Anonymous ID: 8442ab ALEXANDER DOWNER NEEDS TO BE TRIED FOR TRUMP COUP! IF GUILTY BEHEADED IN PUBLIC! June 22, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.6819673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8907


>Remember, US could not spy upon its, and BO used Italy, UK and AU Deep State HRC operatives to set up Trump, and us their spy agencies, in their nations, to do it for BO. This way, DS agents placed in powerful positions all over the world, would Set Up and and all False Flags to force all nations into doing what they would to rule the world.


>Downer placed the 2nd needed nail into the fake "Evidence" as being Verified by the AU spy agency, to cross verify it was a valid Russian link, which was known a lie to all in this setup plot.


>Sir Richard Billing Dearlove crminal HRC Deep State controller inside the UK, was the physical spy agency who verified all information, and physically did the "Wire Tapping" of Trump towers and everyone.


>This is WHY all the 300+ UNMASKINGS BY BO's criminal chick Diplomate, who had no power to Unmask anyone, yet the did! I think here name was Samantha Powers? You know, that Ambassador/Diplomate who did that mass unmasking of American Citizens/


>Explains why that BO just happened to work with one crminal DEARLOVE to dig dirt on US citizens, and given directly to him by this unmasking.


>Get the picture yet? Answers all your questions WHY that US lady unmasked ALL 300+, which she was never allowed to do, because one DEARLOVE needed to connect the dots ON HIS SPY AGENCY, he overseen, wire tapping Trump!


>It was the UK criminal DS spy agency who did all the physical spying, and one DOWNER worked with DEARLOVE, and they double teamed Trumps Coup, hand in hand, for HRC/BO. DOWNER was their from the start, and lied to place the needed 2nd confirmation nail of it being real, but they were both part of the HRC/BO Deep State, and used each of their most secret spy agencies against Trump and America, to Overthrow America!


>Their hands were all over this, and need to be charged and tried on US Soil. Death to their heads, with giving their families front row seats to their deaths…




IF AU OR GB was HONEST, WHY do they keep him in office? He needs to be charged, sent to US and tried. If found guilty, behead or handed until dead. Same as DS Criminal Sir Dearlove, who Downer planned and coordinated Trumps Coup for BO and HRC DS!


Remember, the US could NOT spy upon itself, so they used these DS criminals in these Nations to Spy and Setup Trump Off US Soil! Then its Legal, as US can not spy upon itself, and used other Criminal DS Nations of GB & AU!


Need people to look for Alexander Downers movements in DC in 2015 and 2016! He "Worked" out of the DC Swamp, and DS CONTACT for AU!


REMEMBER - DEEP STATE IS WORLDWIDE and NOT JUST IN THE US! Thats where they were plotting to take over the WORLD for their NWO.


With GB being the actual physical nation that Wiretapped Trump for US, KNOW YOU KNOW "WHY" THE US's UK Diplomat Samantha Powers (?) "UNMASKED" 300+ US CITIZENS! She did it for the GB Spy agency to help SETUP TRUMPs COUP! Understand now "WHY" the USs UK Diplomat UNMASKED US CITIZENS FOR UK, which she had no AUTHORITY TO DO SO? Make sense now guys of the 300+ UNMASKING IN UK? See WHY the GB needed to know WHO WAS Talking in US?

Anonymous ID: 8442ab AU ALEXANDER DOWNER Needs to be Tried and when Guilty FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! Guilty=Death! June 27, 2019, 3:46 p.m. No.6858907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4202


>Remember, US could not spy upon its, and BO used Italy, UK and AU Deep State HRC operatives to set up Trump, and us their spy agencies, in their nations, to do it for BO. This way, DS agents placed in powerful positions all over the world, would Set Up and and all False Flags to force all nations into doing what they would to rule the world.




>Downer placed the 2nd needed nail into the fake "Evidence" as being Verified by the AU spy agency, to cross verify it was a valid Russian link, which was known a lie to all in this setup plot.




>Sir Richard Billing Dearlove crminal HRC Deep State controller inside the UK, was the physical spy agency who verified all information, and physically did the "Wire Tapping" of Trump towers and everyone.




>This is WHY all the 300+ UNMASKINGS BY BO's criminal chick Diplomate, who had no power to Unmask anyone, yet the did! I think here name was Samantha Powers? You know, that Ambassador/Diplomate who did that mass unmasking of American Citizens/




>Explains why that BO just happened to work with one crminal DEARLOVE to dig dirt on US citizens, and given directly to him by this unmasking.




>Get the picture yet? Answers all your questions WHY that US lady unmasked ALL 300+, which she was never allowed to do, because one DEARLOVE needed to connect the dots ON HIS SPY AGENCY, he overseen, wire tapping Trump!




>It was the UK criminal DS spy agency who did all the physical spying, and one DOWNER worked with DEARLOVE, and they double teamed Trumps Coup, hand in hand, for HRC/BO. DOWNER was their from the start, and lied to place the needed 2nd confirmation nail of it being real, but they were both part of the HRC/BO Deep State, and used each of their most secret spy agencies against Trump and America, to Overthrow America!




>Their hands were all over this, and need to be charged and tried on US Soil. Death to their heads, with giving their families front row seats to their deaths…




IF AU OR GB was HONEST, WHY do they keep him in office? He needs to be charged, sent to US and tried. If found guilty, behead or handed until dead. Same as DS Criminal Sir Dearlove, who Downer planned and coordinated Trumps Coup for BO and HRC DS!


Remember, the US could NOT spy upon itself, so they used these DS criminals in these Nations to Spy and Setup Trump Off US Soil! Then its Legal, as US can not spy upon itself, and used other Criminal DS Nations of GB & AU!


Need people to look for Alexander Downers movements in DC in 2015 and 2016! He "Worked" out of the DC Swamp, and DS CONTACT for AU!


REMEMBER - DEEP STATE IS WORLDWIDE and NOT JUST IN THE US! Thats where they were plotting to take over the WORLD for their NWO.


With GB being the actual physical nation that Wiretapped Trump for US, KNOW YOU KNOW "WHY" THE US's UK Diplomat Samantha Powers (?) "UNMASKED" 300+ US CITIZENS! She did it for the GB Spy agency to help SETUP TRUMPs COUP! Understand now "WHY" the USs UK Diplomat UNMASKED US CITIZENS FOR UK, which she had no AUTHORITY TO DO SO? Make sense now guys of the 300+ UNMASKING IN UK? See WHY the GB needed to know WHO WAS Talking in US?


Downer American Patriots will never forget your Coup Against America!