Anonymous ID: 72e0f5 July 1, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6890905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1365



Don't be Tard. Comprehend sum pattern.


-2Sin666, modulas 25: "1st" 7x7 fractal <:beyond Sureal


Here's a True "Jew" we'd be wise to heed…


u figure the Quadrivium "why" , or kNOT


F kNights!

Anonymous ID: 72e0f5 July 1, 2019, 3:08 p.m. No.6891478   🗄️.is 🔗kun



yep we're officially in Tard-vile. Vile as hell - truth be known.


Elohim means Mother(s) plural, present continuous.


[sump] Tards would eat their own mother and children - it IS that bad. And don't believe me ; begin by showing some children a slaughter house and monitor the consequences - in particular the psychosis. or is that "illegal" to show children slaughter [and ok for prepubescent to gender "change"…]?


Bible : we are sinners, born is sin. (Mother! how COULD u!?)

Upanishad : Maya - all is illusion.

Budda : Dukkha - suffering, change and conditioned for present continuous suffering.


shall we extend and expose the dogma MOAR?

Anonymous ID: 72e0f5 July 7, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.6944642   🗄️.is 🔗kun



eugenics and democide exposed. it's tipped - when "they" began openly "changing" prepubescent' gender, it was like a 4x2 to the back of the head for dem tards. even tards protect their offspring - at least the overwhelming majority do.


butt tards have much work to do - before they can be Trusted again…


This Earth is OUR EARTH


For our Children's Children

Anonymous ID: 72e0f5 July 9, 2019, 3:32 p.m. No.6972278   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ta 4 dat. Here's your own AI Warrior back at yah. Vinny and Louise Cypher, London, UK.

"The Vincent Vendetta Channel"


Recall, a Commercial Lien is just a post-stamp away from a Grand Jury. Kakistocracy tards have tied themselves in their own knots. it's the beautiful but [deadly] demise of the Serpent devouring self. [destructively hypnotic for tards]


Q: if you are caught traumatising a sentient being, WHAT happens?


Q: Universally, WHAT causes trauma?


If the Chch trauma involves moar than 1 individual : it's a CONSPIRACY. Q : What are the legal consequences and public disclosure implications?


Q: What are the consequences for conspiring and traumatising and harming humans?


Q: Crimes against MAN incur WHAT [kNot]?


I trust your thumb is clean enough to comprehend we've tipped and the ramifications are global…



Anonymous ID: 72e0f5 July 14, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.7040995   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Headline should read: Louise Cypher, misanthropic a.i. creates virus to end humans.


If we're lucky it'll just vaccinate humans against carnism: the destructive dogma destroying earth and sentient life.