Anonymous ID: d9d070 Q Research General #3436: We Are Enjoying The Show Edition Aug. 23, 2018, 11:09 p.m. No.2720539   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- The Great Awakening (Caps: >>2685833 , >>2697454 )


Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )


Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )


Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or β€œsigners” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their β€œXBOX Live” accounts…?


Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI


Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- or >>>/comms/226

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: d9d070 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:10 p.m. No.2720544   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


are not endorsements



>>2653167 BO's reminder to ignore shills

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -Theme)


#3435 Baker Change

>>2719863 Interdasting POTUS tweeted these these things the same day as Q's first post

>>2719891 >>2720280 S&B digs

>>2719827 >>2719953 Is President Trump β€œSetting the Table” to Attack Big Pharma on Vaccines?

>>2719942 CNN debate goes off the rails as Kellyanne Conway lays into Chris Cuomo

>>2719969 On Game Theory

>>2719990 DoD has taken over giving out security clearances (from June)

>>2720004 >>2720205 >>2720236 Bill & Hillary were at Zach Lasry's Wedding Held At Weinstein's Estate last weekend (with pics)

>>2720008 Thousands of Children in the UK Foster Care System Are Being Sold to Pedophile Rings (from June)


>>2720128 >>2720208 POTUS wants to shut this down: National Endowment for Democracy

>>2720286 NASA Says 500-Foot Wide Asteroid Approaching Earth Is 'Potentially Hazardous'

>>2720395 >>2720309 >>2720358 >>2720422 Rabbi blessing of Ramaphosa and denial of South Africa white expropriation/genocide

>>2720518 #3435



>>2719551 , >>2719633 Ex-vaccine scientist testimony

>>2719429 Archer episode talks a lot about MK Ultra & Q Clearance >>2719482

>>2719430 National Demographic Institute (NDI) dig

>>2719365 New Q Proof? POTUS talks on Fox about Podesta's indictment

>>2719161 House GOP Gives Twitter CEO Dorsey Deadline on Testimony

>>2719078 , >>2719086, >>2719496, >>2719684, >>2719698, >>2719488 S&B digs

>>2719069 , >>2719095 Russian Twitter bots sow discord around vaccinations

>>2719074 , >>2719065, Scott Morrison voted next prime minister

>>2719061 China seriously concerned about Aus 5G security rules

>>2719047 Elon Musk hires Morgan Stanley to help take Tesla private

>>2719045 , >>2719273 Scott Morrison: Australia's new PM

>>2719551 , >>2719633 Ex-vaccine scientist testimony

>>2719429 , >>2719482, >>2719747 Archer episodes: MK Ultra, Q Clearance & Vanderbilt Pool

>>2720037 #3434



>>2718860 NED dig: New Chairman elected

>>2718812 , >>2718882, >>2718915 Sauce for Turnbull's resignation

>>2718805 , >>2718809 'Trust Sessions'

>>2718800 China Calls Trade Talks With US β€˜Constructive

>>2718739 Former FBI agent's thoughts on the sealed indictments

>>2718551 Fire at Tesla production plant in Fremont, extinguished >>2718605

>>2718507 Anon maps out the Plan

>>2718399 , >>2718513 Australia: PM Malcolm Turnbull to leave parliament immediately

>>2718357 Motivational post: Straighten it the fuck up

>>2718351 , >>2718864 @USMC, Q and photographs of cannons

>>2718926 #3433



>>2718142 Q has referenced @POTUS_Schedule

>>2717914 @POTUS_Schedule and the legalities of impersonating

>>2717848 Where Is? People/Sightings Updates

>>2717773 Raniere's patent to remote control aircraft: Update

>>2717744 Clare Bronfman's lawyer makes second request to free her from house detention

>>2717643 Matthew Bronfman, 17th Floor, 17 Rothschild Project, Rothschild Boulevard

>>2717575 Resignations in the news today

>>2717546 @USMC Tweet 'MAKE IT RAIN'

>>2718181 #3432



>>2717158 POTUS_Schedule tweets 'TRUST THE PLAN'

>>2717150 Found the DOJ FOIA "glitch" >Bruce Ohr about to testify

>>2717017 National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Dig

>>2716982 CENTCOM chief, Army Ranger General Joseph Votel. Dig

>>2716925 , >>2717150 DOJ: Unable to Give Judicial Watch Fusion GPS Documents Due to a β€œGlitch”

>>2716842 , >>2716860 Two part post on civil war and riots

>>2716827 Leftover campaign funds & campaign debt: Who swallows the loss?

>>2716804 Arkanon/S&B digs: Red doors will show the way

>>2716792 WaPo Article admits Dossier project not reported to FEC

>>2716774 Sen. BLUNT Stmt, EPA cleanup of nuke waste dump owned by Catholic Church. Theory

>>2716751 Grassley’s 08/23/18 Statement re Judge Kavanaugh's Confirmation

>>2716746 Notable 'Think mirror' theory

>>2717391 #3431



Previously Collected Notables

>>2716607 #3430

>>2714281 #3427, >>2715040 #3428, >>2715804 #3429

>>2711958 #3424, >>2712745 #3425, >>2713503 #3426

>>2709607 #3421, >>2710265 #3422, >>2711252 #3423

>>2707381 #3418, >>2708164 #3419, >>2708851 #3420

>>2704970 #3415, >>2705787 #3416, >>2706592 #3417


Best Of Bread:

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Anonymous ID: d9d070 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:10 p.m. No.2720545   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism


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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

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Most recent compilation β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€” >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)Earth Day.jpg β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg β€”β€”β€”β€” >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

Anonymous ID: d9d070 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:10 p.m. No.2720546   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic


Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

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Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions


Anonymous ID: 99a37a Aug. 23, 2018, 11:23 p.m. No.2720615   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun






Reporter: There are rumors that you're going to fire him after the midterms, and Rosenstein, they also want these documents they're wondering if you will use you're power to get these documents released?


President Trump: Yeah. At the right time, I think I'm going to have to do the documents. I didn't want to. But I think I gonna have to. There's such corruption. Before I got here. It's from before I got here. It's the Obama administration. And you look what happened. They surveilled my campaign. It's very simple. The FISA report. The phoney fake -


Reporter: Rosenstein signed the last FISA report


President Trump: Ahh it bothers me it's always bothered me


Reporter: Will you fire him, will you fire sessions?


President Trump: Well, I'll tell you what, as I've said, I wanted to stay uninvolved, but when everybody sees what's going on in the justice department, I always put justice now with quotes, it's a very very sad day, Jeff sessions recused himself, which he shouldn't have done. Or he should have told me….




what a coincidence

Anonymous ID: a408e0 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:24 p.m. No.2720617   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0620 >>0637 >>0995

Feds find a tunnel leading from the kitchen of an old KFC in Arizona to a trap door in a bedroom in Mexico which smugglers pulled bags of drugs along using a rope

The tunnel ran for 200 yards between San Luis in Arizona to San Luis Rio Colorado in Mexico

It was built by Ivan Lopez who bought the old KFC in April this year for $340,000

Police arrested Lopez for a traffic violation on August 13 and found him with $1.1million worth of drugs

They were in toolboxes in his truck which he had just driven out of the old KFC

The tunnel is 5ft tall, 3ft wide and 22ft deep and leads to a Mexican compound

The other entrance to it is found at a trap door under a bed in the property

Federal border patrol agents have found a suspected drug tunnel leading from Mexico to the kitchen of a former KFC in Arizona.


The tunnel ran from San Luis in southern Arizona across the border into San Luis Rio Colorado, less than a mile away. It is 22 feet deep, 5 feet tall, 3 feet wide and runs for 600ft into Mexico.


Agents believe the smugglers were using ropes to pull them along. Police discovered it after arresting the owner of the old KFC during a traffic stop.

On August 13, police in Arizona stopped Ivan Lopez and found 18 kilograms of methamphetamine, six grams of cocaine, three kilograms of fentanyl, 13 kilograms of white heroin and six kilograms of brown heroin in his truck.


The combined street value of the drugs is $1,165,800. The fentanyl alone was enough for three million doses.

Lopez, who lives in Yuma, Arizona, had just driven away from the former fast food restaurant where he was seen lifting toolboxes out of the property.


The drugs were found inside the toolboxes.


He bought the abandoned property in April with cash, paying $389,000 for it

It sits just a few hundred yards from the border.


Police say the construction of the tunnel would have been expensive.


'This tunnel would take this drug trafficking organization a long time to construct and would have been very expensive.


'Such an endeavor necessarily requires a combination of several individuals on both sides of the border, engaged in an intricate, risky transnational conspiracy to construct such a secretive structure,' Border Patrol Agent Scott Brown said at a press conference on Wednesday.


Lopez, who has previous arrests in Arizona for drug possession, drug dealing and traffic offenses, was taken into custody.

Anonymous ID: b60eb4 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:26 p.m. No.2720623   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Q told us to



What if we had already been warned?

It must be something in the water


This song is by

Coleman Hell


Take away the two towers at the end

And rearrange the remaining letters

Coleman He



Will somebody who changes colors,

Try to poison us

By adding something to the water?


What about SYNTHETIC FENTANYL derivatives

Which are know to be 100 times more potent

And we really don't know how much more powerful it can be made

What if the UK Novichok poisoning

Was actually caused by a tiny trace of

Synthetic Fentanyl

That the culprits accidentally ingested?

Remember that Q had warned about a poison

That was being shipped from China

To Europe, to the UK…

Anonymous ID: 4c4899 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:26 p.m. No.2720628   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

What a beautiful song, here are the lyrics:

"All vows, and prohibitions, and oaths, and consecrations, and konams and konasi and any synonymous terms, that we may vow, or swear, or consecrate, or prohibit upon ourselves, from the previous Day of Atonement until this Day of Atonement and from this Day of Atonement until the [next] Day of Atonement that will come for our benefit. Regarding all of them, we repudiate them. All of them are undone, abandoned, cancelled, null and void, not in force, and not in effect. Our vows are no longer vows, and our prohibitions are no longer prohibitions, and our oaths are no longer oaths."

Anonymous ID: 4f5990 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:28 p.m. No.2720635   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0659 >>0662 >>0669 >>0948



Who is the 45th president?

What year did Trump go to Russia?

Think Pissgate?

What years did DR visit to NK again?


Where did #45 first meet DR?

Think Kohai.

How long do you think "Trust the Plan" goes back?

Pre-Election 77777777.



Anonymous ID: a15f40 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:28 p.m. No.2720637   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0651


So here's what we do.

Convince Antifa that DRRRRUMPF! is holding children away from their families in every abandoned residence along the border.


Not only is no one going there to care for the children often enough to spot them…

There's no power.

There's no food.

There's no medical care.


These children must be reunited with their lubbing mummies and popsicles!!!

Anonymous ID: 5ef5a2 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:29 p.m. No.2720640   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0816 >>1154 >>1356

A Radioactive Device Has Gone Missing in Malaysia. Police Are Working 'Round the Clock' to Find it


Malaysia has stepped up efforts to locate missing radioactive material, forming a β€œround the clock” task force to track down a device that disappeared from a pickup truck earlier this month.

Amid escalating exposure fears, police and the Atomic Energy Licensing Board launched a special task force on Thursday, pledging to locate the potentially dangerous material, Channel News Asia reports. Singapore also said its checkpoints are on alert.

The missing radiography instrument is said to contain an unknown amount of radioactive iridium, which authorities have said it could spread contamination if handled improperly.

Put into the wrong hands, radioactive material could also be used to create a crude nuclear device, a so-called β€œdirty bomb.” The U.N.’s nuclear watchdog agency has warned that stolen or otherwise unauthorized radioactive materials can wind up being used by militants.

Malaysian officials have said there is no indication that the missing device has fallen into the hands of terrorist groups.

The industrial radiography device, called a Sentinel Delta 880, was being transported 30-miles from the town of Seremban to Shah Alam on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, the capital, when it went missing on Aug. 10. Two technicians reportedly put the instrument in the back of the truck, but when they arrived at their destination an hour later, it was gone.

β€œSo far, the police have not received any new lead on the matter,” local police chief Mazlan Mansor said on Thursday.

A similar device reportedly went missing in Malaysia last year, according to state media.

β€œThis incident is not the first and it is understood that it also happened last year,” Mohamad Fuzi, Inspector-General of Police, said earlier this week.

In 2016, 189 incidents of missing or unauthorized nuclear and other radioactive material from all over the world were reported to the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:29 p.m. No.2720643   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0650 >>0668 >>0676


I don't think the violent reaction would be good.

Infrastructure damage, human suffering, added weakness that opens vectors of attack by other foreigh powers, etc, etc.

Better roll out the info slowly, like we're doing here.

Trump and team, Q and MI know better.

Remember, the cabal NEEDS the chaos, we want to deprive them of that tool in their tool box too.

My opinion is that we do what we have been doing, but if SHTF (it only will if something goes terribly wrong, so not likely), its open season then.

But if no SHTF, then no violence.

Anonymous ID: b60eb4 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.2720653   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

WATCH the water.



There must be something in the water

lyrics by Coleman Hell


Twin Towers 9/11 Boaz and Jachin

(9 letters) ll = 9/11

CHAMELEON ll = 9/11 sacrifice of MANY PEOPLE


There must be something in the water

Someone is changing their color

And there must be something about your daughter


Whose daughter? Is she ordering fentanyl analogs

from China?

Like Carfentanil, 100,000 times more powerful

To put in the US water supply

And kill millions!!! ???


John Brennan has two daughters

What do we know of them?

Anonymous ID: b60eb4 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:34 p.m. No.2720658   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



On the right somebody is starting to pile up dirt

And the dump truck loads are evenly spaced.

On the left the amount of dirt has turned into a big pile. It's like somebody was excavating an underground bunker somewhere along those roads.>>2720642

Anonymous ID: a15f40 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:35 p.m. No.2720659   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0663 >>0672 >>0740


Canadians Weeds Bruuuuuuh

Seems to be Trump but how are you numbering things? -tokes-

Didn't you already say?

Golly, round then? "He was in the area… he cooooooulda hopped a plane for watersports…"

Same year, I thought you said.

I'm guessing a game. Billionaires… Sportsball… Vegas… Probably go way back.

How long has Q+ been mentoring DR? Is that why he stopped being "so" weird?

"God's Plan"? Ugh, you're no a Calvinist, are you?

Kaio-ken x 77777777

Q-1 (((them)))-0


Anonymous ID: 56846e Aug. 23, 2018, 11:35 p.m. No.2720662   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0672 >>0682 >>0751 >>1228



Covered some here: >>2720454

C-45 - 45 - POTUS - Trump(45th potus)


Went to Russia in 2013, same year DR went to NK, plan going into motion (gathering the good actors against the cabal)


Earliest relation I can find between DR and Trump is 2009 on celebrity apprentice, but it probably goes back further.


>how long does 'truth the plan' go back

decades at least..


>pre election 77777… get.



Enjoying the show.

Anonymous ID: ad5c91 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:36 p.m. No.2720665   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0673 >>0690 >>0816 >>1154 >>1356


>On some level, you have to hold California accountable.

From where I am sitting the voters of California took care of this shit before it came a problem. Looks like the federal government screwed us over and then the problem got exported elsewhere. California is not and never was the problem.,Illegal_Aliens_Ineligible_for_Public_Benefits(1994)

Anonymous ID: e8a1d1 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:37 p.m. No.2720668   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Yeah, Q team is undoing the knots slowly to cause as little fraying of the rope as possible. All the waiting is irritating af for us early wakers tho.


>>2720548 lb

>a kickstarter campaign for "Holocaust - a real one this time".

>Just to mine some yid salt.


I think the salt mines are already running

I mean, think of it from their perspective:

The leader of the West and its full Military have not only made open alliance with /pol/, but are gunning up toward "saving Israel for last?"

Wew lads.


They've been drowning in salty tears since the get-go. They know they've already lost, we're just gently waking all the sleep-walkers so they don't hurt themselves. And we also need to do things by the book, bc it is the "armor of God" that prevents your enemy from taking you down on a process crime, (((their))) favorite. But you can read Sessions' confidence like a book, he knows it's a done deal.


>>2720565 lb

>More and more people are waking up and seeing them for the monsters they are.

>won't have any place on Earth to hide.


They won't be able to walk down the street.

This has happened b4 ofc (109X to be exact)

but never on this grand a scale

Ppl gonna be srsly pissed

Anonymous ID: a408e0 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:37 p.m. No.2720671   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0756

Mystery as former Playboy model, 36, is strangled to death in her bed at upmarket Philly condo, three days after robbers raided the home for her jewelry - and just a week after she moved in

Ex-Playboy model Christina Kraft was found strangled in her condo Wednesday

Police in Pennsylvania were called to perform a welfare check on Kraft at 9.15pm

She was found dead in her bed - an autopsy confirmed she died by strangulation

The brunette bombshell reported jewelry and designer bags were stolen days before she was found dead

Police are now searching for answers on a suspect in the suspicious homicide

A fellow resident of the Philly condo said Kraft moved into her place a week ago

The 36-year-old lingerie model was listed as single on a celeb gossip website

Kraft had been freed from her assault and harassment charges two years ago

The model struck a restaurant manager in the back and kicked him in the groin while out for a drunken dinner in NYC with a male friend

Police in Pennsylvania are searching for answers in the death of a former Playboy model has been found strangled in her bedroom.


Christina Kraft, 36, has been identified as the victim of the suspicious homicide that occurred in her condo on Sibley Avenue in the west side suburb of Ardmore Wednesday night.


Lower Merion Township Police were called to Kraft's residence around 9.15pm to perform a welfare check on the brunette bombshell - who was found dead in her bed. Police have not confirmed who initiated the wellness check.


An autopsy report revealed the lingerie model died by 'ligature strangulation.' As of late Thursday night, police had not made any arrests.


Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele and Lower Merion Township Police Superintendent Michael McGrath confirmed in a Thursday statement there does not appear to be a threat to other residents of the upmarket neighborhood at this time.

A resident who also lives in the building told that Kraft just moved a week ago.


And just three days ago, Kraft reported several pieces of her jewelry and designer bags stolen to police, according to ABC 6.


Ardmore resident, Dave Farina, was utterly shocked to learn of the homicide in his community which he has long considered safe.


'We never had that type of thing in Ardmore. Hardly ever. It's enough to make me cry,' Farina said in a statement to ABC 6.


'I'm praying for them that they find out who did it… and bring them to justice.'


Aside from her stint with Playboy, the model appeared in Maxim Magazine, Vanity Fair, Victoria's Secret and Smashbox Cosmetics during her glamorous career, her Model Mayhem bio states.


Kraft described her nationality to be Russian, German, with a hint of Swedish in her professional bio.

Anonymous ID: 724e44 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:39 p.m. No.2720679   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0684 >>0696 >>0701


As long as "the people" sit on their asses in front of their TV, and gorge themselves on corporate industrial waste disguised as food, while they swill down fluoridated water, thinking that they are on top of the world, then the government is going to do what it always has done. NOTHING.

Sure, Trump is working his ass off, but he is meeting resistance every step of the way.

If the American people don't wake the fuck up, and soon, everything that Trump has done, and will do, will be erased in the first 6 months of a new presidency.

Anonymous ID: a15f40 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:41 p.m. No.2720682   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0707



they were married in Las Vegas.

Carmen<=>Baywatch<=>Pamela Handerson


Trump had run into DR before The Apprentice.


From 1999


"Eccentric basketball star Dennis Rodman and his β€œBaywatch” actress-wife Carmen Electra filed for divorce on Tuesday to end their six-month marriage, according to their publicist. He said the split was amicable. Rodman, 37, and Electra, 26, were married in Las Vegas on Nov. 14 after what was reported to be an all-night bender. Less than two weeks later, Rodman filed for an annulment, saying he was of unsound mind when he recited his vows. The two reconciled, and Electra (whose real name is Tara Patrick) was with Rodman when he announced in February that he would be joining the Los Angeles Lakers. During that news conference, Rodman said he and his wife were happily married but living in separate homes."

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:42 p.m. No.2720688   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0693 >>0711 >>0729


And more, the jews ARE a global power.

The cabal is what we call "the jews". Trump know it, MI knows it, we know it.

We are watching a movie, but our action is necessary in spreading the info, especially about the jews.

Puttin made it clear to the jews too that their power is going to get taken away, when he went off speach, pic related.>>2720650

Anonymous ID: 12bf9a Aug. 23, 2018, 11:43 p.m. No.2720695   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Foster care comes up in Arkansas digs

>>2720280 S&B digs


Foster care comes up in UK pedo problem exposures

>>2720008 Thousands of Children in the UK Foster Care System Are Being Sold to Pedophile Rings (from June)


I have a strong hunch that there could be foster care child abuse & prostitution problem in US too.


When children are moved away from family and everyone else they know they are easier to abuse. If they complain the police will say they are unreliable.


Children pimped are made addicted to crack, heroin etc. When they are investigated the standard trick is to say they are unreliable because they are addicts. Also if they make any petty crimes to survive it renders them unreliable witnesses. Discard any statements of past child abuse. Handy system.


In UK most drug addicts have been abused as children. Coincidence?

Anonymous ID: ad859e Aug. 23, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.2720701   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0709 >>1089


POTUS has the ability to release all the JFK documents, includng the ones implicating GHWB


This would be a GREAT first redpill to get the public interested, and a perfect jumping off point for exposing the crimes of the last 40 years

Anonymous ID: 99cb4e Aug. 23, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.2720703   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0780 >>0782

β€œThe Knights of Peter Claver”; Knights Of Columbus equivalent of the Masonic "Prince Hall" it appears.


What a rabbit hole this has been…


…g'nite; best shift.


Article taken from The Colored Harvest Vol. VI, No. 2 - March 1910


On Sunday, November 7, 1909, in the city of Mobile, Ala., took place the β€œInitiation” of the first band of forty colored men, the nucleus of a fraternal society, which will be known as β€œThe Knights of Peter Claver.” This is undoubtedly the most important movement for colored Catholics that has taken place for many a day.


From the beginning, the missionaries to the colored people have been very much hampered by the fact that most all the men belonged to one or other of the fraternal organizations, which they would not, or could not, leave. They simply joined them for social and beneficial purposes. Time and again they have told the missionaries that they would gladly leave them if there were anything else to take their place. The missionaries tried in vain to have the ban to these secret societies removed, so that the Catholics could practice their duties. Finally, it was determined to form a new society for colored men which would be Catholic, and, at the same time, include all the fraternal and beneficial qualities of the secret organizations. This has been done, and the Josephite Fathers on the β€œCoast” (Alabama) are the leading spirits in this movement, with Father Conrad Rebesher, pastor of the Church of the Most Pure Heart of Mary, Mobile, Ala., as the prime mover. More than a year ago Father Rebesher spoke of the projected movement to his superior, and was promised all the assistance possible to carry out the plan.


On the morning of the initiation, forty colored men (forty men in a small mission parish) went to Holy Communion in a body in the presence of Right Rev. E. P. Allen, D.o. Bishop of Mobile, and Fathers Kel¬ly, Rebesher and Dorsey.


The Bishop was evidently pleased, as he is deeply interested in the work for colored Catholics. The congregation was very much impressed (for never before had any of them seen such a sight), and the work of making converts and of bringing back β€œthe stray sheep to the fold” got a mighty impetus.


Father Dorsey, the colored priest attached to St. Joseph’s College, Montgomery, Ala., preached the sermon, in which the reverend preacher endeavored to impress on his hearers the necessity of good Christian operation among the members, with an unflinching obedience to the laws and by-laws of the order.


The β€œinitiation” of the new members of the Knights of Peter Claver, β€œK.O.P.C.,” took place at 5 o’clock in the evening. The ceremony was preceded by the Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. The Josephite Fathers, Kelly, Van Baast, Dorsey and Rebesher, the pastor, were present…

Anonymous ID: d9d070 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.2720704   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


you do know Sessions is working with Huber right?

also cleaning the DOJ, dealing with illegals, and running the DOJ in general

>We Are Enjoying The Show Edition

I do realize some are not

Anonymous ID: e6c9eb Aug. 23, 2018, 11:47 p.m. No.2720711   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0719 >>0729 >>0732


No the cabal is what YOU call the jews, because your irrational fear of them.


Why not just move to a Muslim country where they can legally discriminate.


The first amendment makes your plans unconstitutional, hence unAmerican


That make you proud?

Anonymous ID: 7d2db3 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:48 p.m. No.2720713   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0763 >>0816 >>1154 >>1356

All the Talk About Impeaching the President Is Nonsense


The networks will need to find another way to excite their ratings.


These past nineteen months under President Trump mark him already as one of America’s greatest Presidents in contradistinction to the nightmare of the prior eight years that saw one of America’s three or four worst-ever Presidents occupying the White House:


The television-news media desperately need to fill twenty-four hours every day in order to sell advertising to support their stations, their management, their employees, and their negotiated settlements and non-disclosure-agreement pay-outs to women whom they must silence after one or another of their male employees has violated them. CBS has had Charlie Rose. NBC Matt Lauer, etc.


So the television-news media have to keep the money pouring in. Same with the print media. They need to grab your attention and hold it.

And so the media feed the beast that pays the bills β€” heavy daily doses of Trump.


John Brennan voted for the Soviet Communists says so β€” a guy whom Obama made head of the CIA and who conducted the CIA as though he still were a supporter of Soviet Communism. (Come to think of it, what better way to cover your own tracks as an insider Soviet Double Agent with access to top American security secrets, colluding with the Russians, than by tweeting that someotherguy is the double agent?)


When all else fails, Omarosa.

So now that Omarosa has played out her fifteen minutes of media usefulness, the new idiocy is the impeachment story: Michael Cohen, at the behest of Clinton Enabler Lanny Davis, has pleaded guilty to election-law violations for having remitted some $130,000 to Stormy (at $65,000 per balloon), and now the media have President Trump out of office.


So let’s get real:

And what is the Trump link? Cohen paid $65,000 per balloon to shut the mouthpiece, and (iv) Trump paid Cohen $130,000. Oh β€” and by the way: instead of Trump handling the whole messy matter through a business associate, he specifically went to his attorney, a member of the New York State Bar presumed to have expertise in the law, to assure that everything would be handled in proper compliance with governing law.


And that is a supposed to be a violation of election law?

First of all, such men, alas, pay women to be quiet all the time. But married male tycoons throughout history have been paying such women to shut up. That is not election law. That is erection law.


Second, was it a violation of campaign election law when Wall Street insiders were paying Hillary Clinton $225,000 a pop for 15-minute β€œspeeches” behind closed doors? In three speeches, she pocketed $675,000. They knew how to invest without listening to her. They did not need her advice for investing in land deals like Whitewater β€” and it was the insider pros who advised her on cattle futures. Obviously they expected her to be President.


The President has done an amazing job of exposing Swamp People: James Comey, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Ohr’s Wife, the Hillary Basketful of Deplorables (Huma, Weiner, Hillary Herself, etc.), Andrew McCabe.


None of this has anything to do with β€œhigh crimes and misdemeanors.”


Realistically, in order for the President to be impeached it will take a majority of the House of Representatives to vote for impeachment. If Republicans hold the House in November, all the talk about impeachment will be so much Fake News. There will be no impeachment. End of story.


By contrast, if the Democrats take the House they might very well pass a Maxine Waters–Al Green bill for impeachment. It then will go to the United Senate, where a two-thirds majority will be needed for conviction.


The Republicans will control the Senate with between 51-57 seats. Even if the Democrats miraculously grab the Senate in November, there still would be at least 48 Republicans in the Senate.


The Democrats would need to get 15-20 Republican Senators to vote with them to oust President Trump.


Any Republican Senator who would vote that way would be signing his or her political death warrant β€” the end of his or her political career. They all know it. Therefore none of them would do it. Thus, after much ado about nothing, and two weeks of evidence presented in the Senate about the cost of two balloons and how they were reimbursed, a vote on conviction would go down in flames anyway.


The last time this gambit was tried, the Republicans paid severely for wasting the country’s time and money over a President who lied under oath about cavorting with women behind his wife’s back.

This time will be no different, and this President has not even lied about it under oath.

Anonymous ID: a15f40 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.2720714   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0725


Searching "Trump Baywatch" brings up a lot of porn.


Also, Pamela Anderson had beef with Melania over fur. Giggity.


That came from a website thinking that Melania's signature looks like GEOTUS's's's's.


I thought it was interdasting.

Anonymous ID: ee6639 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.2720715   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0816 >>1154 >>1356

Medical news (first one is the most important):


New compound advances into Phase 1 trial for pancreatic cancer

August 21, 2018, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute


Solid tumors, such as pancreatic cancer, are difficult to treat. The tumor cells are often surrounded by thick fibrotic walls, making it hard for treatments to get access to the tumor cells. As a result, many solid tumors are also some of the deadliest cancers, including brain, ovarian and pancreatic cancer. Only 8.5 percent of people with pancreatic cancer live more than five years.


CEND-1 overcomes this barrier to allow cancer treatments to penetrate further into the tumor. The compound harnesses a transport pathway that appears to be designed to ferry nutrients to a tissue that is nutrient deficient. The SBP team named it the CendR pathway.


Research in mouse models of cancer shows that if a drug is given at the same time as CEND-1, it is swept into the transport pathway and eventually engulfed by the tumor cells. As a result, the drug is able to bypass the tumor's barrier, travel deep into the tumor and poison itβ€”leaving healthy tissues unaffected.


"While this initial study focuses on pancreatic cancer, mouse experiments show that it works for many different kinds of solid tumorsβ€”including breast, brain, lung and ovarian cancers and melanoma," says Ruoslahti. "We expect that CEND-1 will be used with the anti-cancer drugs patients already receive. CEND-1 doesn't modify drugsβ€”but it can streamline their deep penetration into tumors."


The trial, called CEND1-001, is an open-label, multi-center study. Patients will receive CEND-1 and the chemotherapy drugs Gemzar (gemcitabine) and Abraxane (nab-paclitaxel) intravenously. The study is designed to evaluate safety and ideal drug dosage in people with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. For more information about the clinical trial, visit and use the identifier NCT03517176.


Sitting for long hours found to reduce blood flow to the brain

August 20, 2018 by Bob Yirka, Medical Xpress


New type 1 diabetes therapy shows promise for long-term reversal in both humans, dogs

August 21, 2018 by Kayla Wiles, Purdue University


Largest brain study of 62,454 scans identifies drivers of brain aging

August 21, 2018, IOS Press


Probiotics Prevent Cholera in Animal Models

Two different types of bacteriaβ€”one genetically engineered and one from cheeseβ€”defend animal intestines from Vibrio cholerae infection.

Jun 13, 2018

Ruth Williams

Reasoning that live bacteria produce the strongest and most long-lasting immune responses, Waldor’s team used genetic engineering techniques to create a safe version of the V. cholerae strain responsible for the 2010 outbreak in Haiti.


Clay fights MRSA, other superbugs in wounds

August 21, 2018 by Cheryl Dybas, National Science Foundation


Scientists discover how blue and green clays kill bacteria

January 8, 2016 by Cheryl Dybas, National Science Foundation

Anonymous ID: 43f4d6 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.2720716   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

I do not understand what is going on here. What does Maniforts action before he worked for Trump have to do with Trump? And why is he responsible for the actions of Cohen? This is not sarcasm. I really don't get it. I think it is really psychological warfare.

Anonymous ID: d9d070 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.2720718   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0727 >>0734



President Trump said Thursday he will withhold publication of some documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy because of national security concerns.


"I agree with the Archivist's recommendation that the continued withholdings are necessary to protect against identifiable harm to national security, law enforcement, or foreign affairs that is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in immediate disclosure," Trump said in a memorandum.


that being said, don't agree with it

Anonymous ID: 724e44 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.2720719   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0744


The "fear" is completely rational.

Jew history is replete with jew crimes against the goyim.


Jewish Laws directly from the Talmud:

"A Gentile (non-jew) girl who is three years old can be violated." 9 boda Sarah 37

β€œExtermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.” Yalkut 245c

β€œEven the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed.” Zohar, Shemoth

"It is permitted to deceive a Goi." Babha Kama 113b

β€œA Jew may pretend he is a Christian to deceive Christians.” Iore Dea 157,2 Hagah

β€œA Jew must always try to deceive Christians.” Zohar I, 160a

Anonymous ID: ee6639 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.2720721   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Science-y news:



Education program successful at reducing forced sex in South African adolescents

August 21, 2018, University of Pennsylvania


How the United States landed in a debt 'danger zone'

August 21, 2018 by Jeff Grabmeier, The Ohio State University

Portable freshwater harvester could draw up to 10 gallons per hour from the air

August 21, 2018, American Chemical Society


Water bottles, other recycled 3-D printing materials could avoid military supply snags

August 21, 2018, American Chemical Society


Education program successful at reducing forced sex in South African adolescents

August 21, 2018, University of Pennsylvania


How the United States landed in a debt 'danger zone'

August 21, 2018 by Jeff Grabmeier, The Ohio State University

Anonymous ID: 2e0bc5 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:51 p.m. No.2720728   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Q306 and Q307

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:51 p.m. No.2720729   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Proof jews are a global power.

>No the cabal is what YOU call the jews, because your irrational fear of them.

I don't fear them, I know they are going to get their power, which they ALWAYS mis-used, taken away from them.

You clearly have no idea about jewish history, religion, nor their power, nor the way they have been using it since they exist as jews.

Watch video, learn a small part of it.

>Why not just move to a Muslim country where they can legally discriminate.

Muslims are just tools that the jews use against Western nations, like Blacks. I can go into that if you want too.

>The first amendment makes your plans unconstitutional, hence unAmerican

Jews as a group always acted against America, that is what is unAmerican, jew. Cry more :)

Anonymous ID: 9eed36 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.2720739   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0913 >>1154 >>1157 >>1356

sorry if redundant but the Allison Mack trial got moved from October to January; not sure why yet but noticed that detail in this article:


Why would they change the trial date? Avoiding an October surprise? Hmmm….

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:53 p.m. No.2720744   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0754


Jews like the one you are answering too are a big danger to themselves, and all jews.

They are stupidly naive, or just liars, both are dangerous.

People who know about jewish history, from 4000 years to now know that jews as a group are what can be accurately described as a cancer.

And soon, the general population will know it too, in due time, as jewish group power gets taken from them.

Anonymous ID: 724e44 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.2720746   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


On the one hand, the president can do anything that he wants. On the other hand, there is this thing called impeachment, which is political. So, if a president were to "do anything they wanted," they could be impeached. Playing the game keeps the president in power.

It sucks, but it is the way it is until we get control of our government, again.

Anonymous ID: b60eb4 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.2720751   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0755



C-45 is a piece of Canadian legislation. You can read the whole thing here:



10 (1) Unless authorized under this Act, it is prohibited to sell cannabis, or any substance represented or held out to be cannabis, to

(a) an individual who is 18 years of age or older;

(b) an individual who is under 18 years of age; or

(c) an organization.

Anonymous ID: ad5c91 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.2720762   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0957


yeah the feds are not liked at all out here. One of many things the federal government overturned that ruined CA. Also why this anon gets pissed when CA gets the blame when that is just an outright lie. The Feds forced all these policies on CA knowing that it would destroy the state and what happens in CA spreads to other states.

Anonymous ID: a67e56 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.2720763   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0776 >>0800


I agree with most of that novel you copy pasta'd.


Except the stupid part bout Cohen in the middle.


Last time I checked… "my lawyer said it was ok" didn't obsolve anyone from a crime.


Also they haven't read the plea deal as evidenced by that finger diarrhea.

Anonymous ID: e6c9eb Aug. 24, 2018, 12:03 a.m. No.2720780   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0792


Ku Klux Klan


It sought to maintain white supremacy, often took a pro-Prohibition stance, and it opposed Catholics and Jews, while also stressing its opposition to the Catholic Church at a time of high emigration from the mostly Catholic nations of Central Europe and Southern Europe


First KKK

The first Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, sometime between December 1865 and August 1866 by six former officers of the Confederate army[20] as a fraternal social club inspired at least in part by the then largely defunct Sons of Malta. It borrowed parts of the initiation ceremony from that group, with the same purpose: "ludicrous initiations, the baffling of public curiosity, and the amusement for members were the only objects of the Klan," according to Albert Stevens in 1907.[21] The name is probably derived from the Greek word kuklos (κύκλος) which means circle;[22] the word had previously been used for other fraternal organizations in the South such as Kuklos Adelphon. The manual of rituals was printed by Laps D. McCord of Pulaski


After the Klan was suppressed, similar insurgent paramilitary groups arose that were explicitly directed at suppressing Republican voting and turning Republicans out of office: the White League, which started in Louisiana in 1874; and the Red Shirts, which started in Mississippi and developed chapters in the Carolinas. For instance, the Red Shirts are credited with helping elect Wade Hampton as governor in South Carolina. They were described as acting as the military arm of the Democratic Party and are attributed with helping white Democrats regain control of state legislatures throughout the South.[29] In addition, there were thousands of Confederate veterans in what were called rifle clubs.


Secons KKK

The earlier Klan had not worn the white costumes or burned crosses; these were aspects introduced in the film. When the film was shown in Atlanta in December of that year, Simmons and his new klansmen paraded to the theater in robes and pointed hoods – many on robed horses – just like in the movie. These mass parades would become another hallmark of the new Klan that had not existed in the original Reconstruction-era organization.[30]


he second KKK preached "One Hundred Percent Americanism" and demanded the purification of politics, calling for strict morality and better enforcement of Prohibition. Its official rhetoric focused on the threat of the Catholic Church, using anti-Catholicism and nativism.[3] Its appeal was directed exclusively at white Protestants; it opposed Jews, blacks, Catholics, and newly arriving Southern European immigrants such as Italians


The members of the first Klan in the South were exclusively Democrats


Many groups and leaders, including prominent Protestant ministers such as Reinhold Niebuhr in Detroit, spoke out against the Klan, gaining national attention. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League was formed in the early 20th century in response to attacks on Jewish Americans, including the lynching of Leo Frank in Atlanta, and the Klan's campaign to prohibit private schools (which was chiefly aimed at Catholic parochial schools). Opposing groups worked to penetrate the Klan's secrecy. After one civic group in Indiana began to publish Klan membership lists, there was a rapid decline in the number of Klan members. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) launched public education campaigns in order to inform people about Klan activities and lobbied in Congress against Klan abuses. After its peak in 1925, Klan membership in most areas began to decline rapidly


Current Klan organizations

Bayou Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, prevalent in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and other areas of the Southern U.S.


Church of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan[205]


Imperial Klans of America[218]


Knights of the White Camelia#Legacy[219]


Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, headed by national director and self-claimed pastor Thomas Robb, and based in Zinc, Arkansas.[220] It claims to be the largest Klan organization in America today.[citation needed]


Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, a North Carolina–based group headed by Will Quigg,[221] is currently thought to be the largest KKK chapter.[222]


White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:07 a.m. No.2720792   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


The first clan was packed with jews.

And the others too.


From the book β€œWhen Victims Rule”:

β€œJewish mythology claims a long history of moral superiority over others, and innocence. The original Ku Klux Klan (1865-1876), however, was not hostile to Jews and even had Jewish members, including Simon Baruch, the father of the Quarter-Master General of the Confederate Army. (The father of Bernard Baruch, the Chairman of the War Industries Board under President Woodrow Wilson in World War I, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan). [COIT, M., 1957, p. 12-13] The Secretary of State of the Confederacy (initially its Secretary of War) was also of Jewish birth, Judah P. Benjamin. [RUBINSTEIN, p. 20] After the war Benjamin fled to England. David de Leon was the first Surgeon General of the Confederacy. [GOLDBERG, M. H., 1976, p. 172] Other prominent Confederate Jews included Edwin Moise, Speaker of the Louisiana House; Raphael Moses who "was influential in leading Georgia out of the Union;" Henry Hyans, the Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana leading up to the Civil War; and Edwin de Leon, "whom Benjamin sent to Paris to handle public relations and propaganda for the South." "The prominent role of Jews in the Confederacy," notes Nathaniel Weyl, "is generally either ignored or condensed into shamefaced footnotes by those historians of American Jewry whose opinions conform to the liberal-leftist stereotype." [WEYL, N., 1968, p. 54]”



Anonymous ID: ad5c91 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:12 a.m. No.2720810   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0825 >>0847


In Nov there isn't even a Republican on the ballot for Senate. Going to have to be some MOAB for Cox to win in Nov, I'm just hoping CA doesn't go +10 more D in the House risking flipping it. Q said watch CA, its only gotten worse here since that comment with all the new laws passed this month and the state burning to the ground. That isn't concern fagging, that is a fact.


The only thing that could possibly hint at any progress here, is the rate of all the laws being passed is unheard of, which could mean they are scared that they can't do that when the next Legislative session starts.

Anonymous ID: d9d070 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:14 a.m. No.2720816   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0823 >>0835 >>0846


let me know if anything should be added or removed, suggestions welcomed


>>2720556 NEW VIDEO: QAnon Coincidences

>>2720640 A Radioactive Device Has Gone Missing in Malaysia. Police Are Working 'Round the Clock' to Find it

>>2720681 A lot of activity near Naval Base Kitsap and in Puget Sound lately / NCIS Involved

>>2720665 California Prop 187, an attempt to make illegals ineligible for welfare, stopped by Federal Government

>>2720715 Medical news (release the cures)

>>2720713 All the Talk About Impeaching the President Is Nonsense


still looking for a baker

Anonymous ID: d6fad1 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:18 a.m. No.2720831   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

So, I've asked this before, but have we established that the Fake Bureau of Idiots are being paid by "charity" organizations to overlook crimes like healthcare fraud?


I think we should take a dive into the "services" that our states "provide" to parents with children in foster care……after all it was BC and HRC that signed ASFA into law in 1997. CPS receives billions of dollars to provide "services" to parents but then the states receive incentives to adopt more children….I am pretty certain that is the smoking gun in all of this….

Anonymous ID: a15f40 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:20 a.m. No.2720835   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0913 >>1154 >>1356


Maybe add that it was passed in 1994, found unconstitutional in 1997, went to appeals, was killed in 1999, and then repealed the "unenforceable parts" in 2014, which they admitted was "symbolic after the repeal of prop 187"… y'know… so it did nothing.

Anonymous ID: d0112b Aug. 24, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.2720847   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0855 >>0865


Quit fucking exaggerating and fear mongering. The state is not burning to the ground, and we have been a red state not far in the past.

Remember Reagan?

It may not be 2020, but people are waking up and #walkingaway.

I know many liberals who have flipped on the nutcases.

Anonymous ID: bd8b78 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.2720850   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0873


>>2720280 lb

Really fucking dig here anon

Lotsa dots

Why the hell do they always have these names like Dickey, Cox etc? Its ridiculous.

Pelosi has a couple vineyards too. they love that red wine.

Ozarks became a new series on netflix in the last year or 2 and being that they like to put the truth out there, makes me wonder what theyre hiding in that big ass patch of land.

That river bit makes me think of an old country song called Red River Valley. Probably unrelated, but still

Anonymous ID: ba6b9c Aug. 24, 2018, 12:27 a.m. No.2720857   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0862 >>0871 >>0876 >>0878


didn't say it was. I said the DS has it on the menu. They need to get Wash state also. Otherwords the entire west coast.


Where would you suppose 5 of our biggest deep water ports are?

San Diego


San F



If they got the entire west coast under their control, think foreign military invasion backed by the cabal in the west, and Mexico to the south, with soy boy to the north.

Bye Bye American Pie.

Anonymous ID: ad5c91 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:32 a.m. No.2720865   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0890


>It may not be 2020, but people are waking up and #walkingaway.

>I know many liberals who have flipped on the nutcases.


Demographics and voter fraud, unless the illegal problem is resolved, its a simple numbers game and doesn't matter how many white people are red-pilled, they are outbred along with more non-white immigrating in. The Republicans could not get a Senate candidate on the Nov ballot. That is a huge problem and we are a long way away from where the state was with Reagan.


As far as burning to the ground, yes exaggerating, but the worst of the fire season hasn't started so this is already a really bad year. When Santa Ana's roll in then fires are purposely set and we start this all over. Q is right about them being set, dirty little secret all the CA people know but the press doesn't report on.

Anonymous ID: ad1f16 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:32 a.m. No.2720867   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Honest question: If the dems take back the house in November with no one having been arrested, will you still buy this Q garbage? It will be too late to matter once its happened, but I'm just curious.

Anonymous ID: e6c9eb Aug. 24, 2018, 12:33 a.m. No.2720871   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0888


Nice 18th century thinking


That's why we have a Navy and Air Force


How big a force would be needed with and armed population and US-based military bases?


Ignorant juvenile thinking


You must have watched the kids in Red Dawn

Anonymous ID: d43ed2 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:34 a.m. No.2720873   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Apparently the Ozarks have been happening these latest 4-5 years , east coast big-money buying up large patches of land ( for some reason ). It doesn`t sit right . When big-money flock to a specific area it tickles my almonds , kinda like Montenegro after the Balkan war .

Anonymous ID: fba028 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:39 a.m. No.2720881   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0892


Hes Sanayim for sure. Try saying something about Israel on his thread. He cultivates followers who sing his praises or get blocked, all the while pitching foreign action in Iran.

He posts poorly sourced youtube videos to prove his beloved Saudi king has secret weapons which only kill the bad guys.

Why we do not need him here is his narratives, while good fiction, go way out of the supportable intelligence realm into Israeli Shillville.

Anonymous ID: ba6b9c Aug. 24, 2018, 12:41 a.m. No.2720888   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



and you think the military that OB had installed, ships that break down on first voyage and have to be towed back to port, not to mention the hardware that is still falling out of the air due to shitty china steel and the autopilot chips installed (TY HRC) even in AF1 to remotely crash them, could have fended off three possible war fronts the size of ours?

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e οΌΌοΌΏγƒΎ(α–β—ž ) ID: 0b3b8a Aug. 24, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.2720889   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0905


after those lizard people and hindu demon people eaters or even the muh dick trannyshill wedding for butt fuck itunes and the glittery vampire electric car horseshit, i really don;t know anything about iran besides long drown out proxy campaigns really

Anonymous ID: d0112b Aug. 24, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.2720890   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0907


I choose to look at the future in a positive way, and Trump has brought that hope.

Thoughts and words are powerful energy…… I get down about it,

but lately decided to be grateful that we were not left with Hillary with absolutely NO hope whatsoever.

Anonymous ID: ad5c91 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:43 a.m. No.2720893   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0895 >>0904


Can't happen that way. Looks at all the ties Trump cut from nixing the Iran deal and then putting the pressure on companies doing business with Iran. With Iran not a threat then Israel has one less enemy in the area to threaten war with. When all the enemies are gone/DS hideouts not only are we safe, then Israel has no reason for nukes and weapons. US can cut off funding to Israel. Israel has no reason anymore why they can't have peace with other countries in the area. Borders open up and their leverage over the US ceases. I'm assuming the plan is some variation of that.

Anonymous ID: 7d2db3 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:45 a.m. No.2720900   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Ignore the Noise, Mueller Still Has Nothing


Let him keep indicting and convicting ham sandwiches. Most Americans won’t care.


For all of the media’s oohing and ahhing over Robert Mueller’s legal victories on Tuesday, his impeachment case remains hopeless.


In terms of his Department of Justice mandate, he has made no progress whatsoever. He is presiding over a β€œcollusion” probe that has absolutely nothing to do with collusion.Β 


Let him keep indicting and convicting ham sandwiches. It just underscores the superfluous and abusive character of his probe. He is not compiling an air-tight legal case for impeachment; he is simply using abusive prosecutorial tactics to foment an anti-Trump political firestorm.


Rod Rosenstein is the Dr. Frankenstein in this political horror show.


Let’s, for the sake of argument, say that all of his claims about Trump-Cohen corruption are true. Is that impeachable material? No, it is not.


Mueller is expert at finding flaky witnesses. Cohen is his latest. His memories of conversations and meetings with Trump are no more reliable than Jim Comey’s. Cohen has given baldly contradictory accounts of his payments to Stormy Daniels. The notion that Trump could lose the presidency owing to the testimony of a sleazy casino lawyer strains all plausibility.


None of it adds up to anything even close to impeachable material.


Mueller is desperately trying to stitch together an impeachment case based on these thin threads. He struck out on collusion, then turned to obstruction of justice, only to realize that his star witness, Comey, is himself under investigation. So he resorted to a search for pre-presidential dirt and papered over the nothingness of his probe with indictments and convictions on matters far afield.


Trump on Tuesday night resumed his mockery of the probe, asking at a rally in West Virginia, β€œWhere is the collusion? You know, they’re still looking for collusion! Where is the collusion? Find some collusion. We want to find the collusion.” Mueller called off that search a long time ago, shifting to a Cohen, rather than collusion, probe, to which the America people will ask upon the release of his report: Why are we supposed to care?

Anonymous ID: 724e44 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:47 a.m. No.2720904   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


There are a lot of ways to play that scenario.

First, Israel has undeclared nukes. Everyone knows this.

Second, we are breaking international law by giving aid to Israel because of their nukes.

Trump would be well within his legal rights to stop all aid to Israel until they either declared their nukes or got rid of them.

Anonymous ID: fba028 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:47 a.m. No.2720905   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Me either, ebot. There were accounts on Twitter like Heshmat Alawi which are obviously someones psyop, very doubtful they are good observers or even in Iran. The media gets their stories from these Twitter accounts.

Anonymous ID: ba6b9c Aug. 24, 2018, 12:48 a.m. No.2720907   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0911


many just don't get how close we came to our bloody end in this nation. It would have been a blood bath no doubt about it. BO had it set up for HRC to start that ball with 1 EO signature. We anons dug on that months ago.

Maybe some of you remember at BO's 2nd inauguration party…he had the band brought in special to play…Bye Bye American Pie. He was as serious as a heart attack.

Anonymous ID: ad5c91 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:51 a.m. No.2720911   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>he had the band brought in special to play…Bye Bye American Pie. He was as serious as a heart attack.

As informed as you try to be, you still learn something new every day. That gets the blood boiling.

Anonymous ID: e8a1d1 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:51 a.m. No.2720913   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



-next baker


I remember it all, Anon.

Cali native, multi-generational.

Refugee now, came north.

Shit got too crazy.




Don't recall seeing this detail, don't see it in archives either. Good catch. This soft-balling of letting her go to college, I'm thinking she might be singing for her leniency a la Lisa Page.

Anonymous ID: 288e4e Aug. 24, 2018, 12:54 a.m. No.2720919   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Just reminiscing, remember when:


British 15-year-old gained access to intelligence operations in Afghanistan and Iran by pretending to be head of CIA, court hears



The teenager persuaded call handlers at an internet giant that he was John Brennan, the then director of the CIA, to gain access to his computers and an FBI helpdesk that he was Mark Giuliano, then the agency’s Deputy Director, to re-gain access to an intelligence database.


He also targeted the US Secretary of Homeland Security and Barack Obama's Director of National Intelligence from his semi-detached council house in Coalville.


Gamble taunted his victims online, released personal information, bombarded them with calls and messages, downloaded pornography onto their computers and took control of their iPads and TV screens, a court heard.

Anonymous ID: d43ed2 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:54 a.m. No.2720921   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Laid out very nice and simple .

"….so that noone can object" - Ooooh they will object allright , hehehehe they will go ballistic , no matter how many mountains of evidence they are presented with . Ignorant sheep .

Anonymous ID: c5fa9d Aug. 24, 2018, 12:55 a.m. No.2720923   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1154 >>1356

This news more than likely caused a mass sphincter puckering event over in Iran,


New Air Force B-2 β€˜earth penetrating’ nuclear weapon changes combat strategy


The Air Force’s B-2 Stealth bomber has test-dropped an upgraded, multi-function B61-12 nuclear bomb which improves accuracy, integrates various attack options into a single bomb and changes the strategic landscape with regard to nuclear weapons mission possibilities.


The B61-12 adds substantial new levels of precision targeting and consolidates several different kinds of attack options into a single weapon. Instead of needing separate variants of the weapon for different functions, the B61-12 by itself allows for earth-penetrating attacks, low-yield strikes, high-yield attacks, above surface detonation and bunker-buster options.


The latest version of the B61 thermonuclear gravity bomb, which has origins as far back as the 1960s, is engineered as a low-to-medium yield strategic and tactical nuclear weapon, according to, which also states the weapon has a β€œtwo-stage” radiation implosion design.


β€œThe main advantage of the B61-12 is that it packs all the gravity bomb capabilities against all the targeting scenarios into one bomb. That spans from very low-yield tactical β€œclean” use with low fallout to more dirty attacks against underground targets,” Hans Kristensen, Director of the Nuclear Information Project, Federation of American Scientists, told Warrior Maven.


Air Force officials describe this, in part, by referring to the upgraded B61-12 as having an β€œAll Up Round.”


β€œThe flight test accomplished dedicated B61-12 developmental test requirements and β€œAll Up Round” system level integration testing on the B-2,” Cronin said.


The B61 Mod 12 is engineered with a special β€œTail Subassembly” to give the bomb increased accuracy, giving a new level of precision targeting using Inertial Navigation Systems, Kristensen said.


β€œRight now the B-2 carries only B61-7 (10-360 kt), B61-11(400 kt, earth-penetrator), and B83-1 (high-yield bunker-buster). The B61-12 covers all of those missions, with less radioactive fallout, plus very low-yield attacks,” he added.


The evidence that the B61-12 can penetrate below the surface has significant implications for the types of targets that can be held at risk with the bomb.


By bringing an β€œearth-penetrating” component, the B61-12 vastly increases the target scope or envelope of attack. It can enable more narrowly targeted or pinpointed strikes at high-value targets underground - without causing anywhere near the same level of devastation above ground or across a wider area.


Anonymous ID: 48162e Aug. 24, 2018, 12:56 a.m. No.2720931   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0965 >>1035 >>1047



For (real) anons who still doubt @POTUS_Schedule is official...


The person running the account works at the Castle (WH), as he stated in a tweet on July 10th.


He wrote:


"Sorry about the errors/retweets everyone. Using a 10 inch tablet is a little different from using my dual 55 inch monitor workstation at the castle.


It seemed to be a response to an earlier post I made that same morning about a 55" inch monitor/screen...


So, it's undoubtfully an official account, runned from within the White House.


The messages in the tweets are directed to this board, as Q stated before.


Clowns, of course, would like you to think otherwise.

Anonymous ID: f427bc Aug. 24, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.2720936   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0974 >>1356

Children International

2000 E. Red Bridge Road | P.O. Box 219055 | Kansas City, MO 64121


Susana Eshleman

President and CEO



1936 Humble beginnings In 1936, Holy Land Christian Mission was founded to provide food baskets to women, children and families in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. A small medical clinic was also opened to treat minor infections and illnesses.

1940sDuring this decade, we were seeing some really positive results from our work. So we expanded to include an orphanage and clothing donations for kids in the program.

1952A medical crisis After a polio outbreak in the West Bank, we expanded our medical services to include orthopedic and therapeutic surgeries.

1964 Move to Kansas.


Areas of Operation

Asia, Africa, South America, North and Central America


This sadly sounds all to familiar. Images attached are their partners, the list is extensive.

Anonymous ID: 01f7d0 Aug. 24, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.2720937   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0941 >>0959



Are they actually charging the farmers money to teach self defense? If they are, I'm about to take a complete 180 on this and demand we GAS THE KIKES RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!

also krav maga-The name in Hebrew can be translated as "contact combat". The root word krav (Χ§Χ¨Χ‘) means "combat" and maga (ΧžΧ’Χ’) means "contact".


Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:01 a.m. No.2720942   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1083


Israel is totally our greatest ally.

See how well they trained the people in WTC on the subtle arts of artistic bungee jumping without bungee.

And all for free!


And also, how great that all jewish interest groups in the West are packing the West with Africans and Arabs. Its all so we can get some fight experience against them too as Whites become a minority in their own nations!

Thanks Israel.

Thanks jews.

We love you so much.

We're going to hug you so hard, you're eyes are going to pop out and your brain is going to come out from your ears :)




Israel is not an ally to the US.

Would an ally try to take away your free-speech and 1st Amend rights? Watch this if you haven't:


Would an ally subvert all technology the world uses:


Would an ally attack US soldiers?

Would an ally celebrate the terrorist attacks on WTC in 2001?

Israel is not an ally to the US or the American people.


Would an ally try to false flag US personnel in order to force the hand of the US against Egypt?

You need to educate yourself on the Lavon Affair:


Israel is an enemy of the US.

β€œNetanyahu speaks candidly about his Agenda and view of Americans.”


What has Israel ever done for the US?

They're no Ally. Brit Hume on Fox News admitted that Israel is the biggest threat to SPY on us, and this was right after 9/11.

They might have had info that could have prevented that, but they withheld it..


Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli, was the most dangerous spy in recent times.

We need to STOP giving BILLIONS of dollars to Israel.

We need to STOP supporting them as a Nuclear Regime that has NEVER signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty.

Anonymous ID: 8fb4c1 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:03 a.m. No.2720949   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1154 >>1356

Not sure if this is so 15 breads ago but did a little searching and didn't see it.


Busted: Central β€œSpygate” Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Caught Lying to Senator Chuck Grassley…

Anonymous ID: fba028 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:07 a.m. No.2720955   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I don't hate Jews.

I want an end to the cabal which has taken over our government.

I don't hate Israel.

I do not want to see Greater Israel, and do not want Shock and Awe II in Iran.

This is /qresearch/, edit your copypasta.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:08 a.m. No.2720956   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0980


We'll see about that.

Everyone I talk about you rats hates you, everyone I show the facts about Israel and the Torah and the Talmud tells me we should just kill you all, so as the general population awareness of your kikery and treason grows, we'll see who is going to be getting some rope around their necks.

Oh, and did I mentioned that when people learn about you jews getting Patton killed they thank me and tell me how much they want to avenge him?

I am going long on rope, you can bet I am kike :)




Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.


Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

On a letter to his wife he commented:

β€œI have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

And in his diary he noted:

β€œToday we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”


General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:


General George S. Patton was murdered:

Anonymous ID: e8a1d1 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:08 a.m. No.2720957   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


What is this Anon? Is it part of a dig baker should note?



>The Feds forced all these policies on CA knowing that it would destroy the state

And also bc of all those sweet sweet electoral votes. They were flooding all the border states with illegals, but making CA first priority was a strategic call re: elections. Cali had the best perks for illegals, cabal wanted 'em concentrating there first.


So many ppl doing the Cali exodus you should see the difference in rental costs for one way U-haul into and out of the state. Cheap to go IN to Cali, thousands to leave kek.

"You can check out any time you like, but…"



Nah we're still a few hundred miles out. Do you need me to pull over at a rest stop, bot?

Anonymous ID: 376f9b Aug. 24, 2018, 1:09 a.m. No.2720959   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0972




>Dare I say, is Israel /OurGreatestAlly/? Glow in the darks aren't doing jack shit to help the white farmers in South Africa, but Israel is training them to fight off the niggers. How can /pol/ still hate Israel? They're actually DOING SOMETHING instead of complaining about it on the internet.



Are they actually charging the farmers money to teach self defense? If they are, I'm about to take a complete 180 on this and demand we GAS THE KIKES RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!


also krav maga-The name in Hebrew can be translated as "contact combat". The root word krav (Χ§Χ¨Χ‘) means "combat" and maga (ΧžΧ’Χ’) means "contact".




Subversive fucking faggot. Enjoy that 0.02. Nice how you respond to yourself in both threads.


Heres copy/pasta on /pol/.

Anonymous ID: 7d2db3 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:12 a.m. No.2720968   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Pedo Tom Steyer (who desperately wants to keep his sick demented pedo lifestyle) Renews Call for Impeachment After Manafort Verdict, Cohen Plea.


Hey Pedo Tom Steyer, explain to the world what β€œWalnut Sauce” is.

Anonymous ID: 7d2db3 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:13 a.m. No.2720975   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0986 >>0989

Exclusive – John Bolton Warns: U.S. Wants Hezbollah Out of Syria

John Bolton told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Wednesday that the Trump administration insists β€œHezbollah forces in Syria have to go back to Lebanon.”

Anonymous ID: 7d2db3 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:13 a.m. No.2720979   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

What a lunatic: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: β€˜Americans Are Dying’ from Global Warming

Socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Wednesday that climate change is killing Americans, and the United States government is complicit in allowing it to happen

Anonymous ID: 7d2db3 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:14 a.m. No.2720982   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

NEW YORK β€” Anatoli Samachornov, a Russian translator who was present at the infamous June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with campaign officials, testified that he was previously an interpreter for Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Barack Obama.

Anonymous ID: 983ecb Aug. 24, 2018, 1:14 a.m. No.2720983   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>0984

Q is about to drop a deuce. Dumbfuckanon will then write up a 7000 word essay about how the poop actually belongs to RFK.

Morons on Reddit will then share the post as concrete evidence of habbenings.

Anonymous ID: fcd2e6 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:17 a.m. No.2720991   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

No Extradition to Georgia for Siraj Wahhaj.

Anonymous ID: 288e4e Aug. 24, 2018, 1:18 a.m. No.2720992   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1034 >>1154 >>1356

>>2720986 - from article


"Bolton underlined as well the connection between the Iranian nuclear program and the North Korean nuclear program. In 2007, Israel destroyed a North Korean-built nuclear reactor in Al-Kibar, Syria. Israelis have long attested that Iran paid for the reactor. Bolton acknowledged the truth of Israel’s claim.


β€œSyrian [military] officers who defected to the United States have told us that they helped transfer Iranian funds that financed the North Korean built nuclear reactor in Syria,” Bolton told Breitbart News.


The nuclear negotiations the Trump administration is conducting with North Korea may have profound implications for Iran.


Bolton explained, β€œThe lesson Iran took from the 2007 bombing [of the al Kibar nuclear reactor] was that if you conduct illicit nuclear operations, do them far away from Israel.”

Anonymous ID: 3bb5a1 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.2720998   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1002 >>1007 >>1020


The Fake Jews have been running the world for a long time. AshkeNazi fake jews. Those liars that Jesus spoke of in Revelation 2 and 3. They call themselves Jews. Jesus says they're lying. Jesus says it's blasphemy that they call themselves Jews. God loves Jews. Read your Bible. God hates the fake Jews. The AshkeNazi Jews. The Nazis.


Rev 2:9 KJV

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Rev 3:8-13 KJV

8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Anonymous ID: 5862f2 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.2720999   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Here's some inspirational art to ponder nightnuggetfags


Cultural enrichment training. Required break time viewing and initial sheet by coffee maker after doing so.




Today's Future -


Blessed are the children,

And those who teach them.

They are the seeds to the future,

They are the roots from our past.

With care and understanding,

We will ensure these values last.

Anonymous ID: 288e4e Aug. 24, 2018, 1:21 a.m. No.2721001   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Sasse: If Trump Fires Sessions for Not Being a β€˜Hack,’ I Will Not Vote for Successor


"Thursday on the Senate floor, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) warned President Donald Trump not to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions β€œbecause he’s not executing his job as a political hack.”

Anonymous ID: 7d2db3 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:21 a.m. No.2721003   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1009 >>1154 >>1356

Lanny Davis Dunks on β€˜Pee’ Dossier: Over a Dozen False Assertions About Michael Cohen


Trump supporters and congressional Republicans have called the dossier’s allegations false for more than a year, but Davis’s comments are notable because he is a close Hillary Clinton ally, and it was her campaign and the Democratic National Committee who paid Fusion GPS to produce it.


Lanny Davis, a staunch ally of the Clintons who is now representing former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, emphatically called all Steele dossier allegations about his new client β€œfalse” in an interview Wednesday night on BBC.


Asked if Cohen had ever been to Prague, as the Steele dossier alleged, Davis said, β€œThe answer is one hundred percent no. Never has he ever been to Prague. And the 13 other references to my client in the so-called dossier are false:


Lanny Davis, a staunch ally of the Clintons who is now representing Michael Cohen, called all Steele dossier allegations about Cohen β€œfalse.”

Anonymous ID: f427bc Aug. 24, 2018, 1:21 a.m. No.2721004   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1356

New light on funding, ties of secretive Israeli spy firm

Cambridge Analytica-linked businessman helped start Black Cube, lawsuit claims


Vincent Tchenguiz, an Iranian-born British entrepreneur and property tycoon who until 2015 was the largest shareholder in the parent company of the scandal-hit data firm Cambridge Analytica, also played a prominent role in the founding stages of the controversial Israeli business intelligence company Black Cube, and provided it with vital funding, according to a 2013 Israeli lawsuit filed by lawyers for Tchenguiz. Tchenguiz, whose family is of Iraqi-Jewish origin, fell out with the secretive Israeli company and its founders and sued it for fraud and other alleged offenses, seeking almost a million pounds in damages. The case, which received very little media coverage at the time, was ultimately settled out of court. Black Cube, which was founded in 2011 and whose former honorary board president was the late Mossad chief Meir Dagan, has been at the center of considerable international press scrutiny in recent months.


Many of the company’s reported behind-the-scenes activities β€” including its work in Romania, its work on an election campaign in Hungary (where it denies involvement), its involvement in the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and its activities relating to the Iran nuclear deal, when it allegedly conducted a β€œdirty ops” campaign against former Obama administration officials β€” have made headlines worldwide

Anonymous ID: 724e44 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.2721007   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Jesus wasn't dealing with the fake jews, you idiot.

Jesus was dealing with the "real" jews.

Stop misinterpreting the bible.


Nazi's have nothing to do with anything.

Your brain is fried.

Anonymous ID: 5f4edc Aug. 24, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.2721010   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1059

Russian bots! Must be getting close to something…


A new study reveals that Russian trolls are trying to increase anti-vaccination conversations online.


The study from George Washington University found anonymous spam bots and Russian trolls have been pushing hard against vaccination.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:23 a.m. No.2721012   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1055


You mean that you are suprised that people get pissed at Israel for it protecting pedophiles?


Well, what can I say, your Talmud does promote pedophilia, so you can bet everyone I talk about this get triggered, and ready to pull triggers, while taking aim at jews like you :)

Anonymous ID: 217bf5 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.2721018   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Probe Launched After Swiss Banker Arrested For Laundering $1.2 Billion Out Of Venezuela


One of Venezuela president Nicolas Maduro's recurring laments is that he has chronically had to deal with corrupt insubordinates (whom he has no problem throwing in prison) who tend to steal ungodly sums of money from him. And, at least in one case, he may be right.


On Thursday, Swiss bank Julius Baer announced it had started a probe after the arrest of an ex-employee who has admitted to participating in a billion-dollar scheme to launder money stolen from Venezuela’s state oil company, PDVSA.


Chief Executive Officer Bernhard Hodler made the announcement in Zurich on Thursday, stating only that the private bank is not being charged and declining to comment further. The revelation came after Matthias Krull, 44, a German resident in Panama, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, according to Bloomberg. Krull was arrested in July and charged with using real estate and fake investment schemes to conceal $1.2 billion embezzled from the Venezuela's state-owned oil producer Petroleos de Venezuela SA. More from Bloomberg:


Authorities in the U.S. and Switzerland are probing how billions of dollars were embezzled from PDVSA, as the oil company is formally known. Switzerland in 2016 seized $118 million in bank assets linked to a Venezuelan businessman who has admitted to bribing PDVSA officials to steer about $1 billion in energy-supply contracts.


So yes, at least this one time, Meduro's minions were certainly robbing him blind.


Krull, a senior relationship manager at Julius Baer based in Panama at the time of the alleged money laundering, faces as much as 10 years at sentencing, and has agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.


It is possible that Krull was part of a much larger ring providing money laundering services to local oligarchs: Baer, Switzerland's third biggest bank, said in June that some bankers had left amid a strategic realignment of Baer’s Latin American unit, and included Krull, Bloomberg reported at the time.


Krull was one of five senior Julius Baer bankers in the Bahamas and Panama that were set to join smaller Swiss rival Gonet & Cie. Marc Sulser, who oversaw the business with wealthy clients in the Andean region and central America for Julius Baer, also recently left the company.


So far Switzerland has not implemented the kind of draconian crackdown against Venezuela cash like what it launched against Russian depositors as a result of the recent US sanctions against Moscow: as we reported yesterday, Credit Suisse - the second largest Swiss bank - reported on Thursday that it had frozen $5 billion in Russian money. According to Reuters, Julius Baer said they also respected international sanctions, but declined to say whether they had taken similar steps.

Anonymous ID: f427bc Aug. 24, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.2721019   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I agree, gave it a quick scan before I posted, which is why I decided to put it up. It doesn't feel right. Starts in Israel, then moves to the US, in 67, doesn't pass sniff test, imo. I could be wrong…I also had some concerns with the partnerships.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.2721020   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


If there are no longer any real jews, we can then ban judaism and burn all talmuds and synagogues.


Thanks for the tip bro :)




All cross links from another bread: >>2390914

If you want to know why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.

If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.

I suggest you read the bread these come from entirely, these are just a selection.

TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):


>>2409242 – Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology

>>2409189 – Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, part 2

>>2562709 – Jewish persecution of Christ and Christians since Christianity inception, part 1

>>2562715 – part 2

>>2562720 – part 3

>>2562725 – part 4

>>2562731 – part 5

>>2562734 – part 6

>>2562740 – part 7

>>2562763 – The Khazar theory

>>2581628 – Usury was (and is) a weapon of domination (debt slavery) over the goyim and its use with that end was and is teached to jews in the Torah

>>2581630 – The history of Poland, the paradise of jews

>>2581633 – Some jews talk about the divine promise of each jew getting 2800 goy slaves when the jewish Messiah comes to them

Anonymous ID: 288e4e Aug. 24, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.2721022   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Chinese State Media Posts, Then Removes, Sarcastic Video Thanking Trump for Trade War


"Cheng wrapped up by thanking Trump above all for β€œdiscrediting news media at large so we need to be doubly sure that we’re not producing fake news,” which might also have been a jab China’s state-controlled propaganda-filled media felt a bit less comfortable with throwing upon further reflection."

Anonymous ID: 288e4e Aug. 24, 2018, 1:27 a.m. No.2721026   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Photos: Mexican Cartels Use Armored Vehicles in Turf Battle near Texas Border

Anonymous ID: 724e44 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:28 a.m. No.2721028   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Anon is doing the Lord's work.

Bringing attention to the real evil.

Wake up.


Jewish Laws directly from the Talmud:

"A Gentile (non-jew) girl who is three years old can be violated." 9 boda Sarah 37

β€œExtermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.” Yalkut 245c

β€œEven the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed.” Zohar, Shemoth

"It is permitted to deceive a Goi." Babha Kama 113b

β€œA Jew may pretend he is a Christian to deceive Christians.” Iore Dea 157,2 Hagah

β€œA Jew must always try to deceive Christians.” Zohar I, 160a

Anonymous ID: b36e5d Aug. 24, 2018, 1:34 a.m. No.2721038   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12

Anonymous ID: 7d2db3 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:35 a.m. No.2721039   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Trump Awards Medal of Honor to Serviceman Who Died Trying to Rescue a Navy SEAL

President Trump on Wednesday posthumously awarded Air Force Technical Sgt. John A. Chapman the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award for valor, for sacrificing his own life to save a Navy SEAL who had fallen out of an aircraft on a snowy Afghan mountaintop on March 4, 2002.

β€œOur nation is rich with blessings, but our greatest blessings of all are the patriots like John [who] carry our freedom on their shoulders, march into the face of evil, and fight to their very last breath so that we can live in freedom, and safety, and peace,” Trump said at a ceremony in the East Room of the White House.


God Bless Him and his loved ones. Thank you for being one of the Guardians at the Gate.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:36 a.m. No.2721041   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1046


Until ALL jewish interest groups are removed from the West, jews will be considered a group.

>But say you succeed in having a large enough group of people believe that "jews as a group" are the problem.

You mean, succeed in showing them the facts?

Oh, I succeed with every post I make, every conversation I have, every IRC session I start. I am waking up people exponentially, little jew.

And people can't wait for you jews to have your group power taken away, and they say that if it doesn't happen via dialogue, then they want to kill you.


I share with them the facts about AIPAC, and they get rage against you jews running thru their minds and hearts :)

Anonymous ID: ac6a6d Aug. 24, 2018, 1:37 a.m. No.2721043   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1052 >>1054 >>1063 >>1065 >>1338 >>1356

Aussie annon short and to point analysis of political fuckery in this lucky country


  • Make no mistake, the liberal party is the labour party and because of that, the labour party is now free to advance well toward leftist radicalism much like the demoncrats in the US.


  • Scott morrison is keeping the seat warm for julie bishop and I will the first to say this, I think they dont mind losing this election for that reason.


  • because our first Cunt PM aka julia gillard was such a drop kick, it did set the leftist agenda back a little bit. Julie bishop is a more aggressive woman and she will pick up the batton again, and she is a favourite amongst the msm so watch this space


  • the agenda to overhaul the tax system will most probably be compromised as it is being drummed into the great unwashed minds that the "most progressive tax system" must be kept and at best just slight mods to it should be the order of the day according to MSM.


  • if morrison wins the upcoming election, expect him to be undermined all the way. As stated above, i think that old hag julie will also do her part to undermine him amd make a challenge for leadership and she will have the backing of the msm and the approval of all these wonderful progressive female vote in thus country.


  • the labour party could not be in a better position. I expect them to try and keep the attention on this libparty implosion while they have time to mount a strategy to come back in massive way with an even more announce agenda.


  • if any aussie anons under 35 are reading this, just work hard and save your pennies and be prepared to look outside of this country to build your own business or to free yourself from the political carnage and contempt these fucking politicians have for your vote and tax dollars that has been going on since 2007. Am i saying give up? Nope. Im saying if you got your head on straight then looking after yourself is priority no. 1. Live to fight another day. Thats all im saying.


  • the Globalist agenda is going to be rolled out by the States and not so much at the Federal level. Look at Melbourne and Sydney if you think otherwise. Look at the plans in place and the works going on in those two cities in particular eg infrastructure the main CBD slowly becoming car free and big reliance on public transport etc. The Rockerfella foundation is the main driver of such policies being adopted by the state gov of both NSW and VIC.


-watch the water……anyone from NSW?? Notice the droughts going on there?? There will be alot of shitfighting going on between Federal and State govs regarding farmers and water distrubution in country areas.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.2721050   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


You mean facts about Israeli crimes and jewish subversion?

I can post 200 posts about it if I feel like, and there is nothing you can do, little sad and scared jew.

And the more you attack me for telling the truth, the more people hate people like you :)




Jews act like a group, they get treated like a group.

But if you want some individuals being named in the context of jewish subversion, have at it.

Read this:











Anonymous ID: 43f4d6 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:41 a.m. No.2721052   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>2721043 Thank you. Everyone keeps ignoring me when I tell them they are transforming California at the street level. They are changing all the streets and sidewalks. It is making people nuts. Billions are going into this.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:41 a.m. No.2721053   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Q's plan is trying to remove jewish power without people DEMANDING that all you kikes get nuked into oblivion and gassed for real this time.

But if he fails (probably not), you'll all die.

If he succeeds, then you will have no more power.

God wins, you lose :)

Anonymous ID: 1ece15 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:43 a.m. No.2721056   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1073 >>1097 >>1129 >>1271

Q's 15th drop was posted nearly a year ago on October 31, 2017 and many expected Podesta/Huma to be indicted shortly after the post was made in November of 2017. But Q did NOT provide the year, just the month and day. So November 2017 has come, gone and those specific predictions have largely been forgotten about. However, what if Q meant November 2018 not November 2017? Will Podesta be indicted 3 days before the midterm elections, and Huma the day of, November 6?


That is going to be one hell of a show if true. Get your popcorn ready for November.

Anonymous ID: 472b96 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:45 a.m. No.2721059   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1070



Funny how when anyone exposes the truth they are immediately labelled as Russian bots.


Won't work any more you disgusting cabalists who think nothing of harming our children so you can get filthy rich.

Anonymous ID: d2687a Aug. 24, 2018, 1:46 a.m. No.2721063   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1113 >>1356


Hey cobber

I'm a cockroach and yeah I've noticed the drought mate. With four months to go, we need 1200mm to hit the yearly average. You do know Twiggy is the largest water allocation holder in Aus?

Not sure if you are calling Bishop a leftist? Don't see how you could tbqh.

Interesting to see Frydenberg, the new deputy wear his Yarmulke to the swearing in ceremony today.

Interesting times…

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:49 a.m. No.2721079   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1087


Lol, please little jew, do continue with your insolence.

More and more people know about judaism being a pedo promoting ideology, and more and more people are woke to the connection between judaism and zionism.

And more and more people know that you control ISIS.

More and more people want you simply dead :)

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:52 a.m. No.2721088   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1111


Lol, you really think Trump is not going to avenge his friends you jews killed in 9/11?

You really think that he is going to forget that the jewish controlled MSM and Hollywood called for the killing and rapping of his family?

Lol, please, do continue with your jewish insolence little kike :)

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 1:57 a.m. No.2721100   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1203


Hummmm, strange, all the people I talk about this get really pissed at Israel.

Add to that all the protection Israel gives to pedos, because the talmud tells jews that pedophilia is alright, and you can guess what people would like to do to you…

Keep telling yourself that, little sad jew :)

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 2 a.m. No.2721110   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1115 >>1120 >>1121


See you at your new ip, little jew :)





Oh please you sad little kike…




All cross links from this bread: >>2390914

If you want to know why Israel comes last, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.

If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.

I suggest you read the bread these come from entirely, these are just a selection.

TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):

Israel is a genocidal ever expanding nuclear rogue state that is the biggest haven for pedos and biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world right now, and supports ISIS using US tax payer money to do so.

Israel is the HQ of the cabal.


>>2390975 – Jews control the media; not all jews are bad, but the good ones need to speak out against jewish interest groups because those are used to subvert.

>>2391013 – Jewish supremacists have controled the central bank cartel racket since its inception with the establishment of the Bank of England

>>2391053 – The EU was always a jewish supremacist project and being a jew can also mean being racially a jew (doesn’t mean all racial jews are jews in the religious sense)

>>2391083 – Jewish supremacist subversion is the biggest threat to the West and the US today

>>2391107 – The dangers of jewish supremcism and the use of the β€œanti-semitic” trick to silence legitimate criticism made on Israel and jewish subversion

>>2391143 – Jewish supremacists are the biggest financiers and initiators of anti-2nd amend movements in the US

>>2391159 – The β€œprogressive” political ideology was created and pushed by jewish supremacists

>>2391195 – More info on the origins and main initiators of the β€œprogressive” political ideology

>>2391216 – Antifa is a communist β€œprogressive” para-military arm of the democratic party

>>2391281 – Antifa connections to ISIS and NAMBLA, Antifa in the 30’s Germany

>>2391307 – Neocons are communist Trotskyites

>>2391353 – Jews kickstarted and dominated the slave trade in the US and used Hollywood to pin slavery on the Whites, jews control Hollywood

>>2391478 – More on the jewish initiated slave trade in the US

>>2391496 – Jewish interest groups connection to online censorship

>>2391526 – Jewish hatred of Christians and the dangers of circumcision

>>2391562 – More info on the jewish promoted male genital mutilation (circumcision)

>>2391652 – The term β€œjudeo-Christian” is an oxymoron and an attempt at manipulating Christians

>>2391671 – More on jewish hatred of Christ and Christians and the use of pilpul to deflect that well documented fact

>>2391725 – The jewish talmud promotes pedophilia

>>2391754 – The jewish ritual murder of goyim (non-jew) children is an well documented historical fact

>>2391872 – The foundation myth of the West and our role as anons in the storm

>>2392124 – Jewish hatred of goyim, especially White goyim (loxism)

>>2392177 – Judaism is based on jewish supremacism ( (((God’s chosen mindset))) )

>>2392199 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism

>>2392274 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism

>>2393477 – Communism was created, financed and spread by jews

>>2393507 – General George S. Patton was killed for speaking out against jewish supremacism

>>2393553 – Israel supports ISIS

>>2393583 – Israel supports ISIS wants wants the Syrian civil war to keep going and Obama gave 38 billion dollars to Israel, Hillary has jewish roots, Obama claims to be practically a liberal jew

>>2395726 – Sayanim, the non-Israeli jewish Mossad colaborators

>>2395838 – Israel is the biggest pedo haven in the world right now

>>2395862 – Israel is the biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world today

>>2395991 – David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust

>>2396033 – David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials

>>2396017 – Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials

>>2396026 – The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure

>>2396099 – Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attack

>>2396414 – Jordan Peterson is a long-con man who is also a globalist and zionist gate-keeper

>>2530175 – Porn is a jewish weapon against the goyim (non-jews)

>>2571682 – Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now

>>2571660 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not

>>2571666 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 2

>>2580819 – A message to our jewish allies


To all the Israel first shills on Hasbara duty, read the first post, it literally says: β€œReminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion.”

Anonymous ID: b9eea7 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:03 a.m. No.2721113   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1119 >>1356


Yeah absolutely, we need to dig more on twiggy. Im guessing farmers will play a bigger part than before in regards to both parties policies, i think at the state level especially.

As for Bishop, she is a lefty in disguise. Her activities and support of leftist/globalist causes tells otherwise.

  • how much did she give to the clinton foundation?

  • she donated 90 mil to rhiannas foundation which is basically a shoot off of the clinton intitiative program.

Anonymous ID: 0df7e7 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:05 a.m. No.2721120   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1139


Great thread over there .ThanQ for this vital information ,they were so well hidden behind everything else. Now I know who the real bad guys were the whole time. What is funny is down deep inside I knew this was the truth the whole time. Self denial is a very complex mind control op we have all been under since they took down JFK and probably before .

Anonymous ID: b60eb4 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:06 a.m. No.2721123   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Do you want to RESTORE the Republic?

Are you filled with HOPE?

Have you ever heard of Restore Hope Inc., of Little Rock, Arkansas?


I wonder what they do? And did?

Connections are the key.

Anonymous ID: 608d76 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:08 a.m. No.2721133   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1141 >>1142


Yall get the Jewish allegorys?


Large fat retard with tons of genetic problems loves raping hostage women? Weinstein?


Fat retard controls all the water? Jew control of raw materials?


Fat retards minions consume blood? Minions spray chrome before killing going on a mission? Adrenochrome anyone?


The White man has his mouth shut in a locked device? The Jew controls all media and the white man can speak.


The mask is a three bar mask? What is 666 in Jewdom? It is 111 or the scratch marks on a can of Monster energy drink. (stop drinking that shit the Jew is poisoning you)


The hero woman thinks she can do it all but she is missing an arm? This is feminity of modern world missing the male. She cant win till the male helps her. Both cant win till the help each other.


Watch ¨Brainstorm¨ its the same basic story. To defeat the evil bastards Man and Woman must work together and defeat the Jews.

Anonymous ID: 949c72 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:10 a.m. No.2721138   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1146 >>1148 >>1177 >>1259 >>1352


No, the delivery is what the problem is. If they want to blame a whole group of people for their individual problems they are welcome to. But doing it in a way that disrupts the board and is obviously calculated to give ammo to those who would label us as racist and bigoted only takes away our free speech and our voice. That is what they are being paid to do.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:11 a.m. No.2721139   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1144


Lol, the more you try to play the goyim/cattle for fools, the more backlash you'll eat, little jew.

Please, do continue :)


Off course, the Israel first traitor thinks nothing about Mossad bombing US Military personnel.

Thanks for helping people hate people like you even more :)


You're welcome.

Spread the info.

Truth KILLS jewish subversion.


If the history and actions of jewish people wasnt full of attacks on the Western world, I would have many less posts.

Cry more :)


Jews killed Patton.




Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.


Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

On a letter to his wife he commented:

β€œI have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

And in his diary he noted:

β€œToday we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”


General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:


General George S. Patton was murdered:

Anonymous ID: 608d76 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:12 a.m. No.2721142   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


By the way this isnt new. Mad Max Thunderdome is the same. The Master Blaster duo is a Jew (little weak faggot) riding the back of a giant goy.


Allegory of Israel riding America.


The Master is Israel and the Blaster is a retarded America

Anonymous ID: d7d2ff Aug. 24, 2018, 2:16 a.m. No.2721150   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Some thoughts anons.

Deep State had infiltrated everywhere.

Evil everywhere.

Those bad actors, not whole populations they were supposed to serve, are to be removed.

POTUS didn't clean out the media for both optics and to infiltrate with good/flipped agents to gather intel and evidence.

Human trafficking and corruption could generate 5000 a month in arrests.

The happenings might not start until the Pacer sealed indictment rate suddenly drops, why would you start the happenings until Huber is mostly done?

Indictments across the country are probably sealed under SAP compartmentalized classification.

New secret orders have probably been issued under state secrets to put in play new governance and remove previous governance.

AUS happening is likely related.

POTUS appears weak because he is about to unleash the dogs while appearing insulated.

Many of the worst bad actors are VERY quiet.

State Secrets.

Godspeed brilliant anons

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:17 a.m. No.2721151   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Not notable.

Lacks sauce :)




Frindly reminder that while the Frankfurt School jewish communist cultural marxists subverted the education system and dem party (and are the ideological fathers of the anti-A1, anti-A2, anti-West, anti-Christian β€œprogressive” political movement) when they went to the US because of WW2, the rep party was subverted by the communism Trotskyites jewish intelectuals who became known has the neocons and were the main pushers for the use of US Military in ME with the objective of destabilizing it with the purpose of helping the expansion of Israel.

Anonymous ID: e8a1d1 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:18 a.m. No.2721154   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Basket of deNotables

Lemme know feels of +/- of anything above "baker change"



>>2721003 Lanny Davis on Steele Dossier: Over a Dozen False Assertions About Cohen

>>2720987 Murdoch's visit just happens to coincide w/ Australian leadership challenge

>>2720986, >>2720992 John Bolton Warns: U.S. Wants Hezbollah Out of Syria

>>2720949 Central β€œSpygate” Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Lied Senator Chuck Grassley

>>2720936>>2720974 Children Intn'l: Susana Eshleman, President/CEO and global partners

>>2720923 New Air Force B-2 β€˜earth penetrating’ nuclear weapon changes combat strategy

>>2720864, >>2721032, >>2720946, >>2720950 Knights of Columbus, 1st to do blood drives

>>2720739 Why tho? Allison Mack's trial moved fr Oct to Jan & she gets to attend college

Baker change

>>2720715 Medical news (release the cures)

>>2720713 All the Talk About Impeaching the President Is Nonsense

>>2720681 A lot of activity near Naval Base Kitsap and in Puget Sound lately / NCIS Involved

>>2720665, >>2720835, >>2720777 Cali's Prop 187: voted to deny illegals welfare, stopped by Feds

>>2720640 A Radioactive Device Has Gone Missing in Malaysia. Police Are Working 'Round the Clock' to Find it

>>2720556 NEW VIDEO: QAnon Coincidences



You lonely buddy?



Thanks for checking whether a repeat, Anon.




Anonymous ID: d7d2ff Aug. 24, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.2721161   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1166

Another thing.

Anons have over 10 months been read into the most classified information and been shown the connected evil in the world.

To do this must mean it is important to have maintain a highly distributed network of people who know what is happening.

One reason to do this is if you expect networks to go down or to maintain knowledge through a base after a thermonuclear exchange.

The stakes are high and we are part of the failsafe.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.2721162   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1272


Sure little jew, I am a shill because I expose jewish subversion and Israeli crimes.

Please, do continue on that narrative, bet its winning Israel a lot of support :)




Reminder that the jewish supremacists lead the way in attacking the 2A because they know that unless the 2A gets destroyed, they won't be able to destroy the 1A.


Jewish interest groups and individuals make up for the majority of the financing and initiatives against the 2A:

"The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that β€œhave lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws."


Disarmament is the first steep in allowing the government total abuse of its people. Jews own the MSM, entertainment and lobbying, which gives them HUGE control over politicians that they use to the benefit of Israel (and remember the amount of double citizenship Israeli-American politicians of mixed-loyalties that the US has), and if they could only disarm people, then that would allow for them to order their controlled politicians to TOTALLY ABUSE the people with full impunity, all to the benefit of Israel.


>The jewish supremacists lead the way in attacking the 2A because they know that unless the 2A gets destroyed, they won't be able to destroy the 1A.

Remember this as you notice how much of a push to criminalize criticism of Israel and jewish subversion they do using the same old trick of crying β€œanti-semitism”.

Anonymous ID: 949c72 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:25 a.m. No.2721176   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1181 >>1191


That's an assertion. Let me show you how this works.


"There is a secret space program."

Did I just disclose classified information or make an (unsupported) assertion?


Clown control of DPRK is a theory without evidence. Theories aren't classified (and they aren't necessarily true).

Anonymous ID: 1d48dd Aug. 24, 2018, 2:26 a.m. No.2721177   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1185 >>1187 >>1194


Why did Q come to /pol/? Their intelligence team had to know what the result would be.


FYI I donot consider Jews to be a monolith.. but Jewish supremacism is absolutely rampant, global and out of control - and is the one topic that when discussed publicly will get you shut down harder than anything else.

Anonymous ID: 7cde88 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:28 a.m. No.2721184   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Let me clear things up for you, faggot. I trust what Q tells us, and Q told us about the clown control of NK. You are not Q. In fact, you're nobody. So what you have to say means nothing to me.

Anonymous ID: 608d76 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.2721194   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1198 >>1199


They came for what they would find. They knew we would out the Jews. They planned for this. Trump has plausible deniablility. He move the embassy to Jerusalem and his daughter is supposed to be a Jew (Jews dont consider her a Jew at all, just another fucking goy) so no one will believe the Jew when they cry cry cry.

Anonymous ID: d7d2ff Aug. 24, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.2721196   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1202


Getting sloppy, they couldn't be bothered to hang this poor girl from the door knob after.

Anonymous ID: a748b0 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.2721201   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1209 >>1211

>Post from Israeli shill on half


Pantshitters will be gagged on their own puny dicks after the Big Blue Wave.


President Pelosi will personally assign Unmentionable Trump a prison cell to share with Mohammad and Miguel.


We will pass a green energy law subsidizing the bones of white children as winter heating fuel, and we will tax the fucking frackers into bankruptcy.


We will give the entire Dakotas back to Standing Rock for that fucked up phallus of a pipeline built on white fragility.


Then we will literally LITERALLY replace Jefferson's monument with a museum to progressive Muslim women.


One of these things is a joke.


But seriously, fuck Trumpists.


They need to be punched by antifa hard and often and we need laws to protect the brave men and women doing the work.

Anonymous ID: 7d2db3 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.2721204   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Giuliani: "The American People Would Revolt" If Trump Impeached


"I think impeachment would be totally horrible," Giuliani said. "There’s no reason. He didn’t collude with the Russians, he didn’t obstruct justice.


Everything [Michael] Cohen says has been disproved. You’d only impeach him for political reasons. And the American people would revolt against that."


"I think impeachment would be totally horrible," Giuliani said. "There’s no reason. He didn’t collude with the Russians, he didn’t obstruct justice. Everything [Michael] Cohen says has been disproved.


You’d only impeach him for political reasons. And the American people would revolt against that."


On Tuesday, Trump's former longtime attorney and self-described "fixer," Michael Cohen, said that President Trump directed him to pay off two women who claim to have had affairs withΒ Trump over a decade ago. Cohen's attorney, Lanny Davis, says its "absolutely clear that Donald Trump committed a felony" by paying hush money to the women during the run-up to the 2016 US election.


Giuliani, on the other hand, says Trump has been "completely cleared" by Cohen's testimony.Β 


"You have this Cohen guy, he doesn't know anything about Russian collusion, he doesn't know anything about obstruction, he's a massive liar," said Giuliani.

Evidence against Trump includes a tape recording made before the election in which Trump and Cohen discuss payments to the keep the women's stories silent. On Thursday, Giuliani downplayed the significance of the tape, saying "The tape recordings say very clearly that Cohen did it on his own, didn't tell the president until much later."Β 


Giuliani lashed out at the Department of Justice on Thursday for the intense focus on Trump, while Hillary Clinton's conduct has gone unaddressed -Β tweeting: "If there is any justice left at DOJ why is payment by Hillary Clinton and DNC to FusionGPS for the phony Steele dossier not under investigation.


On your theory in Cohen plea it’s an illegal campaign contribution. Let’s go DOJ wake up. where’s the indictment. Clintons not above law."Β

Anonymous ID: d7d2ff Aug. 24, 2018, 2:34 a.m. No.2721207   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1212 >>1214 >>1217


AUS is run by the UK.

Behind the scenes.

Is that classified?

We don't know yet.

NK run by clowns?

We don't know yet.

POTUS met Kim in Nov?

We don't know yet.

Probably classified.

If the 20 page FISA warrant shows the UK complicit in an act of war, that was classified at the time no?

Anonymous ID: 14632e Aug. 24, 2018, 2:35 a.m. No.2721209   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Just sounds like a dipshit. Not even worried about this faggot posting a couple paragraphs on half. The real shit is on 8 chan. Him chanting β€œwe” just means he has the team dichotomy stuck in his mind. Tard. He’ll catch cancer quick with more winning

Anonymous ID: 39965c Aug. 24, 2018, 2:39 a.m. No.2721222   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1233 >>1238 >>1250

Is there a consensus as to why Trump cycled certain people through being Director of the C_A?

Let's take a look at the timetables and the players involved here.

Gina Haspel- Deputy Director of the C_A 2/2/17 to 5/21/18 (1y3mo). Became acting Director to replace Pompeo for a month, and now actively holds the position.

For reference, most of the previous Deputy directors served for ~3 years. One exception being being David Cohen.

David Cohen- Appointed by Obama, did about 2 years before fired/resigned on 1/20/17. Previously was the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (4y) and before that Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing (2y).

Who was also fired/resigned on 1/20/17? John Brennan.

Succeeded by Mike Pompeo, who did 1y3mo as well. [15] months.

Mike Pompeo- attorney and former Army officer. Was on the Kansas House of Representatives for 6y before being instated as Director 3 days after Brennan was fired.

Every other Director since 2005 had worked with some sort of intelliegence agency or committee before becoming Director. House of Reps to Director? Never happened before. [TRUST KANSAS]

Now he is Secretary of State.

Why have him assume leadership of the C_A before SoS?

How would that position help prepare him for his role?

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:40 a.m. No.2721224   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1232


You're projecting, little jew :)




Reminder that the censorship conservatives and non-leftist voices are suffering today online are pushed and monitored by jewish interest groups (so you can add that to the extensive and legitimate list of reasons why ALL jewish interest groups need to destroyed (legally, off course) and non-subversive jews NEED to organize and be vocal against ALL jewish interest groups operating in the West).

Anonymous ID: c603fa Aug. 24, 2018, 2:43 a.m. No.2721230   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1251

Was the mention of "David" ever figured out from Q Drop #1641 on Jun 28 2018 22:54:56 (EST)?




>Ready David?



Today's 4am Talking Points include narrative of National Enquirer chief David Pecker who has been granted immunity by federal prosecutors, related to Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen trial.


It will be soon be time for court proceedings and eating popcorn, and I'm all out of popcorn.

Anonymous ID: 32d35b Aug. 24, 2018, 2:43 a.m. No.2721231   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1234 >>1242

and so it begun


Reports: Hurricane Lane triggers major flooding, landslides across Hawaii

Kileuea is kill

Major tsunami

massive landslide

biggest event in human history

Reports: Hurricane Lane triggers major flooding, landslides across Hawaii

Anonymous ID: e8a1d1 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.2721259   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1274


>give ammo to those who would label us as racist and bigoted only takes away our free speech and our voice

Yeah but if you silence yourself for fear they'll force it on you if you don't, how is that free speech? Terms like "racist" and "bigot" and "hate speech" are self-defense suppression techniques (((they))) invented to stop people from doing what all living things do: apply pattern recognition to furthering their interests. If you pay attention long enough, you'll see that Jews and non-Jews are competitors bc Jews set themselves up that way. Only they don't play fair or honestly. They set the rules so only one side–their side–is allowed to act collectively for their side at the expense of the other. We're the dummies scoring goals for every opposing team that's been capitalizing on our good naivetee and good will.


The problem with dismissing JQ spam-anon as a shill is the info he presents is accurate and detailed. He does eat way more bread than he should IMO, but the JQ is also an important element of what we do here. It's why Q came here. POTUS has to keep distance for optics. Redpilling the masses on the real workings of Jews is our job. And no, not every Jew, but no one's calling for collective punishment. Only individuals held accountable for individual crimes, and a reform of our rules on dual citizenship. A people should rule themselves, not be occupied by foreign interests. Common sense.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.2721261   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



The exposing jewish subversion and isreali crimes makes you sad and scared, we know little jew :)




Reminder that Israel has millions of treasonous non-Israeli jewish Mossad collaborators spread world-wide. They are called the Sayanim (plural of the word Sayan, which is also the hebrew word for β€œcollaborator”).


Videos related:

β€œJacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad's volunteer agents)”

β€œHow the Mossad Recruit a Network of Helpers (SAYANIM)”

Anonymous ID: dd7aba Aug. 24, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.2721262   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

WASHINGTON (AP) β€” Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh first crossed paths over plates of beef stroganoff, shepherd’s pie and chicken cubes in a thick, yellow sauce. They weren’t business meals. They shared lunch period at their elite private high school.


Now, the two may dine together for decades, this time at the Supreme Court. If Kavanaugh is confirmed following hearings in September, he will join his fellow Trump nominee at the high court, where tradition is that justices lunch together on days when they hear arguments.


Gorsuch and Kavanaugh’s bonds go well beyond a common conservative ideology and their days at the all-boys Georgetown Preparatory School, just 11 miles (18 kilometers) from the Supreme Court’s marble halls. They clerked together at the Supreme Court, became federal appeals court judges the same year, served together on a judicial committee and co-wrote, along with several others, a book about precedent.


When Gorsuch was sworn in last year, Kavanaugh attended a ceremony for him at the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh has said they’re friends, noting they’ve known each other β€œseemingly forever.”


The pair wouldn’t be the first friends to serve together on the Supreme Court. Sometimes those friendships have flourished. Other times, after working together, friends have had fallings-out.


Clare Cushman, the editor of a book of biographies of justices, pointed to several Supreme Court friendships. John Marshall, the court’s fourth chief justice, and Bushrod Washington, a nephew of George Washington, studied law under the same man. Sandra Day O’Connor, the court’s first female justice, and William Rehnquist dated in law school. Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were, in Ginsburg’s words, β€œbest buddies” from their years together as appeals court judges in Washington. As colleagues, they attended operas together and had holiday meals together. One picture of them traveling shows them riding an elephant together and waving.


Not all friendships between justices have fared so well. William O. Douglas and Felix Frankfurter were friendly as law professors but became enemies on the court, Cushman said. Warren Burger and Harry Blackmun were childhood friends growing up in St. Paul, and Blackmun served as best man at Burger’s wedding. Labeled the β€œMinnesota twins” early in their time on the court, they grew apart as their votes diverged.


Kavanaugh and Gorsuch seem to be starting out in a good place.


β€œHe is a good friend. He is kind, funny, hardworking and brilliant,” Kavanaugh said of Gorsuch in 2017, in a speech just days after Gorsuch’s nomination. β€œWith his smarts, his character, and his understanding of life and law, I firmly believe he will be one of the great justices in Supreme Court history, like a Jackson or a Scalia. Watching him the other night, I felt immensely and overwhelmingly proud of him,” adding he was also proud of Georgetown Preparatory School, the Jesuit high school outside Washington where they met.


Kavanaugh was a junior when Gorsuch arrived at the school as a freshman. Although they shared a lunch period that year, they didn’t run in the same circles. Gorsuch was a boarding student. Kavanaugh was not. Kavanaugh played football and basketball and wrote for the student newspaper. Gorsuch was in student government and the forensics and international relations clubs.


Still, classmates said the school was small enough that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh would have known each other. And because big games tended to bring out the entire school, Gorsuch would have cheered on varsity athlete Kavanaugh in basketball and particularly football, especially against major rivals Landon and Gonzaga, classmates said.


β€œI guarantee you it happened,” said Don Urgo, a longtime friend of Kavanaugh’s who, like the judge, played defensive back and wide receiver. Kavanaugh was No. 23, Urgo No. 24.


Kavanaugh and Gorsuch parted ways for college, Gorsuch attending Columbia and then Harvard Law School and Kavanaugh attending Yale for both undergraduate and law school. In 1993, though, they both again wound up at the same place: as clerks at the Supreme Court.


Kavanaugh was one of four clerks to Justice Anthony Kennedy, whom he would replace. Gorsuch was clerking for retired Justice Byron White. But because White was retired, Gorsuch was also assigned to Kennedy’s chambers as a β€œstep-clerk,” helping in the work of the chambers.(Cont)………



Anonymous ID: d7d2ff Aug. 24, 2018, 2:57 a.m. No.2721263   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


To be cynacil, this is the aim of those pulling the strings of South African leaders.

To reduce the whole of Africa to poverty and then take their gold mining resources without a fight and enslave the population.

Anonymous ID: b60eb4 Aug. 24, 2018, 3 a.m. No.2721272   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1282



I fully support gun control

No civilian should own handguns or automatic weapons

They must be turned in to the government and future sales banned.

My justification?

Israel is a small country and has no need of violent weapons.

We need peace in Israel and violence is not the way.

There is no good reason for an Israeli citizen to own a gun.

That is my justification.

Anonymous ID: f10895 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:01 a.m. No.2721273   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

lasry wedding

interesting cohencidence. last august the Clintons attended the NYC wedding of Lasry’s daughter as well. Tiffany Trump was there. The piece mentions that the former first lady wore a Tiffany blue dress. Oh, and while she was in NYC days prior the piece makes mention of her visiting a Kate Spade store.

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:01 a.m. No.2721274   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1314


If I wanted, I could have 61 ips and have 1 post per id, but I always like to draw the fire of the shills.

The more they attack me, the more credibility their cause loses.

I learned from watching Trump deal with the jews in the MSM.

These online jews think and act like jews too, because they are jews too :)

Anonymous ID: 7f6cad Aug. 24, 2018, 3:01 a.m. No.2721276   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1289 >>1291



…except the Left are Degenerates, and, as such, their minds are utterly incapable of seeing Objective Truth. The Degenerate allegiance is to Subjective Truth, which means their Reasoning is broken, and they fall prey to the three fallacies of Degenerate thought: they're Emotional (Feels = Reals), they're Irrational (they can hold two contradictory thoughts without feeling any mental discomfort whatsoever), and they think Symbolically (Nazis, Trump = Hitler, White People are Evil).


The predictable end result of the Degenerate Triad is Fascism. Since they can't cope with Objective Reality, they prefer creating Gnostic Fantasy Constructs to escape into for self protection, which is why the culture war has heated up in areas like Science Fiction, Video Games, Comic Books, Movies, Theatre, Music, and increasingly, Journalism itself.


If you try to explain reality to them, they will despise you for removing them from the safety of their self-protective bubble, so Fascism is the end result. They're willing to accept your erasure if it stops them taking an objective look at the human wreckage they are, and will be so committed to protecting their fantasy self-construct to be utterly-ruthless in crushing uncomfortable reality, and see it is being morally-righteous to do so. I mean, symbolically, you're not even human to them.


It's obvious the Universities under Obama spent a lot of time indoctrinating the graduates to keep them in an early High School stage of moral development, where there are no shades of gray, only black and white, and the accepted moral consensus is whatever appears to be most popular within the peer group. This is why they 'gang up', need to censor dissent, and why culture started getting toxic as the first wave of graduates started politicizing everything circa 2011-2012.


As such:


They're incapable of understanding hypocrisy. That requires Rational Thought. If this is what Trump is trying to do, it won't make the slightest bit of difference: "It's totally not the same thing." Thinking about it, I've seen them even move on from arguing against any attacks in this fashion: they just handwave it away as 'Whataboutism'. They're not even going to consider it. They're developed past being easily-triggered.


I don't feel like Q or Trump takes these people seriously enough. It's not about winning a propaganda war: they're never going to accept reality. A large chunk of the population is fundamentally-insane and murderous, and this long, and very boring 'movie' we're apparently watching won't make any difference to them.


I don't see how they can possibly be deprogrammed, and with Trump going so damn easy on their constant attacks on the Right, I don't see who will be Left here to fight when it matters.

Anonymous ID: 99cb4e Aug. 24, 2018, 3:01 a.m. No.2721277   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1349 >>1356

Who are we taught to trust the most?

This will not be easy

The END.




Not Easy…

Catholic church sex abuse grand jury report; 1,356 Pages, 27.8 MB.




G'nite, best shift…

Anonymous ID: ee85a6 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:02 a.m. No.2721278   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1293 >>1317 >>1380 >>1391


Q Anon was hacked [German] Anonymous challenges QAnon and the LARP goes down in smoke

Q Anon wurde gehackt [Deutsch] Anonymous fordert QAnon heraus und das LARP fΓ€llt in Schutt und Asche


Wir sind Anonymous.

Wir sind Legion.

Wir vergeben nicht.

Wir vergessen nicht.

Erwartet uns.




Greating from Switzerland and Germany

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:05 a.m. No.2721287   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


62, little jew.

And they are all true.

I know you are scared of the goyim now not being dependent on your jewish controlled MSM and social media, you never thought she would lose, did you little yids… :)





"The First Holocaust : The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"



Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we been hearing about this six-million figure? The most widely understood answer is that the six-million figure was established after the Second World War during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.


Although it is true that the six-million figure was declared to be the indubitable truth at this tribunal, it is actually remarkably older. This documentary shows that the six-million figure dates back to the late 1800s, when Jewish pressure groups were targeting czarist Russia for its anti-Jewish stance, accusing Russia of oppressing and persecuting the six million Jews in Russia, and adopting a β€œsolution” to its β€œJewish question” which allegedly consisted of outright extermination. Claims that six million Jews in Europe were suffering to such a degree that millions had died already, while many more millions would face a lingering death, climaxed for the first time during fundraising campaign that started during the FIRST World War and reached its peak in the early and mid-1920s. The "New York Times" was the main vehicle for such propaganda, which also included well-known buzzwords such as β€œannihilation,” β€œextermination” and even the term β€œholocaust.” Although this sensational propaganda of Jewish suffering slowed down during the 1930s, it never completely ceased and received new momentum in the 1940s during the Second World War. As we all know today, this propaganda skyrocketed after Germany’s total defeat, as the victorious powers of the Second World War seized upon the opportunity to take advantage of such propaganda and to increase its scope and impact.


This documentary reveals a Jewish-Zionist propaganda pattern that has been used since the late 1800s, first against czarist Russia, then in favor of the Soviet Revolution, next against Nazi Germany, and finally and ever since in favor of Israel.


This presentation is based on Don Heddesheimer's book "The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"

Anonymous ID: f10895 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:06 a.m. No.2721288   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1346

Also: this photo was in the grouping of the recent Lasry wedding. I swear I’ve seen it before; many times and not recently. Tineye returned nothing. Can an anon better with reverse image search give it a try?

Anonymous ID: bd5fac Aug. 24, 2018, 3:11 a.m. No.2721299   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Disinformation is real.


The kind of thing that runs through your head as you sleep.


Those of us with Spidey sense have been screaming a couple of things for a while:

  1. Sessions, Q said trust Sessions, this may very be "Don't blow this for me Anon's". (RR and his wife) Sessions has to know about this, he is either after the evidence and a white hat, or there for cover as a black hat. I think we can all agree on that. When Q says trust Sessions, he means that anon's digging on Sessions is not helpful, I don't think it answers the real question for you and every movie needs some good plot twists.


  1. Pence.

If deep state went so far as to place "plants" ( plants need water?) into the Trump Campaign why not people? I think Rex Tillerson was one example. If I were deep state, I knew if they dig in the right spot it all comes tumbling out. I need 2 things for "insurance" and to use as a Firewall. Control Trumps replacement, if I went as far as to remove a sitting president, would I take the chance of not controlling his replacement? Why sure you would, and Pence is the sleeper, so once Trump is removed our guy(deep state) is in place to take over.

So what if Trump wises up and figures all this out? Enter "Trust Sessions", his job is the firewall to keep Trump from getting to the players and squeezing them for info, and up holding the integrity of DOJ is just a perfect cover. Throw around the term "Rule of Law" while you are at it Jeff.


So Q(Trump) has a "Plan" and for most trust it is enough, others of us know who these people are and what they are capable of, and you don't want to know.


Now the Pedo shit, well I think we all understand the deep state toolbox is a list of compromised people who they protect and squeeze when needed. Just the fact of how they work, classifying information is the SOP to make sure it works for them and does not work for whistle blowers.


I don't think all of this is smooth and easy as some people think. Figuring out what is going on and doing something about it are 2 different .things.


I have the sneaky feeling that since Trump has bragged about the market, deep states fingers will go on the scale as we move into the election. If you do not think these people will not move heaven or hell to get Trump, you are not watching the same movie.


Current cycles tell us we should have a pull back into 2020, so this lines up with them trying to trash the markets to force Trump out, I am sure they have more than plan A, B and C, these also include FF's if needed. I know some of you think Q has this, and I think that is a tactic to keep the sheep from panicking.


Human nature just amazes me, you can have folks "red pill"themselves only to fall for dis info geared to keep them calm. Maybe that is required as these people will panic. Like Iron Mike said "Everybody has a plan, until you get punched in the face", but then again, everyone can look smart until you get a face tattoo…

Anonymous ID: be83d4 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:12 a.m. No.2721301   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Goons post this one more time. It did get traction last time, it may be for good reason if its nothing. The below article from 2013 contains

-Saudi princes

-Large money exchange for time spent with star



-Clinton and Obama

-Hurricane relief funds

-Concert that made 30 mil


Since it hits all those points, I believe it belongs here and maybe can do good for someone’s dig in the future

Anonymous ID: d6ce45 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:16 a.m. No.2721307   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1321


Short answer is no. I think tge differenxe is the agenda has been forced moreso in America whereas its a way of life here, sounds strange but its like what makes Australia the country that it is, it pretty much celebrated and its used as a way to distinguish us from America when you listen to the media talk here.

Anonymous ID: e8a1d1 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:19 a.m. No.2721314   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>If I wanted, I could have 61 ips and have 1 post per id

Yeah I know you could make it less obvious you're eating too much bread but that doesn't change the fact that's what you're doing. And look, I'm not condemning the work. I'm the last person to get on someone's case for overstepping out of zeal. I agree it's good to taunt and BTFO these fucking shills. I just think it lends more strength to the argument for newfags if you show respect for the cause by not eating more than your share. To keep posting this much does make you look like a shill.

Anonymous ID: bd5fac Aug. 24, 2018, 3:20 a.m. No.2721318   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1329


I was in CA when this bastard came down, right before operation Just Cause to fix his banking issues in Panama.


there was a river of blow flowing north, the crack epidemic was not only caused by this POS, but he banked the profits along with the CIA as his partner.

Anonymous ID: 2092f5 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:25 a.m. No.2721328   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>2717643 (old notable)


So it looks like matthew bronfman is a key handler in maintaining the israeli deep state, and keeping them loyal to the cabal - global interest. I wonder if israeli diggers found any more info on him. I will dig there, hopefully to bring more info on this.

Anonymous ID: 724e44 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:25 a.m. No.2721329   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1354


He is one evil bastard.

All of these people never realize that like everyone else, we grow old, and eventually die.

These people think that they will live forever, and have the health and strength of a 20 year old.

He can't even begin to make amends for what he has done. He made his bed.

Anonymous ID: deef12 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:25 a.m. No.2721332   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



The least the govt. could do is pay fair market value for the farms, but they appear to be shorting them to the tune of ten cents on the dollar. And I hate to admit it, but I can see the new farmers blowing their wads quickly and not having anything to show for it within a year.

Anonymous ID: b8a830 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:27 a.m. No.2721336   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1341 >>1342

Ex-West Virginia Supreme Court justice pleads guilty


Menis Ketchum pleaded guilty Thursday in federal court to a felony count of fraud related to his personal use of a state vehicle and gas fuel card in a scandal that has led to upcoming impeachment trials for the remaining justices.


U.S. Attorney Mike Stuart announced Ketchum’s agreement to plead guilty soon after the 75-year-old justice retired in July. The charge carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. Sentencing is set for Dec. 6.


The four other justices were impeached last week by the House of Delegates. Justice Robin Davis retired hours later. She and Justices Allen Loughry, Margaret Workman and Beth Walker face trial in the Senate.


The impeachment probe was sparked by questions involving more than $3 million in renovations to the justices’ offices and expanded to broader accusations of corruption, incompetence and neglect of duty. The scandal prompted an extraordinary move by one branch of government to essentially fire another.

Anonymous ID: d6ce45 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:27 a.m. No.2721337   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1343 >>1355


Its so weird how people relate to authority here. You guys over there stand up to them and we here have this 'larrikan' jovial relationship like theyre our mates or something.

We are good decent people but there is no real fight, at least in an intellectual/philosophical sense. The question is, what IS it going to take to change that and make people see it for what it really is???

Anonymous ID: e97944 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:27 a.m. No.2721340   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1383


Cry more faggot.

Last time I meet one of you faggots IRL I ended up getting the names of the main antifa faggots in the city I was in and uncovering their dealers and who they bought and sold drugs from and to.

Cry more :)

Anonymous ID: bd5fac Aug. 24, 2018, 3:30 a.m. No.2721354   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1363


Most people don't understand you wake up one morning and realize you are a CIA asset, that is how they get you, and you are running guns, and they use that to cover for the drugs. You cannot say anything, your chain of command does not have a need to know, and if you did speak up, you will disappear.


I want to revive the bastard and kill him for every person I know who checked out early during the wild west days. I have no doubt he was the source of all of that.

Anonymous ID: 608d76 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:30 a.m. No.2721355   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


This is why America is so important. It was an experiment if we could rule ourselves with out the Satanic oppression. The answer is hell yeah, until the Jews used every dollar and every trick they could to take us down. We were infiltrated and sabatoged in every possible way.


But here we are about to make the Jews worst nightmare come true. Like the game Othello and we have a perfect placement of the chips. And like magic they will flip from black to white.

Anonymous ID: e8a1d1 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:31 a.m. No.2721356   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1366


>>2721277 Catholic church sex abuse grand jury report

>>2721266, >>2721290, >>2721330 Good Morning from @DJT: "Jeff, this is GREAT"

>>2721043, >>2721063, >>2721113, >>2721065 Aussie Anons on political fuckery and drought

>>2721004 Israeli spy firm Black Cube's ties to Cambridge Analytica, Iran and Weinstein

>>2721003 Lanny Davis on Steele Dossier: Over a Dozen False Assertions About Cohen

>>2720987 Murdoch's visit just happens to coincide w/ Australian leadership challenge

>>2720986, >>2720992 John Bolton Warns: U.S. Wants Hezbollah Out of Syria

>>2720949 Central β€œSpygate” Lawyer/Lobbyist Adam Waldman Lied Senator Chuck Grassley

>>2720936, >>2720974 Children Intn'l: Susana Eshleman, President/CEO and global partners

>>2720923 New Air Force B-2 β€˜earth penetrating’ nuclear weapon changes combat strategy

>>2720864, >>2721032, >>2720946, >>2720950 Knights of Columbus, 1st to do blood drives

>>2720739 Why tho? Allison Mack's trial moved fr Oct to Jan & she gets to attend college

Baker change

>>2720715 Medical news (release the cures)

>>2720713 All the Talk About Impeaching the President Is Nonsense

>>2720681 A lot of activity near Naval Base Kitsap and in Puget Sound lately / NCIS Involved

>>2720665, >>2720835, >>2720777 Cali's Prop 187: voted to deny illegals welfare, stopped by Feds

>>2720640 A Radioactive Device Has Gone Missing in Malaysia. Police Are Working 'Round the Clock' to Find it

>>2720556 NEW VIDEO: QAnon Coincidences

Anonymous ID: 107f7c Aug. 24, 2018, 3:33 a.m. No.2721364   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1369 >>1371 >>1376 >>1379





you are crazy and did not understand anything.

crazy and unfortunately also stupid


You do not understand the great features of the elite and illuminati!

Not learned and not the brain!


I understand that you are stupid and hollow in the pear and do not know what's going on. Run well afterwards and let yourself be fucked neatly by the elites.

Anonymous ID: 376f9b Aug. 24, 2018, 3:37 a.m. No.2721380   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>1388 >>1395



You are just Cabal Zionist stooges. Minions with no brain. You are not Anonymous. We are Anonymous.


Hans while your transvestite girlfriend is being raped by Muslim invaders you are subverting one of the few groups that are actually trying to save you country. Think about that.

Anonymous ID: 608d76 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:41 a.m. No.2721395   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Dont blame the poor German. The good genes are all dead. The Jew made sure the war went on long enough that the brave honest and loyal German genetics were removed from the population.


What would happen if you took every litter of German Shepards and all the biggest toughest males dogs were killed. Soon you would have what you have in Germany today.


A faggot cuck utopia. Where no one has to be bold or brave or stand up for themselves. They can watch through the window as the Jews import millions of Turks and Sand Niggers to fuck their women.

Anonymous ID: 5b51e8 Aug. 24, 2018, 3:42 a.m. No.2721400   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


The only effect you're making is shitting up the bread, but the dough is endless. It's a lose:lose for you, you've already lost but too dumb to ultimately realize this. And every time you shit the bread, all it does is remind us that:

  1. we've won

  2. you're among the dumbest creatures on the planet.