Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.6853322   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>7:00AM Participate in a working dinner with the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia


Interesting they say "Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia" instead of just "Prime Minister of Australia".

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 12:32 a.m. No.6853361   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#8743


The chairman of Westland Holdings Ltd has resigned

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 12:36 a.m. No.6853365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0356

Tongan/Aussie Rugby player, Israel Folau, has raised $1 million in just one day after his $500k GoFundMe page was taken down.

RP from QRes#8744


Folau, a Christian, had tweeted that he believed homosexuals and people who transgress against God's laws would go to hell.


For that, he lost his job with Rugby Australia and is effectively banned from playing for his country or domestically.


He is raising funds for his legal fees as he seeks to have the Australian Rugby Union's decision overturned.


Conservative Australians, appalled by the political correctness and lack of free speech have rallied behind the popular and talented player and have pledged $1million just one day after GoFundMe took his page down and tweeted about it with a rainbow pride flag.


This issue is currently dividing Australia. The media are, typically, calling him out but Folau has a lot of support from regular people.

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 12:38 a.m. No.6853371   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another George Papadopoulos Tweet

RP from QRes#8744


Incredible to be watching my wife on tv tonight during an Australian series on “Russia gate” from 2018. How the narrative has changed, but she still looks great


The TV show is "Four Corners", an investigative journalism/current affairs program shown on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the Australian national broadcaster. This is the same ABC tagged by President Trump in his June 17 tweet:


Skip to 33:15 for the segments featuring Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos.,-spies-and-useful-idiots/9857934


Trump/Russia: Secrets, spies and useful idiots


Posted Mon 11 Jun 2018, 8:30pm


Secrets, spies and useful idiots: part two of Four Corners' special investigative series.


"I'm just a sacrificial lamb for people who are looking for a false story to tear down the Trump campaign." Carter Page, former Trump adviser under investigation


On Monday, Four Corners reveals the story of two key players central to the allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.


"Unfortunately, Carter Page fell right into the trap, he walked right into the lion's den, dragging the rest of us with him." Former Trump campaign national security director


Carter Page and George Papadopoulos both served as foreign policy advisers to Donald Trump during the Presidential campaign. Both have come under investigation by the FBI and the special prosecutor examining Russia's interference in the election.


Both were targets of Russian spies.


"Typically, when Russian intelligence is in contact with someone, they don't waste their time. They have a reason for doing it." Former CIA Moscow station chief


In part two of Four Corners' special investigative series, reporter Sarah Ferguson pieces together the events that have engulfed these men and the Trump camp.


Part one is here:


Trump/Russia: Follow the Money

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.6853375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zanetti Cartoons






25m25 minutes ago




Folau will reach $1.5million tonight, halfway to his $3million goal, in around 24 hours since he relaunched his fundraising campaign.


Another middle finger from the Quiet Australian to the PC Police.


Thank you @gofundme







Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 1:16 a.m. No.6853444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Media companies scramble after judge rules they are liable for Facebook comments

RP from QRes#8750


Major media companies and Facebook are scrambling to come to grips with a landmark ruling by an Australian judge that found publishers are legally responsible for pre-moderating comments on the social media site.


On Monday in the New South Wales supreme court judge Stephen Rothman found that commercial entities, including media companies, could be regarded as the publishers of comments made on Facebook, and as such had a responsibility to ensure defamatory remarks were not posted in the first place.


The judgment has potentially profound impacts on the way news organisations in Australia interact with the social media giant, and prompted immediate backlash from the country’s largest media companies.


“This ruling shows how far out of step Australia’s defamation laws are with other English-speaking democracies and highlights the urgent need for change,” News Corp Australia said in a statement following the ruling.


“It defies belief that media organisations are held responsible for comments made by other people on social media pages.


“It is ridiculous that the media company is held responsible while Facebook, which gives us no ability to turn off comments on its platform, bears no responsibility at all.”


This will only extend censorship WW

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 2:22 a.m. No.6853622   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Proof that Gold ETFs Are a Fraud

RP from QRes#8751


Several years ago, during the 2008 meltdown, the Perth Mint certificate program was exposed for not holding the gold they told their customers was backed by the Western Australian government.


In the early 70's the Hunt brothers started buying silver to corner the physical silver markets and also they laid on paper positions to augment it. The big mistake they made was not having a strategy to deal with the the way that the CFTC began rasing the premiums they charged for maintaining the positions they carried. This is what wiped them out.


How the Hunt Brothers Cornered the Silver Market and Then Lost it All

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.6853633   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#Australia eyes new South #China Sea port to be used by US marines amid Washington-Beijing row

RP from QRes#8752


4:34 PM - 25 Jun 2019

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 27, 2019, 2:28 a.m. No.6853642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9065

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#8753


James Jeffrey resigns from the Australian to join Anthony Albanese's staff


ACT Government minister Meegan Fitzharris announces resignation to spend more time with family


Queensland Health boss resigns amid hospital software rollout issues

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.6864031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rugby Australia denies offering Israel Folau money to take down controversial Instagram post

RP from QRes#8772


Rugby Australia has denied offering Israel Folau a sum of cash to take down his controversial Instagram post, a claim the sacked Wallabies star made in his first TV appearance since the saga began.


Speaking on Sky News, Folau said he was seeking an apology from his former employer before revealing that rugby's national governing body tried to pay him to make the problem go away.


“I’m hopeful for an apology from them, and an admission that they were wrong,” Folau said.


“That’d be something I’d like to get.


“I’m extremely proud to have represented my country, it’s truly an honour.


“Tomorrow is the first step in terms of the legal stuff, I’m looking for an apology and if I can get that, that would be awesome.”


Folau: 'I felt backed into a corner'


Rugby Australia chief Raelene Castle also released a statement for the first time since Folau's Go Fund Me page was brought down.


“Rugby Australia has acted with complete professionalism and integrity at all times through the process by which Israel was found, by an independent three-member tribunal panel, to have made multiple, serious breaches of the Professional Players Code of Conduct,” Castle’s statement read.


“The panel found the breaches constituted a high level and directed Rugby Australia to terminate Israel’s contract.”


Folau has shown no interest in any settlement offers made by RA before and during his code of conduct hearing, the largest of which was close to $2 million.


In the interview with Alan Jones, Folau said his message "came from a place of love" and said he understands why some people have reacted with passion to his case. He also received a strong reaction from Twitter users, when he compared being gay to being a drug addict.


“I can certainly see it from both sides. If I had a child who was a drug addict I would still love my child without anything attached to that.”


Did Folau just compare gay people to drug addicts? Gees Louise: @newscomauHQ


— Benedict Brook (@BenedictBrook) June 27, 2019


So in his first TV “interview” Israel Folau compares being gay to being a drug addict….that really does sum him up quite succinctly


— Peter van Onselen (@vanOnselenP) June 27, 2019


Wow… just when you think Israel Folau couldn’t be any dumber, I watch an interview where he essentially says gays and drug addicts are the same.


Does the guy even want a career in this country anymore? 😂


— Matt (@RugOnline) June 27, 2019


Folau also touched on the impact the scandal has had on his wife but said she drew strength from her faith to get past it.


“She’s been dragged into this situation unexpectedly and it’s been very frustrating for her. I’m lucky she’s a strong woman and same as me, convicted by her faith.”


He also spoke of the reaction from his teammates and said he understood where they were coming from and he had no hard feelings toward any of them.


Former teammates Drew Mitchell, Bernard Foley, Nick Phipps and Michael Hooper had strongly disagreed with Folau's views during the saga.


“It’s hard to understand, but it’s something that doesn’t surprise me, I’ve got no animosity towards anyone,” Folau said.


“I let that [criticism] wash over me, I’ve got no hard feelings towards those guys, I’ve had really good times with those guys on and off the field, they are entitled to their opinions.”

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.6864041   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8773



Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 2:16 a.m. No.6864080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia Planning New Naval Port For US To Counter China

RP from QRes#8776


A new report from Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reveals Australia is building a new naval port on its northern coast, near Darwin, able to support thousands of US Marines as part of Washington's efforts to counter rising China in the Eastern Hemisphere.


This comes at a time when Washington is falling into Thucydides Trap, referring to China, the rising power, challenging the US, the status quo, could one day lead to a shooting war somewhere in the heavily contested South China Sea and western Pacific waters.


The "secret plan" was revealed on Monday by ABC, which quoted multiple defense and government officials as saying the new naval port would be 25 miles from Darwin, the capital of the Northern Territory. The exact location is at Glyde Point, a site with relatively deep-water access that will one day allow large warships to dock.

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.6867533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8779


AborigineAnon here, long time lurker and this is my first post ever.


I just want to tell you it’s been amazing sharing these times with you fags and things are really starting to look up here in Australia.


I just saw a Q smoke painted in a local cave.


The word is getting out frens.


Light to Darkness.


We have hope now that our sharp shooter Quigley will get here soon with lots of red buttons. We had given up all hope but now drinking water out of a cactus with a straw is almost tasty.


Thank you and may the “everwhen” be with you.


Nice to have you on board fren

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 1:14 p.m. No.6867556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Papa D Twit


IG report coming prior to 07/17/19???

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 28, 2019, 7:17 p.m. No.6869985   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hi fren,


I meant ready as in "bring it on", not "ready" as in ready for the fallout it brings.


There will be some who are never ready to deal with whats coming. But sometimes better to rip the bandaid off quick, rather than slow and prolong the pain.


The "actual truth" is going to upset the normies whether its dropped in 6 days or 6 months, and some will never believe.


Personally having following Q for over 18 months, and watching the Sealed Indictments increase to over 100,000, I am hoping its time to see some of the dominoes start falling.

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 29, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.6875337   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Owners of Social Media Pages Are Liable for Comments Posted by Others, NSW Supreme Court Finds

RP from QRes#8791


A recent decision by the NSW Supreme Court has paved the way for those who are defamed on social media to take proceedings against not only the poster, but also commercial page administrators.


The preliminary decision in Voller v Nationwide News Pty Ltd and others [2019] NSWSC 766 relates to proceedings brought by former Northern Territory youth detainee Dylan Voller against The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald, Sky News Australia, The Bolt Report and the Centralian Advocate in respect of defamatory material published by “third-party users” or “commentators” in the comments section of Facebook posts.


The lawyers for Mr Voller asserted that 10 posts on the Facebook pages of the news outlets in 2016 and 2017 carried defamatory imputations, and that the organisations are liable for the content of those posts.


The decision, published on 24 June 2019, makes clear that the outlets are considered to have ‘published’ the comments for the purposes of defamation laws, even though the remarks were published by others and despite the difficulties of monitoring every comment by every member of the public, and in spite of the fact there were no requests by Mr Voller or anyone else for the remarks to be deleted.


Full Article:

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 29, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6875364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian Anon digs into the dirt on every crooked American Democratic politician…

RP from QRes#8791




One hell of an interesting thread!

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 29, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.6875388   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RP from QRes#8791




Reminds me of a story I was told by a guy going to Australia on business. Customs & Immigration guy in Oz was giving him the gears, rummaging through his luggage, etc. Just being a jerk and pissing him off.


When Customs guy asked, "Do you have a criminal record," the guy responding with a straight face: "I didn't think that was required to get into Australia anymore."


Shut the Customs guy's yap right up.

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 29, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.6875422   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NZ Anons Interesting Dig

RP from QRes#8791




An addition(s) to the resignation list.


National Party MP Amy Adams’ surprise resignation.


The Honourable Ms Amy Adams was the Minister for Communications and Information Technology under former NZ PM Sir John Key. She was present at the ‘unscheduled’ meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand between the former US Sec of State Mr John Kerry and the former NZ PM’s top bods (FVEY) the day after President Trump won.


I know nothing of National MP Alistair Scott but the timing of his resignation is suspicious.


National Party resignations raise questions about Simon Bridges' leadership




‘“The resignation of two National MPs has raised inevitable questions about Simon Bridges' leadership.


Amy Adams, one of National's most senior MPs, announced on Tuesday she would be stepping down in 2020, just 45 minutes before National MP Alistair Scott announced his resignation.


As Finance spokesperson, Adams is one of the most powerful women in the National Party. Last year she lost to Simon Bridges in the race to be the party's leader.”’


National's Amy Adams retiring from politics at 2020 election


25 Jun, 2019


‘It was a surprise – not just for media, but also for her caucus colleagues when she told them this morning - as Adams had run for the party leadership in February last year following Bill English's resignation.’


In addition I’d previously suggested that the former NZ PM John Key be added to the resignations list but was informed that he was too early to qualify. I think that this is a mistake as he not only willingly did Husseins bidding as regards to NZ FVEY/NZGCSB/Southern Cross cable upgrades and security law changes but is a good golfing friend and accompanied him on his subsequent visits here.


John Keys near immediate resignation after President Trumps win was very telling as was the similarly rapid resignation of his sidekick McCully.


John Key resigns as Prime Minister of New Zealand, cites family reasons for leaving


5 Dec, 2016


‘John Key is resigning as Prime Minister of New Zealand.


Key made the announcement at his weekly press conference this afternoon.


Key, his voice shaking with emotion, said he told his Cabinet of his decision this morning.


"This is the hardest decision I've ever made and I don't know what I'll do next."


Key cited family reasons for leaving, saying the job had required great sacrifices "from those who are dearest to me".’


Murray McCully quits politics.




‘Foreign Minister Murray McCully has announced he's not returning to Parliament in 2017.


He had announced he would not contest the East Coast Bays seat, which he has held since 1987, and has now said he won't stand for National's list either.’


The last image is a screen-cap of an interesting take on the NZ spying and NZ election postal vote rigging in the NZ Q Research

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 29, 2019, 1:54 p.m. No.6875465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6227

Another Australian Anon with an extremely interdasting and deep insight into the "Q phenomenon"…

RP from QRes#8792


Including here as Aus-relevant content, but be warned some Anons did suggest some of this guys comments were a little out there

Anonymous ID: 80c56f June 30, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.6881114   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Anons responses to proposed Social Media crackdown by Scott Morrison

RP from QRes#8796


So, Australia wants to become even more of a police state than it already is? How fucked up is Australia?


The Australian Prime Minister is the Rothschilds' bitch, but he pretends to be friendly with Trump for the cameras.


This is going to get uncomfortable for Australia.




"going to get uncomfortable"


its been that way for a long time now ever since port arthur