal with these people, the prolific nature of what’s being sent around the planet in seconds … the only way you can deal with it is online and trying to strike it out at the same time you are trying to rescue kids,” he said. “The Five Eyes community is more needed and more necessary than ever.”


Of the 28 citizenship cancellations imposed by Mr Dutton since 2014, 11 have been for people convicted of child sex offences.


The government claims controversial encryption laws passed at the end of last year, which were initially resisted by Labor but eventually supported, would be vital in cyber approaches to child exploitation.


The AFP, which argued strenuously for the new laws, but which were resisted by the tech companies, claims Australians were viewing an “unprecedented volume of online child abuse ­material” with a spike in incidents reported to the US National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.


Mr Dutton said the Morrison government had pumped an extra $70 million into the Centre for Countering Child Exploitation in the past six months, and was committed to a build-up of operations with Interpol.


Austrac, which now comes under the Department of Home Affairs, had also been given a priority mission to track paedophile networks through financial transactions. Mr Dutton said Australia’s focus was on Southeast Asia, with multiple joint operations with Manila to rescue children in The Philippines. Britain was focusing on networks and child trafficking in Europe. A former policeman, Mr Dutton worked in the sex offenders squad.


“I’ve investigated rapes and ­interviewed young girls and boys sexually assaulted — in many cases it destroys lives. They and society are paying the price,” he said. “We have to do everything we can to protect kids. It’s horrible to believe these people live and breathe among us. But we need to deal with the reality of that threat.”



Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 29, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.7244795   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The United States vs Julian Assange | Four Corners


In the 2016 race to the White House, presidential candidate Donald Trump took a shine to the whistleblowing site WikiLeaks, led by its Australian founder Julian Assange.


Trump revelled in the damage inflicted upon his opponent, Hillary Clinton, by a series of sensational leaks published by the site.


Now, as President, Donald Trump has performed a spectacular flip, presiding over an administration determined to imprison the publisher of the leaks.


In Part Two of its investigation into Julian Assange, Four Corners looks at Assange’s activities conducted during the nearly seven years he spent sheltering in the Ecuadorian Embassy.

Anonymous ID: d1dfb6 Xi Jinping's cousin a high roller as Crown comes under pressure over crime, influence By Nick McKenz July 29, 2019, 11:28 p.m. No.7255099   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: d1dfb6 Crown referred to integrity watchdog By 9News Staff 1:22pm Jul 30, 2019 July 29, 2019, 11:35 p.m. No.7255191   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: d1dfb6 Tip of the iceberg': Government orders investigation into Crown casino accusations Rob Harris By Rob July 29, 2019, 11:37 p.m. No.7255213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: d1dfb6 Gangsters, gamblers and Crown casino: How it all went wrong July 29, 2019, 11:45 p.m. No.7255334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: d1dfb6 This woman was jailed in China because she worked for Crown casino By Nick McKenzie, Grace Tobin and July 29, 2019, 11:48 p.m. No.7255370   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: d1dfb6 Crown claims sent to integrity watchdog By AAP 2:01pm Jul 30, 2019 July 29, 2019, 11:55 p.m. No.7255448   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 30, 2019, 12:15 a.m. No.7255623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS Tweet addressing George Papadopoulos

Good luck with the book George, should do well!


George Papadopoulos' response

Thank you, Mr. President!


>What is the purpose of a laser pointer?

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 30, 2019, 2:50 a.m. No.7256515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Australian 60 minutes exclusive=


Billionaire James Packer, Crown casino, sex trafficking, money laundering and drugs


RP from QRes#9263

Not sure if this clip already been posted.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 30, 2019, 3:17 a.m. No.7256646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Best friends! 🐕

RP from QRes#9266




🇦🇺 private and his working dog take a break from providing security during




2019 in Rockhampton, Australia. More than 25,000 🇦🇺and 🇺🇸 military members are participating in the joint exercise.


(for you dog posts=code anons)

Anonymous ID: 07b8d3 July 30, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.7259188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5792

Hey down-undaa's,


Check out VGN-1!!!! It is about:


VGN-1 is about:


• What the Symbology of the Cabal is about, why they need it and HOW they Abuse it;

• Why they use “The Owl” & the “Y”, what they actually stand for and how they Abuse it;

• WHO the actual “Boss” is of the Cabal;

• How that “Boss” deceives mankind;

• What is black magic and why does the Cabal use it;

• What’s Epstein’s temple about?

• What’s on the No. 1 spot of the Cabal’s Agenda.


Just by knowing these things, you will help the Downfall of the Cabal even quicker.


Knowledge is Light, so: It’s Dark to Light!


Video VGN-1 - 410MB:!2w1SHAJa!9yvMLggK2yBQxN6fF0VgCVL4vk9VW-sXJ5ofiNh9Um0

Anonymous ID: 3e62e2 July 30, 2019, 4:38 p.m. No.7265792   🗄️.is 🔗kun



u talk'n 'bout Jah-Bul-On?


thang is-IT; Without destruction we'd gunk-up Quicker than C.


Directing "destruction" is a Privilege reserved for beings in control of their thinking, emoting and actions: Beginning with Imagination-Control…


Such is the WAY of sonolumensence



Anonymous ID: db16ec July 31, 2019, 12:46 a.m. No.7273195   🗄️.is 🔗kun



After 23 years, a day of reckoning has arrived for Big Tech

RP from QRes#9280


British web expert Jamie Bartlett was a tech optimist. About a decade ago, that is. The fellow of London think tank Demos grew increasingly worried about what was happening under Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter and the rest.


Finally he confessed to a mild panic about the industry and opened his most recent book with these words: "In the coming few years either tech will destroy democracy and the social order as we know it, or politics will stamp its authority over the digital world."


Big Tech has had 23 years to do exactly what Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg urged in his company's old motto: "Move fast and break things."


Because the tech firms haven't just had an unbounded Wild West opportunity to roam and raid unregulated territory. Twenty-three years ago, the US Congress passed a law that actually suspended the normal operation of law so that the tech industry could have unique advantages.


It was section 230 of the US Communications Decency Act that cast a magical protective spell to give the tech companies a special immunity – they're not responsible for what others put on their platforms. Other countries, afraid of seeming uncool and anti-innovation, generally followed America's lead.


So the tech firms moved fast and broke a lot of things and now the governments of the world have had enough. They're no longer quirky, fun, garage start-ups. They are among the biggest and most ruthless corporations on the planet. Google's parent, Alphabet, for instance, has a share market value three times that of entertainment behemoth Walt Disney, six times that of the biggest Australian company, BHP Billiton, and 140 times that of the New York Times Company.

Anonymous ID: db16ec July 31, 2019, 12:50 a.m. No.7273204   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal Government ADMITS to visa deal with Crown Casino so they could draw in high-stakes gamblers from China

RP from QRes#9280


Home Affairs admitted to having a deal with Crown Casinos from 2003 to 2016

The agreement with stakeholders allowed the fast-tracking of short-stay visas

The government maintained that no applicants were given special treatment


By Karen Ruiz For Daily Mail Australia and Aap


Published: 13:26 AEST, 30 July 2019


The Department of Home Affairs has admitted to striking a visa deal with Crown Casinos which allowed the company to lure high-stakes Chinese gamblers to Australia.


The agreement, revealed to have been implemented in 2003, allowed the fast-tracking of short-stay visa applications for a number of big international companies up until 2016.


The government, however, denied the deal involved special treatment to applicants, insisting each case was vetted as usual.



Anonymous ID: db16ec July 31, 2019, 12:55 a.m. No.7273238   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twat - Australia's Largest Casino Exposed: Chinese Whales Washed Money With Triads & Drug Traffickers

RP from QRes#9281

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 31, 2019, 1:20 a.m. No.7273351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3580 >>3643

No Coincidences - Punisher logo prominent in Australian news report


Channel 9 News Australia reports on the ongoing hunt for 2 teenage fugitives in the Canadian wilderness. Skip to 00:28 -


Canadian police investigating possible sighting of teen fugitives | Nine News Australia


Canadian authorities are still trying to confirm a possible sighting of two teenage fugitives rummaging through a garbage dump.


The mystery men were spotted in the remote indigenous community of York Landing, only accessible by boat and air.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 31, 2019, 1:47 a.m. No.7273549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lawyer wants PM to raise Assange with US


Julian Assange's lawyer has urged Prime Minister Scott Morrison to raise her client's extradition case when he meets with US vice president Mike Pompeo at the weekend.


Jennifer Robinson was in Canberra to drum up support for the WikiLeaks founder who is fighting extradition to the US where he faces numerous charges including espionage.


His case should be of "great concern" to all Australians, Ms Robinson - who represents Assange in the UK - told reporters on Wednesday.


"This is a dangerous precedent for all of the media and a dangerous precedent being set against an Australian citizen."


She called on Mr Morrison and Foreign Minister Marise Payne to raise the issue when they host Mr Pompeo at AUSMIN in Sydney on Sunday.


Assange, 48, is serving a 50-week prison sentence in the UK for skipping bail after he spent seven years holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.


He fled to the embassy in 2012 to avoid being extradited to Sweden for questioning over sexual assault allegations.


Ms Robinson, who last saw Assange in Belmarsh prison a few weeks ago, has "serious concerns" for his health.


"His health has obviously deteriorated significantly and (there's) likely permanent damage on his health as a result from his time in the embassy," she said.


"He does not deserve the treatment he has received and it's time for the Australian government to speak up."


The US has indicted Assange on 18 charges including allegations of conspiring with intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to hack into a classified Pentagon computer.


His extradition case is due to begin in February.


But former Greens senator Scott Ludlam, who has known Assange since 2011, said the government should not wait for the matter to grind through British courts for "two or three years".


"Julian Assange needs to come home," he told reporters.

Anonymous ID: 2079ad July 31, 2019, 1:52 a.m. No.7273580   🗄️.is 🔗kun




That is fucked

Absolutely not a coincidence

These people are stupid

They already lost

So, they are trying to lay groundwork to disinfo Q Downunder

So, that also means that they know that Aussie redpilling is underway

Can’t stop the Trump Train

Nothing can stop The Great Awakening


Anonymous ID: db16ec July 31, 2019, 1:59 a.m. No.7273640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3672

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#9282


McGuigan's, Passion Pop CEO to resign

Anonymous ID: 74866b July 31, 2019, 2:03 a.m. No.7273672   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Passion Pop was my preferred ‘drink’ as a teenager

Cheap and Nasty

Contains alcohol

Did I mention cheap and nasty?

One is too many and one hundred never enough


memories ….

Anonymous ID: a330d7 July 31, 2019, 2:09 a.m. No.7273705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3751

Any MELB fags want to help me dig?


334 Waverly Road East Malvern - Possible PEDO front.


Opposite from MICHAEL O'BRIEN OFFICE (shadow treasurer) and a up the street from massage parlour that's a brothel. There's also a uniform shop further up Waverley road that is/has operated as a brothel also.


This chicken shop has "changed owners" maybe 5 times in the last five years. It isn't viewable clearly from the tram depo. The website for the MALVERN EATS shop was, though it is probably run by menu log.



ABN: 31 794 281 580

Anonymous ID: db16ec July 31, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.7273763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Crown Resorts Probed After Money Laundering, Visa Claims

RP from QRes#9288


Australian government refers claims to integrity commission. Crown stock declines as extended probe hangs over casino firm.


Crown Resorts Ltd. and Australian officials will be investigated after allegations of money laundering at the firm’s casinos and the fast-tracking of visas for wealthy overseas gamblers.


The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald newspapers, along with the 60 Minutes television program, said at the weekend that a lawmaker and two government ministers had lobbied border-enforcement authorities to speed big-spending Crown gamblers through immigration.


Attorney-General Christian Porter said Tuesday he had referred allegations to the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity, which will determine whether a further probe is needed. “There are sufficient concerns raised to at least warrant further investigations,” Porter told parliament.


Crown shares fell after Porter’s referral raised the possibility of an extended investigation hanging over the company. It’s another blow to Crown and its biggest shareholder, Australian billionaire James Packer, two years after a Chinese court convicted 19 current and former employees of illegally promoting gambling.


The gaming company said Tuesday it will assist with any investigation, but that it “absolutely rejects” allegations of illegality made in parliament and recent media reports.


“We believe these allegations are ill-informed and an attempt to smear the company,” Crown said in a statement.


Crown shares closed 1.9% lower in Sydney trade, extending yesterday’s 3.2% decline. The company has lost about A$433 million ($300 million) in market value this week.


The wide-ranging reports alleged Crown used junket operators linked to drug traffickers as it sought to attract wealthy Chinese gamblers to Australia. Together with Australian officials, Crown helped hundreds of high-rollers gain entry to Australia each year, and at least one Asian crime syndicate was laundering money through the firm’s casinos, according to the reports.


Crown said it has a “robust process” for vetting junket operators and undertakes regular reviews. It also denied “any allegation that it knowingly exposed its staff to the risk of detention or conviction in China,” according to the statement.


The publication of the claims triggered separate calls by independent lawmakers on Monday for an investigation by a parliamentary committee. The ACLEI, as the agency is known, has the power to apply for search warrants and seize evidence, making it a better-resourced body to investigate, Porter said on Tuesday.


The commission’s main role is to investigate corruption within law enforcement bodies and it also has oversight of several agencies including the department of home affairs, the border force and federal police.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 July 31, 2019, 2:29 a.m. No.7273815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3829 >>4421

Act now on child abuse, Five Eyes tells tech giants


The world’s leading intelligence alliance of Australia, US, UK, Canada and New Zealand has demanded tech giants take “immediate” action to combat a 20 fold rise in the live streaming of child sex abuse and online child exploitation.


The Five Eyes alliance has also called on the digital platforms and device manufacturers including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple and Twitter to provide “backdoor” access for law enforcement agencies to read encrypted criminal content in a move that has been strongly resisted by the industry.


The Australian revealed on Monday that Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton would seek to elevate the issue of child exploitation as a key priority for a Five Country Ministerial meeting in London this week.


In a statement issued last night, the Five Country Ministerial meeting claimed tech industry executives were called in and told there was not being enough done to combat the “abhorrent crime”.


‘Moral obligation’


“In five years, we have seen a near twenty-fold increase in industry referrals of child abuse material to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, from 1 million in 2014 to over 18 million in 2018,” the communique said.


“Driven by the moral obligation to tackle this escalating crisis we met representatives from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Roblox, Snap and Twitter.


“All participants agreed that tackling this epidemic requires an immediate upscaling of the global response to ensure that all children across the globe are protected against online sexual exploitation and abuse, and that there is no safe space online for offenders to operate.


“We note the efforts of digital industry to develop a range of tools to combat the threat, including grooming of children online, and the work being undertaken to support uptake of these tools with smaller companies. While these are welcome steps, much more must be done at pace — every day that passes more children are being abused, exploited, and re-traumatised online. This must stop.”


September deadline


The tech companies have been told they have until September to respond to finalise a voluntary code to stop the “viewing and sharing of child sexual abuse material, the grooming of children online, and the livestreaming of child sexual abuse and the ability to report such offences to law enforcement.


“Today we agreed the core foundations upon which these principles will be based and we call on all digital industry representatives to engage with the Five Countries, through the Digital Industry Engagement Senior Officials Group to collaborate so these can be finalised at the end of September this year,” it said.


“Beyond this it is imperative that all sectors of the digital industry including internet Service Providers and device manufacturers and others to continue to consider the impacts to the safety of children, including those who are at risk of exploitation, when developing their systems and services and deploying encryption.


“We remain resolute in our determination to tackle this abhorrent crime, safeguard children and protect victims and survivors.”


Mr Dutton told The Australian ahead of the meeting that the Five Eyes partners would look at offensive cyber capabilities to disrupt and close down paedophile networks and live streaming of child sex abuse.




Five Country Ministerial communiqué 2019




The Home Secretary has hosted discussions with her counterparts from the ‘Five Eye’ countries – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the US plus the UK - on shared emerging threats. The final communiqué was published following the meeting.

Anonymous ID: a330d7 July 31, 2019, 2:35 a.m. No.7273842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4537



I found myself in the middle of a poker game there at 3-4am on Christmas morning a few years ago after being at the local pub dressed as Santa Claus. They invited me in for beer after I brought the merriment and then into the back room for the cards.


heard lots of double speak I was familiar enough with, saw a crypto briefcase and when I asked about if the uniform shop was a brothel, this guy said "not anymore but I'm sure you could get something young enough there if you want."


when I finally left after becoming sufficiently creeped out and sobered, I made an effort not to look over my shoulder and appear as drunk as possible. There was a car idling with all four doors open and none of the lights on, and as I walked away down Beech street I was tailed for a good 5 mins by someone in a car.


Michael O'Brien's office is next to a Pizza Shop and a place called PED'S THAI CAFE

Anonymous ID: 327e4b July 31, 2019, 4:19 a.m. No.7274421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4487


>20 fold rise in the live streaming of child sex abuse


If they can reliably measure the increase there should be a correlation in the amount of arrests.


I don't believe there figures and i also wonder why they didn't do something when it doubled! lying crook projecting bastard smarmy shits



Anonymous ID: 8c670b July 31, 2019, 4:48 a.m. No.7274537   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Interdasting …

Ped = duck in Thaispeak

Their Fakebook and website ‘seem’ harmless enuf ..

Looking into other sites now

Have you dug up anything of interest as yet?

Anonymous ID: 34207b July 31, 2019, 5:51 a.m. No.7274881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0579



Contact your local MP's and object to this!

They are going to try and slip this through Parliament in a few months.


If there is anyone out there still doubting the global conspiracy to enslave everyone and implement a totalitarian world order this is one of the clearer signs on how far we really are within the jaws of the beast.

Anonymous ID: de01bc July 31, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.7287376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9968

From General 9320


Australia shows it's cabal control is still in place

Senior NSW minister attacks abortion bill as legislation presented to state parliament


A senior NSW government minister has attacked a bill to decriminalise abortion in the state, and allow conditional late-term terminations, as "unjust" and says "the community won't stand for it".

The criticism by coalition Finance Minister Damien Tudehope, who is anti-abortion, comes ahead of the bill being presented on this morning to the NSW parliament.

Sydney independent MP Alex Greenwich will introduce the Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019 to the lower house at 10am.

The private member's bill allows for terminations up to 22 weeks and later if two doctors "consider that, in all the circumstances, the termination should be performed".

But, in an opinion piece published in The Sydney Morning Herald, Mr Tudehope says the bill will make abortion legal in NSW "all the way up to birth, with no meaningful restrictions whatsoever".

"This bill represents an unjust and illiberal law," he added.

"I believe the community won't stand for it."

The draft legislation also gives doctors the right to conscientiously object to performing abortions but they must refer patients to another health practitioner who can provide the service.

The bill, which has been backed by Premier Gladys Berejiklian, was originally scheduled to be debated this week but conservative MPs worked behind the scenes to delay debate until next week.

Mr Greenwich said the bill was 119 years overdue.

"My message to the opponents of reform who are currently playing politics with this reform is clear: don't hold women's reproductive rights hostage because you haven't done your homework," he said in a statement.

The draft legislation has sparked a backlash from anti-abortion advocates, including church groups, which have slammed it as a "bad bill" and accused the state coalition government of trying to rush it through parliament.

An anti-abortion 'Rally for Life' will be held outside NSW Parliament on Thursday by Right for Life NSW, Family Voice Australia, Family Life International and We Support Women.

Despite the backlash, it's believed the bill has wide cross-party support amongst the MPs at Macquarie Street.


(((They))) need the unborn as food, brood of vampires

Anonymous ID: 9800f4 Aug. 1, 2019, 12:12 a.m. No.7289968   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The co-sponsors are:


  1. Shelley Hancock (Liberal), Minister for Local Government.

  2. Trish Doyle (Labor), opposition spokeswoman on women.

  3. Brad Hazzard MP (Liberal), Health Minister.

  4. Ryan Park (Labor), opposition spokesman on health.

  5. Jenny Leong MP (Greens), Greens spokeswoman on women's rights.

  6. Leslie Williams (Nationals), Deputy Speaker.

  7. Penny Sharpe (Labor), opposition spokeswoman on family and community services.

  8. Alex Greenwich (independent).

  9. Trevor Khan (Nationals), Deputy President of Legislative Council.

  10. Abigail Boyd (Greens), Greens spokeswoman for women’s equity.

  11. Jo Haylen (Labor), opposition spokeswoman on active transport.

  12. Jenny Aitchison (Labor ), opposition spokeswoman on primary industries.

  13. Felicity Wilson (Liberal).

  14. Greg Piper (independent).

  15. Emma Hurst (Animal Justice Party)

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Aug. 1, 2019, 1:17 a.m. No.7290307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mural depicting Cardinal Pell painted near Vatican


ROME - A large mural depicting Australian Cardinal George Pell shadowed by a demonic figure while handcuffed and wearing a prison tracksuit appeared on Tuesday about 50 yards away from the Vatican.


The mural is the work of Australian artist Scott Marsh, well known in his country for his oversized and over-the-top murals of public figures. Marsh posted a video on Instagram showing the Pell mural with the hashtag #locationlocationlocation.


The goal of the mural, Marsh said in an interview with the Australian news outlet SBS News, “is to highlight the hypocrisy of the Church and combat its attempts to sweep under the rug its past abuses.”


The artist named his work “Prey Round Two” on Instagram.


This isn’t the first time Marsh created a mural depicting a repented Pell. His first rendition was only a few feet away from St. Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney, Australia, which was also a stone’s throw from the cardinal’s former residence. Following complaints, the artwork in Sydney was removed last week, before popping up again in Rome.


“Once it became apparent the [first] mural had been removed due to complaints from the Church, I knew I had to re-create somewhere,” Marsh said.


“I thought, what better location than Rome, the home of Vatican City?”


Pell is currently appealing a verdict that found him guilty of the sexual abuse against two minors in the 1990s. He has staunchly asserted his innocence, and took a leave of absence from the Vatican’s Secretariat of State in June 2017 to answer the charges in his native Australia.


In February 2019, Pell’s term ended for his Vatican post; he was not re-appointed by Pope Francis. The pontiff had removed him from his council of cardinal advisers, also known as the C9, a year prior.


Marsh said that the initial reaction by Italian passersby was “in support of the mural.”


“The Italian people I spoke to share the same disgust with the Church abuses as many Australians,” he said.


Father Francesco, a priest from a nearby church, said that while he’s not heard any reaction to the mural from parishioners, he found the legal process that led to Pell’s conviction “disgusting” and believes in his innocence.


He hopes the mural will be removed “soon.”

Anonymous ID: 3e62e2 Aug. 1, 2019, 2:22 a.m. No.7290579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0609





>Contact your local MP's and object to this!


bwaaaaahahahaha! that's like asking a pedovore to help you [while it's desecrating your off-spring] !


Anytard still in government after 1 term is either a compromised pedovore or wilfully ignorant.


and they are rabid, cornered rats: "There's a rat in da kitchen, What you gonn'a do?"

Anonymous ID: db16ec Aug. 1, 2019, 3:21 a.m. No.7290831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Virgin Australia quietly building a flightschool to train military aged pilots from the People's Republic of China:

RP from QRes#9304

Anonymous ID: db16ec Aug. 1, 2019, 3:25 a.m. No.7290853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Crime agency reveals a major investigation into organised crime at casinos as Crown seeks to downplay stories.

RP from QRes#9306


'''Australia’s peak criminal intelligence agency has announced a sweeping investigation into organised crime in Australian casinos amid revelations about Crown Resorts' dealings with junket operators with links to suspected Chinese crime bosses and foreign influence agents.


The Chief of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Agency, Michael Phelan, told The Age and Sydney Morning Herald on Wednesday that investigators across state and federal police and intelligence agencies have uncovered damning “insights into vulnerabilities … within casinos located in Australia”.


Mr Phelan announced that his inquiry, known as the Targeting Criminal Wealth special investigation is probing the operation of agents known as junkets who are responsible for bringing high roller clients into casinos, usually from offshore, to gamble.

Anonymous ID: cc8b5d Aug. 1, 2019, 4:08 a.m. No.7291058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Forgive quality, still learning.


It is proposed that the cash payment limit will apply to payments made to businesses for goods and services from 1 July 2019 and that transactions in excess of $10,000 will need to be made using electronic payments systems or by cheque.

Anonymous ID: de01bc Aug. 1, 2019, 4:24 a.m. No.7291153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2731

From General 9328


Mural depicting Cardinal Pell painted near Vatican

ROME - A large mural depicting Australian Cardinal George Pell shadowed by a demonic figure while handcuffed and wearing a prison tracksuit appeared on Tuesday about 50 yards away from the Vatican.

The mural is the work of Australian artist Scott Marsh, well known in his country for his oversized and over-the-top murals of public figures. Marsh posted a video on Instagram showing the Pell mural with the hashtag #locationlocationlocation.

The goal of the mural, Marsh said in an interview with the Australian news outlet SBS News, “is to highlight the hypocrisy of the Church and combat its attempts to sweep under the rug its past abuses.”

The artist named his work “Prey Round Two” on Instagram.

This isn’t the first time Marsh created a mural depicting a repented Pell. His first rendition was only a few feet away from St. Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney, Australia, which was also a stone’s throw from the cardinal’s former residence. Following complaints, the artwork in Sydney was removed last week, before popping up again in Rome.

“Once it became apparent the [first] mural had been removed due to complaints from the Church, I knew I had to re-create somewhere,” Marsh said.

“I thought, what better location than Rome, the home of Vatican City?”

Pell is currently appealing a verdict that found him guilty of the sexual abuse against two minors in the 1990s. He has staunchly asserted his innocence, and took a leave of absence from the Vatican’s Secretariat of State in June 2017 to answer the charges in his native Australia.

In February 2019, Pell’s term ended for his Vatican post; he was not re-appointed by Pope Francis. The pontiff had removed him from his council of cardinal advisers, also known as the C9, a year prior.

Marsh said that the initial reaction by Italian passersby was “in support of the mural.”

“The Italian people I spoke to share the same disgust with the Church abuses as many Australians,” he said.

Father Francesco, a priest from a nearby church, said that while he’s not heard any reaction to the mural from parishioners, he found the legal process that led to Pell’s conviction “disgusting” and believes in his innocence.

He hopes the mural will be removed “soon.”

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Aug. 1, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.7294746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3036





>>7197076 (pb)

Imam Mohamad Tawhidi Tweet


“Just say he works for Qatar & he’s passing them information”


“Can we trap him into a situation where he appears to be working for…”


“We can hack his emails & send her copies of everything he’s doing”


You are focused on climate change, because a storm is coming.


>>7197187 (pb)

>>7197076 (pb)

>Imam Mohamad Tawhidi Tweet

>You are focused on climate change, because a storm is coming.


…and it's gone.


''"...a storm is coming."''

Anonymous ID: db16ec Aug. 1, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.7305186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senior NSW minister attacks abortion bill as legislation presented to state parliament

RP from QRes#9320


A senior NSW government minister has attacked a bill to decriminalise abortion in the state, and allow conditional late-term terminations, as "unjust" and says "the community won't stand for it".


The criticism by coalition Finance Minister Damien Tudehope, who is anti-abortion, comes ahead of the bill being presented on this morning to the NSW parliament.


Sydney independent MP Alex Greenwich will introduce the Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019 to the lower house at 10am.


The private member's bill allows for terminations up to 22 weeks and later if two doctors "consider that, in all the circumstances, the termination should be performed".


But, in an opinion piece published in The Sydney Morning Herald, Mr Tudehope says the bill will make abortion legal in NSW "all the way up to birth, with no meaningful restrictions whatsoever".


"This bill represents an unjust and illiberal law," he added.


"I believe the community won't stand for it."


The draft legislation also gives doctors the right to conscientiously object to performing abortions but they must refer patients to another health practitioner who can provide the service.


The bill, which has been backed by Premier Gladys Berejiklian, was originally scheduled to be debated this week but conservative MPs worked behind the scenes to delay debate until next week.


Mr Greenwich said the bill was 119 years overdue.


"My message to the opponents of reform who are currently playing politics with this reform is clear: don't hold women's reproductive rights hostage because you haven't done your homework," he said in a statement.


The draft legislation has sparked a backlash from anti-abortion advocates, including church groups, which have slammed it as a "bad bill" and accused the state coalition government of trying to rush it through parliament.


An anti-abortion 'Rally for Life' will be held outside NSW Parliament on Thursday by Right for Life NSW, Family Voice Australia, Family Life International and We Support Women.


Despite the backlash, it's believed the bill has wide cross-party support amongst the MPs at Macquarie Street.

Anonymous ID: db16ec Aug. 1, 2019, 9:34 p.m. No.7305357   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Crown Resorts takes out newspaper ads in attack on 'deceitful campaign'

RP from QRes#9325


Australian casino giant Crown Resorts (CWN.AX) issued full-page newspaper ads on Thursday describing recent media reports that alleged it pressured officials to fast-track visas for Chinese gamblers as a “deceitful campaign”.


Following the reports by several news outlets, Attorney General Christian Porter said on Tuesday he had referred the allegations to an anti-corruption body that investigates federal agencies, since they related to government officials.


After days of issuing brief statements denying wrongdoing, Crown circulated a letter signed by its board late on Wednesday, accusing the papers of waging a “deceitful campaign” that had unfairly attempted to damage its reputation.


“Much of this unbalanced and sensationalized reporting is based on unsubstantiated allegations, exaggerations, unsupported connections and outright falsehoods,” the directors said in the letter.


Signatories included Crown Executive Chairman John Alexander, former finance department head Jane Halton, former communications minister Helen Coonan and Geoff Dixon, the former chief executive of Qantas Airways (QAN.AX).


That statement appeared as full-page advertisements in papers owned by News Corp on Thursday. However, the Sydney Morning Herald and the Age newspapers, which published the articles, said they had refused to run the advertisements and instead carried a line-by-line response to Crown’s statement.


“The stories were carefully sourced using Crown’s internal documents, former employees, credible commentators, dozens of sources from the industry, law enforcement and elsewhere, and careful verification,” the newspapers wrote in response to the Crown’s letter.


The papers, owned by Nine Entertainment Co Holdings (NEC.AX), added that they had asked Crown for an interview and sent 63 questions days before the reports, to which Crown responded “with a short statement” declining to comment on individuals.


Crown shares have fallen 6.4% in three trading days since the papers, and Nine’s “60 Minutes” television news program started running the reports.


Xi Jinping's cousin embroiled in casinos and money laundering


The investigation of a TV broadcaster and two newspapers shows the links between Crown Resorts, which specializes in casinos and gambling, and members of the Australian parliament and policemen to facilitate trips for rich Chinese to Melbourne and Perth. The investigation lasted six months. The trips to Australia were organized by Shanghai.


The cousin of Chinese President Xi Jinping (see photo) and other Chinese Communist Party personalities are accused of being part of a scandal involving the Crown Resorts company, specializing in casinos and gambling, along with members of the Australian Parliament and policemen.


A six-month investigation by the "60 Minutes" broadcaster and the newspapers "The Age" and "The Sydney Morning Herald" led to the collection of tens of thousands of documents showing ties between Crown resorts, criminal organizations and figures of the Chinese Communist Party. The investigation revealed that Xi Jinping's cousin, Ming Chai, was among the passengers of a privatel uxury jet, made available to the casino, and that he was inspected by Australian federal agents on suspicion of money laundering.


Police searches found that members of the Victoria State law enforcement agencies were paid by members of the Chinese Communist Party to ensure safety for passengers on luxury jets. The trips were organized by Crown Resorts to bring wealthy Chinese to Melbourne and Perth, to gamble and launder money. Crown also had an office in Shanghai, from where the trips were organised.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Aug. 2, 2019, 12:50 a.m. No.7307035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7213

New George Papadopoulos Tweet


Mifsud and Downer’s reputations are destroyed. They both got burned by the same intel agencies that they thought would protect them when they tried to subvert American democracy.

Anonymous ID: db16ec Aug. 2, 2019, 2:31 a.m. No.7307387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tom Cruise is reportedly looking for a home in New Zealand

RP from QRes#9329


1st August 2019


‘According to Radar Online Cruise has already begun scouting for rental housing in the South Island.


A source told the publication, "He already has people scouting for incredible home rentals in the South Island wilderness."


Tom Cruise is reportedly looking for a home in the South Island in New Zealand, for the back-to-back filming of the next two Mission Impossible movies. The actor had just one "caveat": "It must be near a private airport or a chopper pad, because he wants to be able to get to the fancy new Scientology centre up in Auckland."

Anonymous ID: db16ec Aug. 2, 2019, 2:59 a.m. No.7307508   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Secret interviews reveal risky business for NAB's top executives


A massive leak of documents has prompted questions about how close the nation's big banks are to their auditors.

RP from QRes#9338


A massive leak of documents from inside National Australia Bank reveals what its top executives and hand-picked consultants really think about its ability to look after its customers.


It was the beginning of winter 2018 and National Australia Bank was reeling from stunning revelations in the banking royal commission about its shoddy treatment of customers and a foot-dragging approach to compensating customers.


NAB chairman Ken Henry, still five months off his disastrous commission appearance, was in a meeting room at the bank’s head office with senior staff from consultants EY (formerly Ernst & Young).


They were there to talk risk - more specifically the NAB board’s appetite for it.


The EY team needed to know what Henry thought so it could help the bank prepare a report, required by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), that would assess NAB’s performance on risk management and culture.


Startlingly, the chairman said he was "confident" the bank was still selling products that would trigger compensation for customers in the future. Confidential minutes of the interview said he "highlighted an example of SMSF [self managed super fund] borrowing to invest in managed funds".


The minutes of that June 13, 2018, interview form part of an extraordinary trove of documents leaked to the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age by a whistleblower who felt the royal commission had glossed over important problems.


Underlining the whistleblower's concern was that much of what was discovered in that review, including what Dr Henry and others said in meetings with EY, did not make it into EY’s draft report.


Nor did a raft of other detail about poor systems and governance. It is not clear if the final report contained any of this information.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Aug. 2, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.7314566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What Pompeo, Payne will talk about on Sunday


The foreign and defence ministers of Australia and America will meet in Sydney on Sunday, a coming together of two security allies at a time of escalating strategic conflict and uncertainty.


The Australia-US Ministerial Consultations is the principal forum for bilateral co-operation on strategic, foreign and defence policies, and dates back to 1985 when the first meeting was held in Canberra.


The precise agenda for the talks remains confidential, but three issues are likely to dominate the discussions in Sydney.


1. China, and its presence in the Asia-Pacific


The AUSMIN communiques from the past five years track the chill in US-China relations.


Obama-era statements pledged to "strengthen [US and Australia's] comprehensive and co-operative relations with China, including through stronger economic engagement".


But the sentiment was pared back to a "high priority on constructive and beneficial engagement" in 2018, and omitted in 2017.


While the announcement of the 2019 meeting made no reference to China, it said that Australia-US collaboration in south-east Asia and the south-west Pacific would be a priority for discussions.


The regional focus will highlight the efforts of both countries to respond to the hard and soft edges of Chinese influence in the Asia-Pacific.


Foreign Minister Marise Payne announced on Tuesday that the US would spend $US211 million to expand its naval infrastructure in Darwin, which houses 2500 US marines.


Every communique for the past decade has affirmed freedom of navigation, and the 2015 statement explicitly raised concerns over "Chinese land reclamation and construction activity in the South China Sea".


The strategic challenge posed by China's rise will additionally inform dialogue on regional diplomacy and trade.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison's "Pacific Step-up", which annually commits $3.1 billion in infrastructure financing and export credits, is tipped for discussion and may form part of a shared agenda for infrastructure investment in the Indo-Pacific that was flagged in 2018.


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will travel to Micronesia after his visit to Australia, as China ramps up infrastructure investment and foreign aid in the Pacific.


The AUSMIN 2018 statement also included a commitment to "counter foreign interference", which was brought into the spotlight by protests over Confucius Institutes in Australia and fears of election interference in the US.


Finally, the dialogue that was launched last year on "access to critical minerals" such as rare earths – on which Australian companies like Lynas are challenging Chinese monopoly on supply – is set to continue.


2. Iran


The US Secretary of State revealed this week that he had asked allies including Australia to join a coalition to protect shipping in the Persian Gulf from Iranian forces.


Washington's request follows attacks on tankers in the Strait of Hormuz that it has blamed on Iran, and the downing of an American drone by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in June.


US-Iran relations have deteriorated since the Trump administration's unilateral exit from the Iran nuclear deal in May 2018, which some observers have said has emboldened hardliners in Tehran.


Defence Minister Linda Reynolds told The Australian Financial Review that "no decisions have been made" on the US' request.


3. Cybersecurity


AUSMIN bookends a week that began with a meeting of ministers responsible for the internal security of the Five Eyes countries.


The intelligence-sharing partners – US, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand – resolved in London to crack down on security risks associated with encryption services and 5G networks.


Australia has acted before its allies on these issues, banning Chinese telecommunications company Huawei from supplying 5G equipment in July 2018 and empowering law enforcement to effectively decrypt secure messages in December.


Last year's AUSMIN resulted in a memorandum of understanding on research and development of advanced cyber capabilities.


"[Nowhere] is the need for innovation more critical than in cyber, which continues to be a pervasive threat to our militaries and to our businesses," then defence minister Marise Payne said.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Aug. 3, 2019, 12:01 a.m. No.7319540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9556

'Insanity needs to stop': Donald Trump Jr blasts bid to ban Raheem Kassam from Australia


Donald Trump's son has weighed into the debate about right-wing figure Raheem Kassam's planned visit to Australia for a conservative conference.


US President Donald Trump's son has blasted Labor for calling for right-wing activist Raheem Kassam to be blocked from visiting Australia where he is due to speak at a conservative conference.


The former Breitbart editor-in-chief is appearing alongside his former boss Nigel Farage and former prime minister Tony Abbott at the US-backed Conservative Political Action Conference being held in Sydney for the first time next week.


Labor's Home Affairs spokesperson Kristina Keneally on Tuesday called on the government to cancel Mr Kassam's visa, describing him as a "career bigot" who has made anti-Islam, misogynistic and homophobic comments.


But Donald Trump Jr accused Labor of "trying to silence" Mr Kassam because of his conservative views.


"We have Big Tech constantly trying to silence conservatives and now one of the major political parties in Australia is trying to silence Raheem Kassam because of his conservative views," he tweeted.


"The insanity needs to stop."


In one tweet, Mr Kassam said Scottish Party Leader Nicola Sturgen, who had suffered a miscarriage, should have her mouth and legs taped shut so she could not reproduce.


The 32-year-old also described a female politician as a "wrinkly old ginger bird" and suggested a former British minister "was in the special needs class" at school.


Senator Keneally also said Mr Kassam had campaigned for limited migration to control, what he has described as "large-scale Muslim immigration".


The government has condemned Mr Kassam's comments but rejected Labor's call to cancel his visa.


'Talkfest of hate'


Leader of the Government in the Senate Mathias Cormann described some of Mr Kassam's comments as "disgraceful, highly objectionable and completely outrageous".


"These are disgusting comments and I reject them entirely and utterly," he told the Senate on Wednesday.


However, he was comfortable with government MPs speaking at the same event as Mr Kassam.


"I would make the general point that just because you are at an event, you’re not expected to agree with everything that everybody says at that same event.


"We’ve all been at events in our electorates where people have made highly objectionable points.”


The three day event described by Senator Keneally as a "talkfest of hate" is on track to sell out.


Liberal MPs Amanda Stoker and Craig Kelly will join former Liberal candidates Warren Mundine and Jacinta Price at the event sponsored by Liberty Works, the American Conservative Union and Advance Australia.


Senator Stoker defended her participation and that of other Liberals in the conservative conference.


"If we are doing our job properly as politicians we should be talking to people from all walks of life," she told SBS News on Wednesday.


"Trying to shame into silence anyone who would speak to a person who is wrong on an issue damages our capacity for constructive democracy."

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Aug. 3, 2019, 12:04 a.m. No.7319556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9611


What you need to know about the Conservative Politics Conference coming to Sydney


It’s been going on for almost 50 years in the US, now local and international right-leaning figureheads are booked in for the inaugural Conservative Political Action Conference Australia.


The first Australian spin-off of America’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will take place August 9 to 11 in Sydney and feature speeches, a Gala dinner and a Sunday “activism bootcamp”.


There is already a version of the event in Tokyo and CPAC’s website describes the Australian event as, “A conference for those that despaired at the prospect of a Shorten government controlled by militant unions and influenced by the Greens.”


Raheem Kassam, the former editor-in-chief of alt-right news site Breitbart, now a political commentator in the UK, is expected to attend.


But Labor's Home Affairs spokesperson Kristina Keneally this morning called on the government to reject Kassam’s visa on moral grounds.


He is outspoken about being politically incorrect on Twitter, and once tweeted that Scottish Party Leader Nicola Sturgen, who had suffered a miscarriage, should have her mouth and legs taped shut so she could not reproduce.


"Australia dodged a socialist arrow this time, and thank goodness for that, but we know they will redouble their efforts and come again supported by their boosters the Unions and GetUp." - Reads the offical CPAC Aus website.


Who are the speakers?


Australian CPAC has scored a swathe of Australian conservative mouthpieces including former PM Tony Abbott, One Nation party member Mark Latham and right-wing media commentator Daisy Cousens.


But Nigel Farage, the recent leader of the UK Brexit Party, to whom many attribute the party’s previous success, is the real headliner.


Farage was also one of the more high-profile UK politicians to be hit with a milkshake in the string of dairy-based protests earlier in the year.


also receiving top billing at CPAC Aus is Former US Judge and current Fox News show host Jeanine Pirro.


Pirro is an avid Trump supporter and an outspoken supporter of then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when he was accused of sexual assault during his nomination.


Who are the sponsors?


The American Conservative Union is the event’s top sponsor alongside Liberty Works, an “Australian based not-for-profit organisation that advocates for a drastic reduction in government control over people’s economic and personal lives.”


A quick sweep of the Liberty Works website uncovers blog articles like “Brisbane’s New Green Ghetto” and “It’s Time To Say NO To Renewable Energy Targets”.


Second tier sponsors include Advance Australia, the conservative think tank behind pseudo-satirical superhero mascot Captain GetUp.


The self-styled "truth crusader" landed in hot water during the federal election when Advance Australia posted a video of the character rubbing up against a billboard of independent candidate Zali Steggell.


Steggell then went on to push Tony Abbott out of his long-held Warringah seat.


Other sponsors include Liberal party-affiliated think tank the Menzies Research Centre and news outlet The Epoch Times who have previously supported Trump and far right German groups.


Fun Facts…


There are three tiers of conference passes. The cheapest is named after former PM Robert Menzies, mid-access is The Iron Lady Pass, and high rollers can purchase the Reagan VIP Freedom Pass for just under $600.


There’s also some gem nods to political correctness in the speaker bios.


Janet Albrechtson’s bio confirms that she is indeed the chairMAN of the Institute of Public Affairs because, “The origin of chairman is in the Latin word for hand, ‘manus’, and the idea of ‘occupying a chair of authority’.”

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Aug. 3, 2019, 12:15 a.m. No.7319611   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Learn, have fun, participate, protect the future…


The American Conservative Union and LibertyWorks are proud to bring CPAC to Australia for the first time! CPAC will launch and run over 9-11 August 2019 and the timing couldn’t be better.


This is a conference for those that despaired at the prospect of a Shorten government controlled by militant unions and influenced by the Greens. Australia dodged a socialist arrow this time, and thank goodness for that, but we know they will redouble their efforts and come again supported by their boosters the Unions and GetUp.


Now is not the time to be complacent. Now is the time to get involved. The “shy” voters made a stand this time however we should remind ourselves that ” The future doesn’t belong to the light-hearted. It belongs to the brave”, as Ronald Reagan famously stated.


Come to CPAC, hear Nigel Farage, Matt Sclapp, conservative senators and MP’s, visiting US Congressmen, Australia’s political warriors and more…much more. Come to CPAC, join the brave, protect the future.


CPAC 2020 Tweet


See you down under… #CPACAustralia

Anonymous ID: db16ec Aug. 3, 2019, 3:18 a.m. No.7320331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6280

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison enjoys post-election surge in Newspoll’s 53-47 result

RP from QRes#9350


Scott Morrison has cemented his place as Australia’s preferred Prime Minister, according to Newspoll.


In the first post-election Newspoll released on Sunday night, the Liberal Party has increased its two-party preferred result by 1.5 per cent since May 18 to lead the ALP 53 to 47.


Newspoll, published by The Australian, was rocked by its failure to accurately predict the election result after consistently predicting a Labor win under Bill Shorten’s leadership.


The poll is the first time Newspoll has been published since the election and the recriminations over the accuracy of the polling that erupted after the shock result.


It suggests new Labor leader Anthony Albanese has a long way to go to get the ALP back into a winning position.


Despite long-running complaints that Mr Shorten was not popular enough to win an election, Newspoll finds that Mr Albanese is just one in three voters’ preferred prime minister on 31 per cent.


The result is a seven-point dive from Mr Shorten’s last poll result of 38 per cent, but Mr Albanese’s 31 per cent rating as preferred PM is the third highest debut for a new Opposition after Kevin Rudd (36) and Alexander Downer (38).


Mr Morrison’s approval rating has also soared to 51 per cent, up five points since the election. His disapproval rating is down nine points to 36 per cent.


By contrast, Mr Albanese’s approval rating is relatively steady at 39 per cent, down two points compared to Mr Shorten.


His disapproval rating has taken a big dive and is down 13 points to 36 per cent.


The Liberal and National Party’s primary vote is up 2.6 per cent since the election.


As a result, Mr Albanese is the first opposition leader to receive a net positive in the approval ratings since 2015.


Labor’s primary is steady at a rock-bottom 33 per cent.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Aug. 3, 2019, 10:33 p.m. No.7333014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3160


Yassmin Abdel-Magied Tweet

Why did you move to London, someone asked me recently. ‘Because where else is safe for a black Muslim woman who wants to live alone and do her own thing?’


We couldn’t think of anywhere else (except maybe NYC, but it’s all a bit Anglo-centric). What do you think? Where else?


Imam Mohamad Tawhidi's Response

You didn’t move because Australia is racist towards black Muslim women but because you insulted Anzac Day, compared Australia to an abusive boyfriend, promoted barbaric Sharia Law on the national broadcaster. Look at your home, Sudan, I bet you wouldn’t last there for 5 hours.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Aug. 3, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.7333036   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"…a storm is coming."


Why is the chief of intelligence of Qatar, a terror sponsoring state, communicating with and backing an elected Congresswoman to frame her loud critics? You will find out soon.


This time is called ‘the silence before the storm’.


Cc: @MBA_AlThani_ @A_AlAthbah @saifaalthani

Anonymous ID: db16ec Aug. 4, 2019, 4:12 a.m. No.7335446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Australian diplomat has his conviction for child pornography quashed after judge ruled drawings of school boys engaging in penetrative sex was 'art'

RP from QRes#9384


Police seized 21 colour drawings of young boys engaging in sexual activities

Robert Michael Scoble was convicted of possessing child abuse material in 2017

The 70-year-old later appealed the decision and had his conviction overturned


A former Australian diplomat who was caught with drawings of school boys engaging in penetrative sex has had his conviction quashed.


Police raided Robert Michael Scoble's home in 2017 where they seized 21 colour drawings of young boys engaging in sexual activities.


The 70-year-old appeared in the NSW Local Court in September last year where he was convicted of possessing child abuse material.


The images show teenage boys engaging in group sex at school. The boys are in various states of undress and some show penetrative sex, genitals and ejaculation.


Dr Scoble, who served as a deputy ambassador in Hanoi in the 1980s, later appealed the decision where District Court Judge Robert Weber overturned the conviction after finding him not guilty.


The court heard that Dr Scoble was given the images while he was researching a book on French author Roger Peyrefitte who wrote about 'love between school boys'.


Dr Scoble had purchased a copy of the book in 2002 but after ditching his project he left the book on a shelf and did not go back to it.


Both Judge Weber and trial magistrate Daniel Covington failed to find that the images were used for any sexual gratification.

Anonymous ID: 3e62e2 Aug. 4, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.7342687   🗄️.is 🔗kun



the religare of blood sacrifice has nothing to like - AT ALL.


The Vegan Muslim Initiative


plant-based or [parasite] Judgement

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Aug. 4, 2019, 10:53 p.m. No.7349142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Repost from Q Research General #9391 -


Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper Tweet


I had an extremely productive and successful day in Australia reaffirming the strong bonds between our nations. #AUSMIN #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific

Anonymous ID: 5f16e5 Nov. 8, 2019, 12:49 a.m. No.7351790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1791

do capture (tor) post in new reply at top, post appears in thread on index, close old page go to catalogue and re open worked for me

Anonymous ID: b41624 Nov. 11, 2019, 1:57 p.m. No.7352781   🗄️.is 🔗kun



60 Minutes Australia delivers the most comprehensive coverage of Epstein to date. Very good to disseminate to normies.

Anonymous ID: 2a5859 Nov. 11, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.7353296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3302 >>3305 >>4673


>Testing from Oz…

Testing YouTube embed and formatting…


Alexander Downer: 'I play for team Australia'

Australia's former High Commissioner to the UK Alexander Downer has dodged questions about his role in spurring the Russian collusion investigation into US President Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 111111 Nov. 13, 2019, 4:08 a.m. No.7353833   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Much prayers and love going out to the peeps effected by the current state of bush fires.

But something feels odd, especially with the increasing number of flare-ups both local & abroad

very pattern forming.


Not preaching "Global Warming" NWO/Socialism/Environmentalism Bullshit, merely placing the through into public consciousness.;c:151.5,-34.6;d:2019-11-12..2019-11-13;l:firms_viirs,firms_modis_t

Anonymous ID: 5f16e5 Nov. 13, 2019, 8:46 p.m. No.7354987   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If this works, it's post host file edit/reboot, Tor onion.

Anonymous ID: 51d363 Nov. 13, 2019, 9:03 p.m. No.7355001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5002

Every Original Wikileaks file LIVE and in living color, all in one place, most of them never published. Source: Original Wikileaks Server from inception to 2016. WL on Steroids. WikiServerfile 43,477 Files, 4,419 Folders

Anonymous ID: 51d363 Nov. 13, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.7355008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A large cache of confidential foreign documents implicating Joe Biden, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Joseph Misfud's collusion and possible criminal activity in Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 51d363 Nov. 13, 2019, 9:19 p.m. No.7355016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5026

The Vatican 'acknowledges the decision of Australia's High Court' to accept George Pell appeal request

Anonymous ID: 51d363 Nov. 13, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.7355023   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook says it removed 3.2b fake accounts in six months


Facebook says it removed 3.2 billion fake accounts from its service from April to September, up slightly from 3 billion in the previous six months.


Nearly all of the bogus accounts were caught before they had a chance to become "active" users of the social network, so they are not counted in the user figures the company reports regularly. Facebook estimates that about 5 per cent of its 2.45 billion user accounts are fake.


The company said in a report Wednesday that it also removed 18.5 million instances of child nudity and sexual exploitation from its main platform in the April-September period, up from 13 million in the previous six months. It says the increase was due to improvements in detection.


In addition, Facebook said it removed 11.4 million instances of hate speech during the period, up from 7.5 million in the previous six months. The company says it is beginning to remove hate speech proactively, the way it does with some extremist content, child-exploitation and other material.


Facebook expanded the data it shares on its removal of terrorist propaganda. Its earlier reports only included data on al-Qaida, ISIS and their affiliates. The latest report shows Facebook detects material posted by non-ISIS or al-Qaida extremist groups at a lower rate than those two organizations.


The report is Facebook's fourth on standards enforcement and the first to include data from Instagram in areas such as child nudity, illicit firearm and drug sales, and terrorist propaganda. The company said it removed 1.3 million instances of child nudity and child sexual exploitation from Instagram during the reported period, much of it before people saw it.


Still, the company's latest transparency report arrives as regulators around the world continue to call on Facebook, and the rest of Silicon Valley, to be more aggressive in stopping the viral spread of harmful content, such as disinformation, graphic violence and hate speech. A series of high-profile failures over the past year have prompted some lawmakers, including Democrats and Republicans in the United States, to threaten to pass new laws holding tech giants responsible for failing to police their sites and services.


The calls for regulation only intensified after the deadly shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand, in March. Video of the gunman attacking two mosques spread rapidly on social media, including Facebook, evading tech companies' expensive systems for stopping such content from going viral. On Wednesday, Facebook offered new data about that incident, reporting that it had removed 4.5 million pieces of content related to the attack between March 15, the day it occurred, and September 30, nearly all of which it spotted before users reported it.


AP, Washington Post

Anonymous ID: 5f16e5 Nov. 13, 2019, 9:27 p.m. No.7355026   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fuck me. Did you notice in the "we recommend" section below the article a picture of overdosed Granny in car? It's the same image used in "Q - The plan to save the world" video!

Anonymous ID: 51d363 Nov. 13, 2019, 9:37 p.m. No.7355038   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Documents released this evening tie millions from foreign sources to the Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and John Kerry and his family!

Anonymous ID: 51d363 Nov. 13, 2019, 9:45 p.m. No.7355040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5046

Clinton WhistleBlower: FEDS Probe Adam Schiff Dressed like Egyptian at Bizarre “Sacrafice” Parties at Ed Buck’s Meth Mansion


Embattled Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff was dressed in ancient-Egyptian-themed garb at two wild costume parties at Ed Buck’s meth and sex mansion, according to a Clinton Whistleblower and insider.


And the FBI is probing Schiff, who is now the target of a federal investigation focused on the Congressman’s more-than-frequent trips to Ed Buck’s meth mansion.


Buck is a high-profile, millionaire Democratic benefactor who has contributed and bundled large amounts of cash to Democrats including Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris and the list goes on and on. Buck was arrested last month after a nearly-dead man escaped from Buck’s home after Buck allegedly plied him with meth.


Larry Nichols is the consumate DC insider and operator. In fact, Bill Clinton in his biography described Nichols as a dangerous man. Clinton would know because Nichols spearheaded many of Clinton’s political black-bag Ops in Arkansas and Washington D.C for the Clinton cartel and beyond before he turned whistleblower.


Nichols revealed on his weekly news show on CrowdSource the Truth that federal agents have traced Congressman Schiff at Buck’s drug mansion over a dozen times. And during two costume parties at the meth mansion, Schiff was dressed in ancient Egyptian garb.


Nichols said the parties had an “Egyptian sacrafice” vibe and attendees were dressed according to the bizarre theme.


“This guy (Schiff) is kinky,” Nichols said.


We can make a leap here that party goers were likely worshipping pyramids of meth.


But what was Schiff doing there, Nichols has asked.


Two men previously died at Buck’s mansion from drug overdoses but Buck was never charged by Los Angeles Police. Finally, Buck was charged in Sept. with running a drug house and doping up victims and then allegedly acting out his twisted sexual fantasies on the incapacitated victims, according to prosecutors.


Buck targeted homeless men, according to prosecutors.


Nichols said Schiff, like Buck, is under investigation.

Anonymous ID: 5f16e5 Nov. 15, 2019, 3:18 a.m. No.7355907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5911



Odd, that you didn't reply to an original poster, and subsequently put it in quotation marks as though someone actually spoke.


Projecting clown? You lot are simply a speed-bump in the path of life.