Anonymous ID: a0fad9 May 24, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.6584072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1681



You sound pretty mad to me. Try again when you have a clue.


Besides, I don't care who's 'opinion' it was. The info was wrong. You implied a single admin donated, when BOTH parties did.


You're cute when you're mad btw.

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 May 27, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.6601276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian ships tailed by Chinese military in South China Sea


The Australian Navy was closely followed by the Chinese military in a recent transit of the South China Sea, near islands controversially claimed by Beijing.


Defence confirmed it had a "professional" and "friendly" interaction with the People's Liberation Army during Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2019, an ADF regional engagement mission which wrapped up today.


HMAS Canberra has anchored at Darwin, ending a three-month-long tour of seven Asian nations involving three other Australian warships, aircraft and more than 1,200 defence personnel.


Air Commodore Richard Owen spoke to the ABC on board the Task Group's flagship HMAS Canberra after she arrived in the Top End.


He said the Australian Task Group made two transits through the South China Sea, where the Chinese military keeps a close eye on international visitors who pass through the contested waters.


"It is controversial, we were quite aware of that," Air Commodore Owen said.


"We transited north and south through the South China Sea in international waters and we were engaged, as we normally are, by other navies."


The ABC can reveal the Australians were closely tailed by the Chinese military earlier this month as they made their way towards Vietnam, and as the Task Group departed Cam Ranh port.


"We were sensitive to all navy interactions, we train for that, we're aware of how they will behave and how we behave, so I had no extra worries about it at all, I was confident in the capabilities of the Royal Australian Navy and the ADF," Commodore Owen said.


"They'll want to know who we are, where we're going and what our intentions are, and the Chinese were no different — they were friendly, they were professional."


Last year the ABC revealed three Australian warships were also challenged by the Chinese military as they made their way to Vietnam for a three-day goodwill visit in Ho Chi Minh city.


During this year's Indo-Pacific Endeavour mission, HMAS Canberra was joined by HMAS Success, HMAS Newcastle and HMAS Parramatta, as well as embarked MH-60R maritime combat helicopters and MRH-90 maritime support helicopters.




I think we've all been trying to do our part and some of us have ended up going full retard (like myself). Gotta do more lurking.


Sorry fellow anons, will start anew by posting the above and continuing to lurk for news to post.

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 May 27, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.6601362   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Labor leader Anthony Albanese calls for end to climate wars


Anthony Albanese has called for an end to the climate wars, saying he wants to work with Scott Morrison on an emissions reduction plan that benefits both the environment and the economy.


After being confirmed as the party’s new leader on Monday morning, the senior leftwinger has also urged more people to join the Labor party, saying the movement needs to be “larger and more inclusive” to win an election in three years’ time. Arguing the opposition had many lessons to learn following its shock election defeat under Bill Shorten, Albanese said he believed that “conflict fatigue” was among the reasons the party had failed to convince voters of the need for change.


“People want solutions, not arguments. They have conflict fatigue,” Albanese said.

“I am a values politician, but I also say this to Scott Morrison – I’m not Tony Abbott.”


Flagging his desire to see bipartisanship on the vexed issues of constitutional recognition for indigenous Australians and climate policy, Albanese said he was prepared to work with the Coalition to develop a consensus position on a national emissions reduction plan.


“Let me say this unequivocally – the science is in, climate change is real, we must act,” Albanese said.


“Action will create jobs, it will benefit our economy and it will benefit our environment.

“The time for the ongoing conflict over these issues surely is over.”


But while indicating he was prepared to cooperate on some policy areas, Albanese also pledged to “strongly, forcefully” hold the Morrison government to account.


Albanese’s call for climate policy certainty comes as Labor’s shadow environment minister Tony Burke indicated the party could move away from its support of a direct market mechanism to tackle emissions reduction, suggesting Labor shift to a regulation and spending model, such as that being advocated by the Democrats in the US. Albanese said he was neither a “neither a climate sceptic, nor … a market sceptic”, saying he had consulted with business about the need for policy certainty.


“They are crying out for certainty, and it is time that the government worked with the opposition to deliver that certainty going into the future.”


Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has indicated the Coalition will pursue the climate policy it took to the election which centres on a $3.5bn emissions reduction fund. Pledging to work hard over the next three years to convince people of the need to vote Labor, Albanese acknowledged the party needed to do more to “reach out” to those who didn’t support either major party at the May 18 election, while conceding Labor had a “big mountain to climb” to form government.


more at sauce:

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 June 3, 2019, 4:36 a.m. No.6659893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0526



Talking about nuking us in our own thread. GTFO. Stop being divisive.>>6658976


Amen to that, brother.


Looks like it could almost be time.


Three Chinese Warships make surprise entrance into Sydney


(I'm too shit to embed, pls help frens)

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 June 22, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.6815603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Disturbing’: The real reason there are so many ‘fake doctors’ in Australia


To be a doctor is to hold a fairly unique position in society, with respectability and trust that almost no other profession can lay claim to.


This trust between a doctor and their patient is essential but it is this trust that is being deliberately abused by a small but deceitful group of criminals.


Across Australia, 1303 people have been reported to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA), which is responsible for the registration of medical professionals, since 2014.


Sixteen have been convicted, some of whom infiltrated hospitals and treated people who had no idea that their so-called doctor had about as much knowledge as they did.


One of the most disturbing cases is that of Raffaele Di Paolo, who not only pretended to be a doctor and fertility specialist but also performed a range of bizarre ‘treatments’ and tests on 30 victims.


These included using a needle to remove semen from testicles without anaesthetic, injecting unknown substances into women’s’ stomachs and buttocks, and instructing the partners of some female patients seeking IVF to insert ultrasound probes into their vaginas.


Moar in link below. Much more..

Anonymous ID: a0fad9 July 4, 2019, 5:46 a.m. No.6913256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New legal advice puts council fluoridation programs on shaky ground


Australia's water providers may not have the proper approval to add fluoride, according to legal advice from a prominent lawyer.


Tim Robertson SC, who specialises in environmental and constitutional law, warns fluoridation is prohibited without approval from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).


"Supply of fluoridated water is in breach of the [Therapeutic Goods] Act, until fluoridated water is registered … or excluded from the Act," Mr Robertson wrote in a report to the Port Macquarie Hastings Council, on the NSW Mid North Coast.