Anonymous ID: 13133c June 14, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.6748782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nice little red pill for Australia…


KMART photo kiosks blocks Christian and Jewish words in photo captions.


BLOCKED: “God”, “church”, “Jesus”, “Jewish” and “bible”


PERMISSIBLE: “Islam”, “Allah”. "mosque" and “Koran”


KMart Australia is owned by Wesfarmers

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 14, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.6748831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK Signs Julian Assange’s US Extradition Papers

RP from QRes#8621


The United Kingdom has signed an extradition request for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who faces charges in the U.S. under the Espionage Act.


UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid said he signed the papers on Wednesday, a day after the U.S. Justice Department formally asked Britain to extradite the 47-year-old Australian.


“First of all I am very pleased the police were able to apprehend him and now he is rightly behind bars because he broke UK law,” Javid told BBC Radio 4 on Thursday.


“There is an extradition request from the U.S. that is before the courts tomorrow but yesterday I signed the extradition order and certified it and that will be going in front of the courts tomorrow,” he added.


The U.S. will detail all charges against Assange on Friday, when it seeks his extradition in a London court.


U.S. prosecutors initially charged Assange with a single count of computer intrusion, but last month added 17 new counts, including controversial charges under the Espionage Act for encouraging, receiving and publishing national defense information in concert with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning.


Such a charge under the Espionage Act has never been successfully prosecuted, according to CNN legal analyst Steve Vladeck.


Assange’s initial indictment sparked a debate over the First Amendment and whether his alleged role in procuring secret U.S. material constituted protected journalistic activity.


Assange lived inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London for seven years until April when the country revoked his protection and he was arrested.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 14, 2019, 9:51 p.m. No.6755132   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Founder of The Family cult in Australia, Anne Hamilton-Byrne has passed away at 98

RP from QRes#8629 and article content added


Anne Hamilton-Byrne, the matriarch and co-founder of The Family cult, has reportedly died in a suburban nursing home in Melbourne.


Chris Johnston, an author who has followed the family closely, confirmed on Twitter on Friday the notorious figurehead had passed away.


She was 97 years old.


Hamilton-Byrne, who was a charismatic yoga instructor at the time, founded The Family in 1963 with Melbourne University academic Raynor Johnson.


She managed to operate the doomsday cult in near-total secrecy for the next two decades and amassed a following of almost 500 members.


Convinced she was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, she acquired numerous children – some born to cult members and others through adoption scams – and raised them as her own.


The children, who at one point numbered up to 28, were isolated from the outside world on a property in Lake Eildon – dressed in matching outfits and given identical dyed blonde hair.

Image: CBS/ Church Street Films


They were also allegedly beaten, starved, and upon reaching a certain age, given extreme doses of LSD as part of an initiation ritual.


The kids – who thought they were brothers and sisters – were rescued by police in 1987 after the increasing number of dodgy adoptions tipped them off.


This was the cult Assange and his mum escaped from


The use of LSD has all the feels of a CIA op - never connected by the cucked australian press

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 14, 2019, 10:01 p.m. No.6755198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Assange 'won't receive a fair trial' in the US

RP from QRes#8631




Julian Assange is set to face an extradition hearing in the UK on Friday, which could ultimately see him sent to the United States to face trial.


The Australian Wikileaks founder was evicted two months ago after spending seven years as a political asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.


Retired intelligence officer John Kiriakou has been in a similar position to Assange, spending two years in prison for leaking classified information.


Mr Kiriakou told Sky News he does not think Julian Assange will receive a fair trial if he is extradited to the United States, and says ‘no national security defendant has ever won a case in this courtroom.’


The former intelligence officer says if Mr Assange goes to trial ‘it will be a case that future generations of law students study.’


He says the press ‘keeps the government honest’, and the Australian's case is an infringement on basic rights of freedom of speech and freedom of press.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 14, 2019, 10:04 p.m. No.6755218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5429 >>8930

Another PapaD Tweet

RP from QRes#8632


When I reported Australian Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, to the FBI/Mueller/Congress I didn’t know he was working with the US intel agencies to set Trump and his team up with a fake story and recording convos. Australia is trying to guard the transcripts. Squeeze them!



Anonymous ID: 13133c June 15, 2019, 10:39 p.m. No.6762539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not sure why it keeps changing my ID's every so often .. annoying … oh well here for the (re-)posting, not the post count.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 16, 2019, 11:34 p.m. No.6769513   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Zealand police regret not having a nationwide gun registration because it’s making it too difficult to confiscate guns from everyone

RP from QRes#8650


Following the country’s worse mass shooting in history, Left-wing New Zealand politicians immediately followed their authoritarian instincts and moved to ban “assault weapons” though such rifles had never before been used to murder a large group of citizens.


This time, however, it was really different because there was a large virtue-signaling element in play: A white Australian guy purported to be a ‘hater’ attacked a mosque and though Muslims killing Christians never quite rises to the same level of emergency (or outrage), attacking and killing Muslims is intolerable and extreme measures must be taken to ensure ‘it never happens again.’


Make no mistake: Mowing down innocent people no matter who they are or what god they follow, whether it be with a semi-automatic rifle, a shotgun, or a big cargo van, is wrong. And of course the guilty should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.


But why do Leftists always seek to punish the innocent as well, usually by taking away some right or several rights, all in the name of “justice?”


That’s what happened in New Zealand, but now police there surely must be regretting that the country dared to allow its citizens to own firearms without making them register their guns in a central, government-controlled database — because it’s becoming nigh on impossible for them to locate and confiscate firearms banned following the Christchurch mosque killings in mid-March.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 16, 2019, 11:42 p.m. No.6769529   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Folau launches new attack on gays, transgender youths in church sermon

RP from QRes#8653


Israel Folau has launched another attack on gay people and also criticised young people being allowed to change gender during a sermon at his Sydney church.


The former rugby union star described homosexuality as a sin and claimed the devil was behind primary school children being allowed to decide if they wanted to change gender.


"This is what the devil is trying to do, to instil into the government, into this world, into society, and it is slowly happening," Folau said in his Sunday sermon at The Truth of Jesus Christ Church in Kenthurst.


"The sad thing is why a lot of people out there that are non-Christians say bad things about the church, is because a lot of the churches allow those things to happen.


"They say that a man and a man should be able to be married and there is nothing wrong with it. This buys into the theme of pleasing man rather than pleasing God and standing up for the truth."


The 30-year-old's rant was posted on the church's Facebook page.


Folau also criticised modern "westernised" churches and said true believers in Christ "profess him wherever we go".


"Are we too scared because we might be cast out by our workplace or cast out of somewhere because we're not liked or loved by those around us and don't believe the same thing we do?" he asked.


"You might be the only born-again Christian in that workplace, you might feel a bit awkward with your co-workers because they are in the world and you're not. We should feel blessed … because God has called us."


The former Wallaby's $5 million Rugby Australia contract was torn up last month after he refused to take down an Instagram post which quoted bible scripture and said "hell awaits" homosexuals and other sinners.


Folau has launched legal proceedings with the Fair Work Commission against Rugby Australia and is seeking up to $10 million in damages.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 17, 2019, 12:43 a.m. No.6769669   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8657


Here’s one for ya…


A 62-year-old Perth man allegedly imported a childlike sex doll into the country


Officers executed a warrant and recovered the doll from his house last month


Childlike sex dolls are a prohibited import under the Customs Act


The man has been charged and could face up to 10 years in prison


Hopefully they checked his computers for CP too while they were at it

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 18, 2019, 1:22 a.m. No.6778308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ANZ executive quits after probe into wine and chauffeur expenses

RP from QRes#8664


The chief executive of ANZ Bank’s New Zealand division has stepped down following concerns raised by the board over his claiming a chauffeur-driven car and wine storage as business expenses.


The departure of David Hisco, a 30-year veteran at the Australian bank, follows a review of executive expenses ordered by Shayne Elliott, ANZ Group chief executive, in the wake of a high-profile public inquiry into misconduct in the Australian financial industry.


The leadership change comes at a tricky time for ANZ, which is contending with a proposal from New Zealand’s central bank that would require banks in the country to hold significantly more capital — a move that could prompt a round of equity raisings.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 18, 2019, 1:31 a.m. No.6778345   🗄️.is 🔗kun


More RP comments from QRes#8666


abcnews in Australia was raided by police just a week ago.


ABC in Australia = Australian Broadcasting Corporation = public broadcasting


A police raid on Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC) has drawn fire from broadcasters and rights groups.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 18, 2019, 1:33 a.m. No.6778355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8496



Australia Broadcasting Corporation




POTUS tagged Australian News in his tweet

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 18, 2019, 1:39 a.m. No.6778374   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Re no correction by POTUS @abc vs @abcnews

RP from QRes#8667


Interdasting….POTUS still hasn't corrected tweet ( even after being tagged back by [Australian] @abcnews). Why??

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 18, 2019, 1:41 a.m. No.6778381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8505

WATCH: Lighting up the skies: A #meteor flies above #Australia’s Adelaide

RP from QRes#8667


6:20 PM - 17 Jun 2019


In big cities, we don't often see the stars due to illumination or heavy clouds. But, there are still places on earth, where people can enjoy beautiful starry skies and can even spot the occasional meteor.


In this footage uploaded to the Internet by the Royal Adelaide Hospital of Australia, two men appear to be doing a pre-flight check on a helicopter parked on the helipad in front of the hospital. Suddenly, the horizon lights up, as a meteor flies by. It vanishes just as quickly as it appeared, but will leave a lasting impression on everyone lucky enough to have witnessed this breathtaking moment.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 19, 2019, 1:42 a.m. No.6788145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Aussie treasurer max chillin with Mnuchin.

RP from QRes#8671

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 19, 2019, 1:53 a.m. No.6788172   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#USNavy Sailors and #Marines assigned to the Wasp Amphibious Ready Group have arrived in Sydney, #Australia for a port call.


The ready group has been enhancing interoperability with partners and serving as a ready-response force for any contingency in the Indo-Pacific region.



Anonymous ID: 13133c June 19, 2019, 1:54 a.m. No.6788176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0507

Australian news reports on Chinese organ harvesting

RP from QRes#8672


China is forcibly harvesting the organs of tens of thousands of political prisoners to operate a rapidly growing medical black market worth $1 billion a year, an international tribunal has found.


For several years, human rights groups have expressed concern many of the estimated 1.5 million people held in prison camps were part of an insidious human farming system.


But now, the specially formed China Tribunal in London has declared there is no doubt that state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting is occurring on a massive scale.


Made up of members from the United States, United Kingdom, Malaysia and Iran, including experts in human rights, transplant surgery and international relations, the independent tribunal heard from 50 witnesses and examined an enormous volume of visual and text evidence over the past year.


That included testimony about the barbaric practices, including organ removal on live patients.


Dr Enver Tohti worked as a surgeon in China and was instructed to perform organ extractions on unwilling subjects.


“What I recall is with my scalpel, I tried to cut into his skin, there was blood to be seen,” Dr Tohti told the tribunal of one such live procedure. “That indicates that the heart was still beating … at the same time, he was trying to resist my insertion, but he was too weak.”


A map of hospitals in China that carry out organ transplants shows they are in proximity to known detention centres.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 19, 2019, 2 a.m. No.6788193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Outrage Ensues After New Zealand Government Website Publishes Map Labeling Israel as Palestine

RP from QRes#8673


New Zealand sparked outrage this week after their immigration website published a map which labeled Israel as Palestine.


The map was part of a fact sheet about Palestinian immigrants in New Zealand. It has now been removed from the government website, but it was archived on the Wayback Machine.


The Israel Institute of New Zealand immediately condemned the map, and the entire report, which they claimed “presents a one-sided, distorted and politicised narrative of the Israel/Palestine conflict and totally erases Israel from the map.”


“The geography of the map is so inaccurate that it does not even include the West Bank in what it calls ‘The State of Palestine’– it simply replaces Israel (according to pre-1967 borders) with ‘Palestine,'” the Israel Institute of NZ said in a statement.



The organization went on to say that “it is alarming and embarrassing that information provided by a New Zealand government department, can be both so wildly inaccurate and politicised.”


“A primary school student who knows how to use Wikipedia could do a better job. Which leads us to wonder whether in fact this ‘fact sheet’ is a ‘fantasy sheet’, a projection of the department’s delusional hopes for the future. If it were ever to come to pass, Immigration New Zealand would be required to have an ‘Israeli refugee quota fact sheet’ on its website,” the harsh statement concluded.


Immigration New Zealand’s ‘State of Palestine Refugee Quota Factsheet’ presents a one-sided, distorted and politicised narrative of the Israel/Palestine conflict and totally erases Israel from the map.@MFATgovtNZ @IsraelinNZ @AlfredNgaroMP @winstonpeters


— Israel Institute of NZ (@IsraelInstNZ) June 14, 2019


The organization is now calling for an investigation into the matter.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 19, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.6788206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4028 >>4044

New Zealand man who shared Christchurch mosque massacre video sentenced to prison

RP from QRes#8674


A New Zealand man who shared a video of the Christchurch mosque massacre was sentenced to 21 months in prison on Tuesday.


Philip Arps, 44, previously pleaded guilty to two counts of distributing the livestream video of the mass shooting, in which a gunman filmed himself on Facebook killing 51 people at two mosques in March.


Arps, a businessman, allegedly described the video as "awesome," according to Christchurch District Court Judge Stephen O'Driscoll. The judge said Arps had strong and unrepentant views about the Muslim community and committed a hate crime.


"Your offending glorifies and encourages the mass murder carried out under the pretext of religious and racial hatred," the judge said, noting that Arps had compared himself to Rudolf Hess, a Nazi leader under Adolf Hitler.


Arps sent the video of the massacre to around 30 associates, the judge said. He added that Arps also asked somebody to insert crosshairs and include a kill count in order to create an internet meme, although there was no evidence he'd shared the meme.


Arps faced up to 14 years imprisonment on each count, according to New Zealand laws designed to prevent people from sharing objectionable material.


The 44-year-old apparently argued he had a right to distribute the video under the banner of freedom to pursue his political beliefs. His lawyer, Anselm Williams, said Arps shouldn't be sent to prison, and that he filed an appeal against his sentence.


"It's my submission that this court needs to be very careful to sentence Mr. Arps based on what it is that he has actually done, and what he accepts he has done, not on the basis of the views that he holds," Williams said.


Arps is one of six people who have been charged with illegally sharing the livestream of the mass shooting. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was quick to jump to action following the attacks, announcing a week later the country was immediately banning "military-style semi-automatic weapons."


The prime minister is also helping lead a global pledge title "Christchurch Call" to help keep internet platforms from being used to spread hate, organize extremist groups and broadcast attacks.


Australian Brenton Tarrant, 28, pleaded not guilty last week to 51 counts of murder, 40 counts of attempted murder and one count of terrorism in the mosque shooting case. His trial has been scheduled for next May.

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 20, 2019, 3:32 a.m. No.6797086   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#8682


Philippine Airlines president Bautista to retire end-June

Anonymous ID: 13133c June 20, 2019, 3:34 a.m. No.6797096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alien hunters in most extensive search of stars turn up nothing


Breakthrough Listen project found no evidence of alien civilisations on 1,327 stars


The close encounter will have to wait. Astronomers have come up empty-handed after scanning the heavens for signs of intelligent life in the most extensive search ever performed.


Researchers used ground-based telescopes to eavesdrop on 1,327 stars within 160 light years of Earth. During three years of observations they found no evidence of signals that could plausibly come from an alien civilisation.


The only signals picked up by the Green Bank telescope in West Virginia and the Parkes telescope in Australia had more Earthly origins, the scientists found, with mobile phones and other terrestrial technology providing plenty of noise, and more transient signals coming from overflying satellites.