Anonymous ID: afb386 Aug. 15, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.2612316   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Lest we not forget:

The double Oscar-winning actor made headlines on Saturday when it was revealed that he met Mexican drug lord Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman while the kingpin was on the run from prison.

Anonymous ID: afb386 Aug. 15, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.2612419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2436


Sean Penn and friends help Haiti at annual fundraiser

WHILE many stars are awash in the gifts and parties of Golden Globes weekend, a few used their privilege to benefit the people of Haiti - and they were rewarded with an intimate performance by U2.


Bette Midler, Michael Douglas, Gwyneth Paltrow, Charlize Theron, Piers Morgan, Chelsea Handler, Sarah Silverman, Idris Elba and Kathryn Bigelow were among the guests at Sean Penn's third annual Help Haiti Home benefit on Saturday.


The event raised nearly $US6 million ($6.7 million) for the J/P Haitian Relief Organisation. The dinner party at the Montage Hotel included a surprise performance by U2 - the band's first in four years.


The J/P Haitian Relief Organisation has been working since the 2010 earthquake to provide emergency care and sustainable shelter and education to the people of Haiti. But Penn says he hopes his organisation is obsolete within 10 years.


He said progress in the Caribbean nation has been miraculous despite corruption and "inaccurate, bad journalism."


"I'm not satisfied. I want more," he said. "But this couldn't have happened in the United States: This amount of clean up, this amount of resilience."


He expects all of the people displaced by the earthquake to find permanent housing within the next two years. Nearly two million have already moved out of the emergency camps and into homes.


Besides lending his time and his fame to the cause, Penn also gave his vintage El Camino to benefit his organisation. It sold for $US100,000 at auction on Saturday.


"The earth is such a tiny speck in the universe that the only thing that makes sense is to take care of those on the planet with us", he said. He promised to reward those who participated in the auction.


Midler, Paltrow and Kevin Bacon cast bids. Paltrow's husband, Coldplay front man Chris Martin, won an exclusive art piece from Banksy for $US650,000. Anderson Cooper, the evening's host, gave the biggest donation: His auction bid of $US1.4 million won a sculpture to be made from Penn's 65 discarded firearms.


U2's three-song performance - stunning in a hotel ballroom - followed a tender, acoustic performance earlier in the evening with Bono, guitarist The Edge and Haitian singer Anaelle Jean-Pierre.


Emma Thompson noted the contrast between the Help Haiti event and other pre-awards show parties.


"I'm here for awards season," she said, "and this is the first night I've been having a good time.


Read more:

Anonymous ID: afb386 Aug. 15, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.2612436   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Bette Midler, Michael Douglas, Gwyneth Paltrow, Charlize Theron, Piers Morgan, Chelsea Handler, Sarah Silverman, Idris Elba and Kathryn Bigelow were among the guests at Sean Penn's third annual Help Haiti Home benefit on Saturday.

Anonymous ID: afb386 Aug. 15, 2018, 11:33 a.m. No.2612468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2478 >>2908

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A Viral Instagram Hack Is Hijacking Accounts, Lockdown Your Data With These Steps


There is a rash of complaints on Twitter over a recent Instagram hack that has left numerous users unable to access their accounts. Preliminary data suggests that the shenanigans originate from Russia, though nothing has been confirmed. Instagram is investigation the issue, and in the meantime, it has some advice for users.


"If you received an email from us notifying you of a change in your email address, and you did not initiate this change— please click the link marked ‘revert this change’ in the email, and then change your password," Instagram advised in blog post.

My instagram has been hacked! User name, password and email all been changed from some email address in Russia. How can I get my account back? @instagram please help.. your support team are not responding to messages! #fuming #livid #instagramhacked #hacked


— Sanober Ahmed (@Sanobi7) August 14, 2018

Instagram also reiterated the importance of using a strong password, suggesting a combination of at least six numbers, letters, and punctuation marks. And of course it should be a unique password to Instagram, not a recycled one that is in use for other types of accounts across the web.


Affected users are finding themselves locked out of their accounts. In some cases, the culprit will change the Instagram account owner's profile picture, in several cases to an image from a Disney or Pixar movie. Less fortunate Instagram users found that their accounts have been deleted altogether.


It's not clear if this is the work of an individual, a group, or multiple individuals and groups. However, some of the hacked accounts had their email changed to one pointing to Russia's email provider.


To protect yourself from this sort of thing, there are some additional precautions you can take. One of them is to enable two-factor authentication. At present, Instagram supports 2FA through text messaging, but is "working on additional two-factor functionality with more to share soon."


Users can revoke access to any suspicious third-party apps by heading into Settings Authorized Applications. Beyond that, it is pretty much a waiting game until Instagram figures out exactly what is going on.

Anonymous ID: afb386 Aug. 15, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.2612478   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>▶Anonymous  08/15/18 (Wed) 13:33:33 9d45ea (1) No.2612469




>There are still a lot of wealthy Muslims and Chinese in the area, but we'll see.


>▶Anonymous  08/15/18 (Wed) 13:33:35 d71f7c (2) No.2612470




>Trump Supporter Claims Social Distortion Lead Singer Mike Ness Beat Him Up Over Politics


> A Trump supporter claims he was attacked by the lead singer of a punk rock band when he jeered the frontman’s political statements.


>Tim Hildebrand of Galt says the attack happened at a Social Distortion concert at the Ace of Spades in Midtown. Hildebrand says he grew up listening to the band’s music and was excited to attend one of their shows, but never thought he’d leave bloody and bruised at the hands of a famous musician.


>Cellphone video taken at the concert captures the moment the Social Distortion fan says he was beaten up by the band’s frontman, 56-year-old Mike Ness.


>“Someone that has the status that he does shouldn’t get away with assaulting someone.”



Anonymous ID: afb386 Aug. 15, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.2612712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2725

Oral sex, rape: Report says church brushed off complaints