Yeah, Q team is undoing the knots slowly to cause as little fraying of the rope as possible. All the waiting is irritating af for us early wakers tho.
>>2720548 lb
>a kickstarter campaign for "Holocaust - a real one this time".
>Just to mine some yid salt.
I think the salt mines are already running
I mean, think of it from their perspective:
The leader of the West and its full Military have not only made open alliance with /pol/, but are gunning up toward "saving Israel for last?"
Wew lads.
They've been drowning in salty tears since the get-go. They know they've already lost, we're just gently waking all the sleep-walkers so they don't hurt themselves. And we also need to do things by the book, bc it is the "armor of God" that prevents your enemy from taking you down on a process crime, (((their))) favorite. But you can read Sessions' confidence like a book, he knows it's a done deal.
>>2720565 lb
>More and more people are waking up and seeing them for the monsters they are.
>won't have any place on Earth to hide.
They won't be able to walk down the street.
This has happened b4 ofc (109X to be exact)
but never on this grand a scale
Ppl gonna be srsly pissed