Anonymous ID: afca1d Aug. 15, 2018, 8:45 p.m. No.2622261   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2277


Brief history lesson Anon…….


Hitler was Thule society…

Thule society was Bavarian Illuminati…

Bavarian Illuminati was Ignatius Layola Illuminists/Jesuits…

Ignatius Layola Illuminists was Masonic/Greek Gnostics…

Masonic/Gnostic was Knights Templar…

Knights Templar was Roman Church…


Q stated Hitler was a puppet, so is HRC. And so many others.. Puppet to whom? Hitler was an occultist involved with sex magiks (Vril Society) which was an off shoot of the Thule Society. BOTH had the same doctrines, same mission statements as the Bavarian Illuminati and Skull and Bones.. Both celebrated Crowley-ism and the OTO. Understand? If you are on the side of Hitler, you are on the side of the Illuminati by default… Wake up or get out!