Anonymous ID: a59813 Aug. 24, 2018, 6:33 p.m. No.2728256   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8397 >>8401

Sessions concern trolling is at an all-time high.




Consider this:


>"I have appointed a person outside of Washington many years in the department of justice to look at ALL the allegations the house judiciary members sent to us, and so we're conducting that investigation…"


That person being John Huber, from Utah:


He has also specifically clarified that he's recused from the campaign-related Russia stuff, but NOT the Uranium One stuff. Sessions could very likely have Mueller and EVERYONE on the "Witch Hunt" team by the balls here.

Also, I think Trump loves theater, as we all know. Trump loves the WWE with its fake story lines, Heels, Faces, Turns, and it's all fake drama. Trump also loves to communicate in memes. Trump NEVER communicates his moves in advance.

So if Sessions DOES have Huber building cases for him - Roses are Red, Violets are Blue - Omae Wa Mou Shinderu.

I think Trump is too smart to not be playing 4D chess here. The fact that they're scrambling and trying to get Paul Ryan to call for impeachment should tell you how close Trump is to winning the game. They know where Jeff is positioned on the board and where Trump is leading them. The part that pisses the swamp off the most is that Trump's hands will be COMPLETELY clean by the end of all of this.


​Concern trolls can't refute this if you hit 'em with it:

>"Sessions sent a letter…informing them that Huber is conducting a full-fledged criminal investigation into all the matters Republicans are calling for a special counsel to investigate. Huber has been investigating these possible crimes for five months, since November 13, 2017."