Anonymous ID: f088e7 May 26, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.6591568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9613



"America is following the footsteps of Australia?!"


Is that a typo? Surely you meant Australia WILL BE following in the footsteps of America.


Notice how, when they cover Trump's Huawei ban, the Aus MSM never even mentions the fact that the ban might be because HUWAWEI IS A THREAT TO HUMANITY. Instead they're always just, "so what's a consumer gonna do if they want to download a new app from Google Play like Candy Crush 7?"


Aus MSM don't even ask what it might mean if Huawei is trying to spy on the people and on government in a VERY REAL WAR. Lives are at stake! Freedom is at stake! The whole Planet is at stake! But you'd never know it from ABC or Sky.


Has this Australia thread been taken over by shills? Is that why the last Aus thread was attacked?