Fear not.
Giuliani told everyone that POTUS would not sit to interview with Special Counsel RM if they haven't agreed to POTUS' terms by September 1, 2016.
What you are seeing is the full effect and weaponization of the government/media complex. The 'bad news' crescendo crests on a Friday, dominates the weekend pundit shows and newspapers. They almost can make you believe what is false by nature of continuous reputation in lockstep.
But POTUS holds the key. He will DECLASSIFY the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Applications once the other side has fully committed. The entirety of the 'Russian Collusion' scam will be laid open for all to see. All the fruit of RM's investigation will be poison. The Russia investigation will implode. Sessions will then un-recuse and act as AG.
Hold the line anons. Do not give in at the last moment. We need them very close when the LIGHT comes on.