Anonymous ID: d66620 June 2, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.6658904   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hey all you AusAnons and KiwiAnons out there.


After a lot of messing about re changing the DNS on an iPhone that was fine about the house but NOT fine when using the cellular network as IOS will not allow changing that unless you jailbreak which I wasn't interested in, I've found a terrific app we can use.


On the App Store and Google Play search faster internet. It's free and brilliant!!!

Anonymous ID: d66620 June 2, 2019, 11:44 p.m. No.6658976   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes like anything else in life there is good and bad within anything. I love 8chan.


It saddens me enormously to see the speed (((they))) jump to obey and the blocking of the chans is just the latest step in a litany of unfreedoms we are subjected to. The chans must be silenced because we speak the truth here and Mockingbird can't have that now can they? All in lockstep with the approved narrative.


I really hope what POTUS is doing will help put Aus back on the path our fore fathers envisioned for us, not this slavery we now live in with all these puppet politicians we have dancing to the tune of their masters.


FWIW I think the RBA will drop the rates 25 basis points tomorrow… Patriots are in control!!!