Anonymous ID: eb1cba Aug. 17, 2018, 11:42 p.m. No.2653952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4016 >>4038 >>4053 >>4054 >>4073 >>4110 >>4157 >>4201




version 3.0


found a decode within the decode

4,5,6 theme

6,5,4 counting down


can any anons take a break from pedo larping as check out Q's Clues?


Q senpai has a message for you


TX bombings 6 days from drop

seat 17 southwest 5 days from drop

this time 4 days from drop


4 planes - this drop


6 tx bombings - tx drop


5 _____ - southwest drop ?


take a break from pedo larping and look at

muh notable ;)