Anonymous ID: 71cb81 Q Research General #3351: Art, Alice and Arkensas Edition Aug. 18, 2018, 12:23 a.m. No.2654206   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4885 >>5051

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Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or β€œsigners” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their β€œXBOX Live” accounts…?


Wednesday 08.15.18

>>2618718 rt >>2618489 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- The Charm

>>2618033 rt >>2617982 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- This one?

>>2617872 rt >>2617755 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Charms are very important

>>2617755 rt >>2617744 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- What do you notice?

>>2617750 rt >>2617739 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- 1 of 2

>>2617727 rt >>2617682 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Cross against Podesta

>>2617727 rt >>2617709 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Cross against Podesta

>>2617682 rt >>2617647 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Painting of kids in pool (red shoes)

>>2617606 rt >>2617554 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- They never thought they'd be hunted.

>>2617554 rt >>2617535 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- below hand

>>2617484 rt >>2617413 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Focus on her necklace.

>>2617271 rt >>2617206 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Normal?

>>2617206 rt >>2616942 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Jeff Zucker. Heart Surgery? In the Line of FIRE.

>>>/patriotsfight/162 ------------------------- TRAITORS ALL (Cap: >>2616883)

>>>/patriotsfight/161 ------------------------- Texts, emails, drafts, HAM comms, PS/Xbox chat logs (Cap: >>2615728)

>>>/patriotsfight/160 rt #159 --------------- Logical thinking (Cap: >>2616954)

>>>/patriotsfight/159 ------------------------- Firewall ( Cap : >>2615481 )

>>2614164 rt >>2613853 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- You ALL get to go to JAIL.

>>2613737 rt >>2613023 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Has intel been shared with our enemies?

>>>/patriotsfight/158 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€”β€” Corinthians 13:4-13; Ephesians 6:10-18 (Cap: >>2613031 )

>>>/patriotsfight/157 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€”β€” Security clearances revoked. (Cap: >>2612773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/156 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€”β€” SA [ACCESS] CLOSED. (Cap: >>2612757 )

>>>/patriotsfight/155 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€”β€” WE STAND TOGETHER ( Caps: >>2607476 )


Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI


Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - ( , , ,


Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: 71cb81 Aug. 18, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.2654210   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4742


are not endorsements



>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -Theme)



>>2654135 Latest CF crumbs

>>2653952 Anon decodes 'emergency landing' QPost

>>2653891 HRC and RICO charges: HuffPo article from 2016 explains

>>2653907 Richard B. Russell is an airport in none other than ROME GA

>>2653818 Bill Clinton Pres. Library 2004 in Little Rock. 12 yrs FOIA up 2018. DOJ 747?

>>2653762 Eric Prince, Betsy DeVos (sister?) and Vlad's daughter

>>2653732 , >>2653749 Skull & Bones Notables

>>2653703 Digs on the name Richard B. Russell and now the GA connection

>>2653692 Whidbey missile launch was a 'helicopter searchlight'

>>2653687 Red Shoe Movement ties to Destiny Rescue (Rescuing Children)

>>2653627 UKAnon weighs in on the @british-fight releases

>>2653617 Further dig into Biljana ĐurΔ‘eviΔ‡

>>2653580 , >>2653589, >>2653626 'Archer' series clip, ref >>2652741 (pb) in #3349's notes

>>2653567 Former head of London’s human trafficking unit pleads guilty to discreditable conduct

>>2653535 2 JBLM Soldiers found dead, 10 miles from Ketron Island

>>2653532 , >>2653570 QTask: Find a pool or a person in Rome wearing a similar pagan charm necklace?

>>2653522 NBA Player Says He Might Have Witnessed Human Trafficking

>>2653520 "Watch the Budget". Senate hopes to end years of spending gridlock

>>2653518 , >>2653524 Update on the Red Shoes pic & moar digging needed

>>2654201 #3349



>>2653368 Biljana ĐurΔ‘eviΔ‡ dig

>>2653251 George Papadopolus' mother tweets 'looks like a trial is coming'

>>2653283 Biltmore Estate listed as 'haunted', the pool described as 'very unnerving'

>>2653230 More Vanderbilt pool photos and memories of tour >>2653332

>>2653160 100 women freed from sex traffickers by Mexican Police

>>2653068 Digging into Skull & Bones and notable members

>>2653032 Amendment to β€˜block’ Trump from β€˜arbitrarily revoking security clearances’

>>2653003 , >>2653029, >>2653054 Photos of the Vanderbilt pool shows there are drains

>>2652810 'Unfinished' pool found in a Masonic Temple in Detroit

>>2653380 CF Crumbs Update, Warren Stephens: Dig

>>2652741 , >>2652757, >>2653341 Cartoon of the Vanderbilt pool found in the 'Archer' series: Dig

>>2653386 #3349



>>2652528 Mueller goting after Clinton Crime Family?

>>2652187 Were the red shoes 'earned' after they had sacrificed one of their own?

>>2652066 , >>2652209, >>2652246, >>2652268, >>2652374 Moar HMA/CF/S&B: Dig

>>2652380 , >>2648792 Poolfag Updates: Dig

>>2652274 Could it be that real reporting is being inspired by Q?

>>2652079 House Committee Considers Subpoena For Twitter CEO For Shadow Banning Conservatives

>>2652013 Who planted Manafort? Dig into NoName, Manafort and Rick Davis

>>2651992 Former Learjet Boss retiring as CEO from Aerion

>>2651990 Tomb painting in Italy circa 530-520 BC shows men in red boots

>>2651987 British Fight naming British pols and their blackmailable actions

>>2652626 #3348



>>2651724 Benghazi, Extortion17 and #ObamaGate

>>2651557 British patriots deliver names and clues about serious misconduct

>>2651511 Justice Dept. Personnel Changes During Probes

>>2651443 β€œBadge of Honor” is an old movie about β€œa rich playboy”

>>2651401 Mansions included The Preservation Society of New Port County: Dig

>>2651314 John Podesta holidays yearly at a place where cannibalism took place

>>2651306 New Canadian ski resort: 'Red Mountain Resort'

>>2651290 Was Richard "Beebo" Russell a MKULTRA asset?

>>2651250 , >>2651236 DoD Banner Change

>>2651238 Dig into Health Management Associations, Arkensas: Ref >>2651216

>>2651224 Resignations in the news today

>>2651207 Eric Prince talks about the Pentagon's budget & mentions "17 in base support"

>>2651216 , >>2651337, >>2651539, >>2651713 HMA/CF/S&B: Cont from pb

>>2651190 , >>2651279 POTUS corrects a tweet

>>2651152 Tony Podesta red shoes photograph ID's: Update of draft. Dig

>>2651837 #3347


Previously Collected Notables

>>2651044 #3346,

>>2648675 #3343, >>2649525 #3344, >>2650306 #3345

>>2646374 #3340, >>2647245 #3341, >>2648015 #3342

>>2644034 #3337, >>2644798 #3338, >>2645582 #3339

>>2641947 #3334, >>2642538 #3335, >>2643244 #3336


Best Of Bread:

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Anonymous ID: 71cb81 Aug. 18, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.2654211   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism


Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

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Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2650537


Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€” >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)Earth Day.jpg β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg β€”β€”β€”β€” >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

Anonymous ID: 71cb81 Aug. 18, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.2654213   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic


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>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

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Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions

Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED! Read this: >>2438883

Anonymous ID: 71cb81 Aug. 18, 2018, 12:27 a.m. No.2654228   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4511

#3351 Dough


Baker leaving now

Been asking for backup for a while now

We have no baker on duty

I'll let BO/BV know

Someone bake the next one please

TY and g'night all, have a good one

Anonymous ID: 300441 Aug. 18, 2018, 12:33 a.m. No.2654254   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4736 >>4885 >>5051

This is another anon's dig:

Anons, I just had a thought. Couple of breads ago, I was thinking Q linked, then deleted something. Turned out to be my browser was going nuts, and they were drops from long ago that I had forgotten about; stuff from March:

>Learn double meanings.

>News unlocks MAP.

>Why is STEEL so important?

>Expand your thinking.


This post explains the meaning behind "Red October" (it's a Steel plant in Russia); emphasis on the importance of STEEL (double meanings dig).



This document, Long made short, is how the OSS (the predecessor to the CIA) worked with the SS (Nazis) to negotiate an end to WWII, and how the Vatican helped to exfiltrate (rescue) 200+ SS and German Military Intelligence operatives (Gehlen Organization). The pretense was humanitarian aid, and the reason was "anti-communist efforts in Europe, post war end". Doctors that did the horrid experiments on people were high priority in the list, and went on to work for the US military/CIA.

So, the Catholic Church helped the Nazis, which ended up helping the OSS become the CIA, and the CIA was formed with the background knowledge that the Nazis gained, and other clandestine shit planned.


Q mentioned, in the beginning, that the map had 43 confirmed connections back in November 24, 2017:

>Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.

Later on, this post, happened:

>Mess with the best, die like the rest.

>[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

>[44] remaining.

>Wizards & Warlocks.

>Save the best for last.


OK. So. Help me out here. It's probably right in front of my nose, and I just don't see it in breads and notables. Have we established a "name" or a "directory" of the operations that Q has confirmed, yet? Do you all understand what I'm asking?

If this post:

>Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.

Is related to the subject matter of this post:

>[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

>[44] remaining.

Then are we missing the real "big picture" here? What is it that JFK wanted to do, again, with the CIA? It might be a dubios quote, but even Q used it:

>1000 pieces.

Q is doing that which Kennedy wanted to do. He's laying out the "map".

The Map is the list of CIA operations he's dismantling.

Anonymous ID: 6cd0ae Aug. 18, 2018, 12:43 a.m. No.2654306   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4736 >>4885 >>5051

Found something interesting looking for Wallpaper matches. If anyone has ever watched the 90's documentary "Magical Egypt" John Anthony West explains it in such a way that there is no room for debate on the Luxor Temple being a representation of "Man" Rothschilds built in a similar layout in 1859.

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 12:45 a.m. No.2654318   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4350 >>4756

Anon posted this LB.

What you're looking at is sclera; the white portions of the eye.

In a normal person, the eyelids meet the iris- the colored portion of the eye.

In mentally disturbed folk, the sclera is noticeable on either the top, bottom or both.

Good info to know when you're out-and-about in this crazy world.


BAKER- you misspelled Arkansas on the bread.

Anonymous ID: fdd93b Aug. 18, 2018, 12:47 a.m. No.2654326   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4416 >>4565 >>4736 >>4885 >>5051

>>2653553 rt >>2653479 (lb)

>>2653698 rt >>2653618 (lb)

>>2653747 rt >>2653706 (lb)

>>2653761 rt >>2653734 (lb)

>>2653821 rt >>2653717 (lb)

>>2653887 rt >>2653844 (lb)

>>2653898 rt >>2653888 (lb)

>>2653946 rt >>2653946 (lb)

>>2653999 rt >>2653957 (lb)

>>2654091 rt >>2653977 (lb)

>>2654185 rt >>2654130 (lb)

>>2654215 rt >>2654148 (lb)

>>2654250 -CASSE


>Putting my name on this one time, since it is secured and you've linked my ID all over the palce.

>Be back in the morning as Anon.

oh, anon, you signed... ohwell, it's done. true you were being archived anyway... thanks for the ride, seeyaanon

Anonymous ID: 06692e Aug. 18, 2018, 12:47 a.m. No.2654327   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4409 >>4419

>>2654270 lb

>>2653536 lb


inb4 he locked it down:




lists of all followers and who he follows





Anonymous ID: b8d668 Aug. 18, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.2654343   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.


Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.


For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light



Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.2654345   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4365

Secrets in Plain Sight


HIGHLY recommended!

Scott Onstott has a series about art, symbols, geometry, architecture, Freemasons, and ancient places, all wrapped in to the most amazing videos!

If you want to know more about how all this fits together and wanna blow your mind, check out his series. Here's the intro, but you can find others with a simple search.

Anonymous ID: 4b2e5e Aug. 18, 2018, 12:55 a.m. No.2654351   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

if you haven't read it, check it out (or save for the later today

post edits here: >>2654292 (off bread)

its the pdf version and the pastebin

open this pic in a new tab, should be good enough to read with a zoom


night anons

Anonymous ID: 60e209 Aug. 18, 2018, 12:57 a.m. No.2654364   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4372 >>4428

Netflix exec defends 'Insatiable' after alleged fat-shaming draws cries for cancellation


LOS ANGELES – After more than 114,000 enraged fans petitioned on to have β€œInsatiable” canceled, claiming the show promotes fat-shaming, a Netflix executive is standing by the series.


Petition organizers said the show was toxic by promoting the bad diet culture and objectifying women’s bodies.


So… fat shaming is worse than pedophilia in the Netflix world?


These people have no internal moral compass. They just go where the tide takes them without thinking.

Anonymous ID: 31a6ee Aug. 18, 2018, 12:57 a.m. No.2654365   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Thanks Scott. Might check it out! However human nature being what it is, I know if I was going to build a monument that was going to last hundreds or thousands of years I'd put some spooky symbolism in it whether I believed in it or not.

You know, just for shits and giggles.

Anonymous ID: 09c28f Aug. 18, 2018, 12:58 a.m. No.2654368   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4375



Agreed. R was the one. It was a like a side note hope porn LARP about RFK faking his death. But there’s plausibility in that story still. I’m not mad at R because of the digging it led to. He never got gay and dissed Q or anything.

Anonymous ID: 727b70 Aug. 18, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.2654370   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4380 >>4452

For the dentists Chair: Read a vile Thriller few years back:male Prostitutes get their teeth removed to not accidentally bite in tender places.


Plus some remove them themselves to charge more.

Very disturbing read that.


Might be the reason for the Facialexpression on the Paintings (plus Milkteeth will fall out anyway and get replaced)

ID: 446c9c Aug. 18, 2018, 1 a.m. No.2654377   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


im off to bed but seems i have my best meme idea well half blitzed

but if anyone can find a pic of zucker or @jake on the phone

meme in "what the eu didnt get the memes banned…ok well just ban anyone that speaks out against us"

Anonymous ID: b8d668 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:06 a.m. No.2654385   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4397

If I had asked you…

How many dwellings are in the heart of the sea, or how many streams are at the source of

the deep, or how many streams are above the firmament, or which are the exits of Hades, or

which are the entrances of paradise?



Anonymous ID: 60e209 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:07 a.m. No.2654388   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4395 >>4479

atanists unveil Baphomet statue at Arkansas Capitol


A large Satanic statue featuring the goat-headed deity Baphomet was unveiled during a protest at the Arkansas State Capitol.


The Satanic Temple placed the bronze statue at the capitol during a First Amendment protest on Thursday, while calling for the removal of a Ten Commandments monument permanently mounted on Capitol grounds.


Less than 24 hours after its installation, a man drove his car into the monument, smashing it to pieces.

Anonymous ID: e3671f Aug. 18, 2018, 1:09 a.m. No.2654393   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4736 >>4885


Also, I've been seeing this image of a cloaked man killing a bull showing up, but didn't know what it was. Turns out it's associated with a Roman cult:


>Mithraism, also known as the Mithraic mysteries, was a mystery religion centered on the god Mithras that was practised in the Roman Empire from about the 1st to the 4th century CE. The religion was inspired by Persian worship of the god Mithra (Proto-Indo-Iranian/Vedic Mitra), though the Greek Mithras was linked to a new and distinctive imagery, and the level of continuity between Persian and Greco-Roman practice is debated.[1] The mysteries were popular in the Roman military.[2]


>Worshippers of Mithras had a complex system of seven grades of initiation and communal ritual meals. Initiates called themselves syndexioi, those "united by the handshake".[3] They met in underground temples, called mithraea (singular mithraeum), which survive in large numbers. The cult appears to have had its centre in Rome.[4]


This is also associated with 'sol invictus', a cult of sun worsippers. Lots of their amulets are interesting. Some of the images are dead ringers for the Statue of Liberty.

Anonymous ID: ea6762 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:10 a.m. No.2654395   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4404


Yes this has been in every thread for like 2 days now. Nobody cares. This brand of "satan worship" is just a bunch of trolls who only organize in order to trigger easily triggered christians. Yes it's sick but really they're just doing it for a rise. They are useless idiots of the real cabal

Anonymous ID: a4f9a9 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:12 a.m. No.2654401   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4437



Re: the start of the Cabal


From what I can tell there was a long period of instability following the catastrophe - the breakdown at the end of the Ice Age c10,500BC was followed by a second melt c7,500BC. If we use the Zodiac as a marker (thinking precession of the Equinoxes), then the first sign that starts to appear in art is the sign of Taurus, which was c4,500 - c2,300BC, which maps to the Egyptian Old Kingdom. The Old Kingdom came to an end c2,200BC and Egypt fell into decline and didn't really get started again until the New Kingdom c1,500BC, which is the age of Aries. I think of this as Egypt's 'Hollywood' period and if I have to nail the start of the Cabal to a particular period in history this is it.


This is the period when the gods became important in the daily lives of people, when the priests started with their sex rituals and the Pharoah was deemed a living god. The 'right of Kings' can be traced to this period. Historically, when the gods roamed the Earth, Ra gave them ownership over the humans, who were to be treated as cattle (where have we heard that line before?). It would therefore follow that the Pharoahs with their divine right of Kings, as incarnations of the gods, could do what they wished with their human herd.


My guess is that the Cabal and their bloodlines all fall out from this period.

Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:13 a.m. No.2654405   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4412 >>4413


You want to get Spoopy? Christian Slater is the nigga that plays the father in Mr. Robot. A story about an MKultra victim that is a computer hacker so good he can expose the company that did 9/11. Or 5/9… I forget what is the allegory they use.


Mr. Robot showed exactly how you can fake a 9/11 and get a way with it.


I believe Q and his MI niggas have many contacts in the film industry and they organised this counter coup in depth. They left no stone unturned and they knew the importance of getting into the subconscious of the Walking Dead normies out there.


Watch Vikings when it kicks off again. It is going to be a full fledged bloodbath of what to do with invaders(allegory for muslim rape armies the Jews sent to kill the whites of europe)


You have to prepare the minds of the people to resist this invasion. Its going to be much see TV.


You can see the creepy brother crawling on the ground like a snake? How hard do they have to dick slap you? They are talking biblical stuff.


And now the Christian Paladin and the Freya stand in are fucking? That is a allegory for the Whites to combine Christianity and the Goddess power and fuck up all our enemies.


QΕ› go this. (((they))) will not know what hit them.

Anonymous ID: cf8b29 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:14 a.m. No.2654409   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4434


good job. Did he ever answer the red shoe question? I suspect he went silent and as you just proved with a lock down, he is sooo cowardly went into hiding. What is not clear to me is if this person is a US citizen or not.

Anonymous ID: e15b42 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:17 a.m. No.2654418   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4431 >>4436 >>4444 >>4454 >>4724

i was doing an image search when I spotted a little girl in bed eating pizza. bad story. clicked around and…you see the girl with the bruises? under her eyes? ???? no idea where it's from but it is supposed to be on this page


It's actually on page 18. innocent explanations 99% of the time I know and I have no reason to post it really except goes to state of mind of anon.


kretek and pilsner time

Anonymous ID: 3017a6 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:18 a.m. No.2654423   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

This is a song

That always brings tears to my eyes

For 45 years

It has been popular in Russia

With all generations



So you can understand the lyrics

Anonymous ID: 60e209 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.2654427   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4433

@billmaher love that shot of your red shoes. β€œSymbolism will be your downfall.” Saw photo with your bud Anthony W. Figures you’re friends with him & Podesta too. $75,000 per member? Wow. You’re a big shot. Who are you to question ANYONE’s morality? We LOATHE your arrogance.

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.2654428   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


What it really comes down to is turning off the crap.

Turn off your tv!



When you watch the tv, you support (((them))).

When your kids watch a Disney move, you support (((them))).

When you rent your Netflix, you support (((them))).



Put down your remote. Life is GOOD without tv!


10 years and counting for this Anon!

Get Your Life Back!

Anonymous ID: ac161e Aug. 18, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.2654429   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4447

Jade Helm and the Fifth Column Invasion of America

Posted on May 2, 2015 by Dave Hodges


Most are familiar with the concept Fifth Column insurgency in which a terrorist group lives among and blends in with its intended victims until the moment to strike is at hand and then they carry out their mission with a vengeance against the indigenous people. The Viet Cong are one of the best examples of these tactics in recent American history.


Fifth Column Insurgents Inside of the United States

Most countries, who have Fifth Column forces within their country, are normally only dealing with a single force. The United States is dealing with multiple insurgent forces at the same time.


  1. Yesterday, I reviewed Judicial Watch’s revelation regarding an ISIS base camp 8 miles from El Paso and that these ISIS members are making their way across our border with the help of the drug cartel coyotes.


  1. For the past three years, I have documented the presence of foreign troops on our soil who are training for martial law.


  1. In the summer of 2014, I documented how the Border Patrol was ordered by DHS to ignore MS-13 members who were crossing the border. MS-13 is utilized by the Sinoloa Cartel as assassins who primarily target uncooperative public officials and journalists.



Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.2654432   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Got to lull the Left into complacency. If the left had any clue how fucked they really are they would all be organizing(not that that will save them now).


Instead Trump goes from mega rally to mega rally and the Left has no leaders and no story except support our illegals and fuck the police.


That isnt going to do it.


Then WE signal that we are going to lose the house which will drive every normal human that might be lazy and sitting on the fence to vote R this election.


Then combine that with removing all the cheat programs the Left has been running for decades. And……it spells the end of ZOG.


Good times.

Anonymous ID: 3017a6 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.2654436   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Last time we went round with this kind of thing

It was perfectly innocent

It was just the mother's boyfriend

Whacking the kid around a bit

Wasting your time to look at this shit


Dig the crumbs

Make connections

Draw a map or a circular flow diagram

Of a part of the criminal conspiracy network

Anonymous ID: e7fa36 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.2654437   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4930



Re; the civilizations the popped up right after the cataclysm


There were also contemporary high civilizations around the same time. The city-state of Sumer popped up out of the sand around the same time as the Egyptians, and they both have the same skills seem to start really high, then diminish over the generations. But also around this time there were people living in cities in China and India, and perhaps North America. There are supposedly ancient families in China, and likely the same in India.

Anonymous ID: 70f5bd Aug. 18, 2018, 1:21 a.m. No.2654438   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Pedophile whipped to death in ISIS style video.


They bound his hands with red tape.

I wanna emphasize the choice of bright red tape.

Intentional? Connected in some way?

Article found circulating spacebook.



Anonymous ID: ac276f Aug. 18, 2018, 1:23 a.m. No.2654446   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4472

Idk about you guys but what I suspect is that we're waiting until midterms are over and red controls all three pillars, the shit will hit the fan and I mean ALL of it. It will all drop like a carpet bombing all at once and the clowns will be overwhelmed not knowing what to try defending first and eventually after about 24-48 hours their heads will explode.

Anonymous ID: 3017a6 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:23 a.m. No.2654447   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4478



What kind of fucking shit is the

Nobody cares

Fuck off!!!


For the record, before I wrote this reply I investigated the posting, especially the two parts that said 2014 and 2015.

Think about it folks. What year is this? Who is your President?


Anonymous ID: d0105d Aug. 18, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.2654451   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4919

Meet the 11-year old drag queen RuPaul called "the future of America"The dancing boys of America


Desmond Is Amazing" can rock a runway.


That's the stage name of Desmond Napoles, who at just 11 years old is a drag superstar and an LGBTQ activist from New York City. His first notable break came in 2014 when he danced alongside B-52's lead singer, Fred Schneider, in "RuPaul's Drag Race" winner Jinkx Monsoon's music video "The Bacon Shake." In 2015, a video of Desmond voguing in the NYC Pride parade went viral. He now performs regularly at clubs and events like NYC Pride and RuPaul's DragCon.


Now Desmond sashays through life with infectious confidence and inspires others with his motto, "be yourself always, no matter what," he tells CNBC Make It. To any bullies and haters β€” and there have been many β€” Desmond says he pays them no mind because "they're not as fierce as you and I."


Desmond's talents don't stop with performing and public speaking: He acted in an independent movie called "Pageant Material," which is now in post-production. He modeled during New York Fashion Week at the fall 2018 Gypsy Sport show. He is releasing a single called "We Are All Amazing" and writing a children's book.


RuPaul once called Desmond "the future of America," and Desmond takes the title seriously β€” after all, it came from his original drag inspiration.

Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.2654452   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


God. I was hoping it was just to torture them in their nerves in their jaws.


Your theory is fucking insanely evil.


Not that all of this shit isnt insanely evil.


They all need to die.

Anonymous ID: 042753 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.2654457   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4469 >>4736 >>4780 >>4885 >>5051

Pawn shop in New Mexico "


Tells us vanderbuilt may be broke


New Mexico… Judge "Backus "? Freinds ?




Guatemalan Silver Charm Necklace, 1980s Long Wedding Necklace with MILAGROS, Metal Beads, Cowgirl Southwest, First Peoples

30" plus large coin w charms pendant ( 76.2cm )

The pendant is 5" long x 2 1/2"wide ( 12.7cm x 6.35cm )

There are beads and many animal dangles hanging off the double chain strands, the charms are called MILAGROS

Lion, duck, quetzal bird, Swallow bird, Deer, Fish and goddess( center bottom )

The necklace and dangles are all silver color metal

and most are in excellent condition and actually, still shiny,

Purchased in 1990s in Gallup New Mexico at a pawn shop where I was attending the Inter-Tribal Indian festival

I was told that this was a Guatemalan Wedding necklace. ????


it was a personal piece but I have become allergic to all metals so this is now up for grabs! Maybe worn 2 times..


*>>MILAGROS are small metal religious charms found in many areas of Latin America, especially Guatemala & Mexico. The word β€œMilagro” means β€œmiracle”or Offering( Exvotos).

These small charms, often depicting arms, legs, praying people, farm animals and a wide range of other subjects are typically nailed or pinned to crosses or wooden statues of various saints like the Virgin Mary or Christ, sacred objects, pinned on the clothing of saint statues, or hung with little red ribbons or threads from altars and shrines. They are also carried for protection and good luck and thanks to Saints and Their animals.

The 1848 repro Coin pendant is of JosΓ© Rafael Carrera Turcios was the president of Guatemala from 1844 to 1848 and from 1851 until his death in 1865, after being appointed President for Life in 1854.

Anonymous ID: 31a6ee Aug. 18, 2018, 1:27 a.m. No.2654468   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Not sure, there's a process called Alacrity which handles storing the crumbs which can apparently take its time.

That's in the FAQ, also the email for admin which you might want to do, with the post number.

If you're from the country I think you're from you probably want to stay on it…

Good luck.

Anonymous ID: e7fa36 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.2654472   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I suspect the bombs will drop heavy either just before the election, or just after, to avoid the Constitutional issues that could result in the Executive branch arrest a bunch of Legislators. I hope it's this year, I'm not sure how much more drip drip drip I can take!

Anonymous ID: c015e2 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.2654473   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4575 >>4591

Sacrifice for money?

That's all Abortion is.

A sacrifice for money.

Until Abortion is ended,

This nation still worships



And God has said that

He is a jealous God.

No other gods should be

Put before Him.

Anonymous ID: cee59e Aug. 18, 2018, 1:30 a.m. No.2654475   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

How can we know that Trump will do something?

Because he loves our troops and our veterans.


Just listening to various videos while I work, here's one of Mark Levin.


mark levin radio show (his fans call him "the denali")


1:04:55 - 1:08:22 - affecting the morale of our veterans and troops

one serviceman's story – just having drinks with Russians who were in town

caused him and others to lose their security clearance

says he's been sick for 5 years, listening to this Hillary stuff


Trump HAS to do something. He simply HAS to do something.

We have a ring-side seat to it.

We are sitting in the VIP section.

And it will be so glorious to finally see justice in this country.

Anonymous ID: b88e31 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:30 a.m. No.2654476   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4736 >>4885 >>5051


Much of the Pizzagate info is old news to us. But I think this piece does a nice job of connecting Podesta Bros Abramovich Child Trafficking Alefantis Epstein and Bljana Djurdjevic, and more in one quick read, Might be useful for bringing normies up to speed.


Also LOTS of pics.


Excerpt about Biljana:


"The worse comes from Biljana Djurdjevic. Djurdjevic noted that some influences are β€œGerman philosophy like Friedrich Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Schiller, writers like Kafka, Bulgakov, Bela Hamvas, David Bowie.” Asked, β€œHow do you dream up with your wacky ideas? What is your creation process?” she noted, in part, β€œmaybe it is compilation of my thoughts that I collect through ordinary day…or seeing an other victim of paedophilia for this and other subjects unfortunately I didn’t need any imagination. Just a pure reality.”


She also stated, β€œI think I have compulsive behavior…the moment I finish work I don’t look at that canvas.” Asked β€œWhat is the strangest thing you have ever done?” her reply was β€œThere is no such thing in my life; probably that is the strangest thing”


(Parentela Claudio’s Interview with Biljana Djurdjevic October 18, 2007 AD).


Here are some paintings which depict occult ritual type poses such as those seen to be related to the movie β€œThe Devil Rides Out” (and note the homage to Disney via the Mickey Mouse shirt).

Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:31 a.m. No.2654479   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Wrong. They were hoping to wear us down. If we stand down and let these Jews do this everywhere it sets a framework for cucking to them.


I really see it as a great way to draw the line sharply. I have a theory that WE are forcing the left to go so damn far out of their minds that the normal brainwashed Jew Tv Programming normie walking dead moron will feel uneasy. And not want to be involved in that evil shit because that crap still triggers a deep subconcious understanding of good and evil.


It wont help the Left it will only help Trump. Great shock visuals.

Anonymous ID: 60e209 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:33 a.m. No.2654490   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

"Trump's motives for revoking John Brennan's security clearance may not be a mystery. But his tactics are ones Brennan might recognize more quickly than others. He’s used them." cc: @KrisParonto @JohnTiegen

Anonymous ID: 2419af Aug. 18, 2018, 1:33 a.m. No.2654494   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4524 >>4561 >>4572 >>4894

Alien Message Warning on Live Television


I'm sure many people here have seen this video before. I saw this many years ago and today when I watched again, wow! The message is exactly on point and it's exactly what Q is saying. Worth having a look.

Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:34 a.m. No.2654496   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5038


Because the Jew runs the World and the Jew is the gayest creation that ever crawled out of the slime. Jews support faggotry in all its forms.


Jews want you to get used to laying down to them mentally. The whole faggot cake issue was a public way to brow beat religious people to let the Satanist move the football some more to Gomorah.


Sadly for them. They are not long for this world. So there is that.

Anonymous ID: 6ccd50 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:34 a.m. No.2654499   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>2653966 (lb)

If you own the account, you can use ftp to download the content. If you don't, someone posted somewhere a link to an app that can download a site. Look on the board for instructions on how to archive.

Anonymous ID: 09fb43 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:35 a.m. No.2654501   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4514 >>4885 >>5051

Wikileaks Photos, John Kerry Visit and UFOs in Antarctica


Just days after the shocking U.S. presidential election, Secretary of State John Kerry became the highest-ranking U.S. government official to ever set foot on Antarctica (although there are rumors President Obama made a secret visit there earlier this year).


This visit came just a few weeks after Wikileaks released a large set of photos from Antarctica. Does this mean that there’s worldwide cover-up of UFOs in Antarctica? Let’s see how some people connected the dots to reach that theory.


The Secretary of State landed in Antarctica on November 11th.


This was leg 2 on a multi-stop trip that started in New Zealand and included a stop at the international climate change meetings in Marrakech, Morocco, where Kerry was to speak on the dangers of global warming. The five-hour flight to Antarctica on a C-17 Globemaster military cargo plane had Kerry mysteriously spending most of his time in the cockpit.


Sure, he’s a pilot but doesn’t the plane have windows for him to look out of? Was he giving the pilots secret directions?


After landing on the Pegasus Ice Runway at the U.S.’s McMurdo Station, Kerry toured by helicopter the McMurdo Dry valleys, which are considered to be as close to the environment of Mars as any place on Earth (coincidence or plans for Mars trip?).


He also saw the mysterious red glacier known as Blood Falls and the hut where the famous Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton (the Shackleton crater on the moon is named for him – coincidence?) lived in 1908. While he didn’t report any UFOs or aliens, Shackleton was in Antarctica at the time of the Tunguska event and was said to have seen displays of aurora lights both before and after the event.


Kerry got to see things that are banned from the public view due to the newly-signed (October 28, 2016) agreement to make the Ross Sea the world’s largest marine protected area, blocking ships without permission from entering the area for 35 years.


Fortunately, Wikileaks mysteriously released a set of 23 photographs of various locations in Antarctica on October 18th as part of its John Podesta-related leaks. They seemed to be more scenic than expository (although one appears to show a UFO and another a mysterious fog) and a couple are suspected to be from someplace other than Antarctica.


The photos were numbered and a couple of numbers appeared to be missing. Could these have shown the long-rumored evidence (purportedly in Wikileaks’ possession) of a secret war between the U.S. and UFOs based on the floor of the waters around Antarctica – the very same waters now protected by the new agreement?


And there you have it! Kerry visits top secret locations in Antarctica, after a new (and not yet universally trusted or UFO-savvy) U.S. president is elected, to assess the war against UFOs and secretly share the info with other nations in Morocco. Throw in Antarctic photos from Wikileaks to John Podesta – who promised to open the UFO files if Hillary Clinton was elected – and you have all the makings of an Antarctic UFO conspiracy and cover-up.


Or maybe Kerry really IS concerned about the environment and is trying to save what’s left of the slowly-melting formerly-pristine world of Antarctica.


"My husband used to work for Lockheed. They have secret projects. Remember, James Comey was their corporate counsel for a while. He was sent there by Jimmy Carters Attorney General, Benjamin Civiletti. Civiletti arranged weapons deals for Pakistan and later represented Lockeed in all their Mid East weapons deals. Comey is a paid lackey for Civiletti and Carter. Carter is the bad guy,.ο»Ώ"

Anonymous ID: b06e50 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:36 a.m. No.2654507   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4509




this Jewish guy hit on me tonight,,,


i just got engaged to a nice strong German man..


I called him a Goyium and everyone like physically shut me down…


like leaped and put their hand over my mouth and he shut up reallllly fast.


you guys are right,,?

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.2654516   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


ThanQ Baker.

It would appear we have a lot of newbies joining us of late (sure you've noticed).

It'd be a shame if we didn't have bread for them.

I appreciate your commitment

If I had a decent puter, I'd learn to bake myself, but I'm so not vested in technology, my laptop cost $200 … no tv for a decade… I'm a researcher/digger and appreciate you Bakers SO MUCH!



Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:41 a.m. No.2654527   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Yeah not so much. You seen the inside of some Catholic Churches? Mary all over the place.


Jews removed the female from the godhead and went all male. Because they are faggots. You have to realize the Jew is the gayest thing ever. Everything they do is to push faggotry because that is opposite of the natural order of god.


Christians got some things right. But the Satanist are sneaky and have been putting in lots of faggotry to fuck up the message of Christ.


And the Muslims can watch what they want. They wont be in Sweden in five years. I am willing to bet my right nut on that.

Anonymous ID: 051b0e Aug. 18, 2018, 1:41 a.m. No.2654528   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4542 >>4545 >>4694


Pedo anon is back

Posts pictures that look like children but are supposedly women so he can say you are so stupid that's a legal aged woman

Seems to go to great lengths to find women that look like under aged girls

Who cares that the chic looks 12 right

Sick motherfucker should be banned

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 1:42 a.m. No.2654534   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4641


Meme's been around for quite a while.

The disney reveals have also been around for over a decade. You know, the one's they slip porn into and all that.

Good stuff, eh?

Turn off the tv.

Get the kids away from the tv.

It's evil.


Anonymous ID: 5eff59 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:43 a.m. No.2654537   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Keith Vaz MP is one of the slipperiest men you will ever come across.


Unbelievable that he’s allowed to be seen in public never mind be a member of parliament, given the amount of proven sleaze surrounding him.

Anonymous ID: ac161e Aug. 18, 2018, 1:43 a.m. No.2654538   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

The Act of 1871: The β€œUnited States” Is a Corporation – There are Two Constitutions


April 24, 2012 by POPEYE

Filed under Establishing The Police State, Featured Stories


(FEDERALJACKTUBE) Since the Act of 1871 which established the District of Columbia, we have been living under the UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is owned by certain international bankers and aristocracy of Europe and Britain.

In 1871 the Congress changed the name of the original Constitution by changing ONE WORD β€” and that was very significant as you will read.

Some people do not understand that ONE WORD or TWO WORDS difference in any β€œlegal” document DO make the critical difference. But, Congress has known, and does know, this.

1871, February 21: Congress Passes an Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871.

With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress creates a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, a ten mile square parcel of land (see, Acts of the Forty-first Congress,” Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62).

The act β€” passed when the country was weakened and financially depleted in the aftermath of the Civil War β€” was a strategic move by foreign interests (international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the coffers and neck of America.


Congress cut a deal with the international bankers (specifically Rothschilds of London) to incur a DEBT to said bankers. Because the bankers were not about to lend money to a floundering nation without serious stipulations, they devised a way to get their foot in the door of the United States.

Anonymous ID: 1a193d Aug. 18, 2018, 1:45 a.m. No.2654549   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Aug. 15, 2018 a long article, 1 extract


…Thomas R. Hampson, an Illinois private investigator and founder of Truth Alliance Foundation, said a β€œperipheral member” of the Boys Club contacted Father Kunz and met with him in Wisconsin in the years before Kunz was killed. Hampson spent years investigating the Boys Club and priestly sexual abuse of teenage boys. The Boys Club was a β€œloosely organized group of priests and laity who cultivated sexual relationships with vulnerable boys and shared these boys with each other,” Hampson said. The ring was alleged to be centered in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood. Texas attorney Sheila Parkhill, who also investigated the Boys Club, said its members are guilty of ritualistic and satanic abuse of children, as well as murder, credit card theft, and fraud. One suspected Boys Club member was convicted of predatory sexual abuse of a child; several other suspected members have died. Most Boys Club members have never been charged with crimes, Hampson said.



Anonymous ID: baf75d Aug. 18, 2018, 1:46 a.m. No.2654554   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4610


Heather Carolin

Petite and lovely redhead stunner Heather Marie Carolin was born on August 15, 1982 in Harbor City, California. She's of Irish and Scottish descent. Carolin grew up in Yosemite, California and…

Born: Aug 15, 1982 (age 36)

Anonymous ID: 544868 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:46 a.m. No.2654555   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4569



By the Thunder of Thor, please stop this bullshit.

Most Jews today are not true bloodline Jews. Google some Israeli jews doing dna research and hitting this conclusion. There is only one small group of Jews in modern day Israel that maybe related to ancient Abrahamic Jews before Romans BTFO them all after Jesus KIA. Very small sect, under 1000 people now I believe.

Not that it matters because in NT, Jesus more or less decreed that bloodlines are irrelevant if you lack the faith, trust and love in God.

Anonymous ID: 434c24 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:49 a.m. No.2654569   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Yeah they were khazars, they were satanic pagans, the kingdom of russia and thier neighbors forced them to choose a religion in about 800ad, they chose judaism so they could charge interest to non jews.

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 1:51 a.m. No.2654575   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


For the newbies:


The darker the skin, the more melanin it contains.

The more melanin, the better the adrenochrome.

They need the adrenochrome to stay alive, young and vibrant.

THAT is why they are cannibals.

That is why Haiti is so important to them.

That is why they seek third world children to traffic.

Anonymous ID: f52586 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:56 a.m. No.2654595   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4596 >>4736 >>4885 >>5051

β€” On Sun, 5/10/09, john finch wrote:


From: john finch

Subject: Presidential Memo on Scientific Integrity: Request for Public Comment - HAARP is a mass-murder weapon – that has already been used often



Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 10:55 PM


HAARP is a mass-murder weapon – that has already been used often


from htttp://…


VANCOUVER, B.C. - HAARP is a weapons system that is part of the weaponization of space, using "scalar wave interferometry" - a technology first discovered by scientist Nicola Tesla in the early 1900's. Two or more longitudinal, ultra-low frequency waves are β€œaimed” at an intersecting point, at which time they interact in a very unique way, β€œtapping” into the limitless plenum of energy surrounding the planet, and weaponizing this scalar energy.


HAARP Weather & Tectonic Warfare attacks by the evidence most probably caused the Myanmar Cyclone (May 3, 2008) and the China Earthquake (May 12, 2008). (please see the REFERENCES below)




Space-Based: HAARP weaponizes the Earth's Ionosphere.


Air-Based: HAARP uses ChemTrails as a frequency reflector from its Ground and Space Base, and as a Binary weapons system against the human population.


Ground-Based: HAARP ground stations energize HAARP (Alaska; Greenland; Norway; Australia)




SDI (Strategic Defence Initiative) Radiofrequency weapon


Environmental warfare - Weather & earthquake warfare


Space Warfare System


Missile Defense System


Scalar energy warfare against land and population targets, including cities, industrial sites, buildings, populations and individuals


ELF weapon with electromagnetic harassment and mood manipulation of target populations and individuals.


Biological & Binary Weapons against populations (with Chemtrails component)




The death toll of two recent probable Environmental Warfare attacks by HAARP is on the scale of Hiroshima.


The estimated death toll of the May 3, 2008 Weather Warfare Myanmar Cyclone is 78,000 dead + 56,000 missing as of May 29, 2008. (Ben Fulford estimates 100,000 - 500,000 dead).


The death toll of the May 12, 2008 Tectonic Warfare China Earthquake is 68,000 as of May 29, 2008, and expected to rise to 80,000.


(Official Japanese figures at the time put the Hiroshima death toll at 118661 civilians. But later estimates suggest the final toll was about 140000.)


To learn more about the Space Preservation Treaty banning all space-based weapons, visit

Anonymous ID: f52586 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:56 a.m. No.2654596   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4605 >>4622 >>4736 >>4885 >>5051




Like the WWII Nazis the NWO-Nazis must answer for their crimes.




Secret Geophysical Weapons (earthquake, floods, storms, fires, 9/11) Crimes Against Humanity in Myanmar, China, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Iran, Yemen, Turkey, Greece, Italy, USA, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific killing well over a million people and massive destruction. And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion. (please see the REFERENCES below)


War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Torture using Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons to cause the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, β€˜mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations on many, many thousands of people worldwide – citizens, combatants and leaders (coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally). And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion. (please see the REFERENCES below)


Dirty Wars and Black Operations fomenting and prolonging conflicts and civil strife in Algeria, Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Russia, the Caucasus, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, China, Tibet, Cambodia, Korea, Thailand, Colombia, Bolivia causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.


Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan resulting in the deaths of well over a million people and the ongoing destruction of those countries, as the criminals pretend that the world’s most powerful surveillance and military forces can’t establish peace and stability there in 6 and 8 years respectively.


Crimes Against Humanity using Directed Energy Weapons to cause electrical and mechanical crashes and disasters (cars, planes, trains, ships etc.), building and bridge collapses, and serious violations of the integrity of electronic data and systems killing thousands of people and causing much criminal malfeasance. And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion. (please see the REFERENCES below)


Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by other Governments, Agencies and International Organisations as there’s no genuine information or analyses about any of these crimes – at all.


Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by the Media Monopolies and β€œprofessionals” as there’s no genuine information or analyses about any of these crimes – at all. (please see the REFERENCES below)


WE ARE BEING COOPTED AND FORCED AND TRICKED INTO AN ORWELLIAN FUNCTIONALIST TOTALITARIANISM – EVERYWHERE ON EARTH! - as almost all public discourses including β€˜scientific’, β€˜academic’ and β€˜arts and culture’, and as much as 80% of β€˜international news’, β€˜events’ and β€˜history’, have been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda, pseudo-sciences and/or specious, tendentious or folkloric productions and discourses.

Anonymous ID: d0105d Aug. 18, 2018, 1:57 a.m. No.2654600   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Endless quibbling and argumentation as a tactic to confuse and tire out opposition in political debate. Typically employed by liberal bugmen posing the question "What is a White person" and then continuing to focus on outliers and border examples unrepresentative of a well defined core definition.

Anonymous ID: b06e50 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:57 a.m. No.2654601   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

so are the jewish people really trying to control us?


called a jewish guy a goyium and got kicked out of the party tonight… fucking weird….?

Anonymous ID: 6229e1 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:58 a.m. No.2654604   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Jump back, what's that sound

Here she comes, full blast and top down

Hot shoe, burnin' down the avenue

Model citizen zero discipline


Don't you know she's coming home with me?

You'l lose her in the turn

I'll get her!


Catalog!, Catalog!

Catalog!, Catalog!


Ain't nothin' like it, her shiny machine

Got the feel for the wheel, keep the moving parts clean

Hot shoe, burnin' down the avenue

Got an on-ramp comin' through my bedroom


Don't you know she's coming home with me?

You'll lose her in the turn

I'll get her!


Catalog!, Catalog!

Catalog!, Catalog!


Yeah, we're runnin' a little bit hot tonight

I can barely see the road from the heat comin' off of it.


Ah, you reach down, between my legs

Ease the seat back


She's blinding, I'm flying

Right behind the rear-view mirror now

Got the feeling, power steering

Pistons popping, ain't no stopping now


Catalog!, Catalog!

Catalog!, Catalog!

Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:59 a.m. No.2654608   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4614


They want you to be a whore. They use peer pressure for almost every trick they pull.


All the ¨you dont hate gays do you¨ all that shit is to brow beat you to go along to get along.


You will never regret not doing that stupid shit.


Stay strong and get married to a white dude will balls that doesnt beat you. Look for some brains. It helps.

Anonymous ID: a4fe55 Aug. 18, 2018, 2 a.m. No.2654613   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4736 >>4885 >>5051

Organ Trade


Tadamasa Goto

Head of the Goto-gumi yakuza gang

He's barred from entering the U.S.


The aging piece of shit has hepatitis and needs a liver transplant

The FBI gets him a U.S. visa in return for info

He gets his transplant but delivers nothing of significance


Dr. Ronald W. Busuttil, executive chairman of UCLA's surgery department, performs the transplant

Busuttil also performs liver transplants for three other yakuza


Goto was in the U.S. for two months

In the same year, 186 people in the LA region died waiting for a liver

How did Goto get on the UCLA waiting list?

How did he jump the queue?


Japanese gang figures got new livers at UCLA

May 30, 2008

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 2f9ee5 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:03 a.m. No.2654617   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4736 >>4885 >>5051

Hi Bakers/researchers, sorry to intrude from TTDDTOT, but could I get eyes up on the address attached in the image (it's from Q's PDF), specifically for the Hong Kong Trade Development Council?


I strongly suspect it may tie in with locational photographs from earlier. Google keep me personally blocked and other map tools are pretty shit, so if I could get eyes up on target, that'd be great, thanks!

Anonymous ID: fbd183 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:03 a.m. No.2654620   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


It might be a worthwhile thing for any nearby anons to bring a UV light with them next time they visit this room and use the phone to record what they find. My guess is that they weren’t thorough in cleaning up after all of this time.

Anonymous ID: 60e209 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:04 a.m. No.2654625   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4736 >>4885

Samantha Power– So it was okey-dokey when your President did it. How do you explain that away? Oh, but you didn't have time to complain, did you. You were too busy unmasking 300+ Americans. Busy little bee.

Anonymous ID: f52586 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:09 a.m. No.2654640   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4651 >>4720 >>4736 >>4885 >>5051


β€” More John Finch (from WL) β€”




I sent a series of human rights activist emails to public authorities and

forums beginning in 2003 up to 2006. I came to the attention of an

extremist US security organisation in 2004 for this exercising of my

democratic right to free speech and since then I've had my human rights,

liberty and privacy completely violated and ALL aspects and degrees of my

human freedom, individuality and mental and physical integrity and health

profoundly assaulted, tortured and wrecked.


Using "star wars" and directed energy weapons technologies coupled with

advanced neuro and medical science (psychotronics), and also using

nanotechnology and holography technologies (or some such technical

combinations) these people have the ability to :-


a. place a human subject under continuous surveillance, no matter where

he/she is, from remote locations.


b. continuously monitor a human brain from remote locations, including

thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image reading.


c. continuously input directly into a human brain from remote locations,

including the ability to override, control and alter consciousness, and to

introduce voices, noises, other disturbances, images and "dreams" into the



d. directly interfere with, abuse, torture and hit bodies - including

performing advanced medical procedures - and objects - from remote



e. directly interfere with, alter, insert etc. data, files, communications

and legal evidence from remote locations - even during transmission


f. make live TV, and other screens and monitors, two-way - for

surveillance, invasion of privacy etc..


g. control the flow of information and orchestrate the media worldwide.


By these means I have been :-


  1. continuously - 24 hours a day 7 days a week mentally and physically

monitored. (2004-present)


  1. subjected to sleep deprivation torture. (2005)


  1. continuously subjected to sensory and mental torture by being verbally

and aurally abused, goaded, disturbed and engaged with - directly into the

brain. This takes the form of a running commentary with a personally

codified system of comments and responses to my thoughts, activities and

biorhythms - both straightforwardly and with echo, repetition and

distortion effects. This sensory and mental torture directly into the

brain has varied from extreme causing near-complete mental breakdown and

desperation, to loud, intensive and continuous, to milder. It is all,

however, unignorable and inescapable, and it has profoundly degraded and

wrecked my mental and physical life and being. (2004/2005-present)


  1. repeatedly and relentlessly subjected to electrical abuse and torture

on the genitals - electric currents are applied to my genitals at

different intensities and positions, often continuously for extended

periods of time. This ranges from mildly disturbing to extremely

torturous. The cumulative affect is sickening and constant mental and

physical stress and tension. This electrical abuse and torture on the

genitals is applied at any time of the day or night. I am often woken up

by the application of electric currents to my genitals - night after night

after night. My genitals have also been liposuctioned, collagened,

vasectomied, and my scrotum subjected to repeated reductions and

enlargements. Also my nipples are often "electrocuted", and more recently

what feels like my semen glands, and other internal organs are also being

intensively "electrocuted"(2005-present)


  1. continuously subjected to multiple nightly neurological experiments and

interventions - night after night after night 2,3,4,5 or more times per

night artificial "dreams" are introduced into my brain and therein

experienced and processed "organically" (?). This has resulted in mentally

and psychically exhausting, degrading and wrecking me. I haven't had an

uninterrupted nights sleep in over 2 years. (2005-present)


  1. subjected to "deep" neurological interventions on my brain creating a

lasting "lobotomised" effect. Repeatedly subjected to multiple other

experiments and interventions on other areas of my brain. (2005-present)


  1. subjected to various other mental, physical and social tortures,

degradations and dirty tricks. This includes being extensively publically

exhibited via internet and TV which has greatly magnified the complete

violation of my privacy. (2004-present)


As an ancillary to these each and every night I am repeatedly put to

sleep, woken up, made to go to the toilet, and mentally mood and temper

controlled on waking. Other nights I am given erections, and occasionally

voided of semen (my sperm production has been stopped). I am being used

like a lab rat. This regime has been ongoing now since 2005.

Anonymous ID: f52586 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:12 a.m. No.2654651   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4656 >>4736 >>4885 >>5051



Each and every waking hour I am thought and image read, and continuously

subjected to the various forms of sensory and mental torture by being

verbally and aurally abused, goaded, disturbed and engaged with - directly

into the brain. Coupled with the various forms of genital abuse and

torture. This regime has been ongoing now since 2005.


Thus my human rights, liberty and privacy have been completely violated

and ALL aspects and degrees of my human freedom, individuality and mental

and physical integrity and health profoundly assaulted, tortured and

wrecked in this ongoing totalitarian nightmare.


There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding these technologies and

victims such as I are being subjected to uncontrolled and unacknowledged

torture and mental and physical destruction. This has remained completely

unreported and undiscussed publicly. Despite, since 2004, continually

appealing for help to Government Representatives, Government Officials,

Government Agencies, Military, Security, International Organisations,

Human Rights Organisations, Universities, Scientific and other

Institutions, and the International Media I have received virtually no

help, or even acknowledgement, from anyone at all! Both the technologies

and the perpetrators of these atrocities remain secret and unprosecuted!


For anyone at all concerned about human rights, liberty, democracy,

privacy and ALL aspects and degrees of human freedom, individuality and

mental and physical integrity and health this uncontrolled and

unacknowledged technology and abuse is intolerable!


As such


-we would call for an acknowledgement of such technology at a national and

international level. Politicians, scientists and neurologists,

neuroscientists, physicists and the legal profession should, without

further delay, demand public debate on the existence and deployment of

psychotronic technology; and for the declassification of information about

such devices which abuse helpless people, and threaten democratic freedom.


-Victims' accounts of abuse should be admitted to public account, and the

use of psycho-electronic weapons should be made illegal and criminal.


-The medical profession should be helped to recognise the symptoms of

mind-control and psychotronic abuse, and intelligence about their

deployment should be declassified so that this abuse can be seen to be

what it is, and not interpreted automatically as an indication of mental



Because -


-The calculated and technological entry into another person's mind is an

act of monumental barbarism which obliterates- perhaps with the twiddling

of a dial - the history and civilisation of man's mental development. It

is more than an abuse of human rights, it is the destruction of meaning.

For any one who is forced into the hell of living with an unseen mental

rapist, the effort to stay sane is beyond the scope of tolerable

endurance. The imaginative capacity of the ordinary mind cannot

encompass the horror of it. We have attempted to come to terms with the

experiments of the Nazis in concentration camps. We now have the prospect

of systematic control authorised by men who issue instructions through

satellite communications for the destruction of


Anonymous ID: 6229e1 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:12 a.m. No.2654652   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Hey kiss me I kiss you

Kiss me I kiss you

I know about you

I've been told about you

I've been waiting for you

And the air's thin

Tiny holes

And everybody wants to know you

Is rapt like moon river

Then beyond the blinds

The new white slacks alight

Sliding into the city

Tunnel beneath the feet of the people in the city

Roamin' roamin' roamin' in the city

And crossway boy

Crossway boy

Downtown waterfront boy

And the shadows where the ambi and the motor meet

And she's on the phone again

Surfin' she's on the phone again

She's calling from America

She's calling from America

She's surfin' she's moshing

And the girls are diving and the girls are up to something

Animal boy thing up on the roof again

Boy thing lookin'down there

And there's every kind of lack

To make it down to the Delaware

And up in your head

And moaner moaner moaner moaner

Rudy get the get the get the get the get the

Night the city loves you

City loves a boyfriend

Love walks with a boyfriend

A city loves a boyfriend

Friends walking with a boyfriend

And the night's with a boyfriend

And the city loves you loves you loves you

Loves everyone

Everyone is smiling

The smiling is pushing it around

It's pushing it around

Like shadows in the evolution in the dark

And the super boys

Where time is all where time is everything

Where time of all this started

As we're turned to earth earth wind and fire

Get the sound in your head

Black metal walls are crawling

I am the hunger above your town

A little sound in a little amp

I am dubious hard metal I am stainless

I am milk in your plastic

I am wrapped in this left alone

In a full moon with

The only thing I can do

Lying awake on the floor

At night the doors I can't I can't awake I can't awake

Ah ah ah ah

Water into you to me constantly


Without without without without again without again

Your telephone number

Through the glass of water

The instance between is opened

The silence is indifferent and your love love love

Love walks with the boyfriend

The city loves a boyfriend

Friends walking

Friends walking with a boyfriend

The city loves a boyfriend

Everybody loves a boyfriend

You left me alone you left me alone

With a full moon

Full moon full moon full moon full moon full moon

Boys boys boys boys

Cross crossway crossway boy

Down on the waterfront

Anonymous ID: f52586 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:13 a.m. No.2654656   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4676 >>4736 >>4885 >>5051



Please assist urgently.

REFERENCES FROM ABOVE - 1, 2 - On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis

of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology,

Carole Smith, Journal of Psycho-Social Studies , Vol 2 (2) No 3 2003







What is going on in the world?


How could we possibly know?


Government Representatives, Government Officials, Government Agencies,

Military, Security, International Organisations, Human Rights

Organisations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the

International Media are complicit and/or acquiescent to the general

climate of secrecy, misinformation, omission and cover-up.


In the past decade "terrorists" have killed perhaps 30,000 people - "The

Wars on Terror" have resulted in the deaths of well over a million people

and the ongoing destruction of several societies - a veritable Moslem

Holocaust, other brutal, brazen and extensive violations of human rights

worldwide, the erosion of civil liberties, and the complete control and

management of information and the media worldwide.


That there exists types of weapons and technologies that can be used to

remotely create and foment terrorism, sectarian wars, evidence of planned

terrorist acts etc., and to remotely cause crashes, "accidents" and

killings, is not even publicly acknowledged - let alone investigated,

questioned or analysed.


That there exist Orwellian technologies and Dr Mengeles (aka Dr Cameron/Dr

Delgado) - type butchers extensively operating- controlling, brutalising,

deforming and terrorising civilians and, almost undoubtedly, combatants

worldwide is not even publicly acknowledged - let alone investigated,

questioned or analysed.


That there exists a massive, coordinated propaganda machine - that makes

Goebbels look like a mere dictatorial editor - controlling and managing

the output of information and media is not even publicly acknowledged -

let alone investigated, questioned or analysed.


That there exists a global surveillance and monitoring system that can be

used to see and hear through almost any structure with

pinpoint/brainwave/mobile phone signal accuracy, and yet we are led to

believe that borders are porous and rife with terrorist weapons-smuggling,

training camps, and transnational conspiracies is not even publicly

acknowledged - let alone investigated, questioned or analysed.


That these technologies make a mockery of, and can completely override,

conventional legal, medical, security, institutional and human rights

procedures, analyses and standards is not even publicly acknowledged - let

alone investigated, questioned or analysed.


That universal human rights, transparency, the rule of law, democracy,

open government, free and open media have been so completely violated and

overridden is not even publicly acknowledged - let alone investigated,

questioned or analysed.


That completely uninformed, misinformed, "dumbed down" populations is the

rule not the exception is not even publicly acknowledged - let alone

investigated, questioned or analysed.





John Finch

5/8 Kemp St , Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia

TEL: 0424009627





PS. Please contact me for further information


Please refer to the following websites for further information : -








John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA




On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of

Mind Invasive Technology, Carole Smith, Journal of Psycho-Social Studies ,

Vol 2(2) No 3 2003



read many VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS here






















John Finch

5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia

TEL: 0424009627





PS. Please contact me for further information

Anonymous ID: 3017a6 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:14 a.m. No.2654657   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Two reasons

Pictures of naked women always out the shills

Those liberals who believe in bullying everybody into political correctness.


And the second one is to demonstrate how it is done.

  1. find a cute picture of a woman

  2. Using various tools identify who she is

  3. Prove that she is a legal adult over the age of 18. In fact I rarely ever find that a picture of a young looking model is only 18. Usually they are 19-22 years old.

  4. Provide enough ID info that anyone can easily follow up and satisfy themselves that this woman is a legal adult erotic model


You too can do this.

These tools can help


I find that Google, Bing, Yandex and Tineye usually all return different results


And none are complete image indexes.


Often finding just one OTHER photo of the same woman, can lead to sites that have both pictures, but one is not findable in an index.


Reverse image search is far, far more successful than most people think if they just dabble in it.

Anonymous ID: 0dea87 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:14 a.m. No.2654658   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

I don't need validation of whether I'm crazy or not, but does POTUS say that the "YOUTH numbers are off the charts", at the 23 second mark? Is he letting us know that the "work, all work" that they're doing is saving record numbers of children? Also…23



Anonymous ID: 60e209 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:14 a.m. No.2654660   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4701

Gay-Baiting Jimmy Kimmel Taunts Christian Cake Baker: β€˜His Whole Life Is Gay’


Jimmy Kimmel employed age-old homophobic tactics Thursday night to attack a Christian cake artist for refusing to bake a transgender-themed cake.


Like a gay-baiting schoolboy, Kimmel taunted Jack Phillips β€” the Colorado cake artist who just won a Supreme Court case protecting his religious freedom and freedom from compelled speech β€” as a closeted gay man.


Using homosexuality as a pejorative, which is the very definition of homophobia, Kimmel not only accused Phillips of being gay, but mocked him for looking like a woman.


β€œIt’s funny because this is a guy who spends all day, every day, meticulously designing flowers out of icing β€” his whole life is gay, okay?” Kimmel said.


β€œI don’t know if he’s worried the wrong cake might bring that to life or what.” Kimmel taunted, because ha ha you might be gay.


What’s next? Will Kimmel taunt people because they might be Jewish or black?


If the government can force a cake artist to make a certain kind of art, why not late-night comedians? What would stop the government from telling Kimmel or Colbert or Fallon that they must tell jokes that mock leftists or abortion or same-sex marriage or transgenderism?


Leftists like Kimmel are now so blinded by ideology they are not only no longer standing up for artistic freedom, they are revealing a latent homophobia to express their seething anti-Christian bigotry.

Anonymous ID: 44bf18 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:14 a.m. No.2654661   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4665

"The Bolshevization of Germany, that is to say, the extermination of the patriotic and national German intellectuals, thus making it possible to force German Labour to bear the yoke of international Jewish finance; that is only the overture to the movement for expanding Jewish power on a wider scale and finally subjugating the world to its rule. As has so often happened in history, Germany is the chief pivot of this formidable struggle. If our people and our State should fall victims to these oppressors of the nations, lusting after blood and money, the whole earth would become the prey of that hydra." - Adolf Hitler


"At the beginning of the century the theatres seemed already degenerating and ceasing to be cultural factors, except the Court theatres, which opposed this prostitution of the national art. With these exceptions, and also a few other decent institutions, the plays produced on the stage were of such a nature that the people would have benefited by not visiting them at all. A sad symptom of decline was manifested by the fact that in the case of many 'art centres' the sign was posted on the entrance doors: FOR ADULTS ONLY." - Adolf Hitler


"A glance at the bill-of-fare provided by our cinemas, playhouses, and theatres suffices to prove that this is not the right food, especially for our young people. Hoardings and advertisements kiosks combine to attract the public in the most vulgar manner. Anyone who has not altogether lost contact with adolescent yearnings will realize that all this must have very grave consequences. This seductive and sensuous atmosphere puts notions into the heads of our youth which, at their age, ought still to be unknown to them." - Adolf Hitler


"The part which the Jews played in the social phenomenon of prostitution, and more especially in the white slave traffic, could be studied here better than in any other West European city, with the possible exception of certain ports in Southern France." - Adolf Hitler


"The life of the people must be freed from the asphyxiating perfume of our modern eroticism and also from every unmanly and prudish form of insincerity. In all these things the aim and the method must be determined by thoughtful consideration for the preservation of our national well-being in body and soul." – Adolf Hitler


"But it does matter whether Aryan humanity survives or perishes. And yet the two Christian denominations are not contending against the destroyer of Aryan humanity but are trying to destroy one another" – Adolf Hitler


"The great protagonists are those who fight for their ideas and ideals despite the fact that they receive no recognition at the hands of their contemporaries. They are the men whose memories will be enshrined in the hearts of the future generations. It seems then as if each individual felt it his duty to make retroactive atonement for the wrong which great men have suffered at the hands of their contemporaries. Their lives and their work are then studied with touching and grateful admiration. Especially in dark days of distress, such men have the power of healing broken hearts and elevating the despairing spirit of a people." – Adolf Hitler


"Bolshevism, which is in reality an attack on the world of the spirit, pretends to be intellectual itself. Where circumstances demand, it comes as a wolf in sheep's clothing. But underneath the false mask which it here and there assumes there are always the satanic forces of world destruction." - Joseph Goebbels

Anonymous ID: 34355c Aug. 18, 2018, 2:15 a.m. No.2654663   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



It’s been way past 12 years since WJC was president. 8 years Obama + 8 years Bush + 1 1/2 for Trump makes it almost 18 years. Why so long to release and why NOW?

Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:15 a.m. No.2654664   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


The Talmud is just hundreds of years of faggot rabbiΕ› making shit up and talking out their asses. And that is their religion. It is the religion of sucking bleeding baby penis. The religion of sacrificing Christian kids. The religion that tells people to never ever tell a non Jew what shit they talk about us because they know justifiable doom would come.


The Talmud Jews are just the most successful mind control cult of international slavers and grifters.


They do good deeds only if the Christians might think the Jews are not so bad. It is all cover. Cover till you turn your back on them. Then they steal your kids fuck your son in the ass and drain his blood. All while snickering about the money you owe him.

Anonymous ID: 44bf18 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:15 a.m. No.2654665   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


"In times of external catastrophes and inner disintegration, however, feminist man joins with emancipated woman to become the symbol of cultural decline and decay of the state." – Alfred Rosenberg


"Finally, England, through the Balfour Declaration took over the safeguarding of Jewish interests in all had handed over all control of all financial transactions to Jewish bankers such as the Rothschild, Montague, Cassell, Lazards, and the rest..since the end of the world war we have seen the almost total victory of international finance, which is almost completely Jewishly controlled" – Alfred Rosenberg


"The honorless rule of money must, by necessity, strive for world rule by creating world debt" – Alfred Rosenberg


"Peace will come when we can change the world economic system" – Alfred Rosenberg


"How devoid of ideals and how ignoble is the whole contemporary system! The fact that the churches join in committing this sin against the image of God, even though they continue to emphasize the dignity of that image, is quite in keeping with their present activities. They talk about the Spirit, but they allow man, as the embodiment of the Spirit, to degenerate." – Adolf Hitler


"The folkish idea is falsified today by the international capitalists while the organic enemies of the nation call for the demolition of all standards and demand racial chaos, sexual collectivism, and unrestricted abortion" – Alfred Rosenberg


"The attempts of imperialistic powers in the last decades to rule the furthermost corners of the world with cannons and to keep the exploited peoples of the world in order were signs of strength but proof of weakness." – Alfred Rosenberg


"It must never be forgotten that the present rulers of Russia are blood-stained criminals, that here we have the dregs of humanity which, favoured by the circumstances of a tragic moment, overran a great State, degraded and extirpated millions of educated people out of sheer blood-lust, and that now for nearly ten years they have ruled with such a savage tyranny as was never known before." - Adolf Hitler


"Even as early as that time I warned people around me, just as I am warning a wider audience now, against that soothing slogan of all indolent and feckless nature: NOTHING CAN HAPPEN TO US. A similar mental contagion had already destroyed a mighty empire" – Adolf Hitler


"But if for reasons of indolence or cowardice this fight is not fought to a finish we may imagine what conditions will be like 500 years hence. Little of God's image will be left in human nature, except to mock the Creator." – Adolf Hitler


"Here, as elsewhere, one may defy Nature for a certain period of time; but sooner or later she will take her inexorable revenge. And when man realizes this truth it is often too late." – Adolf Hitler


"Expressed paradoxically, the constant lie is the organic truth of the Jewish anti-race." – Alfred Rosenberg


"The fact is Universalism suffers from the same sickness as its apparent opponent, Individualism. The remarkable truth is that universalism is a twin brother of individualism" – Alfred Rosenberg


"Mechanistic individualism and schematic universalism wish to lay the world in chains. " – Alfred Rosenberg


"Hitler is one of the greatest men. The old respect him, the young idolize him. It is the worship of a nation hero who served his country." – David Lloyd George


"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived." – John F. Kennedy (It is in his European Diaries, also published in 'Prelude to Leadership. Kennedy also devoted a chapter of his 1954 book,'Profiles In Courage' to Senator Taft's strong public opposition to the Nuremberg lynchings)


"Lord God give us strength that we may retain the liberty for our children and our children's children, not only for ourselves but for the other peoples of Europe, for this is a war which we all wage, this time, not for for the German people alone, it is a war for all of Europe, and with it, in the long run, for all of mankind" – Adolf Hitler, public prayer in 1942

Anonymous ID: 31a6ee Aug. 18, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.2654682   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4690 >>4696


I think it's just a script, picks out keywords etc. Not terribly sophisticated and probably needs a human handler to log it on etc.

I've seen it respond for sure. Rarely do I see it jump in on something cold, but it does.

I think it has a manual mode too as it has made some responses which could pass Turing, briefly. Some very recently…

Mostly Harmless. Occasionally amusing AF.

Anonymous ID: 325124 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.2654683   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4690 >>4733 >>4736 >>4885 >>5051




When an Arab prince who is the country studying disappears, Bill tries to find him with help from Ralph. They learn that he is taking part in a game called Wizards and Warlocks wherein someone gives him a task to do. Now the people who are trying to grab the prince have taken the only person who knows what the prince is doing. So Ralph and Bill have to turn to the only person who might know where the prince is–the man who created the game.


In the episode they talk about the keeper of the clock and how you need to start the a lower level when first starting or you'll never understand the game that's already being played. They also open the show talking about Osiris and there a pentagram on the door.

Anonymous ID: 941c15 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.2654685   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4689 >>4690

on Archer:

I found Archer on Netflix and binge.

This was a while back.

Went to go check out what someone was posting and it's no longer there.

Considering Netflix Recent News


NO moar Archer

Wadu U think?

Anonymous ID: 651f9d Aug. 18, 2018, 2:21 a.m. No.2654687   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4693

Patriots Fight board is giving a 404. I know there were messages on after April 1, 2017 - Foolfags. Sorry I've been off the board just before the xbox hit, if this has been reported

Anonymous ID: a6e173 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:23 a.m. No.2654696   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Ebot is not a bot . Ebot is paid by human traffickers to fuck our board up. He is also an alcoholic and a pile of filth . Do not engage this idiot "bot" its fake /q Aim /jesuit mossad clinton cabal representative.

Anonymous ID: cffe39 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:24 a.m. No.2654701   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4786


not only this, but if you piss off a liberal they will insult you to no end and say that its your own fault for being too stupid to know better. As a child I was molested and later as a teen I was plied with drugs by homosexuals. Unnaturally I became an addict and used my body to get drugs. Now I no longer do drugs and find homo sex to be reviling and disgusting. My past is known by many, and because of this I get insulted regularly by liberals for being GAY and I am called a cuck. Liberals are troglodytes who lack any morals!

Anonymous ID: 699114 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:26 a.m. No.2654711   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4736 >>4800 >>4885 >>5051

I had posted this earlier yesterday but no one noticed it. Thought I would show it to the Night shift.


Took a quick look thru Notables and didn't see anything about this. Sorry if already discussed - I was away all day. I heard this discussed by hosts (Chris Stigall) on a Phillie station and a guest.


Senator Warren has proposed a new Bill called the "Accountable Capitalism Act". (Spoiler alert - it is an Orwellian title.)


The "Progressive" (read corrupt totalitarian regime) perspective:


WOW! Scary!




On the radio, his main point was - This IS the textbook definition of fascism. His secondary big point - This opens the door to imprisonment and purges that, by historical fact, always go hand in hand with the economic policies: When fascist collectivism fails (and it ALWAYS does like all Collectivism) Fascist only survive by oppressive blaming of someone which necessitates imprisoning and "purging" the "private owners" and ANYONE who opposes the Fascist ideas and policies.




THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. They are showing their true colors.

Anonymous ID: 3017a6 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:28 a.m. No.2654716   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4722



Oh yes it is.

Humans were created by the Nephilim mating with chimpanzees

Through scientific analysis

The Nephilim

Ancestors of the Illuminati

Have been identified


Read this link as far as the second page

Before you click the spoiler

We know who the Illuminati, our lords and masters, really are

Anonymous ID: 3d4a38 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:31 a.m. No.2654726   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4736 >>4885 >>5051

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller recommended in a court filing on Friday that a judge sentence former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos to up to six months in prison for lying to federal agents investigating whether Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Anonymous ID: ec5238 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.2654730   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4735 >>4736 >>4885 >>5051

GermanArchiveAnon Update


Fellow Anons,

I added #3334 to #3350 to the folder and updated the checksums.!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa


Webarchive: MD5: 8e0fb5acf1001e7c07601c3c368b6c87


HTML: MD5: 4297cdfadeaf41999a7d0a78d97070ec


The archive now contains 3356 breads.




GermanArchiveAnon Out

Anonymous ID: 31a6ee Aug. 18, 2018, 2:33 a.m. No.2654733   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>2654683 , >>2654552 Greatest American Hero sauce of "wizards and warlocks"


Even the great yahoo answers (from seven years ago) out dig this as the meaning of "wizards and warlocks". Not much else coming up except Q stuff. Could be something to it.

Don't follow the link from 3 years ago. The destination has gone and is now spam.

Anonymous ID: a6e173 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:34 a.m. No.2654736   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4809


>>2654254 The Map is the list of CIA operations Q is dismantling? Qdrop refresh

>>2654476, >>2654306 Symbolism digs

>>2654324, >>2654332, >>2654457, >>2654645, >>2654666 Vanderbilt

>>2654326 Digs on HRC land


>>2654376, >>2654393, >>2654467 Roman catacombs info

>>2654621 The sick Club of Rome

>>2654625, >>2654598, >>2654606, >>2654611 [ BHO Cabal] info

>>2654617 Anon requests digs on Hong Kong Trade Development Council

>>2654613 Organ Trade

>>2654595, >>2654596, >>2654605, >>2654622, >>2654640, >>2654651, >>2654656 HAARP is a mass-murder weapon – that has already been used often

>>2654659, >>2654705 Moar Anartica banter

>>2654711 Senator Warren has proposed a new Bill called the "Accountable Capitalism Act"

>>2654698, >>2654713 Russell is a very old/powerful cabal family

>>2654726 Robert Mueller recommended in a court filing on Friday that a judge sentence former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos

>>2654730 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>2654683 , >>2654552 Greatest American Hero sauce of "wizards and warlocks"

Anonymous ID: b3d386 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:34 a.m. No.2654737   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4744 >>4751 >>4770

>>2636358 (Q)


> Timelines change


Q talks metaphysical & scifi sometimes.

Chance "timeline" refers to new projected future?

What would that imply?

What was the parade supposed to bring?

How can a military parade bring unity?

Define "parade".

What if something or someones are to be paraded?

Could it refer to a massive, military-led perp-walk?

Has Q ever cancelled sth that then manifested in unanticipated form?

Q + A = R.

After what event was the military parade set to be conducted?

Did Q ever list dates for specific actions that never materialized?

Do those specific actions make more or less sense, following the midterms?

Qclock cypher–111, or time-delayed by exactly one year?

What could be more UNIFYING than exposing & bagging all the bad guys?


Disinfo is real. Disinfo is necessary.

What do {{jewbags}} love doing–creating systematic nonsense?

Is this an inexorable compulsion?

What's more beautiful than using {{jewbags'}} compulsions against them?

Did any of the clock- and numerology-fagging phase or distract Autists?

Probably not, other than to say STFU.

But it sure as shit sucked up a lot {{shill}} energy & attention.


Define "feint".

What is the purpose in a boxing match?

What does telegraphing sth that fails to appear do, psychologically?

What triggers action, knowledge or emotion?

What does a feint accomplish in boxing?

What benefit exists in desensitizing highly reactive adversaries?

Case in pointβ€”how will {{shills}} react to the idea behind this post?

Can they react in any way serious enough to protect/save themselves?

Trapped in their own "Q is bullshit", "Q shit never happening" narratives.

Sweet Science of Pugilism.


Heard POTUS today calling the Mueller probe a "Rigged Witch Hunt".

"Rigged" – as in, there was never any way out for her.

"Witch Hunt" – as in, her optimistic flailings only further expose her network.

Define "Hope".

Why did the Ancient Greeks describe it as the "greatest of Evils"?

What does giving hope to doomed people accomplish?

What triggers action, knowledge or emotion?

Q + POTUS Twitter =PsyOp to psychologically deplete enemies?


2017 arrest/tribunal timeline would have been chaotic & bloody.

Possible that arrest/NG timeline has ALWAYS been 2018, post-midterms?

Anonymous ID: ac161e Aug. 18, 2018, 2:35 a.m. No.2654741   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Bush Foundations Accepted Unlimited Secret Donations from Foreign Countries


(NOTE: Here we go again with the mindless β€œif Bush murdered 500,000,000 people, then its perfectly okay for (fill in the Democrat) to do so, too.” George Bush and his ilk are Nazi mass murdering scum. Just because they β€œgot away” with something (which no one does), doesn’t mean its okay to vote for mass murdering Communist scum Hillary Clinton)


April 30, 2015 1:33 pm by:

Colin Taylor


As the conservative media networks drive themselves into a muckraking feeding frenzy over the prospect of the upcoming work of fiction titled Clinton Cash, written by a professional right-wing conspiracy theorist and political hitman, the rest of America has picked up the question of foundation accountability out of curiosity and the tempting allure of scandal. But, in one of the countless hypocritical reversals that are all too common in modern American politics, it turns out that the Bush family foundations have been acting like they have something to hide, while the Clintons have publicly released key information about their donors, such as identity and approximate amount donated. In typical Republican fashion, they are projecting their own corruption onto Democrats and accusing the transparent Clinton Foundation of accepting the same kinds of secret bribes that the Bush Foundation has been taking for years.



Nonprofits are not obligated to reveal their sources, but the Clinton Foundation has been revealing their donors since 2008, ever since Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State, to avoid the very allegations her campaign is now being falsely smeared with. Foreign governments could have donated to her foundation in secret, as the β€œinvestigative author” fictitious propaganda writer Peter Schweizer has alleged- but the donor list reveals that the foundation is clean. Tom Watson of Forbes even wrote that β€œin truth, the Clinton Foundation is among the most forthcoming of major charities and nonprofit foundationsβ€”especially those headed by public figures.”



Anonymous ID: e0edaa Aug. 18, 2018, 2:36 a.m. No.2654746   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4885 >>5051

>>2654514 >>2654525

>Wikileaks Photos, John Kerry Visit and UFOs in Antarctica





Anonymous ID: 3017a6 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:38 a.m. No.2654751   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4770



Here we go again

A long screed about the timelines




Do you think that Q was just blowing it out of his ass

When he said Watch the Budget?


Has anyone looked at the line items that were approved in that last budget?


I only heard that there was no money for a Space Force, but they did approve a SPace Fence.


Surely there is more interesting stuff than that!!!

Anonymous ID: e15b42 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:41 a.m. No.2654762   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


what's the character? "tired mom with 2 babies?" yes very recognizable to all. Ivy Tech (40 locations)is in Mike Pence's state. does it look like Halloween time? the grass I mean? I have no idea. In flip flops? for halloween? what time do you think that is? what time does it go dark in Indiana around halloween?

Anonymous ID: b3d386 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:43 a.m. No.2654770   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Budget had lots of stuff validating 2018 arrests.


Also had money for porn-free Gen2 Internet.

Protection against massive attack, or move to preemptively cut off the balls of Silicon Valley?


In any caseβ€”

Much prefer focusing on Q's "Military Parade"


Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:43 a.m. No.2654771   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4774


I think the leaf was an original pedophile symbol. I think Nabakov (author of Lolita and not a faggot pedophile) told a story about his faggot uncle who stuck his dick in little Nabs butt. The leaf is a early 1900 code. Like the heart in a heart and the spiral triangle.


If you want to deep dive on pedophiles and leaf symbology it is there. I heard about it on youtube video about Nabakov. Its like a hour long. Very detailed and shows Nabakov KNEW shirley temple was being raped.


Must see if you want to learn about early 1900Ε› pedophiles and the codes they use. Nabakov hated Lewis Carroll the author of Alice in Wonderland and KNEW well before most that the story was pedophilic. Nab figured them out. He wrote cryptically about his rape and shit. But he may have been too damn smart for the people at the time. But someone figured it out. Some autist from hell who had read all of Nabakovs stuff.

Anonymous ID: d3ed9a Aug. 18, 2018, 2:48 a.m. No.2654781   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4784 >>4810


what happened to the "Frazzledrip" HRC Video? Has ever been talked about this again? I am getting a little tired of waiting. The more waiting time, the more good guys like the journalist who blamed Bill Clinton for raping a boy, end up dead.


HRC video ist postponed like the Q&A?

Anonymous ID: a6e173 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:51 a.m. No.2654789   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Tried to get some digs on this place too but was too busy the other evening . Now its slow .


I think this is the Du Pont mansion famous "cult house" 702 Cossart rd Chadds ford PA where they filmed "The Village"

Huge mansion with a underground temple in the back yard?

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 2:53 a.m. No.2654800   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>Accountable Capitalism Act


FFS This Warren Bill is ridiculous. Hard to say what's really in it but the summary she gave was more about corps. being more accountable to their communities.

More fukery of socialism.

And what a hypocrite.

Why don't we start with you, Pocahontas? Why don't you help the Native American communities with your donations?

How fuking rich have you become off the taxpayer since you've been in office?

How does that happen? Accountability? Didn't think so.

Anonymous ID: ac161e Aug. 18, 2018, 2:55 a.m. No.2654806   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4823

Jeb Bush’s Mother: Parents ALLOW Their Children to Be Molested

APR 23


Yes, this possessed psychopath pedophile actually said this. The photo below is from one of her Sexual Abuse Victim β€œCharity” Events, like the one in the article following.


Have a child who has been molested? According to Barb Bush, its your fault, not the molester’s.

Kathleen Sullivan:

Chattanooga Times, 6/12/97, A2. Compiled by M. S. Reynolds.

Mrs. Bush visits center in Knoxville


KNOXVILLE – Barbara Bush says she can’t fathom how child abuse happens. Still, she sees hope of stopping it.


β€œSo sweet,” she said. β€œHow a mother can fail to protect a daughter, a father to protect a son, is more than I can understand. Yet we read about it happening every day.


β€œAs a grandmother of 14, none of whom have been abused, I am pleased to say, I am really concerned about the thousands of other children out there who are.”



Anonymous ID: ec5238 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.2654813   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4885 >>5051

May have found another DeepState casualty.

A private bank from Cologne/Germany.

Sal. Oppenheim


Founded by Salomon Oppenheim in 1789.

After Salomon Oppenheim died in 1828 his wife Therese Oppenheim continued to run the bank together with her two sons Simon and Abraham.


Now comes the fun part:

Abraham Oppenheim married Charlotte Bayfuß, the granddaughter of Mayer Amschel Rothschild who founded the Rothschild Bank


In 2009 Sal. Oppenheim was taken over by the Deutsche Bank.

On October 27, 2017, Deutsche Bank announced that it would discontinue Sal. Oppenheim and integrate the remaining clients and parts of the business into Deutsche Bank.

Sal. Oppenheim gave up it's business on June 30th 2018.


For me thats one more proof of our winning, and it's shows that the Roths are still into serious trouble.



Anonymous ID: ea6762 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.2654814   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4817 >>4837


the frazzledrp thing was a clip from some japanese horror movie. The actual HRC video will never be seen by the general public. It's not going to be released or leaked especially if it needs to be evidence in a court case.

Why would you even want to see it? How do you know it hasn't already been viewed by people who need-to-know?

Anonymous ID: 3f07a0 Aug. 18, 2018, 2:58 a.m. No.2654818   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun




The Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) offers 30 million pesos (1.575 M USD) to anyone who provides accurate and useful information for the location and arrest or apprehension of RubΓ©n Oseguera Cervantes and / or Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes and / or Nemesio Oseguera Ramos, Alias ​​"El Mencho", probable responsible and/or imputed of the crimes of organized crime and others.

The Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) offers 30 million pesos (1.575 M USD) to anyone who provides accurate and useful information for the location and arrest or apprehension of RubΓ©n Oseguera Cervantes and / or Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes and / or Nemesio Oseguera Ramos, Alias ​​"El Mencho", probable responsible and/or imputed of the crimes of organized crime and others.



Up to 5 million dollars reward.





In a downtown press conference Wednesday, top-ranking Mexican and U.S. law enforcement officials announced that they are teaming up in a new Chicago-based law enforcement group that will target top drug cartel criminals.


DEA Chicago Special Agent in Charge Brian M. McKnight said the new Chicago based group will work with Mexican law enforcement on "high value targets" in an effort to stop the flow of illicit drugs from Mexican cartels into the city. The DEA says law enforcement in Chicago has seized 300 kilos of heroin and illicit fentanyl and $20 million of drug money so far this year.


"Today, we begin innovative action plans to solve this problem," said McKnight.


In addition to teaming up on cartel leaders in Mexico, McKnight says a new Chicago-based, DEA-led drug taskforce made up of federal agencies, the Chicago Police Department and the Illinois State Police will target "local gangs that are involved in drug distribution in the hotspot areas throughout the city of Chicago." "To be crystal clear, the drugs are being manufactured in Mexico and the Mexican cartels control the routes into the United States for distribution," said McKnight.


U.S. and Mexican officials have put a multi-million dollar bounty on the leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel or CJNG, Nemesio RubΓ©n Oseguera Cervantes, also known as "El Mencho." The CJNG is a violent criminal organization that grew in power in the wake of the 2016 arrest of notorious drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Anonymous ID: fa870b Aug. 18, 2018, 3 a.m. No.2654824   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4833 >>4885 >>5051

Investigators seize lawyer's computer from Milwaukee County Children's Court



Authorities this week took computer equipment from the office of a lawyer who provides guardian ad litem services for children at Milwaukee County Children's Court.


Investigators served the search warrant on the office Michael J. Vruno, the chief staff attorney for the Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee's office at the Vel R. Phillips Juvenile Justice Center in Wauwatosa, which provides contracted guardian ad litem services to the county.


Vruno, 67, who has worked for Legal Aid for more than 30 years, resigned his position, said Michael Gonring, executive director of the Legal Aid Society.


"We view this as a personnel matter," Gonring said, adding that Vruno has denied any wrongdoing.


Gonring said Legal Aid is cooperating with the district attorney's office investigation. The district attorney's office said only that it would not confirm or deny investigations.


Vruno did not immediately return phone messages Friday.


Milwaukee County Chief Judge Maxine White said Friday she had no information, no knowledge and no comment about the search warrant, or the concerns that it could involve a child pornography investigation.


She said she did not expect the seizures to interrupt any guardian ad litem or other services at Children's Court.


The county pays Legal Aid about $2.2 million annually to provide guardian ad litem services. The county provides both office space and equipment, including computers, to Legal Aid at Children's Court as part of the contract.


Guardians ad litem represent the best interests of children involved in parental rights terminations, some custody and placement actions in family court, juvenile guardianships and Children In need of Protection or Services, or CHIPS, actions.



Anonymous ID: ea6762 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:01 a.m. No.2654828   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4829 >>4832


Ok so you really think white hats are going to release something that's something that's possibly a pedophilia snuff film for anyone to see? Likely a desciption may be released but the film will be used as evidence in a trial and then put in a vault or destroyed

Anonymous ID: dd48fa Aug. 18, 2018, 3:06 a.m. No.2654834   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4885 >>5051

Universities the Breeding Grounds Of Politicians and Secret Societes.


Any names you know?

Who really picks politicians?


Expanding the British Empire TODAY




The Rhodes Scholarship was established in 1902 under the terms and conditions of the will of the British mining magnate and South African politician Cecil John Rhodes,


The Rothschild bank, N M Rothschild & Sons Limited, funded Cecil Rhodes’ endeavours in Southern Africa resulting in the development of the British South Africa Company and in the creation of the African colony of Rhodesia.


At his death Rhodes was considered one of the wealthiest men in the world.

Leopold de Rothschild (1845–1917) administered Rhodes's estate after his death in 1902 and helped to set up the Rhodes Scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford.

The Rhodes Scholarship commenced as, and still is a Rothschild beast. Due to it’s distinction, you can be confident those selected are adherents to the Rothschild world view & would have been groomed to promote Rothschild values & goals.

Anonymous ID: 3017a6 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:08 a.m. No.2654837   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4849 >>4873



Use a search engine to look for violent rape

And strangulation rape

Soon you will see films

Where you can't be sure they are not snuff films

But all the sites link to dozens of other sites

And if you follow the chain of links

Within a week you will stumble across

Dungeons with barrels of body parts

Naked women being cut repeatedly in short slashes

Down the length of the body

Just deep enough to cause blood to ooze

Satanic symbols

Or maybe a dance of naked people in masks

covered in blood an cackling and hooting


You don't need to wait for anybody else

It is all out there on the open Internet

Pedophile rape, everything

This was the year that they began normalizing

All of this stuff and there is nobody

To tell them to change plans

Because their comms are fucked up now

So the minions are pushing this out there.


If you are a sociopath

You can handle it. Just go look

Otherwise, be darn careful

Or you could end up in the hospital

From the visceral reactions that seeing this gives you

I would start with gore websites first

To condition your reflexes

So you can at least, close a revolting web page

Without puking or fainting

Anonymous ID: 99e8fc Aug. 18, 2018, 3:08 a.m. No.2654839   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

In the hearts of all mankind, of whatever race or station in life,

there are inexpressible longings for something they do not now

possess. This longing is implanted in the very constitution of man

by a merciful God, that man may not be satisfied with his present

conditions or attainments, whether bad, or good, or better. God

desires that the human shall seek the best, and find it to the eternal

blessing of his soul.


Satan, by wily scheme and craft, has perverted these longings

of the human heart. He makes men believe that this desire may

be satisfied by pleasure, by wealth, by ease, by fame, by power;

but those who have been thus deceived by him (and they number

myriads) find all these things pall upon the sense, leaving the soul

as barren and unsatisfied as before.


It is God’s design that this longing of the human heart should

lead to the one who alone is able to satisfy it. The desire is of

Him that it may lead to Him, the fullness and fulfillment of that

desire. That fullness is found in Jesus the Christ, the Son of the

Eternal God. β€œFor it was the good pleasure of the Father that in Him

should all the fullness dwell;” β€œFor in Him dwelleth all the fullness

of the Godhead bodily.” And it is also true that β€œIn Him ye are made

full” with respect to every desire divinely implanted and normally


Anonymous ID: ea6762 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:10 a.m. No.2654844   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4852


Where do you get that idea? I want justice to be done, not to sate the curiosity of anons who want to see a video that made hardened cops cry when they saw it. It's quite frankly disturbing that people here want to see the video or even want it released to the public. Think about it. It will end up on the web and shared by sick fucks

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 3:10 a.m. No.2654845   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


She had entire room done with that pattern- even had pants to match. Dunno why her shit is so sought after- she's got horrid taste. WhoTF has a pink checkerboard bedroom? Mental, that one.

Anonymous ID: 690022 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:10 a.m. No.2654847   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4853 >>4863 >>4885 >>5051

Well well look what we have here..the Mayo clinic has an history with illegal Haitian organ harvesting ratlines. I.m.o. this teen was a potentionally organ harvesting candidate. This case needs to be fully investigated !

Anonymous ID: a6e173 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:11 a.m. No.2654849   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4880 >>4886


There is a video on youtube of a very brave man who exposed satanic videos at local video stores in the 80's A scene of people in a tritual cutting up a body on the table and eating pieces of it while having interracial sex and homo sex . Its sickening but the guy shows it on a TV. I am still disturbed after seeing it. It looked VERY real. I wont look at the stuff beyond that ,its for the LAW to deal with and people trained to investigate this evil. Good tips and info for the curious though. It sickens me too much to look too deep .

Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:12 a.m. No.2654850   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4855



Just got the book Moonchild by Crowley. Have not read it yet.


It is amazing how much the Satanist and the Esoteric Masons took to him and went off to the dark side.


Either this Moonchild shit works or the people who think it works push the offspring to high office when they dont deserve it by talent. Look at Hillary Clinton the Moonchild of L Ron Hubbard. The whole Cabal might collapse because they pushed this retard to offices she could not handle. And they likely were making Chelsea a moonchild herself of Web Hubble from the Satanic Law firm the Rose Law. Chelsea is likely a high priestess in training.


They do everything by bloodline and not talent. I think it finally caught up with them.

Anonymous ID: ac161e Aug. 18, 2018, 3:14 a.m. No.2654856   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



SODOM and GOMORRAH USA: NAMBLA Homosexuals Now Selling Baby Sex Abuse Toy Dildos



Anonymous ID: 5eb577 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:14 a.m. No.2654858   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4866 >>4877

12 hours in Chicago: 24 people shot, including 3-year-old boy


Another wonderful weekend in Chicago…

Anonymous ID: 651f9d Aug. 18, 2018, 3:16 a.m. No.2654863   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4885 >>4890 >>4956 >>5051


Person from Haiti who was going to testify against HRC/CF found dead in motel across the street from Mayo in Miami. 2 Block away from Beck attoneys who brought the DNC Fraud lawsuit. DWS District. Their process server was killed appox 1 week after serving DWS, had video of the serve for the lawsuit.

Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:17 a.m. No.2654867   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4916


I am of two minds.


One dont put it out to the public it will fuck with their heads too much.


Two the public needs to understand the true depth of the evil we face. The shock might be necessary to force them to wake up totally.


Tough call. I figure if MI can find enough crimes to kill them then they might pass on exposure.


Who knows.

Anonymous ID: 325124 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:17 a.m. No.2654872   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4917

Here is a crazy theory.


In Q post 74 it says:

Q = Alice

You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland.

Everything has meaning.

God bless.



In Q post 83 it says:


Alice & Wonderland.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia.


Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.



If Q = Alice, does that mean Q=Hillary?


Q posted before we'd never believe who we were talking to and we'd be laughed at if we said it.


Again just a wild ass theory after reading old posts again. Not saying Q is Hillary but just a thought.

Anonymous ID: ea6762 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:18 a.m. No.2654873   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4897


So your excuse is it already exists so it's OK to add to the problem. And I'm also not interested in doing those kinds of internet searches. The fact that you're telling me I should look up gore to test my tolerance tells me you're fucked in the head and need help.

Anonymous ID: 9dee99 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:20 a.m. No.2654880   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4885


Leaving it for the Law is how we got in this spot. All you have to do is control the Law and you can kill kids on an industrial scale. We have to man up and put some skin in the game or we will never escape these fuckers…or if we do they will get us back in this mess soon enough.

Anonymous ID: ea6762 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:21 a.m. No.2654884   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


There was a case here where a couple, Paul Bernardo and Karla Holmolka kidnapped, drugged, raped and killed two teenage girls and filmed the whole thing. They also killed Karla's own little sister. Those tapes have never been seen outside a courtroom and were eventually destroyed and never put onto the internet. and for that I am thankful and I am sure the victim's families are too.

Anonymous ID: a6e173 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:21 a.m. No.2654885   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4894



I agree as well with this. Its a fine line to walk. I hope the shit is not real but if it is let the World see it then. I trust the plan Q knows what the best move is in the game .




>>2654254 The Map is the list of CIA operations Q is dismantling? Qdrop refresh

>>2654324, >>2654332, >>2654457, >>2654645, >>2654666, >>2654476, >>2654306 Vanderbilt /Symbolism

>>2654326 Digs on HRC land


>>2654376, >>2654393, >>2654467, >>2654621 Rome Digs

>>2654625, >>2654598, >>2654606, >>2654611 [ BHO Cabal] info

>>2654617 Anon requests digs on Hong Kong Trade Development Council

>>2654613 Organ Trade

>>2654595, >>2654596, >>2654605, >>2654622, >>2654640, >>2654651, >>2654656 HAARP is a mass-murder weapon – that has already been used often

>>2654659, >>2654705, >>2654501, >>2654746 Moar Anartica banter

>>2654711 Senator Warren has proposed a new Bill called the "Accountable Capitalism Act"

>>2654698, >>2654713 Russell is a very old/powerful cabal family

>>2654726 Robert Mueller recommended in a court filing on Friday that a judge sentence former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos

>>2654730 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>2654683 , >>2654552 Greatest American Hero sauce of "wizards and warlocks"

>>2654792 Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan dead at age 80

>>2654552 Wizards & Warlocks

>>2654813 May have found another DeepState casualty.

>>2654824 Authorities this week took computer equipment from the office of a lawyer Milwaukee County Children's Court.

>>2654834 Universities the Breeding Grounds Of Politicians and Secret Societes.

>>2654847, >>2654863 Mayo clinic has an history with illegal Haitian organ harvesting ratlines

>>2654862 Cabal Women info

>>2654206 #3351 NEW BAKER

Anonymous ID: 3017a6 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:22 a.m. No.2654886   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Look after your own health first

No one person can do it all

Everybody finds a job that they can do well, and the whole team moves forward.


What the Illuminati failed to realize is that teams of slaves are not terribly productive. But teams of awakened and intelligent individuals who are free to discuss things, work far far better than regimented people.


That is why we have special forces, for instance. That is why some car manufacturers have moved away from assembly lines, and have a team of workers making one car completely, and then another, and another. Higher quality work


So never apologize that you can't do everything because we are all in the same boat. We all need a team to help us perform brilliantly

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 3:22 a.m. No.2654889   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5051

San Diego judge freezes deportation of separated migrant families


Who TF do these judges think they are?

You can't just override the AG on Nat'l Security!


This has got to STOP!

Anonymous ID: fa870b Aug. 18, 2018, 3:26 a.m. No.2654906   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4942 >>5051



Whistleblower Attorney with SEC Complaints against Tesla, "There is zero basis to tape employee personal calls on their personal phones without permission. Unless you live on mars . It is a federal felony - forget Nevada. Violation of the Federal wiretap laws"


"Oh I was talking to the reference to their installing the specialized router to gather everyone’s cell communications at the factory"


"The clear evidence of having wiretapped Tripp corroborates the other wiretapping allegation"


"Wondering if Tesla told all those blue collar workers at the concert about the alleged Stingray router it is alleged by Hansen was installed by Tesla’s ex Uber security people at the Nev Gigafactory?"

Anonymous ID: 49d11b Aug. 18, 2018, 3:30 a.m. No.2654916   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4959



My father was a medic in WWII and witnessed first hand some of the most horrific attrocities on display at the liberated concentrations camps, the dead bodies piled like stacked wood, the crematoriums, the gas chambers. He could never speak of it without breaking down into tears. No one should be forced to witness the massive evil that man can inflict, but without that witness, without knowledge the evil can't be stamped out.


Remember the German civilians were brought to see the camps. Hitler youth were forced to confront the evil of what they had allowed to happen. Naziism was a disease, a virus that had infected a whole nation. Truth is the only cure to the disease of the Lie.

Anonymous ID: abecd1 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:31 a.m. No.2654918   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Baker Notable

Anonymous ID: 46a49f Aug. 18, 2018, 3:31 a.m. No.2654919   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4928


Desmond will end up dead in his early 20's, having been used and abused by sick and evil perverts who exploited him and then dropped him when he hit his late teens for something younger and shinier, and then will suffer even more mental problems dealing with their rejection.

Anonymous ID: 325124 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:32 a.m. No.2654922   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



In Q post 24 it says:


Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put in submission. For the betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side.


Maybe she was put into submission after being arrested? I'm not saying Q is Hillary. I'm basically throwing shit at a wall after reading old posts.

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 3:33 a.m. No.2654924   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4933

>>2654867(((THEY))) work for US

Allowing them to operate in secrecy is what got us in to this mess.



Offend some people.

They'll get over it- or not.

Tired of everyone walking around these snowflakes like they're fragile.

They're just Stoopid!

Anonymous ID: a4f9a9 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:34 a.m. No.2654930   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4964



I'm assuming at the moment that the Cabal behaviour is a Western thing, which originated in Babylon/Egypt and spread to Greece and later Rome.


I don't know enought about India and China to comment, but both civilisations appear on the surface to be less barbaric than their Western counterparts. It's difficult to know about north America, but it looks like there was race of giants whose existence has been purposefully erased. The Incas and the Aztecs were certainly into their sacrifices, but both were fairly late on in the scheme of things.


The Inca philosophy of sacrifice appears to have been driven by a need to stave off natural disasters. The theory was, that if an earthquake would kill 100,000 people randomly across the country, then sacrificing 100,000 people in a central location would appease the gods in the same way, stop the earthquake from happening and allow the rulers to choose eho was going to die. I have pondered whether there might be similar thinking going on within the Cabal mindset.

Anonymous ID: fa870b Aug. 18, 2018, 3:36 a.m. No.2654942   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4984 >>5051




"may threaten U.S. national and economic security."


The Department of Homeland Security says it has identified suspected rogue cell tower simulators – popularly known as Stingrays – in Washington.


The U.S. government has acknowledged the existence in Washington D.C. of what appear to be devices that could be used by foreign spies and criminals to track individual cellphones and intercept calls and messages, the Associated Press reported Tuesday.


In a March 26 letter to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., the Department of Homeland Security admitted that it "has observed anomalous activity in the [Washington D.C. area] that appears to be consistent with International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) catchers." DHS added that it had not determined the type of devices in use or who might have been operating them, nor did it say how many it detected or where.


However, a DHS official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the agency's reply to Wyden has not been publicly released told AP that the devices were detected in a 90-day trial that began in January 2017 with equipment from a Las Vegas-based DHS contractor, ESD America. The CEO of ESD America, Les Goldsmith, said his company has a relationship with DHS but would not comment further.


The use of what are known as cellphone-site simulators by foreign powers has long been a concern, but American intelligence and law enforcement agencies β€” which use such eavesdropping equipment themselves β€” have been silent on the issue until now.


The agency's response, obtained by the AP from Wyden's office, suggests little has been done about such equipment, known popularly as Stingrays after a brand common among U.S. police departments. The Federal Communications Commission, which regulates the nation's airwaves, formed a task force on the subject four years ago, but it never produced a report and no longer meets regularly.


The devices work by tricking mobile devices into locking onto them instead of legitimate cell towers, revealing the exact location of a particular cellphone. More sophisticated versions can eavesdrop on calls by forcing phones to step down to older, unencrypted 2G wireless technology. Some attempt to plant malware.


They can cost anywhere from $1,000 to about $200,000. They are commonly the size of a briefcase; some are as small as a cellphone. They can be placed in a car next to a government building. The most powerful can be deployed in low-flying aircraft.


Thousands of members of the military, the NSA, the CIA, the FBI and the rest of the national-security apparatus live and work in the Washington area. The surveillance-savvy among them encrypt their phone and data communications and employ electronic countermeasures. But unsuspecting citizens could fall prey.


Wyden wrote DHS in November requesting information about unauthorized use of the cell-site simulators.


Christopher Krebs, the top official in the department's National Protection and Programs Directorate, noted in the letter that DHS lacks the equipment and funding to detect Stingrays even though their use by foreign governments "may threaten U.S. national and economic security." The department did report its findings to "federal partners" Krebs did not name. That presumably includes the FBI…….

Anonymous ID: e15b42 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.2654959   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


yeah okay mate. cool story about the holocaust my khazar friend.


have you taken the jews to poland to confront their collaboration both with the nazis and the soviets to kill hundreds of thousands of poles?

Anonymous ID: 49d11b Aug. 18, 2018, 3:47 a.m. No.2654964   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Ancient Carthage (now Tunisia) were a people that sacrificed children by fire. They were descended from the Phoenicians were Semites from an area that is now modern Gaza. You have to assume these were the same Baal worshipers who put there children through the fire as testified to in the old testament and who God demanded be wiped off the face of the earth.

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 3:48 a.m. No.2654967   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


We're following the book; Chapter 8 (August 8th month).


In Ch 8, Alice goes in to court, the cards are caught with doing things to the tarts (children), Alice realizes her power and GROWS. <That's US- getting our power back.

Anonymous ID: 8de93a Aug. 18, 2018, 3:53 a.m. No.2654974   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


video of naked male - could be a teenager, hard to tell escaping from buck place via bedsheet rope. He looses his grip and falls. Real or hoax WTF?

Anonymous ID: d4f52e Aug. 18, 2018, 3:54 a.m. No.2654977   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

How literal are the Q clues for Podesta, Rome, etc supposed to be taken?

A bit of vague googling about Podesta and Georgia got me to this Harper's Magazine article:


"The Bloom Comes Off the Georgian Rose

In the aftermath of Georgia’s presidential elections, questions emerge about Mikhail Saakashvili’s support for jihadist operations in southern Russia, and about what the United States knew"


"Saakashvili was happy to host an ever-growing contingent of U.S. intelligence teams from both the CIA and the Joint Special Operations Command. Georgia was an ideal home away from home for American spooks, thanks to its adjacency to Iran (no visa is required for Iranians to travel there) and to Russia’s perpetually fraught Caucasus region. In no time at all, according to a former CIA official, Georgian mountaintops began sprouting antennae-crowned NSA listening posts. Alongside them loomed Israeli radars, purchased by the Georgian government as part of a booming arms trade between Tel Aviv and Tbilisi."

Anonymous ID: 1a2362 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:55 a.m. No.2654979   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4986


They haven't dropped anything that isn't open-source already. They could even be preemptive controlled opposition, I'd keep an eye on them. Their whole aim could be to discredit Pedogate in the UK by spreading untruths.

Anonymous ID: 31a6ee Aug. 18, 2018, 3:55 a.m. No.2654981   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4992


This is a better one

Not very similar, but same kind of thing.

Anonymous ID: fa870b Aug. 18, 2018, 3:56 a.m. No.2654984   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5012


Digging on ESD America (Company that made the routers that spy on cellphones)




Are they protecting or spying?

Anonymous ID: 396770 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:03 a.m. No.2655002   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5028 >>5030 >>5035 >>5071

UK anons.

We need to unite.

We have the power.

They don't think we do.

Mass protest on Downing St.

With the right message, this can break right open.

I have just the ticket.


House of Cards.

A message they cannot ignore.


Voodoo. Quantum. Charlie.


Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 4:06 a.m. No.2655011   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5051

The founder of the Sam Adams brewing company publicly thanked Trump for the tax break.


Now the mayor of Boston wants people to boycott his company.


So he’s mad that someone is benefiting from Trump’s economic policies?


They still don’t get it. Watch Sam Adams do record sales!

Anonymous ID: 699114 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:09 a.m. No.2655015   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


2nd pic is John J. Studzinski


From Pre-Election Al Smith Dinner.

(Just an aside - the guy friggin' picked his nose - right there for the world to see on the video. Disgusting.

Anonymous ID: 4a333e Aug. 18, 2018, 4:10 a.m. No.2655021   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5036


Re: No declass. til 2029 on JFK Jr.


That's how they hide their assassinations!

That's why we're waiting for GHWB to croak so that the remaining JFK files will be released- cuz GHWB killed JFK.


Anonymous ID: 396770 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:13 a.m. No.2655030   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5039 >>5046 >>5047 >>5049 >>5060 >>5063 >>5066 >>5069 >>5074 >>5089 >>5106


I will release ALL the private keys.

In the chaos they will either shut down the internet or fail to scrub fast enough.

The pedos of the UK and NZ will fall.

The video of Khan.

The video of Mr May.

The video of William.

The video(s) of Milliband(s).

The video of Cameron.

The video of Harry's conception.

The video of Charles with two men.

The video of Hillary killing child. Brutally.

The video that first controlled this Pope.

The list of over 100k transactions.

anonymous ID: e24336 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:13 a.m. No.2655031   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


It's not a government owned company, USSC has already ruled on this position several times.


And you can post but it doesn't mean I have to read it. I have the right to not read shills and pron posters, anti-God crap


Thereby I limit your right to free hearing of what you say or type.

Anonymous ID: 322438 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:15 a.m. No.2655037   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5051


Thanks. I was preparing an eBake. What are you going to number it? This one should have been 3350… We should call the next one 3351, and have BO/BV edit this one.

Also, call notables from this one #3350…. Less to fix after the fact..

Anonymous ID: a6e173 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:18 a.m. No.2655051   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5062 >>5085



next bread is actually #3352 I fixed the dough it was only a little messed up , last baker was tired it seems or did it on purpose . Could have been the hit and run baker who messed up the dough yesterday morning. or 2 days ago, its all a blur .


revised noted and baking soon



>>2654254 The Map is the list of CIA operations Q is dismantling? Qdrop refresh

>>2654324, >>2654332, >>2654457, >>2654645, >>2654666, >>2654476, >>2654306 Vanderbilt /Symbolism

>>2654326 Digs on HRC land

>>2654617 Anon requests digs on Hong Kong Trade Development Council

>>2654613 Organ Trade

>>2654595, >>2654596, >>2654605, >>2654622, >>2654640, >>2654651, >>2654656 HAARP is a mass-murder weapon – that has already been used often

>>2654659, >>2654705, >>2654501, >>2654746 Moar Anartica banter

>>2654711 Senator Warren has proposed a new Bill called the "Accountable Capitalism Act"

>>2654698, >>2654713 Russell is a very old/powerful cabal family

>>2654726 Robert Mueller recommended in a court filing on Friday that a judge sentence former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos

>>2654730 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>2654683 , >>2654552 Greatest American Hero sauce of "wizards and warlocks"

>>2654792 Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan dead at age 80

>>2654552 Wizards & Warlocks

>>2654813 May have found another DeepState casualty.

>>2654824 Authorities this week took computer equipment from the office of a lawyer Milwaukee County Children's Court.

>>2654834 Universities the Breeding Grounds Of Politicians and Secret Societes.

>>2654847, >>2654863 Mayo clinic has an history with illegal Haitian organ harvesting ratlines

>>2654862, >>2654887Cabal Women info

>>2654889 San Diego judge freezes deportation of separated migrant families


>>2655011 The founder of the Sam Adams brewing company publicly thanked Trump for the tax break.

>>2654206 #3351 NEW BAKER

Anonymous ID: abecd1 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:20 a.m. No.2655057   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Newt: Democrats have no idea what DEMONS they are unleashing… interdasting term

Anonymous ID: 699114 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:21 a.m. No.2655060   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


If it happens, videos ARE dropped, archive them ALL ASAP first. If you have time post them here and we'll blast it all over the world. If you don't have time 'cause they take interwebs down, try to text or email them to someone is US - if you can.

Maybe advise BF to send them to a trusted US tweeter to post them.

Anonymous ID: dd48fa Aug. 18, 2018, 4:21 a.m. No.2655064   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Here is a treasure trove.

Protecting Clinton’s.

Thanks to Auzifag.

Lots to dig here.

Anonymous ID: 1a2362 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:22 a.m. No.2655067   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5078

Remember anons, especially when you see sites like British Fight.. Be careful what you share and tout as truth. Research the facts BEFORE spreading. There are those who are constantly trying to discredit us. Just remember this.

Anonymous ID: 3d4a38 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:28 a.m. No.2655095   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

New British_Fight Tweet,






20m20 minutes ago


What purpose would a mentally ill, former heavy drug user & a convicted arsonist without evidence of her abuse be in bringing justice?

Hamper or strengthen?

The purge of the fake whistle-blowers will continue.

Do you think BH calling out BM was a coincidence?

Unity coming.


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55m55 minutes ago




Legal injection = worst fear

We have no fear.