Anonymous ID: b3d386 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:34 a.m. No.2654737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4744 >>4751 >>4770

>>2636358 (Q)


> Timelines change


Q talks metaphysical & scifi sometimes.

Chance "timeline" refers to new projected future?

What would that imply?

What was the parade supposed to bring?

How can a military parade bring unity?

Define "parade".

What if something or someones are to be paraded?

Could it refer to a massive, military-led perp-walk?

Has Q ever cancelled sth that then manifested in unanticipated form?

Q + A = R.

After what event was the military parade set to be conducted?

Did Q ever list dates for specific actions that never materialized?

Do those specific actions make more or less sense, following the midterms?

Qclock cypher–111, or time-delayed by exactly one year?

What could be more UNIFYING than exposing & bagging all the bad guys?


Disinfo is real. Disinfo is necessary.

What do {{jewbags}} love doing–creating systematic nonsense?

Is this an inexorable compulsion?

What's more beautiful than using {{jewbags'}} compulsions against them?

Did any of the clock- and numerology-fagging phase or distract Autists?

Probably not, other than to say STFU.

But it sure as shit sucked up a lot {{shill}} energy & attention.


Define "feint".

What is the purpose in a boxing match?

What does telegraphing sth that fails to appear do, psychologically?

What triggers action, knowledge or emotion?

What does a feint accomplish in boxing?

What benefit exists in desensitizing highly reactive adversaries?

Case in point—how will {{shills}} react to the idea behind this post?

Can they react in any way serious enough to protect/save themselves?

Trapped in their own "Q is bullshit", "Q shit never happening" narratives.

Sweet Science of Pugilism.


Heard POTUS today calling the Mueller probe a "Rigged Witch Hunt".

"Rigged" – as in, there was never any way out for her.

"Witch Hunt" – as in, her optimistic flailings only further expose her network.

Define "Hope".

Why did the Ancient Greeks describe it as the "greatest of Evils"?

What does giving hope to doomed people accomplish?

What triggers action, knowledge or emotion?

Q + POTUS Twitter =PsyOp to psychologically deplete enemies?


2017 arrest/tribunal timeline would have been chaotic & bloody.

Possible that arrest/NG timeline has ALWAYS been 2018, post-midterms?

Anonymous ID: b3d386 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:43 a.m. No.2654770   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Budget had lots of stuff validating 2018 arrests.


Also had money for porn-free Gen2 Internet.

Protection against massive attack, or move to preemptively cut off the balls of Silicon Valley?


In any case—

Much prefer focusing on Q's "Military Parade"
