Anonymous ID: acbca3 July 16, 2019, 1:14 a.m. No.7057027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>t. Why would he do what he said he was going to do?


Really? Did you even read his manifesto? He specifically said he was going to do this. He's pleading not guilty to drag it out as long as possible so he gets his message out. He wants people thinking about it, researching it (including the fact it was an ISIS mosque he hit - that ties into all the other stuff discussed here). I don't agree with his actions, or the way the Seejfags (including the increasingly obvious O9A/TOB infestation) are idolising him but he got his point across.


And it wasn't a false flag - no false flagger would make those posts about Ebba over a 2 year period, it's just too organic & genuinely autistic. Same with how he operated - like an effective amateur who had planned thoroughly, but not a pro (like fumbling his mags, not securing them properly in his vest, the FTEs from not cleaning his rifle etc). Mossad were a little too eager to claim him as well - and nobody goes to the trouble of creating a manifesto for a false flag that they then try to hurriedly scrub from the Internet in a panic (and it WAS a panic).


The reality is it was always gonna happen eventually, somebody that just eats too many blackpills and snaps. It's all well and good to "trust the plan" while there's pieces of child strewn all over the place. It happened to enough otherwise good soldiers in many wars in the past.