Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 2:48 a.m. No.7143898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3917 >>4030 >>4121

Huge Blast in Christchurch -

RP from QRes#9069


Huge blast in CHCH,


Apparently 5 people hurt in explosion.


'Like a bomb went off': Explosion at Christchurch house heard across city


A massive bang has sounded out across Christchurch after an explosion at a house.


It is believed five people had suffered moderate injuries, St John says.


The incident is at a house on Marble Court in the Christchurch suburb of Northwood.


Facebook users reported hearing what sounded like an explosion all over the city, from Avondale, Bryndwr, Woolston, Parkland and Redwood, of which the resident said their house shook.


A worker at a nearby motel and holiday park said the explosion shook nearby homes and sounded like a bomb had gone off.


A worker at a nearby motel and holiday park said the explosion shook nearby homes and sounded like a bomb had gone off.


"It was more than an earthquake, you'd think a bomb had gone off."


She said insulation and small debris had fallen down from the sky onto her property.


A bystander says the debris is spread across the road.


Fire officers have been instructed to wear hard hats and safety equipment.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 2:55 a.m. No.7143917   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Gas explosion in NZ

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 3:24 a.m. No.7144030   🗄️.is 🔗kun



'It's matchsticks' - gas blast destroys Christchurch house, 6 hurt

RP from QRes#9074


Six people have been injured and rushed to hospital - with injuries ranging from serious to critical - after a gas explosion destroyed a house in Christchurch and sent debris flying 100 metres in all directions.


Fifty residents have been evacuated after the blast ripped through the house on Marble Court in the suburb of Northwood. Emergency services have cordoned off the scene and fire teams are investigating any other


One of the first neighbours on the scene, former police officer Bradley Culver said he was amazed no one was killed.


Moar weird shit from Christ's Church

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 3:48 a.m. No.7144113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4488

Epsteins Temple features a cockatoo statue

RP from QRes#9077


A Cockatoo is a Lookout


".. whenever there is a flock on the ground, there is at least one high up in a tree (usually a dead tree), keeping guard.


This is so well known that it has even entered Australian slang: a person keeping guard for sudden police raids on illegal gambling gatherings is referred to as a cockatoo or cocky for short."

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 3:50 a.m. No.7144121   🗄️.is 🔗kun




RP from QRes#9077

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 3:57 a.m. No.7144142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4502

Commentary on Julia Gillard

RP from QRes#9078


In a death bed confession a high level Satanist in a Australia hints that former prime minister of Australia Julia Gillard is a Satanist known as the "Toilet Vampiress".


'In his last testimony, Satanist Frater 616 writes that "Some of the deadliest, most effective and disarming assassins are women… the Outer Head of the Alpha Lodge Australasia is a very highly placed and successful Federal politician–whose Satanic name is Bestia." Many believe he is referring to Julia Gillard'

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 5:06 a.m. No.7144457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Roman Polanski's 13-year-old Rape Victim Breaks her Silence


60 Minutes Australia


Published on Jul 20, 2019


(2013) It was one off the biggest scandals in the world. In 1977, Hollywood director and producer Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl, at the home of actor Jack Nicholson. The story made international headlines and when he fled America to avoid sentencing, it only got bigger. 36 years later, US authorities are still trying to bring Roman Polanski to justice. His 13 year old victim was Samantha Geimer. She's never forgotten what happened to her all those years ago. On 60 Minutes, Samantha tells her story. What she has to say is difficult, challenging and most definitely not what you might expect.


(14 minute video)

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 5:51 a.m. No.7144704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4712

'Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run The World' Claims Nicole Kidman

RP from QRes#9109


“Stanley told me the world is run by pedophiles,” Nicole Kidman said while promoting HBO’s Big Little Lies, in Los Angeles. “He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and he said the elite, the top secret societies, they are full of men with a certain predilection. They are tied together, sort of bonded, by pedophilia.


“They all know each other’s dark secrets. There is no way out for any of them. It’s a lifetime bond. Even if one of them wanted to go straight, repent, so to speak, he can’t. His peers will bring him down. They are in it until death, driving the world to ruin. That’s kind of how Stanley explained it but it was all very complex. I’m probably not doing it justice.”


Kidman said that Stanley had said that the world is run by pedophiles. She was talking during an interview to promote Big Little Lies in LA. She went on to say that the director had studied secret societies all of his life and that he had become fascinated by them. Kubrick said that the elite of the top secret societies had been full of men who had certain predilections and who were all tied by pedophilia.


Kubrick said that all of them knew the dark secrets of everyone else and that there was no way out for them as it was a bond that lasted a lifetime. He continued by saying that even if one of them were to want to go straight, he would not be able to do so as his peers would bring him down. Kubrick said that they were in it until death and they were driving the world to ruin.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 5:52 a.m. No.7144712   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Adding to that…The Ninth Circle

RP from QRes#9109


“Nicole kidman's clinical psychologist father, Dr. Antony Kidman, died in 2014 after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring called the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice cult. A month prior, Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman’s sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. When the Commission opened an investigation, Kidman suddenly left his 43 year tenure as clinical psychologist with the Sydney University of Technology and Royal North Shore Hospital to stay in Singapore until he died. Corey Feldman has long said paedophilia is the biggest problem facing Hollywood. On his reality series, The Two Coreys, which he starred in alongside Haim, the pair had a full, frank and sometimes painful discussion about the sexual abuse they both suffered as children.


Over sixty eyewitnesses such as Barnett have testified of Ninth Circle child sacrifice and pedophile activities that spanned the globe, including criminal activities against children in the Americas, Netherlands and UK commonwealth countries such as Australia.


The Ninth Circle was also said to have well organized and secretive human hunting parties that included pedophilia. Privately owned forest groves were believed used in the US, Canada, France and Holland. It appeared children and teens were obtained by the criminal drug syndicate Octopus, which was believed connected to the Vatican. The kidnapped children and teens were said to be stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed.


You have to wonder - what happened to Nicole Kidman after growing up with a father who was a clinical psychologist under investigation for child sexual and physical assaults?”

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 23, 2019, 5:57 a.m. No.7144748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Over 60 Australian planes grounded after fatal crash in Sweden

RP from QRes#9110


A total of 63 Australian-made planes have been grounded around the world following the fatal crash of an aircraft in Sweden in which nine people died. The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority ordered the suspension of GA8 aircrafts by Victoria-based manufacturer GippsAero, pending Swedish and EU investigations into the July 14 incident.


READ MORE: Small plane crashes in Sweden, killing 9


The aircraft in Sweden was being used by a parachuting group when it crashed in what local officials described as one of the country’s worst aviation accidents.


The GA8 plane suspension order lasts until August 3.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 24, 2019, 1:53 a.m. No.7158089   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report Finds The Average Person Swallows The Plastic Equivalent Of A Credit Card Every Week

RP from QRes#9117


We consume plastic every day. And that quantity is growing as each day we let our planet get inundated in a plastic tide. The thick bed of plastic floating on the sea; the beasts and birds choking to death on plastic; it all used to be a part of the dining table conversation. And then suddenly we find that it is a part of our diet. We are surrounded by plastic and almost all of the food that the modern man consumes is either packed in plastic or has plastic mixed in it, in some form of the other.


Already, the quantity is alarming. WWF, the global environment charity has put the quantity at 5 grams, the weight of a credit card. The alarming news focuses on the extent to which this pollution has spread.


The study initiated by the University of Newcastle, Australia, concluded that the average person is consuming more than 2000 bits of plastic less than 1 mm every week, which adds up to 250 grams a year. Almost 90% of that comes from drinking water, both tap and bottled.


Seafood is the worst affected segment where direct consumption of plastic is the norm. Shellfish lovers eat up to 11,000 fragments of plastic in their seafood every year. Even if we absorb 1% of all that enters our body, it still is quite a significant quantity. A third of the fish caught off the UK had plastic in it.


The plastic serving at the dinner table starts with the ubiquitous salt pot. It is usually made of plastic and now it contains some too. And so does your beer. European tap water has a generous share of plastic with every litre containing at least 4 plastic fibres.


Increased awareness of the presence of microplastics and the harm it causes has also thrown up this alarming statistic; an accurate calculation of the amount of plastic that we ingest.


Plastic has littered the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest place on earth; it is there at its highest point up there on Mt. Everest. it has been found in Arctic sea ice and littered on the peaks of the remote French Pyrenees.


But what has alarmed people the most is the realization that they are ingesting it too. And there is no way they can avoid it.


The study of the effects of ingesting plastic is still in its nascent stages. The long term effects are unknown. Respiratory distress caused by inhalation of plastic fibers and inflammation of respiratory tracts is known. Some chemicals like bisphenol-A(BPA) and phthalates are potential carcinogens. Reproductive malformations and developmental disorders can also occur.


The convenience of plastic in our lives is slowly being superseded by the nuisance of plastic, especially when we are being forced to ingest them. No nation is immune to the problem, so no section of the social strata is above the nuisance. The steps taken so far have been perfunctory at best. Banning the use of plastic bags or restricting the use of straw is okay for the media. But unless a total control of the production of plastic is initiated at a global level as in the case of green gases, let’s continue to have plastic as a side dish and perhaps as a main course in a few decades.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 24, 2019, 1:57 a.m. No.7158098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Dubai royal insider breaks silence on escaped princesses

RP from QRes#9121


60 Minutes Australia


Published on Jul 21, 2019


For the first time, Dubai royal family member and palace insider, Marcus Essabri, exposes what life is like inside the royal family. In a world exclusive interview with 60 Minutes, he says the freedoms of women are severely restricted, and there are torturous consequences for those who dare to defy those in power.


also she's the Sister of the King of Jordan

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 24, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.7158115   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New gun laws explained, but Government gets critical detail wrong

RP from QRes#9122

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 24, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.7158123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8180

Assange hit piece (47mins) just aired in Australia on the ABC. His detractors had 90% of airtime.

RP from QRes#9123


Four Corners: Hero or Villain? (Part 1 of 2)


Next week: Assange and the 2016 campaign. Russia Russia Russia.



Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 24, 2019, 2:08 a.m. No.7158142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump invites ScoMo to the WH

RP from QRes#9124


** The President and First Lady will welcome Prime Minister and Mrs. Morrison of Australia to the White House on September 20, 2019, for an official visit, which will include a state dinner. The visit will celebrate our two countries’ close friendship and shared history, and reaffirm our common vision for global peace, security, and prosperity.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 25, 2019, 2:35 a.m. No.7179549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Breaking Bad Meets Bad Braking: Man Transporting $140 Million In Meth Crashes Into Cop Car

RP from QRes#9148


An Australian man was found transporting over $140 million in methamphetamines after he crashed his van into a police car outside of a Sydney police station, according to the New South Wales Police.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 25, 2019, 4 a.m. No.7179974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9982

Serial killer fears after couple shot dead on Canada’s ‘highway of tears’

RP from QRes#9183


Saturday 20 Jul 2019 12:59 pm


Lucas Fowler Chynna Deese Australian Lucas Fowler, 23, and his American girlfriend, Chynna Deese, 24, were killed after their vehicle broke down in British Columbia, Canada.


Australian Lucas Fowler, 23, and his American girlfriend, Chynna Deese, 24, were driving towards a cattle ranch in British Colombia when they were shot at close range. Police said they have also found a third body on the same stretch of the Alaska Highway and are attempting to find out if it is linked.


The 450-mile road has been dubbed the ‘Highway of Tears’ with up to 50 women vanishing or being murdered there since 1970. Locals are terrified there could be a serial killer on the loose as there have been six deaths in the past year. In 2015 women were warned not to hitchhike in the area.


Australian Lucas Fowler, 23, and his American girlfriend, Chynna Deese, 24, were driving in a Blue 1986 Chevrolet van towards a cattle ranch in British Columbia when they died. Witnesses claim their car broke down on the side of Alaska Highway. That is the last time they were seen alive. Their bodies were found around 20km from the popular Liard Hot Springs.


NSW Assistant Commissioner Mark Jones said in a press conference that both had been shot in 'horrific circumstances'. Police believe their deaths are not linked to any other active or ongoing investigation. Their bodies were found around 20km from the popular Liard Hot Springs The couple were at the start of a tour around ‘the top half of the globe’ (Picture: Facebook) Lucas and Chynna were last seen by the side of their blue 1986 Chevrolet about 15 miles south of Liard Hot Springs on Sunday afternoon. Their bodies were found at 7am the next day.


Chynna had recently graduated from university while Lucas was working on a cattle ranch in Canada. The pair were at the start of a road trip around the ‘top half of the globe.’ The couple’s friends and family said they had previously travelled across Europe and Asia together and were always ‘sensible and cautious.’

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 25, 2019, 4:01 a.m. No.7179982   🗄️.is 🔗kun



con't One of the last people to see the couple alive said both were happy just hours before their deaths. Curtis Broughton said he saw them in arm chairs close to their blue van on the Alaska Highway. He said: ‘Obviously their van had broken down but they were still happy and smiling. ‘They were having lunch or a bit of a meal when we pulled up.’ He said he and his wife stopped to help the pair but he realised the young Australian had the problem under control.


Curtis said he was ‘shocked’ when he turned on the news later in the week and found out the pair had been murdered. Their bodies were found on the Highway of Tears. The remote stretch of road was given the grisly nickname Highway of Tears after a string of women were discovered in shallow graves or simply vanished without a trace.


Signs along the highway warn of a serial killer on the loose - cautioning girls not to hitchhike. But many of the missing belong to remote indigenous communities, who are forced to hitchhike as they have little or no transport or phone coverage. A shocking 2014 report by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police identified 1,049 murdered and 172 missing aboriginal women dating back to 1980.


Sergeant Janelle Shoihet said in a statement this morning: ‘We recognise this news is troubling for the entire community and absolutely appreciate there are concerns for safety, in an area that is popular with nature enthusiasts and tourists.


‘This investigation is in its very infancy and it is not yet clear whether Lucas and Chynna were targeted or if this was a crime of opportunity. ‘At this point, we have nothing to indicate that their deaths are linked to any other active and ongoing investigations in the area, or if there is a heightened risk to public safety. ‘This is a unique circumstance and not one I am personally aware of in recent years.’


The first recorded death on the highway was in 1969 when the body of Gloria Moody was found after she failed to return home from a bar. Since then dozens more women have vanished on that stretch of road while several bodies have been found in shallow graves. Last year, three women were murdered or went missing while on the Alaska Highway through British Colombia.


Last July, the body of 34-year-old Chantelle Catherine Simpson was found in the Skeena River. In September, Jessica Patrick, aged 18, vanished after last being seen at a McDonald’s restaurant. Her remains were found down a steep embankment. On December 23, Cynthia Martin disappeared from Hazelton and the 50-year-old has not been seen since. The deaths of Lucas and Chynna and the mysterious third body take the total to six in the past 12 months.


Read more:

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 26, 2019, 4:12 a.m. No.7197943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian mom working for UN in Fiji reportedly found dead in home

RP from QRes#9188


An Australian mother working for the United Nations in Fiji was found dead in her home on Tuesday and local authorities believe she may have been murdered, according to reports.


Jennifer Downes, who was professionally known as Jenna Lusaka, was allegedly killed, and her husband, Henry Lusaka John, was left seriously injured, The Guardian reported on Wednesday.


The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade told the news outlet the agency is assisting the woman's family, but did not comment on the situation further. John reportedly remains under "police guard" at a hospital in the capital of Suva.


Downes worked for the World Food Programme (WFP), the food-assistance sector of the U.N. Farhan Haq, a deputy spokesperson for the UN secretary-general, said "The UN closely collaborates with national law enforcement authorities in Fiji in following up on this case."


In a Medium post published in June 2018, Downes described how much she loved her job as a logistics officer. The U.N. wrote that "with her zest for the role, good-humored nature, and more than 10 years of field experience, Jenna is working with partners across the Pacific on building knowledge on logistics systems, tools, and operational planning for disaster preparedness."


The mother-of-three "worked tirelessly to bring logistics tools and knowledge to the communities in the Pacific islands, helping them prepare for and respond to natural disasters," a spokesperson for the WFP told The Sydney Morning Herald.


Authorities in Suva are reportedly investigating her death as suspicious, but further information was not immediately clear.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 26, 2019, 4:21 a.m. No.7198012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8019 >>8030

Witness Statement by Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor, Fiona Barnett – Calling Out Her Pedophile Abusers

RP from QRes#9191


"I was child sex trafficked from Sydney airport to California, USA, in a cargo plane. I was gassed and stuffed in a wooden crate like an animal. During this trip, I was raped by media founder Ted Turner at a pedophile party held at Disneyland"

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 26, 2019, 4:22 a.m. No.7198019   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another RP from same bread


Articles written by Fiona Barnett (13)


23 October 2015 | Fiona Barnett: The 'Candy Girl', the Royal Commission and the NSW Police


13 October 2015 | Abuse survivor Fiona Barnett: The ‘Candy Girl’


19 March 2015 | Gold Coast hogtie doctor found guilty of assaulting 7-year-old boy


3 November 2014 | Trapped inside (Part 3): AHPRA protects alleged sex offenders


20 September 2014 | Antony Kidman dies amidst child abuse allegations


20 July 2014 | Trapped inside (Part 2): Bond University exposed


2 July 2014 | The disappointing Child Abuse Royal Commission


9 May 2014 | Trapped inside Australia’s vast child abuse network (Part 1)


12 February 2014 | Hogtie victim’s mother speaks out


10 February 2014 | Gold Coast 'hog-tie' paediatrician: More mothers speak out


27 July 2013 | Child Abuse Royal Commission ‘at risk’


26 June 2013 | NSW police protects alleged Tweed Heads paedophile ring


25 June 2013 | NSW Education Department covers up teacher’s alleged 18-year child sex abuse spree,264

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 26, 2019, 4:30 a.m. No.7198082   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pope Benedict XVI has his own Mickey Mouse ears.

RP from QRes#9192


Pope Benedict XVI has his own Mickey Mouse ears.


They are even inscribed with “Benedict XVI” on the front.


He received them from Armando Cervantes, a youth minister with the Diocese of Orange, who along with 11 others had lunch with the Pope on Thursday and brought him gifts.


They are in Sydney, Australia as a part of World Youth Day.


Cervantes, 27, is the lay leader of a group of 300 Orange County youths from the diocese who traveled to Australia. He spoke to the pope about his goals in youth ministry and, like the other 11 youth leaders at the table, shared stories about their lives and countries.


“It was an overwhelming feeling that I find it very hard to describe,” Cervantes said by phone. “We were all very giddy, joking and laughing, nervous waiting for him to come in. And when he did, there was this amazing calm as soon as he entered the room.


“You could just feel the love from him and how much we respected him like a grandfather talking to his family.


“What impressed me too was it never felt like he had an agenda of any kind,” Cervantes added. “The focus of the conversation was always on us, like we were the most important. He wanted to hear what we were doing for the ministry. I was very impressed.”


The meal, served in the rectory of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney, included sweet potato and pear soup with crusty bread; chicken; baked new potatoes and snow peas; lemon and passion fruit meringue pie; freshly squeezed orange juice, tea and coffee; and chocolates.


“It was quick,” Cervantes said. “We headed to dessert, and he was whisked away. It happened so fast. … This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I will treasure for the rest of my life.”


About 15,000 youth will celebrate a final Mass with the pope on Sunday; the Orange County youth, teenagers and young adults, will leave Australia on Tuesday. World Youth Day aims to energize young Catholics.


The pope, by the way, didn’t put on the ears.


But when he received them, he was smiling.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 27, 2019, 5:31 a.m. No.7212895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2903

8 pointed star used in Aussie coin, not 7 points as used on Aussie flag


Star has 8 points. 8 points NOT associated with Australian symbolism before this design!


The small dot also suggests Arabic stylising

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 27, 2019, 5:35 a.m. No.7212903   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another RP from QRes#9207


Symbolism of an 8 pointed star, some of which are a little creepy:


What's interesting here is that the British Commonwealth does use a 7 pointed star as its symbol, and it is on the Australian flag:


"The Commonwealth Star, in the lower left quadrant, represents the different colonies that joined together to create the Commonwealth of Australia. When the flag was first introduced, it had six points to represent the six different colonies. Because the six colonies were joining together to form a federation, the Commonwealth Star is sometimes referred to as the Federation Star.


A seventh point was added to the Commonwealth Star in 1908 to represent Australia’s territories."


Why was an 8 pointed star instead of a 7 pointed star chosen for that coin, though? Hmm, interesting.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 27, 2019, 6:10 a.m. No.7213115   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resignations in the Region

RP from QRes#9207


Joh Griggs' shock resignation after seven years

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 27, 2019, 6:10 a.m. No.7213120   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia seeks to dissect Big Tech algorithms & impose ‘code of conduct’ to protect privacy

RP from QRes#9215


Australia has pledged to “lift the veil” on Big Tech’s use of citizens’ data, empowering a new branch of its antitrust authority to analyze how companies like Facebook and Google decide what ads and content to show users.


“They need to be held to account and their activities need to be more transparent,” Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg told reporters on Friday following the release of a report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the country’s antitrust regulator.


The new digital platforms division would be able to peek behind the curtain at what are currently proprietary algorithms determining how tech platforms choose what content, including advertisements, their users see. It would have the power to compel tech platforms to provide information, including prices charged on advertising exchanges, and could rule on whether there was enough competition in the market.


The ACCC’s report also recommended stronger privacy laws with greater protection for personal information, including the ability to have one’s data destroyed or moved to another company and the adoption of a statutory tort for the most egregious privacy invasions. Its 23 recommendations also included protections for the press, as well as a code of conduct regulating how tech platforms can profit from user-generated content and how they evaluate complaints about inaccurate information being spread on their services. The ACCC’s reforms are open to public consultation for 12 weeks before the government decides how – or if – to implement them.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 28, 2019, 3:11 a.m. No.7227084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CANBERRA, Australia—Tech giants Facebook Inc. FB -0.48% and Alphabet Inc. GOOG 10.45% ’s Google could have their secretive algorithms policed by a beefed-up watchdog, under what Australia describes as world-first limits to the power that they wield over news and advertising markets.


The recommended changes—which include strengthening privacy safeguards with steep penalties of up to 10% of annual domestic turnover for the misuse of data—are listed in a report by the national competition regulator. It conducted a year-and-a-half investigation into the impact such companies have had on the country.


It comes after Facebook was hit with a $5 billion fine in the U.S. this week. A Federal Trade Commission investigation found the company had repeatedly used deceptive disclosures and account settings to lure users into sharing personal information, undermining their actual privacy preferences.


RP from QRes#9227

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 28, 2019, 3:49 a.m. No.7227228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0467

Antifa Australia: Why I founded, then quit left-wing terror group

RP from QRes#9242


I established a terror movement in Australia, and I quit


OCTOBER 25, 2017


SHAYNE Hunter established the far-left and violent Antifa movement in Australia. After four years the Brisbane man quit. Here’s why.


ANTIFA is a growing extreme group who believe violence is legitimate.


I got radicalised in Sydney. I was originally concerned about Western intervention in Syria. Radical left wing people dominated rallies and I started to associate with them more. My so-called ‘normal’ friends drifted away.


We would hang out at an anarchist library in Sydney. Here a bunch of people on the dole gather enough money to rent out the space and run a bookshop. It’s like extremist networking.


I came to believe that war was a symptom of bigger systems at play in society and they were the real enemy, like white supremacy and patriarchy. Antifa believe these systems need to be smashed through a process of ‘de-platforming’ to save the world. People who don’t necessarily agree on everything are united to attack their common enemy — anyone in the right wing of politics.


This micro-society became my life for four years.


They believe historically their roots were fighting Nazi oppression. They run a website which is updated every couple of weeks with a hit list of right wing names. They believe if these people are allowed to speak, society will suffer. So, they must be pushed back.


There is no mission statement, rather, it’s a dangerous rhetoric. There are a lot of very damaged people who are drawn to it.


Lots of activists came from Sydney University. They invited me along to some of their lectures. When I was organising the ‘Reclaim Australia’ rally and pushing Antifa into Brisbane, we delegated roles out across the gathering. Someone would print pamphlets that got our propaganda out there. Someone else would look after social media and online, we all gathered people to come.


I read that Antifa in the US is training people to shoot and punch. It’s the same here. Antifa in Sydney are doing martial arts to, as they would put it, ‘fight the Nazis’. It’s a paramilitary mindset.


It’s more dangerous than ISIS.


I was ideologically possessed for four years. I would speak louder on public transport so people could hear me speak, hoping they would hear my message.


The radical left of Antifa presents itself as being about compassion and empathy; it’s a Trojan horse. All conversations are about entitlement and rights, not responsibility. When these people talk about freedom, they really mean freedom from responsibility.


Often the people who are drawn to this cult don’t have a strong identity outside it. I’m not a psychologist but, like ISIS, it gives people a sense of belonging to something and having purpose.


A ‘social justice warrior’ cringe video appeared on my social media feed. I didn’t watch it at first. A couple of weeks later it popped up again so I pressed play. It was like seeing the entire cult through an outside lens. It woke me up. I realised that everything I had started to believe was wrong.


You don’t know humiliation until you’ve left a cult; I wasted four years of my life.


I cut ties over time. I’m still in contact with some ex-cult members but I don’t see anyone who’s still active.


In my 20-something generation, social media plays the role of a 24/7 preacher — like a pocket preacher. Each day you’re being validated by the echo chamber on your phone.


Antifa would say there is nothing good about Australian society. Their minds project that belief, and everything is filtered through this ideology.


Without doubt it’s a huge and growing threat to Australian society. It’s a miserable mindset. When I got out of it and stopped feeling oppressed, I finally felt like I could take control of my life. That’s what I intend to do now.”

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 29, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.7240152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DOD Aust Tweet

RP from QRes#9258


U.S. Air Force Retweeted


Fueling the forces ⛽


A @usairforce KC-10A Extender air-to-air refuelling aircraft on the Brisbane International airport tarmac before taking part in a sortie for Exercise @TalismanSabre 19. #USwithAUS #TS19


📸: CPL Colin Dadd


3:00 PM - 28 Jul 2019

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 29, 2019, 2:14 a.m. No.7240172   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RP Anon responses from QRes#9259


Just watched a great report on this. This shit is nuts. Chinese were sold visas to Australia. Including Xi's cousin, who was caught on a private plane that was being stopped and searched in Australia related to the Crown crime syndicate.


Big deal in Aussie land bc it means high level people in govt were taking bribes to make it all happen. Bunch of people in China went to jail for soliciting big sharks in China to come to Australia to gamble. Yet Xi's cousin is in the middle of it, with a visa and a house in Australia and that's A-OK with Xi.


a fren who traveled to china frequently years ago told me the macau game they play is you bring the money from "they don't care" to the casino and they gave you "special" chips that could be used to place wagers but un-cashable at the cage. When you won they paid out in regular chips. So you just used those special chips to place bets and you gather the real ones, take them to cage and off you go.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 29, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.7240205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8487

News from Australia: Five Eyes intelligence alliance working to disrupt international paedophile networks.

RP from QRes#9262


Security allies wage war on child abusers


Australia will lead a global push to target online child exploitation in a bid to shut down what domestic intelligence and security agencies claim is an alarming proliferation in the live-streaming of child rape.


Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton will today meet in London with member countries of the Five Eyes intelligence network — which includes the US, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, as well as Australia — to discuss how to harness the unrivalled global reach and cyber capabilities of the ­organisation to disrupt international paedophile networks.


It is understood that Britain has agreed to elevate child exploitation to a priority issue for Five Eyes, with the US also likely to back it.


It comes as Australian Federal Police report a doubling in the number of online child exploitation cases reported last year, with an explosion in the use of live-streaming and digital platforms by networks of paedophiles on the dark web.


The Australian understands that last year the AFP received 18,000 reports through inter­national and domestic sources of online child abuse material, ­reflecting an 84 per cent increase since 2017.


Mr Dutton is also likely to argue for pressure to be increased on digital platforms such as ­Google, Facebook and Twitter — which refused a request to ­attend a classified meeting last year — to act against the live-streaming of child exploitation, just as they have been forced to act on terrorism and ultra-violence.


The five country ministerial meeting of Home Affairs, Security and Interior ministers is also expecting to feature heated discussions on whether Britain and Canada join the US and Australia-led 5G ban on Chinese telco ­Huawei.



Mr Dutton, however, has told The Australian that while 5G would feature prominently, it was the proliferation in online child exploitation that would form a “significant part of the agenda” at this year’s Five Eyes meeting.


He welcomed the British decision to elevate child exploitation as “a key priority of discussions”.


“There needs to be a greater international engagement in the battle against child exploitation,” Mr Dutton said in an interview ahead of his arrival in Britain.


“Now with the internet, pay-per view, they (offenders) can ­direct material and have it live-streamed into their bedrooms.


“The bigger picture is how we can disrupt these networks.”


Mr Dutton would not discuss operational options but it would likely involve the enlistment of capabilities of the Australian Cyber Security Centre. “It is necessary to deal with these people, the prolific nature of what’s being sent around the planet in seconds … the only way you can deal with it is online and trying to strike it out at the same time you are trying to rescue kids,” he said. “The Five Eyes community is more needed and more necessary than ever.”


Of the 28 citizenship cancellations imposed by Mr Dutton since 2014, 11 have been for people convicted of child sex offences.


The government claims controversial encryption laws passed at the end of last year, which were initially resisted by Labor but eventually supported, would be vital in cyber approaches to child exploitation.


The AFP, which argued strenuously for the new laws, but which were resisted by the tech companies, claims Australians were viewing an “unprecedented volume of online child abuse ­material” with a spike in incidents reported to the US National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.


Mr Dutton said the Morrison government had pumped an extra $70 million into the Centre for Countering Child Exploitation in the past six months, and was committed to a build-up of operations with Interpol.


Austrac, which now comes under the Department of Home Affairs, had also been given a priority mission to track paedophile networks through financial transactions. Mr Dutton said Australia’s focus was on Southeast Asia, with multiple joint operations with Manila to rescue children in The Philippines. Britain was focusing on networks and child trafficking in Europe. A former policeman, Mr Dutton worked in the sex offenders squad.


“I’ve investigated rapes and ­interviewed young girls and boys sexually assaulted — in many cases it destroys lives. They and society are paying the price,” he said. “We have to do everything we can to protect kids. It’s horrible to believe these people live and breathe among us. But we need to deal with the reality of that threat.”



Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 30, 2019, 2:50 a.m. No.7256515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Australian 60 minutes exclusive=


Billionaire James Packer, Crown casino, sex trafficking, money laundering and drugs


RP from QRes#9263

Not sure if this clip already been posted.

Anonymous ID: 692cb6 July 30, 2019, 3:17 a.m. No.7256646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Best friends! 🐕

RP from QRes#9266




🇦🇺 private and his working dog take a break from providing security during




2019 in Rockhampton, Australia. More than 25,000 🇦🇺and 🇺🇸 military members are participating in the joint exercise.


(for you dog posts=code anons)