One Of The Main Reasons Why The Mainstream Media And The Satanic Pedo Party Is Attacking, President Trump.
In response, to an unprecedented action by President Trump to vow publicly to remove the scourge of worldwide pedophilia has thousands of powerful psychopathic child rapists desperately waging an all-out siege to get rid of Trump before he gets rid of them.
The systematic kidnapping, torturing and raping of children by highly organized trafficking rings have barely if at all even scratched the surface of mainstream media coverage, which has chosen to act as a complicit accomplice and partner-in-crime in the unholiest of alliances with the child rapists themselves, consistently ignoring child sex trafficking rings being operated by powerful members of the world’s elite ruling class.
Why has the MSM censored those trying to spread the truth, exposing the unthinkable, evil acts done to children globally and about this monstrous epidemic within the Democrat or now referred to as the Satanic Pedo Party here in the US.
The systematic kidnapping, torturing, raping and murder of children by highly organized trafficking rings have barely if at all even scratched the surface of mainstream media coverage, in fact they ban, censor, shadow ban those speaking out and have s chosen to act as a complicit accomplices and partner-in-crime in the unholiest of alliances with the child rapists themselves, consistently ignoring child sex trafficking rings being operated by powerful members of the world’s elite ruling class, composed of government officials, Pope Francis, billionaires, pedowood (Hollywood Directors, Producers, TV and Music Industries, etc.), corporations and politicians.
And why mainstream media continues to ignore and pretend that this pure evil savagery isn’t happening anywhere is pure diabolical criminality in and of itself, especially when this epidemic has grown so egregiously out of control that human trafficking as modern day slavery hit a record high in 2016, by the enabliers Obama/Clinton.
The global intelligence community like the CIA, Mossad and MI6 has in fact functioned as pedo pimps for the rich, parasites and powerful, supplying them with child victims from poor communities, orphanages, foster care and group homes around the world, joining the sins of the church in destroying countless young people’s lives and then covering them up.
The heartrending video account by the Hampstead 9-year old sister and her 8-year old brother of satanic ritualized sexual abuse and sacrificial murder drew little response from local UK police other than place the innocent mother in jail. This same type of satanic ritualized sexual abuse and murder goes on around the world, India, etc. These cases typifies how the very agencies mandated to investigate and protect children instead become conduit layers to cover-up and protect the child rapists.
This will continue until the predators at the top of the pedo-food chain are summarily rounded up, indicted and sentenced (death penalty is even too good for these monsters).
It is more likely that General Michael Flynn lost his National Security Advisor job after only 24 days because Flynn was also determined to take down the pedophile cabal.
The entire crime cabal government stands to be destroyed if Trump successfully follows through on his campaign promise to “drain the [pedophilia-infested] swamp.” Trump is arresting pedophiles in masses, like never before.