Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here.
Getting Started with Planefagging
Useful web sites:
ADS-B Exchange - learn how to use the filters
Radarbox - flight scanning
Flightaware - very useful for flight histories and arrivals lists
Flightradar24 - flight scanning
You also need to be able to spot unusual patterns, things that 'don't look right' against the backdrop. It's a skill you can develop and eventually you develop a 'usual suspects list' that KAF R1 has that we watch.
German Air Force (Luftwaffe), Swiss Air Force and French Air Farce aren't to be trusted. 2-reg planes are 'wheelmen' for the wealthy, such as Soros as they can't travel via normal routes. 2-reg planes are 'military' and can bypass some customs checks (hint).
ATC Live can be useful if you know a happening is going on around an airport. Listening to the Tower can provide insight.
Anything else, just ask. Kekistan Recon 1 can always use new recruits.
More Planefagging Stuff
Helicopters (helos) - groups of helos, particularly Medevac or Mercy Flight ones, should attract attention. This may indicate arrests or renditions, as Q etc. won't use military helos for that as a Black Hawk gets the wrong sort of attention and freaks the straights. Someone from a Medevac helo that "Wants to take you to a place of safety" doesn't attract so much suspicion.
Tankers, Poseidons, Nightwatches and Mercurys all mean something military is going on. Fighters don't usually squawk on ADS-B, they only have IFF (although an F-15 called DARK21 did squawk in the UK a few times around Christmas). Remember, you only get to see what they want you to see.
It's all in the patterns and follow your instincts. If you think it's post-worthy, put it up and your squadron colleagues will assist and guide you.
It is useful to get some idea of what events have occurred or might be occurring around the world generally such as a terror attack or something in the news to give context to your search.
I normally do a quick check on the notables at the top of the bread and one or more the following sites to get an idea of what's happened that day or is happening at the time before checking the flight trackers.
Global Incident Map - http://www.globalincidentmap.com
Liveuamap - https://liveuamap.com
Military Maps - https://militarymaps.info
If I spot any strange air activity I cross check back to these, the breads, or news sites etc to check whether my spotting is relevant.
Things to try
โOpen ADSB in its own browser (not a tab). I put mine in a different Linux workspace so I can easily switch between planefagging and the board with one key combination.
โOpen multiple copies of ADSB in different tabs to watch different locations.
โZoom to the entire USA and count the number of MIL flights listed; compare with 'normal' for the day of the week and time of day.
โSort ADSB table by Flag and look for foreign flights, or an unusual number of USMC in the air other than around a Marine base.
โSort by Silhouette and notice helicopers in unusual places or clustered. Notice unusual kinds of aircraft like Ospreys, Fighter Jets, Refuelling Tankers, Drones (UAVs), Balloons (rare), U2.
โSort by Registration and look for 02-xxxx
โSort by Callsign and look for MAGMAxx which is JSOC, usually of interest. Other callsigns also sometimes indicate the nature of the mission.
โSort by speed and look for planes going unusually fast (>500 kn) or unusually slow.
โSort by altitude and look for planes flying over 40,000' which would tend to indicate they are in a hurry and avoiding civilian air traffic which generally flies lower.
โIf your browser doesn't crash when you try this, on the ADSB Menu, Aircraft tab, select "tails for all aircraft". Then zoom out and look for interesting patterns.
โIf you notice someone circling or flying surveillance patterns, zoom in and see what it is.
โScreencap very frequently - you never know when something interesting is going to drop off the map. I use Shutter on Linux for screencaps.
โLearn where the US military bases are and what kinds of aircraft activities are normal in their vicinity.
โHelicopters that have been in the air for a long time are interesting, as are those continuously circling at low altitude.
โLearn the different kinds of planes and their typical missions.
โPick one area of the world to concentrate on, and become very familiar with what is typical there.
Thoughts from a semi-novice planefag, still learning.
Excellent, very helpful. Thank you.
What sort of filters do you use? I'm currently just tracking military. Any others.
>โIf your browser doesn't crash when you try this, on the ADSB Menu, Aircraft tab, select "tails for all aircraft". Then zoom out and look for interesting patterns.
Very helpful tip
My current focus is Military (filter) only, US only. I'll switch to Caribbean or Europe or Asia if asked to continue someone else's monitoring but don't feel that I have a handle on anywhere else in the world yet.
It would be nice to have a filter capability for MIL #OR# ___ but the ADSB filters seem to be #AND# only, i.e. more restrictive as you add more filters.
Just learned (thankQ Red Arrow) that in ADSB you can click on Flight History if you need to know where a plane you are following has been.
what does blocked represent ?
So have a question (pic related), would this generate any curiosity? Still trying to learn US aircraft, let alone France's, but the comment above to not trust France Air Farce got me curious.
from RESOURCES thread:
Planefag Tools
Public Flight Tracking: flightradar24.com
Military Flight Tracking: adsbexchange.com
Aircraft Incidents: aviation.globalincidentmap.com
FAA N-Number Inquiry: registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx
Planefag Tools updated to include www.ads-b.nl/
Planefag Tools are incomplete!
Flightradar24.com, adsbexchange.com, and Planefinder.net ALL filter the data. Adsb says they don't, but they do.
If you really want to know what's going on in the skies, you have to set up your own radar. You can do it for under $100.
The real planes to watch are the outsourced DOJ contractors. Look up Sam Richards + FBI Sky Spies if you need to catch up. Cliff NotesโฆThe FBI, DEA, + others set up fake companies to register their planes. They have publicly admitted this (after getting caught).
Deep State Air Fleet is the real story.
You won't see any aircraft that doesn't want to be seen on flightradar24 + adsbexchange.
More shared experience.
Tracking Planes
I use Flightaware to track aircraft that are obviously of interest or are on long-haul flights, as it provides better tracking of flights when the ADS-B ping drops off over the coast, or over remote areas where there are no ADS-B transponders..
ADS-B Exchange will just show the end of the trail, whereas Fkightaware will attempt to give you an estimated track until a new ping is heard. Leaving the window open will also allow you to monitor Flightaware for when the ping returns.
Flightradar allows you to select a 'species' of plane (such as helicopter), or a specific type of plane. Executive jets of interest are Cessna Citations, Learjets, Dassault Falcons and similar, particularly if they aren't showing a call sign or may show 'Blocked' on Flightradar. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies may charter these types of planes and if you see two in formation with 'Blocked' call signs, this may be an escorted flight. It's worth comparing Radarbox to Flightradar to ensure that you aren't just picking up an ADS-B echo though, we've seen this happen.
Executive jets associated with big money (e.g. banks and trustees) are also of interest, particularly since the Wells Fargo exec was sucked out of that plane and killed. Planes are leased and mortgaged and banks/trustees have an interest in this market.
Flight History
For some aircraft of interest, It's worth downloading the flight log. Flightaware and ADS-B Exchange, along with ADS-B.nl for military planes, are invaluable for this. Retaining the history allows us to go back in the future and compare what we saw with actual events.
Any aircraft of interest should be 'tagged and bagged' with a screenshot. I use Paint, but any simple graphics that you can cut and paste into is good enough. Please mark any targets or destinations of interest on your screenshot and provide some context as to why this was interesting to you.
Why aren't some Air Forces trustworthy?
This is a bugbear of mine. I've seen too much of the French Air Farce, the Swiss and the Germans sneaking off to unusual places such as Argentina, Kazakhstan and the like. ASsk yourself why do the Swiss need an air force? SImple answer is that they don't, as they remain neutral in wars, but they do need the military facility to bypass Customs and Immigration, in a way similar to the 2-reg planes.
Routine Flights
As you watch the skies, you'll start to see regular patterns. The British, Qataris, German, Belgian and French Air Forces regularly fly to the US and they participate in training exercises.
=Very Unusual Planes==
From time to time, you'll see Israeli Kafirs, Hawker Hunters and even MiG-21s over the US. These are used by ATAC and are also used ij Top Gun exercises to allow fighter pilots to gain experience in jets with different abilities. Don't panic if you see them!1
Spoopy Activity
Any planes that have to 'Go Around' or that may have been diverted/refused landing permission are very interesting, as these may indicate a happening. Tag and bag these for future reference.
Some planes may also try to keep flying below 4000ft as this may cause ASDS-B to fall off. I have personal experience of seeing 2-reg planes do this and it sticks out a mile. Always tag and bag these.
On ADS-B exchange, you may see a plane 'squawk' 7600, 7770 or similar. These indicate an emergency and should be monitored, although some pilots manage to squawk 7700 while they are still setting the plane up on the tarmac.
Drones and UAVs
Drones and UAVs always indicate military activity. PIZZA13 was one drone that captured our attention at the time certain other events related to pizza were going on. If you see a UAV, screenshot it as it indicates that events are being monitored by the military. You may also see P-8 Poseidons, P-3 Orions, along with other surveillance and intel gathering planes such as Sentrys, Nightwatches, Sentinels, Joint Rivets, AWACS, Hawkeyes and Mercurys. Always worth screenshotting these.
It doesn't generate too much curiosity in me but it depends on the context of what is/was happening around that area at the time.
The French Air Force like the RAF & USAF has worldwide commitments & fly regular supply flights to their various overseas territories.
That being said it is a little unusual to catch two aircraft this close together so far from home.
Similar types of aircraft belonging to various Mid-East countries seem to have increased their activities to & from the US & they are worth keeping an eye on.
Keep an eye on the news around the world & what is happening in the breads & then make a call as to whether you feel it is relevant.
You will sometimes see aircraft flagged up in the lists in red with a squawk code of 7500, 7600, or 7700.
Don't panic & over react when you see one usually it is operator error or the controller has requested that they use one of these codes to more easily identify the aircraft on a cluttered radar screen.
Sometimes the codes are used to give the controllers some practice of handling an emergency - I have seen single/two seat fighter or trainer aircraft using the 7500-hijack code.
The most common code is 7600 as aircraft are handed off from one control area to another they change to the wrong frequency & can't talk to who they need to talk to so to alert the local controller they use the 7600 code & listen out on the emergency frequency until the controller establishes contact.
The 7700 code is for genuine emergencies such as engine failure or bird strike etc. Sometimes airliners use this when they have miscalculated their fuel consumption, needed to divert to another airport & need priority for landing.
The codes have specific meanings -
7500 โ Hijack
7600 โ Lost Comms (radio failure)
7700 โ Emergency
I can see where you are coming from with regard to colonial commitments (e.g. the French with Senegal etc.), however, seeing the Netherlands, German, French and Belgian air forces all landing at Buenos Aires isn't normal.
Similarly, anything that the Swiss Air Force exec jets (SUI001, SUI003 etc.) are up to isn't normal.
On Flightradar, selecting CL for Cessna and LJ for Learjet or FA for Falcon in the aircraft filter will make it easier to spot exec jets.
Swiss Air Force in Iran. They were involved in US prisoners being released from Iran.
On ADSB sometimes there is an asterisk (*) after the callsign.
What does the * indicate?
Thank you, the fact they were so close caught my eye, traveling together so to speak.
Still learning and grateful for all the input on this thread. Cadet in training.
If you want to take my cadet badge I'm not using it anymore. Suit yourself tho.
It generally means that there is no accurate fix, or that the plane is not transmitting it's ADS-B squawk ID or callsign correctly. It's a tag for incomplete data.
When you spot a cluster of unusual activity, such as a bunch of helos or recon aircraft orbiting an area consider the operational security aspect.
These aircraft might be engaged on an active operation with boots on the ground and we don't want to put special operators at risk.
It is better to bag and tag what you find and post it later to allow the special operators time to complete their mission.
Try not to post screen captures with half a gazillion overlapping tracks.
Just show the tracks of the relevant aircraft.
Adjust the zoom/cropping of the capture so that it is evident where the aircraft is and what it is doing.
On ADS-B scroll through the data list select & highlight the relevant aircraft so that its details are visible on the capture.
If necessary post two or more captures with one zoomed in close and the other zoomed out.
If you have an interesting group of aircraft or cluster of activity zoom in or out to capture the whole cluster highlighting aircraft & tracks as well as posting the individual aircraft.
Add a simple short explanation of what you have captured.
Try not to fill the post with a rambling wall of words.
Keep Calm Don't Panic
Sometimes events happen & other non-planefag anons start freaking out but don't let this panic you.
Usually this is an event such as a shooting, air attack, or air crash or something similar.
Try to ascertain what is happening and where to focus your search & then try to capture anything relevant.
Do try to keep those that tend towards panic reassured & informed about what you find & what is happening.
Sometimes you will find that you are trying to track multiple aircraft widely dispersed around the world.
Sometimes the aircraft you are trying to track plays hard to get or the trackers start acting up making thing difficult for you.
If this happens don't be afraid to put a call out to the other planefags for assistance tracking.
Beware of random aircraft shills
Sometimes shills try to deflect your attention by asking you about some random aircraft and ask if you know anything about it.
Generally they don't know what the aircraft was or when they saw it.
They will say something like 'I saw a strange plane acting in a strange way in some obscure location on an unspecified date' and then expect you to know what it was all about.
It can be an interesting way to waste half a day if you are bored but generally it leads nowhere.
PlaneGrannieFag. I'm soooo Lovin' this.
Thanks to all of you - the pros.
A screen cap of a previous date. I didn't post it on that date b/c some wise person (you?) said don't post screen shots if it might endanger the mission.
Would this screen shot endanger a mission?
Nothing I see there would cause problems. Norfolk Virginia area is quite busy for recon aircraft primarily Navy P-3 & P-8s.
I was primarily warning about clusters of helos or groups of recon aircraft working close together.
Clusters of helos operating close to or over urban areas or outside normal training areas/bases would sound some alarms as would clusters operating close to the Mexican border.
Sometimes there will be one of the larger recon aircraft (EC-130 or RC-135) and several smaller aircraft (usually RC/MC-12) working a search pattern.
The large aircraft in a medium/high orbit and the others slightly lower in orbits with different orientations (east/west & north/south for instance) this allows them to pinpoint the location of whatever they are interested in.
If you click on the aircraft you are interested in it will show its track and allow you to see where it has been and what it is up to.
Try to match it with news events what is being discussed in the breads at the time to judge its relevance/importance.
Ultimately use your best judgement at the time but err on the side of caution if in any doubt. If in doubt capture the activity and watch until the aircraft leave the area they are operating in and then post.
Main areas for the P-8 & P-3 operations & training are off the coasts of Virginia, Florida, the gulf around Pensacola, California, and around Seattle. Army RC/MC-12 are also often seen in the training areas near Yuma Arizona close to the border.
Sometimes you will see a cluster of aircraft in the middle of the Gulf of Guinea off Africa.
There is nothing odd about this it is just that if the aircraft doesn't update its location correctly the system defaults to 0N, 0W latitude longitude coordinates.
This is where the Greenwich meridian crosses the equator.
Have posted this several times on the regular Q research Breads. The ATAKS coming out of Point Mugu are contract and play bad guys and work with our mil. The airspace west of san diego and stuff are warning areas. They are meant for water and airborne assets to train. I'm ex atc navy fag.
OK, I have ADS-B working only for Civil. I have RadarBox and Flight Tracker working only for Civil.
How do I easily get ADS-B to show me worldwide military? Do I have to buy something or pay for a module?
This is all a bit new to me but I am trainable.
Thanks, ANONS! This should be exciting!
ATAC the Airborne Tactical Advantage Company - is a company owned by Textron that provides training solutions for the military.
Basically they provide targets for the various branches of the military to practise there tactics on in a safe way.
These aircraft operate out of and around the following areas primarily (see map highlighted orange) although they can be found almost anywhere if they are needed by the military -
Point Mugu California, the training bases/areas around Las Vegas Nevada, the Gulf of Mexico from Texas to Florida, the East coast of Florida up to the Norfolk Virginia area.
The operate a variety of aircraft the F-21 Kfir, Hawker Hunter, & L39 Albatross.
Whilst they can be fun to watch when things are quiet they are not of any importance to our task.
Omega is a company that provides aerial refuelling tankers for the military on a contract basis.
Most of their work is to do with training & supporting military exercises.
Mostly they are to be found around Southern California & just off the coast.
These aircraft have nothing to do with chemtrails or weather modification.
They use Boeing 707 and DC-10 aircraft roughly equivalent to the KC-135 & KC-10 used by the USAF.
As with ATAC the Omega aircraft can be found almost anywhere they are needed by the military.
As with ATAC Omega has nothing to do with our task.
For more info -
ATAC - http://atacusa.com
Omega - http://www.omegaairrefueling.com
On ADS-B select live radar on the front page.
Then go to the menu tab at the top of the map and then navigate to the filters section and select military filter.
Holy hell we are in another civil war.
I've never seen it light up this much..
What is going on
The shot on the left looks pretty typical and normal number and variety of aircraft.
The map on the right is not too unusual either, many of those incidents are round-ups of MS-13 & terror suspects.
Some will false alarms maybe kids who want a day off school & file a false report etc.
Some will be where concerned citizens have in good faith filed a report about something they think suspicious that turns out to be a false alarm but needed to be checked.
Also notice that many of those markers are in the DNC strongholds and indicate where you should look for spoopy air activity.
Very little of those markers gets any sort of attention in the MSM.
Use that info to enlighten the normies about what is really happening.
Posting Captures
When posting captures try to keep them clean and easily read.
Highlight just the aircraft of interest preferably with a track trail so that its activity can be discerned.
Capture the details of the flight data - showing aircraft type, callsign, registration etc.
If need be edit with arrows or markers to highlight the details of the flight or other info.
Avoid heavily cluttered screens and multiple tracks where possible.
If necessary post two or more captures one showing the complete flight and others zoomed in to show more detail.
Add a short description about the flight avoiding a large wall of words.
All that is really necessary is the identity of the flight, its start finish locations, whether it is relevant to global events, stuff in the breads, or in the news etc.
Digging for info
If the skies are quiet dig around for info about some of the spoopy planes in the notables these are mainly the 2-#### aircraft.
Digging is as important as the tracking.
We need to find if they are connected to (((them))) the (((deep state))) etc.
If you find relevant info linking the planes to what is happening post it in the research bread.
If the info is not apparently relevant save it on your computer rather than post it in the bread because it might become relevant later.
Recently someone requested for planefags to dig for info into a flight into Bushehr Iran last year that subsequently to a 'Q' post and details about the Uranium 1 deal.
Use lateral thinking when digging not just flight tracking stuff.
Riddle me this; what's wrong with this picture and why would this air force need one of these?
Answer - it's an FA/18 Hornet and the Swiss have no aircraft carriers, for obvious reasonsโฆ their early attempts were not very successfulโฆ
They needed new fighters in the 1980s to replace the Hawker Hunters & Northrop F5s that dated back to the 50's & 60's. Aircraft needed to have good short takeoff/landing performance & be a capable multirole airplane, F-18 fitted the bill & ticked the boxes.
Canada & Spanish air force have them too & operate them purely from land.
Just love the Swiss carrier.
Clogging the Bread
When things are habbening and the bread is busy try to avoid posting unless it is vital.
Many thing get buried when people shit up the bread with unnecessary stuff.
If you are tracking multiple aircraft wait a while and then post all the updates in one post.
Updating the Anons
Remember we are the 1st Recon Squadron & recon is our purpose.
When tracking I periodically check for global incidents using a number of sites see for links- >>1312191
If you spot something of particular relevance don't be afraid to post a general SITREP report to help keep the other anons aware of what is happening it might well be relevant to their digging.
The anons & concernfags sometimes pick-up on an alarmist tweet or news report & can tend to overreact.
If this happens check out the live threat maps to see if you can shed more light on the situation.
Occasionally if they start getting panicky or concerned an anon will ask us if we know anything about the situation - in this event try to be obliging and give them what raw facts you can find n the threat assessment sites.
Report what you see and not what you think is happening.
Yes. There is a certain shill that points this out from time to time, trying to send anons on a wild goose chase. They assert that this location is a "teleport" from a north pole location. When that happens don't chase it and help other anons understand they should not waste their time digging/chasing it either. I have screen caps of the first few times this a-hole started trying to distract anons and have successfully quashed him every time since.
I have seen typically about 110-130 military aircraft over continental US (CONUS) during daylight hours on a weekday. Presumably for training + exercises. Become familiar with what is a normal number at certain times of day/week and watch for variations from normal.
E-6B Mercury Lake67 southbound in Alabama
Hey Planefags,
Did you catch any fighters over Leafland last night.
Multiple set's were in/out/training last night around from 10pm - 1am central. Not normal at all, has never happened before.
Would F22's heading back to the mainland US cut across Canada in a hurry from Alaska?
Had C130 Practising dropping runs last month too.
We are not a military city and have never, ever had training before.
Had multiple fighter pairs come over/through my province last night between 10AM and 1PM in leafland.
Totally unheard of, not a stop for fuel/training ever.
The were likely Hornets, but could have been your F22's getting Aerial refuelling on the way back to mainland US from Alaska?
There was also a C130 doing dropping runs about a month ago.
Totally unheard of.
Some moral support for you allโฆ
To my fellow Planefags, I love you all..
Red Arrow out.
OK the next posts are from one day's planefagging and would even tests pro planefaggers like me. Remember this is one dayโฆ 14th May.
Yes, it can get VERY busyโฆ
Another interesting capture from today.
Some More Useful Planefagging tools
Unusual activity can quite often be related to military exercises or air displays.
Below are a couple of links that I find useful.
The bottom links are great for info about military equipment, air displays, and other general stuff.
Airline pilot 'sucked halfway out' when cockpit windshield broke
Digging on the twin-engine Piper plane crash near Bennington, Vermont USA, circa 3:30 PM eastern time May 20, 2018.
I do not know how to dig the information that anons want to discover.
Departure from Burlington VT on May 20, 2018 "Piper PA-34"
Seeking instruction on how to dig past flights when the aircraft identification and pilot's name are not known.
so much insight contained . thank you planefags
N-#### Numbers can be checked @ Federal Aviation Administration site.
can any planefag tell me what plane has lights like this? in socal near LA heading SE
i couldnt see any other lights on it, and the two rear? lights seemed less than wingspan and far brighter than usual
im a novice planefag, im folliwing this blocked plane escorting another airbus320 in SA
ok its escorting:
A320 A6-AOC
Blocked B744
any thoughts ? its interesting, thanks planefags!
Reference Documents
These are aircraft rtegistries for Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man. There are approx. 1200 aircraft in here that have magically been granted 'Military' status by being registered in these islands.
These islands are also self-governing, to an extent. These registers are highly dig-worthy for finding out who is into Global scale money laundering and Do-Baddery.
Impossible to identify the aircraft. The bright white lights are high intensity strobes intended to make the aircraft easier to spot in poor visibility.
It is quite common for aircraft to be listed on the trackers as 'blocked'.
This does not imply that there is anything strange or unusual about the aircraft.
Sometimes the tracking systems don't pick up or refresh correctly so some details might come up wrong or indicate 'blocked'.
Two aircraft flying close together along a route is quite normal and as most jet aircraft cruise at approximately the same speed it can look like one is being escorted when it is not.
The two planes may actually be separated by several thousand feet of altitude.
They may actually fly in 'formation' for hundreds or thousands of miles.
Sometimes a plane can be difficult and very uncooperative to track.
This is particularly so with the spoopy 2-#### planes, JSOC planes, and some other mainly military stuff.
In certain regions around the world such as Africa, Middle East, Caspian Sea, Oceanic areas & other remote areas/places tracking coverage can be non-existent, patchy, or unreliable.
To mitigate the problem slightly what you can do when tracking a problem plane is to watch and monitor other nearby aircraft travelling in the same speed/direction.
By following these other aircraft you can estimate the position of the 'missing' or 'uncooperative' aircraft.
If a flight plan is listed for the aircraft you can use this to plot the course & position & estimate where it might pop up again.
Often an aircraft will drop off one tracker system but will still show on another so try using an alternative tracker or two trackers at once.
2-#### PLANES
These aircraft are a bit of a bug bear with there spoopy behaviour.
It would help a lot if you can try and dig into the backgrounds of these aircraft.
There are download lists here - >>1731158
So far we have only managed to scratch one off the list. This guy -
As far as we can tell he is all above board.
The captured flight profile shows a typical photomapping profile. The figure eight loops along his journey are where he has carried out a wind drift check to calculate wind speed & direction.
The zigzag part of the flight is where he is carrying out the mapping part of the flight gathering images/data to be put into maps or to be used for scientific study etc.
As we are pretty confident this guy is on the up & up there is no reason to track/capture this guy unless you spot him doing something odd that doesn't look like a recce/mapping profile.
Agreed. My observation of 2-MAPP yesterday is consistent with this 2018-06-08 activity. He does the figure 8 the same way every time.
JUNE 2018 2-reg planes registered in Guernsey
Guernsey Business Register: who owns these planes?
The Jersey Register only shows 3 planes
Jersey Business Registry
Sometimes latitude and longitude continue to be updated, even though the A/C is no longer on ADSBex map. Plug the coords into Google map for a better fix.
But sometimes they do just disappear.
A Planefag asked more eyes for Europe, so here's what I've been looking. I'm new in this, so decided to ask here first, if this is spoopy or not?
Cobham Aviation Services, United Kingdom
I've seen them flying around during past few weeks. Under UK Military.
Financial Advisors: Bank of America Merrill Lynch and N M Rothschild & Sons Limited(!)
Major shareholders BlackRock, Inc.
where among Board of directors: Cheryl Mills (Hillary's buddies)
They (Cobham) feel need to promote in their website, that they are against "Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking".
Maybe it is just a fashionable "IN" thing of 2018. But made me instantly "Think Mirror".
They fly curious zigzagging routes above sea or land, mostly in UK.
And they provide services for Space, too.
Cobham use the aircraft you captured to provide training for the UK military.
The designation Falcon 20EW indicates it is an electronic warfare aircraft as can be seen by the underwing electronic jamming chaff/flare dispenser pods.
They basically act as an target primarily for the air force and navy.
Often these Falcon jets will be seen accompanied by one or more Hawk or similar jet trainers that simulate sea skimming missiles for the navy.
This is along the same lines as ATAC in the US providing similar support.
Originally the were known as Flight Refuelling Limited (FRL).
Many countries use similar private enterprise organisations to provide training on an as needed basis.
Check wiki.
Because a business has some dodgy suspect companies or dodgy individuals as shareholders or bankers/financial advisor does not necessarily make the business dodgy.
The Rothschilds own or control just about every major financial services & banking organisation in the world, so to find them listed as having some link to the company is not surprising.
Thanks for the info!
Guernsey Island. Damn I cannot keep those two straight. Anyway, a review of the Guernsey 2-regs shows Ace Aviation III Ltd.
There are many Ace Aviation companies. I think it's this one out of Malta.
These are the fleet markings that I've discovered so far.
I don't know at this stage if these have 'Military' rating or not, this needs to be confirmed one way or the other.
Website:- http://www.aslgroup.eu/
Good hunting!
FAA Registry database
K, so OCD got the better and I had to log the Silkway Cargo planes from YT. Here's what I have for the last month or so.
VP-BCR - Schipol - 23 May 18
EC-MJS - Dhaka - 21 May 18
VQ-BWY - Montreal - 4 Jun 18
VQ-BVC - Kansai - 16 Jun 18
RA-76511 (also marked as EW-583TH) - Doncaster - 11 Jun 18
4K - A260 - Belgrade - 9 Jun 18
4k - SW008 - Komatsu - 2 Jun 18
From the Silkway website I gleaned the following tail numbers.
I-SWIA, VQ-BVB, 4k - SW800, RA- 86563,
I'm putting these out for the Planefags to make note of, Silkway Cargo may be one of the ways that they are shipping weapons and other stuff around using Azerbaijan aircraft.
>>1878922 And from your tail numbers combined with Int'l aircraft prefixes:
VPB = Bermuda
EC = Spain
RA =Russia
4K = Azeraijan
I = Italy
VQ has two listings:
VQ-T = Turks/Caicos
VQ-H = Saint Helena/Ascension
Well freakin' done, Anon!!!
Aircraft incident(s) database.
Posting for reference sake for other planefags.
Ameteur planefag here spotted 2-RBTS near Guernsey / Jersey.
Locating a plane that isn't on the map using latitude + longitude.
Open maps.google.com
In the search bar paste the latitude + longitude from ADSB. (Delete the words but keep the degrees). Like so:
46.01642ยฐ 26.36403ยฐ
Comma separator works but is optional
Negative longitude is parsed correctly as west longitude. If your lat/long includes E or W Google maps can parse that as well.
Google maps can parse latitude and longitude in various formats including degrees/minutes/seconds, decimal degrees, etc.
Hit enter and locate your aircraft.
Question on AF1
I noticed the other day when to and from Vegas that it flew around 26,000'. Is that normal for AF1? Seems low for such a long flight for a 747.
Thank you.
It might have been routed at that altitude to deconflict with other aircraft.
AF1 and other aircraft carrying heads of state usually have a security vertical altitude & lateral distance 'bubble' around them that other aircraft are not permitted to enter.
With AF1 & other high value targets they might've tweeked the ADSB tracker system to give a false height or position for security reasons.
Potus tweeted recently about having 'problems' with ADSB tracker recording height & other details correctly.
Heh, glad you answered because I would not have been able to answer.
Planefag cadet, welcome on board. Our coverage is thin at times and your presence makes a difference.
Salute o7
Here's my short list of "when to tag and bag" gleaned from the experience of our squad leaders.
What to Tag and Bag
Diverted/refused landing permission
Keeps flying <4000ft
Any drones and UAVs
Any P-8 Poseidons, P-3 Orions, other surveillance and intel planes such as Sentrys, Nightwatches, Sentinels, Joint Rivets
Any AWACS, Hawkeyes, Mercurys
Any MAGMA callsign โ but donโt post until they have โfeet wetโ (over water) when returning after a mission. Donโt endanger their mission by premature posting.
If you suspect an operation, bag and tag it, but post it later; allowing special operators time to complete their mission.
And here's the beginnings of a spreadsheet I'm using to keep my head organized. This is by no means complete. Just adding aircraft as I learn about them from our squad leader. This is a couple of days worth. I expect this will get very long and welcome suggestions for additional columns of data we'd like to collect, like last sighting for example?
I don't know if you guys have noticed or not, but you might want to keep an eye on this.
The UTM code may tell a different story than what comes up on @potus_schedule.
This code comes up for the NY/NJ area.
Planefags, we must be on to something as the shills have started to brigade us. Ignore them and focus on the mission, 'Follow the money' on the 2-planes and report interesting or relevant military plane movements.
Hold your course, stay in formation and see the mission through, over.
Anybody watching over JBLM? I live right under the flight path and the last week there has been a definite increase in activity.
Medevac Helicopter Fagging
Sometimes we suspect medevac choppers are being used for extractions. Often these are type EC35 (Europcopter, Lakota) on which military pilots are trained. Also EC30, EC45.
You can often tell it's a medevac by the owner's name. Failing that, by a photo of the chopper; air ambulances are prominently marked.
When sorting medevacs the following Reg. No. suffixes are often chosen by medevac owners:
AM = Air Methods (co. name)
PH = Phi Air Med (co. name)
ME = MEdevac
MT = Med transport
LF = life flight
ER = emerg room
RX = med
MH = med helicopter.
We are compiling a list of known US medevac choppers. Attached list is just a first stab to get the list started.
Try ADSB with filters MIL=OFF, species=helicopter. When suspect is ID'd, click that chopper's flightaware link to open flightaware tracking.
Or try Flightradar24 with 1 filter, type=EC35. Use Multi-Select (upper right corner) to select up to 4 helicopter dots at once and display their ownership. Change settings to display either just Reg. No. or just Callsign. No-callsign "blocked" does not necessarily mean anything and if you change it to display to Reg. No., at least you can input that chopper's Reg. No. into flightaware for tracking.
On flightaware you can zoom into the map and actually see exactly where it lands and takes off, near a hospital, military base, residential address, middle of nowhere, etc. Chopper tracking often disappears a few hundred feet elevation before landing though. Watch the altimeter to decide if it's fixing to land and screencap before it disappears.
MedevacFagging is an advanced level of planefagging and it's definitely an acquired skill with a learning curve.
Hope this helps somebody.
Text version of medevac chopper list, sorted alphabetically.
REACH Air Medical 8
When you need eyes on medevac chopper night operations. . . .
I thought this one was interesting.
This Saudi flight kept the same track and altitude until it disappeared somewhere near the Texas/Louisiana border.
Also, is it normal for an E-3B to be up all the time in the middle of the continent, or just to cover certain flights? (Not sure I saw one yesterday)
Sorry I thought there was a timestamp somewhere. This was about 16 hours ago, (They're meant to be good guys now)
Helicopters all over VA not on map below radar. Forward & Top Props. Why uscg take this route?
This looks like a normal noise abatement departure from Ronald Reagan airport. The main noise footprint of an aircraft is directly beneath it so by flying over the river it minimises the noise disturbance to the local inhabitants.
Regarding the E-3 flying over the central CONUS area this is quite normal as one of the main bases for them is Tinker AFB Oklahoma.
So it is quite common to see them patrolling or training in that area.
There are a number of other bases in the central area used for maintenance etc.
Some help ID'ing civilian choppers in the US. List is far from complete.
Some suffixes often associated with medevac choppers:
AM = Air Methods (an owner's name)
PH = Phi Air Med (an owner's name)
ME = MEdevac
MT = Med transport
LF = life flight
ER = emerg room
RX = med
MH = med helicopter
I don't believe there is any formal requirement to use specific suffixes for medevacs; it's whatever the owner picks or can get. Glance down this list at the ones marked EMS and those are confirmed medevacs. Those not categorized in the list haven't been ID'd yet.
It's apparent that medevacs are not limited to Eurocopter 35, 135 or Lakota; other models are also in medevac service.
On ADSB, after clicking a chopper of interest, click the Flightaware link (CTRL-click to open a new tab if tracking many). Flightaware will keep tracking that specific chopper while you look around. You can set the map to satellite and zoom in and actually see if it's landing in a neighborhood, on a freeway, or in a hospital parking lot (well you can guess anyway). You can also scroll down below the map and see its recent flights; if medevac you may be able to determine where it's based (usually a regional or municipal airport) and whether it does fly to/from a hospital. Photos of the chopper can be helpful to determine if it's an air ambulance/EMS.
Excellent, thank you!
Not on flight radar and cannot see it. Today I've seen a plane (this am) flying low, checked, not on flight radar. Big commercial air liner. Tonight, I hear such a loud plane I figure must be another going by low, check outside, no plane????? So loud I can hear what direction it's heading, same as this amโฆ how can I help more? These are my 5&6th commercial huge planes off radar. Dtw area.
To 'PLANEFAGS' from anon >>2199027 #2772
From MI Manual:
TROJAN (MI SIGINT Equip) Is deployed and transported on C-130, C-17, and C-5. So whenever those are flying we could potentially be gathering intel on bad actors in the area. I know these are common planes but, I still wanted to pass along the info.
Please read the bottom paragraph of the capture.
The TROJAN system is air portable using C-130, C-5, C-17 aircraft.
This does not mean that it is operated from these aircraft.
It is a containerised type systems to allow field commanders access to & local control of SIGINT collection & dissemination.
As such it is not really worth tracking masses of regular military flying trucks on the off-chance one might delivering the air portable part of the TROJAN system.
Unusual NASA aircraft
NASA has a large fleet of aircraft. Many are used for research & testing duties. They also have a sizeable collection of general transport types to fly employees from site to site.
The test & research types can often be seen flying strange patterns over Nevada S Cal or other places for general aerodynamic research or atmospheric research.
Anyone keeping an eye on flights from Ecuador/Spain to the UK?
You guys are a gift. Just wanted to say that.
Discovered a little weirdness in ADSB's user interface, that could result in missed data if not understood. In particular,
the ADSB MIL filter works a little different from the other filters.
What I observed:
Had MIL filter set
Result: Only helicopters that are military
Unchecked MIL filter
Result: Only helicopters that are civilian
(Military helicopters are suppressed)
Deleted MIL filter
Result: All helicopters, both military and civilian.
I would have thought that disabling vs. deleting the MIL filter should have an identical effect, but they don't act the same.
Roger that! Very interdastingโฆ.
havent been able to get flight data logs from adsb for a while nowโฆ
can a planefag confirm?
specifically im following
Having the same problem for days now- hope they fix this soon.
Can someone identify? Took this last year. Appears to be a canvas canopy.
They watch us, we must watch back
Flight history is back!
>>2408899 Aaaannnd right now the only option for searching is ICAO.
What does this type of pattern indicate?
This looks like it may be a mapping profile with parallel runs into the wind.
Without knowing what aircraft flew the track it is difficult to be certain.
When grabbing a screen shot it is important to obtain as much info as possible about the aircraft, the registration, type of aircraft, time & date etc.
ADS-B Coverage
Automatic dependent surveillance โ broadcast. Automatic dependent surveillance โ broadcast (ADSโB) is a surveillance technology in which an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation and periodically broadcasts it, enabling it to be tracked.
This map indicates the extent of ADS_B global coverage. Any aircraft flying outside of the green areas will not show up on the various tracking sites, applications e.g. ADS-B Exchange, Radarbox, Flightradar24, etc.
If you have the reg or flight number etc you can check the plane's flight history to track where it has been. There may be a delay of hours or days before the flight history is updated so if the interesting flight does not show up immediately make a note of the details and check up on its history a day or two later.
Configuring work station to join you in KAF.
Had enough of finance and tech for awhile ( say 30years!!!!)โฆ..going to use some other skills now.
Welcome aboard. The more eyes there are the better.
Take time to familiarise yourself with the trackers and the red header posts on this bread. More importantly get a feel for what is normal air activity around the military training areas in Europe & the US.
Feel free to use the Planeefag Cadet ident >>1318216
TY & welcome.
Flight history via registration on ADSB Exchange has been out of service for at least a week now. On the main page at the bottom is a poll- Can we get some planefags to vote "other" then type "please fix flight history/registration". Maybe we can get their attention.
https://www. adsbexchange.com/
Hey planefags, thanks for all the updates in the main breads. I have some basic questions if you have the time.
What procedure is in place to achieve the blocked call-sign status? Where does the authority to have that status originate and it is just for public info radar or can the commerical/miltary radar have the correct call sign at any given moment? Or, is it up to the pilot throwing a switch?
I see a lot of no call-sign status, particularly for smaller aircraft. Is this normal and how is that come about as well?
I notice most most commercial airliners travel at about 507 knots. Is that near top speed or just the sweet spot for fuel consumption?
Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work.
TO: KAF Recon members
FROM: Squad leader
BY WAY OF: Flight Lt. Recon7
SUBJ: Standing orders camp on AZAZ0909
I imagine that any aircraft can refrain from transmitting its callsign. Commercial flights want to be tracked so they will generally not do this. Some military flights evidently are under orders to keep a low profile and their ADSB is turned off or selectively enabled. There are numerous scenarios where an a/c will not transmit any callsign. Some of the radar sites designate this as "blocked".
Airspeed is a function of many factors. First, look up what kind of plane it is, then look up its specifications. The specs will give maximum speed and cruising speed, as well as max altitude and typical cruising altitude. ATC can tell an a/c what altitude to fly at for safety reasons (avoid collision) and a/c can also vary speed/altitude as necessary due to wind, weather, thunderheads, approach pattern, etc. You should understand the speed as a function of a/c capabilities and mission.
If you see a military Gulfstream or Citation flying at >500 knots at 42,500' you can probably assume they are in a hurry to get somewhere therefore it is an important flight to transport military brass.
Hope that helps.
Airline Pilot -fag here, anons. ADSB is not required for the majority of aircraft until 2020. At that point you will need ADSB to fly in Class A,B,C and E Airpace above 10000', but not above 2500' AGL.
The airlines have adopted ADSB features for safety and economy reasons. Corporate operators as well. The military has ADSB, but are under no order to use it for public consumption. If they do not want you to see them, you will not see them. They are like Navy Seals when they want to be- operations occur and you'll never know about them until years have passed. Maybe never.
ADSB tracks GROUNDSPEED. Any airliner or corporate/military type business jet cruises in the mid 30's to low 40's in altitude. Newer Gulfstream, Canadair, Falcon type aircraft routinely cruise in the upper 40's. Groundspeeds in the 420- 520 knot range are normal and common. Airliners cruise at ,76- .79 mach. (76%-79% of the speed of sound). Some newer corporate jets are most efficient at mid to upper 40's altitude, and are capable of .83-.88 mach while there.
Groundspeed does not denote being in a hurry or carrying "top brass". If top brass or someone else is being taken somewhere- you won't know about it until its over.
Airlinepilotfag- over and out.
Can be done at request to the public flight tracking web pages or by request to the FAA and possible approval.
Yes, normal. All will have an ICAO or MLAT number, but the trick is finding it. ADSBex is good for that.
It depends on what the A/C was designed for. Some A/C designed for lots of takeoffs and landings (short commuter flights) will have thrust specific fuel consumption (TSFC) optimized for takeoff. Others with long hauls will be optimized for best TSFC at cruise. One the amazing things about the A/C powered by the CFM-56 variants is that it does both profiles very well.
I was once a turbofan engineer and a made man in the military engine mafia. "You can check-out any time you like but you can never leave!"
Thank you! Can you answer this for me? At what point do I hear an A/C passing nearby? IOW, do I only hear it after it has gone past my location?
Speed of sound is 1100 fps. Depending upon altitude/distance- there will always be a delay between when an aircraft flies past and you hear it. Also- keep in mind the newer high bypass engines are designed such that the flow of hot exhaust gasses are shrouded inside a flow of colder ambient air. This blocks much of the noise making for quieter more neighborhood friendly jets. Older generation of turbojet engines were incredibly good at turning fuel into noise, which I loved, but they were very good at creating angry airport neighbors. Hope this helps.
So Allied1 shows up on flightradar24 just circling the border says heading calgary any interest?
Prisoner Transfers to Guantanamo
Here are some 'airlines' that fly into Guantanamo with their respective call prefixes and airline names.
ABX - ABX Air - Abex
BSK - Miami Air - Biscayne
CSQ - IBC Airways - Chasqui
SCX - Sun Country Airlines - Sun Country
ATN - Air Transport - Air Transport
EGS - No Airline name
Planefags may wish to watch out for these 'civilian' flights.
When ADSBExchange.com is down
We have had success using the mobile version when the regular web edition is down. You can use it from a desktop if you can figure out the mobile URL.
>Recommend a methodology to monitor civilian flights
I'm going to try this:
ADSB zoom way in (to reduce # of a/c on the screen)
Clear MIL filter
Set filter for 1 operator code e.g. ABX
Zoom way out
Select a/c of interest
[CTRL-]Rightclick on Flightaware link to open selected a/c in its own tab (CTRL- to force each subsequent Flightaware link to open each in its own tab)
Wash, rinse, repeat for as many tabs as planefag can tolerateโฆ.
.pdf of maps showing training ranges in the US.
This should help the newbies (& oldies) get a grip on where 'normal' military stuff happens.
This is useful. ThankQ.
Thinking out loud. Comments?
Trying to work out a methodology for
Tracing prisoner transfers to Gitmo
Study Gitmo scheduled arrivals https://flightaware.com/live/airport/MUGM
Select a specific future flight
Determine where that flight originates
Camp on flight origin (over what period of time subsequent to scheduled departure?), with no filters(?), watching for possible military arrivals, civilian medevac choppers, military choppers, and around time of departure watch for possible military escort
I see 1, 2 and 3 as easy.
4 looks hard.
When prisoner transfers are planned, could there be an overnight stay between delivering the prisoners, and departure of the flight to Gitmo? How long is it necessary to monitor one specific city/airport, prior to a scheduled departure to Gitmo?
My goal is to work out a rigorous methodology that is actually feasible to perform. I don't see step 4 as being feasible for more than a couple of locations.
Need to concentrate our limited resources in a way that has potential to be productive!
Discussion? Ideas? Suggestions?
In addition to suspected prisoner transfers, air traffic to/from Gitmo is expected as a result of scheduled construction activity. Some of the material/personnel will undoubtedly be transported by ship. Others by plane. I found some construction contracts but don't have dates for when the construction must be complete. Couldn't find the bid proposal for installing the padding in prisoner cells that anons dug up circa Nov-Dec/2017.
The presence of construction-related air traffic makes our needle-in-a-haystack problem more complex.
This guy was really low - sorry about the resolution but I was so busy trying to get video that I couldn't focus fast enough (not a smart phone user).
Ideas? This morning around 11ish.
Slightly different angle.
I think the key to this is determining the staging points. We know that flight originate from military installations or regional airports, such as
Norfolk Chambers KNGU
Andrews Joint Base ADW
Manassas Field KHEF
Patuxent Naval Station NHK
Fort Lauderdale FLL
Jacksonville KNIP
Miami KMIA
Checking the Departure tables for these may provide a clue.
These and knowing the airlines used may help us find the transfer flights. Flights that have exec jet escort are also highly probable to have targets aboard.
That's either a CASA 235/295 or a C-130 Hercules, I can't tell from the photo. CASAs have two engines, C-130s have four.
It could even be an Alenia Spartan, the shape is similar to a lot of military trasports.
Alenia Spartan
CASA 235
C-130 Hercules
>>2555057 TY. I'm thinking it was a spartan - the wheel well shape seems different than the CASA and I'm pretty sure I only saw two props. IRL, it looked short and fatโฆ. A couple more still shots (cropped so I don't dox myself)
Now I'm off to find what bases have Spartans. Thanks again.
>>2555057 PS - There was zilch, zip, nada on ADS-B, but it was so low I'm not surprised.
>>2555057 AHA. Might have been a search and rescue which makes sense given its low altitude. One of the reasons I ended up on the board was the noticeable increase of military A/C traffic in this area. I'm glad I took the plunge. Grateful for all the help, Anon.
planefag reporting for duty ~
French A400M Airbus flying over San Fran at 17:23 EST.
Yup. the squared off aft looks like a better match than the swoop of the spartan. Thanks! This was over the Potomac River - thoughts?
KAF Recon Squad has narrowed down what to watch in regard to possible prisoner transfers to Guantanamo. These are the locations where we might expect to see medevac choppers along with possible military Blackhawk or military executive jet escorts acquiring prisoners or delivering them for further transport to Gitmo on the daily scheduled commercial flights.
I felt that KAF Recon Squad needed a better search algorithm to focus our limited resources on areas that are more likely to be productive, and this is what we came up with.
Norfolk Naval Station - Chambers Field VA
Andrews Joint Base MD
Manassas Field VA
Patuxent Naval Station MD
Fort Lauderdale FL
Jacksonville FL
Miami FL
Chicago OโHare IL
and DC
We also need to check the arrival and departure tables for Gitmo, airport code NBW (=MUGM), regularly. https://flightaware.com/live/airport/MUGM
has free recent history only, so needs regular checking.
We also know there is or may be ongoing construction work at Gitmo. We located several construction bids for upgrading the Navy's wharf, construction of 13,000 units of "displaced persons housing" plus support personnel infrastructure, a legal complex including six SCIF sites for defense attorneys and their clients, and something about installing padding for the prison cells.
So we recognize that some of the daily flights could be related to that construction activity.
Hope the spreadsheet helps. Sometimes I need to organize my thoughts in writing when there is so much distracting chaos/energy on the general breads.
OK. Do I took the contract number contained in one of your screen caps over to the Federal Procurement website. Two contracts popped up - drill down for contract information by clicking 'view'. Looks like the 'mostly complete' date for both phases is 9/13 of this year with the all the way complete by April '19.
>>2554805 Since the first two contracts were NAVSAC Southeast, I threw that into the search. Huge hit.
Happy Hunting!
Maybe it was taking part in a display or event/regatta on the river. Maybe it was doing a sightseeing tour with paying passengers. Maybe a wealthy owner flew in from the Caribbean, lots of these type of planes hopping between the islands.
Most likely it was a local private owner/operator.
Check out Chesapeake Seaplane Association.
Aircraft Linked to C_A Extraordinary Rendition Flights
Text paste for searchability
Part 1 of 2
Aircraft Details
Cessna 208, registration N1016 Now in use in Canada. Previously registered to Pro-Air Leasing, Wilmington, Delaware and Crowell Aviation Technologies, a CIA shell company with the same address as Premier Executive Transport Service.
Beech B200C, registration N157A Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington DC. Uses Johnston County airfield, NC.
Raytheon Hawker 800XP, registration N168BF Wells Fargo North West Trust, Salt Lake City
CN-235-300, registration N168D Devon Holding & Leasing Inc, Lexington, NC
Beech B300, registration N173S Stevens Express Leasing, Tennessee (a CIA front company)
CN-235, registration N187D Devon Holding & Leasing Inc, Lexington, NC
CN-235, registration N196D Devon Holding & Leasing Inc, Lexington, NC
Gulfstream V, registration N1HC "Operated from 3 June 2006 to 25 August 2007 by the United States Aviation Company, and from 25 August 2007 by Hardesty-Gulfstream LLC.
More information here (from The Rendition Project)"
Lockheed L-100-30 Hercules (C-130), registration N2189M Current owner unknown. Previously registered to Tepper Aviation (CIA contractor) and Rapid Air Transport.
CN-235, registration N219D Devon Holding & Leasing Inc, Lexington, NC
Learjet 35, registration N221SG Path Corporation, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware (a CIA shell company)
Gulfstream IV, registration N227SV Assembly Point Aviation Inc, Glens Falls, NY. Operated by Richmor Aviation.
Beech B200C, registration N312ME Aviation Specialties Washington, DC
Boeing 737, registered as N313P, then N4476S "Operated as N4476S by Keeler & Tate Management and as N313P by Premier Executive Transport Services.
The Rendition Project (here) notes that the plane was owned by the CIA, although operated through a series of shell companies."
Gulfstream IV, previously registered as N325RC, N331P and N134BR Unknown current owner and registration number. Previously registered as N331P to Imperial Air and as N134BR to GSCP (NJ) Inc.
Boeing 737, previously registered as N368CE Previously registered to Premier Aircraft Management, Las Vegas, Nevada and Vision Airlines
Gulfstream V, registered as N379P, N8068V and N44982 "Previously registered as N126CH to N126CH LLC and then Wilmington Trust Company, as N44982 to Bayard Foreign Marketing LLC, as N8068V to Premier Premier Executive Transport Services, and as N379P to Premier Executive Transport Services.
More information here (from The Rendition Project)"
Raytheon B300C/350C, registration N4009L Stevens Express Leasing Inc (Cordova TN)
Gulfstream IV, registration N404AC Cottonwood Aviation, Houston, Texas. Previous owner was Apache Aviation Inc (Houston TX)
Raytheon B200C, registration N4456A Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington, DC
Raytheon B300C/350C, registration N4466A Aviation Specialities Inc (Beltsville MD). Previously registered to Stevens Leasing
Raytheon B200C, registration N4489A Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington DC
Lockheed 382G-44K-30, registered as N4557C and now N3796B Northcap LLC. Previously registered as N44557C to Rapid Air Transport Inc, a CIA shell company.
Gulfstream IV, registration N475LC L-3/Braxton, Great Falls, Montana. Operator is Centurion.
Gulfstream IV, registration N478GS L-3/Braxton, Great Falls, Montana Operator is Centurion
Gulfstream G-1159A, registration N50BH Crystal Jet Aviation Inc Albany, NY. Operated by Richmond Aviation
Part 2 of 2
De Havilland DHC-8-315, registration N505L Path Corporation of Rehoboth Beach, DE
Raytheon B200C, registration N5139A Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington DC
Raytheon B200C, registration N5155A Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington, DC
Learjet 35, registration N541PA Phoenix Air Group Inc, Cartersville, GA
Learjet 35, registration N547PA Phoenix Air Group Inc, Cartersville, GA
Learjet 35A, registration N549PA CFF Air Inc, 824 Market St Mall Ste 1000 Wilmington, DE
Beech 200C, registration N58AS Current owner and registration number unknown. Previously registered to Stevens Leasing.
DC-10-30, registration N600GC Gemini Leasing Inc, Dulles, Virginia
De Havilland DHC-6-300, registration N6161Q Aviation Specialties Inc, Washington DC
Lockheed 382G-44K-30, registered as N8183J and N2679C Q2P LLC. Previously registered to Rapid Air Transport and operated by Tepper Aviation, Inc.
Lockheed L100-30, registration N8213G H S L Company, Great Falls, Montana
Gulfstream G-1159A, registered as N259SK and previously as N829MG N259SK registered to S & K Aviation, Tampa, FL. Previously registered as N829MG
Boeing 757-23A registered as N226G L-3 Capital LLC, Helena, MT. Operated by Comco.
Gulfstream IV, registered as N227SV and N85VM "N227SV registered to Assembly Point Aviation Inc, Glens Falls, NY and was operated by Richmor Aviation. Previously registered as N85VM.
More information here (from The Rendition Project)"
LearJet 36, registered as N71PG Phoenix Air Group Inc, Cartersville, GA
LearJet 35, registered as N54PA VPC Planes LLC (Wilmington DE). Operated by Phoenix Air Group
Cessna TR182, registered as N1018H Tepper Aviation
Fairchild SA227-AT, registered as N120JM Path Corporation, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Cessna 208B, registered as N212CP Path Corporation, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Bell 412, registered as N219MG Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE
Super Puma AS322L1, registered as N486AE Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE
Super Puma AS322L1, registered as N588AE Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE
Bell 412, registered as N719GB Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE
VS M1-8-MTV-1, registered as N8062Z Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE
Bell B407, registered as N837DR Eastern Shore Holdings Inc, Rehohoth Beach, DE
DC3, registered as N845S Stevens Express Leasing, Inc. Cordova, TN
Casa C-212-DF, registered as N964BW, and now N6369C Aviation Worldwide Services, Moycock, NC
Casa C-212-DF, registered as N965BW Aviation Worldwide Services, Moycock, NC
Casa 212-200, registered as N966BW Aviation Worldwide Services, Moycock, NC
Casa C-212-CD, registered as N967BW. Aviation Worldwide Services, Moycock, NC
Casa C-212-CD, registered as N968BW and now N2357G Aviation Worldwide Services, Moycock, NC
Gulfstream V, registered as N44982 Bayard Foreign Marketing LLC
Gulfstream IV, registered as N476LC Not known
Gulfstream G-1159A, registered as N163PA N163PA LLC 824 Market St Mall Ste 1000 Wilmington DE
Gulfstream G-1159A, registered as N173PA N173PA LLC 824 Market St Mall Ste 1000 Wilmington, DE
Gulfstream IV, registered as N970SJ New World Aircraft Giv-1146 LLC, Allentown, PA. Operated by New World Aviation
Boeing 737, registered as N129QS Wells Fargo Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah
Learjet L35A, registered as N35NK Aircraft Guaranty Corporation, 515 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 305, Houston, Texas
Gulfstream IV, registered as N510MG Wachovia Financial Services, Cleveland, OK
Gulfstream II, registered as N5117H Now owned by an individual in Indiana
Boeing 727, registered as N521DB Not known
Gulfstream III, registered as N982RK Operated by Richmor Aviation.
For those who do not understand what ADS-B is or how it works I suggest reading up the wikipedia entry as it gives a pretty good overview of the system.
Also check the coverage map I posted earlier.
>>2429853 (coverage map)
For some info on oddness with the system see >>2353367
Some Anons were discussing a Northrop Grumman E-8 JSTARS aircraft yesterday. I thought it might help if I try to unravel some of these acronyms that the military use.
JSTARS - Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System
This aircraft is all about command and control, mixed with signals intelligence and target spotting. This aircraft can interact with other signals intelligence (SIGINT) aircraft like the Beech 300 MARSS.
Medium Altitude Reconnaisance and Surveillance System. This is a smaller aircraft that can be deployed in larger numbers to form a surveillance or command and control network, totally independent of any other communications systems except other aircraft such as JSTARS, TACOMO or Nightwatch.
E-6 Mercury TACOMO
TACOMO stands for TAke COmmand and Move Out. This is nicknamed "The Doomsday Plane" , as this is what would take over in a war situation if ground command posts are knocked out. This plane site at the top of the military communications tree.
E-4B Nightwatch
This the NCA's "Doomsday Plane". This plane is where the President, Secretary of Defense etc. could be if war had broken out and nuclear weapons were in play. Think of it as the White House in the air.
E-3 Sebtry (AWACS)
This plane is the Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft. These would be deployed off the coast to act as high-altitude radar stations during a conflict, to warn of inbound enemy aircraft and/or missiles. Sentries guard the perimeter, hence the name.
P-8 Poseidon
The premier sub-hunting aircraft. This plane took over from the older P-3 Orions as the long-range naval reconnaisance and patrol aircraft. Some P-3s are still out there, but they are being phased out.
If you want to know anything more about a particular aircraft, please post in here and we'll answer your questions.
Just uploaded the 1st August update for Guernsey.
new planefag here. i saw 2 french business jets in close convoy.
Is this more common than I know? First ive seen at exact altitude this close together
Anyone know a little French?
Hey guys, there was some discussion over in TTDDTOT#2 about a Bombardier 8 in their service.
You guys are the experts.
Can you get any more info on their Bombardier 8?
The poster was led to Kiribati by a "T" prefix on the plane IDENT from a possuble hint from a Q post with the "United HK"picture ID.
Please see the TTDDTOT#2 discussion.
Is anyone missing a Bombardier 8 in their registry now?
A young girl asks a classmate that is seated next to her, What is love?
He says to her, It's when you give me a piece of chocalate everyday in my bag and I always give one just for you.
-Not a fluent speaker but learned a bit with Pimsleur language learning program.
Might not be 100% correct.
Sorry, he is saying that everyday she steals a piece of chocolate from his bag and he gives it ti her( let's her). Vol= steal
New correction- and every day he puts on (piece of chocalate) in his bag just for her.
I believe that the anon over on TTDDTTOT#2 was led astray regarding the registration of the Dash-8 plane. Kiribati regs do have a T3 prefix but are followed by three letters T3-AAA through to T3-ZZZ so T3902 does not resolve to a Kiribati aircraft.
With regard to the wiki listing for Air Kiribati stating - "It also operates charters, medical evacuation and search and rescue services." - this is not surprising for a group of islands approximately 1000 miles south of Hawaii.
Kiribati is a small country with no need of an air force but yachtsman/shipping can be in distress or people sick/injured on remote island in the group and planes are the only viable rapid response option. Therefore it is not surprising that the national airline carries out the duties of an air force or coast guard.
The Twin Otter & Harbin Y-12 are broadly similar aircraft that are ideal for short range island hopping landing in grass or beach/sand strips, they lack the range to venture far beyond Kiribati.
The Dash-8 has a longer range to fly to nearby neighbouring island states.
Thanks for checking on that Anon.
Thank you for the feedback. Then that leaves an unresolved question of what T3902 relates to. Back to the drawing board I go!
As you gave me an insight, I might have an insight for you planefags.
Look into Phoenix Air (DoJ contracted company), who did supposed 'med evacuations' from Africa (ties to Billy Graham, humanitarian workers - remember the Haiti child abuses by aid workers).
Arizona is of course 'NoName's' old stomping ground, and yes, it did operate out the same airport Bill Clinton and co met at.
The best cover for a med evac is some sort of illness.
(What did they transfer into Africa? Weapons?)
Oh, another inside curve pro-tip: by having a highly contagious disease (supposedly), it means no-one can violate quarantine. Not even customs or police.
Think that might have a use when it comes to smuggling?
Question: A plane flies over your house and it does not show up on any of the flight tracker sites AND isn't military. What can you assume or infer from these facts about the plane?
Military Callsigns
Recently an anon digging on the Seattle Dash 8 incident raised questions about a callsign 'Bigfoot'.
I located a list of military callsigns that may prove useful.
JSOC - Joint Special Operations Command
JSOC (pronounced 'jaysock') was established in 1980 in the aftermath of the failed attempt by US Special Operations Forces to rescue American hostages held in Iran (Operation Eagle Claw).
JSOC is designed as a common command structure between Army, Air Force and Navy Special Operations elements. As can be deduced from its subordinate units, JSOC's current focus is thought to be counter terrorism. JSOC is a component of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM or SOCOM)
JSOC - sometimes referred to as the National Mission Force - is based at Pope Air Force Base and at Fort Bragg, both of which are in North Carolina.
JSOC - Components
JSOC has the following units under its umbrella:
1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Delta Force )
Regimental Reconnaissance Company (75th Ranger Regiment)
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU) (SEAL Team 6)
24th Special Tactics Squadron
(USAF Combat Controllers / Pararescuemen)
When operating as part of a JSOC task force, attached supporting units such as elements of the 75th Ranger Regiment and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment will fall under control of JSOC. Special Forces CIF companies may also be temporarily brought in for JSOC operations.
Lesser known JSOC components include:
Joint Communications Unit (JCU)
The Joint Communcations Unit (JCU) provides global signals support for JSOC operations. The JCU provides communication links between JSOC elements and, if needed, other parties. It is based at Fort Bragg but may deploy detachments in support of JSOC operations anywhere in the world. JCU communicators graduate from the Special Operations Radio Operators Course, a 6-month training program which teaches the required technical skills. The course also teaches advanced tactics, driving and marksmanship. JCU personnel may attend other military schools such as airborne training.
Aviation Tactics and Evaluation Group (AVTEG)
AVTEG analysises JSOC's avaiation needs, sources aircraft and provides highly skilled pilots. This secretive unit is believed to be organized into 3 battalions. Elements include, among others, an Air Logistics Division, Strike Warfare Division and a Rotary Wing Assault Operations Branch. AVTEG tested the stealth black hawk helicopters employed in the raid that killed Bin Laden.
66th Air Operations Squadron (66th AOS)
Based at Pope AFB, the 66th Air Operations Squadron flies C-130 and other transport aircraft in support of JSOC missions.
Technical Applications Program Office (TAPO)
Procures and deploys new technology for JSOC aviation elements. Such activities included fitting a special SIGINT collection package to RC-12 Guardrail aircraft operated by the ISA.
Ground Applications Program Office (GAPO)
Develops and fields technological programs in support of Delta Force and other JSOC elements.
JSOC Intelligence Brigade (JIB)
Stood up in 2008, the JSOC Intelligence Brigade analyzes intelligence from a wide variety of sources and desminates it throughout JSOC. The brigade features planning, interrogations and intelligence support divisions.
Other units that are either detached to or directly support JSOC include:
JSOC is provided Military Information Support Operations (MISO, previously known as PSYOPs) by a division within the Intelligence and Operational Security Directorate (ISOD).
Army Compartmented Element (ACE)
ACE is an United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) directorate involved with providing intelligence for Army special operations units. Within ACE is a unit known simply by its abbreviations, BI. This secretive cell is beleved to be staffed by undercover female intelligence collectors and interrogators.
Note: It has been rumoured that Delta Force has also been known as Army Compartmented Element (ACE). This confusion may have been the result of a deliberate effort to obscure any open source reference to one or both units, although it may simply be a case of someone seeing the ACE's listing in Fort Bragg's phone directory and assuming this was Delta Force's new cover name.
BREAKING NEWS PLANE JET GLF4 in trouble 2 tires blew out
attempting to make an #emergency landing now still developing
ABX - Abex Air (Part of Air Transport International)
ATN - Air Transport International
BSK - Biscayne (Miami Air International)
CSQ - Chasqui (IBC Airways)
EGS - Envoy Air
SCX - Sun Country Airways
I discovered today that Sun Country Airways fly law student observers to Military trials out to Guantanamo and that First Class on these flights is reserved for victim's families.
Repost of dig from >>2728208 , >>2728215
Not my OC, but explains why we are watching for Silkway Airways and what they may be up to.
oldfaganon here.
thinking we need boatfagging digs (like the planefagging work being done here).
imho they traffic ppl by boat.
track military ships.
track red cross ships (because we know what they do).
A new airline was spotted tonight with a flight to Gitmo. GTI - Atlas Air 'Giant' with flight GTI8808.
Another one to watch for.
On Sept. 7, 2018, someone flew Cessna 182Q Reg# N529JK (plane used to belong to JFK Jr.) just south of DC in a pattern. The shape of his pattern resembles the island of Martha's Vineyard, where Jr. was headed when his plane (not N529JK) crashed off the coast.
flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/n529jk#1dc902be. Link is good for only a few more days.
This is not a JFK Jr. post. I'm going to draw attention to the flight pattern itself, but this may turn into a huge dig, so I'm requesting help from a mapfag for plotting and a memefag to neatly compile finished into a single graphic if you think there's enough here to warrant looking into.
First, the multiple loops on the bottom flight line in the center focus on Elkwood, VA. Zooming in, we can see highway numbers. F-717 is in this area. Last week, one of the plague flights from Munich was Flight 717.
But I went further. I zoomed in and followed the entire flight path, and found quite a large number of churches along the northern flight line this pilot flew. The high concentration of churches struck me because the area appears to be rural.
Starting at the beginning, I dug on the first two churches and couldn't ignore possible pedo related content. "Who do we trust the most?"
A great deal of this northern flight line follows Rt 17. Coincidence?
Could this be a trafficking pipeline? It's close to DC, it's rural, and has access to waterways.
I capped 29 points of interest along the entire flight path, but only dug on the first two. It would be great to:
Dig on all 29.
Plot locations on a map along with the flight path.
Assemble a graphic to look at the entire picture.
How is the best way to proceed without taking up all the bread? I have about 34 or so caps. See sample attached.
Thanks, Anons and Planefags. After work I can jump on this further.
Do you have a list of the 29 pts. of interest?
I took screen caps of each location with a marker containing name and address. I'll reply to my thread and post a few in each reply.
Well look what we have just north of the top of the flight path โ
Warrenton Training Center (WTC) is a classified United States government communication complex located in the state of Virginia. Established in 1951, it comprises four discrete stations located in Fauquier and Culpeper counties.
WTC has served multiple roles, most notably as a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) signals intelligence facility, numbers station, and communications laboratory. The center also houses at least one underground "relocation" bunker that serves U.S. continuity of government purposes, and is a communications and signals intelligence training school for various federal departments and agencies, including the CIA, National Security Agency (NSA), Department of Defense and Department of State. Additionally, it is a relay facility for the Department of State's Diplomatic Telecommunications Service. The United States Army administers WTC on behalf of the U.S. government.
Under the NCS (dissolved and functions transferred to the United States Department of Homeland Security in 2012[4]), the center is mandated to provide communication for the federal government under any circumstances, including a nuclear attack. Its underground bunkers house communications infrastructure that provides service for most major federal departments.[5] In 2002, the Brookings Institution listed an unspecified WTC "relocation bunker" as a facility with an active nuclear weapons, weapons-related or naval nuclear propulsion mission.
The CIA has used Warrenton Training Center as a communications facility since the 1950s.[3] Short-wave radio enthusiasts have identified WTC antennas broadcasting suspected intelligence transmissions.[7][8] In 1989, a WTC spokesperson acknowledged that the stations "are operated โฆ to communicate with embassies, and for espionage transmissions" to American intelligence agents in Cuba and Central America.[9] In 1998, laboratories at WTC were reported to produce concealed radio equipment used to send and receive communications, typically in the form of furniture items.
Station A: 1.1 miles (1.8 km) SW of Warrenton (38.7040ยฐN 77.8112ยฐW)
Station B: 2.4 miles (3.9 km) NW of Warrenton (38.7335ยฐN 77.8297ยฐW)
Station C: 1.6 miles (2.6 km) SE of Remington (38.5195ยฐN 77.7852ยฐW)
Station D: 3.2 miles (5.1 km) NW of Lignum (38.4591ยฐN 77.8487ยฐW)
Can't find anything relevant around Elkwood.
Could that double loop be an allusion to the area around Martha's Vineyard Airport, where JFK Jr. was supposed to land that fateful night?
An Anon on the research board commented he thought the loops resembled a paperclip. Operation Paperclip. Highway F-717 is inside the loops, and is the same number as the plague flight 717 that came in from Munich.
I like that paperclip idea. Our fren with the Cessna is definitely sending a message to someones. That was a darn good retracing of Martha's Vineyard.
Remember the plane being tracked to an LLC, but afaik the trail went cold from there.
Lakota Hunt Club didn't look out of the ordinary on the surface but did find it odd that they just started up the hunting in 2015 (normally a cattle ranch).
726 acres is a huge chunk of land, whoever owns it has got to have some serious coin.
Haven't dug the churches yet, but will note that the JW's in general were started by C.T. Russell of the Russell clan (if you remember from the SkyKing digs).
Russell Trust is also the legal entity fronting for Skull & Bones.
This guy works for SkyDogs, LLC. Also note he used to work for Booz Allen Hamilton.
I will also carve out some time tomorrow to dig on the churches. The second church, going from the start of the flight path, Ramoth Baptist, had pedo symbolism on their web site.
Request for Planefags to do a dig on the following tweet 2 hours ago. 5 military helicopters heading for Prestwick airport. Very out of the ordinary for this area.
Dig: Always hear that DJT has been planning this for 30 years. The plane that Comey used while at FBI and the one he used when fired was N616RK. Owner of this plane was RK, initials of one of DJT'S best friend, Robert Kraft of the NE Patriots. You can check this in the flightaware history. Is this what he meant by the "better hope I don't have tapes" tweet?
This graphic ROCKS, great job, Anon! You should post this in /research/!
You nailed the fork and spotting Rt 666. Like Q says, there are no coincidences. The deeper we go the more unrealistic it getsโฆ
Hope you don't mind, but I added a connection to the fork and Rt 666. Glad you caught that. I believe our pilot is trying to show us something.
HAHAHA, nice!
I did - it's over in #3097, >>3008929 - but there was a typo so this one here is the correct one.
Took a closer look at the locations around Highway 666 -- #23 #24 #28.
Find it very odd that there is a church on Route 666.
Also check out how the plane buzz the tip of Kavanaugh Meadows Rd. (right pic - cul-de-sac).
Your amazing graphics helped us earn a Pepe award! High fives to you!
This is perfect! What map are you using for the zoom ins on the flight path? The link on FlightRadar is set to expire for me.
I can take a few points of interest from the list and work the area, then grab caps for you if I find anything.
Excellent hit on Kavanaugh Meadows Rd. Mind blown on how much this flight path is revealing.
Thanks again, Anon. Grateful.
Attention Planefags
Attention Diggers
Re Anon dig into accounting firms
Pilatus PC12 N900HS
Part 1 of 4
A couple of nights ago an anon drew my attention to a private flight.
The plane in question is a Pilatus PC12 N900HS.
The anon pointed out this flight as it was out of its normal area. Generally it operates in the Nantucket - NY - Boston area.
It flew to Smithville TN and then it flew to Charlotte NC. This mildly interested me but did not draw too much curiosity.
Whilst doing a basic check on the plane ownership I discovered that it was owned by a firm called TWV Air LLC.
Things got a litte weirder when I found that there is a company called TWV Capital Management LLC in Dallas and another called Texas Women Ventures Family of Funds.
Knowing that the clowns like to operate out of Texas and the suggestion on this board to follow the wives and the money.
Digging on TWV Capital leads to Lenore Sullivan with links to Perella Weinberg Partners mentioned in wikileaks.
This leads to Peter Weinberg and John L Weinberg and links to Goldman Sachs.
It also led me to Jack Weinberg a prominent leftist agitator during the Vietnam period but I am not sure if there is a family link to Peter & John L Weinberg.
The weirdness continued when I noticed another anon digging into accounting firms.
More possible weirdness occurred as the plane was in North Carolina just before the storm was due to hit the coast and it normally flies around in the north east area NY Boston
To top it all another planefag noticed the similarity of JFK Jr plane flightpath to Martha's Vineyard.
It seems as if we planefags are being directed towards certain things.
Speaking personally we planefags have a busy enough job just tracking the planes which hinders our ability to dig so we would appreciate assistance with the digging.
TY Kek 1
Re Anon dig into accounting firms
Pilatus PC12 N900HS
Part 2 of 4
Re Anon dig into accounting firms
Pilatus PC12 N900HS
Part 3 of 4
Re Anon dig into accounting firms
Pilatus PC12 N900HS
Part 4 of 4
Our pilot, N529JK was back up last night for a 21:55 second flight. One loop around, beginning and ending at Stafford Regional Airport.
The first two churches from my dig on the Martha's Vineyard shaped flight are the same as this new flight: Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness at the point of take off, and Ramoth Baptist Church where the pilot takes a turn to start his loop. Could he be re-emphasizing these two places in this flight path?
Area is rural as he circles Abel Lake and many waterway inlets, but as the plane takes a turn into it's southern flight path, he starts to buzz by a few points we didn't pick up on the MV shaped flight:
Stafford County Public Schools
Stafford High School
Grace and Peace Church of the Nazarene (no web site)
small airport named Dogwood Airpark
a shooting range named The Range Stafford
KD'z KiDz World
a minimum security prison named Stafford Men's Diversion Center
R-Board Regional Landfill
Flight time 21:55 (5:5)?
Altitude 400' (400 ft view / 40,000 ft view)?
Is /ourpilot/ trying to point us a second time to these places?
Just saw that on twatter and was about to post.
21:55 UTC is 17:55 local flight time, yes?
Is it possible to lay the maps of the last 2 flights on top of each other to get a sense of comparison?
Kingdom Hall could be a coincidence given its proximity to the airport, but Ramoth seems to be a sign given the turn.
One never knows, but it appears our fren is aware that we are watching.
We have another new airline serving Guantanamo Bay - airline prefix NCR - National Air Cargo.
I have this on Ramoth Baptist. Traveling right now, will put more time onto this toward the end of the week.
A fairly trustworthy bird chirped of visual confirmation of a B2 or very similar shape low SW of Shawnee Nat'l Forest near Cape Girardeau, MO.
I have no heading to give. Sorry, I'm not a planefag and was not there. That's all I have.
Can planefags give any info on that shoot-down of a Russian plane off coast of Syria?
Update on AZAZ0909 flights.
There are now five planes that are using this call sign and flying out of Davison Army Air Field. The tail numbers are:-
00-01053, 98-00007, 98-00009, 97-00104 and 01-00301.
What do you think about this POTUS tweet from today?
Keep in mind, the Anon that helped me dig on the Martha's Vineyard shaped flight path south of DC found a C_I training complex named Warrenton, 9 miles from the northern border of this flight path. I then linked Amazon to the C_A via Warrenton.
Is POTUS trying to tell us something? Anyone else see any possible codes or hints in this tweet?
If POTUS has been using Mil & Vets in his tweets to point to Martha's Vineyard, that would quite something.
It could well be, but think we need some other confirmation to convince anyone else.
Maybe our fren will take another flight soon.
Thanks for replying, Anon. I'm hoping our fren flies again soon. This POTUS tweet may be a Future Proves the Past kind of thing.
In the meantime, I'm digging on the 29 points I found on the MV shaped flightpath from 9/7.
Checked out the TN/SC flight. Was that plane flying right into the storm?
/OurPilot/ fren just flew again, twice. Looks like he went up for 27 minutes, landed, then went up again for 9 minutes. He's definitely trying to emphasize several areas that match areas on the previous 2 flights we looked at.
/OurPilot/, we're working on it! Scanning through it now but will have more time starting tomorrow afternoon to dig deeper.
Standing by to put years in a CIC to work. Interrogative Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mex? M/V incoming, M/Y outbound (running to non-extradition) Looking for possible FF accident or rats scurry? Prioirties?
Be advised 1) USS vsls on work-ups will rarely activate AIS for tracking. 2) Like planefags will delay info to not jeopardize active ops. 3)USS vsls unlikely traffic platforms, Ship's Company would know and talk. USNS not really as presence of MILDET. 4) Either USNS Comfort or USNS Mercy was leased to a Drs w/o Borders org for use 3rd world. Dock a Hospital Ship and they come in droves. 3rd World Mom with 8 kids sad if one lost on operating table (but in cargo hold) will move on. 5) DD-214 issued, OATH not recinded, will watch the water with experienced eye. Cross trained w/ VP so understand P3-P8-USS relations. Yoke set, standing by
Flight #1: Took off from Stafford. Loops around Ramoth Baptist and Kingdom Hall of JWs 3 times, buzzes close each loop to Rappahannock Regional Jail; comes out of the loop, buzzes east past Stafford Men's Diversion Center and the R-Board Landfill; flies south, then southwest, buzzes past Church of JC LDS and New Hope United Methodist; flies due west, then begins to turn north northwest along Warrenton Rd. RT 17 near VA Dept of Transportation; buzzes by Gari Melchers Home & Studio, Stafford County Headstart, Gari Melchers Complex; heads south southwest, crosses the Rappahannock River; buzzes by The Family Life Center, The Kingdom Family Worship Center, The Virginia Welcome Center, Kids First Swim School, Central Park Funland, SkyZone, Minnieland Academy, Fredricksburg Oral Surgery & Dental (Oh God, a dentist!), southeast past Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fredricksburg Academy, Spotswood Elementary School; then flies due east to set up for his final loop, around Slaughter Penn Farm Historic site, Creative Child Care & Academy, McDuff Green Park, and the Rappahannock River again. Looks like he landed for a few minutes at Shannon Airport in Fredericksburg.
Flight #2: Took off from Shannon turns north and passes Slaughter Pen, flies directly over Creative Child Care & Academy, passes Ferry Farm Baptist Church and Ferry farm Elementary School, passes Fredricksburg Children's Academy, White Oak Animal Hospital, Bright Beginnings Childcare Center, Vision Community Church WEE Center, St. Matthias Union Methodist, Miracle Faith Ministries, Grafton Village Elementary, Stork News of Fredricksburg, Dixon-Smith Middle School, flies directly over Stafford Men's Diversion Center, passes R-Board Regional Landfill, turns northwest and passes Stafford Parks and Recreation, Rappahannock Regional Jail, follows the Accokeek Creek, turns west at Ramoth Baptist, then lands back at Stafford.
Churches. Kids. Churches. Kids. Churches. Kids. Rivers. Prisons. Airports. Dentist. Parks.
Are we looking at a main DC child trafficking pipeline?
I will dig on these churches and childcare centers tomorrow afternoon.
Can anyone take all 4 flights since 9/7 and lay them out on a single map? Any Mapfags have the skills for this?
Must ask, any "paper streets" (future possible development) on the books for the County? Aerial survey prior to build plans subdivision or mall? Screening: Student Pilot clearing ARSA? Time-Builder flying VFR? Relative distance and access from known military re: this area? Owned by Flight School, available for charter (aerial pics) or possibly 100hr maint check-flight? Originating airfield uses? Shady FBO's? Did altitude(s) engage enroute center or just local ATC?
/OurPilot/ of the former JFK Jr. plane (N529JK) took three loops around Ramoth Baptist Church in Stafford, VA last night. This same church has also appeared around or on the flight path of this same plane's most recent (3) flights.
Not sure if this church is on the flight path so hoping a planefag can see
ROC - Richmond Outreach Center's Pastor, Geronimo Aguilar was charged with raping children and sentenced to 20 years in prison. The church is still open with a new pastor and a new name of Celebration Church and Outreach Center.
We're thinking it's intentional due to the initial flight, which was flown in the shape of Martha's Vineyard.
I just checked and found ROC is further south of the flight paths, but considering the location is still in the general area and the pastor's arrest, it still could be related to possible trafficking/pedo ring.
Graphics from our team dig on N529JK's recent flights including two new flights 9/21 and 9/22. New info added.
4 flights made into a single graphic. All touch on Ramoth.
Connected Ramoth to a prison on the same flight paths through an outreach program. And teammate connected Ramoth to a home for orphaned/ abandoned girls in Guatemala through another outreach program.
Theory is pilot may be pointing out a possible child trafficking/pedo pipeline. Location is just south of DC. Will dig on more points along each flight path.
Planefags - great work !!!
i was looking at the map with the flight plan that traces out Marthas Vineyard and had a thought.
i noticed that on the western end of the flight plan, the tip is over Culpeper, Virginia. George Washington's "Culper Spy ring" from the revolutionary war was actually named after Culpeper, Virgina.
Could this signify that a spy ring (ie the clowns) is running a pedo/trafficking route here like someone mentioned before? the flight plan touches 666, Culpeper and Kavanaugh.
like Q said, no coincidences soโฆ..what about if pilot fren is trying to say that Kavanaugh is actually in on a trafficking ring (666) with the Culper spy ring (the clowns)??? the planes flight path links them.
Maybe Q and POTUS DO NOT want Kavanaugh confirmed because he is actually a bad guy. Maybe they have set him up to be destroyed during the confirmation process. Remember, Kavanaugh is actually an establishment guy and worked for Bush II.
Maybe Kavanaugh is part of the deep state and very powerful and this is how Q and POTUS are getting him to resign.
Maybe the Dems think they are hurting POTUS by destroying Kavanaugh, but maybe they are actually helping to drain the swamp.
Perhaps Q, through the pilot fren, wants us to understand that Kavanaugh is a bad guy so when he is destroyed during the confirmation process, we anons won't be discouraged, but actually we will understand that they were actually draining the swamp.
Attached is a link to a writing done by Senior Pastor Howell Scott of Ramoth Baptist Church.
I find it concerning that a pastor would chastise Judge Roy Moore of Alabama and side with the female accusers before there's ever a judge and jury? I find it rather telling.
I find this extremely interesting.
Just catching up. Looks like he's dialing in on Ramoth.
Screencaps from their pages below are disconcerting.
RISE-UP is a known radical leftist slogan. AFAIK, churches are not supposed to engage in political activities to receive their tax-exempt status.
Great graphics, anon! May want to add this one.
>>3163523 C.I.A.
about as obvious as a hammer considering the proximity to Langley
Great observations on Culpeper, even more interesting that another Anon helping us here found Warrenton Training Center (C_I farm) 9 miles north of the MV flightpath. (Was that your find?)
Mind bending thoughts on Kavanugh you poseโฆand yes, at this point, all things need to be considered. This is what 'expand your thinking' really means. Glad you brought up this other side of the coin. We can't ignore Our Pilot fren touched on Kavanaugh and 666. And Warrenton is so close by.
Thanks, Anon!
My first real shot at graphics. Thanks! I will add CIA in there as well, or maybe do a new graphic, since it's not only close to Langley, but to Warrenton Training Center as well. Will work on this later today after work.
Clowns running a trafficking ring just south of DC?
Could be.
I tried posting my new graphics on the main research board and they didn't take to them very well. They see anything to do with N529JK and peg it to what they call "R Larp", or "How could a crashed plane be flying again?" Or, "This has been posted numerous times." They missed the fact two new flights were added and the new connections we found. Oh well. We press on.
Efforts never wasted; once the circles are closed they'll have to listen. There are so many traffic paths, it will take many anons and a lot of groundwork to root them all out. Keep up the good work!
no, i didn't find Warrenton, that was a different anon but a great find.
i read something on the main qresearch thread that i found very interesting and then i saw your awesome MV plane fag post. if you wouldn't mind
i would like to add one more thing on the kavanaugh confirmation and then i will drop it.
another anon posted on a different board how on the 4th circuit court of appeals, obama had filled it with liberals and now trump and sessions are slowly replacing those judges in order to get a conservative majority there.
why? if they want to be able to convene a grand jury in DC, in the swamp, they need to get their people in there to have control. my guess is they are going to do the high profile trials right in DC to make a spectacle.
i'm not a law fag, but this all makes a ton of sense to me. and while i dont understand the intricacies of the courts, what if the same thing applies to the court of appeals where kavanaugh currently sits? need to clean house there in order to gain control. Kavanaugh is establishment so he needs to go. i also read that he investigated the vince foster death years ago and did nothing so he may part of the swamp. also he seems to be hyper religious and Q keeps implying that is a front.
so i come back to my theory that POTUS and Q are actually trying to destroy Kavanaugh since he is part of the swamp. get him to resign from his post, replace him on the court of appeals and then they would push through Joan Larsen to the supreme courtโฆ..i mean after all this MeToo shit how could they not confirm a woman.
so i'm wondering if Grassley keeps pushing Kavanaugh and the sexual harassment accusations keep mounting and they effectively ruin him. maybe open an new FBI investigation on Kavanaugh and this causes him to resign cuz they would find pedo links.
your airplane graphic is just amazing and kind of spooky. someone is definitely trying to tell us something with the flight patterns and this is where i come out.
also, whenever michael avenatti gets involved i am suspicious cuz i think he is a white hat. if he is bringing forward a witness its cuz POTUS wants him to.
anyway, ur doing great work. sorry to beat the dead horse but wanted to add to my previous post.
keep up the good work patriot. trust grassley.
WWG1WGA !!!!
Thank you so much for this. Yes, PLEASE add anything you feel is noteworthy to any graphics or info I drop. I welcome the help and really appreciate the team effort that seems to be building here. The more I dig the bigger this gets. We need a good steady effort here to find more connections to points along these flight paths.
Your theory on Kav is very intriguing. Not something I considered before now, but I wouldn't put it past our Q team to brilliantly execute a plan with this much forethought and strategy. They amaze me every day.
/OurPilot/ is watching our progress. Another Anon made a comment above (on Friday) that it would be helpful if our fren went up again, and within hours, our fren took those 2 most recent flights back to back.
Incredible times we are living in!
Thank you again. I appreciate your help and the encouragement.
Thanks very much, Anon! Grateful for the encouragement and your kind words. Appreciate it. WWG1WGA!!!
i just went back and looked at the original post on september 11, 2018 about the Marthas Vineyard flight plan.
That anon said that on September 7, 2018 our pilot fren took that flight tracing out MV.
Three thingsโฆand there are no coincidences:
1 - flight occurred on Sept 7 which was the last day of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.
2 - original post by anon on MV flight path was made on Sept 11โฆ..no explanation needed on that one.
3 - the original anon ID who posted about MV flight plan posted a few times, giving us all the flight maps, and hasn't posted since then.
Were we given this data by original anon so that we would dig? Q? Helper of Q?
now we have kavanaugh road 666 > Warrrenton/Culpeper/C_A and first flight on last day of kavanaugh confirmation hearings.
Clearly pilot fren is watching us watch him. if he can give us confirmation that his flight is related to kavanaugh maybe he can take another flight.
if pilot fren confirms, that means that kavanaugh is in fact getting set up by Q and POTUS cuz he is deep state and involved with a trafficking route with the clowns.
That means that we need to trust Grassley as he rams kavanaugh thru this process and ruins his reputation and possibly causing his resignation and replacement with white hat judge. it means its part of the plan and the Q army should not despair!!!
hey anon, you've been doing great work on this. why don't you come up with a flight pattern and post it for pilot fren. if he takes it, it would tell us we are on the right track.
Maybe a flight path over Ruby, VA?? that's close for pilot fren and also Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswold. seems kind of fitting for the plane owned by jfk jr and the MV stuff.
thoughts? i will leave it up to you to communicate with pilot fren and to track him.
Can you link the original post on 9/11 about the 9/7 MV flight pattern here? It could have been me. I hadn't seen anyone else make the connection prior to me making it and posting it on the research board. An anon on research suggested I bring the dig here, and he linked me to Planefagging101.
Can anons keep the same ID numbers from post to post? If so, I don't know how to do that.
You might be on to something with Kav Kav Rd >Warrenton/Culpeper/C_A > Ramoth CIA kid group on the last date of the hearings.
Do you want to take this info and turn it into a graphic? We can post it then ask /OurPilot/ for confirmation.
I checked this area in relation to Langley AFB and Langley Research Center, in Howard, VA. About 130 miles distance.
Thanks again. Pleasure having your input and help.
Duh. All I had to do was scroll up to find the post. It was me. Earlier that day I saw a map of the flight on another platform and recognized it as MV. I made the side by side graphic then came here after research directed me. I also capped all those 29 points from the flight.
idk if this is the right place,but didn't see it mentioned
>One injured after DEA plane crashes in west Houston near Sugar Land
>"training flight"
Can't archive.is, so enjoy the screencap.
Hello /OurPilot/ of N528JK,
If possible, could you please fly a loop around Ruby, VA (in honor of JFK Jr's pets) and another loop around Roseville, VA ( in honor of President Kennedy's mother, Rose), to let us know if we're receiving your messages 5:5?
Did you point us to a Clown trafficking pipeline?
If my Anon fren here who's helping dig is right about his theory on Kavanaugh, can you add a loop around Ramoth too?
Thanks, /OurPilot/
Excellent proposed flight pattern(s), anon.
i like ur roseville reference. she is the pride of the North End.
and now we waitโฆ..
Thanks, Anon. This entire dig is meaningful to me in many ways, personally as well as patriotically. It's a small world.
Know this is only tangental planefagging, but this church is really bugging me. Couple of things here:
Given that alefantis apparently has a farm 2 hours away, and I'm seeing pedo stuff, I wonder if its related to Comet? I won't spout off, moar diggs needed, but intuition bells clanging.
Ramoth is a weird name for a church. Reminded me of my biblefag days and reading about Ramoth-Gilead. Digged it, what do you think?
"The British Bible scholar, Hugh J. Schonfield theorized that the location of Armageddon, mentioned only in the New Testament, at Revelation 16:16, is a Greek garbling of a supposed late Aramaic name for Ramoth-Gilead; that this location, having anciently belonged to the Hebrew tribe of Gad, was, in New Testament times, part of the Greek region known as the Decapolis, it was (Schonfield theorized) known as Rama-Gad-Yavan (Yavan meaning Greek), which when translated into Greek became Armageddon (much as Ramathaim was translated to Aramathea)."
"Armageddon Baptist Church."
Creeped out, off to bed, wish me luck. I'll do more digging after some (probably) weirdass dreams.
Wow. I think this is notable. Great connection, Anon! My bell rang when I read Decapolis. Decapolis = DC?
Dec = DC? apolis = city?
City of DC?
Nice digs, hope you sleep peacefully w/o weirdoes dreams.
Updated Ramoth graphic to include Ramoth's CIA Children In Action, and Warrenton C_A connection to the MV flight path on 9/7.
>She reminds me of someone.
Wow, you aren't kidding. The resemblance is stunning. That case needs to be looked at again.
More diggs on Ramoth Baptist Church. Found very little info on any of the personnel there. Bit stood out though:
Chuck Hite was with the school district for 25+ years as band director. Married to Carol nee Wilkerson, but I can't find any major info. Butโฆkid connection. Plus he looks like Tony Podesta's kid brother.
Facilities director had his daughter die in a car crash this year at age 21. A gofundme was set up for 10k, and raised 12k. Knowing how the cabal love their gofundyourself, makes me think there could be some hushing going on.
Heart in the heartโฆgloversโฆ.creepy shit yo.
Think this is enough to turn general loose on yet, or prefer to wait before the hivemind invades our airspace?
Are you the Anon who found Ramoth = Armageddon Baptist Church? If you are and you feel you're ready to share your digs, then go for it.
We have a few things hanging out in the wind to dig on (Kavanaugh Rd connection; Ramoth's possible C_A /Warrenton connection). Also curious to see if /OurPilot/ responds to our message. But these can be posted later after we feel we've dug these things deep enough.
If you do a drop on all you have on Ramoth, we can always include it again when we tie in Kavanaugh, Warrenton, and the possibility OurPilot is pointing us to a C_A trafficking pipeline.
I am. Found that, but back to workfagging as a phonefag, so I wanted to turn other minds loose on the personnel diggs.
Roger, Wilco, to general.
If you're able to leave the link here to the post on General, that'd be cool. Thanks, Anon!
Documentary linked here >>3033986
notes that the church was founded in 1867 and claims that "Ramoth" was selected due to the Union soldiers who refuged in that area during the Civil War.
11 Then ye shall appoint you cities to be cities of refuge for you; that the slayer may flee thither, which killeth any person at unawares.
12 And they shall be unto you cities for refuge from the avenger; that the manslayer die not, until he stand before the congregation in judgment.
13 And of these cities which ye shall give six cities shall ye have for refuge.
14 Ye shall give three cities on this side Jordan, and three cities shall ye give in the land of Canaan, which shall be cities of refuge.
15 These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the sojourner among them: that every one that killeth any person unawares may flee thither.
Such cities were needed because the Bible acknowledges that people sometimes die due to an accident and sometimes on purpose. An unintentional death can take place if, while men are cutting down trees, an axe head breaks and fatally wounds someone (Deuteronomy 19:5). An intentional death occurs when someone is killed "with malice," meaning that they perish at the hands of someone who hates them.
The city guaranteed the safety of those seeking asylum against being killed in retaliation by the "avenger of blood" (Joshua 20:3).
Interesting that Ramoth-Gilead was located in the land of Canaan (see Eustace Mulllins - The Curse of Canaan).
That heart in heart in their logo still gives me the creeps.
Beloved planefags of the Kekistani Airforce thank you for your service.
I wanted to pass along an article of interest which may assist in your invaluable work. Forgive me if this is basic info and already known to you. This article from the Aviationist (11/17/16) describes an incident which took place over Denver the day before on 11/16. Apparently the mysterious aircraft which flew "a racetrack pattern" for quite awhile was "just" a E6 - B Mercury Doomsday Plane. I did some digging and these aircraft fly these patterns when they have their mile-long very low frequency radio antennae in order to communicate with our ballistic missile and attack submarine fleet. It appears that something very spoopy was happening that day which MAY BE related to General Mike Rogers' covert trip to see Team Trump in NYC on 11/17/16. Now, I had originally meant to post this to alert you to such patterns and planes. However, "sucha flail" reported that under Salt II, notice of these flights must be given to the signatories prior to take off. SF reported that the Rooskies detected the flight and immediately contacted Gen. Rogers who then immediately ordered that the aircraft stand down and land which it did. So, here's a nice pic of the pattern for you but why exactly did Rogers secretly see Trump? Only about the illegal surveillance? God Bless and carry on.
jmho, the drama surrounding the "R larp" tainted any digs related to JFK Jr. Unfortunate, but so it goes.
tho this is zero to do with that, still dealing with too many hypotheticals here yet to meaningfully break through that trigger.
>Timing is everything.
very curious about our frens the SkyDogs & who they might be.
so no flight yetโฆ.
i was thinking last nightโฆthis path is so freakish that pilot fren must be telling us something. and why would he edge in over kavanaugh road if it wasnt significant. no coincidences. im going to assume kavanaugh is part of the message going forward but anons can tell me to STFU and im fine with it. its just too weird. kavanuagh, 666, C_A. im mean come onโฆ..
so maybe we should also consider that since we have roped kavanaugh into our request to pilot fren, and since his confirmation is ongoing, we may not get a response for a while.
think about it - if pilot is telling us that kavanaugh is being set up by POTUS for destruction and is part of a pedo route, then the hive will blow up and the clowns monitoring us will see what the POTUS plan is regarding K confirmation and filling that supreme court seat. obvs they don't want to tip their hand, so it may radio silence for a while.
im thinking more and more that they are destroying K on purpose. the accusations keep pouring in and frankly i don't think grassley or POTUS are really standing up for him, simply pushing him deeper into the morass. and notice Q says trust Grassley but NOT trust Kavanaugh.
so in this line of thinking, we may not hear from our pilot again until K has withdrawn and/or resigned from the court of appeals. pilot would prob then give us the signal in order to tell us that POTUS was NOT defeated but this spectacle, and K's destruction, was part of the planโฆ.that the patriots were, in fact, in control.
hope this make sense.
Think this is it from general. Kek. Had the fortune to drop it as trump started his UM speech. Lost in the shuffle, bull I'll try again for night shift.
The Q post 2199 (253) where D's offr to kill accusation if DECLAS stopped. "POTUS: Judge K will be confirmd regardlessโฆ" I'm thinking pilot fren is calling attention to an area to be watched during confirm vote when all eyes turn to DC
Excellent digs and info, Anon! I hadn't seen this 150 yr logo before. Heart in a heart is a telltale sign. Creeped out as well. Symbolism with their logo and the use of the name Ramoth is def. info we need to keep on hand as we move forward with this massive dig. I'm hoping in time we can pull it all together for a series of graphics that show what we've found. Great work!! Thanks!
Agree, Anon. Sometimes the reception depends on which shift you post on. Another Anon here (maybe you?) made that totally awesome graphic showing our Amazon-Warrenton-JFK Jr. flight path dig and it not only got a notable, they gave it a Pepe award. Days later I posted new Ramoth graphics and it was made notable, but then another Anon said it wasn't notable because he thought it was a repeat post. It wasn't. I added the two new flights and new digs on Ramoth. Notable was taken away and I practically got run out of town because of the R Larp drama. Oh well. Like I said before, we press on. We all know JFK Jr. is not the center of these digs. It's his former plane now owned by our frens SkyDogs who appear to be pointing us to a child trafficking/pedo pipeline.
Makes total sense, Anon. It may be too early to pull the trigger on any Kav revelations and a possible plan that may exist to root him out. Future happenings could confirm (or not), so let's wait this out and see if future proves past in this case.
Sounds good, thanks for posting the link. It's a good idea to link everything we post on General back here so it's all in one place. Good luck tonight.
>tell me to STFU and im fine with it.
You've made your point several times now.
Now please STFU about it for now. Thx.
Yeah that post has been on my mind. I've been checking FlightRadar24 every couple of hours. Will continue to do so. Think they'll vote this week?
Planefag here!
Had a habbening this week, where a sharp eyed anon spotted a plane flying odd patterns over Virginia. Got our attention, and a church in particular was circled by the flightpath.
Did some diggs (see links) and found a lot of weird/pedo connections.
Kekistan Air Force requesting ground support in digging money and corruption ties to this church. Thanks anons.
>>3of, FML, phonefagging sucks! Reposting in generalโฆ
Post in general.
BO/BV, could you please delete my derping, unless top keks at phonefag are worth keeping?
Red hen?
I've been retracing the N529JK MV flight again, looking at other places along the route. Nothing jumps out at me yet. Will keep looking.
I assumed K was comped and like P was chosen to burn and expose giving DJT mega distance and insulation from the slightest charge of partisanshipโฆand allowing a whole bunch of stuff to emerge.
I don't know anymore.
Yeah, hard to tell with so much back and forth. I keep reminding myself, it might all be by design, as part of The Plan,and to keep e everyone off balance until the time is right. Tomorrow should be very interdasting.
Anything near Westover Air Reserve Base in MA?
Not Westover in MA, but I did just find this flight path flown by N529JK on August 26, 2018.
I know there's attention to trafficking in Stafford area but my gut is telling me N529JK is trying to show us "where the bodies are buried"
I'm working on Q drops but here's what I see:
9/11-Westover Air Reserve Base-plane with passengers are gassed-bodies are buried but where? Flynn knows. Rudy and EP know? All is on laptop?
Was this a hint in Q image drop by
Request from general on heavy military fighter activity.
Found another notable in these N529JK flights.
First, I recently listened to this stunning interview with a flight attendant who put years of research (from a flight attendants point of view) into what may have happened on 9/11. She points to Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee, MA as a possible place where the planes carrying the highjacked passengers were flown, landed, then hidden inside hangars.
Started going through past flights of N529JK and found two so far (including the Martha's Vineyard flight) that intersect with towns in MD and VA named Westover.
Could /OurPilot/ be pointing towards some 9/11 info for us to dig on?
Maybe this is what the 24 A's mean.
Research Ship Neptune, Flag Iceland (was Marshall Islands until 7/28/18) reports itself by AIS as "Survey Area" currently SSW Martha's Vineyard
17:38Z today 41.02243N 70.62254W Cus 076 Spd 6.9kts IMO: 7504237 MMSI 538007957
Apologies Anons, not sure where that SAGE! business came from, returning to boatfagging
More digs on N529JK's flight from Sept. 21, 2018. He flew the plane in the shape of the number 2. He looped around Ramoth Baptist Church, then looped around Creative Chidcare & Academy.
Showing us there are 2 possible child trafficking hotspots?
N529JK was up again today. Will search the flight path later tonight.
Seeing an increase of military aircraft around /OurPilot/ N529JK's area today. Lakota helicopter, P8-A Poseidon, and a Pilatus U-28A Spectre.
N529JK flew again yesterday (10/4). After taking a quick look at the flight path, /OurPilot/ pointed to a church w/ a child care center, a mothers' group, and a young families' groups in Locust Grove, VA and looped around a kids' play center in Fredericksburg, VA. I still need to go through this flight more thoroughly, as well as the 9/30 flight.
Here's what I have so far. Found some pedo-related symbols in their logos, not as blaring as what I found on Ramoth Baptist. Found it odd the church sponsors Human Trafficking seminars. Remember when Q posted the number for reporting human trafficking, and it was connected to the Clinton Foundation?
Read a fair number of bad reviews on the kids' play center: rude staff, closing early, cafe being closed during hours.
Came across Paragon Autism Services while digging on the kids' play center. The play center closes to the public when Paragon visits. Might be something here, or might not, but worth noting.
Frick, anon. Paragon Autism has a location at Chatham Square. Not sure what that means but I remember reading something about it from Q. I have autism and so does my son. BCBA's administer ABA which transforms families lives. I've become pretty close with our son's BCBA. He's from Virginia. I wanted to start a biz with him after discovering his yoda powers and he had to recuse due to provider / client relationship. He connected me with his network of BCBA's. They are all from Virginia/DC Area.
Thanks for replying, anon. Can you find what it was Q mentioned?
No accusations here, just pointing out connections based on /OurPilot/'s flight paths.
N529JK in flight NOW. Heading to TN.
Flight Times
02:01PM EDT
Scheduled 01:40PM EDT
04:39PM EDT
Scheduled 04:24PM EDT
Thanks for the heads up, Anon!
Tracking, thanks for the heads up, Anon. How did you know OurPilot is heading to TN? I'm not seeing that info on FlightRadar.
Horrible lag on the board, sorry for the double post.
hey planefags.
communicating from behind enemy lines in SF.
not a great photo, but blue angels/navy fleet weekend started today and i thought u might like a pic.
it is my favorite weekend of the year as sailor patriots walk these dirty fascist streets this week and our air force brothers give me goose bumps as they soar over the Bay.
your hard work is appreciated as we all work for our country, to support Q and our fearless POTUS. our army is strong and i just wanted u to know how much i appreciate u, our planefags and patriots. im saying prayers for the Kavanaugh vote tomorrow and for the plan as we head into the mid-terms.
-north end
WWG1WGA !!!!
Same (h)ere, DEEP behind enemy lines!
See ya at Fleet Week S(u)nday. I have a Q that nobody can miss. You mi(g)(h)t se(e) it, it'(s) large, and I wear it proud.
Brainstor(m)(i)ng here. AF1/Executive Branch plane(s) have e(s)corts, those escorts carry:
Spec(i)a(l)iz(e)d weapons package.
Amateur plane (s)potters that might get luck(y) and get a pic of an e(s)cor(t) taking off/landing with th(e)se (m)issile(s) on board externally.
I know it's a long shot, but "Murphy's" around all the time, and if you gotta land somewhere outside an MOA, then there is a chance to capture a pic of something hush-hush.
Then again, maybe they look like regular AIM's, and all the tech is internal.
Interesting. wiki claims that series lost out to another. Looks SCRAM. That would be hard to make look normal.
Huhโฆ..too cool. Newfag learning the ropes. I have plain wht private jets that fly low over me often, sometimes up to 4 a day. Always low, sometimes estimated as low as 500-600aglโฆ.in literal flyover country, no airports near to service them (appropriately). Sometimes in pairs. Hope I can finally answer where and who with new tools.
Civil flights from mil installs normal?
Thx to all bakers/partiots. Eyes open
I get alerts when takeoff or landing. Also |OurPilot|'s plane's for sale. https://flightaware.com/live/flight/N529JK. >>3350806
Aircraft Summary
1/6th SHARE
1977 Cessna 182Q Skylane II. Well maintained Texas Skyways Engine Conversion which now has a 2500 hr TBO. Engine was recently overhauled in March 2018. This Aircraft has recent upgrades with ADSB and a Garmin G5 system. Complete logs with no known damage history. Previously owned by John Kennedy Jr. Hangered at the Stafford airport in Stafford Virginia.>>3350806
Aircraft registration expires 10-31-2018
Aircraft Summary
1977 CESSNA 182Q
Fixed wing single engine
(4 seats / 1 engine)
Airworthiness Class: Standard/Normal
Serial Number: 18265525
Registration Details
Status: Unknown
Certificate Issue Date
Airworthiness Date
Last Action Date
*Expiration: 2018-10-31
Registry Source: FAA
I had found this site with plane for sale.
Interesting indeed.
If it's 1/6th for sake who are the other 4 because I only see two per Skydogs
Followed plane to Seviereville, TN and it's flight back to Stafford on Monday/yesterday
I was in area. Close but no cigar. ๐
I'm convinced I am right about Westover Reserve Air Base being where the 9/11 flights landed and where the passengers were murdered. I have strong gut instincts - not to toot my own horn but I think this plane departure and landing just confirmed to me knowing I am here and following that Westover is indeed the place the atrocity happened. But where are "the bodies buried?" Flynn knows. Is the place the King George landfill in VA where many of our military heroes have been found?
New to board. Got lucky today and caught these flights at Guantanamo Bay. Pics about 2 mins apart. The incoming flight freezes at 7,905 ft. then disappears. This is typical. Notice the flight to the north for comparison. But this time as it goes off radar a new outgoing flight appears. Busy Day :)
Here's a screen shot of the Westover, TN fly-by.
I've saved the pdf to jpg's for viewing this time.
Yep. Isn't that the 3rd fly by?
Has there been a flyover of King George Landfill?
If they dumped 274 bodies in there what would stop them from dumping 9/11 bodies there?
It sure is. Aug. 26th, Sept. 7th, and Oct. 8th. On the Aug. 26th flight, he passed over King George landfill.
I do.
Look at the updated time. Hmmm
Attention to details matter. ๐
Not really sure 15 matters.
Excellent catch! Could be a confirmation that we got it right. I swear I saw recently a 5:5:5 somewhere.
Who could the pilot be? A 2016 retired navy pilot that's still active?
Had three over me since this. They are not on FR24 or ADS. Plain wht business jets. WTH. Hope to optic #'s.
We don't know. The plane was once owned by JFK Jr. Currently a company called SkyDogs, LLC is listed as the owner. Further digging shows a couple with the last name Stephens under SkyDogs. I hope one day we'll find out.
We have at least four (4) fighter jets doing touch-n-go's at Pease AFB. This is on the heels of seeing two (2) V22 Osprey flying together, last week and one (1) Osprey again this week.
There is never this much activity here unless there is a air show. I think the fighters are up from FL due to bad weatherโฆmaybe?
If anyone has moar info, please do tell!
25-Jul-2018 C182 Aurora Muni (KARR) General Mitchell Intl (KMKE) 10:44AM CDT 11:26AM CDT 0:41
24-Jul-2018 C182 Fond Du Lac County (KFLD) Aurora Muni (KARR) 04:33PM CDT 05:28PM CDT 0:54
you can't carry the plane.. so why so meticulous about logging in ith a fgt plan but every now and then not filing one?
18265525 serial no plane jfkjrof
search it get this :
Evidence for the presence and role of tightly bound adenine nucleotides in phospholipid-free purified Micrococcus lysodeikticus adenosine triphosphatase.
Muรฑoz C1, Palacios P, Muรฑoz E.
Author information
[32P]-labeled ATPase was isolated in a highly purified state from Micrococcus lysodeikticus strain PNB grown in medium supplemented with [32P]orthophosphate. Selective extraction procedures allowed us to determine that at least 25% of the firmly bound label belonged to adenine nucleotides, ATP and ADP being present in equimolar amounts. However, no 32P label was found to be part of phospholipids. This was confirmed by purification of the ATPase from cells fed with [2-3H]glycerol. Using the>luciferin-luciferase<< assay we estimated that ATPase freshly isolated by Sephadex chromatography (specific activity 10-14 micromole substrate transformed x min(-1) x mg protein(-1)) contained 2 moles ATP/mole of enzyme. The ratio fell with the age of enzyme and its purification by gel electrophoresis and this was paralleled by a loss of ATPase activity. The endogenous nucleotides were readily exchanged by added ADP or ATP. This result suggests that the sites for tight binding of adenine nucleotides are equivalent, although ADP seems to have a higher affinity for them. The last properties represent a peculiar characteristic of this bacterial ATPase as compared with other bacterial and organelle energy-transducing proteins.
PMID: 18265525
more than one person owns the plane knapp another owner ..right outside dc military background
Some new points looped by N529JK on Stafford, VA to Gatlinburg, TN on October 5th.
Me too. I have to look into this and >>3422733
Maybe this?
Your life has ultimate significance. 555 is a powerful number and it represents the wholeness of creation. It is the number of Christ, the number of unity in consciousness, the pentagon shape, and so on. Hence, the meaning of 555 is the perfection of the human being that is you.
Could he be pointing us to FF's in Charlottesville and Roanoke, Va?
Divide and conquer for civil unrest and a gun grab.
They may be T-1 Jayhawk trainers.
The normal colour scheme for them is predominantly white.
They are used to train both pilots and navigators.
If so I would guess they are most likely carrying out a low-level navigation exercise.
/OurPilot/ flew on October 10th out of Stafford, VA and initially made loops again around Ramoth Baptist, as well as a Jehovah's Witness church. He then set out southeast and made two larger loops around what I see to be a good number of churches, childcare centers, and schools. I've been looking at each point within the loops. Some places do not have web sites or social media. Were they scrubbed because we're on to something?
Ramoth still stands out with having the most obvious pedo symbolism on their media presence. Is Ramoth the hub for a pedophile ring, and all these other churches and child related places are networks? Is this DC's main pipeline for pedo/child trafficking?
Other than the Westover sites, the entire areas /OurPilot/ circles always point to churches and childcare centers.
Churches and kids. Kids and churches. Everywhere you look. I will continue to dig on each point within the loops. There are a lot of them on this flight path.
(Love my captcha) SpyQ.
This cap looks to me to be more of a regular training flight flying circuits & landings out of Stafford regional airport.
Excellent capcha โญ๏ธ
Is ournllane confirming Roanoke shooting of Alison Parker and Adam Ward a false flag?
If so, where are they?
I agree โญ๏ธ
Was Underground Railroad preserved by BC used to traffick and also transport the bodies to the landfill? Is this what the plane wants us discovering?
The underground railroad preserved by BC is not a physical railroad with trains and rolling stock.
It was a network of safe houses & secret routes along which slaves could pass through the Union controlled northern states.
It is comparable to the WW2 escape lines through occupied Europe the escaping POWs used to get back to allied lines.
IMHO it would not be practical to transport dead bodies in this fashion from safe house to safe house.
However it would be practical to use it for people trafficking.
/OurPilot/ flew again today. Manteo, NC (Roanoke Island) back to Stafford, VA. On the way he looped once around King George County Wastewater. A King George landfill confirmation? Where the bodies are buried? (God bless their souls, may we bring them and their families justice and closure).
MQI = IMQ = I'M Q = I AM Q
My dig partner did the numbers:
2:37 = 12
4:02 = 6
12+6 = 18
R = 18
5+ 1 + 11 = 17
Q = 17
The bodies are at King George Landfill. ๐ฐ
Taken from Westover Base but by what means? Waterway? UR?
About 1 pm while outside looking at the clouds I saw a bright green light. Blinking but sporadic. two blinks then three? odd but I don't know morse. No plane visible. Was above the thin clouds and higher than jets usually go over eastern NC. Was not travelling fast but heading W. Any idea what it was?
I did come in after a couple of minutes and look at the radar but I really don't do that very well. Have only used it 3 times to lurk.
Our plane N529JK flew today to Ohio
9 and 20/20 (mirror)? I see you?
Had a bend as it flew by Shanksville - clue to look for 9/11?
Ohio - WWG1WGA sign connection? ๐ค
A little perplexedโฆ
Flight 93 flew over Medina, OH before Shanksville. Did plane land on hidden landing strip - Indian Hills?
R reference.
02/20 mirror so 299 planned mirror is 9/11
We are to discover indie about 9/11 Shanksville I believe
Mirrored G? George? George Bush? King George Landfill?
Flight 93 flew over Medina, OH so is /OurPilot/ telling us something about 9/11?
Looking into Medina.
Jewel of Medina: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jewel_of_Medina
And a meeting JOA found that took place in Medina where fatwa was declared on Salman Rushdie for "Satanic Verses".
Boots on ground at apf
>T-1 Jayhawk
Thx Anon. Still trying to capture images. But they do look similar, with out the markings. Some in my area have speculated blood/organ transport, stating low alt may be needed for preservation of said cargo. Any insight?
Via drone I have looked at their view from above and the path lines up with some major geographical features. Maybe VFR training.
Still lookingโฆ.
Thx again.
Numbers found and friend mapped the flight path and sure enough it flys over King George's Landfill between 610 and 1214. Coincidence? I think not.
Churches also marked along the way.
Need some digging.
9/11 = Landfill and churches = trafficking?
Wish we could get a hint w/9/11 flight #'s
Here's some fly-overs noted from Leg 2, Cambridge to Stafford on OCT 28.
Flight path shaped like the letter 'J'.
Transponder was turned off, then back on.
Lots of island, inlets, etc. Is this area similar to the suspected activity on west coast near Puget Sound?
We're questioning if this waterway route may have been a way bodies were transported to King George Landfill?
/OurPilot/, we're watching. If we're getting any of this right, can you perhaps fly a loop around Ruby, VA and another loop around Roseville, VA? TY!
newfag planefag
Check N73137 no call sign flying just north of US/Mex border
/OurPilot/ flew from Stafford, VA over King George again to Westerly, RI this afternoon. OurPilot, are you showing us the route ((they)) took from Westover AR Base to King George Landfill? Down the Connecticut River out to Long Island Sound?
Huuu's castle is beautiful this time of year. The leaves are @ peak. I know it well.
/OurPilot/'s path today crossed Dahlgran Rd in the King George area. We've discussed the possibility ((they)) have used the old Dahlgran Railroad trail for their wrongdoings. Trafficking? Access to the landfill?
Last few notable points along the flightpath today:
Church of the Resurrection
Signed off at the end of the flight with the letter "R".
Nice get partnerโผ๏ธ
An Eye had the nerve to try and argue me down. ๐
11 awakening
5/5 see and hear you
Planefags, do you all keep up with VOAT/QRV?
There's a poster in Germany, goes by edie (she doesn't get anon, apparently). She posted a day ago about an incident she witnessed at WZ, observed 2 aircraft and some possible brrt! action.
Hard to decipher, her English is good but she describes things in "German words translated to English", so it's not the easiest to understand.
Anyone heard anything about this event?
Planefags, I live in the vicinity of the traffic pattern of RDU. Been a larger than normal unusual large fixed-wing turboprop traffic in/out lately. Coming in at non-standard times. Does not sound like commuter.
Any info?
Could be related to support for the recent damage cause by the hurricane in that region. Lots of C-130s in that area recently.
Sounds like C-130 Hercules concur with >>3813603 but might be more general troop deployment related.
I'm UK based so not too familiar with US geography/military bases.
Is there an army or national guard base nearby?
If so it might be because units are rotating in/out to or from deployment/exercises.
Plane went to RI just prior to election. To vote possibly as discussed?
Plane is in Myrtle Beach, SC now. Numbers are pointing to 9/11 again and near me once again. ๐ฌ
AF1 flew directly over JFK Jr's crash site tonight on the way back from France. I've not seen AF1 ever take this route back to DC. They usually come in further north through Nova Scotia and Maine.
Flight path looks like an 'L'.
Or a checkmark.
The CAA accident report was published yesterday and an anon posted a link in the general research bread yesterday.
The report was the biggest load of bullshit with many inconsistencies and contradictions.
The Cessna was supposed to e in a steady glide but had airspeed fluctuating between 60 & 100kts.
At point of collision the Cessna had a bank angle of 110 degrees relative to the chopper.
To me it looks like the Cessna was jockeying for position prior to impact and tried to run his wingtip into the arc of the rotor blades.
Banned from Facebook (several accounts)
Twatter sucks.
Every time I speak my mind Iโm banished or lose another libtard friend
I was told I could find โmy peopleโ down in this bedpan?
So how you fucking faggots doin?
Seriously though, Iโll just be lurkinking like I have been for a while.
I might be of some use to you planefags though.
Planefag myself
Like jet jizz on my mouth and sphincter Planefag
Private pilot aircraft mechanic apprentice and line crew military commercial and general aviation for well over a decade
You faggots let me know if I can help with anything alright?
And if I over did it with the faggots, this is the first time in a while I could say that, not mean anything by it and not have a bunch of libfags with each otherโs hands on each otherโs cocks the other holding a fucking megaphone and screaming homophobe at me!
First taste of freedom in a while
Here's our team decode of N529JK's last leg yesterday. We found it connects to Q post 1144 in several ways.
a reward for your service, planefags. Godspeed!
Did yโall notice the Thanksgiving Turkey pardon vote?..I voted to pardon the plane watching Autist Turkey KEK
Same to you (and yours), Anon. Truly, my pleasure to contribute. May God continue to bless, protect and inspire our mission.
As soon as I saw that he loved "watching planes" I just had to smileโฆ it must be awesome for you guys to get such an overt "tip o' the hat" fromthe WH. Congrats and Godspeed, Patriots.
N529JK yesterday, 11/19.
Still working on the flight pattern but couldn't help but noticeโฆa hammer coming down on Zion Crossroads?
Maybe pointing to this -
Project Hammer is news to me. I'll spend some time reading through this. First impression when I saw the flight path was a hammer coming down.
So are we looking at a giant letter "B" for Bush, and a hammer coming down on Zion? Also per Helper Anon, this points to Bush's Project Hammer.
Your mention of the hammer and the capture just triggered my memory about Project Hammer.
Bush has history with JFK assassination & 9/11 etc.
Not sure about the precise relationship and how it ties together with other stuff but I thought it was a mighty spoopy coinkidink that needed to be shared.
It sure is spoopy, fren. Project Hammer sits right in between both JFK and 9/11. I've been tracking N529JK for months now. Numerous sites the plane has flown by, as well as flight time stamps (take-offs and landings) relate to 9/11. It's beyond coincidence, which we know, there aren't any.
After the holiday today I'm going to dig into Project Hammer. I know nothing about it, so maybe new connections will pop up as I learn moar.
Happy Thanksgiving, fren!
POTUS referred to AS as Little Schitt. So, I assume he's being flushed down the drain. In other words, POTUS is making sure he is taken down. ASS = Adam Schiff is Screwed plus he's an ASS per DT ๐
I think we might be on to something here.
Someone or the auto bots doesn't seem happy about it - see ^^^ >3996964
Happy Thanksgiving right back at you from the UK, planefags rule!
For JFK (1963 - 2018)
I've held a lifelong interest in JFK's presidency and assassination. Pretty much resigned myself many years ago to the idea we've not been told the truth.
One documentary I saw maybe 10 years back used lasers and mathematics to plot where the shooters were situated. The storm drain lined up perfectly.
That sure does look like GHWB outside the Book Depository.
I really hope we'll see an indictment of GHWB for his role. The whole lot of them. Our country has never recovered. JFK's assassination is when (they) got a foot in the door. 9/11 is when (they) took full control.
It's time.
You're not kidding, Anon! Just makes me want to dig moar.
Thanks for helping us here in the USA, UK Planefag! Will be here for you as well when the rest of the world follows. Planefags rule!! WWG1WGA!
No problems - I want this world of shit cleaned up just like all the other patriots around the world. WWG1WGA - WRWY.
Meme acquired. kek. That looks like a RAF Sea King Sikorsky S-61 btw.
If you are /OurPilot/ flying the mighty little plane that could โฆ
If you are indeed pointing to paths of truth as we followโฆ
Wherever you are, whether it is here, or "there"โฆ
A very Happy Birthday to you, John.
Love from The Planefags
He flew today after a holiday w/POTUS per PS I believe.
R/Q - see chix scratch on image.
Happy Birthday hero. ๐บ๐ธ
N529JK 11-25-2018 3rd flight of the day, points of interest.
What kind of plane is this? OAK on Saturday at 1pm. Iโve never seen all white plane before.
It's a DC-10/KC-10/MD-11.
When planes are put into storage at a place like Davis-Monthan they coat them with a weatherproof layer of latex/acrylic type paint to protect and preserve them.
My guess it is en route to customer for conversion or to the boneyard for storage.
Thanks! I appreciate it.
over the world: underground
while we are digging around, how about drilling for some DEEP WATER. plenty around
Updated one cap: Jackson = Jack son = Jack's son
Drilling, Deep Water, as in Deep Water Horizon?
This N529JK flight from yesterday seems to stay central over the Rappahannock. Are the Rappahannock waterways being used in trafficking kids?
Is the Rappahannock deep enough to accommodate larger vessels that may have transported remains from Westover AR Base?
This sounds like my worst nightmare. Fly by wire hacking.
In Lion Air Crash, Black Box Data Reveals Pilotsโ Struggle to Regain Control
Data from the jetliner that crashed into the Java Sea last month shows the pilots fought to save the plane almost from the moment it took off, as the Boeing 737โs nose was repeatedly forced down, apparently by an automatic system receiving incorrect sensor readings.
The information from the flight data recorder, contained in a preliminary report prepared by Indonesian crash investigators and scheduled to be released Wednesday, documents a fatal tug-of-war between man and machine, with the planeโs nose forced dangerously downward more than two dozen times during the 11-minute flight. The pilots managed to pull the nose back up over and over until finally losing control, leaving the plane, Lion Air Flight 610, to plummet into the ocean at 450 miles per hour, killing all 189 people on board.
The data from the so-called black box is consistent with the theory that investigators have been most focused on: that a computerized system Boeing installed on its latest generation of 737โฆ More at the New York Times
โOn board were 178 adults, one child, two babies, two pilots and five flight attendants. There were also 20 staff from the Indonesian Ministry for Finance on board, and 23 government officials in total according to Reuters. AN Italian national was also among those on board.โ
Any info on who the officials are or any connection they might have to the Malaysia/Goldman Sachs bribery in โmassive conspiracyโ over 1MDB?
N529JK 1977 - CESSNA 182Q, Serial #: 18265525
2017 registered to Sky Dogs LLC
4911 Wycliffe Ln, Fairfax, VA 22032
Thomas Alan Knapp 65, Patricia E Knapp 63, Brian P Knapp 37, Michelle E Knapp 35
4911 Wycliff Ln, Fairfax, VA 22032 is a single family home built in 1969 in the Kings Park West area.
Thomas Alan Knapp (See attached LinkedIn screenshots)
Currently works for afmsinc doing Continuity of Operations for โalternate locationsโ
Part time Managing partner of Sky Dogs LLC
Licensed Airman #A2317900
Has many interesting LinkedIn connections under Gov. Contracting skills including:
James Platt - Director, Position, Navigation and Timing Office at U.S. Department of Homeland Security https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-platt-605606a/
Patricia Knapp Nurse at Walter Reed?
Michelle Knapp MK Ultra Artwork Curator (Michelle Knapp = MK?)
Planefags should take all these Mil call signs that seem to be a message for Anons and list them out.
There may actually be a message right in front of us.
Give it a try.
Need a little help. Any ideas why the FBI would be flying this pattern? Tree lighting ceremony tonightโฆbut other than that, not aware of anything.
Call signs Wednesday, 11/28/18 7:15PM EST
LIF 002
Found the area along the flightpath where the altitude changes formed the W. A few W's in that area.
Knapp's link to Platt at DHS is interdasting. Will look into that tomorrow.
does this seem normal? Wondering with all the rumor about POTUSโ sudden departure from the tree-lighting tonight.
Oops double posted you
Callsign reference lists
Cross reference with normal US call-signs to find anomalies.
Look for ones not in these lists or with an abnormal format.
There are two common formats alphanumerical & codeword
Alphanumeric format is normally two or more letters followed by two or more digits, usually making up a block of five or six. L=letter & #=number. So it should read as LL#### or LLL##.
Codeword format is normally a short 3-5 letter word (sometimes corrupted or shortened slightly) followed by 2 or 3 digitis e.g. NOMAD33 or PIRAT36
One unusual callsign recently captured lacked the normal number portion - HIRICH
monitoringtimes.com/MilitaryCallsignList-APR09.pdf ยท PDF file
www.udxf.nl/MCL.pdf ยท PDF file
New planefag recruit hereโฆ Is this standard exercise for the Poseidon's out of Jacksonville? They're submarine hunters right?
Perfectly normal activities.
Sometimes they fly similar profiles over land.
You will see them flying patterns like this pretty much anywhere around the continental US.
Primary areas are Seattle, E & W Florida coasts, the gulf particularly around Pensacola, and the channel islands area off the California coast.
Check out some of the weblinks in posts in this bread for more info about the planes & military training areas.
Posts with important training info are generally headlined with bold red titles.
One of my fellow planefags created a cadet badge here feel free to use it >>1318216
Welcome aboard.
Order from Squad Leader to camp on AZAZ0909 yes? Found these habbenings just now. Looks like 98-00009 outbound from Davison and 00-01053 outbound from KC Int'l. Honored to serve.
Military Callsign Prefixes
RCH#### callsigns are 'regular' transport callsigns are an abbreviation of REACH.
PAT### = Priority Air Transport.
SAM = Special Air Movement.
Welcome cadet!
No Callsign
The mystery of the no callsigns seems to be a glitch in the ADSB system.
If you click on the 'No Callsign' you can get the registration.
Checking the registration picks up another 'hit' a few minutes flying time behind the 'no callsign'. This hit has the same registration.
N529JK Flight on 11-29-18
Stafford, VA to Stafford, VA
In scanning this flight path, I saw the usual array or churches, schools, waterways. The plane circled Lake Anna State Park where there once was an active gold mine. In looking up gold mines in VA, I wondered if abandoned mines are being used for ways and means to get trafficked kids to DC?
The area has access to highways, waterways, and abandoned mines, all pointed out by this flightpath. Interdasting to find "White Owl Landing" beside the state park.
I took a look at some of the church websites. Nothing jumped out at me in symbolism, but that would not rule out a possible pipeline in this area.
This came up today in general regarding tracking Air Force 1, which I'm pretty sure never uses a civil aviation transponder.
Using FlightAware (and others), you can see the TFR's (Temporary Flight Restrictions) when AF1 is inbound. Other TFR's can be issued for various reasons including wildfires etc.
These are also posted on FAA website.
ADSB No Planes on Map
ADSBexchange sometimes develops a glitch and it stops loading the tracks/palanes on the radar map.
If this happens go to settings and click 'remove all' this will reset the default settings
You might need to reboot and will need to redo you filters if you are using them.
Link to the settings -
While GHWB funeral going on, SAM875 (looks to be 757 typically used by VP) circling over Syracuse & a KC10 in a holding pattern NW of Washington DC. Any thoughts?
So last night I tried to post a breaking news item involving a jet that lost pressure and had to make an emergency landing at SeaTac airport in Seattle. Well, it took me a full two breads before I was able to. :
โถAnonymous 12/04/18 (Tue) 22:25:45 ID: 3f30b2 (2) No.4160049>>4160056 >>4160059
SeaTac Airport emergency landing, decompression at 40,000ft. No sauce. Looking. Was on the radio, KOMO am Seattle
Anyways, I couldn't get any info off the web, I had originally hear the story on our local AM radio station KOMO, and they had nothing on their website either. I went to bed thinking it was all a mistake on my part but today found one tidbit which I will post next post as I am a phone fag and my phone sucks when I navigate the web it erases the last page and all data in forms.
Best and only sauce on the Interwebs I could find this morning :
Passengers safe after Alaska Air flight leaving Ketchikan makes emergency descent
James Brooks
14 hrs ago
So I dug some more and found the original news story that MSN used:
Passengers safe after Alaska Air flight leaving Ketchikan makes emergency descent
James Brooks
14 hrs ago
JUNEAU โ A cabin depressurization warning triggered an emergency descent and rapid landing for an Alaska Airlines jet traveling from Ketchikan to Seattle on Tuesday night.
Flight 64, the evening โmilk runโ flight through Southeast Alaska that originates in Anchorage, was on the last leg of its journey when pilots were alerted to a possible problem with the air pressure within the planeโs passenger cabin. At the time, the plane โ a Boeing 737-700 โ was 41,000 feet above Vancouver Island, according to flight tracking service FlightAware.
Records indicate the pilots descended to 10,000 feet within eight minutes of the alarm. The flight continued at 10,000 feet and the pilots declared an emergency, allowing a speedy landing at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The flight ended up landing a quarter-hour earlier than scheduled.
An Alaska Airlines spokeswoman confirmed the incident but said pilots descended quickly enough that oxygen masks didnโt deploy aboard the aircraft. No passengers were injured.
The spokeswoman, who responded to questions by email, offered apologies to the passengers aboard the aircraft and said the plane will be removed from service.
She said she could not immediately confirm whether the pressurization warning was a false alarm or an actual cabin depressurization. That will be confirmed when the plane and its onboard data are fully inspected, she said.
About this Author
James Brooks
James Brooks covers state government, the Alaska Legislature and general assignments for the Daily News. He previously reported and edited for the Juneau Empire, Kodiak Daily Mirror and Fairbanks Daily News-Miner.
It's. Strange that there are only two articles.
Numbers point to 9/11 5:5. Is this related to a route used to take bodies? Similar flight path on both days shown.
Repost per anons' request
We have seen mil a/c with ADSB on then suddenly off. We don't know for sure their reasons for being seen or unseen. Over CONUS, ADSB receiver coverage is quite good, so if a plane disappears it likely turned its transponder off for a reason. Or the military could be performing electronic warfare countersurveillance operations that causes ADSB transponder messages not to reach the database.
Europe has good ADSB coverage. Elsewhere in the world, ADSB coverage is very spotty and planes disappear because there's nothing to receive and forwar their signals. The ADSB database we use consists of volunteer-owned receiver equipment forwarding messages to a web server.
What is this? I'm guessing it might be a drone (low / slow) but too new here to be certain.
Looks like it is probably another EC-45 helo.
If the system doesn't pick up all the details it will show a default symbol.
The eight digit number falls in the same sort of serial block as the helos listed above it.
011 indicates it is a 2011 registered plane & the last five digits fall into the same batch as the other EC-45s.
Speed & altitude also fall into the ballpark for a helo & match the other helos listed.
JSOC is also integrated with DoD Contractors who perform most of the ISR collection for target dev, who then passes off to Military assets for the FINISH.
This is a typical ISR pattern. Depending on the asset, looks like an E5 orbit. This is done to provide airborne surveillance pre, during and post event.
In light of the recent diggs on Arlington National Cemetery, is N529JK pointing to access and entry points, where trafficking is making its way to Arlington undetected? Underground?
Here's another Anon's diggs on Arlington and the Keystone:
We found a pedo church at Ramoth Baptist. Is this a pick up point or a meet-up spot for traffickers?
Riverways, highways, airfields, a spot across the bay in Easton are common points of interest in a number of N529JK's flights.
Is this all connected to Arlington? If we're on to something, please give us a loop around Ruby, VA and another around Roseville, VA?
112-page Military Callsign List
Newfag anon did some great work with N529JK's most recent flight. Sharing anon's work here for easy access:
Building from Newfag Anon's awesome work posted in bread #5679 >>4454026
I'm wondering if the overlay should instead be on top of the expressway loops northwest of the JFK assassination site? If so, the area Cessna N529JK did a double loop around would coincide with a row of tall buildings that have clear views of the assassination site:
Del-Tex Building
Dallas County Records Building
Dallas County Courthouse
Is N529JK confirming multiple sniper locations?
Useful new site for planefags!
The Aviation Herald
Tracks aircraft incidents
anybody else getting ads-b timeout?
FNG here. Is this the appropriate thread for the posting of findings re planes/destinations/activity?
Yes, but if you have something the research anons could use, you can also share there. It's slow and quiet here. Not much activity.
N529JK, Stafford, VA to Stafford, VA on January 2, 2019.
Churches, which I dug on a few, and found one with questionable pedo symbolism in their logo. They also are affiliated with a state-run child protection agency, which is always a red flag. Other churches didn't have much of a web presence.
Rivers, highways, two airportsโฆ.trafficking route? This area may have tunnels underground from old mines.
One area he circled was a battleground in the Civil War, part of Grant's Overland Campaign. Battle of North Anna, 1864, in the County of CAROLINE.
Flight times serve as timestamps, which we know through Q are critical for info and clues. Take off at 10:30 reminded me of 10/30, from Q Post #1. HRC detained. Possible hint?
of all us fags โฆ you guys and dolls are probably the best of the best hands down. so says this former C.A.P. cadet. SALUTE!
We have a 3:15 theme habbenin' this week.
Q watch: 3:15
(2) Flights from N529JK this week, 3:15 on flight times.
A loop around Busch (Bush) Gardens pointed me to the Zapruder Film. Shooting starts on film at 3:15.
[RBG] MIA. Birthday = 3/15.
Updated to include Bush 41.
January 11, 2019
N529JK - Hands on a clock!
Is January 25th a date to WATCH?
Also, check flight duration: 1 hr. 17 min. 1 + 17 = 18 = R.
Also wondering if departure time 4:30 points to Bush 43?
Wannabe planefag here. On 1/2/19 N529JK flew down to Nancyโs Corner as you have noted above. Inside that paperclip circle, I saw another church called Lebonon Tabernacle. There is also a Woodford Airpark just minutes from there according to google earth. Also that circle it made near the airport on the way back is a water plant on Able Lane. Not sure if either is relevant, but I thought Iโd throw it out there.
I follow everything JFK too.. just a hobby of mine. Thanks for all the help on here. My other favorite thing to do is watch planes and crazy flight patterns.
Been on 8chan for 2-3 years, 1st post ever.
Congrats on your first post! Honored it was in response to my Jan. 2nd graphic!
I did find that same church and the airport at Woodford. I couldn't find anything damning on any of their websites. The common theme on many of the N529JK flights seems to point to churches (see my Ramoth Baptist dig above - very blatant pedo stuff), child care facilities, rivers, highways. That's why I'm guessing these are trafficking routes.
We had a helped Anon here a few times who seemed to point us to more details but they haven't been here in a while. Feel free to jump in on any of these digs! I could use more eyes on some of these sites along 529JK's flightpaths.
Another interesting flight pattern from Cessna N529JK. Yesterday (Jan. 19th) the plane flew from Warrenton, VA to Stafford, VA. in a pattern that appeared to be shaped like an anchor around an area called Crow's Nest Natural Area Preserve.
CNNAP. Anchor.
CNN Anchor Anderson (Payseur)?
Anderson is C_A. Warrenton is a C_A training camp.
Flight scheduled take-off time 11:05 touches on an 11/05 Q post #113:
Who is A Cooper?
What is A Cooper's background?
Why is this relevant?"
Cooper is a Vanderbilt, and according to "The Bloodlines of the Illuminati", the Vanderbilts worked for the Payseurs.
Eyes on Anderson soon? Payseurs?
What ya think of JFK possibily being a Pedo? Notice the JFK Jr red shoes that can be seen at the JFK archives?
So does that make JFK a child sex abuser? To deny this red shoe clue because you may like him (I do and a great Pres), yet the fact is in photo's. If you do not investigate his connection and blow it off as garbage, you are now the criminal who is providing cover to save his crimes.
JFK was great, but he was recorded in the Oval office of the first recorded possible False Flag to sink a ship with 100s of lives lost in the Cubian missile crisis to have the nation support him to invade Cuba. He didn't do it, yet a recording exists and was discussed. JFK also had dozens of affairs while President, and was a needle junkie addict.
So remember the good, but also remember the FACTS of JFK
>What ya think of JFK possibily being a Pedo? Notice the JFK Jr red shoes that can be seen at the JFK archives?
>To deny this red shoe clue because you may like him (I do and a great Pres), yet the fact is in photo's
>the fact is in photo's
theres color in the photos, yes, including red shoes
is this the "facts" youre talking about?
>If you do not investigate his connection and blow it off as garbage, you are now the criminal who is providing cover to save his crimes
sounds like some absolutely retarded logic
especially given that your main argument is that the kid is wearing red shoes, in a picture from years ago
>to have the nation support him to invade Cuba
wat? no
he botched the whole thing on purpose to fuck with cianiggers and their plan to invade cuba
he didnt want anything to do with invading them. not the least because he himself was a bernie-tier socialist
>JFK also had dozens of affairs while President, and was a needle junkie addict
sounds like practically everyone that grew up in boston tbh
>remember the FACTS of JFK
you first tho
Search for plane missing near Alderney in the Channel Islands https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-guernsey-46954922
Alderney plane crash
The aircraft departed Nantes at 1915LT for Cardiff, carrying one passenger and one pilot. While cruising over the Channel Islands at an altitude of 5,000 feet in marginal weather conditions, the pilot requested to reduce his altitude after passing over Guernsey. Jersey ATC lost contact whilst it was flying at 2,300 feet. SAR operations were engaged on Monday night until 0200LT Tuesday and were re-deployed in Tuesday morning. For the moment, the wreckage has not been found. The registration N4432K (MSN 46-36639) was announced but not confirmed. It was reported the passenger was the Argentinian football player Emiliano Sala.
Oddly a bing quick search throws up a C-130 that was stolen in 1969 that crashed or was shot down in the same area. Spooky.
ATC-Anon here. FYI McGuire AFB (KWRI), Andrews AFB (KADW), and Travis AFB (KSUU) are the primary point for personnel movements. Mil aircraft can and will use other locations at times, but in the course of normal events, those 3 places are the desired takeoff and landing points for personnel flights. Dover (KDOV) and other locales handle cargo (yes, flights with bodies are taken in at KDOV.
19 hours ago, a possible LARP made this claim in /pol/
> "I do know when Donald Trump visits Europe that the pedo network go on holidays to Asia. Does this mean something or probably nothing?"
For shits and giggles, it might be worth cross-checking DJT visits to Europe vs. plane flights leaving Europe heading into Asia around the same time.
This type of correlated information, when made public here, can give friends in high places (with NSA trunk access who already know such things) the legal authority to conduct formal investigations.
Good luck.
you desk jockies make this former CAP cadet mightly proud. "up in the air junior bird men (and gals)" frens without feathers. KEK
There seems to be an up-tic in helicopter traffic in Ottawa. Noiseanon.
He has white shoes on, with red rubbers over them. I had a few pairs of red rubbers when I was a kid and my folks weren't pedos.
So I say no.
FNG here. Donโt know what it means but interesting.
FBI in Bogata today. Due to what's happening next door in Venezuela???
It's likely to be related to the unrest in Venezuela, or he gold shipment being blocked from VZ at the moment.
Every kid had red shoes back then. Very popular.
Makes me sick to think why it was pushed to the fashion scene. No Coincidences.
You gotta be kidding me.
Get a fucken life will ya?
The man MAY have been a pedophile (thereโs always a possibility for even fuckwits like you) but the shoes? Nup. Find evidence ya fucken numbnut.
The same as the possibility of Qtard being legit - none. Your shitposting is like all other idiotic shitposts that spew unnecessary hype to all the fake patriots. Are you from the Patriots' Litterbox? You are a libtard 'convert'?
Copied from >>5031265 (general bread #6424)
Seeing a few U2catches lately and excitement about being at 60K altitude. Know that all military flight that go very high only ever show 60K feet (actually FL600) for altitude. They go MUCH higher but ATC as well as ADSB will only display FL600. They are controlled by ATC using classified altitude codes where they operate in that range. No sauce, I am the sauce since I was one of the guys that handle them in Oakland ARTCC and elsewhere. If you see FL600 know the real altitude is much higher.
"The Monroe Doctrine Flight"
Another Cessna N529JK flight path, this one on February 2, 2019.
/OurPilot/ circled around the birthplace of James Monroe and numerous other sites nearby, dedicated to/named after President Monroe, POTUS #5 (1817 - 1825).
In looking into Monroe and what he is notable for, I was reminded of The Monroe Doctrine. Relevant in light of the current border situation and usurping by foreign governments? Is this flight path a call for Anons to review?
ADSB OUTAGE Feb 6th-10th
GPS air navigation may be unreliable or unavailable in a vast swath of airspace in the eastern U.S. and the Caribbean during a military exercise involving GPS jamming between Feb. 6 and 10.
I was going to report this incident earlier and ask for an assist in research as I am not a planefag, but given the recent mil activity around Los Angeles, it has now become even more relevant.
I've noticed a military blackhawk which travels the same flight path (I'm not sure how frequently, I've seen it twice at the same location) which had strange looking pods attached to both sides. Not fuel tanks. I tried to look up pictures to find a match, but couldnt find any. This was 1-2 months ago.
Then last week, I was talking to someone and they said that a military helicopter flew over their office building and everyone's cell reception and wifi internet access went down for up to 1 min after helicopter passed overhead.
<This incident occurred Friday, Jan 25th around 12:15pm over downtown Burbank, CA.
Can one of you use your planefag juju to see what you can dig up on this bird?
Other strange occurrences, FEMA was looking around for a place to setup temporary disaster relief management. They said something about we're just here to help the survivors and then go. CA wildfires ended a while back. I'm not sure what survivors they could be talking about. This was also last week.
Then this week comes and there's military helicopters landing in downtown LA and breaching and entering a skyscraper.
Now I hear someone said the mil entered a wells fargo location when they were in downtown and then today WF online accts and atms go down around the country?
Then reports of military ops in port of LB.
I was hearing lots of sirens from emergency vehicles around my place a few weeks ago prior to any of this. Though it might just be me but actually started listening to online police scanners (which i've never done b4) because it seemed so out of the ordinary.
I'm not sure if this is nothing, but if you can dig any info on that bird and let me know if you've heard anything else, it would be good to know if I should be anticipating anything serious that could potentially come up around here.
Thnx guys
The pods you mention sound like they may be electronic warfare jamming pods.
These pods can be fitted to a wide variety of aircraft/helos.
Many aircraft also carry recon/targetting pods containing camera/infrared/radar/laser/electronic systems.
Some pods are quite small (about the size of a small missile) otheres are quite large such as the image here (roughly the size of a fuel tank).
There are many varieties of pods so it is difficult to know exactly what was being carried.
>The pods you mention sound like they may be electronic warfare jamming pods.
Thanks. Hard to ID that pod from a side angle as I saw from underneath, but probably right. Do you know where I can look up details on the below flight from a week ago?
>Can one of you use your planefag juju to see what you can dig up on this bird?
There is a list of sites near the top of this bread that can be accessed free.
Military flights a difficult to track live yet alone trying to find old flights.
If they don't want to be tracked for security reasons then there is little that we can do about it.
Often they will drop off the tracking systems without warning.
Combat planes like fighters and special operations flights rarely show up unlesss it is a training flight.
To find any data would need more info to begin with, aircraft type, callsign, tail#, departure/destination airfield etc.
Without more data it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
>Combat planes like fighters and special operations flights rarely show up unlesss it is a training flight.
So if you knew for a fact that one flew over a certain place at a certain time, but it did not show up on tracking systems, then you can assume that it was not a training flight and was actually an active operation?
>To find any data would need more info to begin with, aircraft type, callsign, tail#, departure/destination airfield etc.
Is there a system where one can go back through time and look at a location to see what has been passing over?
So if you knew for a fact that one flew over a certain place at a certain time, but it did not show up on tracking systems, then you can assume that it was not a training flight and was actually an active operation?
You can only assume that they did not want to be tracked for whatever reason, it might still be a training or non-operational flight however.
You cannot infer anything much about them not wanting to be tracked.
Is there a system where one can go back through time and look at a location to see what has been passing over?
Outside of military secure access I am not aware of any system for tracking back through time.
The only real option is to follow plane spotting forums on various websites blogs etc and see if anyone else has spotted/recorded the movements.
Got it thnx
Just now in Lewiston, Maine Two low flying helicopters following each other, looks like they have an antenna on the front as if looking for something? Tracing underground tunnel? Not sure what kind of helo they are..
CH53 (USMC/USN) or MH53 (USAF)
CH-53/MH-53 are heavy transport helicopters. The long 'antenna' is actually an in-flight refuelling probe.
Definitely not looking for tunnels with the refuelling probe.
Has anyone found the bread for AF1/Classified flight to LV for POTUS's meeting at The Four Seasons? I have been searching since Q's post, and haven't found a thing about the flight. This one is VERY personal to me.
Q92 - 4 Nov 2017 - 10:55:46 PM
Did AF1 land at McCarran?
What unmarked tail numbers flew into McCarren that night?
Trace AF1 that entire day.
What do you notice?
Is N529JK telling us POTUS is about to bring the pain to Dubya Bush?
Have you seen this Q Research board search engine? It might help you zoom in on what you're looking for. It works pretty well, I've used it a few times when I needed to go back into a bread to look for something. Good luck!
>>5251857 (off bread)
>>5251576 ( " ")
>moar background
>What if an aircraft owner does not meet FAA requirements?
>Foreign nationals and others who are not eligible for aircraft ownership under the FAA requirements may still be interested in registering their aircraft. For these individuals, establishing a trust is the best way to maintain FAA registration in the United States.
>What is an aircraft trust?
>An aircraft trust is set up to give the airplane ownership to a trustee who meets the FAA registration requirements on behalf of the true owner. In the trust, the true owner is known as the trustor or trust beneficiary. The title and registration are held in the trusteeโs name. The FAA has access to aircraft trust filing paperwork, giving them the identity of the beneficiary.
>What are the advantages of a trust?
>Trusts are primarily set up when aircraft owners do not meet the requirements to register their airplane with the FAA. The FAA is widely accepted, and aircraft that maintain their registration generally have higher resale values.
>While FAA registration is the primary reason for aircraft trusts, they also might be set up for structural purposes, simplification purposes, or convenience. Whatever the reason, a trust can be maintained for an indefinite period of time.
>How does an aircraft trust work?
>A plane is placed in trust and the title of the aircraft is registered to the name of the trustee. The beneficiary of the trust owns a beneficial interest in the trust.
>All correspondence from the FAA goes to the Owner Trustee, who then forwards that information to the beneficiary.
>An operating or lease agreement is created between the beneficiary (or a separate 3rd party) and the trustee, giving the right to operate the aircraft back to the beneficial owner.
>The Operator is obligated to insure, maintain, and operate the aircraft in accordance with FAA requirements.
>The beneficiary can dissolve the trust at any time for any reason.
>The title can be transferred back to the beneficiary at any time, although they may not be able to maintain the FAA registration.
>The trustee cannot sell the aircraft without the beneficiaryโs permission.
>The Trustee receives all correspondence from the FAA and passes it on to the beneficiary owner.
found this on General bread & thought it would be of interest to planefags
I'm trying to determine which craft are leaving the persistent "contrails" in my area. They fly higher than commercial craft, and usually on very steep flight paths. I can see them in the air, but they don't show up on ADS-B Exchange, Flightaware, or Radarbox. Am I using the wrong software, or are they untrackable?
The software is very simple to use so there is not really a question of using it properly.
Just make sure that any filters eg military, helicopters etc are cleared so that all flights show.
Only the planes that are actively 'squawking' on ADSB are tracked.
The system works by the plane transmitting ID & other data periodically.
This data is collected by ground stations & uploaded to the tracking sites.
If the planes are not transmitting or the ground stations are not uploading then the planes will not show up on the trackers.
In my experience the thick persistent trails usually occor at altitudes below that at which a 'normal' trail would form.
Generally contrails normally occur at heights around 30000ft give or take a few thouand feet according to daily atmospheric conditions.
This is the normal cruising altitude for airliners, at that height it is very difficult to see a plane with the naked eye yet alone pick out details of the plane.
A normal contrail needs three things, humidity, atmospheric pressure change, and sub-zero temperature to form ice crystals and only at heights around 30000ft are these three thing reliably consistent.
Not sure what you meen by 'very steep flight paths' because at the altitudes the trails are seen at the planes will be flying straight and level.
Thanks for the explanation.
The flight paths almost resemble those in the NASA diagrams of vapor tracers (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sounding-rockets/tracers/index.html), but not quite as steep. The craft look like they might be drones. They aren't fighters or commercial planes. They can only be seen with really good binoculars.
Think this might need another look at, https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Western_Global_Airlines_N545JN https://www.kenyatalk.com/index.php?threads/the-mysterious-flight-n545jn.85344/
Needs further investigation.
Just wanted to say hello and to say how grateful I am to not be asleep and being brainwashed into thinking potus is someone who is against the American people and out to hurt us, rather he is the complete opposite, thank you me president Trump cant wait to meet one day
About 6-9 small aircraft with s-codes blocked left southern Florida to a small number of islands. One is POTUS. All small craft but the one with no flight info.
Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List
It's an aggregate for commercial aviation incidents worldwide.
From their website:
>The Aviation Herald concentrates on "Air Transport", meaning in general The Aviation Herald will report only about commercial flights or commercial operators involving airplanes with 19 passenger seats or more.
>Incidents will be reported only during active flights from entering the takeoff runway to leaving the landing runway, other incidents at the gate or during taxi are summarily dismissed.
>Accidents involving commercial flights with 19 or more seats are reported as soon as The Aviation Herald gets to know about them.
Planefags activate. Expect mass exodus south and east.
Atlantic and Mexico ways (running for exits)? or south and east relative a smaller area (e.g. Iowa)?
>A google earth flight path layer that displays planefag flights in 3d
>> Find API for flight data
>> Pull callsign/id from a folder of planefag images (OCR?)
>> Acquire flight data and insert into Google Earth Engine
>> Bonus: Create a timeline filter to animate flights chronologically
interesting uuuuuge unmarked 4 prop landing in Naples, Fl
Mum BritAnon here
Do any planefags live near military bases and observe in person, or do you guys all do it remotely via radio/internet?
Only asking because in my daily routine as a mum/housewife e.g. hanging out the washing, gardening, walking to shops, school, etc. I notice all the planes from our local USAF bases (they're all over the Eastern half of England) going over. I'm not an obsessive planefag but I do notice the patterns of what's going over because it just matches up with my weekly routine.
The patterns changed recently.
Living here, we were always intrigued by the Ospreys (is it a plane or a helo?) and their capabilities. I did a mini-dig and found that they were to move 11 of them to Mildenhall in 2012 or after, except I've lived nearby since 2007 and for sure those Ospreys were at Mildenhall between 2010 and 2012 because I always saw them on my way home to my old house.
The recent changes I've noticed last few years are rarely seeing the AWACS nowadays, which I used to see regularly 2012-2016. Seeing more fighters (F-15 I think, although difficult to tell exactly). Most recent changes i.e. 2018+ I've noticed are much more heavy large planes around than previous years.
Not sure if this is of any help to anyone but thought I may as well mention
I can't speak for my fellow planefags but Ibelieve most of us planefags do our stuff remotely using ADSB or similar tracking programmes.
There are links to these trackers elsewhere in this bread.
I wish there were more people like you giving us heads up about local changes in the traffic, particularly the military movements as much of this activity does not show up on the trackers.
From my experience the changes in activity can be just as important as the actual individual flights.
ukanon planefag.
maybe we need to reach out to local enthusiasts in a discreet way. there are plenty of mums in the villages around east anglia, lincolnshire, and yorkshire counties who would know about this sort of stuff.
Not just in the UK but all over the world too.
btw the pic was to help your F-15 spotting. :)
Navy P-3 Orion out of PaxRiver doing laps over Hagerstown, MD
Spotted a U2 earlier tonite doing low altitude laps over Beale AFB, N of Sacto Ca on:
>Beale AFB U2's
From the look of the flight path, likely approach & landing training. They keep a few out there on the flight line. Bing/Goog screencaps:
Saw this the other night
i recognise thatโฆ it's at RAF Cosford. Off to see it on Saturday!
>>6004155 Yep. it was F15s
I was at Thetford Forest and they swooped down so low I thought a BIG HABBENING was going on that we didn't know about! Turned out ot be nothing.l cared the crap out of everyone though.
Today we saw a LOT of big heavy USAF planes in the Lakenheath/Mildenhall area. Including an air-to-air refueller, which I've not seen for a while.
Q team must have been on board! KEK
SAM707 is Oscar Mike - Westbound heading out over the Atlantic from UK
Planefags, does anyone have screencaps from March 26th and 30th, 2018 of CONUS? Working on a theory involving Saudi and UAE A/C.
Did a massive dig and have handwritten notes, but the history has been scrubbed from ADS-B and I was such a newfag at the time - didn't know enough to save everything. HZ101 did a tour of cities that are home to Fed Reserve Banks including a couple of back and forths between San Fran/Seattle and NY/Boston.
Thnx. in advance for what you might have.
Plane doing many circles Chesapeake Bay 10:14 Eastern 11April2019
I Love you plane fags - No - Homo If one of you could answer my humble question?
My journey since I've been on here, not necessarily q research - the boards in general.
MAN - what a fkin journey, Thanks to all you Anons that have chimed in randomly with certain snipets into Real Life.
I realise I am connected, but not in the way you think. Think moar in the terms of "Dial Up"
If any ANON (PLANEFAG) could post a screen shot of the plane Doing a star of David over the sea somewhere - the post was roughly 1st June, unfortunately - i can't say which year?
That is when the dial up for me started, when dial up commenced software / firmware? upgrade was recieved. - Like I say, connected.
Since thenโฆ.. I will continue if plane fags can retrieve the star of David incl time of post etc, as i need to re-read a few threads.
(This was meant for Q research, but I thought I'd ask you anons direct).
don't you 404 on me
Hey guise, have a very important planefag request which I will be happy to answer the WHY I am asking depending on the answer.
What I need to know isโฆwere there ANY official Brit planes / helicopters that landed in / around LA from the beginning of April that went to RAF Northolt? Northolt closed for resurfacing 15 April, however I think a Helicopter could still land.
There's a rumor that RAF picked up Doria Ragland in LA and dropped her at RAF Northholt and she has been there since 12 April.
I do not know how to planefag but I am pretty sure you can turn back time and poke around if you know what you're looking for.
The reason is the end is near for the blackmail charade involving the NXIVM / MMarkle bullshit and it LOOKS like in order to wiggle out the BRF is going to claim she is mental and her mom came in to comfort her. People are making all kinds of shit up at this point. MM is NOT pregnant. BUT had hoped to pull off a home birth and present a baby. Some speculate Ragland is still in LA, or was charged with bringing a baby inโฆor to help cover the mentally ill bullshit story to cover the blackmail story.
Any help verifying any RAF planes in the area. I am sure it would have to be a plane unless it was Helicopter that picked her up, flew to RAF plane, flew across Atlantic, landed and transferred to Helicopter which then went on to Northholt?
Halp. Thanks.
N529JK today, June 3rd.
Are you showing us a transportation hub for trafficking? Shannon Airport, Rt 17, and out the Rappahannock River?
I wish I had the ability to stack these flight paths together on a single map. FlightRadar24 doesn't have that feature.
Please let us know somehow when we're on the right track. Circle Ruby and Roseville? Thanks, fren.
N529JK June 4th flights:
Tie into Q#80?
Are you showing us Alice in Wonderland rabbit holes?
N529JK: Follow the Tie
N529JK flew to Martha's Vineyard today. On the way, the plane buzzed by 2 of Jackie Kennedy's former homes.
C560 flight serial numbers of C560s that are known to use the AZAZ0909 call sign
โ RCH#### = 'Regular' transport callsigns, abbreviation of REACH
โ PAT### = Priority Air Transport
โ SAM = Special Air Movement or Special Air Mission
โ SPAR = Special Priority Air Movement
โ CNV#### = Convoy, used by Navy transports e.g. C-40 (version of Boeing737). Same role as Air Force C-40s to transport primarily personnel and/or light freight