Anonymous ID: 4a5b97 Aug. 15, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.2614798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4817 >>4890 >>4894 >>4929 >>4950 >>4961 >>5042 >>5177

Esoteric anon here. I've had a disturbing theory that could explain the Q866 "Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?"

Upon digging into J. Alefantis back in 2016, I came across the subject of Alchemy, specifically ether and etheric energy.

According to sources, "Ether is a very fine type of energy that is somewhat like electricity, but not exactly the same.

It is all around us, and it permeates all physical matter and all of space.

Other names for it are chi, qi, vital force, prana, or the biblical Breath of Life.

The source of life. Ether is required for the creation and maintenance of all physical matter on all planets.

If this etheric “driver” were to disappear, the entire physical universe, including the planets and suns, would cease to exist.

Required for our lives. The same subtle energy activates and gives life to all living beings in the physical world. It must be present or life ceases.

If one has enough of it, one is healthy. As we age, it tends to decrease in the body until life is no longer possible.

As a result of the above, for the purposes of healing, it is not correct to focus solely upon physical nutrients and body chemistry.

  1. Intrinsic ether. Each person is born with a certain amount of ether. As one ages, this source of ether is used up.

In a way, aging is simply the depletion of one’s intrinsic ether supply.

  1. Environmental ether. This is ether that one obtains from the environment.

One can absorb some ether from food, from drinking water, and from the air one breathes.

It is notable that sources recognize that different meats contain different levels of ether. "

Biblicaly it is advised to abstain from pork and shellfish, coincidentally these are meats that use up more ether during digestion than they give back in return.

Lamb, being a staple food source in the Bible, contains the highest ether among animals.

Following this logic would conclude that humans, who are created in the very image of God, would contain the highest ether.

Since the amount of ether you are born with varies from person to person, it seems it could be genetic.

What if Haitians are genetically born with an above average amount of ether?

When you have a high amount of ether, you are more in tune with the spiritual realm.

This could explain why voodoo and superstition is rampant in Haiti.

Could these Elites in their "old age" who are "lacking the youthful vitality" that "younger" children possess be "reinvigorating" themselves…

John Podesta was know for his cooking…