it was robotussin cough and a cigarette butt,
reasons to expatriot for diplomatic purposes, see catalog
with a nice social security check, one could hide in mexico at a ville with a gardner and a cook amongst all the petty canadian tax dodgers in tequilla country
we dragged the couch out to the balcony
it has been like eleven years, idk
"it presses the knife into its hand"
23andjew was an ol gestapi cloning machine from the ol aliens stuff
322 is made from geronimos skeleton and whom elses???
"landsharks" they b playing the bagpipes
i always wanted to be a crane operator when i grew up
find the ones in Sardonia
did ebot just memfag an arrival
that sounds like a movie
Child prostitution is a problem in the country, and Mexico continues to be a destination for pedophiles who engage in child sex tourism. Mexico is one of the leading hot spots of child sexual exploitation, along with Thailand, Cambodia, Colombia, India, and Brazil.[16]
A study by UNICEF Mexico and the DIF/National System for Integral Family Development estimated that more than 16,000 children in Mexico were involved in prostitution in June 2000.[17] A 2004 study by researcher Elena Azaola estimated that some 17,000 children under the age of 18 are victims of the sex trade in Mexico;[18] the State System of Integral Family Development (DIF) reported that more than 20,000 minors were victims of child prostitution in Mexico in 2005, an increase since the year 2000.[19]
Out of Mexico City's 13,000 street children, 95% have had at least one sexual encounter with an adult (many of them through prostitution).[16] In the impoverished southern state of Chiapas, children are sold for $100 to $200, according to human rights groups. Chiapas is considered one of the worst places in the world in terms of child prostitution.[16] Poverty forces many rural children, with or without their families, to migrate to urban cities to seek out employment, some of them also migrate across the border to the U.S. These children have little or no parental supervision and many are lured into the sex industry or abducted by child trafficking gangs.
Child sex tourism persists in Mexico, especially in tourist areas such as Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, and Cancun, and in northern border cities such as Tijuana[20] and Ciudad Juarez. Some NGOs alleged that some corrupt local officials allowed commercial sexual exploitation of children to occur. Many child sex tourists are from the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, though some are Mexican citizens.[21] Casa Alianza director Manuel Capellin is quoted as saying "More than 16,000 children are sexually exploited through networks involving foreigners and military, police, government and business officials."[22]
MEXICO CITY, June 13 (Reuters) - Mexico City’s leftist lawmakers plan to legalize prostitution, the latest step toward making the sprawling capital the most liberal in Latin America, following laws allowing abortion and same-sex unions.
Juan Bustos, a legislator with the leftist party that holds a majority in the city assembly, presented a bill this week to legalize sex work in the capital.
"This activity must be regulated, it can’t just take place without control, without health support for the users or the workers," he said on Wednesday.
Prostitution is widespread both on seedy street corners and in swanky brothels in Mexico and authorities frequently turn a blind eye to it. The lack of control has allowed child prostitution to flourish in the city, Bustos said.
Caballeros Templarios y Barbie.
know the templarios is a cia fehgel fest of murder
start in the eighties
by their design and ideals and predatory natire of human giblets and gonads, i predict generically, that most if not all young male incarceration facility would be a ………………….
breakfast decreases suicide rates
check for really old bath houses connected to the old "oriental express"
most are abandoned now
so some butfucker is trying to impress everyone with his chit art and crappy pool wtf
us navy finds 50 tons of meth on a mountain
so is the cat in the box??
those georgia guidstones attract hate
it is a goose of a totem
paid for with the last of the clean gold
by some tome traveler
in a beat up toyota 4x4 with a chevy v8
all those abusers makes it hard to do the cognitive thinking
<<jeez teh werdz fit like a mofo wtf
egregores usually talk about how viril they are are try to second gues who murdered them tyoically
did ya see all those german engineered zombies in polyester suits talking about how incharge they are ?