I’ve realised something. I’m a long term lurker with rare posts. In fact, I’m using someone else’s device and posting elsewhere. But, I did notice something here on the Chans… We are all patriots and love our country. We’ve watched for years as it’s been rotted out from the inside by self serving politicians and external governments both foreign and allied. They don’t understand us. They don’t understand their brain washing doesn’t work on us; we don’t watch the news, we don’t have Facebook accounts.. etc. But, we love our country, our veterans and our constitutional rights..Many of us would put our lives down ( including myself) for this cause we all work for here including the re-establishing of the Republic, taking back the narrative and freeing our fellow Americans and people of the world. This of course, “they’ve” all seen and read online and disregarded our voices and us.. . What they have absolutely no understanding of is how many of us there are , and should our POTUS give the word; we would unleash hell on earth. You ALL know exactly what I’m talking about.