Anonymous ID: b88e31 Aug. 18, 2018, 1:30 a.m. No.2654476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4736 >>4885 >>5051


Much of the Pizzagate info is old news to us. But I think this piece does a nice job of connecting Podesta Bros Abramovich Child Trafficking Alefantis Epstein and Bljana Djurdjevic, and more in one quick read, Might be useful for bringing normies up to speed.


Also LOTS of pics.


Excerpt about Biljana:


"The worse comes from Biljana Djurdjevic. Djurdjevic noted that some influences are “German philosophy like Friedrich Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Schiller, writers like Kafka, Bulgakov, Bela Hamvas, David Bowie.” Asked, “How do you dream up with your wacky ideas? What is your creation process?” she noted, in part, “maybe it is compilation of my thoughts that I collect through ordinary day…or seeing an other victim of paedophilia for this and other subjects unfortunately I didn’t need any imagination. Just a pure reality.”


She also stated, “I think I have compulsive behavior…the moment I finish work I don’t look at that canvas.” Asked “What is the strangest thing you have ever done?” her reply was “There is no such thing in my life; probably that is the strangest thing”


(Parentela Claudio’s Interview with Biljana Djurdjevic October 18, 2007 AD).


Here are some paintings which depict occult ritual type poses such as those seen to be related to the movie “The Devil Rides Out” (and note the homage to Disney via the Mickey Mouse shirt).