Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 5:55 p.m. No.2576299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6309 >>6365 >>6440 >>6500 >>6679

>>2576271 (lb)

That fact does not make the fact that Israel is in war against Blacks any less true.

Try harder with the pilpul Israel first traitor, you only help me redpill newfags on how you subversive jews act when faced with the FACTS.

Cry more :)

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 5:56 p.m. No.2576309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6314 >>6440 >>6500




All Blacks should be against zionism and the crimes of the state of Israel because:



Israel is proudly in an open war against Blacks;



Israel is has been systematically sterilizing Black (Ethiopian) women without their consent nor knowledge;



Israel openly calls for the genocide of non-jews;



Israel supports ISIS and uses much needed in America US tax payer money to support ISIS (USA gives Israel 9 MILLION dollars PER DAY);



Jews were the ones that started and dominated the trans-Atlantic US slave trade (and they use their Hollywood and MSM control to pin it on Whites, and then use their Sorors funded “progressive” political groups like BLM to pit Blacks against Whites, and to induce guilt into Whites for something JEWS DID);



Jews use the words goyim (which means cattle AND non-jew) and shiksa (which means non-jew-woman AND a dirty abomination), and then they cry about "hate speech". Then they paint themselves like they are eternal victims when people get really angry at them when they use the ADL, SPLC and other jewish interest groups to stamp on our rights (1st amend and 2nd). The more they act like that, the more reasons to terminate them all they give the general public.



Jews were heavily involved in the KKK, which hated Black people (and by the way, Hillary Cliton’s mentor was a KKK member). From the book “When Victims Rule”:

“Jewish mythology claims a long history of moral superiority over others, and innocence. The original Ku Klux Klan (1865-1876), however, was not hostile to Jews and even had Jewish members, including Simon Baruch, the father of the Quarter-Master General of the Confederate Army. (The father of Bernard Baruch, the Chairman of the War Industries Board under President Woodrow Wilson in World War I, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan). [COIT, M., 1957, p. 12-13] The Secretary of State of the Confederacy (initially its Secretary of War) was also of Jewish birth, Judah P. Benjamin. [RUBINSTEIN, p. 20] After the war Benjamin fled to England. David de Leon was the first Surgeon General of the Confederacy. [GOLDBERG, M. H., 1976, p. 172] Other prominent Confederate Jews included Edwin Moise, Speaker of the Louisiana House; Raphael Moses who "was influential in leading Georgia out of the Union;" Henry Hyans, the Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana leading up to the Civil War; and Edwin de Leon, "whom Benjamin sent to Paris to handle public relations and propaganda for the South." "The prominent role of Jews in the Confederacy," notes Nathaniel Weyl, "is generally either ignored or condensed into shamefaced footnotes by those historians of American Jewry whose opinions conform to the liberal-leftist stereotype." [WEYL, N., 1968, p. 54]”


>Ask yourself:

If zionist jews treat Black people like this where they have total power (Israel), would they act any differently if they had the power to do the same in the US (power which zionist jews and zionist non-jews DO have a lot of in the USA)?


Make no mistake, either the US people OR zionism will survive this fight. I hope the subversive zionist traitors realize that zionism will be removed, either by words and education, or WAR. I hope they accept the olive branch the US people are offering them, but if they choose war, then they shall all die.

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.2576314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6404 >>6500


In 1993, Dr. Tony Martin was harassed and a target of attempted ruin and destruction by not only the zionist machine operating in the US, but also the religious jewish machine operating in the US, for stating FACTS and TRUTH about jewish history and religion.

Listen to the man yourself.

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:11 p.m. No.2576472   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The khazar (which I don't buy) theory does not change the shit that jews did before the 8th century even if its true.

Read the links I told the Israel first traitor to read here: >>2576424

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.2576562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6595


Still, its a crime, its genocide, at its real.

Just because Israeli jews do crime, the fact they are jews is not an excuse to have justice go undone.

And Israel likes Soros more than you think, pics related.

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.2576623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6703


Kek, when US aid Israel Israel gets removed, you're going to get what you deserve, Israel first traitor :)


>many anti globalists from europe are finding new allies among the israeli anti globalist right wing

They are going to get betrayed, jews as a group always fuck over anyone who trusts them.

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.2576636   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Please, tell me again how exposing jewish supremacism and subversion is hate :)



Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.


Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

On a letter to his wife he commented:

“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

And in his diary he noted:

“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”


General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:


General George S. Patton was murdered:

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:26 p.m. No.2576678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6724


>The israeli radical left loves soros. The vast majority of israelis hate the left and hate soros. >They call them traitors and "self hating jews".

Yet, they have no problem sending the illegals to Western countries.

Israel is a cancer, and will be dealt with accordingly :)

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:30 p.m. No.2576755   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Lol, have some FACTS, Israel first traitor :)





>Why Q chose /pol/?


>He got out of /pol/ because mods were comped. Where did he went?


>Who set up the /qresearch/?

An autist from /pol/.

>What is the most relevant characteristic of /pol/?

It has not succumbed to jewish subversion, although attacked each and every day.

>Why is this relevant?

Because jewish supremacism is at the center of the problem.

>Compare video of Trump that Q posted (here: ) with this video of compilation of Hitler speeches ( ).

It’s the same enemy. Hitler fought the same enemies we are fighting now. Does not mean that National Socialism is the best answer to our modern day particular state of affairs.

>What is necessary for good to win?

That lies be destroyed.

>What is the biggest, most difficult lie to destroy (although there are many that are very hard to destroy because most won't accept them)?

That the official version of the Holocaust is a lie, and that Hitler was the “good guy” (he did the best he could with the situation he had to manage and he tried to fix it as peacefully as possible).

>If you were MI and you needed to create a huge platform for the autists to be able to communicate and explain that truth to a non-autist, non-chan user audience, how would you do it?

I would create a platform where autists and non-autists came into contact with one another, with as little censoring going on as possible (this is one of the things /qresearch/ is).

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.2576783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6828 >>6881


Nothing but ad-hominems when faced with facts?

Typical of stupid Israel first traitors like you :)

What do you love about Israel the most? Is it the FACT that it is the biggest pedo haven in the world right now? Or the fact that Israel iuses US tax payer money to support ISIS?

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:34 p.m. No.2576817   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I am the first to abolish all lobying in the parliaments. For all countries, not just for israel.


>Fuck off low iq clown, you lost.

Yes, I did not win because I actually presented fully sourced verifiable FACTS and you have nothing but pilpul. You jews are really stupid.

Have some more facts :)

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.2576879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6931 >>6954


I read it all, and its clear you are just another delusional Israel first traitor trying to re-earn the misguided trust of the Western people.

Won't happen, your little pedo haven days are counted :)

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:43 p.m. No.2576942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6957 >>7019


> after centuries of repressions under the tzar

You try to paint it like jews were victims. Far from the truth, when Poland partition happened in 18th century, the demographics were:

500,000 nobles

1,000,000 rich merchant jews (they dealt in slaves)

12,000,000 slaves


Poor jews, right? :)

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:46 p.m. No.2576983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Copy pasta

Yes, I do repeat myself a lot, as you Israel first traitors do. The difference is I repeat fully sourced verifiable facts, while you repeat ad-hominems and never a single argument.


>Face it, you lost. Just like you got exposed in your own thread lol

>Someone is gonna get fired today lol

Nice projection traitor.

Thanks for being so dumb, when people go verify the facts I posted, they will only hate your kind even more. Thanks for making it so easy to redpill newfags.

The bread is here: >>2390914 , everyone who got exposed :)

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:50 p.m. No.2577024   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your ad-hominem does not make it any less true that you are trying to equate ALL criticism of Israel and jewish subversion with "anti-semitism" in a effort to try to get people to stop talking about Israeli crimes and jewish subversion.

Thanks for being so stupid, you make my job of educating the newfags easier :)

Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.2577050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7057


Have some real analysis about Q crumbs regarding Hitler :)



>Hitler was a puppet

You are stating that as an affirmation without any kind of source for it.

Q never made such a statement, what he did thou was ask some questions pertaining to Hitler. Lets have a look at them and then I will give you my view on the matter. We can find the drops by Qanon in this site:

By putting the search term “Hitler” on the search box, we find 3 crumbs. Lets focus on this part of the 1st crumb that references Hitler, the crumb number 142 dropped on Nov 12 2017:


What happened during WWII?

Was Hitler a puppet?

Who was his handler?

What was the purpose?

What was the real purpose of the war?


Pic related 1.



>What happened during WWII?

-Among other things, Hitler tried to MGGA and jewish supremacists declared war on him via boycotts in 1933. Pic related 2.


-They used their international influence via boycotts to shaft Hitler into agreeing to get their little ME colony in Palestine (which was being planned since at least 1851, pics related 3 and 4 ) via Haavara Agreement (pic related 5), because Hitler didn't want the German economy to get more damage due to the boycotts.




Anonymous ID: aa8a5c Aug. 12, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.2577057   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Was Hitler a puppet?


-In my opinion, if he was, he was an unwilling one, who got pushed into war because the jewish supremacists/zionists (Rothschild and company, including Theodor Herzl) wanted to create the Israel colony in Palestine and needed a WW2 and massive jewish prosecution (holocaust, real or faked) in order to sell the idea of moving to Israel to all the jews.



>Who was his handler?

-I have no idea, was there one? There are some that claim that Hitler took money from the Rothschild in exchange for having an aggressive foreign policy, (pic related 1). If that was the case, then I think we could call the Rothschild their handler, and also, if he indeed took money from the Rothschild, I think he took the money and then just jewed them and tried to MGGA as peacefully as possible (pic related here 2 ), which then lead the jewish supremacists to use their global influence in a manner that pushed Hilter into war, just like they wanted and needed.



>What was the purpose?

-Of Hitler bringing the fight to the jewish supremacists and their central banking racket? Or the handler?


<<Of Hitler bringing the fight to the jewish supremacists and their central banking racket?

-To free his people from the bondage of the jewish supremacists, like we are doing today.


<<Or the handler?

-If we believe that Hitler took money from the Rotschild and thus consider the Rothschild to be Hitler’s handlers, then the creation of Israel was the main goal of the handler.



>What was the real purpose of the war?

-For the Rothschild, obviously to get their little ME colony named Israel.


-Hitler, from what I get from my research into him, WW2, WW1 and National Socialism was merely defending his people and trying to solve the issues as peacefully as he could, but jewish supremacists started the war against Germany with the boycotts and from there constantly used their international influence to nudge Germany into war.



I leave you now with a collection of quotes (one of which from JFK, who praises Hitler as one of the greatest men to ever live) in pic related 3.


I also suggest people read Hitler’s last statement in pic 4 and then watch this documentary on his biography and WW2:


So was Hitler a plant and a willing part of the jewish supremacist cabal against the West and all the goyim? I do not think so, given my research and analysis on the issue, although I am always open to a change of mind in the face of new data. At the end of the day, I do think Hitler was a great man who tried to free his people from the bondage of the jewish supremacists and their central banking racket, and if he was indeed a willing puppet, then shame on him. I am not a National Socialist nor do I think that National Socialism is the answer to our problems in this day and age, and if Hitler was indeed an honest to God opponent to the jewish supremacists and not a willing puppet (like I am inclined to believe he was not), then he was just another man fighting the same enemies we are fighting today, jewish supremacists and traitors of his nation.

