Kek, here we go again.
Have some facts :)
Reminder that like islam, judaism is going to be banned from the West soon enough due to it being a supremacist ideological threat to the Western Christian culture
Hear it from a candid jew in video related 1.
Jewish ideological supremacism has ALWAYS been the psychological motivation for their group misbehavior as a people, which in turn has made them systematic targets (of well deserved (virtually every single time it happened)) of persecution has a people since the times of Abraham. See pics related 1 and 2.
Jews have always had a double standard on how they treat the goyim (word for non-jew AND cattle) compared to other fellow jews since the beginning of their history as a (ideologically supremacist) people. See the example on pic related 2. This phenomena is still pretty much alive today as we can verify when we look into the subject of jewish nepotism (nepotism which desingenious jews try to hide from the more gullible goyim/cattle with the verifiable and easily debunked myth of "jews have higher IQ than gentiles that's why they are so successful"). Pics related 3 and 4.
>Important notes:
First of all, what is a jew?
A person who is of the jewish race (although many racial jews reject judaism); or
A person who embraces judaism (although many religious jews are not racially jews).
>Invididuals, groups and ideologies:
Does the information above make every every muslim or religious jew a bad person? No.
Does the fact that there exist good people who are muslims or religious jews makes judaism or islam less of an ideological threat to Western civilization (Christian Western culture)? No.
There will come a time in the near future where every muslim and religious jew (be it a racial jew or non-jew) living in the West will have to choose between keep supporting an ideology which promotes supremacism and genital mutilation, or living in the West.
If they prefer being a religious jew or muslim better than supporting a sustainably safe and stable West, then great for them, GTFO of the West then.
>For those that might be thinking: “Hey, Q said this is not about religion”:
Q also said this is not about race, but is it not true that Trump put in place several travel bans from certain countries whose population is too low IQ and its culture incompatible with the Western civilization in order to protect the US?
In the same spirit, the banning of islam and judaism due to them both being supremacist ideologies which threaten the West is not about banning these “religions” just because, its about protecting Western nations against specific and FACTUAL threats (in this case, two supremacist ideologies that are incompatible with Western Christian values), just like having border controls and putting in place certain travel bans is not about banning people from entry just because, but it is about protecting the Western nations against specific and FACTUAL threats.
>A suggestion:
I suggest each and every person to read the chapter “2 - THE CAUSES OF HOSTILITY TOWARDS JEWS: A HISTORICAL OVERVIEW” of the book “When Victims Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America”. Link here:
This will give you verifiable and FACTUAL information about jewish history, religion and culture so you can see the fraud behind the narrative constantly pushed by jewish controlled media and MSM that jews as a group have always been innocent victims of unjust persecution, which is FALSE, and as you’ll learn they were always at odds with the goyim/cattle because judaism was ALWAYS a supremacist ideology since its inception, and they were involved in lots of violent conflict, among each other and their goyim/cattle neighbors. It will also teach you some interesting facts about the Talmud, so go read it and read it all as soon as you can: