Alex Jones ID: 7cbba9 Aug. 15, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.2614987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5046

It's all happening, Trump is a nationalist, the country's coming back. The globalist forces in this country, the democrats, the establishment republicans, are openly saying they wanna remove him for a military coup or for the 25th amendment. It's unbelievable, it's all happening right now. That's why it's more important than ever, that every viewer, every listener, to local radio, to TV or over the internet. Understand your voice isn't just critical, it's essential. If you don't stand out and speak out and stand up against these bullies and point out that it's the globalists, they're the ones that sold out America not Trump, and that they're the enemy, they're the traitors, they may be successful with removing our president. This is an amazing time to be alive ladies and gentlemen, Trump is so real, he's so hardcore, and it's so unbelievable to see that we are at this point. We are in the middle of the second American revolution. We're running a special for a week that is the biggest sale we've ever done. We just keep boosting the sales. It's defeat the democrat/globalist plan to censor InfoWars and the web super sale, and free shipping. All of our best sellers Alpha Power, Vitalmineral Fusion, Bio-Tru Selinum, X-2, Brainforce Plus, Super Male Vitality, DNA Force Plus, Super Blue products toothpaste fortified with little silver iodine, Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver, Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, fifty percent off free shipping. It goes on and on and on. Check it all out and know funding us will change the world and continue to let us stand against the onslaught of Soros and the Democratic party and their attacks and their lies and their boycotts and their lawsuits. All of it were coming through the storm thanks to you. Shop with the good guys, pay it forward. This is the battle for the future, this is the war for the future and I need all of you to commit even more to this fight, thank you I'm counting on you and I salute you.