Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 21e481 No.2636358
Aug 16 2018 19:32:11 (EST)
Timelines change.
Watch the budget.
I know the above post discouraged some anons....but let's think on this a little. I beleive
we've got a front row seat to the silent war of cat and mouse. On 6/10 we had a missle (ICBM)
launch from the Puget Sound. And in two months (2 months to the day) the white hats responded.
Then Q posts the below drop. "How many billionairs own islands" meaning they got the black hats
to play a card and now not only did they take out that black ops site but now they know they need
to check all other islands (around the world) that are possible similar sites and take them out.
The previous missile launch at HW. had them play another card and that exposed a capability as well
and I blieve they've neutralized that type of threat (remember "relationships are very important").
Between the 45,000+ sealed indictments, the EOs plus the strings cut on NK, the take out of black ops
sites in the Middile East and meetings with Putin....they know they are fucked. Now the game is to
trigger them to play a card and counter.
The time this comes to an end isn't important....what's important is cutting their teeth and eliminating
their CoC.
Enjoy the show!
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 939e10 No.2600470
Aug 14 2018 17:15:47 (EST)
Anonymous ID: f7c965 No.2600205
Aug 14 2018 17:04:07 (EST)
Are autists hot or cold on the plane message in Seattle or not?
WAY too much speculation…
Calculate probability.
What is the mathematical probability that a rogue missile launched at/near the runaway plane?
Was he a trained pilot?
How fast did intercept occur?
Think missile intercept.
Think aircraft.
Outside of standard deviation?
Do people travel to islands to [Fish]?
How many billionaires own islands?
How many billionaires live on islands?