Anonymous ID: f21b30 Aug. 19, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.2672769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2778 >>3176 >>3198

Part One


I'm reading the various historical publications of the Tyler Kent affair. It confirms for me that the currently consensus view of WW2 history still today remains quite deliberately falsified and impartial.


Tyler Kent is still being portrayed in quite childish pantomine adjectives, e.g. as "a quite horrid man" and "a rotter".


His main wicked crimes being:

a.) that he believed certain collectives of Jews were the main instigators of Bolshevick Communism. Thus he is castigated as an "anti-semite". And

b.) he would rather have had Britain and America united with Germany against the perceived danger of the spread of Stalinist communism. That makes him "horrid". :roll:


The main two deceptions in this continuing portrayal seems to me to be:

1.) the blatantly false depiction of him (and members of the Right Club) as traitors and spys and

2.) the cover-up of the unconsitutional and dishonestly denied nature of the secret correspondence between Roosevelt and Churchill.


Tyler Kent WAS tried in secret and imprisoned in Britain DESPITE him being an American diplomat and therefore having diplomatic immunity. That fact alone demonstrates something very important and potentially damaging was being silenced. If Kent had been deported to America and tried there in public (which was the proper protocol), then there would have been no way of silencing his allegations. I.e. his secret trial and incarceration in a British Jail effectively silenced his extremely damaging proof of Roosevelt's unconstitutional behaviour and lies.


It also would have exposed the same regarding Churchill and his abuse of his position as Chief of the British Admiralty in using the British secret codes. Plus it exposed Churchill of having been involved in treason by secretly going behind his Prime Minister's back AND plotting his downfall with the head of another sovereign nation. If that is not treaonable behaviour what is?


The biggest and most damaging accusation Kent had against Roosevelt was that he was planning a.) how to get America into the war and b.) the conduct of America once they were in the war. All the while publically Roosevelt was lying to his electorate before an election by promising them that he would keep America out of that war.

Anonymous ID: f21b30 Aug. 19, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.2672778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3176 >>3198


Part Two


Despite this, all the accounts I have read (outside of revisionist circles) still claim the exposed secret correspondence was — in hindsight — "innocent".

In this way a deception is maintained that goes hand-in-hand with the holocaust mythology. It goes like this: Hitler is evil because he had concentration camps and labour camps in which millions died. Therefore anyone who saw him as a lesser evil in that 1940's stand-off between white-supremacist capitalism, Communism and Fascist/National Socialism is also to be regarded as 'evil'. Even though in 1940 those millions hadn't been incarcerated let alone died there.


The obvious moral contradiction and deliberate deception being that in 1940 Stalin had also been incarcerating millions in such camps for fifteen years in which many millions HAD died. How in hindsight is the Allied victor-version of history of being sympathetic and allied to that immoral mass-fatality better than opposing what occurred in Axis camps??


It makes no sense WITHOUT the portrayal of Hitler as the ultimate icon of evil. And that portrayal ONLY stands upright if you accept uncritically and obediently the flawed and exaggerated 'holocaust' narrative.


This is why Tyler Kent, Captain Archibald Ramsay, Sir Oswald Mosely, William Joyce, John Amery, The Duke of Windsor, the 5th Duke of Wellington, and all the other patriots favourable to Germany need continue to be portayed as traitors.


That is also why Churchill and Roosevelt still need to be dishonestly portrayed as 'heros' fighting 'evil' even though they were the real traitors in this particular case, who were behaving unconstitutionally and treacherously to their own people.


This deception needs to be maintained BECAUSE if that info had got out at the time, FDR would never have been re-elected, America wouldn't have joined the war, Chamberlain would have remained PM, Churchill would have never become PrimeMinister and the British parliamentarians and Royal family would have succesfully negotiated a peace deal with Germany. The war would have ended in 1940-41. None of the devastation and destruction of Europe would have occurred. Poland would have got back its sovereignty in Hitler's "generous" peace deal. Germany would have got back Danzig (Gdansk) and a corridor to East Prussia. The spread of communism would have been curtailed. No holocaust, no dropping of the Atom bomb, no mass-death by starvation as a result of Churchill's democidal blockade, no mass-murder of Germans by Churchill's carpet-bombing of civilian cities.

The advances in a fairer society initiated by Hitler in Germany based on sound socialist principles serving the majority rather than the few would have spread throughout Europe. The control of banking by greedy unethical international financiers would have been curtailed. The sharing of wealth amongst the working and middle classes away from the greedy grip of a small percentage would have been inaugurated. The standard of living of ALL Europe would have been raised. Hitler's plans for the architectural renovation of the unified German people at the centre of a European unification would have been implemented. The zionist enterprise which was already initiated in agreement with the NSDAP would have been resolved without mass fatalities. Etc., etc., etc.

Anonymous ID: f21b30 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:13 p.m. No.2672955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3098 >>3130 >>3198

This is precisely what Jewish groups did in England against Mosely's supporters in the 1930's.

This is precisely what Jewish groups did in Germany against Hitler and the NSDAP in their early days as a political organisation.


It was in fact Jews who organised anti-democratic violence and street fights. And it was Jewish international groups who wanted the war. As most here know, Jewish organisations declared it openly in 1933.

This is almost the EXACT OPPOSITE of what we are taught in schools and what most people believe.


Hitler rose to power in my opinion because he told the German people some truths that few dared mention. He did it by speaking to the people DIRECTLY and bypassing the prediminantly Jewish controlled newspapers. He was the very first politician in history to campaign using airplanes. That enabled him to speak in person in very many towns and cities in a short time. No-one had ever done that before. He crossed the whole of Germany landing often in fields, [there were few airports], and this enabled him to speak in town halls across the whole country.

There is a lie told relentlessly that he had some sort of evil charisma that hypnotised people. I think the truth is that he spoke from his own understanding without reading from prepared scripts. And he showed people that he understood and could articulate the problems of his times and he offered practical solutions. We aren't taught this.


He abided by the system and succeeded in democratic elections. We aren't taught that either.


Once in power he then thwarted the strategy of the unelected international elite. He took back the German economic independence from the international bankers and he removed Germany from their clutches. That in my understanding is precisely why Neville Chamberlain told Joseph Kennedy that "America and world Jewry had forced Britain to declare war" against Hitler. THIS is the unmentionable reality. This is why we aren't taught this. Because Hitler then becomes a genuine 'socialist' hero not the villain he has been presented to us as. He is then understood as a brilliant person of the people who worked tirelessly for the people. He didn't work for his own personal gain. He didn't use political power to amass a huge personal fortune like Blair, the Clintons, the Bush family, etc.

He was a genuine socialist and a nationalist.


International, predominantly-'Jewish' elites — then and now — control America and control the global investment organisations. These are the people who seek to control whoever is in power in every country so that they can control world resources and profit from international trade agreements. Then as now. People who want power and wealth become their lackeys. They successfully controlled Churchill.

Hitler upset all that. Hitler identified them and their immoral schemes and vowed to fight them.

Anonymous ID: f21b30 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.2673029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3051


Leave the board.

Go back to your jewtube.

Consume endless amounts of jew television about Hitler. Report back. Realize you have produced nothing of importance.


Later go see endless Hollywood movies.


Report back.




Fuck the fuck off faggot

Anonymous ID: f21b30 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:24 p.m. No.2673069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3135


Does he win?

Why are we in this situation if you supposedly saved the world?




Oh right you were lied to by jews your whole life and you are still clinging to their bullshit all these years later.



Anonymous ID: f21b30 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.2673147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3155 >>3173 >>3290


Thx anon but this board is completely fucking comped and Q is not helping the situation by lying and pushing blue pill history from cabal.


His followers are so fucking loyal they would blindly follow whatever he said. There is zero risk in telling the full truth and the jew media is already calling us anti semites and racists. So it is stupid to cuck and play the DR3 angle and the dems are the real fascists bullshit line as well.


This is not a truth movement.


This (by Q's actions) have proven to be a protect former democrat dishonest history movement.


Jews wini. Whites lose.


Lies win. Truth loses.

Anonymous ID: f21b30 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:38 p.m. No.2673226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3291


Not true. Q is real.

Q is lying about certain things due to cabal retardation of history. I don't like that.

So I challenge Q.

This is why you retards are incapable of understanding anything.

You are on the simple track.

I am on the above track where Q needs to prove to me that he is not a fucking zionist jew tool.

Where as you would be perfectly fucking fine with such a situation.


Get it?

Doubt it.

Anonymous ID: f21b30 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:40 p.m. No.2673255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3302


If blatant lies are going to exist in the entirety of the MSM and Internet then the one thing that the jews don't want discussed is going to be discussed at the one place it is allowed to be discussed.



Anonymous ID: f21b30 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.2673320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3337


Q is lying about antifa and fascism.

I could care less about fascism.

I guess you could say I am a truthist.


Q is lying about these issues.


Not cool.

Not smart.

Not gonna work.


I am exercising my free speech to call out Q and not blindly follow blatant lies about antifa and commies being "fascist"/


So fucking dumb its embarrassing.