What if hubby wants to use my top hole?
I guess I will have to put my fork down.
Fronthole or GTFO.
You can't vote in a Presidential Primary for anyone other than your party,
so you will want to change it before 2019 ahead of time.
It is done through the Voter Registration. You can get a form from DMV, the Library or Registrar of Voters in your town or city.
Now do one where you pull of a Hijab.
And yell "Fuck Islam".
Next, there will be tiny, skinny tampons for male front holes.
Trump just signed that in the last NoName Blll, if I'm not mistaken.
We were all over it a few days ago.
Hopefully it will pass.
I got one.
Clapper's trying to hold him back ……
Clapper's prob thinking "Hey Brennan, STFU you are drawing too much attention to us!"