Im finding it hard to believe that these Sessions types are acting. I think he switched sides and is with the bad guys, that is why Trump tweeted about flipping. Its not going the way it was planned……..this is gonna get ugly fast. Someone is gonna get killed high…I bet you 98% of Washington would prefer Trump left office or this Earth for that matter. They just want their corrupt lives back. What can we do, except watch our Popcorn burn.
The enemy IS the State. Agreed, I dont trust this government or its so called agencies. We are the sheep waiting to get slaughtered.
Agreed Anon, we have to be realistic and Propaganda works both ways. We may have been told we are stronger than we are to hearten us, but the Generals never tell the troops when they are about to get overrun. Q is info/disinfo by his/her own definition. I think the reality is that the timeline is not working in our favor and Trump will be impeached. The Socials and MSM along with Soros have already rigged the election and the Dems will take over. Most of this id due to the inactivity of the Repubs in office not giving conservatives anything to vote for.
I sense that we have lost some battles recently and things will get really ugly. Perhaps we may see Trump impeached, but not leave office…..they are going to do this during the election…..This movie is extremely hard to watch. I bought Inverse Stock today so when the market crashes and the Dems take over I will at least have made some money. It it get half as bad as the 2008 crisis I will make quite a bit of money at the very least.
Guys, the only one who would investigate this is the FBI and they are comped. He will get 6 months in jail and 1million on Gofundme.
I have strange hope that No Names death could be the catalyst for the events. But I am probably just day dreaming again…..if the cabal wins I am joining the French Foreign Legion.