maybe post something that people can actually READ?
Gotta admit… I'm kinda pissed right now, and I'm pissed @ Q.
Why? Because he's promising BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, then he comes along with this fucking DISTRACTION of a scavenger hunt, with Guatemalan jewelry that is utterly meaningless… doing his hand-wavy "LOOK OVER HERE, HERE'S A DISTRACTION TO KEEP YOU GUYS BUSY AND LET YOU FORGET THE FACT THAT I PROMISED BOOM AFTER BOOM AFTER BOOM!"
Sorry, but we already KNOW about the cabal… we already know about the child sacrifices… all Q is doing is feeding us Outrage Porn to keep us satiated and distract us from the lack of REAL BOOMS going on.
All these Q drops tonight… and not a single BOOM in the lot of 'em… But by all means, autists… allow yourself to be distracted by a stupid internet scavenger hunt! NONE of today's "drops" had any impact on anything except to rile us all up and get us angry and/or excited about what is already well known by all of us. NONE OF IT WAS NEW IN ANY MEANINGFUL WAY!